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Site Response Analyses For Seismic Microzonation: Case-Histories, Results and Applications in Central Italy

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Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of

Environment and Constructions – Silvestri & Moraci (Eds)

© 2019 Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, Rome, Italy, ISBN 978-0-367-14328-2

Site response analyses for seismic microzonation: Case-histories,

results and applications in Central Italy

A. Pagliaroli
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti Pescara, Italy

I. Gaudiosi, R. Razzano, S. Giallini, F. de Silva & A. Chiaradonna

Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, CNR, Roma, Italy

A. Ciancimino & S. Foti

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

ABSTRACT: The paper presents the main results of 1D/2D site response numerical analyses
at 4 sites selected among the 137 municipalities of the Seismic Microzonation study which has
been carried out after the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence. Complex site effects at ridge/
slope crest and at the edge of slope covers lead to 2D aggravation factors in the range 2-3 with
respect to ground motion predicted with simple 1D analyses. A systematic comparison carried
out for all 137 municipalities, between computed and Italian code NTC18 amplification fac-
tors highlighted that the code is generally conservative at low-to-medium periods and over-
conservative at medium-to-high periods. A strategy for the use of microzonation site response
analyses in support of seismic design for the reconstruction process is finally suggested.


The Italian guidelines (Working Group ICMS, 2008) for Seismic Microzonation studies pro-
pose three different stages: level 1 is a qualitative study based on geological information; level
2 is based on calculation of site amplification from standard charts; level 3, hereafter SM3, is
based on quantitative assessment of site effects by means of site response numerical analyses.
SM3 studies were carried out for the reconstruction of 137 municipalities in Central Italy
which have been struck by the 2016 seismic sequence started with the Mw 6.0 earthquake on
August 24, 2016, followed by the Mw 5.9 on 26 October and the Mw 6.5 on 30 October events
(Chiaraluce et al., 2017). The studies were carried on by professionals (mainly geologist and
geotechnical engineers) with the scientific supervision and support of the Center for Seismic
Microzonation and its applications (CentroMS, https://www.centromicrozonazionesismica.it/
en/) constituted by several universities and research institutes.
In the paper the results of site response numerical analyses carried out at 4 selected sites
characterized by complex morphological and geological conditions are reported. Specifically,
as shown in Figure 1, three sites are in the Marche Region (Arquata del Tronto, Monte San
Martino and Montedinove), one in the Lazio Region (Saletta). The main features of the
selected sites are briefly summarized hereafter (see Figure 1): 1) Monte San Martino lies on a
structurally asymmetric gentle hill characterized by an outcropping seismic bedrock on one
side and soft eluvio-colluvial covers on the other flank; 2) Arquata del Tronto is located at the
top of a ridge characterized by the alternation of different rock lithotypes, weathered and
jointed in the upper portion; 3) Montedinove site represents a symmetrical ridge situation
characterized by the presence of an inversion in the shear wave velocity (VS) profile; 4) Saletta
is located on a depositional sandy terrace resting on an asymmetric rock ridge.
In the framework of the seismic microzonation project, in situ tests were carried out including
down-hole (DH), Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), and Horizontal to Vertical

Figure 1. Sites considered and sketch of the corresponding geological/morphological configurations.

Spectral Ratios (HVSR) tests (Caielli et al., 2019). In some sites, other in situ tests were also
available from previous studies such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), P-wave seis-
mic refraction (SR), Refraction Microtremor (REMI) and Extended Spatial Autocorrelation
(ESAC) passive tests. On sites where it was possible to retrieve undisturbed samples, resonant
column (RC)/torsional shear (TS) tests were also carried out (Ciancimino et al., 2019).
The 1D numerical analyses have been performed using STRATA (Kottke and Rathje,
2013) except for Montedinove case for which Deepsoil v 6.1 (Hashash et al., 2016) has been
employed. Frequency domain analyses using the equivalent-linear visco-elastic approach were
executed with both codes. The 2D analyses were carried out through the time domain 2D
FEM codes LSR2D (Stacec 2017) for Montedinove case study and QUAD4M (Hudson et al.,
1994), for Monte San Martino, Arquata del Tronto and Saletta. Both 2D codes adopt an
equivalent-linear visco-elastic approach and incorporate a compliant base.
In all sites the input motions consisted of seven unscaled horizontal records selected by the
ITACA archive (itaca.mi.ingv.it/), selected to be compatible on average, in the 0.1-1.1 s period
range, with the Uniform Hazard Spectrum (return period TR = 475 yrs) at flat outcropping
rock conditions, i.e. subsoil class A – topographic category T1 as proposed by the Italian
Building Code NTC18 (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, 2018). More details on
the procedure followed for the definition of input motion are reported in Luzi et al. (2019).
Results of numerical analyses have been processed in terms of elastic acceleration response
spectra (Sa) and amplification factors of spectral acceleration (AF); these parameters have been
assigned to each microzone of the level 3 seismic microzonation map (Pergalani et al., 2019).
The AFs are defined as the ratio between the 5% damped elastic average acceleration response
spectra at ground surface and the corresponding input spectra integrated over three period
ranges 0.1-0.5s, 0.4-0.8s and 0.7-1.1s, labelled AF0.1-0.5, AF0.4-0.8 and AF0.7-1.1 respectively.
Moreover, 2D/1D aggravation factors (Pitilakis et al., 2015; Madiai et al., 2017) were computed
at selected points to highlight the 2D effects in complex conditions. The values of aggravation
factors are not significantly affected by the different employed computer codes considering that:
i) both 1D and 2D simulations adopt the equivalent linear approach, ii) LSR2D-QUAD4M use
the 2 control frequencies full Rayleigh formulation which provides results comparable to the
frequency independent damping scheme adopted by the 1D codes (Lanzo et al., 2003).
In the following, for each case study the main morphological and geological features, the
subsoil model and the results of the numerical analyses are summarized. At each site, response
spectra and amplification factors calculated from numerical analyses are then compared with
the corresponding parameters derived from the standard spectra of the simplified approach
proposed by the Italian code NTC18. Differences are discussed also in the light of a statistical
analyses carried out on all 137 municipalities subjected to SM3 studies. Finally, criteria for
the use of SM3 studies in defining the design seismic actions for the reconstruction process,
proposed by Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2018) are briefly presented.


2.1 Monte San Martino

Monte San Martino is a small village in the Marche region, located about 30 km south of
Macerata. The city centre lies on top of a rocky hill at 603 m a.s.l. between two deep valleys
that separate Monte San Martino from the neighbouring municipalities located on the top of
the surrounding hills.
Figure 2a shows the lithotechnical map of the area, with the location of in-situ investigations
and the trace of a representative cross-section oriented in the WSW-ENE direction. The related
cross-section is reported in Figure 2b, in which several lithotypes can be identified. The Blue
Clays Formation (FAA in Figure 2) widely outcrops in the studied area. This formation can be
subdivided in different lithotypes: the FAA-LPS consisting of mainly arenaceous lithofacies, i.e.
alternations of thick arenaceous layers, locally cemented, and thin pelitic layers (1-3 cm), largely
outcropping in the study area; the FAA-ALS formation consisting of arenaceous-pelitic lithofa-
cies with sand/clay ratio higher than one, characterized by alternations of arenaceous and pelitic
layers between 30 and 50 cm thick; the FAA-COS constituted by blue-grey clay with interleaved
sandy horizons. Below the Blue Clays Formation, the geological bedrock is constituted of peli-
tic-arenaceous lithofacies with sand/clay ratio lower than one, recognized as “Colombacci” for-
mation (FCO-ALS in Figure 2b). Eluvio-colluvial deposits (ML), constituted by clayey silt and
silty sand, locally including arenaceous clasts, cover FAA in the eastern flank. Finally, at the
top of the hill, a landfill material in a silty-sandy matrix (RI) has been recognized.

Table 1. Monte San Martino site: subsoil model for site response analyses (TS=Torsional Shear)
Lithotype γ (kN/m3) VS (m/s) ν (-) Nonlinear material curves

ML 20.0 220 0.48 TS test Monte San Martino

FAA-COS 22.5 450 0.45
FAA-ALS upper 22.5 457 0.47 TS test
FAA-ALS lower 22.5 630 0.47 Massa Fermana
FCO-ALS upper 22.5 440 0.45
FCO-ALS lower (bedrock) 22.5 800 0.45 Linear D=0.5%
FAA – LPS (bedrock) 24.0 800 0.45 Linear D=0.5%

Figure 2. Monte San Martino lithotechnical map (a) and analyzed cross-section (b); lithotype codes are
chosen according to the Italian standards for Seismic Microzonation (Working Group ICMS, 2008)

Figure 3. Monte San Martino site: a) profile of amplification Factors (AF) computed in the three
period ranges T = 0.1-0.5s, 0.4-0.8s, 0.7-1.1s; b) average response spectra (ξ=5%) at V1, V2 and V3 com-
puted through 2D and 1D numerical analyses compared with NTC18 spectra from simplified approach.

Table 1 summarizes the physical and mechanical properties assigned to the layers based on
available geophysical tests (DH, MASW A and MASW B in Figure 2) or measurements car-
ried out in nearby sites. Overall, the low-strain parameters of the model, as well as the bedrock
depth, were validated by comparing the experimental predominant frequencies from HVSR
curves with the resonance frequencies computed through 1D seismic response analyses at the
same points (Pagliaroli et al., 2019a).
Figure 3a shows the variability along the cross-section surface of the mean amplification
factors of the spectral acceleration computed with 2D analyses in the period ranges 0.1-0.5s,
0.4-0.8s and 0.7-1.1s. The highest AFs occur on the slope (i.e., eastern flank of the ridge) at
the eluvio-colluvial deposit ML, with peak mean values AF0.1-0.5 =2.23, AF0.4-0.8 =2.50 and
AF0.7-1.1 =1.70. Lower amplifications, related to the topography, characterize the top of the
ridge (mean values AF0.1-0.5=1.13, AF0.4-0.8=1.40 and AF0.7-1.1=1.59); they exceed at medium-
to-high periods the simplified topographic amplification factor (1.2) proposed by NTC18 or
Eurocode 8 (CEN, 2004) for the corresponding topographic category.
To isolate and quantify the stratigraphic amplification, one-dimensional seismic response
analyses have been carried out along representative soil columns, identified by verticals V1,
V2, V3 and V4 on the cross section in Figure 3a. The 1D simulations were performed consid-
ering the same soil properties of 2D analyses. Response spectra from 1D and 2D analyses are
reported in Figure 3b and compared with average input spectra at representative points V1
(crest) and V2, V3 (slope). With reference to the vertical V1, at the top of the ridge, as said
before, amplification is exclusively due to topographic effects revealed by 2D analysis (1D
spectrum obviously match the input one). At V2, located on the slope where soil cover out-
crops, 1D and 2D computations lead approximately to the same spectral accelerations for T >
0.5s while significant 2D effects, probably related to buried morphology (V2 is located close
to the edge of ML layer), appear at lower periods. Minor 2D effects take place at V3 (see 1D
and 2D spectra in Figure 3b) where ground motion amplification is therefore mainly due to
stratigraphic effects which are well-predicted by 1D seismic response analysis (the same behav-
ior was found at V4, see also Pagliaroli et al., 2019a). In Figure 3b the 2D spectra regularized
according to the procedure proposed in Working Group ICMS (2008) and the spectra com-
puted by means of simplified NTC18 approach are also reported. Discussion on the compari-
son between computed spectra and provision by NTC18 code are reported in the following
paragraph 3, together with the other case studies.

Figure 4. Lithotechnical map (a) and representative geologic cross-section 1 of the Arquata del Tronto
village (b) (modified from ISPRA, 2017)

2.2 Arquata del Tronto

Arquata del Tronto is a municipality located in the central Apennin chain at the base of the
southeastern flank of Mt. Vettore. In the study area the geological and seismic bedrock is repre-
sented by the pre-evaporitic member of the Laga Formation (e.g., Marini et al., 2016) consisting
of three turbiditic lithofacies associations, largely outcropping in the study area, namely in
order of increasing presence of the arenaceous component: Arenaceous-pelitic II (LAG4b),
Arenaceous pelitic I (LAG4d), Arenaceous (prevailing) (LAG4c). The village of Arquata is built
on an elongated WNW-ESE ridge (730 m a.s.l.) transversally cut by saddles and characterized
by the alternation of stratified and roughly 50° WNW dipping different lithotypes belonging to
the Laga Formation, forming a monocline representing the reverse limb of a E verging anticline.
A section (Section 1) cutting Arquata del Tronto is reported in Figure 4b showing the strati-
graphic relationship between different Laga Formation lithotypes.
The mechanical characterization of soils and rocks for the site response analysis has been
achieved consulting the whole geological and geophysical dataset collected in the area. The geo-
logical and geophysical investigations carried out in the study area suggest the presence of a
weathered/jointed upper portion of the Laga rock mass, approximately 15 meters thick. In
detail, the DH test carried out on the East side of the Arquata del Tronto ridge flank, entirely
located in the LAG4d lithotype, shows a VS ∼ 750 m/s in the upper 15-16 m interpreted as the
weathered/jointed portion of rock mass. At higher depths the VS increases to about 1000 m/s
showing no appreciable increasing trend (Pagliaroli et al., 2019a). Several HVSR tests were car-
ried out on the Arquata del Tronto ridge, on rock outcrops belonging to different lithotypes.
All the measurements highlighted the presence of multiple picks, markers of a possible broad
band amplification related to coupling of stratigraphic and topography effects. An interesting
observation is that the H/V curves present higher amplitude peaks if located on stiff arenaceous
lithotypes of Laga Fm. as compared to those on more pelitic lithotypes of the same Formation.
The subsoil model adopted for the analyses is reported in Table 2 whereas a sketch of the
mesh adopted to discretize section 1 is shown in Figure 5a. The prevalent arenaceous litho-
types of Laga Formations (LAG4c and LAG4d) were grouped together and, based on avail-
able DH tests, a Vs of 1000 m/s and 900 m/s was assigned to the arenaceous group and to the
more politic lithotipe (LAG4b), respectively. As said before, a 15m-thick jointed rock-mass
zone (Vs=700 m/s) was modeled at the surface of the model (Figure 5a). A Vs=1300 m/s was

Figure 5. Arquata del Tronto site: a) mesh adopted for Section 1 and profiles of Amplification Factors
(AF) computed in the three period ranges T = 0.1-0.5s, 0.4-0.8s, 0.7-1.1s; b) average acceleration response
spectra at P1 and P2 computed through 2D and 1D numerical analyses compared with input and NTC18
spectrum from simplified approach.

Table 2. Arquata del Tronto site: subsoil model for site response analyses
Lithotype γ (kN/m3) Vs (m/s) ν (-) Nonlinear material curves

a1a/a3a 19 400 0.45 Rollins et al. (1998)

b/bn1 20 500 0.43
Jointed rock-mass 22 700 0.38 Linear D=1%
LAG4c-d 23 1000 0.4 Linear D=0.5%
LAG4b 22 900 0.4 Linear D=1%
Seismic Bedrock 24 1300 0.4 -

assumed for the bedrock considering a stiffness increment due to confining stress at depth and
measurements carried out in similar geological conditions. No distinction between arenaceous
and pelitic lithotipes was made for bedrock assuming that Vs values become similar at high
depth. Sensitivity analyses were carried out considering different locations of seismic bedrock.
For landslide/detrital cover (a1a, a3a) and alluvial (b/bn1) soils, present at the ESE ridge flank
and at the toe, Vs values equal to 400 m/s and 500 m/s were assumed respectively, based on
DH and MASW available tests. Regarding the nonlinear properties, literature curves for grav-
elly soils (Rollins et al., 1998) were employed for landslide cover and alluvial soils given the
prevalent coarse grain-size composition.
The results are reported in Figure 5a in terms of amplification factors of spectral acceler-
ation (AF) at surface computed in the three period ranges 0.1-0.5s, 0.4-0.8s and 0.7-1.1s.
Major amplification effects take place in the 0.4-0.8s period range where an amplification of
about 2 characterizes all the ridge, from the castle (P1 in Figure 5a) to the village (P2). In 0.1-
0.5s range a peak AF=2 is attained at P1 while moderate amplification is computed at the
village centre (AF=1-1.3). Finally, minor amplification effects (AF<1.2) can be observed at
longer periods (0.7-1.1s). This is substantially compatible with H/V observations: the H/V
curves show resonance frequencies at the ridge in the order of 1.5-5 Hz (i.e. 0.2-0.7 s) while the
spectral ratios are almost flat for frequencies lower than 1.5 Hz (i.e., period > 0.7s).
In order to explore the 2D effects and physical phenomena governing the local response,
additional 1D analyses were carried out at P1 and P2 using the same stratigraphic conditions
of 2D simulations. The 1D acceleration response spectra averaged over the seven accelero-
grams are therefore compared with average 2D and input spectra in Figure 5b. Clear bi-

dimensional effects, noticed in P1 at 0.2 s and 0.6 s, are responsible for ground motion ampli-
fication in the 0.1-0.5s and 0.4-0.8s period ranges above mentioned; at P2, 1D and 2D results
are much closer; however, an evident 2D effect appears at 0.6s.
Stratigraphic amplification of about 1.2-1.4 regardless the period range considered is com-
puted at both P1 and P2 (Pagliaroli et al., 2019a). More pronounced is, therefore, the influence
of the topography with 2D aggravation factors of about 2 (compare 1D and 2D spectra in
Figure 5b) at selected values of period (e.g., 0.6s at both P1 and P2). In Figure 5b the regularized
2D spectra and the NTC18 spectra are also reported. See paragraph 3 for further discussion.

2.3 Montedinove
Montedinove is a small municipality in the southern part of the Marche region, in the Province
of Ascoli Piceno, which extends for 11.9 km2. Three different zones have been identified for the
seismic microzonation: the localities of Lapedosa and Croce Rossa, severely damaged by the
2016 Central Italy Earthquake sequence, and the most densely populated historical centre.
From the morphostructural point of view, the area is characterized by a NE-SW hilly ridge,
whose top reaches 561 m a.s.l. Figure 6 shows the lithotechnical map and two relevant cross-
sections (BB’ and CC’), which have been selected for the numerical modelling. The geological
bedrock is constituted by the Blue Clays Formation which is characterized by different litho-
facies: conglomeratic, arenaceous, arenaceous-pelitic and pelitic. These lithotypes, following
the Italian standard for microzonation, are accordingly identified as ALS (alternation of
stratified lithotypes), GRS (granular cemented substrate) and COS (cohesive, overconsoli-
dated stratified substrate). At the ridge crest, the geological substrate is outcropping, while on
the sides eluvial and colluvial coverings are present with a thickness of 3-15 m. With regards
to their compositions, these soil cover deposits have been classified as GM (gravels and sandy
gravels), SM (sands and silty sands) and ML (low plasticity clayey silts).
The historical centre lies mainly on GRS, locally covered by its altered upper part
(SF_GRS, section CC’ in Figure 6), and on ALS (section BB’). The deepest portion of the
geological sequence is constituted by the upper (COS_a), the intermediate (COS_b) and the
lower (COS_c) part of the cohesive, overconsolidated stratified bedrock.
The subsoil model for site response analyses was defined based on in situ geophysical and
laboratory tests. Available data from the Level 1 Seismic Microzonation consist of three
MASW, one P-wave SR and five HVSR tests. Additional tests were then performed in the
framework of the present study to characterize all the geotechnical lithotypes. Specifically, the
new survey included: 35 m deep DH test, 5 MASW tests and 24 HVSR tests. The location of
the full set of investigations is reported in Figure 6. Given the lack of specific laboratory tests,
nonlinear curves proposed in literature for similar materials were adopted for the lithotypes
except for COSa_ and COS_b investigated by means of a RC test performed on a sample
from the nearby municipality of Monte Rinaldo. Details are reported in Table 3.
The main challenge in the definition of the subsoil model was the identification of the seismic
bedrock (Pagliaroli et al., 2019a). The HVSR tests carried out on the ridge crest highlighted
high fundamental frequencies (10-15 Hz) consistent with the impedance contrast between the

Table 3. Montedinove site: subsoil model for site response analyses

Lithotype γ (kN/m3) VS (m/s) ν (-) Nonlinear material curves

SF_GRS 19.0 550 0.35 Rollins et al. (1998)

GRS 22.0 1400 0.28 Linear Viscoelastic - D = 0.5%
GM 18.6 340 0.35 Rollins et al. (1998)
SM 17.6 190 0.43 Seed and Idriss (1970)
ALS 19.6 530 0.27 Vucetic and Dobry (1991) PI=15
COS_a 19.6 560 0.46 RC Test (Monte Rinaldo)
COS_b 19.6 650 0.46 RC Test (Monte Rinaldo)
COS_c (bedrock) 19.6 800 0.46 Linear Viscoelastic - D = 0.5%

Figure 6. Montedinove site: Lithotechnical map and cross-sections of the Montedinove historical
centre; lithotype codes are chosen according the Italian standards for Seismic Microzonation

SF_GRS or the ALS and the underlying GRS. Considering the high VS value (1400 m/s)
obtained by the DH test for GRS, this might lead to identifying the GRS as the seismic bedrock.
However, in the whole region the GRS is underlined by COS lithotype which is characterized by
medium VS (550-650 m/s) leading to a significant shear wave velocity inversion in the subsoil.
The VS of COS increases with depth, slowly reaching values in the order of 800 m/s. This layer
(COS_c in Table 3) has been therefore assumed seismic bedrock in the modelling.
The profiles of amplification factors along the surface of sections BB’ and CC’ are reported
in Figure 7a showing that the maximum amplification effects take generally place at crest
where AF=1.5-1.7 are attained regardless the period range. An exception is related to the peak
due to stratigraphic amplification at SM cover along the SE flank of BB’ cross-section.
In order to highlight the role of 2D effects, the results of the 2D analyses are compared in
Figure 7 with the 1D simulations at the ridge crest of section BB’ and CC’ in terms of elastic
response spectra. The results confirm the frequency-dependence of the topographic effects
(2D effects take place essentially for T< 1s) and that the amount of amplification increases for
steeper topographies as highlighted by previous studies (e.g. Pagliaroli et al., 2011): topo-
graphic effects are higher for steeper section CC’ with respect to the gentle slope section BB’.
At both sections, the 1D analyses highlight a deamplification in 0.2-0.7s range probably
related to the Vs inversion between GRS and the underlying COS (Figure 7b); comparing 1D
and 2D results a maximum 2D aggravation factor of about 3 is noticed for the section CC’
where topographic effect takes place at 0.2-0.3s corresponding to the 2D resonance of the
upper part of the ridge (above 500 m a.s.l.) constituted by GRS lithotype, as estimated by sim-
plified formula proposed by Paolucci (2002).

2.4 Saletta
Saletta is a hamlet of Amatrice municipality in Lazio region, central Italy, and has been heav-
ily struck by the 24th August 2016 Mw 6.0 experiencing a macroseismic intensity IEMS98 = 10.
The hamlet is located on a SE-NW elongated depositional terrace composed of 10-20 m thick
Pleistocene fluvial silty sands (SMtf unit in Figure 8). The SMtf unit unconformably overlies
the Messinian Laga Formation, here consisting of a well bedded and gently SE-dipping
sequence of lower sandstones (SFGRS unit) and upper siltstones (SFALS unit). Remnants of

Figure 7. Montedinove site: results of the site response analyses for cross sections CC’ (left) and BB’
(right) in terms of a) amplification factors computed in the three period ranges T = 0.1-0.5s, 0.4-0.8s, 0.7-
1.1s; b) response spectra (ξ=5%) from the 2D and 1D numerical analyses executed at the ridge crest (red
points in the cross-sections) and comparison with input and NTC18 spectra.

Figure 8. Saletta site: Lithotechnical map (a) and cross-sections CD (b); lithotype codes are chosen
according the Italian standards for Seismic Microzonation

older and younger gravelly fluvial terraces of Quaternary age (GMtf and GPes units), each
few metres thick, are found respectively up and down-slope of the sandy terrace. To NE, the
Saletta terrace is partly covered by few metres of poorly consolidated colluvial silt (MHec)
filling a small SE-NW trending gully, at the eastern periphery of the hamlet.

Table 4. Saletta site: subsoil model for site response analyses
Lithotype γ (kN/m3) VS (m/s) ν (-) Nonlinear material curves

MHec 18.0 320 0.30 «Terre rosse, L‘Aquila» Amoroso et al., 2015
SMtf 18.0 320 0.30 RC test
GP, GM 20.0 450 0.40 Modoni & Gazzellone (2010)
SFALS 20.0 500 0.25 «Terre rosse, L‘Aquila» Amoroso et al., 2015
SFGRS (bedrock) 22.0 800 0.25 Linear Viscoelastic - D = 0.5%

Figure 9. Saletta site: a) Amplification Factors computed in the three period ranges T = 0.1-0.5s, 0.4-
0.8s, 0.7-1.1s; b) response spectra (ξ=5%) from the 2D and 1D numerical analyses executed at point #107
(see Figure 8) and comparison with input and NTC18 spectra.

The geophysical data consist of: i) an Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT); ii) seven
noise measurements; iii) a down–hole test; iv) multichannel arrays (one acquired in active
mode MASW, the other in passive mode 2D array). The geotechnical data consist of: i) a con-
tinuous 30 m deep borehole with SPT tests and ii) a resonant column (RC) test carried out on
SMtf undisturbed specimen. Table 4 summarizes the main soil parameters for each unit used
in 1D and 2D site response analyses.
The C-D cross-section is most significant for the study of site effects being characterized
by higher amplifications with respect to A-B cross section (Gaudiosi et al., 2019). Transfer
function computed from 2D analyses satisfactorily matches the amplification peak at
about 5 Hz highlighted by experimental transfer function at MZ01 station (Figure 8a)
thus validating the subsoil model (Gaudiosi et al., 2019). Figure 9 shows the results of the
numerical analyses in terms of AFs for the cross-section C-D: the higher values, even
greater than 2.5, were found for the interval of period 0.1-0.5s, with a maximum of about
3 computed close to the slope edge. This amplification can be related to stratigraphic
effects associated with silty sands SMtf layer resting on stiffer SFALS/SFGRS somewhat
enhanced by topographic-morphological effects. On the contrary, no significant fluctu-
ations of AFs between 0.4-0.8s and 0.7-1.1s are observed with values lower than 1.3.
Figure 9b shows the average elastic response spectra at point #107 (approximately located
at DH1 projection along CD section, Figure 8) from 1D and 2D linear-equivalent analyses
together with 2D regularized spectrum, input and the B-T2 spectrum according to
NTC18. 1D and 2D spectra generally agree for periods higher than 0.8s while significant
2D effects take place especially in the 0.1-0.3s range where an aggravation factors of
about 2 is computed; this can be ascribed to both topographic and buried morphology


As previously mentioned, during the Central Italy SM3 project, studies on 137 municipalities
were performed. The collection of available data allows to draw some general comments. In
particular, the Amplification Factors AFs, as previous defined, are analyzed in the following.
A statistical distribution of the AFs (Figure 10a) has been computed with reference to all the
137 municipalities in the three period ranges Tn (with n = 1, 2, 3): 0.1 ≤ T1 ≤ 0.5s, 0.4 ≤ T2 ≤
0.8s and 0.7 ≤ T3 ≤ 1.1s. A total of 4209 microzones, characterized in terms of AF by means of
1D/2D numerical analyses, were analyzed.
Median values of AF decrease from the T1 interval (where AF median value is equal to 1.5)
to the T2 and T3 interval (median AF values equal to 1.3 and 1.2 respectively). For each inter-
val of periods, most of the AF values are located close the median values, with a slightly asym-
metrical distribution for T2 and T3 period ranges (Figure 10a).
For comparison, the AF values obtained as the ratio between the integral of the acceleration
response spectra derived from NTC18 for the four soil classes (B-C-D-E), and the corresponding
integral computed for class A were also evaluated with reference to the three ranges of periods
(Figure 10b). As first approximation, topographic amplification factors have been not con-
sidered. A 475 years return period was fixed, coherently with the input motion selection for site
response analyses carried out for the SM3 studies (Luzi et al. 2019). The AFs were computed for
each of 137 municipalities where SM3 studies were performed at the barycentre of the principal
census cell (i.e, cell which contains the municipality building) according to the Italian National
Institute of Statistics (ISTAT database; https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/104317). It should be
pointed out that for most microzones no equivalent shear wave velocity VS,h values (and there-
fore subsoil category classification) were generally reported in the SM3 studies. Amplification
factors for each microzone were therefore computed assuming all subsoil categories of NTC18.
Comparing the results in Figures 10a and 10b, it can be observed that the NTC18 AF median
values calculated for all the four soil classes are greater than the AF median values from SM3
studies in the second and third intervals of periods (medium-to-long periods). On the contrary,
in the 0.1-0.5 s period range, AFs from SM3 and technical code are generally comparable: for B
category the NTC18 slightly underestimate the AFs (1.3 versus 1.5) while the opposite happens
for class D (1.7 vs 1.5); for C and E classes the median values of AFs are almost the same.

Figure 10. AF distribution for the 137 municipalities in Central Italy derived from: a) SM3 studies, b)
NTC18 standard spectra for soil categories B/A, C/A, D/A and E/A; the representation uses whisker
plots (minimum, 25% percentile, median, 75% percentile and maximum) with colors indicating the period
range of integration (T1 is in green, T2 in red and T3 in blue) and labels referred to median values (modi-
fied from Pergalani et al., 2019).

Table 5. Comparison among AF values obtained from SM3 studies and from NTC18 spectra at the
selected sites. For NTC18 the value in brackets includes the application of topographic amplification
factor. In bold SM3 AFs values exceeding NTC18 factors
AF0105 AF0408 AF0711
NTC18 soil-
Site Location topogr. cat. NTC SM3 NTC SM3 NTC SM3

Monte S. Martino V1 A – T3 1.00 (1.20) 1.15 1.00 (1.20) 1.41 1.00 (1.20) 1.60
Monte S. Martino V2 C – T1 1.51 (1.51) 2.23 2.06 (2.06) 1.99 2.15 (2.15) 1.39
Monte S. Martino V3 C – T1 1.51 (1.51) 1.41 2.06 (2.06) 2.39 2.15 (2.15) 1.66
Arquata del T. P1 B – T2 1.23 (1.48) 2.16 1.56 (1.87) 2.01 1.90 (1.91) 1.19
Arquata del T. P2 B – T2 1.23 (1.48) 1.23 1.56 (1.87) 1.87 1.90 (1.91) 1.19
Montedinove BB’- crest B – T4 1.27 (1.78) 1.20 1.61 (2.25) 1.48 1.64 (2.30) 1.46
Montedinove CC’– crest B – T4 1.27 (1.78) 1.57 1.61 (2.25) 1.51 1.64 (2.30) 1.72
Saletta CD – crest B – T2 1.22 (1.46) 2.66 1.55 (1.86) 1.09 1.57 (1.88) 1.00

In order to compare NTC18 and SM3 AFs with reference to the same soil category, a com-
parison was undertaken for the four sites presented in the previous section. In Table 5 for dif-
ferent points of the four sites, the corresponding subsoil and topographic NTC18 categories
were identified. AFs from SM3 spectra obtained from 2D analyses and presented in the previ-
ous sections were computed. For NTC18 two values of AFs were calculated: one considering
only the stratigraphic amplification (i.e., using the standard spectra pertaining to the reference
subsoil category) and another one (in brackets) by considering also the topographic amplifica-
tion (i.e, using also the topographic category).
In the T1 and T2 period ranges (0.1-0.5s, 0.4-0.8s), AFs from NTC18 in most cases are com-
parable or higher than SM3. There are some exceptions, in which NTC18 is non-conservative
because 2D effects are very relevant: pure topographic effects (Monte San Martino V1, Mon-
tedinove CC’ crest), complex phenomena related to the coupling of stratigraphic and topo-
graphic effects (Saletta) or coupling of topographic and jointed rock mass effects (Arquata),
buried morphology effects (Monte San Martino V2). In these cases, the underestimation of
amplification factors by NTC18 is due to: i) inability of NTC18 spectra essentially based on
1D stratigraphic effects to capture buried morphology effects, ii) inadequacy of code fre-
quency independent topographic factors which underestimate spectral peak of topographic
amplification (see Monte San Martino V1 and case studies collected in Pagliaroli et al., 2011).
In T3 period range, AFs from NTC18 are largely conservative with respect to SM3 amplifi-
cations thus confirming what observed in Figure 10 for all the municipalities even if no D and
E categories are present in the four analyzed cases. The severe overestimation of the AFs in
the medium-to-high period range (0.7-1.1s) by the Italian technical code could be probably
ascribed to the inadequacy of soil factors Cc controlling the shape of the spectra by enlarging
the plateau at higher periods with respect to rock conditions (Aimar et al., 2018; Pagliaroli
et al., 2019b). More research is necessary to ascertain the causes of divergence between SM3
and NTC18 amplification factors; in particular, AF comparisons undertaken separately for
each subsoil category could significantly improve the analysis.


Appropriate actions can be undertaken in order to mitigate seismic risk and reduce it below
an acceptable level. This can essentially be done: i) at the building scale by means of the adop-
tion of up-to-date building codes (e.g., NTC18) and seismic retrofitting programs, ii) at the
urban scale by means of SM studies and their inclusion in urban/territory planning tools.
These tools for seismic risk mitigation, namely technical code and SM, operate with different
objectives and at different scales; however, as both require the quantitative assessment of local
seismic hazard (site effects), some ambiguity in the definition of the boundaries between SM3

and NTC18 and on the possible use of SM3 output in the seismic design still exist. The out-
come of SM3 studies are undoubtedly useful for the design as (Pagliaroli, 2018):
• provide a large database of subsoil investigations allowing: i) to be more aware in planning
the investigation survey at the building scale, ii) to access large scale investigations, the cost
of which is generally unsustainable at least for ordinary design (e.g., geophysical investiga-
tions for the identification of deep buried morphologies and/or deep seismic bedrock);
• alert the designer on possible instability phenomena; in this case the designer should perform
additional subsoil investigations and quantitative stability analyses depending on the design
phase and type of instability phenomenon (liquefaction, slope instability, cavity collapse);
• provide objective indications on which approach is more appropriate for the evaluation of
the seismic action (e.g., code simplified approach based on subsoil categories or ad hoc site
response numerical analyses).
Regarding this last issue, following the SM3 studies in the municipalities of Central Italy,
general criteria for the use of the results of these studies in the reconstruction process were
proposed in the “Ordinanza n. 55/2018” (Presidency of the Council of Ministers, 2018). In
order to define the design spectrum, the designer must preliminary compare the spectrum
derived from the SM3 studies (regularized according to the procedure proposed in Working
Group ICMS 2008) with the spectrum from the NTC18 simplified approach. If the SM3
spectrum exceeds punctually 30% the NTC18 spectral values or the integral of the SM3 spec-
trum in the period range of interest exceeds 20% the NTC18 one, the simplified NTC08
approach can be regarded as non-conservative. In this case, the designer should perform
additional investigations in the significant subsoil volume and is strongly encouraged to per-
form site response analyses to define the seismic action. Moreover, in case of complex surfi-
cial or buried morphologies, the designer should consider the direct use of the SM3 spectra
for the design provided that these actions derived from 2D SM3 analyses are considered
more accurate than site response analyses usually performed with standard 1D methods at
building scale in the design process.


Seismic Microzonation studies based on numerical simulations of site response were carried
out for the reconstruction of 137 municipalities in Central Italy struck by the 2016 seismic
sequence. The paper presents the main results of 1D/2D site response numerical analyses at
4 selected sites characterized by complex morphological and geological conditions (Monte
San Martino, Arquata del Tronto, Montedinove and Saletta). Results are presented in terms
of amplification factors in three selected period ranges 0.1-0.5, 0.4-0.8 and 0.7-1.1s (to be
used in setting the SM3 maps) and response spectra at relevant points (to be associated to
the microzones of SM3 maps). The comparison between 1D and 2D response spectra
allowed to highlight 2D effects computing 2D aggravation factors. Moreover, computed
amplification factors were compared to the corresponding parameters derived from the Ital-
ian technical code NTC18. Relevant amplification effects take place at specific points of the
investigated areas: pure topographic effects at San Martino and Montedinove crests, com-
plex phenomena related to the coupling of stratigraphic and topographic effects (Saletta
crest), coupling of topographic and jointed rock mass effects (Arquata crest), effects of
buried morphology at the edge of covers (Monte San Martino slope). In these cases, 2D
aggravation factors, comprised between 2 and 3, affect essentially the first two period ranges
(0.1-0.5s and 0.4-0.8s). In these points amplification predicted by NTC18 is non-conserva-
tive due to: i) inability of NTC18 spectra essentially based on 1D stratigraphic effects to cap-
ture buried morphology effects, ii) inadequacy of code frequency independent topographic
factors. In most cases, i.e., in areas where 2D effects are less important, NTC18 provisions
lead to amplifications comparable or higher than those computed by site response analyses.
At high periods (third range 0.7-1.1s) NTC18 is overconservative probably for the inad-
equacy of spectral shapes. This is confirmed by a simplified and preliminary statistical

analysis carried out considering amplifications factors computed for all 137 municipalities
subjected to SM3 studies and compared with NTC18.
Finally, following the “Ordinanza n. 55/2018” (Presidency of the Council of Ministers,
2018), some proposal on the possible use of SM3 outputs in supporting seismic design are
reported. In particular, the response spectra produced in the SM3 studies, compared with
NTC18 spectra, provide objective indications on the most suitable approach for the evalu-
ation of the seismic action (e.g., technical code simplified approach based on subsoil categories
or ad hoc site response numerical analyses).


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