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Discussion: 2.1 About Business IT Solutions

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► technology in the


2.1 About business IT solutions

Search tor the keywords
D smart dust to learn about
Look at the pictures and answer the questions below.
1 I an emerging technology low is the office of the 1950s different from todays workplace?
2 Discuss possible What do you imagine the office of the future will be like?
5 Do applications, and how you expect technology to make your life easier or harder?
they might change our
El Read the article opposite. Decide which statement a-c best summarizes the writer’s overall argument.
a) Technology helps people save lime.
b) Technology makes people work harder.
c) Technology is a waste of money.

n Read paragraphs 1-4. Choose the correct summary а-d for each paragraph.
a) How several factors have combined to make the workplace mure pressurized
b) Poorly planned IT systems generate more work, nol less
c) Managers sec investment in information technologies as л productivity solution
d) Working conditions have become uncomfortable in recent times.
□ Read paragraphs 5-7. Write a sentence to summarize each paragraph.

Q C 1:25-1:28 Listen to four people being interviewed about their attitudes to IT.
Which are for and which are against IT?

□ c 1:25-1:28 Listen again and summarize each speaker's opinion. Do you agree with what they say? Why? Why not?
H To what extent do you agree with these statements?
1 The computer is the most important invention in the history of civilization.
2 A computer makes it possible to do tasks which were completely unnecessary before.
3 To make mistakes is human, but to really mess things up. you need a computer.
2.1 About business
Glossary PAGE 150

Cram mad dash THE |T

mess up oddly

cooker slick
take a breather

I 1 In recent years. three lories - downsizing, globalization and tool. Belore I’owei Point, a graphics presentation would
die need lor speed - have combined to i hange the work have to be- < rented by a graphic artist W ith PowerPoint
cnviruiimvnt. What used i<> l>e a comfortably buss and its software c oustn*. just about anyone can sit down
" routine has become a non-stop wot kshop in w hi< It most
people feel they can nevci stop io take a breather.
at a PC and. without much training or practice', produce
an on-sc recti piesc-ni.ition or a slit к set of slides.

7 I 2 The result oldownsizing is a mad dash to cram more work

into fewer people. I f six people ate doing die work (bar
handouts oi iiansp.iienc ics that look Hilly professional.
On die one hand, this software is attually a prodne tivily
ten used to do. and al the same lime arc expected to meet tool - it takes onh hotiis to do what might have take n
or e xceed pies ions budget and productivity targets, davs previously, and the result is jusi as good, if not
something has to give. Io this pressure-cooker cm better But it doesn’t stop there. \ow everyone sees how
iroiimrnl. in which everyone is supposed io 'do more with ease it is to use these programs, they are used more and
less’, we Gin add the globalization trend that has swept more, finis, a senior managei w ho wouldn’t have
through corporate boardrooms. Io tlie extent that global considered asking an analyst to spend a couple ol davs
competitors have a lower cost structure - which mam do working up a slide presentation using Stone \ge tec
because thcii l.iboui costs .ire so much lower - I S and hnology. doesn’t hesitate- to direct the- same analyst to
l-.iiropean lit ms have vet another reason to keep budgets prepare that presentation using the desktop PC and
and headcounts lower I he final ingredient in this mix is PowerPoint. 1 he goal is for this analvst to save time by
fierce competition, whic h has lesuhed in the prcssiite to using the- software: the likely outc omc is that lu oi she
do everyt hing fastci spe nds more time on presentations and has less time
3 One wav corporate leaders justify the quest for efficient v available for othet aspec is of the job.
and speed is to point to the multibillion-dollai investments If vou’ic' starting to think that, instead of woiking on a
that have been made in I I equipment and sen ices. The plan to cope with pressure, light deadlines and non-stop
new PCs and i urporate networks are supposed to boost work, it’s lime to polish up voui resume and look
prodm tivitv and profits, and w ill. in lac t. allow theii elsewhere. I in airaid I have-some bad news I he grass
companies to‘do mon w ith less’. really isn't much greener anvwhcie else oral least, not a
whole lot greenei
T his is true. But another truth has become- buried under the technology sales pin lies.
Achieving those gains will happen only after a significant initial investment in training and
system integration io make sure that all the- pieces connect well with eac h other. Pouring
thousands ol PC л and miles ol cables into a corporation is a great wav to waste money
unless the systems and processes that technology is meant to automate are overhauled. I
nfortunately. this has all become somewhat irrelevaiit.The expec tation is that more
technology means more speed and more output per employee - and when those results
don't always magic alK occur, die only wav to produce them is to require- people to work
longei hours.
Oddly, the same thing happens even whe n the tec hnology delivers as promised. < onsidei
the case of presentation software- sue h as Mil rosoft PowerPoint, whic h has bee omc a
standard office

/ЛгВилшмязд 23
► comparative phrases 2.2 Vocabulary Information systems and communication
► verbs relating to IT
► expressions tor giving
П 'Information is too valuable to be left to IT departments. In today's business world, every
manager should be a computer specialist' To what extent do you agree?

Glossary PAGE 150 Language focus

crash in H Decide whether these phrases indicate a small or a large difference.
the loop
patch plug- a bit more expensive a whole lot more expensive considerably more expensive far more
in expensive marginally more expensive infinitely more expensive slightly more expensive
stretched somewhat more expensive

□ Use expressions from Exercise 2 and appropriate adjectives to compare:

1 two computers you have used
2 two ways you communicate with your business contacts or your friends
3 two software applications you have used.
4 Iwo ways you use the Internet.
5 two printers you have used.
6 two electronic devices you would like Io own.

□ Explain the difference between each pair of computing terms.

1 a server and a PC 5 a virus and a bug
2 u laptop and a tablet PC 6 a crash and a hard disk failure
3 a suite and an application 7 the Internet and an intranet
4 a patch and a plug-in 8 a workgroup and a workstation

Reading and vocabulary

H George Skopelitis is in charge of IT user support at First Northeast Bank. Choose the correct
verbs to complete the email he sent to his boss.

_ _ __________________________ _ _ ....__________________________

As you know, our IT resources are more and more stretched as we try to cope with an ageing
system. We desperately need to (1) advance I upgrade/promote the operating system software
applications are (2) crashing / collapsing / falling more and more frequently, and the server (3)
felt down / went down / dropped down three times last week. There have also been several
cases where important documents have been (4) rubbed out / blanked / deleted. Of course, I
have (5) inserted I installed / placed patches and (6) uploaded / downloaded / unzipped new
drivers wherever possible, but we can't go on like this. What's more, there's no time for new
projects like (7) setting up / fixing up / pulling up mobile Internet connections so that our sales
teams can (8> register / note / enter data on the system when they're on the road. We really
need investment now'

О Complete these sentences with the correct verbs from Exercise 5.

1 Most PCs come complete with an office package, but sometimes you have to it yourself.
2 On average, when a company's IT system it takes ten days to fix everything
3 IT users lack imagination. When asked to a password, the most common choice is password’.
I There are several programs which can rescue your data if you accidentally files
5 An incorrect memory address is the most common reason why PCs
6 11 only takes minutes to _ _____a webmail account that you can access from anywhere
in the world.
7 One of the few remaining advantages of desktops is that it's easier to components
8 Research suggests that people who illegal mp3s are also big spenders on legal music sites.
□ c 1 29-1 36 Listen to eight messages on George's voicemail. Match speakers 1-8 with the
problem they are experiencing a-h.
a) they can’t install something
b) some computers need upgrading
c) they need to download a program
d) the whole system went down
e) they have to enter data quickly
0 their computer keeps crashing
g) a connection hasn't been set up
h) they deleted some files

2.2 Vocabulary
□ г t:29 i Listen again and complete George's notes with the words from the box.
an update back in informed know ring loop touch

1 give Ebony Brooks a about backup

2 give Maurice on appointments application
3 gel in with Martha re. laptops
4 get to Lincoln Thigpen presentation slides
5 keep Camilla Ramsey in the on solutions to database problems
6 let Maurice_________about Marketing's Internet connection
7 keep Marvin about sound card driver
8 fill Cara Bickerson on voice recognition software

Ья J e, hardware,
-лаге, freeware,
trware, adware. ■are,
malware, улдгс ...
Use the fc--r function
of your к* engine to
find Surtions of these
It ■r e g. define: ta-эге).
How many n ware
words can I find?


О Replace the expressions in bold with the expressions for giving information in Exercise 8.
1 Can I give you an answer later this morning? I’m in a meeting at the moment.
2 I'd appreciate it if you could include me in the group of people you inform
5 We don’t have a firm date for the meeting yet We’ll tell you as soon as we do.
4 While I’m away in the Far East. I’d like you to give me regular progress reports by email
5 Before the meeting starts, can you just give me some details on what was said last lime?
b I just can’t manage to contact her I’ve tried everything: phone, lax. email, snail mail even pigeon!
7 When you get back from your holiday. I’ll report on what’s been happening
8 Could you contact me by telephone, please? My email server's down at (he moment

EE With a partner, prioritize the tasks on George's to-do list for tomorrow.

CP? wants ut?b meeting available in an departments asap - weed half a day
Sound card drivers for rfiarvin (President's nephew/) - simple - haiC an hour?
Cava re. voice recognition - needs maqbc an hour over lunch?
C€Dxs assistant wants tdifi out she oniq works at m.r desk! - one hour or so
Information from database vendors - a Couple of hours, but probably no budget this year
Abstract of presentation for h/ew Vork conference - deadline is tomorrow - one hour
15 nfjiu laptops needed - MP’s special offer ends tomorrow - on hour or two?
4ppointmemts application - two or three hours’ work, but $o>ffu>are' update due in three weeks
Ebonu Brooks re. backup so&hMre - Should take зо minutes, but she's a slow learner rljarketing's
Internet Connection is down, again - at least an hour and a half
the most expensive
► Grammar nml practice
№ 1M

Language focus
D Read the conversations comparing using the train with flying Underline the
comparative phrases.
A: Iravclling by train is just as quick as flying
Comparatives half
as twice JS tenfan
times as B: Nonsense! Flying is much quicker
expensive easy A: Well. I prefer the train because it’s less complicated.

a faster th A: The train isn’t half as expensive as the plane.

lot easier an B: \s a matter of fact, the train is slightly more expensive these days.
fat more A; Well, I still prefer the train because it's far more comfortable.
ch expensiv
Superlativese В With a partner, have similar conversations using the adjectives in brackets to compare the
the fastest following:
the easiest

1 laxis versus buses, (cheap, uncomfortable, J

2 I'he car versus the bicycle, (healthy, dangerous. I
3 Charter flights versus scheduled flights, (reliable, useful, )
4 Motorways versus country roads, (safe, fast, . .)
5 Bed and breakfast versus hotels, (comfortable, luxurious, .)
6 Campsites versus holiday chibs (expensive, noisy, I
7 Cat ferries versus tunnels, (easy, quick. )
8 Self drive tours versus coach tours, (eco-friendly, boring, |

В What is special about the following? Use the adjectives in the box to help you.

big expensive fast fast-growing large old profitable valuable

1 The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport 5 The Nisiyama Onsen Keiunkan Hold, lapan
2 The Izmailova I lolel, Moscow 6 Russia
3 Exxon Mobil Boeing 747
4 Wal-Mart « Groupon

Discussion and presentation

□ With a partner, choose a destination in the country you are studying in. In column 1. write
four ways of reaching that destination (by bus, on foot, etc.). In columns 2-5, give
each means of transport a score from 1 (= the worst) to 5 (= the best). Add up the total
scores and present your conclusions to another pair.

cost time comfort carbon footprint total

Expanding notes
13 Complete the article with a comparative phrase suggested by the prompts. The first two are
done for you.

Since 1965, Moore's law has However, the picture is not b)

* «bserved that computer chips (3) (= positive) it once
L become seemed. Yet another law. Wirths law, (♦ bulky) or (8)
• ;powerful x 2) every 24 months. states that software
(— generous) in storage capacity than
t A similar formula. Krydcr’s ’iw.says i gets slower (4)
the competition.
that hard disk space mly half as i (+ rapidly) hardware gets faster! Moreover, physical barrier*- like
expensive ; Moores law also means that new products temperature make it almost impossible to
■1/2 expensive) as it was two must be developed run PCs at speeds
years ._o. Gordon Moore says his i (5)(+ quick + quick). (9) (♦ high) 5 GHz. It now
law ■' (1){+ beautitill) he had first I Any product which is launched just two or makes sense to use more rnrmon- epace
realized: contrary to Murphys law— three months late will to accelerate disk access, since space is
anything that can gi» wrong, will— j be 10-15% (6) becoming
Moore’s uw means everything gets (10) (- expensive) than
i (+ slow), (7) u)
(2) ----------------(+ good * good). computer processing speed.

2.3 Grammar
Q With a partner, complete these sentences to make your own quotations.
1 I he older I get. the .. 4 The more I ., the ...
В Match the two halves of these quotations. 2 er the .... Ihe
5 The
the more I have of it. (Thomas Jefferson) 2
the less I call it work. (Richard Bach) the more 2
people think I’m lying. (Andy Warhol) the harder 2
it is to catch it. (Mike Tatum) 2
r 2
e 2 The more money you earn, the
3 The harder you work, the

Dealing with requests

О Cross out the inappropriate response to these requests for help, as in the example.
1 Will you get me a cup of coffee, please?
a) NtH-won't:
b) Yes, if I can have one of your biscuits.
c) Sorry. I've got too much to carry.
2 Can you tell me how to switch this projector on?
a) Yes, I can.
b) No idea. I’m afraid.
c) I’m sorry. I never use it myself.
3 Could you possibly gel me a sandwich when you go out to the post office?
a) Yes, with pleasure.
b) Sure, if you could answer the phone while I’m out.
c) Yes. I could possibly.
4 I wonder if you could spare the time to make a few photocopies for me"’
a) Yes, I would.
b) I don’t see why not.
e) I should think so.
5 Would you mind giving me a hand with this table? It s rather heavy.
nternet .
a) No problem.
в»-Ъ for the keywords ■Ь.-
b) Yes.
c) Not at all.
зЛуЧ computer Hold a
* • on poll to find your — r-t Negotiating
favourite laws □ Work with a partner to practise asking for help. Write a list of five things you need to do tomorrow. Then
negotiate to delegate to your partner the ones you don’t want to do.
► listening for register and 2.4 Speaking Telephoning
► expressions for Discussion
telephoning n Decide how far you agree with these statements about telephoning Write I agree, It
depends or I disagree.
► roleplaying telephone
situations 1 It’s important to have a few moments of small talk before getting down to business.
2 You can never be too polite on the telephone
3 It’s much easier to say yes’ than to say ‘no’.
Glossary PAGE 151 4 When you can't help someone, it’s better to say ‘no’ directly than to make up excuses.
5 The caller decides when to end the call; the receiver should wait for the caller’s signal.
IP address
mustn't grumble □ Discuss your answers to Exercise 1 with a partner. Do you think it's different in other parts of
small talk trivial the world?

Listening for register

El C 1:37-1:40 Listen to four telephone conversations and answer the questions
1 Which one is polite, informal, impolite or too polite?
2 In which conversation are the speakers friends, acquaintances, colleagues
from different departments or managers in a large company?

Listening for inference

□ г i 37- 1:40 Listen again and answer the questions for each conversation.
1 What guesses can yon make about the speakers? Imagine how old they are, what
they look like, what they do and what kind of lives they lead.
2 What is each speaker’s opinion of the other at the end of the conversation?
в c 1:37-1:40 With a partner, find suitable words to complete the expressions
in the checklist. Then listen again and check your answers.

Useful expressions: Telephoning

Checking the other person can speak now
Have you got a of minutes?
Requesting help
I you to give me ...
Do you to know how to ...?
I was wondering If I could ask you a_________.
Do you think you could send me ...?
Any_________I could ...?
Refusing help
I'd to help you. but...
I I could help you. but...
Normally I'd be to help, but...
The Is. ...
Ending the call
Anyway, I won't you any longer.
I mustn’t any more of your time.
Anyway, I'd better__________.
□ Complete these dialogues with suitable expressions. Then practise them with a partner.
iternet _
it- for the keywords
еЛоле voicemail me
to find tips ->g new
phone oAogies. In
small decide on your
tree tips.

Call 1
You are new in a small law firm where
the managing partner also deals with all
computer problems Your PC has broken
down, so you call her/him for help. Your
partner will start.
Call 2
You receive a call from a colleague you
like a lot. You start by answering your
- Ж-^гкЬоок
- -catch the video
- unit.
Alex: ____________________
Billie: Oh, hello. Alex. How’s it going?
Alex: _____________________________________
Billie: No problem I was just going to have a break anyway.
Alex: ______________________

Billie: Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you. but 1 don't know much about it actually.
Alex: _____________________________________
Billie: OK. But just let me know if there’s anything I can do.
Alex: ____________________
Billie: OK. bye,

Chris: Hello, it’s Chris here. I’m not disturbing you. am I? Dee:

Chris: I’m just calling to ask if you'd mind doing me a favour, actually.
Dee: _____________________________________

Chris: Well, do you think I could possibly borrow your copy of Office 2010? 1 need to re install it, and I can't
find mine.
Chris: Oh. I sec. Well, never mind I thought I’d ask. just in case. Anyway, I won't keep you from your work.
Dee: ______________________

Erin: Hi. It's me. Sorry to bother you You wouldn't

happen (o have the new IP address, would you?

Erin: Brilliant. Thanks a million.

Frankie: _

Erin: OK, then. I'll let you get back to work. Thanks a
lot. Bye.

a With a partner, practise roleplaying different telephone situations. Use suitable formal/ polite or direct/informal
language, and include small talk, as appropriate.

Student A Student В

Call 1
You are the managing partner of a small law firm.
You are also the firm's computer expert, but you are very busy and fed up with receiving calls about trivial
computer problems. You receive a call from one of your new employees. You start by answering your phone. Call
You have been having problems with your email. You think you have fixed it, but you need to test it. Call a
colleague and ask them to send you a test mail to your new address. Your partner will start.

For more telephone situations. Student A should look at page 114, and Student В should look at page 116.
memo style and register 2.5 Writing Memos
paragraph order writing Discussion
a memo О First Northeast Bank has realized that many members of staff just ignore memos. Think of
some reasons why memos often get ignored.

□ Read the recommendations on memo style. Then answer the quiz that First Northeast sent
to all their managers. Choose the option which best matches the style recommendations.

FIRST Northeast Bank

Recommendations - wilting memos ____________________________________________
1 Personalize your memos: use /. you. we to make people feel directly concerned.
2 Use active rather than passive verbs for a more conversational, reader-friendly style.
3 Use verbs in preference to nouns, and avoid jargon and technical terms; write sentences
which 'your grandmother would understand'.
4 Make it clear and unambiguous what you want people to do and when
5 Focus on the benefits to the reader, not on rigid rules or procedures.

1 A memo is a document that you send to people inside the company / a method of
documentary communication for internal use
2 The objective of a memo is to solicit decisions and policy or behavioural changes / to get
people to do something
3 In the past, we wrote memos on paper now we often send them by email / electronic
transmission has been widely adopted
4 To write a good memo you need careful forethought, layout and revision / to plan,
organize and edit your ideas carefully
5 A good memo tells you clearly what you have to do and when you have to do it / is one in
which both the desired outcome and the target time frame are specified
6 The purpose of this quiz Is to ensure that the principal rules of memo-writing are
respected / to help you write effective memos

В Read the suggested format for memos. The paragraphs in the memo below are not in the
correct order. Number the paragraphs 1-4.
Formal for memos
1 Define the problem
2 Tull the reader why they should feel concerned
3 Suy what result you want to get
4 Say what you want the reader to do and when.


Subject: Unauthorized software
□ I would like us all to carry out this check by 15 September latest Please examine your laptop carefully, and
delete any unauthorized software. If you need help, I will be available every afternoon between 1 and 5pm
Thank you for helping to protect our colleagues, our jobs and our company.
□ If inspectors find unauthorized, copyright material on our systems. Individual users, management and the
company itself can face heavy fines and even criminal prosecution It is in everybody's Interest to avoid this
□ As you probaoly know, the European Commission is stepping up its fight against software piracy, and we
expect to see systematic inspections of medium-sized companies like ours in the next six months.
□ This is the reason why I’m asking every employee in the company to check that there is no unauthorized
software on their computer. This could include unlicensed copies of business software, downloaded
programmes and even mp3 music files
Language focus
jttemet e
research □ Match the examples of officialese 1-10 with the reader-friendly versions a-j.
I High School uts Cut 1 it is recognized a) difficulty
in Half' rs Refuse to 2 with a view to alleviating b) immediately
Work Death’ 3 adjacent to c) there’s not
4 it is imperative d) ifenough
there was
the humor section the 5 it is inadequate e) next to
US government’s 6 staff are reminded 0 please
language site remember
7 area of concern g) we must
plBinlanguage.gov/ и to
8 in the event of h) thank you for
find the examples of
Ous language.
9 forth with i) to solve
1 is appreciated i) WT realize
Writing a memo
s With a partner, rewrite this memo in a reader-friendly style. Refer to Exercise 4 to help you.

To: All staff From: April Jenkins, site manager

Date: 10/8/12
Subject: Parking
It is recognized that on-site parking is currently inadequate and plans are currently being examined with a
view to alleviating the problems.
One current area of concern is the area adjacent to the logistics warehouse In the event of a fire, it would be
very difficult for emergency vehicles to reach the fuel tanks behind the building. It is imperative that access to
this and all buildings is kept cicar.
Members of staff are therefore reminded that vehicles may only be parked in the official car parks.
As from Monday 13 August any cars parked on access roads will be removed forthwith.The assistance of all
motor vehicle users in this matter is very much appreciated.

О C 1 41 Listen to a voicemail message from your manager and write the memo he refers to.

Q Work with a partner. Your top management have asked you to make a proposal for the company's
three-day international IT conference. Think about these questions.
1 Why is an IT conference important to an international company'*
2 What objectives do you think management want to achieve?
3 What are the ingredients of a successful conference?

□ Write a memo proposing dates, a location and a programme for the IT conference. You will also need
to get approval for your budget. (Last year's budget was S700 per person.)

2.S Writing
El Read all the memos and vote for the best proposal.
reasons for and 2.6 Case study Meteor Bank
consequences of staff
agreeing on a plan of
a When experienced staff leave a company, what are the consequences? Decide whether these
action results are likely or unlikely.

better morale better promotion prospects higher salary costs higher training costs improved
customer service increased productivity more mistakes more overtime younger, more dynamic

□ Read the newspaper clipping. What reasons can you think of to explain why experienced staff
have been leaving Meteor's IT department?

Rising Star promises to make sparks fly

YOUNG Londoner Saul Finlay has been appointed IT Manager al Meteor Bank.
Thanks loan aggressive commercial policy, the Nigerian bank is growing rapidly all
over West Africa, especially through its subsidiaries in Ivory Coast. Ghana and
Cameroon. Together with the rising demand tor electronic banking services, rapid
growth is putting increasing pressure on the bank's IT department in Ligos. In an
interview yesterday, Finlay promised to 'drag the IT department kicking and
screaming into the twenty-first century'. When asked if ...

Read the memo and answer the questions.

IT Turnover 2009 2010 2011

Total IT staff 64 68 78
New hires 7(11%) 19 (28%) 31 (40%)

Retirements 4 (6.3%) 5 (7.3%) 6 (7.6%)

Departures 3 (4.7%) 10(14.7%) 15(19.2%)

Who wrote the memo and why?

What does he want?
What lias changed at Meteor Bank since 2010?
What reasons can you suggest for the trends in the figures
Listening and note-taking
Q * I-Л2-' Astrid Kuhn decided to investigate. Listen to the reactions she received when she spoke
to four members of staff, and complete the notes.
ossary PAGE 151
Tonye Ameobi, Vincent Bonvalet, Kehinde Ojukwu, Joseph
fcesn time HR Manager, IT Manager, Ivory Senior Systems Ikpeba,
someone Lagos Coast Administrator, IT Operations
kicking department, Lagos Manager
■Bd screaming
Opinion of
mit Mistakes

Recommended solutions

El To what extent do you feel Saul Finlay is to blame for Meteor's problems?
£ Work in groups of three or four. Student A: turn to page 115. Student B: turn to page 117.
Internet _
research Student C: turn to page 120. (If there is a fourth student, they should be the chairperson.) Discuss
the agenda below and draw up an action plan for Astrid Kuhn.
for the rords
keeping good oyees
Compile a fist of the Executive Committee Meeting
top ten to reduce
1 How can wo reduce staff turnover?
2 How can we reduce system down time?
3 How should we react to accusations of malicious damage in the IT department?
4 Should we agree to Saul Finlays request for investment in IT equipment in Lagos, or invest in
improving our IT network in our foreign subsidiaries?
5 Should we consider outsourcing IT?
6 How should we evaluate Saul Finlay s performance, and what action is needed, if any?

Iht Bunineunxo 33
Building a career

В Complete the text about going to university. Definitions 6 If you are working in another geographical place, you are
are given in brackets to help you. on; if you arc not working because you want to study or
I low do you choose your university? Unless you are lucky write, you are on
enough Io win a (1) s p, (money awarded to excellent
students), you'll have to decide if you can pay the (2) I _ s
П In each sentence, put one verb in the past simple (did),
one in the past continuous (was/were doing), and one in the
(price of tuition). Perhaps you'll be impressed by the quality
past perfect (had done).
and reputation of the (3) f__________________ty (all the
teachers), or perhaps hy the sports and social 1 I(find out) the other day that Pierre from the
(4) f ies (rooms, equipment and sen ices). You may also sales department has been dismissed I(wonder) why I
want to think about the choice of (5) e r (other ___________(not/sce) him lor a while
than learning) activities and whether the university has a 2 I(just/finish) working on the spreadsheet when the
good (6) p i (helping students find a job) service. computer _ _ (crash). I can't explain it -
I______ (not/do) anything unusual with the program
□ Make expressions by matching the beginnings and
endings of each phrase. В Put each verb into the most likely form. You might need
an auxiliary like will or would. Use contractions.
1 widening access to
2 the uncomfortable A: If I (I)(see) Anita, I (2)(tell) her about the job vacancy as
3 the resources to match □

B: But Anita's on vacation She’s trekking in the Himalayas. If
4 students gel good value
5 a mountain you (3)(see) her. it (4)(be) very surprising!
6 to go to
7 robbing the poor

A: Anita? Trekking in the Himalayas? Now that really is
surprising. If Anita (5)(go) on vacation, she usually (6)
8 governments continue to provide □ (go) to the beach.
9 massive hikes in □
1 willing and □

□ Fill in the missing letters to complete these linking words.
Introducing a point
0 a university education their
u ambitions to pay the rich
) truth
b great lengths
) lor their money
c student fees
) able to invest
d to climb
) subsidies

В Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

assignment chair dismissed draw up exceed laid off

implement meet present recruit sabbatical train friends arc here, and it’s calm and peaceful. (I),

1 After you new sales reps you have to

them. town ami there aren’t many interesting jobs. I want
2 It's good if you can your sales objectives, hut it's
even better if you can them.
5 It's not enough just to a few proposals on paper: you've
actually got Io the plans
4 When you become more experienced, you might
have to working parties and even new
I'll apply for it and see what happens.
programmes to the Board.
5 If you lost your job because of the company’s problems,
you were, but if you did something wrong, you were
1 As re_______ds / As________as ... is con_________cd
Seeing both sides
2 On the wh______how_____________. / It's true
that . but________the о_________h_______...
Combining reasons
3 Not о_______. but a________.. / For о_______
th______...and for an_____________.
Adding ideas
4 Bes________..../In add______________,...
В Use one expression from each of the categories in
Exercise 6 to complete this text.
I've lived in the same town all my life. My family and there’s a
good sense of community and I’m happy. But I’m starting to
wonder about my career. (2|it's a small
to develop my language skills and work in an Internationa
environment. (3)salary that's not so important right now -
experience is more important. So I don't know what to do. (4)
J think the best thing is just to wait and see what jobs are
available locally___________________________________
if I see a really interesting job advertised in another area.
□ Complete the sentences from cover letters with the action
verbs in the box.

broke developed doubled enhanced support»

1 I_____previous sales records.

2 I more than average revenues per nightclub.
3 I a range of new products for teenage customci
4 I myself financially by working in radio advertising sales.
5 These part-time jobs my formal education.

0 Match each verb with a phrase a-f. □ Put the requests in order of politeness, from 1 (most
informal and direct) to 6 (most polite and indirect).
meet □ 3 make IJ 5 waste О
2 keep □ 4 boost I ! 6 take □ 1□ 2□ 30 4□ 5□ 6□
*j a multibillion-dollar investment in IT equipment and al Could you give me a hand'.*
services b) Give me a hand'
b'f or exceed budget and productivity targets c) Will you give me a hand, please?
d) Do you think you could give me a hand?
;i only hours to do what might have taken days previously j'
e| I wonder if you could just give me a hand for a moment?
productivity and profits
f) Would you mind giving me a hand?
e budgets and headcounts low because of global competitors
money by investing in IT without at the same time (Note: Answers may vary but should be similar The order can
overhauling the business processes it is meant to also depend on how- you say each sentence.)
□ Complete the expressions used in telephoning.
□ Complete the definitions by underlining the correct .ords in 1 I was wr____ _ing if I could a you a
bold. fa_____r’’
1 Another word for an iPad is a laptop / tablet 2 Anyway. I won't к________you any I_________r.
2 \ short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer 3 I’m not dist_____ingyou. am I?
4 Is t_________ any ch_____ I could ...?
program is called a patch I plug-in
5 Do you ha______n to know if . ?
' If you get a belter or more recent version of some software
6 Have you g_____a co_____e of minutes9
(or hardware), you promote / upgrade it
7 I mustn’t 1______up any m________of у________
- A collection of PCs and servers all connected together m
a local area network is called a workgroup / workstation
8 Is this a g______t________to c_______?
5 If a server stops working lor a time, you say that it went
down / fell down fl Match the expressions in Exercise 7 with these uses.
- If you load and configure a new piece of software on \nur
a) checking the other person can speak now QLJL 1
computer, you insert / install it
b) requesting help
To keep your computer programs up-to-date, you have to c) ending the call □ Rewrite the memo replacing the
frequently download / offload patches and new versions. underlined phrases with the more user-friendly language in
: If you make some new technology ready for use (for the first the box.
time), you set it up / fix it up.

В Match the beginnings and endings of the phrases. if there was issue know need please regularly remember
thank you for
in touch with someone someone an update someone
in on something someone know about something
back to someone about something As you (1) aj\e aware. government regulations state that
a) fill z someone a ring (= call) fire drills have to be carried out (2) pn a r.eaulacbasis. This
get cl
is a particular (3) area of .concern for us following the
get □ Match the expressions in Exercise 3 with the
minor incident in the factory last month. Clearly, (4) in the
give definitions below. Be careful - some are very
event of another fire, we would have to pay significantly
cj give • similar.
more for our insurance cover
let ■ Tell someone about things that have happened
recently. □ We are planning to have regular drills from now on (5) I
_ Give someone the most recent information. would be grateful if you could make sure that all staff in
- Tell someone something. □ your section know exactly what procedures to follow when
4 Speak or write to someone, especially after you have not they hear the alarm. (6) You arc- reminded that these drills
spoken to them for a long time. Contact someone by will be held al random times and without your previous
telephone. knowledge.
- Give someone an answer at a later time. If you (7) require any further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
□ Correct the mistake in each sentence.
(8) We appreciate your cooperation.
X's software is far more expensive as Y's.
2 Y’s software doesn’t have nearly as many features than Xs
My Internet connection is lot faster than yours.
; My Internet connection is only halve as fast as yours.
5 Big brands can be double as dear.
-■ Ink jet printers cost a fracture of the price of laser printers.
7 Why buy a PC They are a lol fewer reliable than Macs.
8 I here's infinity more software for PCs
9 I think Yahoo is a more better search engine than
10 Have you tried the Microsoft Live’ search engine? It
really is the most better.

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