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Let's Be Health Aware!: Hope 1 Activity Sheet (Week 5)

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Activity Sheet
(week 5)

Let’s Be Health Aware!

Activity 1: Describe Me in My Picture

Directions: Describe the person in the picture below. Use the space provided for your thoughts. What
may have caused the person to be that way. Do this activity for 10 minutes.

Activity 2: “Let’s Be Health Aware” Essay

In this activity, the students should understand the effects of various bad health habits and find
ways or solutions towards maintaining good health habits.

Directions: Imagine that you are writers in a Health Magazine. Write a persuasive essay that talks about
health awareness. Write an article that points out bad health habits and ways to change them. You
must come up with best practices for maintaining good health. The article should be brief and easy to
read. Use rubric given below. Do this in 20 minutes.
4 - Above 3 - Meets 1 - Below
CATEGORY Approaching Score
Standards Standards Standards
Position The position statement The position A position There is no
Statement provides a statement statement is position
clear, strong statement provides a clear present, but does statement.
of the author\'s position statement of the not make the
on the topic. author\'s position author\'s position
on the topic. clear.
Support for Includes 3 or more Includes 3 or Includes 2 pieces Includes 1
Position pieces of evidence more pieces of of evidence (facts, or fewer
(facts, statistics, evidence (facts, statistics, pieces of
examples, real-life statistics, examples, reallife evidence
experiences) that examples, real- experiences) that (facts,
support the position life support the statistics,
experiences) that examples,
statement. The writer position
support the real-life
anticipates the reader\'s statement.
position experience
concerns, biases or
statement. s).
arguments and has
provided at least 1
Accuracy All supportive facts and Almost all Most supportive Most
statistics are reported supportive facts facts and statistics supportive
accurately. and statistics are are reported facts and
reported accurately. statistics
accurately. were
y reported.
Evidence and All of the evidence and Most of the At least one of the Evidence
Examples examples are specific, evidence and pieces of evidence and
relevant and examples are and examples is examples
explanations are given specific, relevant relevant and has are NOT
that show how each and explanations an explanation relevant
piece of evidence are given that that shows how AND/OR are
show how each not
supports the author\'s that piece of
piece of evidence explained.
position. evidence supports
supports the
the author\'s
(WEEK 6)

Eat Right for a Healthy Life

Activity 1: 4 Pics 2 Words

Directions: Tell what the four pictures have in common by filling in the missing letters in blanks
provided. Do this activity in 5 minutes.



Activity 2: Self-Check
In this activity, the students should know the difference between the four types of eating
through self-check.

Directions: Ask each student to reflect and assess his or her eating habit by writing “Yes” or “No” on
table below. Tell them to do the self-check activity for 5 minutes.

My Eating Habits Yes/No

1. I go to the party and eat a lot with my family or friends.
2. I don’t mind if I eat a lot.
3. I make sure that I don’t eat before doing my exercises.
4. Food is my stress reliever.
5. Whenever I’m happy, I love to eat.
6. I eat less when I am depressed.
7. I feel compelled to eat every time we have a celebration.
8. I don’t eat food when I’m watching TV or any sport event.
9. I eat my meals regularly. I make sure that I don’t skip any meal.
10. I eat more than three meals in a day.

Activity 3: I Realize
In this activity, students should be able to understand the effects of bad and good eating habits.

Directions: Answer the following questions. Refer to your answers in the Activity 2 self-check. Finish the
activity in 10 minutes.

1. Do you have a healthy eating habit? Why do you say so?

2. In your self- check, what are some eating habits you think should change?

3. What eating habits should you continue? Why?

Below is the rubric provided for you to use:

Needs Approaching
Good Excellent 4
improvement standards
3 pts pts
1 pts 2 pts
Ideas and There is no clear You put thought into What you are writing What you are
Content or specific this, but there is no about is clear. You writing about is
explanation in real evidence of answered the question. clear and
answer to the learning. More Some support may be wellexpressed,
question. specific information lacking, or your including specific
is needed or you sentences may be a bit examples to
need to follow the awkward. Overall, a demonstrate what
directions more decent job. you learned. Well
closely. done!
Use of No terms from Only one term from Your answer included Your answer
terms the lesson are the lesson is used in several terms from the included all the
used. the answer. Try for a lesson, demonstrating terms from the
few more, next time. adequate lesson that applied
understanding of the to the question
material. asked. All terms
are fully
Needs Approaching
Good Excellent 4
improvement standards
3 pts pts
1 pts 2 pts
defined and used
in the proper
Sentence Sentences are Some sentences are Sentences are complete Sentences are
Fluency incomplete or complete and and able to be complete and they
too long. It easy to understood. connect to one
makes reading understand. another easily
them difficult. Others require when they are
some work. read out loud.
Your writing

Activity 4: My Weekly Meal Planner

In this activity, the students should know how to choose the right food by making a food guide
or a weekly meal planner.

Directions: Make a weekly meal planner by filling out the table below. Schedule the food that you will
eat from Monday to Sunday. Examples are provided to start. Do this task in 20 minutes.

Meal Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Fried Egg

1 cup of


na Baboy”
1 cup of


Fried Fish 1
c up of Rice
Managing Stress through Physical Activity

Activity 1: Be a stress manager!

1. Interview 5 individuals and ask about their sources of stress, and what they do to cope with it.
2. Make graphs, tables, and charts to interpret your data. Present your findings in an oral report
and to give recommendations in managing stress through physical activity.
3. Produce your own information sheet on stress management to be given to your peers to help
them manage their stress too.

Activity 2: Checking what’s on your mind.

Directions: Do this in a whole sheet of paper.
1. Participation in physical activity helps in managing stress by ____________.
2. Why is the release of hormones and its processes important to stress response?
3. When I am in a stressful situation, I’ll find time to _____________________ because

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