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Unit 3 Level D Word List

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Vocabulary Workshop Level D Unit 3 English 9A

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1. abridge v. to make shorter 16. semblance n. a likeness; an outward appearance; an

Synonyms: shorten, condense, abbreviate apparition
Antonyms: expand, enlarge, augment Synonyms: air, aura, facade
Antonyms: dissimilarity, contrast, total lack
2. adherent n. a follower, supporter;
adj. attached, sticking to 17. surmount v. to overcome; rise above
Synonyms: (n.) disciple Synonyms: conquer, triumph over
Antonyms: (n.) opponent, adversary, critic, Antonyms: be vanquished, be defeated, succumb
detractor to
3. altercation n. an angry argument 18. terminate v. to bring to an end
Synonyms: quarrel, dispute, squabble Synonyms: conclude, finish, discontinue
Antonyms: agreement, accord Antonyms: begin, commence
4. cherubic adj. resembling an angel portrayed as a little child 19. trite adj. commonplace; overused; stale
with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet Synonyms: banal, hackneyed, corny
and innocent Antonyms: original, innovative
Synonyms: beatific
20. usurp v. to seize and hold a position by force or without
Antonyms: impish, devilish, diabolic, fiendish
5. condone v. to pardon or overlook Synonyms: seize illegally, supplant
Synonyms: ignore, wink at, look the other way
Antonyms: censure, condemn, disapprove,
6. dissent v. to disagree;
n. disagreement
Synonyms: (v.) differ, dispute
Antonyms: (v.) agree, concur; (n.) unanimity
7. eminent adj. famous, outstanding, distinguished;
Synonyms: illustrious, renowned
Antonyms: nameless, unsung, lowly, humble
8. exorcise v. to drive out by magic; to dispose of something
troublesome, menacing, or oppressive
Synonyms: expel
9. fabricate v. to make, manufacture; to make up, invent
Synonyms: put together, devise, contrive,
Antonyms: take apart, undo, destroy, demolish
10. irate adj. angry
Synonyms: incensed, infuriated, livid
Antonyms: calm, composed, cool, unruffled
11. marauder n. a raider, plunderer
Synonyms: looter, pirate
12. obesity n. excessive fatness
Synonyms: corpulent
Antonyms: emaciation
13. pauper n. an extremely poor person
Synonyms: destitute person
Antonyms: billionaire
14. pilfer v. to steal in small quantities
Synonyms: rob, swipe, purion
15. rift n. a split, break, breach
Synonyms: crack, fissure, gap, cleft
Antonyms: reconciliation

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