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Unit/Lesson Title Lesson Duration Stage Class

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Unit/Lesson Title Lesson duration Stage Stage 2 or 3 Class

Unit/Topic title & Specific lesson title & Lesson Number in Time length of lesson Provide brief class description
sequence & include school context &
class composition
Lesson Objectives & Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content
What are the lesson objectives for this Specific syllabus outcomes from the Stage 2/3 K-10 Include the dot point content from the NSW BOSTES K-10
lesson (written in your own words)? NSW English syllabus 2012 English syllabus that you will be addressing in this lesson
Why am I teaching this lesson? What -copy and paste the outcomes here including the code. – the syllabus content within the specific syllabus outcomes for
skills and understandings of English am I this lesson that explicitly relate to your lesson content and the
targeting? outcomes:
-copy and paste the content here
-these should be targeted. Not broad.

Prior Knowledge Teaching and learning cycle Resources

 What do the students already know, to What part of the teaching and learning cycle in What you will need in the class with you – USB with
enable them to participate fully in this lesson, English does this lesson correspond to? PPT, textbooks, worksheets, computer access, data
and to build on prior knowledge? projector, Smartboard, groupwork equipment
 What previous key skills already acquired are (specify),student resources required (specify),…….
explicitly built on in this lesson?
 Include prior knowledge for content learnt
already in this unit and, where appropriate,
understandings that might have been
developed before studying this unit.
Student Learning Time Guide Teaching Content & Student Learning Experiences Teaching Class Assessment
Indicators Approaches: Organisation Techniques
Precise indicators Write how many Grouping & What you use to
of intended student minutes you are Introduction (Engagement) Indicate: classroom assess learning
learning environment & how you
allowing for How will you immediately make an impact on the students * theoretical
each and make them keen to learn what you have to offer? perspectives and assess learning
Whole class, small
This is not the set step/part/activity models guiding your groups, pairs,
Be explicit about linking to previous lessons and previous Indicate when
of syllabus of the lesson. thinking individual work –
learning. Here you can set a context for the learning that and how you will
outcomes again, Indicate each *literacy strategies include how you
indicates the relevance of the lesson and what learning assess students
but very specifically time allocation *teaching will organise them to gather
must occur.
what students will at each step in strategies/methods. in any different
be learning and the lesson – so evidence of
Body (Exploration/Transformation/Presentation) groupings for student learning
doing at each step they align
of the lesson. across columns How the lesson progresses step-by-step – this records Indicate teaching different parts of –eg collecting
what is happening in the classroom so the outcomes you approaches, the lesson. responses and
It can be helpful to are addressing will be met and student assessment models/perspectives providing
list them in this activities are foregrounded in class activities. of English teaching Include any feedback,
way: “Students will employed at each features of marking
know/be able to…” Content (the “what happens?”), and Method (the “how step of the lesson so classroom responses,
with dot points does it happen?”) are both included here. This will be the they align across environment that observations,
following at each most extensive section. Indicate each step of the lesson - columns. are required – eg recording
stage/step of the transitions at each step in the lesson, activities at each displays, contributions,
lesson. step of the lesson – so they match across columns. Write rearranging methods of
questions to be asked and specific lesson instructions. spaces, student assessing
Indicate each Explain group and individual activity details and specific movement. student progress
learning and skill assessment activities to be completed. Include details of informally during
outcome at each how you will teach to diversity so that differentiation is not Indicate each the lesson, not
step in the lesson – an add on but built into the design of the lesson. This is organisation just formally at
so they align the ‘road map’ that another teacher could pick up and feature at each the end of the
across columns. teach without additional information, planning or step in the lesson unit (i.e.
resources. – so they align formative, not
In particular, this across columns just summative)
column should In your sequence of lesson activities, consider:
align very closely  the sequence of learning activities that support For example,
with the students to develop the knowledge and skills responses to
assessment targeted (ie the outcomes) questions,
column  the ways you allow students to see the checking work
connections between the learning activities and around the room,
the assessment activities to support their success quality of role
play, depth of
questions by
Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection) students, etc.
Conclude each lesson appropriately – drawing together
learning and assessment activities to allow students to Consider range
reflect on the learning achieved and to anticipate the and balance of
learning that will build on this lesson into the next lesson: assessment
 this may involve a section of class time for student activities.
presentations, group work sharing, guided
question/response activities, etc. Ensure multiple
 students need to be actively involved in the opportunities
conclusion of the lesson. throughout the
 this section of the lesson may also involve lesson.
providing students with follow-up
questions/reflections/activities to build on their Attach
achievements in this lesson to introduce the next assessment
lesson. rubric/criteria to
indicate levels of

Indicate each
at each step in
the lesson – so
they align across

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