Unit/Lesson Title Lesson Duration Stage Class
Unit/Lesson Title Lesson Duration Stage Class
Unit/Lesson Title Lesson Duration Stage Class
Unit/Topic title & Specific lesson title & Lesson Number in Time length of lesson Provide brief class description
sequence & include school context &
class composition
Lesson Objectives & Rationale Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content
What are the lesson objectives for this Specific syllabus outcomes from the Stage 2/3 K-10 Include the dot point content from the NSW BOSTES K-10
lesson (written in your own words)? NSW English syllabus 2012 English syllabus that you will be addressing in this lesson
Why am I teaching this lesson? What -copy and paste the outcomes here including the code. – the syllabus content within the specific syllabus outcomes for
skills and understandings of English am I this lesson that explicitly relate to your lesson content and the
targeting? outcomes:
-copy and paste the content here
-these should be targeted. Not broad.
Indicate each
at each step in
the lesson – so
they align across