Pop Cycle Semester 1 Veronica Diaz
Pop Cycle Semester 1 Veronica Diaz
Pop Cycle Semester 1 Veronica Diaz
NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for
Element CSTP 1 and 2.)
Emerging Follows organization of curriculum as provided by site and
3 3.3 Organizing curriculum to
district to support student understanding and access of subject
facilitate student understanding of
the subject matter.
3 3.4 Utilizing instructional Emerging Gathers and uses additional instructional strategies in single
strategies that are lessons or sequence of lessons to increase student
appropriate to the subject understanding of academic language appropriate to the subject
matter. matter.
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504
needs and how you
will address them Critical needs include working Critical needs include helping the Critical needs include improving
during this lesson. on expressing opinions about student with ADHD pay attention social emotional learning and
text using the student's own, and stay on task in class. improving self-concept.
original writing.
Strategies: Strategies:
Front load new vocabulary and The student is given the
Modeling responses that express concepts. assignment ahead of time to be
my own opinion or the whole able to prepare. The student is
Give instructions that are clear
class’ opinion also able to message me just
and brief.
before class via the Remind app
Create a word wall with the class
Give breaks often to move to let me know if he is having a
with vocabulary that can be used
around the classroom. rough day and not up for
in class assignments.
participating as much, or at all
Scaffolding – providing sentence and can raise their hand if they
skeletons so the student fills in choose to participate.
the remainder of the sentence
The student is given constructive
using her own words.
feedback and the opportunity to
revise or redo work before
submitting for a score.
Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback
Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
Inquiry Focus/Special Inquiry focus is being able to organize curriculum At Opportunities for Learning we have the
Emphasis to facilitate student understanding of the subject added challenge of needing to pivot
What is your inquiry focus matter. around the needs of each student. As
and/or special emphasis? stated by the teacher, students enroll
How will you incorporate the A second focus is utilizing instructional throughout the school year and
inquiry focus and/or special strategies that are appropriate to the subject sometimes have not attended school for
emphasis into the lesson? matter. quite some time.
What specific feedback do you
want from your ME? These two components are of special importance Another issue with teaching a world
because the lessons are already created and language is that consistency is key. As a
provided in the curriculum our school uses. Our credit recovery school, students have
student population enrolls and transfers year maybe not taken a language class in quite
round and they often come with gaps in learning some time, so having to organize the
curriculum to best fit the needs of all
which require reteaching of foundational skills in
students in the class is important while
the Spanish classes. I often have to reorganize
still adhering to the standards and
the curriculum to better suit the needs of the requirements of each semester class.
students. This, in turn, requires effective strategies
since we have to move more quickly through the Having said that, effective teaching
strategies become even more important
when the teacher has to establish a
I plan to incorporate the inquiry focus by front baseline to determine where to start and
loading new vocabulary, building a word wall with how to establish an appropriate timeline to
students of vocabulary they already know, and finish teaching the skills required in each
then incorporating role playing and creating semester class.
scripted conversations to demonstrate greetings
and taking leave of others.
The lesson planned appears to help
Specific feedback from ME: Does the organization develop appropriate foundational skills for
of the curriculum make sense or does it go back students.
too far / not far enough?
Do the strategies used in the lesson help reach
the objective?
Inquiry Focus/Students Do the strategies used in the lesson help focus Strategies for EL, IEP, and SEL students (focus
What specific feedback students 1, 2, and 3 stay engaged? students 1, 2, and 3) will help the whole class
regarding your focus students stay engaged:using different means of
do you want from your ME?
representation: teacher-led instruction, use of
video, having students work with their peers, as
well as working independently
Specific Feedback Is the lesson and its activities effective in You may want to have the students
What additional specific reaching the objective? create their own role playing characters
feedback do you want from
your ME regarding lesson Does the summative assessment help to to further engage.
implementation? determine whether or not the objective was met?
Yes, the quiz will demonstrate learning.
Next time use a different assessment for
students who don’t perform well with
multiple choice assessments.
Instructional Planning Opening: agenda and objective for the day The lesson organization is well paced and allows
How is the lesson for student participation.
structured (opening, body, Journal Prompt [teaching strategy for students to
and closing)? connect the lesson to their own lives] Teacher allows for informal assessment so that
What varied teaching she can reinforce any concepts that may not be
Overview of previous vocabulary that will be
strategies and differentiated clear.
instruction will help students useful in this lesson.*
meet lesson goals? What Progress monitoring appears to be well planned
Create student led world wall *
progress monitoring strategies for and is varied to reach the most number of
will be used? How will results Introduce greetings, phrases of well being, and students’ styles of learning.
inform instruction? taking leave of others.*
Classroom Management To maintain a positive learning environment with Teacher demonstrates a warm and caring
How will you maintain a a welcoming climate of caring, respect, and
fairness, first, I make sure to welcome each atmosphere by connecting to students by
positive learning
environment with a student as they walk into class and make sure to getting to know them and remembering
welcoming climate of add a more personal piece of conversation (for what is important to them. Setting up class
example, if I know a student had a tournament
caring, respect, and expectations helps keep disturbances at a
fairness? the weekend before, I’ll ask if they had fun.) Or, if
a student was sick last week, I’ll tell them I’m minimum as does treating each student with
glad they’re feeling better and are back to
respect and reminding them that they are
In terms of fairness, the same rules apply to all
expected to behave a certain way when
students, therefore, they are explicitly taught at they are at school.
the beginning of the term and practiced (for
example, taking journals out at the beginning of
each class period to respond to the prompt.)
Identify specific classroom
procedures and strategies for
preventing/redirecting Fortunately for me, our school population is very
challenging behaviors. small, so classroom sizes are limited to 10- 15
students. This makes preventing and redirecting
challenging behaviors a lot easier. For example, a
student who would choose to chat with a friend
rather than answer the journal prompt, I would
start making conversation with the student using
the prompt as my topic so that once they answer, I
can direct them to write it down in their journal.
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions
Students worked independently
EXAMPLE Students know their daily routine A few students needed
in their journals answering the
CSTP 1: so they took out journals upon prompting to get started with
prompt for the day.
Engaging All entry to the classroom. their journal response but a
Participated in the whole class
Students In gentle reminder to get started
activity creating the word wall Participated in the whole class
what ways got them going on the task.
were students and categorizing vocabulary and activities from their desks.
engaged? common phrases. Typically, the same few students
Collaborated with one or two
Worked in pairs or triads during a tend to participate orally so I
other students during the
segment of the lesson practicing would like to prompt other
Think-Pair-Share component
new vocabulary and phrases. students to participate more
from their desk groups.
Went back to independent work often.
during the comprehension check Utilized their Chromebooks for
and exit ticket. the comprehension check and
exit ticket.
Specific Asking students to provide Transitioning from Building the Word Wall together
Feedback vocabulary and phrases they independent, to whole class, gave students an opportunity
What already know was a great way to pairs, and back to to participate by giving them
information to create engagement. independent work made the vocabulary to use.
can you lesson flow so that students
provide the didn’t get bored or off task.
● Teacher provided journal prompt ● Through independent work Leading questions helped get
for students to complete upon (writing in their journals) students open to sharing what
Engaging All entry. ● Whole class participation in
Students they already knew which got
● Teacher prompted the class to creating of the word wall with
In what ways participate during the whole class teacher asking students them engaged and ready to
were students activity by asking questions to prompting questions. learn vocabulary and phrases
engaged? How lead them to share vocabulary ● Students contributed to their own that were new to them.
were they already know and then learning by sharing what they
students not presenting vocabulary and already know
engaged? phrases they did not know and ● Students monitored their own
How did writing it on the word wall. learning by prompting each other
students ● Teacher walked around during during the paired activity.
contribute to independent and paired activities ● Focus students 1, 2, and 3 were
their learning? ● Focus students 1, 2, and 3 were engaged during the lesson by
engaged because teacher having to personalize their own
How did
provided a graphic organizer so graphic organizer
teacher and/or
that they could have their own
students word wall to personalize
How were the
students engaged
throughout the
● Teacher provided immediate ● Students participated in Most students were engaged but were eager
CSTP 2: feedback, repeating words and providing words and phrases to start the activities because they knew a lot
Effective phrases in the target language they were familiar with of the vocabulary. They struggle most with
Learning using proper volume and ● Most were on task during use of formal/informal voice, so perhaps
Environment enunciation for students to independent activities without next time I’ll spend more time on that .
How did emulate. being prompted
students and ● Asked questions to make sure ● Repeated aloud when prompted
teacher students understood subject and
contribute to an instructions before moving on
effective ● Moved around from front of class
learning to other parts of the room so all
students could hear and see her
face when speaking in the target
● Asking students to tell what they ● Students participated in Target more formal and informal situations
already knew responded verbally when for future lessons
● Giving cultural context and prompted
Subject Matter examples ● Worked well in pairs/triad
What actions ● Slide deck provided students ● Completed their independent
of the NT visual aids to help follow along work in a timely manner
contributed to ● Videos played throughout were ● Asked questions to clarify
student useful for students to hear target instructions or for usage of
assimilation of language in a different voice than vocabulary.
subject teacher ● Misconceptions: that “vos” is
matter? strictly used in Spain and
How did difficulty with the use of formal
students and informal voice. Teacher
construct explained that “vos” is used in
knowledge of some S. American countries too
subject and gave a few more examples
for when to use the formal voice
versus informal.
ons did
have and
were they
addressed by
the teacher?
● Students were provided guided ● Students used their graphic Providing tangible graphic organizer helped
notes and graphic organizer organizers to keep track of new many of the students grasp new vocabulary
● small group instruction vocabulary and phrases for use and phrases and they were able to use these
Experiences ● front loaded vocabulary and during activities to participate during the rest of the lesson.
How were phrases ● Students participated in
students ● had students pick their own repeating new vocab/phrases
supported characters during the role playing aloud
through activity.
differentiated ● Focus students participated well
instruction? and although focus student 3
How did needed some prompting, did
students participate during the oral section
participate? of the class since it was whole
How did the class and not individual.
NT contribute ● Teacher made sure to move
to student around the classroom
● Comprehension checks using the ● Students raised hand to ask Informal assessments helped to let teacher
digital online learning platform: questions when unsure about know whether students were ready to move
Assessing ○ Matching vocabulary or phrasing to use on to next sections or not.
Student ○ Drag & drop ● Some issues with conjugation
Learning ● Informal checks - asking students and proper use of formal and
How did to tell whether a conversation is informal voice, to be addressed
students formal or informal in subsequent lessons to further
demonstrate ● Exit ticket: google form quiz at practice
achievement end of class
of lesson
In what
ways did
struggle or
What teacher
contributed to
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
The class achieved lesson objectives with most scoring 75% or above on their exit ticket quiz.
To what degree
did students
achieve lesson
To what degree did Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
focus w/ILP/504
students achieve
I had to make sure to provide definitions The short lessons with frequent Focus student 3 did not participate
of academic language, such as what it comprehension checks helped student stay verbally as much as I would like but he
means to conjugate and what the infinitive engaged. Use of the graphic organizer and was able to understand the material and
form is. Aside from that, student was able the slide deck presentation helped provide achieve the lesson objectives. Not
to keep up with the lesson, utilizing the a visual to follow when he got distracted. pressing him to participate helps
graphic organizer to help her and achieve Focus student 2 was actually my highest alleviate his anxiety and he let his
the lesson objectives. scoring student in the class. partner do the sharing during the role
playing activity.
I would like to allow more time for the role playing activity and let the students choose their own characters.
What would you do
differently next
Working together in pairs or triads to practice their vocabulary, phrases and formal/informal voice so they could create their
What were the
own mini scripts was helpful for them to achieve the lesson objectives.
three top Lesson
Short segments with frequent comprehension checks helped to move the lesson along without growing stagnant.
Strengths? Mixing direct instruction with independent work, paired work, and whole class participation helped to prevent students from
going off task or getting bored.
Time management, learning what the students already know before the lesson so that I know what to focus on, and finding ways
What were three
for more students to engage in oral participation.
top areas for
Putting it all together, the next lesson will focus on starting to create their performance tasks for the unit: storyboards.
What are the next
Other Comments/Notes
All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document
and submitted to the course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized
on the NT ILP as appropriate.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project,
2017. Page 3 of 3