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Taking Charge of One's Self

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Taking Charge of

One’s Health
Here starts Arlyn D. Pableo

the lesson!
Instructor, College of Arts
Table of
• Three Domains that Dominate the Self
• Personal Health Responsibility
• Stress
• Coping with Stress
• The Need for Self-Care and Self-
• Three Components of Self-compassion
Three Domains that
Dominate the Self
Biorhythm – the self is dominated by three
domains that operate in a cycle. These manifests
regularly and one may dominate the other.
Physical Domain – includes coordination, strength,
and well-being.

Intellectual Domain – includes alertness, analytical

functioning, logical analysis, memory or recall, and

Emotional Domain – includes creativity, sensitivity,

mood, perception, and awareness.
Taken as a whole and as a framework or
indicator of health, these domains must be
balanced by individuals. Any imbalance results in
incongruence and thus in an unhealthy situation.
Personal Health
Personal Health
It involves active
participation in one’s own
health and healing plan
through education and
lifestyle changes. People
should think more of
prevention over cure.
✓ One needs to be sensitive about the importance
of good health.
✓ People should think more about the prevention
of diseases.
✓ One should know his/her family history to
determine hereditary illnesses which can be
avoided in the future.

What Is This
Topic About? Stress is the reaction of
our physiological and
psychological self to any
kind of demand or threat.
Could be positive
(eustress) or negative
“It is not stress that kills us;
it is our reaction to it.”
(Hans Selye)
Eustress – a beneficial stress that can be in the
form of physical, psychological, and biological

With eustress, you still feel busy (and sometimes

overwhelmed), but you also genuinely like the task
that’s currently occupying your time. It’s the kind of
pressure that gets you motivated to accomplish
something or leads you to a fulfilling goal.
Examples of Eustress

• learning a new hobby

• starting a new job
• taking a vacation
• buying a home
Distress – occurs when there is a tension buildup
which becomes unbearable and difficult to cope

If your stress is just due to hopeless worry, frustration

or it completely stymies you from taking any action
or making any permanent (positive) changes; then
you are probably damaging your mental and
physical well-being because you’re
introducing distress into your life.
Examples of Distress

• several rejections and failures

• Financial challenges
• illness
• death of a significant person
Stressor – any event or stimuli that
compels a person to adjust or change.
Common Stressors:

Catastrophic events and life-threatening

experiences – abrupt, unforeseen traumas like
calamities, terror attacks, accidents, physical and
sexual abuse.

Life changes and strains – separation of parents,

illness in the family, change of workplace, transfer of
domicile (home).
Common Stressors:

Chronic Problems – exist for a long period including

suffering from serious illness, failure to acquire/get a
good job.

Everyday Hassles – irritations, pressures, and

annoyances that may not be significant stressors, but
whose cumulative effect can be significant. Example:
traffic congestion, long lines, etc.
Stress Tolerance

– ability of an individual to
endure stress. This is dependent
on a person’s physiological and
psychological constitution.
Signs and Symptoms of Poorly Managed Stress

Physical – inability to sleep, fatigue, headache, cramps,

unpleasant aura, and gastrointestinal problems. Could also
cause aging and malignant diseases like cancer.

Emotional and Behavioral – lack of concentration, irritation,

nervousness, panic, lack of appetite in food or too much intake
of food, low level of enthusiasm and desire, and mood swings.
Coping with Stress

Problem-focused coping method – attempt to change or

eliminate the causes of stress. Includes confrontation, seeking
social support and undertaking careful and deliberate problem

Emotion-focused coping method – aimed at controlling

negative emotional consequences of stressors. Includes self-
control, distancing, accepting responsibility, and wishful thinking.
The Need for Self-Care
and Self-Compassion

It involves all activities that

a person does to maintain
and improve his physical,
psychological, emotional,
social, and spiritual well-
Physical self-care – activities one does to maintain
and improve his physical wellbeing.

Psychological self-care – activities one does to

deal or resolve mental health issues, address both
positive and negative emotions, and learn to deal
with negative self-criticism.
Emotional self-care – activities one does to cope
with stress and deal with grief.

Social self-care – activities one does to connect

with people valuable to him/her.

Spiritual self-care – activities one dos to

strengthen one’s relationship with his belief.
Benefits of Self-care
1. Enhanced productivity
2. Improved vitality
3. Enhanced self-esteem
4. Increased self-knowledge
5. Mindfulness and compassion self-
compassion – showing compassion to
one’s self.
6. Being open to and moved by one’s
own suffering, expressing care, and
kindness towards oneself.
Three Components of Self-compassion

Self-kindness – not being physically and verbally harsh to

Self-beration is a kind of verbal abuse directed to oneself.
Self-harm is the act of harming oneself through physical means
damaging to the individual.
Three Components of Self-compassion

Common Humanity – means acceptance that one is an

imperfect being, one makes mistakes along with everyone else,
and one does not always get what he or she wants.

Mindfulness – the practice of being fully present in the

moment. One has to turn toward his painful thoughts and
emotions in order to embrace himself with compassion.

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