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Cost Behavior-Analysis and Use

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Cost Behavior-Analysis and Use

Different elements of costs whether they are either manufacturing or

administrative or selling behave differently with changes in the volume
of activity. This behavior of costs may have impacts on the managerial
decisions relating to volume of activity, selection of markets, selection of
products, selection of machineries etc. The unit deals with types of cost
Behavior, analysis of mixed costs, and the Contribution format of
Income Statement.
School of Business

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Lesson 1: Types of Cost Behavior

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
 Define costs and other relevant concepts;
 Classify costs according to their behavior or responses to changes in
the volume of activities; and
 Explain various types of fixed costs.
Although the term "Cost" is defined in previous chapters, yet it would be
better if this is repeated here.

Cost: [The Penguin Dictionary of Accounting]

"The amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of
the other consideration given to acquire an asset. Also included
would be subsequent costs to bring the asset into its present
condition and location."

Cost: [Kohler's Dictionary for Accountants]

"An expenditure or outlay of cash, other property, capital stock, or
services or the incurring of a liability therefor, identified with
goods or services acquired or with any loss incurred and measured
by the amount of cash paid or payable or the market value of other
property, capital stock, or services rendered in exchange or in other
situations, any commonly accepted basis of valuation."

Cost Behavior: [The Penguin Dictionary of Accounting]

"The effects on total costs of changes in the level of activity within
a business. Certain costs are "Fixed Costs"; others are "Variable
Costs" and some are in between. The behavior of total costs can be
studied in break-even analysis."

"The work, or one of several lines of work, carried on within any
organization or organizational subdivision.”

Examples:  Production activity (volume);

 Sales activity (volume)
Cost Driver
"A factor within an organization that causes costs."

Cost Classification
This refers to splitting up of costs into different categories, such as
Direct Cost versus Indirect Cost; Variable Cost versus Fixed Cost.

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Functional Classification of costs includes splitting up of total

costs into:
 manufacturing costs,
 selling and distribution costs and
 general and administrative costs.

Types of Cost Behavior Patterns

All functional costs whether manufacturing, selling or administrative
behave differently with the changes in the volume of production and sale.
On the basis of these differences in behavior, costs can be classified as
(i) Variable costs;
(ii) Fixed costs, and
(iii) Mixed costs:
(a) Semi-variable costs
(b) Semi-fixed costs / step-costs/step variable costs.
Variable Costs: [Eric L. Kohler]
A variable cost or expense is "an operating expense or operating
expenses as a class, that vary directly, sometimes proportionately, with
sales or production volume, facility, utilization, or other measures of
activity." These type of costs may also be termed as "True Variable
Direct labour }Direct Costs

{ Power Factory supplies

Depreciation on production basis } Variable Production Overhead

Sales Commission [Selling Overhead (Variable)]

Variable Costs: [The Penguin Dictionary of Accounting]

Variable costs are

"Variable costs are costs that vary in proportion to the volume of
costs that vary in production. Normally, raw materials and direct labor input will be
proportion to the variable costs. Some variable overhead costs that cannot be directly
volume of production. ascribed to particular units of production or processes may, nevertheless,
still be variable with total production."

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Level of Production Total Direct Material Per unit Direct
Cost Material Cost
Taka Taka
100 units 1,000 10.00
200 " 2,000 10.00
300 " 3,000 10.00
400 " 4,000 10.00
500 " 5,000 10.00
These two sets of data are shown in the following two graphs.
Graph # 1 Graph # 2

6 15

Total Cost (Tk. '000)

Per Unit Cost Tk.

4 10

(Unit '00)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5
(Unit '00) (Unit '00)

Graph # 1 shows that the total true variable costs will form a
straightline starting from the zero point on the base upward.
This means that total true variable cost will increase
Graph # 2 shows that per unit true variable cost will remain constant at
different levels of production and per unit true variable costs
will form a straight line parallel to the base.
Fixed Costs: [The Penguin Dictionary]
“In cost accounting context, the term means those costs that do not vary Fixed costs are those
with levels of output or sales in the short term.” costs that do not vary
with levels of output
Example: Factory rent, staff on contract chief executives salary, interest or sales in the short
on loan. term.

Fixed costs are considered as overheads that relate to several product

lines or jobs.

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Production Production Factory Supervisor's Total Per unit
Level Managers Rent Salary (Tk.'000) Cost (Tk.)
(Unit) Salary (Tk.'000) (Tk.'000)
100 25 20 15 60 600
200 25 20 15 60 300
300 25 20 15 60 200
400 25 20 15 60 150
500 25 20 15 60 100

Graph # 1 Graph # 2

Total Fixed Cost Line Per unit fixed cost line
- 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

(‘000 Units) (‘000 Units)

Graph # 1 shows that over a short term, total fixed costs will not change
and this will form a straight-line over different levels of activity. But,
graph # 2 shows that the per unit fixed costs decreases in the short term
as the volume of activity increases. Where the proportion of fixed costs
is high in relation to variable costs management should try to increase
production as much as possible to enjoy this benefit.
Types of Fixed Costs
Fixed costs are sometimes termed as capacity costs, because fixed costs
are results from outlays made for buildings, equipment, skilled
professional employees and other items needed to provide the basic
capacity for sustained operations. Fixed costs may be either "committed"
or "discretionary".
Committed fixed costs
relate to the Committed Fixed Costs: Garrison & Noreen termed committed fixed
investment in costs as that relate to the investment in facilities, equipment and the basic
facilities, equipment organization structure of the enterprise.
and the basic
organization structure Examples:
of the enterprise.  Depreciation of building and equipment
 Taxes on real estate
 Insurance
 Salaries of top executives

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Two key characteristics of committed fixed costs are (i) they are long
term in nature and (ii) they cann't be significantly reduced without
seriously impairing the profitability or long term goal of the

Discretionary Fixed Costs: Discretionary fixed costs (often referred as

managed fixed costs) usually arise from annual decisions by
management to spend in certain fixed cost areas.

 Advertising Costs
 Research Costs
 Public Relation Costs
 Students Internship Program Costs
 Management Training Program Costs

Step Cost / Semi-fixed Cost / Step-variable Cost

The Penguin Dictionary of Accounting:
"A step cost (or step-function cost) is a cost that increases as
volume in an organization increases but in discrete rather
than continuous form. This would be caused whether
particular resources come in large and indivisible units".

Eric L. Kohler:

"A cost such as semifixed cost that advances by steps with Semi fixed cost is cost
increased volume of activity." that advances by steps
with increased volume
Garrison & Noreen: of activity.

"A resource that is obtainable only in large chunk and whose

costs increase or decrease only in response to fairly wide
changes in activity is known as a step-variable cost."


Levels of Production Number of Inspectors Monthly Total

(Units) Remuneration (Tk.)
1000 1 10,000
2000 2 20,000
3000 3 30,000
4000 4 40,000
5000 5 50,000

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Production levels Average unit cost

(Units) (Taka)
500 20.00
1000 10.00
1500 13.33
2000 10.00
2500 12.00
3000 10.00
3500 11.43
4000 10.00
4500 11.11
5000 10.00

Graph : Step Cost






0 1 2 3 4 5
Mixed Costs: Mixed costs are also known as semi-variable costs.
Semi-variable cost is According to the Penguin Dictionary of Accounting, a semi-variable cost
"an item of cost
containing both fixed
is "an item of cost containing both fixed and variable elements such as an
and variable elements. organization's expense for using a utility that may contain an annual
standing charge." It may also be termed as a semi-fixed cost.
Production Volume Total Costs Unit Cost
(Units) (Taka) (Taka)
1000 60,000.00 6.00
2000 13,000.00 6.50
3000 22,000.00 7.33
4000 33,000.00 8.25
5000 46,000.00 9.20

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Production Volume Total Costs Unit Cost
(Units) (Taka) (Taka)
1000 10,000.00 Tk.10.00
2000 17,000.00 8.50
3000 22,000.00 7.33
4000 25,000.00 6.25
5000 26,000.00 5.20

Graph: (Mixed Cost): Total cost increases at an increasing rte. (Convex







0 1 2 3 4 5
('000 units)
Graph: (Mixed Costs): Total cost increases at a decreasing rate
(concave shape)





0 1 2 3 4 5
('000 units)

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Lesson 2: Analysis of Mixed Costs

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
 Explain the terms - "Mixed Costs" and "Analysis";
 Describe various methods of segregating fixed costs from variable
costs including
 Scatter Diagram
 High-Low Method
 Regression Method
 Miscellaneous methods like
 'account analysis' and
 'engineering approach'

Analysis of Mixed Costs

As already mentioned, 'mixed costs' are cost items which have both fixed
and variable elements. For helping management, these two components
should be segregated. The process of segregation is termed as analysis.

Mixed Costs
Also known as semi-variable costs, a mixed cost is an item of cost
containing both fixed and variable elements.

Analysis: [Chamber's Dictionary]

Analysis refers to separating of a thing into its elements or
component parts.

Analysis: [B.N. Roy]

Analysis means breaking up a complex fact into its constituent
factors. Complex facts are analysed or separated in order that we
may understand which of them are essential and which merely
Analysis is a means of explanation which means that we show that
a joint effect is due to several causes acting together.
Methods of Analysisng Mixed Costs
The following are the methods used to separate fixed and variable parts
of mixed costs:
(a) Scatter Diagram
(b) High-Low Method
(c) Regression Method
(d) Miscellaneous methods: account analysis and engineering approach

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Scatter Diagrams: Scatter diagrams are merely graphs showing, in two-

dimensional space, the pairs of values (xi, yi). This is a statistical
technique of identifying the form of functional relationship between xi,
the independent variable and yi, the dependent variable. This technique
can be used to segregate mixed costs into fixed and variable components.

Levels of Production (xi) Total Costs (yi)
1000 units Tk.3,000
2000 " 4,000
3000 " 5,000
4000 " 6,000
5000 " 7,000

Graph: Scatter Diagram

From the diagram:
8 Fixed Costs: Tk.2,000
Tk .10,000
Variable Cost Rate =
6 10,000 Units
= Tk.1 per unit
4 Perpendicular
Slope / rate =
2 Cost function:

} Fixed costs

2 4 6
y = 2,000 + 1x
Where, y = Total Costs
x = Units of production
('000 units)
Tk.2000 = Fixed Costs
The scatter diagram shows a perfectly positive relationship between
volume of production and total costs.
High-Low Method: If a scatter diagram confirms that the relationship is
approximately linear, attempts must be made to segregate fixed and
variable costs. This can be done by using the "high-low method".
Production level Maintenance Costs
2,000 units Tk.13,000.00
5,000 " 28,000.00
6,000 " 35,000.00
4,000 " 25,000.00
8,000 " 40,000.00
10,000 " 45,000.00

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In the above example,

Lowest point : 2,000 units Cost : Tk.13,000.00
Highest point : 10,000 " 45,000.00

Variable cost Tk.45,000-Tk.13,000 Tk.32,000

per unit : ------------------------- = ------------------- = Tk.4 / unit
10,000 – 2,000 8,000
Fixed Cost : Tk.13,000 - (Tk.42,000) = Tk.5,000

Cost Function:
Total costs y = Tk.5,000 + Tk.4x
The High-Low method is based on the rise-over-run formula for the
slope of a straight-line.
Rise y2 – y1
Variable cost = Slope of the line = -------------- = ------------------
Run x2 – x1
This method has a limitation that it considers only two points in the cost
data which are not enough to produce accurate result. At the time of
using the method one should be aware of its limitations.
The Least Square Regression Method: The High-Low method of
separating fixed and variable costs in mixed cost is limited for its
consideration of two points instead of all data. The least square
regression is a method of separating a mixed cost into its fixed and
variable components that uses all of the data.
A regression line of the form y = a +bx is fitted to the data, where a
represents the total fixed cost and ‘b’ represents the variable cost per unit
of the activity.

Calculation of 'a' and 'b'

In a regression analysis, two unknown a & b can be found using the
normal equations:

y = na + 6 x

xy = a  x + b x2

 xy Where, x  x  x
x2 = (x–x)2
a  y  b(x )

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Calculation of variation and covariation
x xx ( x  x )2 y yy ( y  y )2 ( x  x )( y  y )
7 0 0 10 1 1 0
9 2 4 12 3 9 6
5 -2 4 6 -3 9 6
8 1 1 9 0 0 0
6 -1 1 8 -1 1 1
9 2 4 11 2 4 4
7 0 0 10 1 1 0
4 -3 9 5 -4 16 12
8 1 1 10 1 1 1
7 0 0 9 0 0 0
24 42 30

Variation Variation Covariation of

in x = ( x  x )2 = 24 in y = ( y  y )2 = 42 x and y = 30

Covariation 30
b = ------------------- = ------------ = 1.25
Variation in x 24
a = y  b(x )
= 9 - 1.25 (7)
= 9 - 8.75
= .25

Therefore the cost function will be:

y = 0.25 + 1.25x
Where, y = Total costs
Fixed costs = 0.25
Variable cost per unit = 1.25
x = Units

The same result can be arrived by solving the two normal equations
mentioned above.

Multiple regression analysis may be used in situations where number of

independent variable is more than one.

Coefficient of Correlation = r; Coefficient of Determination = r2

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Explained variation 6  ( x  x ) (y-y)

r2 = ---------------------------- = -----------------------
Total Variation  (y-y)2

Miscellaneous Methods: In practice, the following methods are very

much popular:
(i) Account analysis
(ii) Engineering analysis
Account Analysis: Each account under consideration is classified as
either fixed or variable based on the analyst's prior knowledge of how the
figures of the account behave with the changes in the volume of activity.

Variable Fixed
Direct Material Supervisors' Salaries
Direct Labor Depreciation
Indirect Material Lease Instalments
Electricity Production Engineer’s benefits
The Engineering Approach: This type of analysis involves a detailed
analysis of what cost behavior should be, based on an individual
industrial engineer's evaluation of the production methods to be used,
material specifications, labor requirement equipment usages, efficiency
of production, power consumption and so on.

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Lesson 3: The contribution Format of Income

Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you are expected to be able to:
 Explain the process of preparation of income statement according to
traditional approach;
 Explain the process of preparation of income statement according to
contribution format;
 Explain the reasons for the differences between income figures under
the two methods of preparing income statements;
 Identify the situations where contribution figure can help
management in decision making; and
 To identify argument against contribution format income statement.
'Income Statement' is U.S. term for Profit and Loss Account. Income
statements are prepared to ascertain the amount of profit income earned
or loss incurred by an enterprise during a particular accounting period.
There are two accepted formats of income statements:- (1) Traditional
Format of Income Statement and (2) Contribution Format of Income
Statement for internal reporting.

Traditional Format of Income Statement

Under this approach, revenues are recorded as and when earned and costs
are classified on the basis of functions irrespective of their behavior in
relation to the volume of production and sale. Thus costs are classified as
(i) Manufacturing Costs: Both fixed and variable
(ii) General and Administrative Costs: Both fixed and variable
(iii) Selling and Distribution Costs: Both fixed and variable
Under traditional approach, all operating expenses i.e. general and
administrative costs and selling and distribution costs are treated as Under traditional
approach, all
periodic charges, whereas, manufacturing costs are matched to periodic operating expenses
sale to find out gross profit. More specifically it can be said that fixed whereas,
manufacturing overheads are treated as product costs and included in the manufacturing costs
valuation of inventory. From "Gross Profit/Gross Margin", total are matched to
periodic sale to find
operating expenses both fixed and variable are deducted to find out
out gross profit.
periodic net operating income.
Example: Production unit = Sale Units
Sales : Tk.12,000
Cost of Production : Variable Tk.2,000
Fixed Tk.4,000 Tk.6,000

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Administrative Costs: Variable Tk.400

Fixed Tk.1,500 Tk.1,900

Selling Costs : Variable Tk.600

Fixed Tk.2,500 Tk.3,100
Income Statement
For the Period
[Under Traditional Approach]
Sales Tk.12,000
Less Cost of Goods sold 6,000
Gross Profit / Margin 6,000
Less Operating Expenses:
Administrative Costs Tk.1,900
Selling Costs 3,100 5,000
Net Operating Income: 1,000

Under absorption
This method is also known as Income Statement under absorption
costing method, fixed costing system. Under absorption costing method, fixed manufacturing
manufacturing overheads are treated as product costs and included in inventory
overheads are treated valuation.
as product costs and
included in inventory The Contribution Approach: Contribution Format of Income
valuation. Statement: [Variable Costing Income Statement]
Although an income statement prepared in the functional format under
traditional approach may be useful for external reporting, it has serious
limitations when used for internal purposes. Internally, management
needs data for planning, control and decision making. More useful data
can be generated if income statements can be prepared basing on
behavioral classification of costs. Therefore, income statements prepared
according to contribution format are more useful to managers.
The excess of sales over the variable costs (manufacturing,
administrative and selling) is known as contribution margin. This is the
contribution toward fixed costs and net income. Income Statement under
Contribution Format: [Previous Example]
Income Statement
For the Period ......
[Contribution Format]
Sales Tk.12,000
Less Variable Costs:
Manufacturing Tk.2,000
Administrative 600
Selling 400 3,000
Contribution Margin Tk.9,000
Less Fixed costs:
Manufacturing 4,000

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Administrative 2,500
Selling 1,500 8,000
Net Operating Income 1,000
It is claimed that this approach furnishes data for internal planning and
decision making. More specifically, these data can be used for the
following purposes:
(i) Cost-volume-profit analysis
(ii) Appraising management performance
(iii) Segment reporting of profit data
(iv) Budgeting
(v) Product line profitability analysis
(vi) Special pricing
(vii) Use of scarce resources
(viii) Make or buy decisions
Extended Example
A firm sells its products at a price of Tk.10 per unit. Standard variable
cost is Tk.3 per unit. Normal volume is 30,000 units, and budgeted fixed
cost is Tk.60,000 per quarter; hence, the fixed overhead rate is Tk.2 per
unit. The standard cost is Tk.5 per unit. Variable operating expense
(selling expenses and general and administrative expenses) is Tk.1 per
unit. Fixed operating expenses are Tk.10,000 per quarter. Sales and
production during each quarter were as follows:
Qtr.1 Qtr.2 Qtr.3 Qtr.4
Sales (Units) 20,000 20,000 40,000 50,000
Production (Units) 30,000 40,000 40,000 20,000

Income Statement
For the Year .........
[Traditional Approach]
1 2 3 4 Total
Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
Sales 200,000 200,000 400,000 5,00,000 13,00,000
Less Cost of Goods Sold:
Beginning Inventory  50,000 150,000 150,000 
Cost of Goods Manufactured 1,50,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 6,50,000
Cost of goods available for sale 1,50,000 250,000 350,000 250,000 6,50,000
Less Ending Inventory 50,000 150,000 150,000  
Cost of Goods Sold 1,00,000 100,000 200,000 250,000 6,50,000
Gross Profit 1,00,000 100,000 200,000 250,000 6,50,000
Less: Operating Expenses
Variable 20,000 20,000 40,000 50,000 1,30,000

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Fixed 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000

Volume Variance  (20,000) (20,000) 20,000 (20,000)
Net Income 70,000 90,000 170,000 170,000 5,00,000

Income Statement
For the Year ...........
[Contribution Approach]
1 2 3 4 Total
Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
Sales: 2,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000 5,00,000 13,00,000
Less Variable Expenses
Variable Cost of Goods sold
Beginning Inventory  30,000 90,000 900,000 
Cost of goods produced 90,000 1,20,000 1,20,000 60,000 3,90,000
Goods available for sale 90,000 1,50,000 2,10,000 1,50,000 3,90,000
Less Ending Inventory 30,000 90,000 90,000  
Variable Cost of goods sold 60,000 60,000 1,20,000 1,50,000 3,90,000
Variable Selling and
Administrative Expenses 20,000 20,000 40,000 50,000 130,000
Contribution 1,20,000 1,20,000 2,40,000 3,00,000 7,80,000
Less Fixed Costs: Manufacturing
+ Administrative 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 2,80,000
Net Income 50,000 50,000 1,70,000 2,30,000 5,00,000

Reconciliation of Net Income differences under two approaches

Quarter Net Income Difference Difference Inventory Value Difference
Traditional Contribution in Income Beginning Ending
1 Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
70,000 50,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000
2 90,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 60,000 40,000
3 170,000 170,000 0 60,000 60,000 0
4 170,000 230,000 -60,000 60,000 0 -60,000
Year Total 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0

There are differences between quarterly incomes under two approaches

Differences between
but yearly incomes are the same. What is the cause of the differences
incomes are the
differences between between incomes under two approaches? Differences between incomes
inventory values are the differences between inventory values under two approaches.
under two
approaches. Arguments against contribution format Income Statement:
(a) Valuation of inventories fails to meet requirements of "good"
accounting theory. [Fails cost attachment]
(b) Variable costing may omit certain incremental costs.

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A. Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs)
True – False
1. Indicate which one is true and which one is false.
(a) Total Fixed costs do not change with the changes in the volume of
(b) Total true variable costs increase proportionately with the increase
in the volume of production.
(c) Per unit fixed cost increases with the increase in the volume of
(d) Per unit variable cost remains constant what ever may be the
volume of production.
(e) With the changes in the volume of production per unit variable
cost changes but per unit fixed cost remains fixed.
(f) Total variable costs changes with the volume of production, but the
per unit variable cost remains constant.

B. Matching
2. Choose from the accompanying graphs. A Through H the one that
matches the following numbered items.
(i) Cost of machining labour that tends to decrease as workers
gain experience.
(ii) Price of an increasingly scarce raw material as the quantity
used increases.
(iii) Guaranteed annual wage plan, whereby workers get paid for
40 hours of work per week even at zero or low level of
production that require working only a few hours weekly.
(iv) Water bill, which entails a flat fee for the first 10,000 gallons
used and then an increasing unit cost for every additional
10,000 gallons used.
(v) Availability of quantity discounts where the cost per unit
falls as each price break is reached.
(vi) Depreciation of office equipment.
(vii) Cost of steel for a manufacturer of firm implements.
(viii) Salaries of suppervisors, where one supervisor is added for
every 12 phone solicitors.
(ix) Natural gas bill consisting of a fixed component, plus a
constant variable cost per thousand cubic feet after a
specified number of cubic feet are used.

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The vertical axis of a graph represents taka of cost incurred and the
horizontal axis represents levels of cost-driver activity during a particular
time period. The graphs may be used more than once.



3. A number of graphs displaying cost behavior patterns that might be

found in a company's cost structure are shown below. The vertical
axis on each graph represents total cost and the horizontal axis
represents the level of activity (volume).

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

(a) For each of the following situations, identify the graph that
illustrates the cost pattern involved. Any graph may be used more
than once.
(i) Electricity bill - a flat fixed charge plus a variable cost after a
certain number of kilowatt-hours used.
(ii) City water bill, which is computed as follows:

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First 10,00,000 gallons or less Tk.1,000 flat fee

Next 10,000 gallons 0.003 per gallon used
Next 10,000 gallons 0.006 per gallon used
Next 10,000 gallons 0.009 per gallon used
(iii) Depreciation of equipment where the amount is computed by
the straight-line method: When the depreciation rate is
established, it was anticipated that the obsolescent factor
would be greater than wear and tear factor.
(iv) Rent on a factory building donated by the city, where the
agreement calls for a fixed fee payment unless 200,000
labour-hours or more are worked, in which case no rent need
be paid.
(v) Cost of raw materials, where the cost starts at Tk.7.50 per
unit and then decreases by 5 paisa per unit for each of the
first 100 units purchased, after which it remains constant at
Tk.2.50 per unit.
(vi) Salaries of maintenance workers, where one maintenance
worker is needed for every 1,000 hours of machine-hours or
less (that is 0 to 1000 hours requires one maintenance
worker, 1001 to 2000 hours requires two maintenance
workers, etc).
(vii) Cost of raw materials used.
(viii) Rent on a factory building donated by the municipality,
where the agreement calls for rent of Tk.1,00,000 less Tk.1
for each direct-hour worked in excess of 2,00,000 hours, but
a minimum rental payment of Tk.2,000 must be paid.
(ix) Use of a machine under lease, where a minimum charge of
Tk.1000 is paid for up to 400 hours of machine time. After
400 hours of machine time, an additional charge of Tk.2 per
hour is paid up to a maximum charge of Tk.2000 per period.
(b) How would a knowledge of cost behavior patterns such as those
above of help to a manager in analyzing the cost structure of his or
her firm?
C. Descriptive Questions
4. Explain briefly, but as analytically as you can, why is the
following statement is correct:
"Profit under traditional approach reflects the effect of changes in
sales and production, whereas profit under contribution format
reflects only changes in sales."

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5. "Aside from any advantages to management or external parties,"

the chief cost account argued, 'adoption of contribution format will
save us a great deal of time and, therefore, money.' What did he
have in mind?
6. Why do profit figures differ under "Traditional Format" and
"Contribution Format"?
7. "Step cost can be fixed or variable depending on your perspective".
8. Explain how mixed costs are related to both fixed and variable
9. Why are fixed costs also called capacity costs?
10. How do committed fixed costs differ from discretionary fixed
11. Why are committed fixed costs the most difficult to change?
12. How can a company's choice of technology affect its costs?
13. Describe the methods for measuring cost functions using past cost
14. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the High-Low method.
15. What is the difference between the contribution approach to
income statement and the Traditional Approach to income
16. What is the contribution margin?
17. What is the difference between ordinary least squares regression
analysis and multiple regression analysis?
18. Distinguish between (i) a variable cost (ii) a mixed cost and (iii) a
step cost.
19. Define cost behavior.
20. Classify the following fixed costs as normally being either
committed or discretionary:
(a) Depreciation on building, (b) Advertising
(c) Research (d) Long-term equipment lease
(e) Pension Payments to the firm's retires.
(f) Management development and training.

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21. On November 15, 2006, Sheila, a newly hired cost analysts at L.

Company was asked to predict overhead costs for the company's
operations in 2007, when 510 units are expected to be produced.
She collected the following quarterly data:
Quarter Production in units Overhead costs
1/2003 76 Tk.730
2/2003 79 720
3/2003 72 655
4/2003 136 1,331
1/2004 125 1,001
2/2004 128 1,111
3/2004 125 1,119
4/2004 133 1,042
1/2005 124 997
2/2005 129 1,066
3/2005 115 996
4/2005 84 957
1/2006 84 835
2/2006 122 1,050
3/2006 90 991
(i) Using the high-low method to estimate costs, prepare a predication
of overhead costs for 2007.
(ii) Sheila ran a regression analysis using the data she collected. The
result was
Y = Tk.337 + Tk.5.75 x
Using this cost function, predict costs for 2007.
(iii) Which prediction to you prefer? Why?

22. Limand Company, a manufacture of fine china and stoneware is

troubled by fluctuations in productivity and wants to compute how
manufacturing support costs are related to the various sizes of
batches of output. The following data show the results of a random
sample of 10 batches of one pattern of stoneware:
Sample Batch Size (x) Support Costs, Y
1 15 Tk.180
2 12 140
3 20 230

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School of Business

Sample Batch Size (x) Support Costs, Y

4 17 190
5 12 160
6 25 300
7 22 270
8 9 110
9 18 240
10 30 320
(i) Draw a scatter graph.
(ii) Using regression analysis, measure the cost function of support
costs and batch size.
(iii) Predict the support costs for a batch size of Z2.
(iv) Using the high-low method, repeat requirements (ii) and (iii).
Should the manager use the high-low a regression method?
23. The number of X-Rays taken and X-rays' costs over the last nine
months in Beverly Hospital are given below:
Months X-Rays taken X-Ray Costs
January 6,250 Tk.28,000
February 7,000 29,000
March 5,000 23,000
April 4,250 20,000
May 4,500 22,000
June 3,000 17,000
July 3,750 18,000
August 5,500 24,000
September 5,750 26,000
(i) Using the high-low method estimate the cost formula for X-ray
(ii) Using the cost formula you derived above what X-ray costs would
you expect to be incurred during a month in which 4,600 X-rays
are taken?

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24. Alden Company has decided to use the contribution approach to

the income statement internally for planning purposes. The
company has analyzed its expenses and developed the following
cost formulas:
Cost Cost Formula
Cost of goods sold Tk.20 per unit sold
Advertising expenses Tk.170,000 per quarter
Sales Commissions 5% of sales
Administrative salaries Tk.80,000 per quarter
Shipping expenses ?
Depreciation expense Tk.50,000 per quarter
Management has concluded that shipping expenses is a mixed cost,
containing both variable and fixed cost elements. Units sold and
the related shipping expenses over the last eight quarters are given
Quarters Units Sold (’000) Shipping Expense
First 16 Tk.1,60,000
Second 18 1,75,000
Third 23 2,10,000
Fourth 19 1,80,000
First 17 1,70,000
Second 20 1,90,000
Third 25 2,30,000
Fourth 22 2,05,000
Management would like a cost formula derived for shipping
expenses so that a budgeted income statement using the
contribution approach can be prepared for the next quarter.

(i) Using the least square regression method, estimate a cost formula
for shipping expenses.
(ii) In the first quarter of year 3, the company plans to sell 21,000 units
at a selling price of Tk.50 per unit. Prepare an income statement
for the quarter using the contribution format.

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School of Business

25. House of Organs, Inc. purchases organs from a well-known

manufacturer and sells them at the retail level. The organs sold, on
average, for Tk.150,000 each. The overage cost of an organ from
the manufacturer is Tk.90,000.
House of organs, Inc. has always kept careful records of its costs.
The costs that the company incurs in a typical month are presented
Cost Items Cost Formula
Advertising Tk.57,000 per month
Delivery of organs Tk.3,600 per organ sold
Sales salaries & Commissions Tk.288,000 per month
During November, the company sold and delivered 60 organs.
(i) Prepare an income statement for November using the traditional
format with costs classified by functions.
(ii) Repeat requirement (i) using contribution format.

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