Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition
Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition
Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2017.
The automatic analysis and recognition of offline Arabic handwritten characters from images is an important
problem in many applications. Even with the great progress of recent research in optical character recognition,
a few problems still wait to be solved, especially for Arabic characters. The emergence of Deep Neural Networks
promises a strong solution to some of these problems. We present a deep neural network for the handwritten
Arabic character recognition problem that uses convolutional neural network (CNN) models with regularization
parameters such as batch normalization to prevent overfitting. We applied the Deep CNN for the AIA9k and the
AHCD databases and the classification accuracies for the two datasets were 94.8% and 97.6%, respectively. A
study of the network performance on the EMNIST and a form-based AHCD dataset were performed to aid in the
Convolutional neural network, Deep learning, Optical character recognition, Arabic handwritten character
recognition, EMNIST.
The field of optical character recognition (OCR) is very important, especially for offline handwritten
recognition systems. Offline handwritten recognition systems are different from online handwritten
recognition systems [1]. The ability to deal with large amounts of script data in certain contexts will be
invaluable. One example of these applications is the automation of the text transcription process
applied on ancient documents considering the complex and irregular nature of writing [2]. Arabic
optical text recognition is experiencing slow development compared to other languages [3].
One problem with recognizing the Arabic alphabet is that many characters have similar shapes but
with varying locations of dots relative to the main part of the character. Figure 1 shows the isolated
alphabet of the Arabic language. As can be seen at the top row, the three characters on the left have a
similar main part but the dot on the “Kha” is above while, for the “Jiim”, the dot is below the main
part and the “Haa” has no dots at all. It is noteworthy that handwritten characters are more
challenging, since human writers tend to combine dots and use dashes instead or change the shape of
characters as can be seen in Figure 2, which shows 48 handwritten samples of the same letter "Ayn"
that were used in previous work [4].
Moreover, the Arabic alphabet is widely used by many people from different countries including all
Arab countries in addition to being used in the Persian, Urdu and Pashto languages. It would be great
to use Arabic handwritten character recognition (AHCR) to convert many documents into digital
format that can be accessed electronically. Applications include: reading postal addresses off envelops
and automatically sorting mail, helping the blind to read, reading customer-filled forms (government
forms, insurance claims, application forms), automating offices, archiving and retrieving text and
improving human-computer interfaces.
Deep Learning (DL) is a new application of machine learning for learning representation of data. DL
algorithms have taken the top place in the object recognition field due to the great performance
improvement they have provided [5], [30].
1. Khaled S. Younis is with the Department of Computer Engineering, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. Email:
"Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", Khaled S. Younis
Deep Learning (DL) is a new application of machine learning for learning representation of data. DL
algorithms have taken the top place in the object recognition field due to the great performance
improvement they have provided [5], [30].
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a type of neural networks that are applied in many fields
and provide efficient solutions in many problems, where there is some translation invariance like some
applications of object recognition and speech recognition. However, CNN DL solutions require a lot
of training samples, which places computational requirements on the system. Nevertheless, the
accelerating progress and availability of low-cost computer hardware, high-speed networks and
software for high-performance distributed computing encouraged the use of computationally
expensive techniques. For example, Cecotti [6] used Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) and High-
Performance Clusters (HPCs) to classify isolated characters of 9 databases using computationally
expensive techniques.
There are several frameworks for Deep Learning. One of the most popular libraries is TensorFlow,
that was released by Google in 2015 [7]. It is an open source code written in C++ programming
language and capable of using GPUs very well. Another simpler framework is Keras [8], which is a
higher-level API built on top of TensorFlow. Keras uses Python for programming, which makes
writing programs easier than native TensorFlow codes.
Therefore, in this paper, we will discuss the building of a robust CNN DL model for solving the
problem of AHCR using TensorFlow/Keras. This model is expected to outperform traditional AHCR
algorithms that depend on feature extraction and classification and can be applied on huge and
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2017.
different databases efficiently without the need for feature engineering and extremely long training
The contributions of this research are: (i) Reviewing state-of-the-art research in AHCR (ii) Proposing
robust architecture for CNN DL for solving the AHCR problem (iii) Studying the effect of different
regularization techniques and network parameters on the performance on very large size AHCR
databases (iv) Utilizing the functionalities offered by TensorFlow and Keras libraries for AHCR and
(v) Achieving the highest accuracy on the AHCR problem.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; Section 2 discusses related work in the field of AHCR.
Section 3 describes the motivation for the proposed solution as well as the different components of its
architecture, Section 4 introduces the experiments performed in a scientific way, including the results
obtained and Section 5 discusses conclusions derived from the results and presents plans for future
Algorithms designed to recognize handwritten characters are still less successful than those for printed
characters, mainly due to the diversity in handwritten character shapes and forms. Arabic character
recognition is an important problem, since it is a step that may be needed in the more challenging
Arabic word or sentence recognition problem [9]. Character segmentation to separate the word into
characters is another challenging problem. The character recognition problem is related to the simpler
problem of Arabic numeral recognition which has recently attained great results [10].
Various methods have been proposed and high recognition rates are reported for the handwritten
English and Chinese characters. However, in this section, we are going to present only the most
competitive related work solving the AHCR problem.
Many algorithms in the past concentrated on finding structural features (such as the presence of loops,
the orientation of curves, …etc.) or statistical features (such as moments, histogram of gray level
distribution, …etc.) [11]. These features try to maximize the interclass variability while minimizing the
intra-class variability and were fed to a classifier.
Some algorithms are considered segmentation-based recognition systems; this means that their
experimental results depend on segmenting the words before recognizing the characters. The
IFN/ENIT database was used in Al-abodi and Li [12], who had proposed a recognition system based
on geometrical features of Arabic characters. The average recognition accuracy is 93.3%. Other
works that used IFN/ENIT for segmentation-based character recognition such as [33] also achieved
similar performance using three main modules: preprocessing, feature extraction and recognition.
However, we will not discuss such system in this paper. Even though the IFN/ENIT database [28] is
available, it is designed for classifying words and letter segmentation is required before character
recognition is performed. In addition, it is considered small and does not contain enough
representative samples. Therefore, it was deemed unsuitable for CNN DL architecture evaluation.
Arabic characters have different forms depending on the location of the characters in the word. Hidden
Markov Models (HMM) assume each letter is a state and using the context leads to better
classification of Arabic handwritten word as in [37]. Nevertheless, recent work [39] discusses the
limitations of HMM in terms of the need for manual extraction of features, which requires prior
knowledge of the language and is robust to handwriting diversity and complexity. CNN applications to
direct word recognition have been discussed in [39] and [41]. Use of Bidirectional Long Short Term
Memory (BLSTM) networks is proved useful in other languages, but the application to Arabic
language is of great interest. However, the lack of very large datasets and the layout of Arabic text are
causing problems in implementation. One can also use character segmentation followed by
recognition. For the latter, they used LSTM [38] with convolution to construct bounding boxes for
each character. We then pass the segmented characters to a CNN for classification and then
reconstruct each word according to the results of classification and segmentation. It was shown that
character segmentation had given better performance confirming the intuition that the much smaller
scope of the model’s initial feature representation problem for characters as opposed to words and
final labeling problem helped boost the performance. There is great diversity in handwriting for
"Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", Khaled S. Younis
particular words/characters among writers, thus making the task of recognizing all of the different
ways in which a character or word is written very challenging. An important aspect is the availability
of huge dataset to train the deep network. Since there is no such database for Arabic words, the
analysis of isolated character recognition is important and may be included in the system for
segmentation-based word or sentence recognition.
In 2014, Torki et al. [13] built their own database of about nine thousand characters. They called it the
AlexU Isolated Alphabet (AIA9k) database. Then, they extracted three window-based gradient-based
descriptors: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) [14], Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) [15]
and Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) [16]. In addition, they extracted two texture-based
descriptors and tried 4 classifiers (Logistic regression, ANN, SVM-Linear and SVM-RBF) on their
database. The best achieved accuracy was 94.28% using SVM-RBF on SIFT features. The 75
characters that were misclassified are shown in Figure 3. While there are some characters that are not
that difficult to classify, some characters are indeed confusing.
Figure 3. Misclassified characters from the AIA9K dataset using the method of [13].
In 2015, Lawgali [11] published a survey about Arabic Character Recognition and none of the
algorithms mentioned used deep learning. However, also in 2015, Elleuch [9] introduced an Arabic
handwritten character recognition using Deep Belief Neural Networks. It does not require any feature
engineering. The input is simply the raw data or grayscale pixel values of the images. The approach
was tested on the HACDB database [17] that contains 6600 shapes of handwritten characters written
by 50 persons. The dataset is divided into a training set of 5280 images and a test set of 1320 images.
The result was promising on the character recognition task with 97.9% accuracy but discouraging on
the word recognition database with an accuracy of less than 60%.
In 2017, Elleuch [18] continued working on the DBN and stack of feature extractors, such as
Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and Auto-Encoder and reported the results on character
recognition that was in fact similar (97.8%) to the previous work. These are very promising results and
demonstrate the superiority of DL methods in AHCR.
Nevertheless, it must be mentioned that the HACDB database is considered an easy and clean database
and there are well defined main parts of the different letter forms among 66 different classes. On the
other hand, in character recognition, it is harder to classify similar letters which are only different by a
dot. HACDB are much easier to classify and have three times classes as the AIA9k database.
In 2017, El-Sawi et al. [19] collected the Arabic Handwritten Character Dataset (AHCD) of 16800
images of isolated characters. They built a CNN Deep learning architecture to train and test the
dataset. They used optimization methods to increase the performance of CNN. Their proposed CNN
gave an average 94.9% classification accuracy on testing data.
We can see that a few techniques of deep learning have proven their usefulness for the AHCR problem
and hence we will explain in the Motivation section next why we decided to propose the following
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2017.
In this section, we describe the criterion behind the decisions taken during the design phase and the
architecture parameters for the models used for solving the AHCR problem.
3.1 Motivation
It is foreseen that, due to the success of modern neural network architectures, state-of-the-art
handwritten recognition systems will either go towards hybrid systems (Deep Networks with some
segmentation and feature extraction) or pure neural recognizers featuring deep architectures [20]. The
discussed related work has demonstrated the inefficiency of selecting the right feature and going
through the preprocessing stages. The goal of this paper is to study the CNN DL approach that
particularly makes use of the Convolution layer to leverage three ideas that help improve the
classification network: sparse interaction, parameter sharing and equivalent representation [21].
We will apply a robust CNN architecture to the Arabic characters AIA9k and AHCD databases as a
case study with enough samples to validate the assumptions and give meaningful feedback. We will
use CNN capability to extract features and train for recognition instead of extracting a large set of
gradient or textural features as it was done in Torki et al. [13]. Moreover, we will use recent
techniques of optimization and regularization, such as Batch Normalization [22] and Varying Learning
Rate, to deal with training neural network issues. These were not used in the work of El-Sawy et al.
[19], for example, as they used fixed learning rate and didn’t normalize the mini-batches during
training. Moreover, by making a large CNN network with many layers, it becomes more capable to
detect more features automatically. Hence, using different numbers of convolutional layers with
different numbers of filters should help us achieve better accuracy.
To solve the problem of latency in processing the data, GPUs are used as suggested by Ciresan et al.
[23], who trained and tested the CNN network using a committee of classifiers and reduced the error
rate of MNIST dataset [24] to 2.7%. For this reason, we decided to choose Keras and TensorFlow as
the developing environment, since there is a GPU-enabled TensorFlow with support for CUDA
1. Internal Covariate Shift: which refers to the change in the distribution of input of each layer
(features) that is affected by parameters in all input layers in which a small change in the
network can significantly affect the entire network; and
2. Vanishing Gradient in saturating nonlinear functions: such as tanh and sigmoid, which are
prone to get stuck in the saturation region as the network grows deeper despite the proposed
solutions to carefully initialize the network, using small learning rate or replacing these
functions by ReLU function.
Our system suggests the use of Batch Normalization as a part of the network architecture and it was
experimentally proven to cause an improvement in terms of speed and accuracy. The Batch
Normalization layer is added just before the nonlinearity and especially after the convolutional layers
to limit its output away from the region of saturation using the mean and variance.
The Pooling or subsampling layer reduces the dimensionality of each filtered image, but preserves the
most important features in the previous layer. Pooling can be of different types: Maximum, Average
Sum, …etc. The output will have the same number of images, but they will each have fewer pixels.
This is also helpful in managing the computational load [36]. The pooling operation is demonstrated in
Figure 4. However, it is argued that max-pooling can be redundant and could be replaced by purely
using convolutional layer with increased stride without loss in accuracy [35].
Dropout layers are also used in convolutional neural networks with the aim of reducing overfitting.
This layer “drops out” a random set of neurons in that layer by setting their activation to zero. It makes
sure that the network can generalize to test data by getting weights that are insensitive to training
samples. Dropout is used during training with different percentages of total number of neurons in each
layer [26].
Finally, the fully connected layers are the basic building blocks of traditional neural networks. They
treat the input as one vector instead of two dimensional arrays. Full connection implies that every
neuron in the previous layer is connected to every neuron in the next layer. The output from
convolutional and pooling layers represents high level features and fully connected layers used to
classify material (input images) into the appropriate class based on the training of the dataset [36].
Figure 5 shows the base architecture of the AHCR proposed network. Other modifications will be
explained in the next sections.
As can be seen, the general network we designed has three convolutional layers followed by a fully
connected layer as hidden layers. Max pooling can be ignored. The first layers are the input layers that
take input of shape 28x28 or 32x32 pixels of grayscale characters depending on the size of input
samples (database), then a convolutional layer of 24 filter map of size 6x6 and stride 1, followed by
batch normalization, ReLU activation function and dropout of 1.0.
Dropout technique at the end of some layers is used with a “keep probability” parameter of 0.5. This
means that at each training iteration, half of the neurons of the last layer get activated while the other
half activation is set to zero. This tends to prevent our network from overfitting by not building a
model so tightly tied to the training samples.
In the next layers, the same order of layers is used with increased number of convolutional filter map
of 48 filters of size 5x5 and stride 2 and 64 filters of size 4x4 and stride 2, respectively.
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2017.
Finally, a fully connected layer of 200 neurons is used before the output layer of 28 neurons to match
the number of classes (Arabic alphabet). We used the Softmax activation function to output
probabilities between 0 and 1 for each class representing the confidence that a certain character
belongs to a specific class.
For updating the weights during training, we used the Categorical Cross-Entropy [25] as a cost
function which is the appropriate cost function for multi-class classification problems. We used Adam
Optimizer to find the minima of the cost function with a varying learning rate [27] that recalculates its
value after each batch.
4.1 Databases
In this section, we describe the different publicly available datasets that were used to evaluate the
proposed network.
4.2 Results
This section introduces the results obtained by the proposed AHCR network. Two subsections will
describe the results of applying the network to classify AIA9K dataset and the AHCD datasets,
subseq-uently. A subsection will compare the results obtained using the proposed approach with those
of other approaches. Next, we will describe the results of applying the proposed network on Latin
(English) characters. Finally, we will generate a derived database from the AHCD database, where
"Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks", Khaled S. Younis
only samples of each group of characters had the same shape (major stroke), then we will discuss the
application of the proposed methodology on this dataset.
Figure 7 shows the training and validation loss curves as functions of training epochs. It is worth
mentioning that validation loss decreased significantly at epoch 4 and stayed very small until the end
of epoch 19.
Using varying learning rate also helped reach lower minimum of the loss function. This technique is
very essential in many optimization algorithms.
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology (JJCIT), Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2017.
Before we used data augmentation to train the network, many experimental setups have been tested to
improve the network performance [21] as summarized below:
● We tried to increase the network capacity by increasing the size of the network via adding
another fully connected layer of 200 neurons. However, testing accuracy decreased.
● Test accuracy decreased to 93.5% when we reduced the number of neurons of the fully
connected layer to 150 neurons.
● Test accuracy increased to 94.7% when we tried to double the number of filters to the three
convolutional layers to 48, 96 and 128, respectively and increased the number of neurons of
the fully connected layer from 200 to 300.
● No change in performance occurred when we tripled the number of convolutional layer filters
and made the fully connected layer neurons 400, which indicates that the network size was
● Thresholding the grayscale images to convert them into binary images decreased the accuracy
to 92.1%, which highlights the benefits of grayscale information.
each set, respectively. Then, we ran training for 17 epochs and obtained a classification accuracy of
93.4%. Changing dropout value from 0.5 to 0.75 caused test accuracy to reach 94.2%. Increasing the
number of filters in a similar way to the approach described in sub-section 4.2.1 improved accuracy to
94.65% after 29 epochs. Finally, changing the fully connected layer dropout keep probability from
0.75 to 0.8 and training for 32 epochs improved test accuracy once more to reach 94.8%.
Table 1. Classification accuracy for each AHCD character followed by the count of each wrongly
assigned character based on the confusion matrix.
Alif:714, (Acc=0.992), Miim:3, Kaaf:2, Daal:1
Baa:712, (Acc=0.989), Taa:3, Haa:2, Yaa:2, Kaaf:1
Taa:699, (Acc=0.971), Thaa:17, Nuun:3, Kaaf:1
Thaa:696, (Acc=0.967), Taa:13, Kaaf:6, Daad:2, Qaaf:2, Faa:1
Jiim:716, (Acc=0.994), Haa:4
Haa:707, (Acc=0.982), Kha:7, Jiim:6
Kha:708, (Acc=0.983), Haa:12
Daal:700, (Acc=0.972), Raa:10, Laam:3, Waaw:3, Thaal:2, Zaay:1, Kaaf:1
Thaal:688, (Acc=0.956), Daal:15, Zaay:7, Waaw:6, Thaa:1, Zhaa:1, Kaaf:1, Nuun:1
Raa:704, (Acc=0.978), Daal:7, Zaay:3, Waaw:3, Thaa:1, Kha:1, Kaaf:1
Zaay:661, (Acc=0.918), Thaal:31, Raa:24, Daal:2, Kha:1, Zhaa:1
Siin:717, (Acc=0.996), Saad:2, Daal:1
Shiin:716, (Acc=0.994), Qaaf:3, Siin:1
Saad:710, (Acc=0.986), Daad:5, Siin:2, Ha:2, Kaaf:1
Daad:693, (Acc=0.963), Saad:18, Shiin:4, Thaa:2, Faa:2, Kha:1
Taa:718, (Acc=0.997), Siin:1, Zhaa:1
Zhaa:690, (Acc=0.958), Taa:29, Ghayn:1
Ayn:691, (Acc=0.960), Ghayn:15, Miim:6, Haa:5, Kha:2, Taa:1
Ghayn:720, (Acc=1.000)
Faa:713, (Acc=0.990), Qaaf:4, Jiim:2, Kaaf:1
Qaaf:686, (Acc=0.953), Faa:25, Kaaf:4, Yaa:2, Taa:1, Jiim:1, Zaay:1
Kaaf:718, (Acc=0.997), Saad:1, Ha:1
Laam:715, (Acc=0.993), Zhaa:4, Daal:1
Miim:705, (Acc=0.979), Ha:9, Alif:5, Daad:1
Nuun:674, (Acc=0.936), Kaaf:18, Taa:15, Faa:7, Thaa:1, Raa:1, Daad:1, Zhaa:1, Qaaf:1, Yaa:1
Ha:706, (Acc=0.981), Waaw:13, Faa:1
Waaw:702, (Acc=0.975), Daal:7, Raa:6, Ha:5
Yaa:697, (Acc=0.968), Ayn:8, Haa:4, Faa:3, Jiim:2, Qaaf:2, Baa:1, Siin:1, Saad:1, Kaaf:1
Figure 8. Misclassified test samples due to (i) dot position – “Ghayn” to “Ayn” (ii) Dot shape –
“Qaaf” to “Faa” (iii) Character curvature – “Daal” to “Raa”.
Similar to the tests performed in sub-section 4.2.1, adding an additional fully connected layer of the
same size of the final fully connected layer decreased test accuracy to 94.3%. We tried different
experiential adjustments to the network parameters to change the network characteristics, which didn’t
provide improvements.
Analysis of misclassified testing samples revealed similar observations to those in sub-section 4.2.1,
but it also showed that some writers had actually written the “Haa” not in its isolated format ⟨ ⟩ه, but
rather in its shape at the start of the word; initial form ⟨ ⟩هـ. In addition, some mislabeled characters
were observed.
recognition systems that use AIA9K and AHCD datasets. Relevant results are presented in Table 2.
The AIA9K and AHCD databases are available for the general public for research purposes and this
makes system comparisons meaningful.
We concentrated our efforts on the largest databases; namely, AIA9K and AHCD. For AIA9K, our
proposed system outperformed the system in [23] and was easier to implement and there was no need
to evaluate many sets of engineered features and classifier combinations.
As for the AHCD database, our system was able to obtain a high percentage of accuracy of 97.6% as
implemented using Keras/TensorFlow. The reported accuracy of the system in [19] is lower by 2.7%.
One of the features of working with Keras is that selection of hyper-parameters based on experts’
opinions or thumb rules comes preprogrammed, so that programmers experiment with default
This demonstrates that our proposed algorithm is favorable to the state-of-the-art when we are dealing
with the largest database available for AHCR. Our results are better than those of all of the
experiments performed by Torki et al. [13]. Our design obtained better accuracy, since we started with
a good architecture and added ritualization, tweaked the network parameters, increased the number of
layers and adopted a data augmentation mechanism.
Table 2. Comparison between proposed approach and other approaches on the same datasets.
Authors Database Training Data & Classification
Testing Data Accuracy
Torki et al. [13] AIA9k 8738 images 94.28%
85% training
15% testing (by gender)
El-Sawi et al. [19] AHCD 16800 images 94.9%
13440 Training images
3360 Testing images
Proposed AIA9k 8738 images 94.8%
Approach 85% training
15% testing
Proposed AHCD 16800 images 97.6%
Approach 13440 Training images
3360 Testing images
We tried to build a famous network architecture called Residual Networks (ResNet) [31]-[32]. This
network contains 18 layers and achieved an accuracy of 92% in the first few experiments. It is a
promising architecture that we intend to study further.
reported in [40].
However, the goal of this experiment was merely to study whether the trained network will have
problems with characters that have the same morphology. Table 3 lists the classification accuracy of
each of the characters along with the number of times that each character was misclassified as another.
It is obvious that the confusion is mostly seen between characters that have similar morphology, such
as “l” and “I”, “G” and “Q” and “U’ and “V”. This confirmed our hypothesis that failures occurred in
classifying Arabic characters like (“Alif” and “Miim”) or (“Baa”, “Taa” and “Thaa”) - See Table 1 -
due to similar shape. Hence, data augmentation and increasing the network capacity were deemed a
necessary to improve performance.
Table 3. Classification accuracy for each EMNIST character followed by the count of each wrongly
assigned character based on the confusion matrix.
A:762, (Acc.=0.953), Q:6, D:4, F:4, H:4, N:4, C:3, O:3, U:3, Z:3, G:1, R:1, X:1, Y:1
B:787, (Acc.=0.984), E:2, H:2, Z:2, C:1, D:1, G:1, N:1, O:1, R:1, S:1
C:793, (Acc.=0.991), E:5, G:1, U:1
D:770, (Acc.=0.963), O:17, A:4, Q:3, B:1, C:1, J:1, N:1, P:1, T:1
E:785, (Acc.=0.981), C:9, L:2, A:1, I:1, P:1, W:1
F:784, (Acc.=0.980), T:8, E:2, G:2, P:2, I:1, R:1
G:664, (Acc.=0.830), Q:104, A:10, S:5, C:3, B:2, E:2, F:2, J:2, Y:2, D:1, N:1, O:1, P:1
H:765, (Acc.=0.956), N:17, L:5, B:4, K:3, X:2, R:1, T:1, U:1, W:1
I:558, (Acc.=0.698), L:223, J:10, C:2, E:2, R:2, B:1, O:1, V:1
J:756, (Acc.=0.945), I:22, D:5, F:3, S:3, T:3, X:2, Y:2, G:1, L:1, U:1, V:1
K:786, (Acc.=0.983), B:3, R:3, X:3, H:2, E:1, L:1, T:1
L:652, (Acc.=0.815), I:129, C:7, H:6, J:2, B:1, D:1, R:1, Y:1
M:794, (Acc.=0.993), N:4, K:1, W:1
N:780, (Acc.=0.975), M:5, R:5, H:3, W:2, X:2, I:1, U:1, V:1
O:784, (Acc.=0.980), D:10, A:2, U:2, C:1, Q:1
P:793, (Acc.=0.991), D:4, E:1, L:1, Q:1
Q:730, (Acc.=0.912), G:43, A:12, O:5, E:2, F:2, I:2, D:1, U:1, Y:1, Z:1
R:774, (Acc.=0.968), V:5, Y:5, K:4, T:3, X:3, C:1, E:1, I:1, N:1, O:1, Z:1
S:790, (Acc.=0.988), G:4, A:2, J:2, D:1, N:1
T:785, (Acc.=0.981), F:2, K:2, X:2, A:1, B:1, C:1, E:1, J:1, O:1, R:1, Y:1, Z:1
U:769, (Acc.=0.961), V:16, Y:3, C:2, N:2, W:2, A:1, H:1, J:1, L:1, O:1, S:1
V:736, (Acc.=0.920), U:36, Y:16, R:7, J:1, L:1, Q:1, X:1, Z:1
W:788, (Acc.=0.985), N:5, H:2, M:2, U:2, V:1
X:791, (Acc.=0.989), K:3, Y:2, H:1, N:1, P:1, V:1
Y:780, (Acc.=0.975), X:9, R:3, J:2, T:2, D:1, G:1, K:1, V:1
Z:795, (Acc.=0.994), C:1, F:1, I:1, J:1, L:1
Automated software systems for the recognition of Arabic characters could have huge applications in
many industry and government sectors. In this paper, we presented a Deep Learning system based on
convolutional neural network that is capable of classifying Arabic handwritten characters with a state-
of-the-art classification accuracy of 94.8% and 97.6% on the AIA9k and AHDC datasets, respectively.
Table 4. Classification accuracy for each of the form-based Arabic character dataset followed by the
count of each wrongly assigned character based on the confusion matrix.
Alif:719, (Acc.=0.999), Yaa:1
Baa:718, (Acc.=0.997), Ayn:1, Laam:1
Haa:704, (Acc.=0.978), Ayn:13, Alif:1, Baa:1, Siin:1
Daal:682, (Acc.=0.947), Raa:29, Waaw:6, Laam:3
Raa:715, (Acc.=0.993), Daal:3, Faa:1, Yaa:1
Siin:714, (Acc.=0.992), Baa:2, Saad:2, Ayn:1, Faa:1
Saad:712, (Acc.=0.989), Siin:8
Taa:719, (Acc.=0.999), Yaa:1
Ayn:713, (Acc.=0.990), Taa:2, Miim:2, Alif:1, Haa:1, Faa:1
Faa:717, (Acc.=0.996), Kaaf:2, Yaa:1
Kaaf:713, (Acc.=0.990), Yaa:3, Alif:2, Faa:1, Ha:1
Laam:715, (Acc.=0.993), Kaaf:4, Faa:1
Miim:695, (Acc.=0.965), Alif:12, Ha:7, Raa:2, Saad:2, Baa:1, Faa:1
Ha:692, (Acc.=0.961), Waaw:11, Faa:7, Taa:6, Saad:3, Siin:1
Waaw:668, (Acc.=0.928), Faa:27, Daal:9, Ha:9, Raa:4, Alif:1, Taa:1, Ayn:1
Yaa:719, (Acc.=0.999), Alif:1
The system employs some regularization techniques (Dropout and Batch Normalization), which
provide performance and efficiency improvements. The system was implemented using TensorFlow
and Keras framework.
As a future work, in addition to working more with ResNets, we plan to apply the algorithm on a
larger and more diverse database. This could be done by merging more than one source of database.
We plan to implement deeper networks with state-of-the-art techniques for regularization and
optimization. In the next stages, we are planning to use segmentation-free techniques to be able to
train our network with larger datasets that contain Arabic handwritten connected characters (words) to
make use of the context using LSTM networks. Ultimately, this research will open the door to great
opportunities expanding the applications of deep learning using these powerful libraries to problems of
ancient Arabic handwritten character recognition.
This project is partially supported by grants of Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research
(HMCSR) and the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
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:ملخص البحث
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يلمغ ل اآلف يل ح لآلم ما ل ف يل اآللحدAHCD يلغلمهمت