Business Forecasting: 4 Revitalize Your S&OP
Business Forecasting: 4 Revitalize Your S&OP
Business Forecasting: 4 Revitalize Your S&OP
2 0 1 0 | F A L L V O L U M E 2 9 | I S S U E 3
E R I C J. T I N K E R | Mr. Tinker is the Principal at Nexview Consulting and helps organizations in the
implementation and improvement of Sales & Operations Planning. In a consulting capacity over the last 15
years, in addition to S&OP, he has helped many organizations in areas of demand planning and forecasting.
Mgmt System
Exec S&OP
The monthly S&OP cycle typically • Supply Consensus (or Review): company (or division management
comprises the following components This review uses the unconstrained in larger companies). This meeting
(See Figure 1): demand plan from the Demand reviews and confirms the overall plan
Review and confirms that the supply proposed by the Pre-S&OP team, and
• Portfolio Review: This is especially
plan meets demand, or if not, identifies is often rolled up to the company or
important for those companies with
constraints. These constraints are held division level. It also addresses decisions
many SKUs or rapidly changing product
as exceptions to be discussed in Pre- that require executive approval due to
portfolios. The objectives here are to
S&OP. A Vice President of Operations their nature or financial implications.
examine the fit of the product portfolio
often owns this meeting. The meeting is owned by the CEO or
with company goals and to ensure
changes to the product portfolio are • Pre-S&OP: This is the meeting where General Manager and is often worked
coordinated with demand management the rolling 12 to 24+ month operating into a monthly executive meeting.
and throughout the supply chain. plan comes together and exceptions Today, many companies have
Concerns are recorded and discussed are resolved across functions. implemented some form of S&OP, but
later in the S&OP process. A Vice President The operating plan is usually a
few can say that their S&OP process is
of Marketing often owns this review. consolidated view of sales, production,
functioning as effectively as they’d like.
and inventory by month on a volume
• Demand Consensus (or Review): Nexview Consulting conducted a survey
and dollar/currency basis. Analysis of
This is a confirmation of unconstrained of companies varying in size across
exceptions, alternatives, scenarios, and
demand at the product-family level and manufacturing industries (Consumer
financial implications is completed
a meeting that identifies and discusses Products, Life Sciences, Automotive,
prior to this meeting, so that the issues
plans to close sales gaps relative to High Tech, Chemicals, and Other
can be dealt with effectively.
financial or budgetary commitments. Manufacturing) and found that meeting
A Vice President of Sales often owns • Executive S&OP: This meeting is effectiveness was the top challenge
this meeting. held with the top management of a across the categories shown in Figure 2.
key levers can go a long way in getting the following: Key Levers to Revitalize Your
your process back on track for serving S&OP Process
• We understand that S&OP is an
as your company’s primary platform
aggregated and coordinated planning
for integrated business planning and Vision
layer above the detailed supply chain
continuous improvement. The levers we’ll KPI Use Sponsorship
planning processes. We will identify
examine are shown in Figure 3.
several key gaps in the underlying
processes, but won’t address them as
Vision part of this project. (This statement
Technology Design
Meeting Effectiveness
. . IT Support
. Meeting Content