Executive S&OP: Managing To Achieve Consensus: January 2010
Executive S&OP: Managing To Achieve Consensus: January 2010
Executive S&OP: Managing To Achieve Consensus: January 2010
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1 author:
Robert A. Stahl
R.A. Stahl Company
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Preview. Bob Stahl continues his series of columns on Executive S&OP with his framework for man-
aging the final two steps of the five-step S&OP process, the Pre-Meeting and the Executive Meeting.
Visit his earlier columns in Foresight for case studies of the demand-planning and supply-planning
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Supply Planning (Step #3) greater achievement. The change in culture
Supply Planning has operations responsi- and climate needs to be a clear objective
bility – manufacturing, procurement, logis- from the get-go.
tics, warehousing, outsourcing, and more. Each meeting is geared to making collab-
Supply plans are updated after taking into orative decisions. Keep in mind, however,
account inventory and/or backlog goals and that running a business is not a democracy.
the collaborative forecast from demand plan- If consensus cannot be achieved, leadership
ning. has the responsibility and authority to make
The feasibility of the new supply plans is clear decisions. Every participant should feel
tested through rough-cut resource models, obliged to disagree with views expressed
the details of which I discuss in detail in my when appropriate. Given an opportunity to
Spring 2010 Foresight column (Stahl, 2010). influence final decisions, participants are
As a result of this procedure, there may be more likely to support whatever final deci-
(a) an increase or decrease in staffing and sion is reached.
capital equipment, (b) an effort to outsource Pre-Meeting (Step #4)
additional volume or recover some currently In attendance at the Pre-Meeting are
outsourced volume, and (c) some constrain- normally middle managers across the range
ing of demand by being selective about of disciplines – demand, supply, procure-
customers. ment, finance, new product, logistics – many
Overall, steps 1-3 should ensure that demand of whom were involved in the demand- and
and supply are managed as a set of connect- supply-planning steps. The facilitator of this
ed activities and the results made ready for meeting is usually the S&OP process owner
executive review and action. or the supply-chain manager.
Because the primary objective of this meet-
ing is to provide a broad cross section of the
organization with the opportunity to influ-
ence decisions, the size of this meeting can be
imposing. Segmentation into smaller groups
can help utilize the time more efficiently.
The desired outcomes:
here there is consensus, make final deci-
sions that are within the framework of the
existing policies, budgets, and risk levels.
hen actions are required that are outside
the existing policies, prepare a single set of
recommendations to executive manage-
here agreement cannot be reached,
develop alternative scenarios showing vari-
THE MANAGEMENT MEETINGS ous actions and consequences to resolve a
Two meetings constitute the final decision-
given problem.
making part of the Executive S&OP process:
• The Pre-Meeting (Step #4) • Update the financial view of the business.
• Set the agenda for the Executive Meeting.
• The Executive Meeting (Step #5)
Executive Meeting (Step #5)
In these final two steps, leadership makes
This is the culminating event of the monthly
decisions and institutes the changes in
Executive S&OP process. Attendees include
culture and climate that are required for
36 FORESIGHT Fall 2010
the CEO (GM, Managing Director, etc.) and lurking in the room, no one talks about it.
most of his/her direct reporters. An addi- Changing this company attitude is what I
tional person from each department may call “getting the moose on the table.” I believe
be there as well to support the leader of that that success in using Executive S&OP comes
discipline. Based on the agenda for a given not only from the proper application of its
meeting, ad hoc participants may also be tools, techniques, and processes, but in large
invited to attend. The administrator of this measure from the behavior of people with
meeting is usually the person who facilitated the willingness to get tough issues out in the
the Pre-Meeting, but the owner of the meet- open.
ing is the CEO.
Executive S&OP should force the moose
Within the framework of the agenda recom- onto the table. Doing so is particularly chal-
mended by the Pre-Meeting, the objective of
lenging in organizations that are conflict
this session is to: averse. Such companies will need to learn:
• review general business performance to • to accept differences of opinion as a natu-
goals – financial, customer service, etc.;ral and logical part of the decision-making
• review the major decisions made at the process;
Pre-Meeting; • to avoid the practice of “shooting the
• review consensus recommendations where messenger” – aversion to conflict is usually
they fall outside existing policies, strategies, the path people take who know that if they
current business plans and budgets, and raise a problem they will be linked to caus-
approved risk levels; ing the problem – and
• decide among alternative actions where • to strive for consensus, being aware that
consensus could not previously be reached; consensus is not the same as unanimity.
• decide whether or not to change the current I believe that success in using Executive S&OP comes not
call to the Annual Business Plan. only from the proper application of its tools, techniques,
and processes, but in large measure from the behavior of
people with the willingness to get tough issues out in the
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Nevertheless, we find a number of common • Once this culture and climate is achieved,
attributes in companies that do Executive the organization is as concerned with
S&OP well: maintaining the quality of the process as it
• Even though tough decisions are at hand, is with the outcome.
the atmosphere tends to be informal, • There is a routine, end-of-meeting evalua-
comfortable, and relaxed. tion of the process and, periodically, a self-
• Disagreement, although discomforting, audit designed to improve the procedure.
does not bring on negative energy. People Hard benefits usually come in quantum
have learned how to disagree without being leaps, far surpassing expectations. They do
disagreeable, and how to stay focused on not, however, come directly, but are the result
solving the problems. and consequence of the soft benefits that
• Attendance is not a problem because every- cannot be so easily quantified. In companies
one understands that the meetings are criti- using Executive S&OP successfully, these soft
cal to the formation of policy, strategy, plan benefits are seen on the faces of the people
and financial performance, and risk. doing the work, and felt in the tone of discus-
• By blurring departmental boundar- sions that take place.
ies, every unit comes to see the business
through the eyes of others, and realizes
Earlier this year, John Mello and I began
that this is a team sport.
collaboration on research into the culture and
• All are willing to accept final decisions, climate change that occurs when a company
because everyone had an opportunity to has effectively implemented Executive S&OP.
influence the outcome. The project is based on interviews with key
personnel in seven companies. We will be
sharing our findings with you in Foresight
Bob Stahl has spent 30-plus years during 2011. Keep your eye out for them.
as a practitioner and coach to manu-
facturing companies developing REFERENCES
leading-edge processes for their Mello, J. & Esper, T. (2007). S&OP, forecasting,
manufacturing, logistics, and supply- and the knowledge-creating company, Foresight,
chain practices. He is a teacher, writer, Issue 7 (Summer 2007), 23-28.
and S&OP coach, and has coauthored Ross, T. (2005). The sales forecasting revolution
six books, including Sales & Operations at Brooks Sports, Foresight, Issue 1 (June 2005),
Planning: The How-To Handbook, 24-28.
3rd Edition, and Sales & Operations Stahl, R. (2010). Resolving a family feud: Market-
Planning: The Executive's Guide. Three facing versus lean manufacturing families,
of his books are used for professional certification. Bob heads Foresight, Issue 17 (Spring 2010), 32-36.
up the consulting practice for TF Wallace & Company and is also
Foresight's S&OP Editor.