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Read and Understand Literature Myths Legends-759i

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Grades 4–6+ Correlated Standards


EMC 759

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Read and Understand,
Myths & Legends
Stories & Activities, Grades 4–6
Read and Understand, Myths & Legends is a resource book containing a variety of stories
accompanied by practice materials for a wide spectrum of reading skills.

The 19 two- to three-page stories vary in reading difficulty from the beginning of grade 4
through grade 6.

Each story is followed by three or four pages of activities for practicing reading skills such as:

• comprehension
• vocabulary
• structural analysis
• figures of speech
• character analysis
• understanding plot development
• setting and mood

Specific skills practiced are listed in the table of contents.

Stories and language activities can be used for small- and large-group lessons, cooperative
learning projects, and at-home reading practice.

Writing: Tekla White (stories), EMC 759

Jill Norris (activities) Photocopying the pages in this book
Content Editing: Marilyn Evans is permitted for single-classroom use only.
Copy Editing: Cathy Harber Making photocopies for additional classes
Art Direction: Cheryl Puckett
Cover Design: Shannon Frederickson
or schools is prohibited.
Illustration: Don Robison For information about other Evan-Moor products, call 1-800-777-4362,
Design/Production: Shannon Frederickson
fax 1-800-777-4332, or visit our Web site, www.evan-moor.com.
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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Introduction ................................................ 2 Thor and the Giants ................................ 67
recall details, make inferences, synonyms,
Introduction to Greek
personification, support opinion
and Roman Myths ...................................... 4
Thor’s Hammer ......................................... 74
Arachne’s Web ............................................ 5 recall details, draw conclusions, word meaning,
recall details, analyze characters, make inferences, sequence story events, main ideas, prefixes
make judgments, compare characters, word meaning,
figurative language
Balder the Good ....................................... 81
recall details, draw conclusions, analyze characters,
Echo and Narcissus ................................ 11 sequence story events, word meaning
analyze characters, recall details, make inferences,
draw conclusions, make judgments, word
Introduction to a World of Myths ......... 88
connotations, creative writing Gilgamesh and Enkidu
Jason and the Golden Fleece ............... 17 (A Middle East Legend) .......................... 89
recall details, make inferences, draw conclusions, make inferences, draw conclusions, recall details,
analyze characters, retell the story, categorize compare characters, synonyms, critical thinking
story events, vocabulary
Maui and the Sun
Orpheus and Eurydice ............................ 24 (A Hawaiian Myth) .................................... 96
summarize a story, make inferences, draw
recall details, draw conclusions, make inferences,
conclusions, story mood, express opinions,
personification, word meaning, synonyms, character
multiple meanings, synonyms
Pandora ...................................................... 31 The Earth and Sky
make inferences, recall details, draw conclusions,
(An African Myth)................................... 103
foreshadowing, symbolism
recall details, draw conclusions, word meaning,
Psyche and Cupid.................................... 37 prefixes, synonyms, antonyms, write descriptions
recall details, make inferences, track story events,
The Ten Suns (A Chinese Myth) ......... 109
recall details, make inferences, analyze characters,
The Adventures of Perseus ................... 43 descriptive verbs, write descriptions, multiple
recall details, draw conclusions, critical thinking, meanings
persuasive writing, word meaning, verbs and nouns,
How It All Began (A Mayan Myth) ...... 116
character description
recall details, sequence story events, write
The Seasons ............................................. 50 descriptions, word meaning
draw conclusions, recall details, make inferences,
Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
critical thinking, word meaning, categorizing story
events, creative writing (An Inuit Myth) ........................................ 123
recall details, write a summary, make inferences,
Theseus and the Minotaur & analyze characters, word meaning, parts of speech
Daedalus and Icarus ............................... 57
The Sky Woman
recall details, make judgments, character
descriptions, draw conclusions, make inferences, (An Onondaga Myth) ............................. 130
solve problems, word meaning, similes, recall details, draw conclusions, word meaning,
personification setting
Introduction to Norse Myths ................. 65 Answer Key ............................................. 137

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 1 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Stories Orphe
us and
given the
gift of
s was He

rpheu ollo.
god Ap
by the r he
music whereve
gic lute
his ma ts rested
played ild beas they
The Myths and Legends wandere
his song
th each oth
s. Birds
er when
in the for
ted on

Myths are stories that give reasons for things. Some myths
heard lute and res re
sang wi
th the rtals we
and mo
rs. Gods
shoulde his mu sic.
ted by Jason
enchan with

explain natural events such as rainbows or the seasons. Some

returned est
After he their qu
uts from s fell
Argona Orpheu
and the Fleece, .
Golden Eurydice
for the autiful

myths tell how foods and agricultural tools were invented. Others
the be s
with e song
in love r with lov
aded he him.
He seren d to marry
e agree Eurydice
until sh ing da y,

explain how the world began. Myths about people and gods give
ir wedd th the
On the adow wi
the me eus
across ile Orph
danced ses wh pped
and mu she ste
nymphs t alas,

reasons why people act the way they do. They are lessons that
Bu r
his lut e. it bit he
played sn ak e, and
on a po
not save
ankle. co uld
e, but he

provide examples of good and bad behavior. Gods, goddesses,

her sid urned.
s ran to eus mo
Or pheu ad. Orph
t in pain. of the De
cried ou s’ Land
Eurydice to Hade songs.
wa s taken o he ard his ke d the god’s

superhuman beings, and supernatural creatures such as Pegasus,

an d wh as .
e died tears to
to Zeus
. He Eurydice
her. Sh brought s went release
music Or pheu des to he said.
His sad sorrow, beg Ha place,”
e with ad and
Overcom nd of the De s a da ngerous
to the La journey.
“It’ .”

the flying horse, are important in mythology.

ion to go ainst the to Earth
permiss him ag returned re near
utioned lm and rather
die the
Zeus ca des’ rea “I would
led to Ha swered.
s trave eus an
o mo rtal ha Or ph
“N k,” t, he
ll tak e that ris tho ut her.” e up his ques
“I wi wi giv
on Earth e Or ph
eus to
than live

A legend is a story that is not entirely invented. There may be

Eurydice persuad
uld not journey.
Zeus co for the
When ission
his perm s • EM
C 759
uc tantly gave Myths
& Legend

plenty of exaggeration and fantasy in a legend, but at its heart The Se


there is some historical truth. Legends have heroes who

by Eva
© 2000

perform great deeds with their strength and intelligence.

Often heroes give up their dreams of happiness to help others.
Their adventures can change the way they think and act. all the
rth and
of the Ea farmed
ddess s who
s the go familie
piter, wa

All myths and legends are stories that were told and retold for
of Ju s kin d to the
sister e wa
there. Sh anything

eres, the gre w d. tha n
ps that the lan ina, mo
ts of flo
and cro care for l Proserp bouque
d them beautifu
d helpe hter, the gathered to

hundreds or thousands of years before they were written down.

Earth an r daug oserpina ught joy
loved he work, Pr gh bro
Ceres out her . Her lau
went ab we rs bloomed
hile Ce
flo ing in the
else. W erpina ina danc
ere Pros Proserp realm
Everywh d, saw ugh his
derworl Even tho r
ery on e. go d of the Un ma rry her. wo uld neve
ev the shed to Ce res
e da y Pluto, he r and wi ne s, he knew
On with us sto
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meadow ed with away kin to the Un
ge an d fill his far r off in elov
was lar to journe
y to carry he uld fall
ina and she wo
oserpina Proserp uld be, Queen
of the
allow Pr kidnap d he co
Ways to Use Myths & Legends Surely,
Pluto de
he rea
cided to
wh en
to marry
sh e saw
him. Th
how kin
en sh e co uld rule ha
ppily as

that wa
s like no

1. Directed lessons
an d agree ary days. tifu l by the
with him ten his
dre a beau dden
d brigh to create ods. Hi
powers the wo
Dead an magic edge of
ed his rth at the ot. hen
Pluto us in the ea n chari sket. W
gan r go lde r ba
All Be
flo we d he

• with small groups of students reading at the same level

set the s an d it to s,
other. He
How It atemalad with
his horse
g to ad
her up
in his arm
trees ,
from Gu
Plu to waite
ina ran
the flower,
to raced
by. He ga thered

Mayan Proserp
at the flo
wer, Plu
Earth. ends •
EMC 759

A Quiche
• with an individual student
loo k the ths & Leg
, circling
elt to
she kn sped off
and his 50

by Eva
© 2000

2. Partner reading
3. With cooperative learning groups
4. Independent practice
• at school
• at home Creator
, who wa
s the mo
the fou
ther an
r corne
d fathe
rs and
r of
four sid
ds, fish,

of time, the un d. Within him . No bir

ginnin g d aro ise was
, looke als to pra . There

t the be ex ist ed an im be fou nd too,
ng that ople or ds could ace. It,
everythi re no pe , or ree ough sp
there we s, straw ated thr
iverse, , canyon sea flo
of the un y. The
, roc ks, holes ard in the sk d. It was
tre es he are
crabs, ise could
Earth ap
. No no First the were
nothing at void. . There
lifeless. universe
Things to Consider was ca
lm and

The Cr
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rk to fill
mists tha
the gre
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came the
deer, bir
ds we re
ds, snak
told to
es, and
live in
from the and riv . The bir so me anim

1. Determine your purpose for selecting a story—instructional

me d on s, Ea rth ed
for , cany homes
on show the
, mo untains giv en Th e Creator w to crawl on
plains ey were fly. e, ho
imals. Th t how to the snak
other an re taugh res, like s • EM
C 759
and we er creatu & Legend
d reeds t, and oth Myths
trees an

device, partner reading, group work, or independent reading.

lk on four fee
how to 116


Each purpose calls for a different degree of story difficulty and

by Eva
© 2000

2. A single story may be used for more than one purpose. You might first use the story as an
instructional tool, have partners read the story a second time for greater fluency, and
then use the story at a later time for independent reading.
3. When presenting a story to a group or an individual for the first time, review any vocabulary
that will be difficult to decode or understand. Many students will benefit from a review of the
vocabulary page and the questions before they read the story.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 2 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Skills Pages nd Eu
Name eus a od
Orph sh in g Mo ess.
li or sadn
Es ta b ppiness
g of ha lin
ate a fee
Types of Skill Pages d Euryd
ice ma
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used cre

ct colum
eus an

Three or four pages of activities covering a wide variety of

In Or ph x in the corre
rd Bo Sad Wo
m the Wo
rds fro
the wo
1. Write

reading skills follow each story:


• comprehension
• vocabulary
• structural analysis is a sy
for ench
anted ?

h word
2. Whic
for mo
urned ?

• figures of speech
a sy nonym
h word is
3. Whic ox ss
Word B
lamented sunligh
serenad peace ess

• character analysis cried



C 759
s • EM

• understanding plot development

& Legend


Corp. ns
by Eva
The S
• setting and mood
© 2000
vents could be
i n g E ings? Which onesns.
goriz bless tio
Cate as Ceres’ answer
the ques
classify low to
uld you the chart be
nces wo l in
occurre tfulness? Fil ulness
asonal ge Forgetf
What se as Ceres’ for Ceres’

Ways to Use the Skill Pages

1. Individualize skill practice for each student with tasks that
are appropriate for his or her needs.
2. As directed minilessons, the skill pages may be used in
several ways:
• Make a transparency for students to follow as you
work through the lesson.
C 759
s • EM

• Write the activity on the board and call on students

& Legend


to fill in the answers.

Bega Corp.

It All
© 2000
by Eva
How g De
e m berin describes.
Rem the gro
the name into mo

• Reproduce the page for everyone to use as you

under turned e
n below man rac
scriptio rs of hu
each de ancesto
1. Write lin g le cre ated
unfee first pe
n’t think

direct the lesson.

ter uld
d in wa ise, bu
t co
dissolve ged made no
ver chan no mean
ions ne rds had
express their wo
he althy

3. When using the skill pages for independent practice, make

Corn Pe
too soft
too pe Wood

sure that the skills have been introduced to the reader.

Mud Pe

Review the directions and check for understanding. Review le create


the completed lesson with the student to determine if further

of peop
ch type
n of ea
ite a de
e to wr
es abov
the phras

practice is needed.
2. Use

Mud Pe


Corn Pe
C 759
s • EM
& Legend


by Eva
© 2000

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 3 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Introduction to Greek and Roman Myths
The ancient Greeks, like many peoples, tried to explain the mysteries of
nature and how things came to be. They lacked the scientific knowledge that we
have today, so they created many gods and goddesses—powerful beings who rule
storms, seasons, stars, the growing of things, love, death, and everyday life.
According to the Greek myths, the gods and goddesses lived on top of a
mountain that was too high for people to climb. The mountain was called Olympus.
The gods and goddesses often visited Earth, sometimes disguised as animals or
People built temples dedicated to these gods and goddesses. They left
offerings and prayed in the temples for the help of the gods and goddesses. Often
homes would have a shrine dedicated to a god or goddess.
As with all stories that are told, myths grew and changed through the years.
Some of the Greek myths and legends were written as early as 750 to 700 B.C.
When the Romans conquered the Greeks, they took over the Greek gods
and goddesses. They gave them Roman names.
Here are some of the names of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses and
other characters mentioned in this book. Roman names are written in parentheses.

Ap h rod
odiit e ((V
Ve n u s)-
s)-the goddess of love and beauty
At h e n a (M
(Mii n e r va)
a)–the goddess of wisdom and war
Demm e t e r (C
(Cee r es)
s)–the goddess of the harvest and the Earth
Eros (C
(Cuu p i d)
d)–the god of love
H e ra ( Ju n o)
o)–the queen of the gods and goddesses as well as the protector of women
H e r m es (M
(Mee rc u r y)
y)–the messenger of the gods
M e d u s a –one of the three Gorgons, sisters with horrible faces and writhing snakes instead of hair
M i n o t a u r –a creature who was half bull and half man
ny m p h s –female spirits of nature
o ra c l e –a person or place where the gods and goddesses revealed truths to humans
Pe rs ep h o n e (P
(Prros e r p i n a)
a)–helped her mother, Demeter (Ceres), care for the harvest and plants
of the Earth
H a de
dess (P
(Pll u t o)
o)–the king of the Underworld who ruled the dead
Z e u s ( Ju p it e r)
r)–ruled Olympus; hurled thunderbolts when he was angry

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 4 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Arachne’s Web
W hen the wind carried the sound of
Arachne’s spinning song to the villages and
forests, people stopped their work. They came
to admire her woven pictures. Even the
nymphs from the forest sat at Arachne’s feet
and watched her hands card and spin
delicate wool threads. All agreed that no
other mortal could produce such beautiful
“You are second only to the goddess Minerva, the patron of weaving,” said
a nymph as she watched Arachne weave a picture of the creatures of the sea.
“She has given you a special gift. No other mortal can do as well with the shuttle
and needle. I can only guess that you visit Minerva’s temple often and set out
offerings to receive such blessings from her.”
“Blessings from Minerva? I should say not!” answered Arachne. “You insult
me with those words. My work, as you can see, is better than Minerva’s. I could
teach her the true art of weaving if she came here. Look what my needle can do.
I embroider each scene. No one, goddess or mortal, can compare her work to
Minerva, who heard Arachne’s boasts, decided to teach Arachne a lesson.
She disguised herself as an old woman, and, wrapped in a large cloak, paid a
visit to the young woman’s house. She stood behind Arachne, watching her work.
After a time, she tapped her cane on the ground and hummed a little tune.
“Be off, old woman!” Arachne yelled. “Your noise breaks the rhythm of my
song. I can’t finish this picture if you continue to sing and tap your cane.”
“It’s just my way of admiring your work,” answered the old woman. “Your
picture is almost as beautiful as the weavings of the goddess Minerva. She would
be proud that you have learned these skills from her. But it is said that you boast
of being a better weaver than that goddess. Surely no mortal’s work can compare
with that of the gods. If you bring offerings to her altar and take back your words,
I am sure that Minerva will forgive you and continue to bless your work.”
“Old woman, don’t talk to me about Minerva,” answered Arachne. “If she
were here at this time, she could see that I am a better weaver than all mortals
and goddesses. If Minerva and I were to compete, it’s clear that I would be the
winner,” answered Arachne. “Now leave me to my work.”

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 5 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

“Old woman, you say!” Minerva threw off the cloak. “Look again and see
who hears your words.”
Arachne stood and drew back in fear when she saw Minerva. Even then,
she didn’t apologize or take back what she had said.
“If you insist, we shall have a contest and the nymphs will judge our work,”
challenged Minerva. “Beware! If you lose, you will pay for your boasts.”
“I will not lose,” answered Arachne. “You will see the beauty of my work.
I will prove that I am the greatest weaver of all.”
The two weavers set their looms. Their shuttles wove pictures of the gods
and goddesses. Even in her designs, Arachne was boastful. She pictured the
gods with angry, vengeful looks. She often stopped to see Minerva’s tapestry.
Minerva’s weaving seemed so real that Arachne could hear the roar of the waves
in her wind-swept sea. She showed the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus
looking lovingly down on the earth. It was a picture that was fine enough to
decorate the walls of the house of the gods. Even so, Arachne believed her
weaving was equal to Minerva’s. The goddess worked so quickly that her hands
were a blur. Arachne wove faster, trying to keep up with her.
Minerva and Arachne put down their shuttles just before sunset. The
nymphs and all who watched the contest declared Minerva the winner. They
agreed that Arachne’s tapestry was a work of art, but in Minerva’s weaving the
sea, the earth, and the gods themselves seemed alive.
When Minerva saw the spiteful way Arachne had portrayed the gods,
she ripped Arachne’s tapestry and threw her shuttle at Arachne. The shuttle hit
Arachne on the head. Immediately, Arachne began to change. She shriveled into
a small, round shape. Four long, yarn-sized legs grew on each side of her body.
Ashamed, Arachne scurried into a dark corner and hid under a chair.
Minerva threw a piece of webbing from Arachne’s picture at the
transformed woman. “Now you will pay for your boastful words. You will spin
webbing for the rest of your life. You will never be able to add the colorful scenes
you have pictured in the past. Here you will stay, hanging on the threads of your
webbing forever.”
Even today, all of Arachne’s children spin webs in
hidden corners. They move about attached to strands of
webbing just as Arachne did. Their work is never finished.
Only the web is set. No shuttle weaves scenes into their webs.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 6 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
A r a c h n e ’ s We b
1. What was Arachne’s special talent?

2. Cite an example from the myth that supports this statement: Arachne held herself equal to
the gods.

3. Which goddess did the Romans believe to be Arachne’s patron?

4. Why did the two weavers have a contest?

5. What was the difference between the two finished tapestries?

6. What was the result of Arachne’s disrespect?

7. What characteristics of the class of animals Arachnida are explained by this story?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 7 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

A r a c h n e ’ s We b
C o m p a r i n g Tw o C h a r a c t e r s

Write the descriptive words from the Word Box under the appropriate name. (Some words will be
used for both characters.) Add words of your own. Then on another sheet of paper, use the lists
to write a paragraph about each character. Finally, write a third paragraph comparing the two



Word Box
talented forgiving proud confident

boastful respectful self-centered indignant

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 8 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

A r a c h n e ’ s We b

A. Some common words take on special meanings when they are used in a specific context.
Weaving is a good example of this. Write the number of each word by its meaning.
Use the story context and/or a dictionary to help you.

1. shuttle to clean and comb raw wool

2. set the loom a holder that carries the thread across the loom

3. card to draw out and twist into thread

4. spin to put the warp threads on the loom

B. Use the words in the Word Box to complete the sentences.

Word Box
transformed tapestry shriveled
vengeful portrayed delicate

1. The was the work of a master


2. Her head was filled with thoughts after the girls teased her.

3. When the fruit is removed from the dehydrator it is .

4. The new hairstyle and clean jeans the worker.

5. The author the teacher as an important influence on his life.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 9 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

A r a c h n e ’ s We b
Figurative Language

Sometimes a writer takes a word or phrase that has an obvious, literal meaning and uses it
to create a word picture that has a different meaning.

Think about a spider spinning a web. Then read this sentence:

The conspirators wove an intricate web of deceit.

By comparing the conspirators’ plan to a spider web, the writer creates an image of a complex
network of connections.

Here are some phrases that can have both a literal and a figurative meaning. Use each phrase
to create a word picture.

1. hanging by a thread
Use this phrase in a sentence about someone whose job is in jeopardy.

2. flying high
Use this phrase in a sentence about someone who just got an A+.

3. building a bridge
Use this phrase in a sentence about two friends from different neighborhoods.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 10 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Echo and Narcissus

E cho played in the forests, entertaining the

other nymphs with her stories and songs.
Her voice was never silent. One day, the
goddess Juno came into the forest looking for
her husband, Jupiter. Echo stopped the goddess
and began telling stories. She wouldn’t stop talking.
She followed wherever Juno went, telling her about
all the nymphs in the forest.
Finally, Juno became so angry with the
gossiping nymph that she took away the nymph’s
voice. “You will never again have the first word,” the
goddess said. “You will only be able to repeat the
last words of those who speak to you.”
Echo hid in caves near the mountains
she had once loved to climb. She was ashamed
to meet her friends and not be able to greet them.
When the other nymphs called to her, she called
back, repeating the last words they had said.
One day, Narcissus, a handsome youth,
stopped to rest in the shade of a giant rock. Echo,
who was hiding in a nearby cave, gazed upon the
godlike young man and fell in love with him. But
since Juno had taken away her first words, she
had to wait for him to speak. She left the cave and
sat down beside the young man.
Narcissus, who felt he was better than all
others, frowned at Echo. “Why are you here?”
he asked.
“Here,” repeated Echo.
“I wish you would go away!” Narcissus said.
“Away,” repeated Echo. She hid behind a
tree and watched Narcissus.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 11 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Narcissus walked to a nearby pond to get a drink. When he bent down,
he saw a beautiful face staring back at him. Narcissus smiled, and the face smiled
at him. He tried to touch the face, but it disappeared under the water. Narcissus
waited until the water was calm, then looked again. The face was there once
“I can see you care for me just as I care for you,” said Narcissus to the
face in the water. “When I smile, you return my smile. Still, you won’t let me touch
you. I will have to be content to stay here and gaze at your face. My heart is filled
with love for you.”
“Love for you,” Echo repeated sadly, but Narcissus didn’t seem to hear her.
He just gazed at his own reflection in the pond. Narcissus had fallen in love with
Narcissus was so much in love that he forgot to eat and drink. He grew
pale and became ill. Even so, he didn’t leave the face in the pond. Finally he died,
and there, by the pond, a beautiful purple and white flower grew. The gods called
the flower the narcissus in memory of the youth who loved only himself.
Echo mourned the handsome Narcissus. She died of grief, unable to tell
anyone about her love. Her voice is still heard repeating the last words she hears.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 12 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Echo and Narcissus
1. What is the main characteristic of Echo?

2. What happened as a result of that characteristic?

3. What is the main characteristic of Narcissus?

4. What happened as a result of that characteristic?

5. Would you consider this myth a tragedy or a comedy? Justify your answer.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 13 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Echo and Narcissus
Wo r d O r i g i n s
Use what you know about the characters to define these two words that have their origin in this
myth. Check your ideas with a dictionary.

1. The words of the song will echo through the halls when the choir sings.

Echo means

2. The psychologist said that the patient suffered from narcissism.

Narcissism means

Write the number of each word by its synonym.

1. quiet gazed

2. amusing mourned

3. recollection ashamed

4. spirit of nature content

5. scowled reflection

6. satisfied memory

7. stared at frowned

8. image silent

9. disgraced entertaining

10. grieved nymph

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 14 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Echo and Narcissus
Wo r d C o n n o t a t i o n s
Many words have a connotation (a meaning that is suggested) as well as a dictionary definition.
For example, storyteller has a positive connotation, while gossip has a negative connotation.
1. Write the words from the Word Box in the correct column.

Positive or Neutral Connotation Negative Connotation

2. Write two pairs of words from the Word Box that are synonyms.

3. Write two pairs of words from the Word Box that are antonyms.

Word Box
fragrance odor slanderous conceited lovely nightmare

dream ugly opinionated petite generous greedy

soiled filthy noteworthy puny famous proud

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 15 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Echo and Narcissus
Only an Echo
Imagine that you could only repeat the last words of the person speaking to you. Write a story
about an everyday happening with your echo responses.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 16 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Jason and the Golden Fleece

J ason walked through the marketplace.

He had lost one sandal on the long
journey to Iolcus and was searching for a
new pair. Suddenly, soldiers and King
Pelias himself rode their horses into the
Pelias spoke. “Few strangers come
to my kingdom. I have been warned by the
prophets that a visitor with one shoe will
come here to harm me.”
“Your kingdom, dear Uncle?” Jason
answered. “Don’t you recognize me? I am
your brother’s son, Jason. I’ve come to take
back the throne. Even though I was a young
boy, I remember the agreement between
you and my father. You were to rule until
I was old enough to be king. I was sent to
another kingdom to live until that time.”
“I shall live up to my agreement, but how do you expect the people of
Iolcus to follow your rule? They know nothing about you,” responded Pelias. “You
must win their trust by performing a brave deed. I will send you on a quest so that
you can prove your bravery.”
“There is some truth to your words,” Jason answered. “What will you have
me do?”
“There is a ram that was stolen from this country. Its magic Golden Fleece
belongs here. If you go to the King of Colchis and demand the return of the
fleece, you will be a hero. I will give up the throne if you are successful.”
“I shall set out as soon as I build a ship,” answered Jason.
Jason hired a master shipbuilder to build a ship for fifty rowers. It was the
largest ship that had ever sailed the sea. Jason christened the ship Argo. He and
his crew of strong warriors, the Argonauts, sailed away.
During the journey they stopped on an island to rest. There they found
a man named Phineus being held captive by giant birds called Harpies. The
Argonauts rescued Phineus. To thank Jason and his crew, Phineus warned him
about the crashing islands that lay ahead.
© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 17 Myths & Legends • EMC 759
“When you come to two rocky islands, one on each side of the sea,
beware,” Phineus said. “The islands crash together when ships sail between
them. The ships and their crews are crushed. When you are close to the rocks,
free this dove. The islands will come together when the dove flies between them.
When the islands are moving apart again, you will be able to pass safely.”
When the Argo reached the islands, Jason released the dove. The bird
flew between the islands before they slammed together. Jason and his crew
quickly rowed past the islands while they were opening up again.
When the Argonauts reached Colchis, the king refused to give up the
Golden Fleece.
“You must earn your prize,” he said. “First, Jason, you must harness
my two fire-breathing bulls and plant my field with these teeth from a dragon.
Each tooth will spring from the earth in the form of an armed warrior. You must
slay each one as he appears.”
It was an impossible task, but Jason decided he must try. It was the only
way to regain his father’s kingdom. In preparation, Jason offered prayers to the
Hera, queen of the gods and goddesses, heard Jason’s prayers and took
pity on him. She asked Eros, the god of love, to shoot arrows into the heart of
Medea, the daughter of the King of Colchis. When Medea was struck with the
arrow of love, she fell in love with Jason. She gave him a magic charm and a
special oil that would protect him from the flames of the bulls.
Jason charmed the fire-breathing bulls and hitched them to a plow. Then
he sowed the dragon’s teeth. He fought bravely, but the warriors who sprang from
the ground overpowered him. Quickly he threw Medea’s magic charm at them.
They turned on each other and fought to the death.

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The next task was even more dangerous. Jason had
to take the Golden Fleece away from a fierce dragon. Medea
gave Jason a magic sleeping potion to pour on the dragon.
When the dragon fell asleep, Jason stole the Golden Fleece
and sailed away with Medea and the Argonauts.
When King Pelias heard that Jason and the Argonauts
had returned with the Golden Fleece, he didn’t welcome them.
He refused to place the crown on Jason’s head.
Medea tricked King Pelias’s daughters into killing their
father, saying that she would give them magic herbs that
would bring Pelias back to life and make him young again so
that he would always be with them. But the herbs Medea
gave them were not magic, and Pelias was dead.
The people of Iolcus turned on Medea because
of her evil deed, and refused to accept her as queen.
Jason, too, spurned Medea and asked her to leave so
that he could marry the Princess of Corinth. This made
Medea so angry, she sent an enchanted robe to the
princess. When the princess put it on, she went up
in flames, along with the whole palace.
Grieving for his bride, Jason walked to
where the Argo was resting on the sand and
sat beside it. A sudden wind blew in from
the sea. A mighty timber broke off the
bow of the ship and fell on Jason,
killing him.
The god Zeus sent
the ship into the heavens
to honor Jason’s brave
deeds. There it became
the constellation Argo.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 19 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Jason and the Golden Fleece
1. Why did Jason travel to the kingdom of King Pelias?

2. What did King Pelias want Jason to do?

3. What was the real reason King Pelias gave Jason such an impossible quest?

4. Name at least five smaller obstacles that Jason had to overcome while on his quest.

5. Match the phenomenon with the magic that Jason used to conquer it.

crashing islands oil

fire-breathing bulls sleeping potion

fierce dragon dove

warriors in the field magic charm

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 20 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Jason and the Golden Fleece
Character Analysis

Tell whether you consider the characters listed below honest or dishonest. Give an example from
the story to support your opinion.

Honest Dishonest


King Pelias


King of


© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 21 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Jason and the Golden Fleece
Re t e l l i n g t h e S t o r y
Complete the sentences to retell the story.

1. Jason shopped for in the marketplace.

2. He met and his soldiers.

3. sent on a quest.

4. Jason built a . He christened it .

5. Jason rescued from the .

6. Phineas warned Jason about the .

7. The King of Colchis told Jason to

and .

8. Medea fell in love with .

She gave him a and a .

9. Jason took the from the dragon.

10. Jason returned but King Pelias refused to give him .

11. King Pelias’s daughters .

12. The Princess of Corinth and the palace .

13. A mighty timber broke off the Argo and .

14. sent the ship to the heavens to become a .

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 22 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Jason and the Golden Fleece
Vo c a b u l a r y
1 2

5 6

8 9



Across Down
1. It broke off the bow and killed Jason. 2. Jason the dove.
3. Jason lost one on his journey to Iolcus. 3. To reject.
6. Eros shot one into the heart of Medea. 4. Jason went in search of the Fleece.
7. Jason offered to the gods. 5. Medea gave King Pelias’s daughters magic .
9. Phineas gave Jason one. 8. Jason plowed the field with fire-breathing .
10. Another word for a search.

11. The King of Iolcus was Jason’s .

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 23 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Orpheus and Eurydice

O rpheus was given the gift of

music by the god Apollo. He
played his magic lute wherever he
wandered. Wild beasts rested
peacefully with each other when they
heard his songs. Birds in the forests
sang with the lute and rested on his
shoulders. Gods and mortals were
enchanted by his music.
After he returned with Jason
and the Argonauts from their quest
for the Golden Fleece, Orpheus fell
in love with the beautiful Eurydice.
He serenaded her with love songs
until she agreed to marry him.
On their wedding day, Eurydice
danced across the meadow with the
nymphs and muses while Orpheus
played his lute. But alas, she stepped
on a poisonous snake, and it bit her
Eurydice cried out in pain. Orpheus ran to her side, but he could not save
her. She died and was taken to Hades’ Land of the Dead. Orpheus mourned.
His sad music brought tears to all who heard his songs.
Overcome with sorrow, Orpheus went to Zeus. He asked the god’s
permission to go to the Land of the Dead and beg Hades to release Eurydice.
Zeus cautioned him against the journey. “It’s a dangerous place,” he said.
“No mortal has traveled to Hades’ realm and returned to Earth.”
“I will take that risk,” Orpheus answered. “I would rather die there near
Eurydice than live on Earth without her.”
When Zeus could not persuade Orpheus to give up his quest, he
reluctantly gave his permission for the journey.

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Orpheus traveled to the river Styx. He played his lute and sang about his
beloved bride. The ferryman heard his song, and for the first time, he agreed to
take a living mortal to the Land of the Dead. Orpheus continued to play as they
made their way across the river. On the other side of the river, at the entrance
to the Underworld, the dreaded four-headed dog that guarded Hades’ realm
stopped Orpheus. No living mortal had ever passed by him before. Orpheus
played his songs and lulled the dog to sleep.
Orpheus made his way through
caverns and passageways filled with
lost souls. He played his lute and sang
about his love for Eurydice. He brought
happiness to many who had known
no rest since they had arrived there.
Everywhere he walked, he looked
for Eurydice. Finally he came to the
throne of Hades and Queen Persephone.
He sang to them about his sorrow and
asked for the release of Eurydice.
Persephone cried when she heard his
love songs. They reminded her of the
spring flowers and sunlight in the world
above them. The songs of Orpheus
charmed even the King of the Underworld.
“You must listen carefully,” said Hades.
“I will see that Eurydice follows you back to
the world, but you must not look at her until
you have left my kingdom. If you do, she will
return to my realm forever.”
Orpheus made his way back through the passageways. He heard
footsteps behind him. Orpheus wondered if Eurydice had changed since she
entered the Kingdom of the Dead. Was she as beautiful as she had been on
their wedding day? It didn’t matter, of course. No matter what she looked like,
Orpheus knew he would never love anyone else.
When Orpheus approached the end of the tunnel and saw sunlight
ahead, he turned to call to Eurydice. Eurydice cried out when she saw his face,
“Good-bye forever, fair Orpheus. Good-bye.” Her hands reached out to him, but
she disappeared back into the Realm of the Dead.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 25 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Orpheus tried to follow her, but he could not. Even his music didn’t help
him reenter Hades’ kingdom. He lamented the foolishness that had caused
Eurydice to be taken back by Hades. He called out, asking Hades to allow him to
enter the Underworld again. The earth shook and Orpheus was transported
back to the surface. He tried to find the river Styx, but he couldn’t. The entrance
to Hades’ kingdom had closed up and there was no mark to show where it had
Orpheus continued to play his lute. His songs about the fate of the
beautiful Eurydice were even sadder than before. The music brought tears to all
who heard it. Orpheus wandered about the Earth from morning to night, playing
his lute in the forests, hills, and towns.
A group of nymphs grew tired of Orpheus’s sad songs. They mocked his
grief and insisted that he dance with them. Orpheus paid no attention. The
nymphs screamed so loudly that no one could hear his music. Still he didn’t stop
playing and singing.
Angry, the nymphs killed Orpheus and threw his body into a stream. His
lute continued to play as it floated in the water. The muses found his body and
transported him to the Land of the Dead. There he found Eurydice, and the two
were reunited for eternity.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 26 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Orpheus and Eurydice
1. Summarize the story of Orpheus and Eurydice in four or five sentences.

2. What was it that enabled Orpheus to enter the Land of the Dead and charm Hades?

3. Why do you think Orpheus looked back?

4. Do you think the story ended happily? Tell why or why not.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 27 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Orpheus and Eurydice
A n a l y z i n g a Ch a r a c t e r
1. Describe Orpheus in your own words.

2. Use a dictionary to help you write a definition for each word below. Tell whether you think the
word describes Orpheus. Justify each answer with an example from the story.




3. Would you like to have Orpheus as a friend? Tell why or why not.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 28 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Orpheus and Eurydice
Establishing Mood

In Orpheus and Eurydice many of the words used create a feeling of happiness or sadness.

1. Write the words from the Word Box in the correct column.

Happy Words Sad Words

2. Which word is a synonym for enchanted ?

3. Which word is a synonym for mourned ?

Word Box
cried serenaded lamented happiness

enchanted lulled peace sunlight

mourned charmed sorrow foolishness

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 29 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Orpheus and Eurydice
Words with More Than
One Meaning
Use the words below to complete these sentences.

fair mark release

1. The referee helps to keep the contest .

2. is another word for grade.

3. He pulled the to open the cockpit.

4. My grandmother’s quilt won first prize at the .

5. Orpheus searched in vain for some that would help him find
the river Styx.

6. Hades agreed to Eurydice under certain conditions.

Write the number of each word by its synonym.

1. fate search

2. persuade convince

3. realm kingdom

4. quest warned

5. cautioned destiny

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 30 Myths & Legends • EMC 759


W hen the gods created

Pandora, each gave
her a special gift. They blessed
her with great beauty and
happiness. When they finished,
the gods agreed that she was
almost perfect. She would bring
joy to all who lived on the Earth.
“Wait,” a goddess said.
“There is another gift she must
have. If she doesn’t want to learn about all the creatures on Earth and all she
sees there, she will be bored.” So the goddess added curiosity to Pandora’s gifts.
Before Pandora left the house of the gods, she was given a chest that
was tied and locked. Jupiter cautioned her, “Whatever happens, do not open the
chest. Keep it locked forever. The contents will bring great unhappiness to the
On Earth, Pandora was loved and admired by everyone. Her laughter
and song charmed the birds and animals in the forests. She chose the
handsome Epimetheus as her husband. They lived a happy life, dancing and
singing with their friends. The chest sat undisturbed in a corner of their house.
When visitors came, they commented on the beautiful carvings of the gods that
decorated the lid. Many asked to see the inside of the chest, but Pandora
explained that it was a gift from the gods that was never to be opened.
“A gift from the gods?” said one. “Then of course it must hold great magic
or priceless jewels. No chest should be closed forever.”
Another nodded in agreement. “Surely one quick look would do no harm.
No one would know—not even the gods themselves.”
Pandora began to dream about the chest. Many times when she rubbed
it with olive oil and polished it, her hands rested on the cord that held it closed.
Once she loosened some of the knots. But before she could untie them, she
heard Epimetheus entering the house.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 31 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

“You spend hours polishing that chest. You think of nothing else,”
Epimetheus said. “It’s better to forget the chest and come walk with us in the
forest. We have finished our work for the day. Listen. You can hear the pipes
calling everyone to dance.”
“It’s true,” Pandora thought. “I must forget about the chest. Dreaming about
it has made me very unhappy.”
Pandora left the house with Epimetheus to enjoy the last warm rays of the
afternoon sun. But even when she danced, she couldn’t forget the chest. While
the others ate their evening meal under the trees in the olive grove, Pandora
went back to the house. “Just one look,” she thought, “and then I’ll know. After
that I will put it aside and not worry about the treasures inside. If I leave it open
for a moment, what harm could come of that?”

Pandora hurried to the chest. She loosened the knots and took a key from
the shelf near the chest. Slowly she turned the lock. There were voices coming
from inside the chest. “Hurry, Pandora. We have been waiting a long time.”
Pandora moved away from the chest. “Who have the gods placed inside
the chest?” she wondered. “Surely I didn’t hear Jupiter correctly. Perhaps he
meant to tell me to open the chest and free the poor creatures inside when
I came to Earth.” Pandora went back to the chest and worked the key in the lock.
When she heard it click, she raised the lid and looked inside. A cloud of biting,
stinging insects poured out. Their names were Sorrow, Pain, Evil, Greed, Envy,
Despair, Hatred, Poor Health, Distrust, Laziness, and Lies.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 32 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Pandora slammed the chest shut, but it was too late. All the Furies had
flown out of the chest. They swarmed about Pandora, biting her. She felt angry
for the first time in her life. Before she could catch the creatures, they flew out
the door and began to attack Epimetheus and his friends.
Epimetheus ran into the house to see if Pandora was safe. “I couldn’t wait
any longer!” Pandora cried. “I had to open the chest. There were voices inside
calling to me. Look what I have done! All who live on Earth will suffer. The gods
will never forgive me.”
As Pandora sobbed in Epimetheus’s arms, she heard another voice
coming from the chest. “Pandora, open the chest once more.”
“I will not open the chest again. Look what has happened,” said Pandora.
“There will never be a day of peace on Earth again.”
“Pandora,” called the voice in the chest. “You must let me out. I am the
only one who can help.”
“Perhaps you should look inside one more time,” said Epimetheus.
“It seems that all the harm that can be done has escaped from the chest.”
“Pandora,” called the voice again.
“I will die if I’m left in this chest, and only
the Furies will be left to inflict their sorrow
on people. Open the chest and I will fly
out into the world and end the suffering.”
Pandora put her hands on
the lid of the chest. She looked at
Epimetheus. He nodded, and she
opened the chest once more.
A tiny, winged creature
flew from the box and perched on
Pandora’s shoulder. “I am Hope,”
it said. “When the Furies have
caused their harm, I alone can
take away the pain. I will fly to all
who need my comfort, and they
will live in peace once more.”
Pandora wiped away her
tears, and she and Epimetheus
carried Hope out into the world.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 33 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Pa n d o r a
1. What was special about Pandora?

2. How did Jupiter caution Pandora when she left the house of the gods?

3. How did Pandora’s feelings about the box change?

4. What advice did Epimetheus give Pandora?

5. What happened when Pandora opened the box?

6. What one story event changed the ending so that it was not disastrous?

7. Do you think the gods forgave Pandora? Tell why you think as you do.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 34 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Pa n d o r a
Authors use foreshadowing to help readers know what is going to happen
in a story. It is the same as leaving clues for the reader.
1. What warning did Jupiter give to Pandora?

2. How could this warning be considered foreshadowing?

Understanding a Figure of Speech

1. There is an expression we use today that comes from this story. Sometimes people may
describe something as a “Pandora’s box.” What do you think this expression means?

2. Think of one or more situations that might be described as a “Pandora’s box.”

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 35 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Pa n d o r a
A. A storyteller sometimes symbolizes an idea or an emotion by comparing it
to something else, or giving it another form.

1. The storyteller describes what happens when Pandora opens the box, saying, “A cloud
of biting, stinging insects poured out.” What are the insects symbols of?

2. Later the storyteller extends the symbolism. Tell the two things that are being compared
in these sentences.
A tiny, winged creature flew from the box and
perched on Pandora’s shoulder. “I am Hope,” it said.

B. Think of some interesting comparisons or symbols for the things below. List them in the boxes.

pain greed joy

Use one of the comparisons to write an interesting sentence.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 36 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Psyche and Cupid

S o beautiful was Psyche that all who

saw her compared her to Venus, the
goddess of love. People threw flowers in
Psyche’s path and worshipped her as if
she were a goddess.
Venus was angry to have her
beauty compared to that of a mortal.
She ordered her son, Cupid, to give
Psyche a potion that would cause her
to fall in love with a terrible monster.
That night Cupid carried a cup of
sorrow and love to the palace where Psyche slept. As he washed her face with
the potion, he saw her brow wrinkle with pain. “I cannot destroy anyone this
beautiful,” he said.
In his haste to wash away the sorrow, one of Cupid’s arrows of love
tumbled out of its quiver and pierced his foot. In that instant, he fell in love with
Psyche. When Psyche awoke, Cupid told her, “My mother must not know about
my love for you.” And he flew away.
The next day, Venus saw that Psyche was still as happy as before. The
angry goddess sent all the misfortunes that mortals can suffer to afflict Psyche.
Psyche’s parents consulted an oracle to see what could be done for their
daughter. They were told that Psyche would become the bride of a creature who
was not mortal—that she would marry a monster.
One day while Psyche was climbing a high hill, Venus placed a slippery
rock in her path. When Psyche stepped on the rock, she fell and tumbled down
the steep slope. Cupid called to the wind to save his beloved Psyche. The wind
caught her and laid her gently on a flowering meadow where she fell asleep.
When Psyche awoke, she saw a beautiful palace. She went inside and
was given all she wished to have. She talked to voices, but never saw the
servants who waited on her.
That night, when the palace was dark, Psyche heard another voice. The
man’s voice told her how much he loved her. She felt great joy when she heard
the voice. Every night the voice returned.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 37 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

After months had passed, Psyche agreed to marry the mysterious visitor.
At his request, she promised she would never try to look at his face. Her new
husband came each night and disappeared before dawn.
Psyche’s husband was kind. They laughed and sang together. He told her
stories about the gods.
After a year had passed, Psyche said, “Please let my family visit. I’m
lonely when you’re away.”
“They will bring you nothing but sorrow,” he said.
Psyche persisted. Each night she begged to see her family. Her husband
finally agreed. He asked the wind to bring her two sisters.
The two sisters were amazed when they saw the palace. “Your husband,”
asked the younger one, “is he as handsome as he is kind and generous?”
Psyche tried to ignore the questions, but her sisters continued to ask what
her husband looked like.
Finally Psyche said, “I cannot tell you what he is like because he only
comes at night and will not show his face.”
“Then he must be a horrible monster, just as the oracle predicted,” said
the younger sister. “Otherwise he would let you see him.”

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 38 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The older of the two sisters said, “When he returns, take a candle and a
knife. Look at his face while he is sleeping. If he is a monster, you must destroy
him before he kills you.”
Psyche agreed and told the wind to carry her sisters home.
That night, while her husband
slept, Psyche took a knife and a
lighted candle to his bed. She
stared down at her husband’s
handsome face and his wings.
He wasn’t mortal or a monster.
He was the god Cupid! A drop of
hot wax fell on Cupid’s shoulder,
waking him. Seeing the knife, he
flew off.
Suddenly a fierce wind rocked the palace, and it disappeared. Psyche
then began to wander the Earth looking for Cupid. She asked the goddess Ceres
for help. Ceres told her to go to Venus and ask her forgiveness.
The goddess was not easily swayed. She stared at Psyche sternly and
said, “Cupid is ill because you betrayed him. He sleeps and doesn’t talk to
anyone. If you wish to help him, you must complete the tasks I give you.”
Psyche agreed to do Venus’s bidding. Her first task was to sort the grains
in the goddess’s storehouse by evening. Psyche looked at the barley, wheat,
and millet scattered on the floor. She couldn’t finish in time. An ant, seeing her
sorrow, brought all his friends to help. The grains were separated before the
sun set.
For each of the impossible tasks that Venus gave Psyche, Ceres sent the
creatures of the Earth to help Psyche.
All her tasks completed, Psyche searched until she found Cupid’s room.
She told him about the tasks Venus had given her and begged him to forgive her.
Cupid went to the great god Jupiter and asked for his help. Jupiter
convinced Venus that the love Cupid and Psyche shared was too great to be
destroyed. At Jupiter’s insistence, Venus promised to let Psyche and Cupid live
in peace.

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Questions about
Psyche and Cupid

1. How did Venus feel about Psyche? What happened as a result of Venus’s feelings?

2. How did Cupid feel about Psyche? What happened as a result of Cupid’s feelings?

3. What did the oracle foretell about Psyche’s future?

4. Describe the life that Psyche and her mysterious husband lived.

5. Why did Cupid fly off after Psyche saw his face?

6. How did Psyche prove her love for Cupid?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 40 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Psyche and Cupid
Tracking Story Events
Complete the story map.
Psyche was climbing a high hill.

Venus .

Psyche .

Cupid .

The wind .

When Psyche awoke, she saw .

At night Psyche .

Psyche married .

What caused this happy situation to change?

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Psyche and Cupid
A. Write each word below on the line in front of its meaning.

mortal potion sorrow haste

quiver oracle insistence generous

1. gives freely

2. a human being

3. sadness

4. hurry

5. a constant demand

6. a person or thing able to give wise guidance

7. a carrying case for arrows

8. a liquid medicine or drug

B. Use the words in the list above to complete these sentences.

1. Cupid didn’t want to cause Psyche any .

2. Cupid was a husband.

3. In his , Cupid lost an arrow from his

4. Jupiter’s made Venus change her mind.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 42 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Adventures of Perseus

A crisius summoned his guards

and ordered them to lock his
daughter and her infant son,
Perseus, in a chest and drop
them into the sea. What else
could he do? He had just
returned from a visit to an
oracle. His grandson, the
oracle had said, would be the
cause of his death.
The chest bobbed in the
water like a small boat, but it
didn’t sink. A boatman, on his way to
Seriphus, pulled the chest from the water. He freed the mother and son and took
them to Polydectes, the king of that country. The kindly king cared for them until
Perseus was a young man.
To repay Polydectes for his care, Perseus vowed to kill the monster
Medusa who threatened Polydectes’ kingdom. Once a beautiful woman, Medusa
had bragged that she was more beautiful than the goddess Minerva. Minerva
changed Medusa’s flowing hair into a halo of poisonous serpents. No living
creature could look at Medusa’s head without turning to stone.
Minerva decided to help the young hero. She gave Perseus a shield, a
sword, and a bag. “When you find Medusa,” she said, “look at her reflection in
my shield. If you look directly at her, you will be turned to stone. Carry her head in
this bag so no innocent people will see her.”
The god Mercury gave Perseus his winged shoes so he could travel to
Medusa’s cave by air.
When Perseus reached Medusa’s cave, he waited until the monster
was resting. He searched the cave until he saw her image reflected in Minerva’s
shield. When the snakes saw him they made a loud hissing sound, waking
Medusa. Perseus kept his eyes on Medusa’s reflection in the shield. When she
lunged toward him, he struck with Minerva’s sword, cutting off Medusa’s head.
Without looking directly at Medusa, Perseus dropped her head into the bag.

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Perseus flew over the country ruled by Atlas, a giant with
amazing strength. Perseus looked down on the farms and orchards.
Atlas’s sheep and cattle were larger than anyone else’s. Golden fruit
growing in his orchards glowed in the afternoon sunlight. Even the
branches of the trees were gold.
Tired from his journey, Perseus landed and found the giant tending his
crops. “I am the son of the god Jupiter,” said Perseus. “I have slain the mighty
Medusa. I ask for food and rest.”
Atlas was afraid Perseus would steal the precious golden apples from
his orchard. “I do not believe you come as a friend. You are here to rob me of
my treasures,” the giant said. He reached out, trying to take hold of Perseus.
Perseus knew he could not win a fight against the strong giant.
He took Medusa’s head from the bag and held it toward Atlas. The giant
changed into a gigantic stone mountain. The gods put Atlas’s strength to
work holding up the stars and the heavens.
After Perseus rested, he flew on across the sea. When he looked
down, he saw a young woman chained to a rock. He landed next to her and
broke the chains with Minerva’s sword. “Who has done this terrible deed?”
Perseus asked.
“My own mother, Queen Cassiopeia, and my father, the king. They had
no choice. In order to save the kingdom from a cruel sea serpent, they were
told they must sacrifice me to the monster.”
At that moment the serpent rose up out of the sea. It blew red clouds
of fire into the air. Andromeda, the young woman, screamed and clung to
Perseus unsheathed his sword and gave
Andromeda the shield for protection. He flew above the
sea monster, jabbing his sword into its tough, scaly
hide. He darted about, avoiding the monster’s
jagged fangs. Dying from the sword wounds,
the monster sank into the sea.

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The king and queen embraced their daughter and Perseus when they
reached the castle. Because Perseus had rescued Andromeda, her parents
offered her hand in marriage. The wedding and banquet were held the
following day.
During the feast, the uninvited Phineus and his friends entered the
banquet hall. “Andromeda was promised to me,” Phineus said. “Perseus shall
not take my bride.”
“You gave up all rights to my daughter when you didn’t rescue her from
the sea monster,” the king said. “Be gone!”
Phineus and his friends attacked Perseus and the other guests.
At first, Perseus was able to defend Andromeda, but Phineus and his friends
outnumbered the wedding party. They surrounded the bride and fought off
Perseus and others who tried to rescue her.
Perseus grabbed Minerva’s bag and called to all around him. “If you are
a friend, close your eyes and look away. Don’t be afraid. I will stop Phineus.”
Perseus held up Medusa’s head. Instantly Phineus and his friends
became statues. With the fighting ended, the wedding feast continued.
Andromeda and Perseus danced around the statues to celebrate their

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Questions about
T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f Pe r s e u s
1. Why did Perseus set out on his adventures?

2. What help did Perseus receive?

3. Who were the four formidable enemies Perseus defeated in this myth?

4. Do you think Perseus used the head of Medusa responsibly? Tell why or why not.

5. Which of Perseus’s weapons do you think was the most valuable? Support your answer with
examples from the myth.

6. Was Perseus a hero? Write a persuasive paragraph in support of your answer.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 46 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f Pe r s e u s
Vo c a b u l a r y
Some of the action verbs found in The Adventures of Perseus are given in the Word Box.
Complete the sentences below using these verbs. Then write a simple definition for each one.

1. The seamstress the pins into the cushion.

Word Box
2. The principal the student.


3. The still water the image.


4. The grandmother her grandson. embraced


5. The girl the barking dog.

6. The runner about his victory.

7. The juror to tell the truth.

8. The fencer at his opponent.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 47 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e A d v e n t u r e s o f Pe r s e u s
Ve r b s a n d N o u n s
A. The same word can sometimes be used as a noun and a verb. Write noun or verb to identify
the use of the underlined word in each sentence.

1. Minerva gave Perseus a shield.

2. Shield your face from Medusa’s gaze.

3. Perseus knew that he could not win the fight.

4. I do not wish to fight.

5. I will treasure your daughter forever.

6. You are here to rob me of my treasure.

7. They must sacrifice me to the monster.

8. Queen Cassiopeia made a sacrifice to the sea serpent.

B. Write your own sentences. Use each word below as a verb in one sentence and as a noun in
another sentence.
1. work



2. drop



3. look



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The Adventures of Perseus
Describing a Character
List character traits that describe each character. Then write a sentence about the character that
synthesizes your ideas.

• •

• •

• •

• •

• •

• •

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 49 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Seasons

C eres, the sister of Jupiter, was the goddess of the Earth and all the plants
and crops that grew there. She was kind to the families who farmed the
Earth and helped them care for the land.
Ceres loved her daughter, the beautiful Proserpina, more than anything
else. While Ceres went about her work, Proserpina gathered bouquets of flowers.
Everywhere Proserpina walked, flowers bloomed. Her laugh brought joy to
One day Pluto, the god of the Underworld, saw Proserpina dancing in the
meadow. He fell in love with her and wished to marry her. Even though his realm
was large and filled with gold and precious stones, he knew Ceres would never
allow Proserpina to journey to his faraway kingdom.
Pluto decided to kidnap Proserpina and carry her off to the Underworld.
Surely, he reasoned, when she saw how kind he could be, she would fall in love
with him and agree to marry him. Then she could rule happily as Queen of the
Dead and brighten his dreary days.
Pluto used his magic powers to create a beautiful flower that was like no
other. He set the flower in the earth at the edge of the woods. Hidden by the
trees, Pluto waited with his horses and golden chariot.
Proserpina ran toward the flower, intending to add it to her basket. When
she knelt to look at the flower, Pluto raced by. He gathered her up in his arms,
and his chariot sped off, circling the Earth.

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Proserpina’s screams echoed through
the woods. The nymphs hurried to see what
was wrong. Pluto opened a chasm in the
earth and drove his chariot underground.
The ground closed overhead, leaving no
trace of Proserpina. Pluto’s chariot was
gone by the time the nymphs reached
the clearing.
When the sun
was setting, Ceres came
to find her daughter.
She searched for her,
frantically calling her name.
The wood nymphs told her
they heard Proserpina’s
screams but they didn’t see
what happened.
Night and day, Ceres
searched the Earth, calling for
her daughter. She forgot to
care for the Earth. The ground
dried and all the plants turned brown. Farmers begged Ceres to care for the Earth
again, but she didn’t hear them. Weeping, she continued to search for her
Ceres returned to the place where her daughter was last seen. A water
nymph gave Ceres a jeweled belt that had been left by a stream.
“I found Proserpina’s belt,” she said. “Perhaps the sun saw what happened.”
Ceres went to the sun and asked for help. The sun told her that Pluto had
taken Proserpina to the Underworld.
Ceres hurried to see Jupiter in the Hall of the Gods. He told her that she
must stop mourning for Proserpina. “Tend to the Earth,” he said. “All mortals suffer
because you no longer care for the plants and crops. When nothing grows, people
can’t leave food offerings in our temples. They will forget about us.”
“I can’t do my work when I think of my poor Proserpina hidden away under
the ground,” said Ceres. “My child, who loves the sun and flowers, will be
miserable in Pluto’s dark caverns.”

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“Pluto rules over a large kingdom,” said Jupiter. “His storerooms are filled
with gold and jewels. He will be a good husband. Proserpina is fortunate.”
“I can’t be so far away from my beautiful Proserpina,” Ceres answered.
“If I am to care for the Earth again, I must have her back.”
“Very well,” said Jupiter. “I will send the messenger Mercury to fetch her.
I warn you, if she has eaten any food in the World of the Dead, she will not be
able to stay with you.”
Mercury took the message to Pluto. The Underworld king knew that
Proserpina cried for the sun and flowers. She would not eat, laugh, or sing.
Sadly, Pluto allowed Proserpina to return to her mother. Before she left, he
offered her the juice from sweet pomegranate seeds. Happy to be on her way
back to Earth, Proserpina took the juice.
As Ceres greeted Proserpina with open arms, the flowers and plants
began to grow around them.
“I feared you had eaten food in the Kingdom of the Dead and couldn’t
be returned to me,” Ceres said. “Those who eat there must stay.”
Proserpina cried out, “Mother, I didn’t eat until I was certain I would be
free to return to you, and it was no more than the juice from a few pomegranate
Ceres rushed Proserpina to Jupiter and told him what she had done.
“If she is sent back to the UnderworId, I will not care for the Earth,” she said.
Jupiter said, “Proserpina cannot remain on Earth all year because she
took the juice. She will spend half the year with you and return to Pluto for the
rest of the year.”
Thus it is that when spring comes, Proserpina visits her mother. Then
Ceres blesses the Earth. Flowers bloom and the crops are abundant. During
the long, dark winter months, Ceres grieves and forgets to care for the Earth.

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Questions about
The Seasons
1. What natural phenomenon is explained in this myth?

2. What was Pluto’s plan?

3. What happened when Ceres forgot to care for the Earth?

4. Why couldn’t Proserpina return to the Earth to live?

5. Is Pluto an evil character in this myth? Support your answer with examples from the story.

6. Do you think Jupiter’s judgment about where Proserpina would stay was fair? Tell why or
why not.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 53 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Seasons
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write each word below on the line in front of its meaning.

chasm precious dreary chariot frantically

pomegranate grieves offerings cavern tend

1. of great value 6. to care for

2. a large cave 7. gifts

3. gloomy 8. mourns

4. a tropical fruit 9. wildly

5. a deep opening 10. two-wheeled,

horse-drawn vehicle

B. Choose words from the list above to complete these sentences.

1. Winter is a time when Ceres is because her

daughter stays in the of the Underworld.

2. Pluto’s drove through the in the earth.

3. Ceres forgets to the flowers when she .

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 54 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Seasons
Categorizing Events
What seasonal occurrences would you classify as Ceres’ blessings? Which ones could be
classified as Ceres’ forgetfulness? Fill in the chart below to answer the questions.

Ceres’ Blessings Ceres’ Forgetfulness

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 55 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Seasons
Creative Writing
Imagine that you are Proserpina. Write a letter to your mother from the Underworld. Tell about
your surroundings, Pluto, and the things you miss about Earth.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 56 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Theseus and the Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus

K ing Minos of Crete called for his royal architect and

inventor, Daedalus. He knew that Daedalus was the
only person clever enough to build a prison that could hold
the dreaded Minotaur, a monster with a human body and
the head of a bull. The Minotaur roamed about the kingdom,
killing and eating the people of Crete. No one, not even
the king, was safe.
Daedalus built a labyrinth that surrounded the Minotaur. The
passageways were designed with twists and turns that seemed to
have no end. Once inside the labyrinth, the Minotaur couldn’t find
the way out. Only Daedalus knew how to escape.
After the Minotaur was imprisoned, its hungry roars kept
people awake at night. King Minos had to find a way to quiet the
Minotaur so people could live in peace. He sent a message to King
Aegeus of Athens. He demanded hostages from Athens to feed the
Minotaur. Aegeus knew that he had no choice. King Minos’s army was
much stronger than his. He was forced to send fourteen youths and
maidens to feed this monster.
Theseus, an Athenian hero and the son of King Aegeus,
volunteered to go with the hostages. If he could kill the Minotaur,
no more Athenians would have to be sent to Crete.
When Ariadne, King Minos’s daughter, saw the handsome
prisoner, Theseus, she fell in love with him. She asked Daedalus to
help Theseus slay the Minotaur and then help him escape from the
labyrinth. Ariadne gave Theseus a magic ball of string.
Ariadne told Theseus she would help him if he would
take her back to Athens and marry her. Theseus, in love with
the beautiful princess, agreed.

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Theseus entered the labyrinth when the Minotaur was sleeping. He set
the magic string Adriadne had given him on the ground. It rolled in front of him,
leading him to the snoring monster. Theseus surprised the Minotaur and killed it.
After his victory, Theseus followed the string to the entrance of the labyrinth.
Ariadne and Theseus freed the other prisoners and set sail for Athens.
On the way, the god Dionysus came to Theseus. The god wished to marry
Ariadne, and told Theseus to leave her on the island of Naxos.
Although Theseus loved Ariadne, he had to obey the god’s command.
When Ariadne fell asleep, the broken-hearted Theseus left her on the island
and then sailed on to Athens.
King Minos knew that Daedalus was the only one clever enough to help
Theseus escape the labyrinth. He blamed Daedalus for the loss of his daughter,
and locked him and his son Icarus in a high tower.
“King Minos controls the land and the sea,” Daedalus said to his son,
“so we must leave by air.”
Daedalus made a giant set of bird’s wings from feathers set in wax. He
strapped them to his arms and soared through the air. Next he set about making
wings for his son. The boy gathered feathers and helped his father fasten the
feathers to the wax.
Daedalus, like a mother bird teaching her young, taught Icarus to fly.
After a few days of practice, the boy could soar across the sky.
“We will set out when the sun rises,” said Daedalus. “Heed my warning,
Icarus. Follow close behind me. Whatever you do, don’t sail too close to the sun.”
The next morning, they strapped the wings on their outstretched arms
and flew off over the sea.

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Late in the afternoon, Icarus felt chilled by the sea breezes. He flew a little
closer to the sun. The warmth made him feel much better. Forgetting his father’s
warning, he soared higher. When he was close to the sun, the wax holding the
feathers in place melted. The feathers drifted down to the sea. Icarus, moving
his arms back and forth, struggled. He called out to his father, but the wind
swallowed his words. Icarus fell into the sea and, being mortal, drowned.
Daedalus, tired from the long flight, decided it was time to find a landing
place and rest for the night. He looked behind him. Icarus was gone! Below him,
he saw the feathers from Icarus’s wings floating on the water. His son had fallen
into the sea.
Daedalus landed on a nearby island. Grieving, he named the great sea
the Icarian Sea, in memory of his son.

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Questions about
Theseus and the Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus
1. What good thing did King Minos do? What bad thing?

2. How would you describe the Minotaur?

3. Why did Theseus volunteer to be one of the Athenian hostages?

4. What did Ariadne do to help Theseus?

5. What warning did Daedalus give Icarus? Why?

6. How would you change the construction of the wings to prevent the problem?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 60 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Theseus and the Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write the number of each word by its meaning.

1. labyrinth a prisoner held as security

2. hostage a maze

3. architect greatly feared

4. dreaded held in confinement

5. maidens the way in

6. imprisoned a person who designs buildings

7. entrance recollection

8. memory spread wide

9. outstretched unmarried girls

B. Write a sentence about a memory you have.

C. Write a sentence about something you dread.

D. Describe the entrance to your home.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 61 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Theseus and the Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus
Figures of Speech
A simile compares two things using the words like or as.

1. Here is a simile from the story.

Daedalus, like a mother bird teaching her young, taught Icarus to fly.

Tell the two things being compared in the simile.

2. Write about an experience you have had, comparing it to an event from this myth.

Example: When I looked at the map of trails in the park, I felt like Theseus walking into
the labyrinth.

Personification gives animals, ideas, or objects human form and characteristics.

What things are personified in these two examples from this myth?

1. It swallowed his words.

2. It rolled in front of him, leading the way.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 62 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Theseus and the Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus
Heroes and Villains
1. Do you consider Theseus a hero? Give examples from the myth to support your opinion.

2. Do you consider Daedalus a hero? Give examples from the myth to support your opinion.

3. Who is the villain in the story? Tell why you think so.

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Theseus and the Minotaur
Daedalus and Icarus
A Labyrinth
Can you get to the center of the labyrinth?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 64 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Introduction to Norse Myths

About 1000 B.C., Germanic tribes began to move into the Scandinavian
countries. From there they went to what is now England, France, and other
European countries. Their Viking ships took settlers to the northern islands of
Iceland and Greenland. Wherever they traveled, they took their myths with them.
Storytellers passed these Norse tales from one generation to the next. Written
versions of the myths came from Iceland, where they were recorded about
A.D. 1200. The following description comes from Icelandic stories and poems. It
tells how the Norse pictured their world.
An enormous ash tree, Yggdrasil, held nine Norse worlds in place with
three long roots. The worlds were divided into three levels. The tree root that
held the highest level in place was cared for by the three fates—the goddesses
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. This highest world was the home of all the
gods and goddesses. Gods who were warriors lived in Asgard. Other gods and
goddesses inhabited the land of Vanaheim. The gods could descend to the
middle lands on a rainbow bridge called Bifrost that was guarded by the god
The middle worlds were set aside for people, giants, elves, and dwarfs.
People inhabited the world called Midgard. An ocean that was guarded by the
serpent Jormungand surrounded these lands. His long body circled all the way
around the land.
The third level was the Land of the Dead. It was covered with snow and
ice that was never warmed by sunlight. The goddess Hel ruled over those who
came to the lower region. The eternal fires of Muspell burned here.
The Norse gods and goddesses were like the people who worshipped
them. They could be jealous and angry, and sometimes they made the wrong
decisions. Unlike the Greek gods and goddesses, they could die.
Odin, the god of war, was the greatest of the gods. If someone made
him angry, he sought revenge. He started wars and decided their outcome.
From Valhalla, his home, Odin overlooked the nine worlds. A raven sat on each
of Odin’s shoulders. They flew out every day to see what was happening in the
Norse kingdoms. They reported what they saw to Odin. Odin was a poet as well
as a warrior, so he ruled over both Asgard and Vanaheim.
Frigg, Odin’s wife, could foresee the future, but she didn’t tell others what
she knew. She cared for women and children.

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The god Balder, who was Frigg and Odin’s son, was loving and kind.
He was known for his wisdom. His brother, the blind Hoder, was responsible for
Balder’s death.
Thor, the god of thunder, was the first son of Odin. He was powerful and
very large. He protected people and the gods. Two goats pulled Thor’s chariot.
His famous hammer was named Mjollnir. A flash of lightning appeared when it
struck the earth.
Frey was the god of the Earth and people. He was in charge of the rain
and the sun. His sister, Freyja, was the goddess of love. She was the most
important goddess next to Frigg.
Loki wasn’t an official god, but he lived among the gods and goddesses.
He had magic powers and could change into other people and animals. His
mischievous ways caused problems for the gods and all who knew him. Hel,
ruler of the Land of the Dead, was his daughter.

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Thor and the Giants

T hor, Loki, and Thialfi, a swift runner, set out for Utgard, the Land of the
Giants. When night fell, the travelers went inside a cave to sleep. All night
they heard loud noises. As they left in the morning, they stumbled into a snoring
giant. In the morning light, they discovered that their cave was really the giant’s
When Skrymir, the giant, awoke, he agreed to guide them to Utgard. He
stuffed their food into his knapsack and strode off. The travelers had to run to
keep him in sight. At sunset the giant stopped and told them he was too tired to
eat. He gave them the bag of food and went to sleep. Neither Thor nor Loki could
open the iron ties on the bag, so the travelers had no dinner.
Skrymir snored so loudly that no one else could sleep. Thor got up and
swung his magic hammer at the giant’s head. Skrymir sat up. “An acorn must
have fallen from the tree and hit me on the head,” he said. He lay back down and
began to snore again.
Thor swung his hammer a second time. Skrymir yawned. “A leaf must
have fallen on my nose,” he said. “Thor, I see you’re awake too. No one can sleep
with acorns and leaves falling from the tree. It’s a long journey to Utgard. Let’s be
on our way.”
Thor couldn’t believe the giant had survived his blows. The travelers
walked the rest of the night and the next day. Skrymir stopped when he came to
two different paths.
“I’m going to the left. If you follow the other path, you will be in Utgard
before dark.” The giant strode off with their food.
The travelers walked until they came to a gate that touched the clouds. It
opened and they entered the giants’ city. They went inside a building that was
larger than any building in the land of the gods.
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“Guests!” shouted a giant seated at a table. “We have few visitors. You are
welcome, but you must prove your strength if you stay with us. I recognize you,
Thor, but I didn’t think you were so scrawny. Those stories about you killing giants
must be false.”
Thor raised his hammer to strike the giant, but he remembered that his
blows to Skrymir’s head had not harmed him.
“What can the three of you do to prove you are worthy of our company?”
the giant asked.
“I am the fastest runner in Midgard,” said Thialfi. “I challenge one of the
giants to a race.”
A long-legged giant appeared. Thialfi and the giant raced on the road that
circled Utgard. The giant ran around twice before Thialfi was at the halfway mark.
“And what about you?” the leader asked Loki.
“I can eat more than any giant,” said Loki, who hadn’t eaten for two days.
The giant set up a wooden trough that stretched across the room.
He filled it with meat. Loki started eating at one end of the trough, and a giant
began eating at the other. The giant and Loki reached the middle at the same
time.The giant won because he had eaten the meat, the bones, and the trough
“Your friends have failed, Thor. How
can you prove your strength?” the giant
“I can drink more than
anyone,” Thor said.
The giant brought out
a hollow horn and handed
one end to Thor. No matter
how much Thor drank, the
horn stayed almost full.
“The mighty Thor isn’t as
great as I thought, but I’ll give you
another chance,” said the giant. “Lift
this giant cat.”

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 68 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor tried to lift the animal. Only one of the animal’s front feet left the
ground. Humiliated, Thor gave up.
“No one at Utgard will wrestle a god as weak as you,” said the giant,
“but you may wrestle with my mother.”
An old crone with a cane hobbled into the room. She put a hammerlock
on Thor and floored him.
The giant led the defeated travelers out the gate. Thor said, “I brought
shame to the gods.”
“Things are not always what they seem,” their host said. “I am really
Skrymir, the giant from the forest. Indeed, Thor, you are mightier than any giant.
When you struck at me with your hammer, I rolled to the side and you made
deep valleys in the earth. Your blows would have killed me.
“The giant who ran the race was Thought, who travels faster than any
runner. The one who challenged Loki was Fire, who eats wood as well as bones
and meat.”
“That may be true,” said Thor, “but we didn’t win one contest.”
The giant laughed. “Your drinking horn was attached to the sea. No one
can drink the sea dry. As for the cat, it was really the sea monster that circles
Midgard. No god or giant can lift it. The woman you wrestled was Old Age.
No one wins that contest!”
Thor turned to strike the giant
with his hammer, but the giant and
the city had disappeared.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 69 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Thor and the Giants
1. Who are the main characters in this story?

2. What did Skrymir compare Thor’s hammer blows to?

3. How did Thor and his companions describe their worthiness to be in the giants’ company?

4. Explain how Skrymir tricked the travelers.

5. What was the final trick?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 70 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor and the Giants
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write each word below on the line in front of its synonym.

humiliated defeated floored survived stumbled

appeared failed hobbled challenged disappeared

1. remained alive

2. seemed

3. tripped

4. embarrassed

5. knocked down

6. lost

7. unsuccessful

8. limped

9. vanished

10. dared

B. Write sentences using four of the words above.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 71 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor and the Giants
Pe r s o n i f i c a t i o n
Personification gives animals, ideas, or inanimate objects human form and characteristics.
Myths and legends often have many examples of personification.
Tell how the following ideas or objects were personified in Thor and the Giants. Then explain
what each sentence means.

Old Age

No one wins a contest with Old Age.


Thought travels faster than any runner.


Fire eats wood as well as bones and meat.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 72 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor and the Giants
G i v i n g t h e Re a d e r C l u e s
Write a clue from the story that would enable you to make each of the following conclusions.
1. Skrymir walked fast.

2. The gates to the city were very tall.

3. Thor’s hammer blows were powerful.

Forming an Opinion
Skrymir greeted Thor by saying, “I recognize you, Thor, but I didn’t think you were so scrawny.
Those stories about you killing giants must be false.”
1. Why did Skrymir greet Thor in this way?

2. Do you think Skrymir really believed that Thor was scrawny or strong? Give examples from
the story to support your opinion.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 73 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor’s Hammer

T hor and his wife, Sif, lived in Asgard in the land of the gods and goddesses.
Sif had long, golden hair that was the envy of all the other goddesses.
One night, when Thor was away, the mischievous Loki entered Sif’s room. He
chopped off Sif’s beautiful tresses while she slept. But Thor found out that the
culprit was Loki. He threatened to destroy Loki if Sif’s hair was not replaced.
Loki visited the caves of the elves who made treasures from underground
metals. Loki pleaded with them to construct a head of golden hair for Sif. The
elves made the hair and created other gifts to please the gods. They designed
a magic ship that could hold all the Norse gods and goddesses. When the ship
wasn’t in use, it shrank to the size of a hand-held toy. They also forged a sword
made from precious metals.
But Loki thought that it would require still more treasures to win the favor
of Thor and the other gods and goddesses. He visited the elves and challenged
them to make gifts finer than the boat and the sword. He foolishly promised to
give the elves his head if they could make better gifts.
The elves made a glittering gold boar, a golden armband, and a
jewel-handled hammer called Mjollnir. The sly Loki escaped with the treasures
before the elves could cut off his head.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 74 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

When Loki returned to Asgard, he gave the hammer to Thor, the hair to
Sif, and the rest of the treasures to Odin and Frey. The angry elves followed Loki
and demanded that the gods judge their work.
Loki argued that the boar was not as practical as a magic ship, and the
handle of the hammer was not as perfect as the elves claimed. Odin and the
others ruled in favor of the elves. Loki owed them his head.
“You can’t take my head without taking part of my neck,” Loki argued.
“My neck is not part of the bargain.” The elves studied Loki’s neck and head.
They reluctantly agreed that Loki was right. However, the elves claimed, they
did own Loki’s head and could do what they wished with it. To punish him, they
sewed his mouth shut. It was a long time before Loki could undo the stitches and
get into trouble again.
Thor put his new hammer to good use. He created lightning when he
threw it to Earth, and used it to protect the gods from giants.
Since the giants couldn’t win battles against Thor when he had his
hammer, they decided to steal Mjollnir. While Thor napped in the forest,
the giant Thrym stole the hammer and hid it underground.
Thor sent Loki to see Thrym and bargain for the hammer.
“I will return Mjollnir if the goddess Freyja will be my bride,” Thrym said.
Loki returned to the gods and goddesses and told them the
ransom Thrym demanded for the hammer. Freyja refused to marry
Thrym. Loki argued, but the gods refused to send her.
“I have another plan,” Loki said.
“We’ll dress Thor as a bride. When
Thrym gives us the hammer, Thor can
destroy him with it.”

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 75 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

When Thor realized there was no other way to get his mighty hammer
back, he reluctantly agreed to wear a bride’s veil and dress. Disguised as Freyja,
Thor journeyed with Loki to the Land of the Giants. Thrym greeted them when
they arrived at his cave.
“She is as beautiful as any goddess, I’m sure,” praised Thrym, “but I had
no idea she was this tall. Her boots are bigger than mine!”
“It was a long walk,” Loki explained. “She wore large boots in case her feet
swelled. Since you are a giant, and quite tall yourself, her size is not important.”
Thrym agreed. He set out a wedding feast for the guests. Thor ate a whole
ox, a basket of salmon, and washed his food down with huge bowls of mead.
“She has a giant appetite,” Thrym said.
“It’s a custom with goddesses,” Loki explained. “The bride doesn’t eat for
days before her wedding. She’s very hungry after such a long fast.”
“I must have just one look at my bride’s face,” Thrym said. He lifted the veil
and jumped up from the bench, almost knocking over Thor and Loki. “Those
eyes! They’re as red as fire.”
“It’s nothing,” Loki said. “She hasn’t slept for a week just thinking about her
husband-to-be. If you give me Mjollnir, the wedding can begin.”
Thrym left the room and brought back the hammer.
“Let the bride hold it for good luck,” Loki said. Thrym handed the hammer
to Thor.
Thor tore off the veil and struck the giant with Mjollnir. Loki and Thor fled
just as the other giants arrived for the wedding. Loki turned himself into a hawk
and flew away, leaving Thor and Mjollnir to fight the wedding guests. Thor felled
the giants, one by one, and hurried back to Asgard to tell his tale.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 76 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Thor’s Hammer

1. Do you think Loki was a good friend to Thor? Give examples from the story to support your ideas.

2. Explain how Thor got the hammer Mjollnir.

3. Why did the giants steal Mjollnir?

4. What was Loki’s plan for getting Mjollnir back?

5. What three concerns did Thrym have about his “bride”?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 77 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor’s Hammer
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write each word below on the line in front of its meaning.

mischievous tresses culprit pleaded forged

in favor of practical bargain ransom reluctantly

1. payment demanded 6. deal

2. long locks of hair 7. in support of

3. begged for 8. shaped by heating

and hammering
4. unwillingly 9. suitable for use

5. irresponsibly 10. a person who

playful committed an offense

B. Use words from the list above to complete these sentences.

1. The tennis shoes were more than the satin slippers.

2. She combed her black .

3. The kidnapper demanded a .

4. The two boys made a .

5. The mother agreed .

6. The blacksmith the sword.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 78 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor’s Hammer
Number the events in chronological order.

Thrym stole Mjollnir.

Loki cut Sif’s hair.

Thor tricked Thrym by pretending to be his bride.

Freyja refused to marry Thrym.

Loki asked the elves to create gifts for the gods.

Loki made a bargain with the elves.

The elves sewed Loki’s mouth shut.

Loki turned himself into a hawk.

Thor returned to Asgard to tell his tale.

Thor napped in the forest.

Main Ideas
What was the most significant event in the story? Tell why you believe as you do.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 79 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Thor’s Hammer
P r e f i xe s
Using what you know about the prefixes re and un, give a definition for each of the words below.
Then use each word in a meaningful sentence.

re = again un = not

replace unconscious

return unaware

reread uncertain

refund unbroken

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 80 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Balder the Good

B alder, the kindest and most

beloved of all the Norse
gods, was afraid to go to sleep at
night. Whenever he slept, he had
nightmares about Niflheim, the Land of the Dead. He feared he
would die soon and would have to leave the world of the gods. He
asked his parents, Odin and Frigg, and all the other gods and goddesses
what he should do.
Odin rode his eight-legged horse to Niflheim. There he sought out
a soul who could foretell the future and give advice.
The seer told him, “What will be, will be. Balder can’t be saved even
by you.”
When Odin returned with the news, Frigg refused to believe the
prophecy. She traveled throughout the nine worlds and made every plant,
tree, stone, metal, and creature agree to protect Balder. Frigg was sure that
nothing could harm Balder after the promises were given.
Loki, the trickster, envied Balder’s popularity. He saw the gods and
goddesses enjoying a game with Balder. They threw rocks and arrows.
The missiles always landed at Balder’s feet. Nothing that was thrown hit
the young god.
Disguising himself as an old woman, Loki visited Frigg. “Do you
know what is happening to your beloved Balder?” he asked.
“Yes, it’s just a harmless game. Balder is amused by his special
powers,” Frigg answered.
“Is there nothing that can harm him?” Loki questioned.
“Nothing,” Frigg said. “All things in the nine worlds
promised not to harm Balder—all, that is, except that
tiny mistletoe plant that grows on the tree outside
my house. I didn’t ask that weak young plant.
It couldn’t hurt anything.”

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“I see,” answered Loki, and he left quickly.
Loki changed back into his own form. He carved a sharply pointed stick
from the mistletoe plant and returned to where the game was being played.
He saw Balder’s brother Hoder standing alone. “Hoder,” Loki said, “why aren’t
you taking part in the game?”
“You know I am blind,” said Hoder. “I don’t know which direction to throw
a stone or an arrow even if I had one.”
“I will help you,” Loki said. He handed Hoder the pointed stick made from
the mistletoe and showed him how to aim it.
Hoder threw the stick at Balder and
it hit him. The point pierced Balder’s heart,
and the young god died.
All the gods and goddesses
wept when they saw what had
happened. They knew Loki was to
blame, but he had escaped while
all were mourning for Balder.
Frigg asked Hermod, one
of Odin’s sons, to go to Niflheim
and talk to Hel, the Queen of the
Dead. Balder’s return was worth
any ransom Hel could ask.
Hermod assured Hel that all
creatures, plants, and objects
grieved for Balder. “The gods
and goddesses fear the
worlds will suffer without his
wisdom and kindness,”
said Hermod.
Hel agreed to release Balder if everything in all nine worlds wept for him.
“You must prove that everything loves Balder. If there is anything that refuses to
weep,” she said, “he will stay here with me.”
Hermod assured the dreaded queen that no blade of grass or rock would
remain tearless.

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The gods and goddesses traveled the nine worlds. Each object, creature,
and all plant life agreed to shed tears for Balder. But at last, one horrible giantess
refused to shed a single tear. So Balder
had to remain in Niflheim.
It was soon discovered that the
giantess who refused to cry was Loki
in disguise. The gods and goddesses
searched everywhere for the wicked
trickster and vowed to punish him.
Loki hid from the gods by
changing his shape whenever they
were near. He fled to a mountain and
built a house with a door facing each of
the four directions where he could see anyone
coming. As the gods and goddesses approached his house, he jumped into
a nearby stream and changed into a salmon. But the visitors were not fooled.
They found a fishing net that had been invented by Loki himself and plucked him
from the stream.
The gods and goddesses took Loki to a cave and bound him with a tie that
couldn’t be broken. A poisonous serpent was positioned over his head so that its
deadly venom dripped from its fangs onto Loki’s face.
Loki remained in the cave until the time of Ragnarok, the end of the world,
when the mountain and cave crumbled in an earthquake. Loki, Hel, and an army
of dead souls joined the giants to fight the gods and goddesses. Almost all who
fought were killed. Fire and flood destroyed the nine worlds.
Then, once more, land rose up from the sea. Balder returned from the
dead, and life began again for the few who survived Ragnarok.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 83 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Balder the Good
1. What was Balder’s problem?

2. What did Odin do to help Balder? What did Frigg do?

3. Who was blamed for Balder’s death? Was the blame justified? Give examples to support
your answer.

4. What bargain did Hermod make with Hel?

5. How was Loki a problem in carrying out the bargain?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 84 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Balder the Good
Identifying and Analyzing Characters
A. Write the name of each character or event from the story on the line in front of the
appropriate description.

Balder Odin Ragnarok

Loki Hoder Hel

1. ruler of Niflheim 4. trickster

2. blind brother 5. beloved god

3. Balder’s father 6. end of the world

B. Classify the following characters as good or bad. Give an explanation for each classification.

Good Bad






© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 85 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Balder the Good
Sequencing Events
A. Number the story events to show the sequence in which they occurred.

Loki disguised himself as a giantess.

Frigg made all things promise to protect Balder.

Loki was imprisoned in a cave.

Balder had nightmares.

Loki tricked Hoder into killing Balder.

Loki disguised himself as an old woman.

Frigg tried to ransom Balder from Hel.

Loki became a salmon.

Balder returned.

B. Write two additional story events. Tell where each event occurs in the above sequence.


This event comes between event number and event number .


This event comes between event number and event number .

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 86 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Balder the Good
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write the number of each word by its definition.

1. prophecy guaranteed

2. envied a statement that tells what will happen

3. missiles begrudged; felt jealous

4. harmless to let go

5. pierced fell apart

6. ransom penetrated

7. release safe; not a threat

8. assured a payment for the release of a captive

9. trickster a person who deceives people

10. crumbled objects for throwing

B. Use words from the list above to complete these sentences.

1. Hermod Hel that all grieved for Balder.

2. The sharp stick Balder’s heart.

3. Loki Balder’s popularity.

4. The gods said that nothing could stop the from coming true.

C. On another sheet of paper, write about something you consider harmless.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 87 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Introduction to a World of Myths
Gilgamesh and Enkidu, a legend from the Middle East
One of the earliest recorded legends is the story of Gilgamesh, a hero king.
The stories come from Mesopotamia and were written on clay tablets between
2100 and 600 B.C. The goddess Nintu was Gilgamesh’s mother. His father was
a mortal king. Two deities mentioned in the legend are Ishtar, the goddess of love
and war, and Shamash, the god of the sun.

Maui and the Sun, a Hawaiian myth

The Polynesian people worshipped the gods of nature. Maui and the Sun
explains why days are long in summer and short in winter. Maui was a trickster,
both mortal and god, who sometimes helped people and often got in trouble.

The Earth and Sky, an African myth from Benin

The people in Benin believed that different gods controlled nature. Rain was
necessary to grow their food, but sometimes the gods held it back and there was
drought. In this myth, an angry god holds back the rain until his brother agrees to
share the Earth.

The Ten Suns, a Chinese myth

At one time there were ten suns in the sky causing the Earth to burn. The Ten
Suns explains why there is just one sun now.

How It All Began, a Quiche Mayan myth from Guatemala

How It All Began comes from the Popul Vuh, a Mayan book that was written in
Spanish in the middle of the sixteenth century. In this story, the Creator, after
several failures, successfully breathes life into beings who can pray to the gods.

Sedna, Goddess of the Sea, an Inuit myth from the Arctic

The Inuit people live in the Arctic. This myth explains how Sedna, the mother
of the seals and whales, became the goddess of the sea.

The Sky Woman, an Onondaga myth

The Onondaga people are one of the Iroquois Nations. The Sky Woman tells
how the Earth was formed on a turtle’s back. Other Native American people in
the northeastern part of Canada and the United States tell different versions of
this myth.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 88 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Gilgamesh and Enkidu
A Middle East Legend

L ong ago, the youthful

King Gilgamesh ruled
over the land of Uruk. He
was part god and part
mortal. He was known as a
great builder, and he always
had a new project for his
subjects to finish. Day after
day he commanded his
people to build walls,
buildings, and temples. The
overworked people tired of
the tasks Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh was a
great warrior as well as a
builder. He liked nothing better
than one-on-one battles with
the young men in his kingdom.
Gilgamesh was very strong
and he always won.
The people of Uruk
complained to the gods about the
work and fighting they had to do for
Gilgamesh. “Our king doesn’t honor
traditions,” they said. “He does
whatever he wishes.”
The Earth goddess agreed. From a lump of clay, she created a man
named Enkidu, who was the equal of Gilgamesh. “This man will be a companion
for Gilgamesh and help him rule wisely,” she said.
Enkidu was wild. He was as hairy as the beasts, ate grass like the animals,
and had no knowledge of people.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 89 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

A hunter from Uruk set traps in the grasslands where Enkidu lived. The
next day, when the hunter returned to collect the animals caught in the traps,
he found his traps destroyed. When the hunter walked near the water hole, he
saw Enkidu drinking with the animals. As the hunter aimed his arrow at a gazelle,
Enkidu yelled and charged. All the animals fled. The hunter, fearing for his life,
ran also.
The hunter went to King Gilgamesh and told him about the wild man.
“He is as strong as you are, my king.”
“I must see this man and fight against him. This time, I will fight with one
who is my equal. I will send a priestess from Goddess Ishtar’s temple to teach
him how to be human. She can then bring him to Uruk.”
When the priestess found Enkidu, she said, “You are not like these
animals. I will sing songs to you about life and tell you how to live like the people
of Uruk.”
When the priestess finished her songs and stories, Enkidu returned to
the water hole to say good-bye to his friends the animals. They fled from him,
knowing that he was no longer one of them. He was human and they feared him.
Enkidu followed the priestess to Uruk. Gilgamesh was waiting for him by
the city gate. He pushed Enkidu aside and would not let him enter the city. The
two men fought. Enkidu knew he was stronger than Gilgamesh, but he didn’t wish
to injure the king. “I can’t defeat you,” Enkidu said as the two men struggled. The
fighting ended, and Enkidu went to the palace with Gilgamesh.
All the people of Uruk welcomed Enkidu. Now Gilgamesh had someone
his equal to battle. The king’s adventures with Enkidu kept him busy. He didn’t
have time to give the people new projects. He followed all traditions so that
Enkidu could learn about them.
Gilgamesh wanted to accomplish great deeds so people would remember
him after his death. He talked Enkidu into a trip to the Cedar Mountains to gather
the strong, sweet-smelling wood. “I will challenge Humbaba, the monster who
guards the trees,” Gilgamesh said. “If I destroy this evil creature, my name will be
recorded and remembered forever.”
Enkidu, Gilgamesh, and soldiers from Uruk set out on the long journey.
After several days they came to the towering cedar trees. Gilgamesh swung his
ax at the tallest tree and began to chop it down.

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Humbaba heard the noise and roared in anger. “Who dares to cut down
my trees?” The sound of his voice made Gilgamesh tremble.
“Shamash, the god of the sun, will protect you,” Enkidu said. His words
gave Gilgamesh courage.
“I am Gilgamesh!” the king shouted. “I have come to rid this land of the
evil Humbaba.”
Together Enkidu and Gilgamesh fought Humbaba and killed him.
Not only was Gilgamesh strong, he was also very handsome. The
goddess Ishtar fell in love with him and asked him to marry her. Gilgamesh
refused,s even though she promised great riches and power. “You have
destroyed all men who have loved you,” he said.
Ishtar asked her father for the Bull of Heaven to destroy Gilgamesh. When
she sent the Bull to Uruk, his roars cracked the earth. People fell into the chasms
and died.
Enkidu seized the Bull of Heaven and fought against it. He and Gilgamesh
killed the bull after a long struggle. Then Enkidu insulted Ishtar and threatened
her. He spoke ill words about the other deities as well. The gods and goddesses
decreed that Enkidu must be punished for his deeds and his words. An illness
was sent to Enkidu and he died.
Gilgamesh grieved for his friend and gave Enkidu a funeral and burial
worthy of a god. The people mourned Enkidu because he had tamed the wild
King Gilgamesh and given him wisdom.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 91 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Gilgamesh and Enkidu
1. Were Gilgamesh and Enkidu friends? Justify your opinion.

2. What were Gilgamesh’s strengths and weaknesses?

3. Why was Enkidu punished?

4. What was Enkidu’s punishment? Do you think it was deserved? Explain why or why not.

5. Why did Gilgamesh want to do great deeds?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 92 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Gilgamesh and Enkidu
Looking at Characters
1. Write a letter on the line to correctly match each story character with an action.

a. Earth goddess cracked the earth with his roars

b. Enkidu destroyed the hunter’s traps

c. Gilgamesh guarded the cedar trees

d. Humbaba created a man from a lump of clay

e. Ishtar asked Gilgamesh to marry her

f. Bull of Heaven enjoyed fighting with Enkidu

2. Describe Gilgamesh before he met Enkidu.


3. Describe Gilgamesh after he met Enkidu.

4. Write a sentence that compares the two different personalities of Gilgamesh and
summarizes the changes.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 93 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Gilgamesh and Enkidu
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write the number of each word by its synonym.

1. gazelle powerful

2. destroy graceful antelope

3. stacked untamed

4. promised vowed

5. wild piled

6. strong wisdom

7. knowledge demolish

8. found young

9. overworked located

10. youthful exciting experiences

11. adventures exhausted

12. evil wicked

B. Use words from the list above to complete these sentences.

1. The hunter aimed his arrow at the .

2. The soldiers wood from the cedar trees.

3. The people were tired of Gilgamesh’s demands.

4. The king’s with Enkidu kept him busy.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 94 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Gilgamesh and Enkidu
Critical Thinking
Read the statements. Do you agree or disagree? Write a paragraph to express your opinions.

Enkidu was a good friend to Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was insensitive and used the people around him to get what he wanted.

Gilgamesh should have married Ishtar.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 95 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Maui and the Sun
A Hawaiian Myth

T he sun god raced across the sky each day.

He traveled so fast that people didn’t have
time to finish their work in the daylight. They
couldn’t grow enough food because there wasn’t
the right amount of warm sun. They were always
hungry and ill-tempered.
Maui’s mother, Hina-of-the-Fire,
complained because the days were too short.
Besides cleaning and cooking, she made tapa
cloth from the bark of mulberry trees. It took
months to make the cloth because she could
work only when the sun was in the sky. She
had to soak the bark and pound it into thin cloth.
Then she pasted the strips of bark together.
The tapa cloth had to dry before she could make
sleeping mats and clothing.
People prayed to the sun god and asked
him to slow down. But the sun moved so fast,
he didn’t have time to answer.
“Why does the sun hurry?” asked Maui.
“He should take his time and enjoy the beauty
of the Earth.”
“And why do fish live in the sea?” asked
Hina-of-the Fire. “It’s because they’ve always
lived there. It will always be that way. It’s the
same with the sun. He travels fast because he
always has. He won’t change. He will do what
pleases him.”
“I will capture him and make him move
more slowly,” Maui said. “Then everyone will be
much happier.”

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 96 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

“How will you capture the sun? If you go that close,
the sun will burn you. No one can change the sun god’s
“I must try,” said Maui.
Maui walked up the slope of a bubbling volcano and
looked toward the east where the sun rose out of the water each morning.
He waited until the sun god climbed overhead.
“Can you walk slowly today, Great Sun, so the fishermen can repair their
nets before they go out to sea?” Maui asked.
The sun let off a fiery glow and hurried on his way without answering.
“What can I do?” Maui asked his mother. “The sun didn’t listen when
I asked politely.”
“I don’t know how to change
the sun. Go to your grandmother—
the one who prepares breakfast
for the sun god. She sets out an
offering of fruit for him each
morning. Maybe she will know
what to do.”
Maui went to his
grandmother’s house. “Venerable
Grandmother, I’ve come to ask
you to help me capture the sun.
He moves so quickly, there isn’t
enough daylights. People can’t
finish their work.”
“No man or god has been
able to slow the sun. Why do
you think you are worthy of this
task?” his grandmother asked.
To show her how clever
he was, Maui drew a rainbow
across the sky. He brought
rain and lightning. Birds flew
through the air and sang
his praises.
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“If you can change the sky, you might be able to change the sun,” Maui’s
grandmother said. “Listen carefully. Ask Hina-of-the-Sea for some of her hair,
and gather plant fibers. Twist the hair and fibers together to make a strong net.”
After Maui prepared the net, Maui’s grandmother showed him how to set
a trap for the rays of the sun. She helped him tie the net to the roots of a giant
tree. Then she handed him a magic ax to use as a weapon. Maui hid near the
place where the sun came for breakfast.
When the first ray of the sun reached for the fruit, it became trapped in the
net. As each ray climbed out of the sea, it was entangled. Maui closed the net
when the sun was caught inside it.
The sun struggled to free himself. “Who dares to stop the sun?” he
bellowed. “I am the greatest god of earth and sky!”
“I am Maui. You have behaved badly. You don’t listen to the people. You
must move slowly so the day is as long as night. Then people will have time to
finish their work before dark.”
The sun scorched Maui and tried to burn everything around him. “Let me
go, or I will burn whatever is in my way!”
Maui beat the sun with the magic ax his grandmother had given him.
The sun cried out, “Stop! You are hurting me. I will do what you ask, but if I travel
slowly every day, I won’t have enough time to rest.”
“Would you agree to go slowly one-half of the year and travel at your own
speed the rest of the time?” Maui asked. “That way the people will have what
they want and so will you.”
The sun agreed to the bargain. Now there are long days in the summer
so people have time to finish their work and plants have time to grow. In the
winter there are long nights so there is more time to rest.

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Questions about
Maui and the Sun
1. What was the problem in this myth?

2. How does Hina-of-the-Fire explain the problem?

3. Why did Maui’s grandmother think he could change the sun?

4. How did Maui catch the sun?

5. What agreement did the sun and Maui make?

6. What phenomenon does this myth explain?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 99 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Maui and the Sun
Pe r s o n i f i c a t i o n
1. In this myth the sun is personified as being rude. Give three examples that support
this description.




2. Give two other examples of the sun’s personification in this myth.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 100 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Maui and the Sun
Understanding Phrases and Words

Copy the sentence from the myth in which the following phrases and words were used. In each
box write a word or phrase that has about the same meaning.

1. behaved badly

2. complained

3. entangled

4. sets out

5. clever

6. ill-tempered

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 101 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Maui and the Sun
Character Analysis
In many myths the heroes get their way through force. There are often wars and killing involved.
Maui is a different type of hero. Circle the words below that could be used to describe his style
of leadership. (You may need to use a dictionary.)

negotiator willing to ask for advice heavy-handed contemplative

weak dictatorial popular determined

polite cruel thoughtful self-serving

Write a paragraph describing Maui. Tell whether or not you like his style of leadership. Justify
your ideas.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 102 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Earth and Sky
An African Myth from Benin

S agbata and Sogbo, the sons of the

goddess Mawu, shared the task
of ruling the world and the heavens.
Unfortunately, the two brothers could
not agree on anything, not even the
color of the clouds.
Mawu would not take
one side of the argument or the
other. “You have to learn to get
along,” she said.
Sagbata, the older
brother, packed up all their
treasures. “I can’t remain
in the sky with you any longer.
You won’t listen to anything
I say. Since I am the older
brother, all treasures belong
to me. I’m taking them to Earth.
I leave water and fire here with
you because I have no way to
carry them.”
“The sooner you go, the better,” Sogbo said.
After Sagbata left, Sogbo became the favorite of his mother and the other
deities. They allowed him to do whatever pleased him. To get even with his
brother, who was caring for the Earth, Sogbo kept the rain in the sky and would
not allow any water to fall on the Earth.
The plants didn’t grow, and the people and animals were hungry. The
people went to Sagbata and complained. “Why should we worship you when the
Earth burns and there is no water? Go back to the sky. We lived well before you
descended to Earth. You bring us misfortune.”

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“The rains will come,” Sagbata said. Weeks,
months, and years passed. It didn’t rain.
Sagbata called two sky prophets
to him and asked them why it didn’t rain.
“Your brother is holding back the rain.
Until you can live peacefully, the rain
will stay in the sky,” they told him.
“I can’t climb back to the sky
to talk to my brother. It’s too far.
What can I do?”
“Call the wututu bird
and ask him to take a message to your
brother. If you offer to share the Earth, he might share the
rain,” the sky prophets said.
The wututu bird answered Sagbata’s call. “Take this message to
my brother,” requested Sagbata. “Tell him that I have been selfish. I will
let him rule the Earth with me. He can care for the villages and all the
The wututu bird flew back to the land of the sky and delivered the
message to Sogbo. “Tell Sagbata that I will agree to help him rule the
Earth,” replied Sogbo.
The wututu bird flew back to Earth. Before he had returned to
Sagbata, it began to rain. Sagbata greeted the bird and said, “I know my
brother has accepted my offer. Because you have served the two of us well,
I will tell all people on Earth that you are sacred and cannot be harmed.”
The two brothers became good friends. The wututu bird carried
messages of goodwill from one brother to the other. The grass and plants
grew again, and the people weren’t hungry anymore.

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Questions about
The Earth and Sky
1. What is the initial problem in this myth?

2. How did Mawu deal with her arguing sons?

3. Did Sagbata’s exit from the sky solve the problem? Tell why or why not.

4. What lesson could be learned from this myth?

5. Do you think Mawu was right in the way she dealt with her sons? Explain why you think as
you do.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 105 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Earth and Sky
Vo c a b u l a r y
The Earth and Sky is a myth about revenge and reconciliation.

Define revenge. Define reconciliation.

Give an example of revenge in the story. Give an example of reconciliation in the story.

Give examples of revenge and reconciliation that you have heard about in your community or
in the world at large.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 106 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Earth and Sky
P r e f i xe s
A. Draw a line to match each prefix with its meaning.
de not

mis do the opposite of

un badly or wrongly
re back or again

B. Use each word below in a sentence. For each word, write a word or phrase that has a similar
meaning and a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning.

1. descend

same opposite
2. misfortune

same opposite
3. unwise

same opposite
4. return

same opposite

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The Earth and Sky
Wr i t i n g a D e s c r i p t i o n
The wututu bird served Sagbata as an emissary to his brother. The myth doesn’t describe the
wututu bird. All the reader knows is that the bird is capable of going a long way and relaying
a message.
Think about what the wututu bird might look like. How might it move and sound? Write an
interesting description of the bird.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 108 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Ten Suns
A Chinese Myth

L ong ago there were ten suns, not

one. Their mother was married to
Di Jun, who was the god of the east. The sun
children were well cared for. Each night their mother
bathed them in a warm pool and took them to a giant
mulberry tree. The suns had the bodies of birds, and they
perched in the tree until it was time for them to make the next
day’s journey across the sky.
After the night had passed, their mother hitched a team of
dragons to a golden chariot. She selected one of the suns to drive
the chariot. There were ten days in a week at that time, so each sun
traveled across the sky once each week. People on Earth had no idea
there were so many suns. They went about their work, enjoying warm,
sunny days.
The ten suns became bored. Every day was the same. Their
mother made all the decisions for them. The drive across the sky was
very lonely. The only fun they had was chattering together in the tree
or throwing berries at each other when their mother wasn’t watching.
One morning all ten suns climbed into the chariot. Their mother
tried to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen. “Come back!” she called as
they rode into the sky. “Your father, Di Jun, will be angry.”
The suns drove higher. When the suns traveled together, their
flames filled the sky. They scorched the Earth and trees burned. Rivers
and lakes dried. All the fish and other creatures that lived in the water
died. The beasts in the forest were thirsty, and there was no water to
drink. People and animals on farms died from the heat.

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Day after day, the ten suns rode together across the sky. They laughed and
sang and teased the dragons that pulled their chariot. They didn’t worry about
the Earth.
Their mother went to Di Jun and said, “What can I do? The children won’t
listen to me. Each day, they all climb into the chariot together. They are burning
the Earth. Perhaps they will listen to you.”
The people prayed to Di Jun. “Deliver us from the heat your children send
to Earth. The ground is cracked and burnt. There is no food left for us or for the
animals. Speak to them, or soon you will have no people to rule.”
Di Jun went to the tree that night and told the suns that they couldn’t cross
the sky together. “You are destroying the Earth. There is no water left. Your mother
and the people have asked me to stop you from riding together.”
The suns, perched in the tree, chirped noisily.
Di Jun, thinking the suns had agreed to obey him, returned to his palace.
He assured his wife and the people on Earth that the suns had given their word.
“They have promised to ride across the sky one at a time.”
At dawn the next day, all the suns climbed back into the chariot.
Their mother tried to pull them out and put them back in the tree.
Whenever she took one out, another climbed back in.
Their mother ran back to Di Jun and told him what
had happened. By the time he reached the mulberry tree,
the chariot was already in the sky. The clouds dried
when the chariot came near them, and there were
so many fires burning on Earth that the smoke
turned the sky as black as the night sky.

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The people went to the emperor
and asked for his help. “There will be
nothing left for you to rule if you don’t stop
the ten suns,” they said.
The emperor called for his council.
They discussed the problem until the suns
were directly over the palace. The gold on
the walls began to melt.
The emperor realized that there was
no time for talk. He sent the council home
and called for the royal archer.
The archer was a giant, and he could shoot an arrow so high that it never
returned to Earth.
“You must shoot the ten suns before the Earth dies,” the emperor said.
The archer filled a quiver with ten arrows and selected an enormous
golden bow. He climbed to the top of a mountain and readied his bow as the
suns’ chariot came closer. He aimed the first nine arrows carefully, and each
one hit its mark. The wounded suns fell from the chariot in the form of birds.
Their golden feathers floated in the air.
When there was one sun left in the chariot, the archer fit the last arrow
in the bow. He felt someone tugging at his arm.
“Wait,” said a voice. “Don’t shoot the last sun from the sky.” The archer
turned and saw the suns’ mother. “If there is no sun left in the sky, it will be worse
than too many. Without sunlight, plants won’t grow. There will be nothing to eat.
Save one of my children.”
The archer nodded and he handed the suns’ mother the last arrow.
From that time, there has been just one sun in the sky.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 111 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
T h e Te n S u n s
1. Describe the sun children. Tell how they looked and what they did.

2. Tell what problem developed when the suns became bored.

3. What caused the emperor to act quickly?

4. Why did the archer save one sun?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 112 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e Te n S u n s
Character Analysis

Describe the mother in the myth. Would you consider the suns’ mother a good mother?
Justify your opinion.

Describe the father as portrayed by Di Jun. Would you consider Di Jun a good father?
Justify your opinion.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 113 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e Te n S u n s
Ve r b C h o i c e
The ten sun children in this myth perch, chirp, and chatter. The verbs that are used support the
description of the children as “birds.”
A. Write the verbs from the Word Box under the animal they best fit.

elephant lion
Word Box
tease splash

plod hunt

roar hang

trumpet flee

stalk graze

antelope monkey swing scramble


B. Describe a natural phenomenon (such as thunder, rain, wind, night) by comparing it with one
of the animals. Be sure to choose verbs that support the description.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 114 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e Te n S u n s
N o u n s a n d Ve r b s
Many words can be used both as nouns and verbs. Use each of the words below in two sentences.
In one sentence the word should be used as a noun. In the second sentence the word should
be used as a verb.

1. quiver



2. fire



3. talk



4. aim



5. hand



© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 115 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

How It All Began
A Quiche Mayan Myth from Guatemala

A t the beginning of time, the Creator, who was the mother and father of
everything that existed, looked around. Within the four corners and four sides
of the universe, there were no people or animals to praise him. No birds, fish,
crabs, trees, rocks, holes, canyons, straw, or reeds could be found. There was
nothing. No noise could be heard in the sky. The sea floated through space. It, too,
was calm and lifeless.
The Creator set to work to fill the great void. First the Earth appeared. It was
formed from the dust and mists that swirled through the universe. There were
plains, mountains, canyons, and rivers. Then came the deer, birds, snakes, and
other animals. They were given homes on Earth. The birds were told to live in the
trees and reeds and were taught how to fly. The Creator showed some animals
how to walk on four feet, and other creatures, like the snake, how to crawl on the
© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 116 Myths & Legends • EMC 759
Each kind of animal was to make its own
noise. The animals were told to praise the Creator
and the gods with their special voices. They
squawked, roared, chirped, and squeaked, but they
could not sing praises to the One who gave them
life. The Creator was displeased. Clearly, the world
needed another creature. It was decided that these
animals would not be destroyed. Instead, they
would serve as food for others.
The Creator talked with the gods who had
great vision and asked them to solve the problem. First, it was decided to shape
people from the muddy Earth. These new creatures turned out too soft. They
couldn’t bathe because they dissolved in water. They made noise, but they could
not think. Clearly these creatures would not serve the gods well. They were
The next people were carved from wood. They
were much hardier. They will be perfect, the Creator
thought. He soon realized that there was something
wrong. The wood people were unfeeling and not very
smart. Their bodies were dry, without moisture or
blood. The expressions on their faces never changed.
They couldn’t smile or cry. When the Creator told them
to praise the ones who brought them life, their words
had no meaning.
The wood people had many children. Their
children were just like them, and none of them could
praise the gods either. Clearly, these people would not
do. So the Creator made sap flow from the trees. The
sap ran like a river over the wood people and knocked
them over. The animals broke them into pieces. The
chickens pecked them because the wood people had
never fed them. The dogs chewed on them because
the wood people had beaten them. The grinding
stones beat the wood people because they had been
made to work all day and never given time to rest.
Even the jars and cooking pots stomped on the wood
people because their masters had left them in the fire
too long and burned them.
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The few wood people that survived climbed to the roofs of their houses for
safety. The roofs collapsed. They tried to hide in caves, but the caves wouldn’t let
them enter. When they climbed trees, the limbs threw them back onto the ground.
These wood people turned into monkeys. That is why monkeys look very much
like people.
Once more the Creator decided to create people who would worship the
gods. He listened to the advice of the animals. The magpie, the coyote, the crow,
and the jaguar found yellow and white ears of corn growing in the fields. Food
and drink were made from the corn. People were created from the food. The corn
drinks made the people strong and healthy.
These corn people were our ancestors. There were four men and four
women. They had many children. The corn people could speak, and their words
had meaning. With their vision, they could see the whole Earth and universe.
They were grateful and they gave thanks to the gods and the Creator for the
Earth and sky.
The corn people prayed so well that
the gods became worried. The corn people
were too perfect. They saw and knew
everything. They were exactly like the gods.
The Creator fogged the eyes of the corn
people so they saw less and didn’t know
All this time, there was no light in the sky—no sun, no moon, or stars.
The corn people prayed for light. The Creator heard them and gave the world
light so all could see what had been created. During the day, the sun warmed
the Earth, the animals, and the corn people. At night the stars and moon shone
in the heavens.
There was great joy when the sun rose in the mornings. All the people
and creatures praised the work of the Creator and the gods. People danced and
burned a sweet incense that pleased the gods. They made offerings. The world
was as it should be. Clearly, it was perfect.

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Questions about
How It All Began
1. Describe the universe at the beginning of time.

2. Why did the Creator need to create another creature besides the animals?

3. Tell what was wrong with each of the following creatures. When the Creator realized that each
creature had a problem, he did something to correct that problem. Tell what it was in each case.

a. Creatures shaped from mud


How corrected:

b. Creatures carved from wood


How corrected:

c. Creatures created from corn food and drink


How corrected:

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How It All Began
Sequencing Story Events
Number the events to show the order in which they occurred.

The people prayed for light.

The sea floated through space.

Four men and four women were created from corn.

The Creator formed the Earth from dust and mist.

Chickens pecked the wood people and dogs chewed on them.

Creatures were shaped from muddy earth.

The world was as it should be.

Animals squawked, roared, chirped, and squeaked but failed to praise the Creator.

The Earth appeared.

Animals of all kinds were created.

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How It All Began
Re m e m b e r i n g D e t a i l s
1. Write each description below under the name of the group it describes.

unfeeling turned into monkeys

dissolved in water ancestors of human race

expressions never changed first people created

strong and healthy made noise, but couldn’t think

too soft their words had no meaning

too perfect

Mud People Wood People Corn People

2. Use the phrases above to write a description of each type of people created.

Mud People

Wood People

Corn People

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 121 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

How It All Began
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write each word below on the line in front of its meaning.

void expression ancestors grateful

perfect incense lifeless collapsed

1. fell down

2. thankful

3. relatives who have come before

4. lacking vitality

5. empty

6. a look that tells one’s feelings

7. faultless

8. a substance that produces a sweet smell when burned

B. Use words from the list above to complete these sentences.

1. The Mayan people believed that the corn people were their .

2. The on the face of a wood person never changed.

3. The Creator decided to fill the .

4. The roofs when the wooden people climbed on them.

5. The corn people were and gave thanks.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 122 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
An Inuit Myth from the Arctic

S edna lived with her father in the land of ice and snow. Their tent was near
the sea. Most of the year, a cold, bitter wind swept across the frozen water
and ground. Sedna and her father went hungry when it was too cold to fish.
There were two months in the summer when the ice melted. During that
time, men from nearby settlements would paddle their kayaks to Sedna’s house
and ask to marry her. She refused them all—young, old, short, and tall. She felt
none of them were good enough for her. “I will wait for someone who is rich,
handsome, and very generous,” she said.
One day a seabird stopped to rest near Sedna’s house. He watched her
as she sewed a fur parka. “She is more beautiful than any bird I have seen,” he
whispered to the wind. “I will ask her to marry me.”
The bird flew back across the water to his home. He changed his form
into a man and made a kayak. He returned to Sedna’s house and called to her
from the water, “Sedna, come with me to a warmer land. You won’t need to
work, and you’ll sleep in a warm bearskin bed in my fur tent. I am a great hunter,
and you’ll never be hungry again. My friends the birds will see that you have
everything you need.”
Sedna could see this man was different from the others. He wore a white
and gray cloak. His beaklike nose made him seem more handsome than any of
her other suitors. A warm house and bed, lots of food, and a handsome
husband were what she wanted.
“Daughter, don’t be hasty,” warned her father. “What do you know about
this man? You would be better off as the wife of an Inuit hunter. Stay here
with me.”
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Sedna didn’t listen. She left with the handsome stranger. They paddled to
a distant, rocky island. There the winds blew as fiercely as they had around her
old home. The fur tent she was promised was a smelly house made of fish skins.
There were cracks and holes everywhere. The bed was a hard mat covered with
damp feathers. Her handsome husband changed back into a bird.
All day long the birds fought over each scrap of raw fish. They screeched
and pecked at Sedna when she took a piece for herself.
“Be content with your new home,” her husband said, “and groom my
handsome feathers.”
Sedna wished she had listened to her father. “If he knew how I suffer,” she
thought, “I know he would come for me.”
The following summer, Sedna’s father paddled his kayak in the direction
Sedna had gone. He found her on the rocky island.
“Father,” she called, “take me away from here!”
Sedna’s father pulled his kayak out of the water and went with her to her
tent. She bundled up her parka and bone needles. The birds had stolen most of
her clothes. Her only pair of boots served as warm nests.
Sedna and her father hurried to the kayak. Before they reached the water,
Sedna’s husband swooped down on them. He beat her father with his wings and
pecked at him. Sedna’s father killed the seabird with his hunting knife. Then he
and Sedna paddled out to sea.
In the middle of the water, the wind and waves rocked their boat. Birds
screeched overhead and threatened them. With the power of their wings, they
created a stormy sea.

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“The birds are angry because you killed my husband,” said Sedna. “What
can we do?”
“If they think I have thrown you into the water to drown, they will fly away.
I will rescue you later,” said her father.
Sedna begged her father to let her stay in the kayak, but he threw her into
the icy water and paddled away. “See!” he yelled. “I have sent Sedna to her
death. Leave me in peace, and I will return to my home.”
The seabirds continued to circle. Sedna grabbed the side of the kayak,
tipping it to one side.
“Let go!” said her father. He pushed her fingers away. The ends of her
fingers fell off and swam away as whales.
Once more, Sedna grabbed the kayak. Her father shoved her fingers into
the water. The rest of her fingers fell off and became seals. Sedna drifted down
into the sea.
The birds thought Sedna had drowned,
and they flew back to their island. Sedna’s
father pulled Sedna into the boat. When
they arrived home, she jumped back
into the water and became the
goddess of the sea. She lived
there with her children, the
seals and whales.
When Sedna was
displeased with the hunters,
she told the sea animals
to hide, and the people went
hungry. Each time the animals
disappeared, the shaman sent
his spirit to comb the tangles
from Sedna’s hair. This
pleased her since she didn’t
have any fingers to hold a
comb. When the shaman’s
spirit assured Sedna that the
people would be respectful, she
let the whales and seals return.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 125 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Questions about
Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
1. What was Sedna looking for in a husband?

2. How did the seabird get Sedna to accept his proposal?

3. Summarize Sedna’s father’s rescue of her.

4. What phenomenon of nature is explained by this myth?

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 126 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
Character Analysis
A. Circle the characteristics that describe Sedna.
Underline the characteristics that describe the seabird.
Draw a square around the characteristics that describe Sedna’s father.

hard to please considers self better than others artist of disguise

jealous deceitful easily convinced

fingerless wise skeptical

careful beautiful

B. Write a brief description of Sedna.

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Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write the number of each word by its definition.

1. kayak quick-acting

2. hasty a religious leader

3. parka a sealskin canoe

4. shaman unsatisfied

5. assured showing consideration

6. respectful promised

7. swoop a hooded coat

8. displeased to make a sudden attack

B. Use each of the following words in sentences as the designated part of speech.
Use a dictionary if you need help.

1. groom



2. bone




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Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
Re c a l l i n g S t o r y D e t a i l s
Tell four promises the birdman made to Sedna. Tell what came of each promise.

Promise 1

Promise 2

Promise 3

Promise 4

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 129 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

The Sky Woman
An Onondaga Myth

I n the beginning, there were two worlds separated by a veil

of darkness. Water covered the Earth in the lower world.
The only creatures who lived there were birds with webbed feet and water
animals. There was no earth where they could rest. The water was
their home.
The sky people lived in the upper world. They were ruled by
a great chief. An enormous tree grew in the upper world. Its roots
reached down into the lower world where the swimming animals lived.
The upper world was a peaceful place until the sky chief’s
young wife became ill. The medicine man prayed and brought her
potions to drink that should have cured her, but nothing helped.
One night, the wife dreamed that the great tree had been uprooted.
When the trunk of the tree was resting on its side and the roots and
branches stretched across the sky, she became well again.
Dreams were important. They foretold the future. If the chief’s wife
had dreamed that she would be cured if the tree were uprooted, then it
must be done.
The sky people loved their tree, but they loved the chief’s wife even
more. They knew they had to listen to the stories from the dream world.
The chief and his mightiest warriors uprooted the giant tree. An enormous
hole was left in the upper world where the roots had grown. The chief
carried his wife outdoors and placed her next to the hole.

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The chief’s wife heard the
animals splashing in the water
in the lower world. She leaned
over the hole and peered into
the darkness below her. She
saw shadowy figures and
wanted to see them more
clearly. She leaned over
the hole a little more and
slipped into the darkness.
She tumbled downward, on
and on, through the black
mist. The Sky Woman called
to her people. They tried to
reach her, but she had fallen too far.
The water animals heard Sky
Woman’s cries and sent two swans to catch her.
The swans flew up to Sky Woman and set her on their backs. Gently they floated
down to the water. All the animals came to admire the beautiful woman from the
upper world.
“What shall we do with her?” asked the loon. “The swans can’t carry
her on their backs forever. They must look for food and care for their young.
She can’t live in the water as we do. She doesn’t have webbed feet. It’s too far
to fly to the sky world to take her home.”
A great turtle swam up to the swans. “I will care for Sky Woman,” he said.
“Set her on my back.”
“That is well enough for now,” said the beaver, “but she needs a bigger
place to live. She needs dirt so she can plant and harvest her food. Her home
must be larger than a turtle’s back.”
“There is only one place where we can find dirt. There is land under the
water, but it’s so far down that no one has ever been there,” said the goose.
“Well, then,” the muskrat said, “it’s time someone made the trip. Who will
go first?”
“I’m on my way!” said the beaver. He dove below the surface. The animals
watched for his return, but he didn’t come back.

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“I’ll go see what happened,” said the otter. “Beaver can’t stay under the
water this long. While I’m there, I’ll find dirt for Sky Woman.” The otter dove into
the water. The animals waited. She didn’t return.
“It was my idea,” said the muskrat. “I must see what has happened to my
friends. I’ll dive all the way to the bottom and find the dirt for Sky Woman before
I return.” Down he went.
After the muskrat left, the beaver came to the surface. “I dove as far as I
could, but I couldn’t hold my breath long enough to reach the bottom. I had to
come back without the dirt.”
Next came the otter. She was almost dead. “I dove until the pain was so
great I had to come back. No one can dive far enough to reach the dirt.”
The animals waited and circled the water where the muskrat had gone
down. They had given up hope of seeing their friend again, when his head
bobbed out of the water.
“Is he alive?” asked the loon.
Muskrat was out of breath and he couldn’t answer. He opened his paw.
Inside was a ball of dirt. The loon took the dirt and gave it to Sky Woman. She
spread a bit of dirt around the edge of the turtle’s shell. The turtle’s shell grew
bigger. Sky Woman spread more dirt on the shell until it grew into a great island.
Sky Woman felt well again. She built a lodge on the island and lived there
happily with the animals.
Not too long after that, the sun, moon, and stars were created, bringing
light to the lower world. Sky Woman never found a way to return to her home in
the sky, but she was content with the island she had created.

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Questions about
T h e S k y Wo m a n
1. How was the world divided in the beginning?

2. Why did the sky people uproot the tree?

3. Who was the hero of this story? Give examples from the story that support your opinion.

4. Does this myth have a happy ending? Tell why you think as you do.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 133 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e S k y Wo m a n
Vo c a b u l a r y
A. Write each word below on the line in front of its definition.

separated potions foretold content veil

webbed harvest peered uprooted loon

1. liquid medicines

2. a diving bird

3. predicted

4. divided

5. a piece of net or fabric that conceals or protects

6. satisfied

7. to pick

8. with skin filling the spaces between the toes

9. looked searchingly

10. pulled out of the ground

B. Use words from the list above to complete these sentences.

1. She must plant and her food.

2. The two worlds were by a of darkness.

3. The Onondaga people believed that dreams the future.

4. Swans have feet.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 134 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e S k y Wo m a n
Recalling Details
Many animals helped Sky Woman in this myth. Give specific examples of how each of these
animals helped.

1. the swans:

2. the turtle:

3. the muskrat:

Myths often involve fantasy. Give two examples of fantastic happenings in The Sky Woman.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 135 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

T h e S k y Wo m a n
Describe in words the world as it is presented in this myth. Then draw a picture that shows
all you know about the place where the myth takes place.

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Answer Key
Page 7 Page 13 4. Jason freed Phineus from the
1. Arachne could weave beautiful 1. Echo loved to gossip, so she was Harpies, navigated the crashing
pictures. never silent. islands, hitched fire-breathing bulls
2. Answers may vary. One possible 2. Juno became angry with Echo and to the plow, defeated the soldiers
answer: Arachne told the nymph took away her voice. that sprang from the dragon’s
that no one, goddess or mortal, 3. Narcissus loved himself. teeth, and took the fleece away
could compare her work to 4. Narcissus forgot to eat or drink. from a sleeping dragon.
Arachne’s work. He became ill and died. 5. crashing islands—dove
3. Minerva was the patron of weaving. 5. This myth is a tragedy. Both the fire-breathing bulls—oil
4. Minerva wanted to teach Arachne main characters die in the sad fierce dragon—sleeping potion
a lesson. ending. warriors in the field—magic charm
5. While both tapestries were beautiful,
in Minerva’s tapestry the sea, the Page 14 Page 21
earth, and the gods seemed alive. Definitions will vary. Jason was honest. He told King Pelias
6. Minerva threw the shuttle at 1. Echo means “repetition of a sound why he was in his kingdom and never
Arachne’s head. Arachne shrunk caused by the reflection of sound deceived the people he encountered
into a spiderlike creature, and waves.” on his quest.
Minerva told her that she would 2. Narcissism means “loving or
have to spin webbing the rest of worshipping oneself.” King Pelias was dishonest. He didn’t
her life. want to turn his kingdom over to
7. After the contest, Arachne had four 7 Jason, so he tried to destroy him by
long, thin legs on each side of her 10 sending him on an impossible quest.
small round body. She spun webs 9
in dark corners and scurried to hide. 6 Phineus was honest. He was so
8 thankful to Jason for saving him from
Page 8 3 the Harpies that he warned him about
Arachne—talented, boastful, proud, 5 the crashing islands.
self-centered, confident, indignant 1
2 King of Colchis was dishonest. He
Minerva—talented, forgiving, 4 didn’t intend to give Jason the
respectful, proud, confident, Golden Fleece even if Jason was able
indignant Page 15 to complete the tasks given to him.
1. Positive or Neutral Connotation—
Paragraphs will vary, but should fragrance, dream, noteworthy, Medea was dishonest. She tricked
point out that while both characters famous, petite, proud, generous, King Pelias’s daughters into killing
were talented, proud, and confident, lovely their father.
Arachne demonstrated disrespect Negative Connotation—soiled,
and was self-centered. Pushed to nightmare, odor, ugly, filthy, greedy, Page 22
her limits of tolerance, Minerva slanderous, opinionated, conceited, 1. sandals
hoped to teach the boastful weaver puny 2. King Pelias
respect and gratitude. 2. Synonyms: nightmare and dream, 3. King Pelias, Jason
fragrance and odor, soiled and 4. ship, Argo
Page 9 filthy, petite and puny, noteworthy 5. Phineus, Harpies
A. 3 and famous 6. crashing islands
1 3. Antonyms: generous and greedy, 7. harness fire-breathing bulls, plant
4 lovely and ugly a field with dragon’s teeth
2 8. Jason, magic charm, special oil
B. 1. delicate tapestry Page 16 9. Golden Fleece
2. vengeful Stories will vary. 10. his crown OR his kingdom
3. shriveled 11. killed their father
4. transformed Page 20 12. went up in flames
5. portrayed 1. Jason had returned to reclaim the 13. killed Jason
throne. 14. constellation
Page 10 2. King Pelias wanted Jason to prove
Sentences will vary. Possible answers: his bravery. He sent him to demand
1. After the budget cuts, the art the return of the Golden Fleece
teacher’s job was hanging by a from the King of Colchis.
thread. 3. King Pelias hoped that Jason would
2. Tommy was flying high when he fail so that he himself could remain
looked at the A + on his paper. as king.
3. Jose’s friendship with Ahmed
was building a bridge between
their two families.

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Page 23 Page 28 4. Epimetheus advised Pandora to
1. Descriptions will vary. forget the chest and take a walk
t i m b e r Orpheus was a talented musician in the woods.
e who demonstrated devotion to his 5. When Pandora opened the chest,
s a n d a l true love. He was willing to sacrifice every kind of evil flew out.
p e g
all to rescue her from the Land of 6. Hope also flew out of the chest.
u h a r r o w
the Dead, but wasn’t able to 7. Answers will vary, but should refer
complete the rescue because he to the inclusion of Hope in the
p r a y e r s l
looked back. Recognizing his own chest.
n r e d
failure, he grieved for his lost love.
b b d o v e
2. Definitions and sentences will vary. Page 35
q u e s t n
Persistent means “to continue with 1. Jupiter told Pandora never to open
l resolve.” Orpheus was persistent. the chest.
u n c l e He insisted that Zeus let him go 2. Jupiter’s warning let the reader
s to the Land of the Dead to find know that something terrible might
Eurydice. be in the chest and that Pandora
Page 27 would probably want to see what
1. Summaries will vary, but should Devoted means “showing loyalty.” it was.
include the following main ideas: Orpheus was devoted. He grieved
Orpheus, a talented musician, for Eurydice from morning to night. 1. A “Pandora’s box” is an unknown
fell in love with Eurydice. that is best left unexplored.
On their wedding day, Eurydice Unfeeling means “lacking 2. Answers will vary. A deserted
was bitten by a poisonous snake sympathy.” Orpheus was not mine shaft might be considered
and died. unfeeling. His songs brought a “Pandora’s box.” An old family
Orpheus traveled to the Land happiness to many in the Land argument might be a “Pandora’s
of the Dead to beg Hades for of the Dead. box.”
Eurydice’s return. 3. Responses will vary.
When Orpheus played his music Page 36
for Hades and Persephone, they Page 29 A.1. The insects represent unhappiness
agreed to release Eurydice on 1. Happy Words—enchanted, like sorrow, pain, evil, greed, envy,
the condition that Orpheus not serenaded, lulled, charmed, peace, and despair.
look back at her as she followed happiness, sunlight 2. Hope is being compared to a
him from the Kingdom of Sad Words—cried, mourned, butterfly.
the Dead. lamented, sorrow, foolishness B.Comparisons and sentences will vary.
Orpheus did look back. Eurydice 2. charmed
was returned to the Land of 3. lamented Page 40
the Dead. 1. Venus was jealous of Psyche’s
Orpheus grieved for Eurydice. Page 30 beauty. Venus became angry with
The nymphs grew so tired of his 1. fair Psyche and ordered her son to
sad songs that they killed him. 2. Mark give Psyche a potion so that she
Orpheus and Eurydice were 3. release would fall in love with a monster.
reunited in the Land of the Dead. 4. fair 2. Cupid thought that Psyche was
2. Orpheus charmed Hades with his 5. mark beautiful. He fell in love with
songs. 6. release Psyche when one of his arrows
3. Answers may vary. Orpheus was accidentally pierced his foot.
curious about how Eurydice had 4 3. Psyche’s parents were told that
changed after her stay in the Land 2 Psyche would become the bride
of the Dead. Orpheus was so close 3 of a monster.
to the sunlight that he turned to 5 4. Psyche’s husband was kind. They
make sure that Eurydice was 1 laughed and sang together and
following him. he told her stories about the gods.
4. Answers may vary. Some students Page 34 But Psyche never saw her
will believe that the story was sad 1. Pandora was almost perfect husband. He left each morning and
since both Orpheus and Eurydice because the gods had given her returned each evening when it was
were killed. Others will believe that many gifts. dark.
the story ended happily because 2. Jupiter cautioned Pandora never to 5. Cupid thought that Psyche was
the two lovers were finally reunited. open the chest and to keep it trying to hurt him with the knife.
locked forever. 6. Psyche asked Venus for
3. When many of her visitors asked forgiveness. She completed
about the chest and urged her to impossible tasks that Venus
open it, Pandora became curious.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 138 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

assigned to her. Finally, she 4. verb 2. chariot, chasm
searched for Cupid and begged 5. verb 3. tend, grieves
him to forgive her. 6. noun
7. verb Page 55
Page 41 8. noun Answers will vary. Some examples:
Psyche was climbing a high hill. B. Sentences will vary. Some Blessings—new growth, blooming
Venus put a slippery rock in her path. examples: flowers, leaves on the trees, green
Psyche fell and tumbled down the 1. The students must do their work. grass, etc.
slope. (noun) Forgetfulness—bare trees; dry,
Cupid called to the wind to save The farmer will work hard. (verb) brown grass; barren hills
Psyche. 2. The drop of rain fell on the
The wind caught Psyche and laid her blossom. (noun) Page 56
gently on a flowering meadow. I’m afraid he will drop the glass. Writing will vary.
When Psyche awoke, she saw a (verb)
palace. 3. Mrs. Brickley gave me a look Page 60
At night Psyche heard another voice. that meant “Be quiet.” (noun) 1. King Minos captured the dreaded
Psyche married the mysterious visitor. I will look for the lost kitten. Minotaur. He demanded hostages
Psyche betrayed her husband by (verb) from Athens to feed the Minotaur.
looking at his face. 2. The Minotaur was a monster with
Page 49 a human body and the head of a
Page 42 Character traits and sentences bull. It had a huge appetite and
A. 1. generous will vary. loved to eat people.
2. mortal Medusa—beautiful, boastful, 3. Theseus believed that if he killed
3. sorrow dangerous, deadly the Minotaur, then no more
4. haste Atlas—strong, huge, conscientious Athenians would have to be
5. insistence Sea Serpent—cruel, scaly, sacrificed.
6. oracle fire-breathing, scary 4. Ariadne gave Theseus a magic ball
7. quiver Perseus—brave, grateful, kind, skilled of string so he could escape
8. potion fighter from the labyrinth.
B. 1. sorrow 5. Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly
2. generous Page 53 too close to the sun because the
3. haste, quiver 1. changes in growing things caused sun’s rays would melt the wax that
4. insistence by the seasons held the wings together.
2. Pluto planned to kidnap Proserpina 6. Answers will vary. You could use
Page 46 and take her to his kingdom. Super Glue™ instead of wax.
1. Perseus vowed to kill the monster 3. The ground dried up and all the
Medusa to repay Polydectes for his plants turned brown. Page 61
care. 4. Proserpina had drunk the juice A. 2
2. Minerva gave him a shield, a from pomegranate seeds while she 1
sword, and a bag. Mercury gave was in the World of the Dead. 4
Perseus winged shoes. 5. Answers will vary. Although Pluto is 6
3. Medusa, Atlas, a sea monster, the King of the Underworld and 7
Phineus kidnaps Proserpina, he demon- 3
4–6. Answers will vary, but should be strates kindness toward her and 8
reasonably justified. accepts Jupiter’s compromise, so 9
students can make a case for both 5
Page 47 evil and good. B–D. Sentences will vary.
Definitions will vary. 6. Answers will vary.
1. jabbed — stuck into Page 62
2. summoned — asked to come Page 54 1. Daedalus and a mother bird
3. reflected — showed an image of A. 1. precious 2. Writing will vary.
4. embraced — hugged 2. cavern
5. avoided — stayed away from 3. dreary 1. the wind
6. bragged — boasted 4. pomegranate 2. a magic ball of string
7. vowed — promised 5. chasm
8. lunged — moved forward 6. tend Page 63
suddenly 7. offerings Opinions will vary. Student responses
8. grieves should be considered correct if they
Page 48 9. frantically are logically supported with examples
A. 1. noun 10. chariot from the myth.
2. verb B. 1. miserable, precious, dreary,
3. noun cavern

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Page 64 Thought becomes a swift runner. Page 79
A man’s thinking can move faster 6
than his feet. So thinking wins the 1
race against running. 8
Fire becomes a hungry giant. 7
Fire can consume wood, bones, 2
and meat. So in an eating contest 3
with fire, even a hungry man loses. 4
Page 73 10
1. The travelers had to run to keep 5
up with Skrymir.
2. The gates touched the clouds. Opinions about the most significant
3. Thor’s hammer blows made deep event of the story should be well
valleys in the earth. supported.

1. Answers will vary. Skrymir seems Page 80

Page 70 to be insulting Thor. Definitions and sentences will vary.
1. Thor and Skrymir are the two main 2. Answers will vary. Skrymir
characters. recognizes Thor’s strength when replace = to place again
2. Skrymir described the hammer he rolls away from each of the Please replace the books after
blows as acorns and leaves falling hammer blows. At the end of the you have finished reading.
on his head. story, he admits that the hammer
3. Thialfi said that he was the fastest blows would have killed him. return = to come again
runner in Midgard. Loki said that I will return after I have finished
he could eat more than any giant. Page 77 my work.
Thor said that he could drink more 1. Answers will vary. Some students
than anyone. may see Loki as a friend because reread = to read again
4. Skrymir disguised himself and he gave Mjollnir to Thor and I can’t wait to reread the ending
acted as the travelers’ guide. negotiated with the giants. Others of the story.
He only pretended to sleep. may not consider Loki a friend
He took the travelers’ food. When because he turned himself into a refund = to pay again (back)
the travelers arrived in the giant’s hawk and flew away, leaving Thor The store will refund the full
city, Skrymir set up impossible to fight the giants alone. amount if you take the shirt back.
tasks. Thialfi raced against 2. Loki gave him the hammer.
Thought. Loki tried to eat faster 3. The giants could not win battles unconscious = not conscious
than Fire. Thor tried to drink the against Thor as long as he had The boy was unconscious after
sea dry and wrestled Old Age. Mjollnir. the accident.
5. Skrymir and his city disappeared. 4. Loki had Thor disguise himself as
Freyja and agree to marry Thrym unaware = not aware
Page 71 in exchange for the hammer. The driver was unaware of the
A. 1. survived 5. Thrym thought his bride wore large accident up ahead.
2. appeared boots and had a giant appetite
3. stumbled and red eyes. uncertain = not certain
4. humiliated The outcome of the vote was
5. floored Page 78 uncertain.
6. defeated A. 1. ransom
7. failed 2. tresses unbroken = not broken
8. hobbled 3. pleaded The cookies arrived unbroken.
9. disappeared 4. reluctantly
10. challenged 5. mischievous Page 84
B. Sentences will vary. 6. bargain 1. Balder was afraid that he would
7. in favor of die soon.
Page 72 8. forged 2. Odin visited a soul that could
Old Age becomes an old woman. 9. practical foresee the future. The soul said
Old age is inevitable. It happens 10. culprit that nothing could be done to
to everyone regardless of their B. 1. practical change the future. Frigg traveled
strength or their size. So no one 2. tresses throughout the nine worlds and
defeats old age. 3. ransom made everything promise to
4. bargain protect Balder.
5. reluctantly
6. forged

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3. Hoder killed Balder. The gods B. Students may choose different Page 93
blamed Loki because Hoder was story events. They might, for 1. f
blind and Loki handed Hoder the example, choose: b
pointed mistletoe stick and showed Odin rides to Niflheim to visit d
Hoder how to aim it. a soul who could foretell the future. a
4. If every creature wept for Balder, The event comes between event e
Hel would release Balder from number 1 and event number 2. c
Niflheim. 2. Before he met Enkidu, Gilgamesh
5. Loki disguised himself as Page 87 was driven to build new projects.
a giantess and refused to cry. A. 8 He always won every battle.
Then he hid from the gods by 1 3. After he met Enkidu, Gilgamesh
changing shape whenever the 2 had someone his equal to battle.
gods were near. 7 The king’s adventures with Enkidu
10 kept him busy so that he didn’t
Page 85 5 start so many projects. He followed
A. 1. Hel 4 the traditions of his people so that
2. Hoder 6 Enkidu could understand them.
3. Odin 9 4. Sentences will vary. One example
4. Loki 3 might be: Meeting Enkidu calmed
5. Balder B. 1. assured Gilgamesh and provided an outlet
6. Ragnarok 2. pierced for his energy and drive.
B. Classifications may vary. They 3. envied
should be considered correct if 4. prophecy Page 94
they are logically explained. C. Sentences will vary. A. 6
Hel good Hel agreed to Page 92 5
release Balder 1. Opinions will vary, but should be 4
if everything in justified. For example: 3
all nine worlds I believe that Gilgamesh and 7
wept for him. Enkidu were friends because 2
Gilgamesh grieved for Enkidu 10
Balder good Balder was the when he was killed. OR Gilgamesh 8
kindest and the and Enkidu were not friends 11
most beloved because Enkidu was not honest 9
Norse god. with Gilgamesh. Enkidu didn’t let 12
Gilgamesh know how strong B. 1. gazelle
Frigg good Frigg tried to he was. 2. stacked
protect her son 2. Gilgamesh was a great warrior 3. overworked
from harm. and a great builder. He wanted 4. adventures
to accomplish great things. He was
Loki bad Loki caused strong and handsome. Gilgamesh
Balder’s death had little empathy for those around Page 95
and almost him. He overworked his people. Writing will vary.
caused the He was self-centered and often
agreement with took on more than he could do Page 99
Hel to fail. by himself. 1. The sun traveled so fast across the
3. Enkidu insulted Ishtar and the other sky that the people didn’t have time
Odin good Odin rode to gods and goddesses. He helped to finish their work.
Niflheim to get Gilgamesh kill the Bull of Heaven. 2. Hina-of-the-Fire said that the sun
advice for Balder. 4. He became ill and died. Students’ travels fast because he always had.
opinions on whether the She said that he wouldn’t change—
Page 86 punishment was justified may vary. that he would do only what pleased
A. 6 One example might be: Enkidu was him.
2 only trying to protect his friend 3. Maui’s grandmother thought he
8 from an unjust attack. He was only could change the sun because he
1 guilty of losing his temper, so I could change the sky.
4 think the punishment was 4. He caught the sun in a strong net.
3 unjust. 5. The sun agreed to go slowly for
5 5. He wanted to do great deeds so one-half of the year.
7 that people would remember him 6. The myth explains why summer
9 after his death. has longer days.

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Page 100 I think that Mawu was right in the 3. The people told him that there
1. a. The sun moved so fast, he didn’t way she dealt with her sons would be nothing left for him to rule
answer the people’s prayers. because solving the problem for if he did not act quickly.
b. The sun let off a fiery glow and her sons would not help them 4. Being without any sunlight is worse
hurried on his way without learn how to solve their problems. than having too much sunlight.
c. The sun scorched Maui and tried Page 106 Page 113
to burn everything around him. Definitions and examples may vary. Descriptions and opinions will vary.
2. The sun talked. Revenge means “a punishment The description of the mother might
The sun agreed to the bargain. inflicted because of something that include characteristics such as caring,
has happened before.” organized, ineffective, a pushover.
Page 101 Sogbo withheld the rain from the
Definitions may vary. Some examples: Earth as revenge because Sagbata The description of the father might
1. You have behaved badly. had taken all of the treasures. include characteristics such as out
behaved badly means of touch, formal, a figurehead.
“misbehaved” Reconciliation means “getting back
2. Maui’s mother, Hina-of-the-Fire, together and restoring friendship.” Page 114
complained because the days were Sagbata offered to share leadership A. elephant—plod, trumpet, splash
too short. of the Earth with Sogbo in the hope lion—roar, stalk, hunt
complained means “protested” of reconciliation. antelope—leap, flee, graze
3. As each ray climbed out of the sea, monkey—tease, swing, scramble,
it was entangled. Student examples of revenge and hang
entangled means “tangled up or reconciliation in their experience will B. Writing will vary.
trapped” vary.
4. She sets out an offering of fruit for Page 115
him each morning. Page 107 Sentences will vary. Some examples:
sets out means “puts out” A. de—do the opposite of 1. The hunter carried his arrows in
5. To show her how clever he was, mis—badly or wrongly a quiver. (noun)
Maui drew a rainbow across the un—not My knees began to quiver as
sky. re—back or again I waited for the announcement.
clever means “skilled” B. Sentences, synonyms, and (verb)
6. They were always hungry and ill- antonyms will vary. 2. The fire crackled in the dark night.
tempered. 1. The climber will descend using (noun)
ill-tempered means “out of sorts” the rope. The boss will fire him for
climb down—climb up insubordination. (verb)
Page 102 2. It was her misfortune to have 3. We need to have a talk about that
Circled words should include lost her purse. problem. (noun)
negotiator, thoughtful, contemplative, bad luck—good luck Who will talk to the ball team?
willing to ask for advice, popular, 3. It is always unwise to walk alone (verb)
polite, determined. after dark. 4. His aim is very good. (noun)
Paragraphs will vary, but should foolish—smart Aim the arrow at the bull’s-eye.
include justification. 4. I will return the library book (verb)
tomorrow. 5. I raised my hand to answer. (noun)
Page 105 take back—check out I will hand in my paper tomorrow.
1. The two brothers couldn’t agree on (verb)
anything. Page 108
2. Mawu told her two sons that she Creative descriptions will vary. Page 119
would not take either side and that 1. In the beginning the universe was
the two would have to learn to get Page 112 a great void. There were no birds,
along. 1. The sun children had the bodies fish, crabs, trees, rocks, holes,
3. Sagbata’s exit did not help the of birds. They perched in the canyons, straw, or reeds. There
brothers get along. Sogbo withheld branches of a giant mulberry tree was no noise. The lifeless sea
rain from the Earth because his until it was their turn to drive the floated through space.
brother was there. chariot that moved across the sky 2. The Creator hoped that the new
4. It is important to learn to get along each day. creature would sing his praises.
with the people around you. 2. The sun children became bored 3. a. The mud creatures were too
Removing yourself from a situation with their daily routine. They all soft.
doesn’t always solve the problem. jumped into the chariot at one time. They were destroyed.
5. Opinions will vary. One example Their combined heat was too hot b. The wood creatures were
might be: for the Earth. unfeeling and not very smart.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 142 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Most of the wood people were husband. When Sedna begged him hard mat covered with damp feathers.
destroyed by the other creatures to rescue her, he killed the seabird
in the world. The few remaining and paddled out to sea with Sedna Promise 3—You’ll never be hungry
were changed into monkeys. in his kayak. The other birds again.
c. The corn people were too created a stormy sea and threat- The birds fought over each scrap of
perfect. They saw and knew ened the pair. Sedna’s father threw raw fish. They pecked at Sedna when
everything. The Creator fogged her overboard in the icy waters and she took a piece for herself.
their eyes so they saw less and would not let her return to the
didn’t know everything. kayak until the seabirds had flown Promise 4—The birds will see you
away. When the birds had returned have everything you need.
Page 120 to their island, Sedna’s father Sedna is told to be content. The birds
8 pulled her back into his kayak. steal most of her clothes.
1 4. Sometimes sea animals are
7 plentiful and sometimes they are Page 133
2 scarce. The story of Sedna, 1. The two worlds were separated by
6 Goddess of the Sea explains this a veil of darkness.
5 phenomenon. 2. The chief’s wife had dreamed that
10 she would be cured if the great tree
4 Page 127 was uprooted.
9 A. Sedna (circled)—hard to please, 3. Answers will vary. Some examples:
3 fingerless, beautiful, considers self The beaver can be considered a
better than others, easily convinced hero because it thinks of a plan to
Page 121 seabird (underlined)—artist of save Sky Woman. The muskrat can
1. Mud People—dissolved in water, disguise, deceitful, jealous be considered a hero because it is
too soft, first people created, made Sedna’s father (boxed)—careful, able to bring the ball of dirt to the
noise but couldn’t think wise, skeptical surface. The turtle can be
Wood People—unfeeling, B. Descriptions will vary. considered a hero because it
expressions never changed, their provides the surface for Sky
words had no meaning, turned Page 128 Woman’s island.
into monkeys A. 2 4. Opinions may differ. The myth has
Corn People—strong and healthy, 4 a happy ending because the
too perfect, ancestors of human 1 animals of the water world make
race 8 a safe home for Sky Woman.
2. Descriptions will vary, but should 6 She gets well and lives happily with
include the characteristics listed 5 the animals. Some students may
in the columns. 3 think that the myth has an unhappy
7 ending because Sky Woman never
Page 122 B. Sentences will vary. Some finds a way to return to her home
A. 1. collapsed examples: in the sky.
2. grateful 1. The groom waited at the front
3. ancestors of the church for the bride. Page 134
4. lifeless The stable boy will groom the A. 1. potions
5. void horses in the evening. 2. loon
6. expression 2. I broke a bone in my arm skiing. 3. foretold
7. perfect The well is bone dry. 4. separated
8. incense Help me bone the fish before 5. veil
B. 1. ancestors I eat it. 6. content
2. expression 7. harvest
3. void Page 129 8. webbed
4. collapsed Promise 1—Come with me to a 9. peered
5. grateful warmer land where you will not have 10. uprooted
to work. B. 1. harvest
Page 126 The winds blew as fiercely as they 2. separated, veil
1. Sedna wanted a husband who had around Sedna’s old home. 3. foretold
was rich, handsome, and very Sedna’s bird husband wanted her 4. webbed
generous. to groom his feathers.
2. The seabird changed into a man
and promised her a warm house Promise 2—You’ll sleep in a warm
and lots of food. bearskin bed in my fur tent.
3. Sedna’s father visited her the The fur tent was a smelly house
summer after she left with her new made of fish skins. The bed was a

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 143 Myths & Legends • EMC 759

Page 135
1. The swans caught Sky Woman
when she fell from the upper
world. They carried her on their
2. The turtle cared for Sky Woman.
He carried her on his back.
When the soil was placed
around the edge of his shell, his
shell grew into an island.
3. The muskrat dove to the bottom
of the water and brought a ball
of dirt to the surface for Sky

Two possible examples of fantasy are:

The animals talked.
The turtle’s shell grew into an

Page 136
Descriptions and drawings will vary.

© 2000 by Evan-Moor Corp. 144 Myths & Legends • EMC 759


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