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Title of Research and Authors/Journals/Publication Highlights of Findings (Problems and Answers) Recommendation

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Stephanie Mae B.

Mateo EL 140: Research Methods in English Language Learning and Teaching



English Language Proficiency and Academic OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY In the light of the findings and conclusions,
Performance This research primarily aimed to determine several recommendations are offered to
of Philippine Science High School Students the relationship between the English English, Science and Mathematics teachers,
language proficiency and the academic students, school administrators, curriculum
performance of the Grade 8 students of designers and developers, and other
Robelle Millie Ann B. Racca and Ronald Candy
Philippine Science research enthusiasts.
S. Lasaten The English teachers of Philippine Science
High School in Northern Luzon.
International Journal of Languages, Literature Likewise, the study endeavored to High School should continuously update
and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016 determine and describe the English themselves with new approaches, methods,
language proficiency level and academic strategies and techniques in teaching the
REFERENCE: performance in Science, Mathematics and English subject. This can be done by
http://www.ijlll.org/vol2/65-LL0011.pdf English of the Grade 8 students of Philippine attending seminars, trainings and
Science High School. workshops related to language and
literature teaching.
FINDINGS Through this, they can bring out
Based on the findings, the study concludes innovations in their teaching and that the
that majority of the Grade 8 students of the proficiency of the students in the English
Philippine Science High School in Northern language will be heightened.
Luzon have English language proficiency The Science and Mathematics teachers of
belonging to the satisfactory level. Philippine Science High School should
Further, the study concludes that the support the English Program of the school.
students’ academic performance in Science They should promote the use of English
and Mathematics fall under the very good language in their classes. Also, they should
level while good level in English. serve as model to their students in the use
Likewise, the study concludes that there is a of the language. They should not just only
significant relationship that exists between teach their students concepts; they should
the students’ English language proficiency incorporate real life tasks that require the
and their academic performance in Science, students to use the English language while
Mathematics and English. The higher the learning the concepts in Science and
English language proficiency levels of the Mathematics.
students are the higher their academic The Grade 8 students of Philippine Science
performance levels in Science, Mathematics High School should realize the importance
and English. of English language in learning Science and
Thus, the study further concludes that Mathematics concepts. They must
students’ English language proficiency could understand the English language as a
be a predictor in the students’ academic system and of the role of its components so
performance in Science, Mathematics and as to understand its demands on academic
English since the medium of instruction tasks and eventually gain skills to address
used in the teaching of the said subjects is the role of academic language in their
English. Thus, English language program in learning.
school should be prioritized. The school administrators of Philippine
Science High School System should have
concrete plans to develop and monitor their
students’ English language proficiency
throughout their stay in the institution.
Also, they should establish bases and
standards for allocating resources that
contribute to the students’ English language
Further, they should provide professional
development assistance for the faculty to
equip them relevant approaches, methods,
strategies and techniques in English
language teaching.
The curriculum designers and developers of
the Philippine Science High School System
should revisit the existing curriculum
programs of the system, particularly
English, Science and Mathematics by taking
into consideration the result of the study.
Lastly, other research enthusiasts are
encouraged to conduct a similar study on a
wider scope to validate the results and
findings of the present study. Likewise, they
are encouraged to investigate other factors
that may contribute to students’ English
language proficiency and academic
performance such as learning styles,
teaching strategies, technologies used in
teaching and learning, exposure to English
language, as well as other environmental
and contextual variables.
CURRENT PERSPECTIVES ON MOTHER – OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Since language is the tool for academic
TONGUE BASED INSTRUCTION IN THE NEWLY The major aim of this paper is (1) to development and the core of cultural
IMPLEMENTED K TO 12 CURRICULUM OF THE determine the profile of the respondents in identity and intercultural sustenance, the
PHILIPPINES terms of sex, age, number of years of mother tongue based instruction needs to
teaching, educational background and be given investigation and assessment. It is
Ma. Theresa B. Valerio,Ph.D Quirino State
ethnicity.(2) to investigate the respondents’ therefore recommended that educators of
University- Main Campus Andres Bonifacio, perceptions about the use of mother tongue the country must be given more trainings
Diffun, Quirino Province, Philippines along instruction; (3) assess the for better preparation of localized
respondents’ beliefs about the instructional instructional materials with the use of the
British Journal of Education Vol.3, No.9, pp.51- material needed in the MTB-MLE; (4) to mother tongue to keep in pace with the
66, September 2015 determine the significant relationship newly mandated policy of the K to 12 basic
Published by European Centre for Research between the teachers’ perceptions on the education curriculum. The Department of
Training and Development UK MTBE and the learners’ academic Education must constantly monitor the
(www.eajournals.org) performances. language mandate of the new curriculum by
providing series of evaluation and
NULL HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY assessment among the Filipino pupils.
This study worked on the following null Filipino teachers who are teaching in the
http://www.eajournals.org/wp- hypothesis: (1) There were no significant different regions with learners of different
content/uploads/Current-Perspectives-on- differences on the perceptions of the vernaculars must manifest the interest to
Mother-----Tongue-Based-Instruction-in-the- respondents on MTBE when they were the academic demands of the curriculum
Newly-Implemented-K-to-12-Curriculum-of- grouped according to their profile; and (2) considering the variations of dialects in the
the-Philippines.pdf there was no significant relationship different regions of the country. Continuous
between the teachers’ perceptions on the in-service training in the mother tongue
MTBE and the learners’ academic based education, monitoring and support
performances. must be provided by the department of
Education to ensure that the grade 1-3
FINDINGS teachers have the linguistic skills needed to
Based from the findings of this study, effectively operate the policy of the K to 12
conclusions were formed. With regards to curriculum along mother tongue based
the profile of the respondents, majority of instruction. To support the mother tongue-
the respondents were female and they were based policy as one of the mandate of the
within the age range of 30-39 years old. new curriculum, the Department of
Most of them have taught within the range Education should provide enough textbooks
of 1-5 years, and they started their masters’ and teachers’ manual to teachers and pupils
degree. Majority of the respondents were which has been transcribed into the mother
dominated by the Ilocanos. The overall tongue of the leaners in the different
mean 3.16 implies that the respondents as regions of the country. The Department of
teachers of bilingual learners slightly agree Education must constantly monitor the
with the statements about the mother assessment of the impact of MTB-MLE so
tongue based education or MTBE. Being a that it can generally sustain and promote
multidialectal teacher with different shades programs and help the educators toward
of the Ilocano dialect is an advantage in the effective implementation of the
teaching pupils. However, to support, the language policy as mandated in the newly
linguistic background of the learners, the embraced K to 12 curriculum. To ensure the
needed specific instructional materials for quality instructional materials, the
the mother tongue based education were department of education, publishers, local
still undefined yet. In dealing with pupils government, donors, and learning
who are not all culturally familiar with the institutions need to collaborate to each
same mother tongue, teachers may other and be given time to acquire, and
experience have struggles because they are assess mother tongue and the prescribed
not expert of the different dialects. The language materials Adequate trainings must
study also reveals that the respondents have been initially given to the educators of
were not yet confidently certain whether the pupils involved in the newly prescribed
the instructional materials they presently subject in grades 1-3 which is the mother
have can assure that they can really tongue subject. It is a separated subject
appreciate the MTBE due to the intended for the pupils for them to
unavailability on localized translation along appreciate their vernacular. Aside from the
the instructional materials. As the chi Language enhancement program for
square value shows, using the mother elementary teachers, language trainings for
tongue based instruction cannot really them may be initiated for them to develop
elevate the learners’ academic and unravel their communicative skills both
performances. Several other factors can be locally and internationally. In this way, a
considered in dealing with MTB instruction. bilingual educator may maintain the
Teaching materials and assessment have not balance between his ethnic identity and the
been transcribed into the regional or native external needs in the internationally
languages of the learners. Results also competitive world. Further language
showed that the respondents believed that researches needs to be done to compare the
MTBMLE policy must consider the concrete implications of MTB-MLE in the
development of graded transcribed reading Philippines specifically in the varied regions
materials in the learners’ home language. of the country and among the bilingual
Significant differences existed when the Filipinos who are known to be multilinguals
respondents were grouped according to and multidialectals.
their ethnicity and according to the number
of years of teaching experience. This implies
that linguistic background or their ethnicity
have caused variations or differences on the
way they perceived the mother tongue
based education. There were also significant
differences on their perceptions when they
were grouped according to the number of
years they have been teaching. This implies
that the way they perceive the mother
tongue based instruction differs based on
their teaching experiences. The use of the
mother tongue in its pedagogic aspect
reflects the desire of learners to promote
national identity, however the teachers
seemed to be unprepared yet with the
mandate of the new curriculum on the use
of mother tongue based instruction. Indeed,
the use of local dialects along instruction is
clearly a complex process that is continually
being redefined by the bilingual and
multilingual system of education.
PRESENCE OF THE ABSENCE This study aimed to gather and ascertain the following are hereby recommended: Other
values reflected in Ilocano contemporary ethnic groups should also venture writing
A Study Submitted to the National Center for fiction. Specific objectives are: their literature in order for them to
1. to identify and select examples of Ilocano preserve their culture and tradition.;
Culture and the Arts
contemporary fiction; Teachers are encourages to venture writing
2. to interpret the prevailing values in literature especially those literature
FERDINAND N. CORTEZ, PhD Ilocano contemporary fiction; teachers.; The University of Saint Louis
2016 3. to examine if all examples of the chosen Elementary Department library should
contemporary fiction reflect all the variables impose Ilocano books because these are
REFERENCE: as illustrated in research paradigm; might be useful for the sake of mother-
4. to investigate if the Ilocanos still practice tongue base curriculum.; Related studies
www.academia.edu/27662556/ the values as reflected in their should also take into consideration
ILOCANO_CONTEMPORARY_FICTION_ contemporary fiction today. researching what are also those that our
PRESENCE_OF_THE_ABSENCE_ ancestors were not able to preserve.
Based on the findings, the following
_Center_for_Culture_and_the_Arts conclusions are drawn: There are many
examples of Ilocano contemporary fiction
which is written by the Ilocano authors from
Cagayan. A taken examples of these are the
stories “Mijar Vadil, Mannurat: Taga-Dupax”
by Roy V. Aragon and “Liwliwa De Garcia:
Domestic Helper” by Gregorio M.
Evangelista.; There are values embedded in
Ilocano contemporary fiction that tells
about the real-life experiences of the Ilocano
people. These values are manifested under
the dimensions of a human person which
are the physical, spiritual, political,
intellectual, moral or ethical, socio-cultural,
aesthetic and economic. ; The Ilocano people
are persistent and aggressive in fostering
and preserving their culture, customs and
traditions through their Literature. The
Ilocano people have a rich literature as they
have published many stories, songs and
many other literary pieces. There are also
many evidences of online resources which
tell much about the Ilocano cultures,
customs and traditions.
Language Maintenance and Language Shift OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Based on the results of this study, the
among the Turkmen of Baghdad: A The aim of the current study is to examine researcher suggests the following
Sociolinguistic Study the languages which are being used by the recommendations to be taken into account
Turkmen of Baghdad in different domains, by other researchers:
and to explore their attitudes towards the
Prepared by:
ethnic language and Arabic, and the factors 1. The current study is limited to the
Sara Najem Abdullah AL.Rahal which lead them to either maintain or lose Turkmen who live in Baghdad. The
(2014) their ethnic language. researcher recommends further studies to
be conducted about the Turkmen who live
REFERENCE: Discussion of the Findings Related to in other parts of Iraq, especially in northern
Al Rahal، S. N. A.، ‫ و‬Dweik، B. S. (2014). Language Language Use Iraq where many Turkmen live such as
maintenance and language shift among the Turkmen of  The Turkmen of Baghdad show that Erbil, Kirkuk, Mosul and Diyala, etc. It can
Baghdad: A sociolinguistic study ( ‫رسالة ماجستير غير‬ although the Turkmen people use also conduct a study about the Turkmen in
‫)منشورة‬. ‫ مسترجع من‬.‫ عمان‬،‫جامعة الشرق األوسط‬ the majority language (Arabic) in other parts of the world such as Turkey and
http://search.mandumah.com/Record/729978 different domains when they talk Syria, etc.
with different people about various 2. The researcher recommends conducting
subjects, they use their ethnic further research on other minorities such as
language (Turkmen language) at the Kurds, the Aramenians, the Sabians, the
home with family members. Yazidis and the Shabak who live in different
 The use of the Turkmen language at areas of Baghdad or in Iraq in general.
home and among family members
proves that they are proud in
preserving it. They speak with their
children frequently in the Turkmen
language and teach them to
maintain it. This result agrees with
Clyne (1982) who emphasizes the
important role that the
grandparents play in maintaining
the mother tongue. Hofman & Cais
(1984) assert that a change from
the 'melting pot' ideal to that of
'cultural diversity' would imply a
shift towards favouring mother
tongue maintenance among
members of minority groups."
(p.147). In addition, Fillmore
(2000) confirms the role of family
with minority children in
maintaining their ethnic language
by encouraging parents to talk with
their children and teach them
things that interest the members of
their ethnic group.
 in schools and universities
demonstrate that Arabic is used by
the Turkmen more than the ethnic
language when they talk with their
friends and people in the
neighbourhood and when they talk
with teachers and with their
friends. They use Arabic due to
mixing with other people from
other minorities who do not know
the Turkmen language. These
results match Fishman (1989) who
assures that cultural and linguistic
change is inevitable. It is inevitable
also that the languages of these
ethnicities will be modified as well.
 The vast majority of the
participants use Arabic in the places
of worship (Mosque).They
predominantly use Arabic in
praying and in talking with
worshipers. This result supports
Weinreich (1974) who confirms
that religion is one of the factors
which leads to create linguistic
divisions between the language of
the ethnic group and the official
 The study indicates that most of the
participants use both Turkmen and
Arabic when listening to radio
programs, watching T.V. programs
and even when reading
newspapers. This means that they
are proud of their ethnic language.
The presence of mass media in the
Turkmen language is considered a
key factor in maintaining it. This
result is in line with Dorain (1981)
who emphasizes the importance of
the factors that help to preserve the
language even while transferring it
to the next generation.
 Results indicate that more than half
of the participants use the Turkmen
language to express their emotions
and unconscious feelings especially
when expressing their happiness
and when they are extremely angry,
anxious or confused about their
dreams. This result corresponds
with Weinreich (1974) who
illustrates that the psychological
factor is one of the extra-linguistic
factors which lead to the creation of
divisions among mother-tongue
Discussion of the Findings Related to
Language Attitudes
 According to the results, there is a
positive attitude towards the
Turkmen language among the
Turkmen of Baghdad. The vast
majority of them like their ethnic
language and they are so proud of
it. They can express themselves
well in this language.
 More than half of the participants
assert that although the Turkmen
language has many dialects, they
are able to communicate well in it.
The majority of them believe that it
is the language of their ancestors
and their childhood.
 These results agree with Weinreich
(1974) who believes that "some
ethnic groups stick to their mother
language because of the emotional
involvement with it, as one learned
it in childhood or because of the
role of language as a symbol of
group integrity".
 Most of the participants assume
that Arabic is an important
language in order to get jobs or
conduct business .The vast majority
believe that Arabic is the
mainstream one in Iraq. Therefore,
they must learn and use it in all
domains. More than half of the
participants do not consider Arabic
as more important than Turkmen.
This indicates their strong loyalty to
their language. This result supports
Tuwakham (2005) who
investigated language vitality and
language attitudes of the Yong
people in Lamphun province .The
findings revealed that the Yong
people in Lamphun have positive
attitudes towards their language
which helped them to preserve it.
Discussion of the Findings Related to the
Factors that Support
Using Booth the Turkmen Language and

Factors Supporting the Use of the

Turkmen Language
 The great majority of the Turkmen
emphasize the important role of the
family, the strong family ties and
the internal marriage that exists
among members of the Turkmen
ethnic group. These are some of the
most important factors that helped
them to maintain their ethnic
language (Turkmen language)
despite the presence of an ancient
and great language as Arabic. The
continued suffering that the
Turkmen people faced for many
centuries also played an effective
 This result agrees with Dweik
(1998 and 2000),Tannenbaum and
Howie (2002), Park & Sarkar
(2007), Aswegen (2008), Nofal
(2011) and Khadidja (2013) who
assert that the family and loyalty to
the ethnic language have a great
role in preserving the native
Factors Supporting the Use of Arabic
 The vast majority of the Turkmen
are Muslims, so they use Arabic
beside their native language
(Turkmen language) because it is
the language of the Holy Quran.
Furthermore, most of them use
Arabic in prayers and when they
talk with the worshipers. Again, this
result is in line with Weinreich
(1974) who confirms that religion
is one of the non- linguistic factors
that affect linguistic divisions
between mother-tongue groups.
 All the participants use Arabic in all
domains in addition to their ethnic
language because it is the official
language and the language of the
majority in Iraq. Therefore, they
must learn it in order to get jobs. It
is also important in all educational
 Arabic is the language used to
communicate with other Arab
communities all over the world.
This result coincides with the
results of Dweik (1998 and
2000),Tuwakham (2005), Nofal
(2011) and Al-Obaidi (2013) who
show the importance of Arabic in
uniting all members of society.
Evaluate the causes of student’s weakness in OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: On the basis of above results of this study,
writing and speaking skills in English This study investigates the causes of this the following recommendations can be
language, case study of Jordanian schools. poor impacts on the students of Jordanian helpful in order to assist and make easier
schools. Data was collected through 150 for the students and teachers. Teachers
respondents which was the teachers of should cover all the weak areas of above
Samya Mohammad Shawashreh
Jordanian schools. As indicated by the results. Parents should try to motivate their
Al-Ramtha Directorate of Education research, the student's weakness in children to participate energetically in
Supervisor of English
communicating and composing the English learning English language. Teachers should
REFERENCE: language the twenty main reasons were not teach in their local language in the class
http://www.ijern.com/journal/2019/October estimated in the Jordanian schools. The of English language. The decision makers
-2019/18.pdf adopted questionnaire was used to measure like relevant educational ministries should
the major reasons of student’s weakness in focus on the causes of weakness in English
writing and speaking skills. language. Course designers should manage
the course content according to the current
FINDINGS need. Improvement by launching
The above responses of school teachers promotional campaigns to encourage the
produced a list of reasons why students awareness regarding the importance of
were weak in writing and speaking skills in speaking and writing English language in
English language. These above results were Arabic countries.
associated to the weight of percentages. The
majority of teachers said that the school and Future Research
family members did not encourage, not On the bases of above findings future
proper follow-up and educate students for research can be on the assessment of
the importance of English language in our teachers and the other important factors
society, which were (69.57%). (56.52%) which contribute positively in the success
teachers were also point out the absence of to learn English language. Researchers can
several instructional support which make take student’s point of view about the
English language easy. Mostly students do causes of weakness in their English
not participate in the classroom activities language. Further research can be
(47.83%) teachers point out this and so on. conducted on the other Arabic countries.

Analysis of overall results of this study,

there were 20 reasons listed by teachers.
Considering the each factor, the result
shows the most important factor on first
which needs improvement. The cause of
“school and family do not encourage, follow-
up and educate learners of the importance
of English” was considered as the main
cause of student’s weakness in writing and
speaking skills in English language. The
above results in findings, suggested the
teachers to take proper actions on the key
causes which give positivity to the
achievement of students in English speaking
and writing. This happens through proper
specialist of English language, proper
follow-up, inspiration of society and
government departments like educational
ministries. Advance teaching rules and
strategies should be taught that can improve
student’s communicative and writing

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