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2, June 2016
English language.
Abstract—Using the descriptive-correlational research design, Educators agree that proficiency in the English language is
this study aimed to determine the relationship between the the basis for success in academic pursuits. Reading, writing,
English language proficiency and academic performance in and working with numbers are tasks that are based on
Science, Mathematics and English of the 216 Grade 8 students of
Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon – Ilocos
language skills [1], [2] describes this as the interplay between
Region Campus, Cordillera Autonomous Region and Cagayan everyday language skills and more advanced communication
Valley Campus. Frequency distribution and Pearson’s r skills.
correlation were the statistical tools used to treat the data. Indeed, language proficiency is a key to academic
Findings reveal that majority of the Grade 8 students of the performance. A person who does not know English, for
Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon have English instance, may not have access to the world’s known scientific
language proficiency belonging to the satisfactory level. Also,
majority of the students have academic performance in Science and technological discoveries that are predominantly written
and Mathematics belonging to the very good level while good in English [3]. This means that students need to be proficient
level in English. Results further reveal that there is a significant in English for a better grasp of knowledge in Technology,
relationship between the students’ English language proficiency Science, and Mathematics.
and their academic performance in each of the subjects. As [4] claim, language proficiency in English is
significantly related to academic performance. Academic
Index Terms—Academic performance, cognitive academic
subjects like Science, Mathematics and English often requires
language proficiency (CALP), English language proficiency,
Philippine Science High School. the use of language functions. The language functions play a
significant role in critical and analytical thinking required in
science and mathematics subjects. The more language
I. INTRODUCTION functions with which students are adept, the more effective
In a report published by [1] called Business English Index their thinking can be. Thus, the more the students are
(BEI), Philippines was tagged as the world’s best country in proficient with the English language, the more they are likely
business English proficiency, in not just one but two to perform well in their academic subjects.
consecutive years. Based on the BEI Report in 2012, only the Relative to the said claim, the Department of Education
Philippines attained a score above 7.0, putting the country (DepEd) asserts that students’ proficiency in Science and
within range of a high proficiency that indicates an ability to Mathematics has a relationship with their language
lead business discussions and perform complex tasks. proficiency in English. Majority of the students had not really
Moreover, in 2013 BEI report, the Philippines earned 7.95 mastered the different learning areas in Mathematics. From
score, an improved BEI score over the prior year. This maybe the performance of Grade VI pupils, it was reflected that their
the reason why the Philippines has taken over India as a hub skills in problem solving was only 53%; analysis, 56%; and
for call centers in Asia. computation was 62%. These skills all require proficiency in
However, various studies reveal that the quality of English. Likewise, from the results yielded, Science
education in the Philippines is continuously declining. This noticeably tailed at fifth rank with only 56.87% percentile
notion is based on the results of achievement tests and board rank. It was noted that the questions given required
examinations. Not only the elementary and secondary comprehension and analytical skills of the learners. Again,
graduates are affected but also the college graduates. The English has something to do with the skills of the learners [5].
Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) reports that Undeniably, in many a lesson in Sciences and Mathematics,
passers of board examinations in all fields of endeavor English is very vital as a tool in comprehension, analysis,
continue to go down. One of the important causes for this evaluation, and interpretation of results.
phenomenon is the low academic performance in the Multifarious interventions have been made to address such
elementary and secondary levels. This academic performance claim and assertion. However, still a lot of students struggle in
of the students can be attributed to their proficiency in the Science, Mathematics and English. This phenomenon is also
true to Philippine Science High School (PSHS) students who
are marked with excellence in Science, Mathematics and
Manuscript received February 20, 2016; revised June 12, 2016. Technology.
R. M. B. Racca is with the Philippine Science High School-Ilocos Region In the study of [6], they contend that Science, in all areas, is
Campus, San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur, Philippines (e-mail: not being mastered by the students. These range from
R. C. S. Lasaten is with the Mariano Marcos State University College of interpreting and analyzing scientific data, to explaining and
Teacher Education (MMSU-CTE), Laoag City, Philippines (e-mail: proving scientific theories or laws, to being able to solve
doi: 10.18178/ijlll.2016.2.2.65 44
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016
scientific problems or to refute or confirm a theory. In could find essential feedback and information as regards their
Mathematics, the students are poor in solving problems or language learning which could provide guidance and
even in interpreting and analyzing data. They are also weak in direction on better English language skills development and
terms of manipulating numbers and equations. Likewise, they for a more improved language performance. Moreover, they
are weak in thinking conceptually and spatially. Indeed, their could also be directed to focus in any of the language
analytical, critical and problem-solving skills are poor. proficiency skills identified as weak among them.
The study of [6] concludes that the students’ weaknesses in Moreover, the results could also guide the teachers in
Science and Mathematics subjects are attributed to the English relative to information on the level of the students’
students’ difficulty in English. As stated in his findings, the language proficiency and academic performance. They can
students’ difficulty in English included difficulties in making use the essential information to improve their teaching
inferences and interpretations of information, deducing practices. With the results, they could then device approaches
meaning, drawing conclusions, and summarizing ideas. All and strategies on how to integrate learning content with the
these boil down to problem on comprehension, leading the students’ current deficiencies. Consequently, emphasis on the
students not to understand what they are reading. They are not improvement of the English program will be looked into.
developing proficiency in the language. They have difficulty Furthermore, the administration could use the results of the
in expressing their ideas in spoken and written form. study as a reference in formulating school policies and
Obviously, the skills in English are pre-requisites in learning programs. Through the results, they can propose and initiate
concepts in Science and Mathematics. in-service trainings and seminars for the teachers. Gradually,
Based on the experiences and observations of their English the English program content can be improved based on the
teachers, the students normally refuse or react negatively needs of the students. Significantly, the results can shed light
when given literary pieces and novels for home reading in evaluating the Sciences and Mathematics programs of the
reports and compositions and analyses for submission. This is school.
true to most, if not all, experiences of the language teachers in This study could also be beneficial to parents for the
the said institution. Same observations are also perceived by upcoming grade levels since results will guide them in
the Science and Mathematics teachers. They say that the choosing the opportunities and interventions that should be
students have difficulty in articulating their ideas, analyzing provided to their children so as to enhance their language
problem sets and applying theory in given situations. proficiency and academic performance.
Generally, the students complain that they could hardly Lastly, the result of the study could provide meaningful
understand a language that is not native to them even they try data useful for other research enthusiasts. Hopefully, more
all the means to learn it. To them, even how competent their replicate studies along this line of concern can be done to
teachers are in the language, still they could hardly attain further ascertain relationship of language proficiency and
proficiency in the language. academic performance.
These observations relative to English language
proficiency and academic performance prompted the
researchers to conduct this study. Particularly, this research IV. SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
assesses the relevance of language proficiency to the This study primarily focused on the relationship between
academic performance of the students in Science, the English language proficiency and academic performance
Mathematics and English. in Science, Mathematics and English of the Grade 8 students
of the Philippine Science High School in Ilocos Region,
Cordillera Autonomous Region, and Cagayan Valley Region.
II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The choice of the locale is prompted by the fact that they
This research primarily aimed to determine the relationship are the forerunners in Science and Technology, a name in the
between the English language proficiency and the academic academe as flagship of quality education in the North. With
performance of the Grade 8 students of Philippine Science this, it is presumed that the students belonging to said school
High School in Northern Luzon. could be the best representative of the desired type of students
Likewise, the study endeavored to determine and describe for the study.
the English language proficiency level and academic The English language proficiency level of the students was
performance in Science, Mathematics and English of the delimited to the result of the National Competitive
Grade 8 students of Philippine Science High School. Examination along Verbal Aptitude, which tests the students’
skills in grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Meanwhile, the level of academic performance was delimited
III. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY to the students’ grade point averages (GPAs) in Science,
The findings of this study could provide a database that can Mathematics and English from their report cards in Grade 7.
be used as a tangible reference for more meaningful Only the students’ academic performance in the three subject
educational services. Results could be useful in the solution of areas was included since these subjects use English as a
problems related to English language teaching and learning. medium of instruction.
Definitely, students, teachers, administrators, parents and
other research enthusiasts could benefit from this study. V. THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
With the result of this study, the students of PSHS-IRC This study was anchored on Cognitive Academic Language
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016
Proficiency (CALP) which delineates the connection between academics, particularly in the said subjects.
students’ cognitive and linguistic processes to their academic
performance. There are two levels of language proficiency.
These are the basic interpersonal communicative skills (BICS)
and the CALP.
The BICS concept signifies the students’ language informal
conversation. These are used by students when they talk to
their parents, siblings, parents and peers in real settings and
situations, that is; situations in which the context offers cues
that make understanding not totally dependent on verbal Fig. 1. Research paradigm.
interaction alone. [2] refers to this everyday conversational
ability as context embedded or contextualized. It has been
found by [7] that in context embedded or contextualized VI. METHODOLOGY
communication, the conversation is natural, and deals with This study used the descriptive-correlational design since
ordinary matters requiring speakers to react and respond to its aim was to describe students’ English language proficiency
each other. and their academic performance levels. Further, the study
Meanwhile, according to [2] and [7], CALP is the type of aimed to correlate the two to determine their relationship.
language proficiency needed in the academic settings. This study was conducted in the three campuses of
Classroom activities like reading, writing, participating in Philippine Science High School in Northern Luzon situated in
formal conversations and taking exams are some of the tasks Ilocos Region, Cordillera Autonomous Region and Cagayan
that require CALP. Thus, students who have not yet Valley. The schools are three of the thirteen campuses of the
developed their CALP may encounter difficulties in learning Philippine Science High School System¸a specialized public
science, mathematics and other academic subjects. high school in the Philippines, manned by the Department of
The CALP concept is related to literacy skills in the first or Science and Technology (DOST).
second language. Both higher levels of language and Among the 270 Grade 8 students enrolled in the identified
cognitive processes are required in order to develop the three campuses of Philippine Science High School, 80 % or
language proficiency needed for achievement in school. [8], 216 were selected as samples employing the purposive
[9] have conceptualized the relationship of language random sampling technique. This number was considered
proficiency and academic achievement by using an iceberg adequate to represent the whole population.
representation. In this representation, BICS or skills that The data on the students’ English language proficiency
depend on the surface features of language and lower levels of were based on the result of the NCE Test along Verbal
cognitive processes are represented above the waterline while Aptitude. The data were provided by the Admission
the CALP or skills related to the meaning of language and Committee of the school system. Meanwhile, the data on the
higher level of cognitive processes are represented below the students’ academic performance in Science, Mathematics and
waterline. English were taken from the students report cards in Grade 7.
All children develop BICS and learn to communicate in These were provided by the school registrar of each campus.
their native or first language. On the other hand, CALP Frequency distribution using range of scores was used in
reflects a combination of language proficiency and cognitive the students’ scores in the NCE along Verbal Aptitude while
processes that determine a student’s success in school [10]. frequency distribution using grade point system was used on
CALP enables the student to learn in a context, which relies the students’ academic performance in Science, Mathematics
heavily on oral explanation of abstract ideas. This is often the and English. Meanwhile, Pearson’s r correlation was used to
context in which high school science is taught, with unfamiliar determine the relationship between the English language
events or topics being described to students with little or no proficiency and academic performance of the students. In the
opportunity to negotiate shared meaning [6]. tests of hypotheses, the level of significance was set at the .05
According to [7-[9], students who have not yet developed probability level.
their cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) will
surely meet difficulties and problems in several contexts and
The theory on CALP, therefore, provided the researcher a
reason to study and investigate the relationship of English A. Students’ Level of English Language Proficiency
language proficiency and academic performance of the One of the concerns of the study is to determine and
Philippine Science High School students. describe the level of English language proficiency of the
With the tenets of CALP, the researchers were inspired to Grade 8 students of Philippine Science High School based on
conduct this present study. their scores in the NCE along Verbal Aptitude which tested
Based on Fig. 1, the researchers conceptualize that the the students’ skills in grammar, vocabulary and reading
English language proficiency of the Grade 8 students of comprehension. The data showing the level are presented in
Philippine Science High School affects their academic Table I.
performance in Science, Mathematics and English. This study It can be deduced from the table that majority (148 or
believes that if the students have high English language 68.52 %) of the students gained a satisfactory level of their
proficiency, they are more likely to perform well in their
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016
language proficiency test in NCE with scores ranging from 25 the satisfactory level, 17 (7.87 %) to the highly outstanding
to 36. Meanwhile, 39 students (18.05 %) obtained a fair level level and one (0.46 %) to the poor level. The mean of the
while 29 students attained a very satisfactory level. Notably, students GPA in Mathematics is 1.83, with standard deviation
none of the students belongs to the excellent or the poor level. of 0.41.
Importantly, the mean of the students’ language proficiency is
PROFICIENCY 1.00 Excellent 10 4.63
Range of Scores 1.25 Highly Outstanding 17 7.87
Level of English 1.50 Outstanding 43 19.91
(Verbal Aptitude f %
Language Proficiency 1.75 Very Good 56 25.93
in NCE) 2.00 Good 35 16.20
49-60 Excellent 0 0.00 2.25 Very Satisfactory 31 14.35
37-48 Very satisfactory 29 13.43 2.50 Satisfactory 21 9.72
25-36 Satisfactory 148 68.52 2.75 Fair 2 0 .93
13-24 Fair 39 18.05 3.00 Poor 1 0.46
0-12 Poor 0 0.00 Total 216 100.00
Mean = 30.05 (Satisfactory) Standard Deviation = 5.66 Mean = 1.83 (Very Good) Standard Deviation = 0.41
The result indicates that the students have average English TABLE IV: DISTRIBUTION OF THE STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN
language proficiency level. This further implies that the ENGLISH
students have typical skills in grammar, vocabulary and Grades Description f %
1.00 Excellent 0 0.00
reading comprehension. Thus, the students have to be 1.25 Highly Outstanding 3 1.38
exposed to more reading and writing activities to further 1.50 Outstanding 38 17.60
enhance their English language proficiency level. 1.75 Very Good 50 23.15
2.00 Good 63 29.17
B. Students’ Level of Academic Performance 2.25 Very Satisfactory 48 22.22
2.50 Satisfactory 11 5.10
Another concern of the study is to determine the academic 2.75 Fair 3 1.38
performance of the students in Science, Mathematics and 3.00 Poor 0 0.00
English based on the students’ grade point averages (GPAs) Total 216 100.00
in their report cards in Grade 7. Apparently, these subjects use Mean = 1.94 (Good) Standard Deviation = .31
English as the medium of instruction.
Meanwhile, Table IV indicates the students’ academic
TABLE II: DISTRIBUTION OF THE STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN performance in English. It can gleaned from the table that 63
SCIENCE (29.17%) students are within the good level, 50 (23.15%) to
Grades Description f %
the very good level, and 48 (22.22%) to the very satisfactory
1.00 Excellent 0 0.00
level. Evidently, 38 (17.60%) fall under the outstanding level,
1.25 Highly Outstanding 2 .93
1.50 Outstanding 29 13.43
11 (5.10%) to the satisfactory level and three (1.38%) each to
1.75 Very Good 77 35.65 the highly outstanding and fair level. The mean of the
2.00 Good 69 31.94 students’ GPA in English is 1.94, with a standard deviation of
2.25 Very Satisfactory 26 12.04 0.31.
2.50 Satisfactory 10 4.63
2.75 Fair 3 1.38
C. Relationship of Students’ English Language
3.00 Poor 0 0.00 Proficiency and Academic Performance
Total 216 100.00
Mean = 1.90 (Very Good) Standard Deviation = .28
Table II shows the academic performance of the students in Correlation
Variables Prob
Science. It reveals that 77 (35.65%) of the students belong to Coefficients (r)
the very good level, 69 (31.94 %) to good level, 29 (13.43%) .004*
Science -.20
to the outstanding level while 26 (12.04%) to the very .000*
satisfactory level. Notably, two students have a highly Mathematics -.35
outstanding level and three (1.38 %) belong to fair level. No .000*
English -.35
one falls under the excellent and poor levels. Further, the
mean of the students’ GPA in Science is 1.90, with standard General Weighted Average (GWA) -.11 0.03*
deviation of 0.28. ** p<.01
Table III shows the students’ academic performance in * p<.05
Mathematics. Based on the table, 56 (25.93%) of the students
belong to the very good level and 43 (19.91%) of them belong The study determined if the students’ English language
to the outstanding level. On the other hand, 35 (16.20%) are proficiency and their academic performance in Science,
within the good level and 31 (14.35%) are under the very Mathematics and English have significant relationship. The
satisfactory level. Meanwhile, 21 (9.72 %) students belong to coefficients of correlation are presented in Table V.
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016
It can be noted from the table that the students’ academic language proficiency levels of the students are the higher their
performance in Science (r= -.20) is significantly related to academic performance levels in Science, Mathematics and
their English language proficiency, which is significant at English.
the .01 level of significance. The negative correlation Thus, the study further concludes that students’ English
coefficient implies that as the level of English language language proficiency could be a predictor in the students’
proficiency of the students gets high, their grade indicator gets academic performance in Science, Mathematics and English
low. Thus, this indicates that the students with high English since the medium of instruction used in the teaching of the
language proficiency tend to perform, as well, in Science. said subjects is English. Thus, English language program in
Further, it is evident from the results that the students’ school should be prioritized.
language proficiency and their academic performance in
Mathematics (r= -.35) and English (r= -.35) are significant at
the .01 level of significance. The negative correlation IX. RECOMMENDATIONS
coefficient implies that as the level of English language In the light of the findings and conclusions, several
proficiency of the students gets high, their grade indicator gets recommendations are offered to English, Science and
low. Thus, this indicates that the students with high English Mathematics teachers, students, school administrators,
language proficiency tend to perform, as well, in Mathematics curriculum designers and developers, and other research
and English. enthusiasts.
Moreover, it can be noted from the table that the general The English teachers of Philippine Science High School
weighted average (GWA) (r=-.11) is significantly related to should continuously update themselves with new approaches,
their language proficiency which is significant at the .05 level methods, strategies and techniques in teaching the English
of significance. subject. This can be done by attending seminars, trainings and
The figures show that the relationship between the two workshops related to language and literature teaching.
variables is indeed significant. In other words, the more Through this, they can bring out innovations in their teaching
language proficient the students are, the better they perform in and that the proficiency of the students in the English
their Science, Mathematics and English subjects. Further, the language will be heightened.
students who score high in English language proficiency test The Science and Mathematics teachers of Philippine
have also the tendency to achieve high GPAs. Science High School should support the English Program of
Thus, the teachers of English, Science and Mathematics at the school. They should promote the use of English language
the Philippine Science High School System should be in their classes. Also, they should serve as model to their
proficient in the English language. The effective use of students in the use of the language. They should not just only
language in class by the teachers may facilitate the learning of teach their students concepts; they should incorporate real life
science and math concepts among their students. tasks that require the students to use the English language
The finding of the study is in consonance to the result of the while learning the concepts in Science and Mathematics.
study of [11] which aimed to investigate whether there is a The Grade 8 students of Philippine Science High School
significant relationship between the Iranian college students’ should realize the importance of English language in learning
language proficiency and their academic performance. Based Science and Mathematics concepts. They must understand the
on the findings, the study found out that a significant English language as a system and of the role of its components
relationship between language proficiency and academic so as to understand its demands on academic tasks and
performance exists. eventually gain skills to address the role of academic language
The result of the study further corroborates to the results of in their learning.
the study of [4] and [12], which aimed at finding the The school administrators of Philippine Science High
relationship between academic achievement and language School System should have concrete plans to develop and
proficiency. Results of their studies showed that there is a monitor their students’ English language proficiency
significant relationship between English language proficiency throughout their stay in the institution. Also, they should
and academic achievement. establish bases and standards for allocating resources that
contribute to the students’ English language proficiency.
Further, they should provide professional development
VIII. CONCLUSIONS assistance for the faculty to equip them relevant approaches,
Based on the findings, the study concludes that majority of methods, strategies and techniques in English language
the Grade 8 students of the Philippine Science High School in teaching.
Northern Luzon have English language proficiency belonging The curriculum designers and developers of the Philippine
to the satisfactory level. Science High School System should revisit the existing
Further, the study concludes that the students’ academic curriculum programs of the system, particularly English,
performance in Science and Mathematics fall under the very Science and Mathematics by taking into consideration the
good level while good level in English. result of the study.
Likewise, the study concludes that there is a significant Lastly, other research enthusiasts are encouraged to
relationship that exists between the students’ English conduct a similar study on a wider scope to validate the results
language proficiency and their academic performance in and findings of the present study. Likewise, they are
Science, Mathematics and English. The higher the English encouraged to investigate other factors that may contribute to
International Journal of Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2016
students’ English language proficiency and academic Robelle Millie Ann B. Racca is from Laoag City,
Ilocos Norte, Philippines. She was born on January
performance such as learning styles, teaching strategies, 23, 1989. She earned her master of arts degree in
technologies used in teaching and learning, exposure to education majored in language and at the Mariano
English language, as well as other environmental and Marcos State University (MMSU) Graduate School,
contextual variables. Laoag City, Philippines in 2016.
At present, she is a special science teacher 1 at the
Philippine Science High School – Ilocos Region
REFERENCES Campus located in San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur.
Ms. Racca is a member of Alliance of Language and Literature Teachers,
[1] Global English Corporation, “Philippines: World's best country in
School Press Advisers Movement, Inc., and Linguistic Society of the
Business English,” Business English Index (BEI), vol. 23, no. 4. pp.
35-40, September 2014.
[2] J. Cummins, Language Proficiency, Bilingualism and Academic
Achievement, White Plains, NY: Longman, 1992, pp. 58-70.
[3] D. Fakeye and Y. Ogunsiji, “English language proficiency as a Ronald Candy S. Lasaten is from the City of Batac,
predictor of academic achievement among ELF students in Nigeria,” Ilocos Norte, Philippines. He was born on January 16,
Journal of Science Research, vol. 37, pp. 490-495, March 2009. 1981. He earned his doctor of philosophy degree in
[4] J. K. Aina, A. G. Ogundele, and S. S. Olanipekun, “Students’ applied linguistics at the Mariano Marcos State
proficiency in English language relationship with academic University (MMSU) Graduate School, Laoag City,
performance in science and technical education,” American Journal of Philippines in 2012.
Educational Research, vol. 9, pp. 355-358, September 2013. He is presently an English professor at the Mariano
[5] National Statistics Coordination Board, “Quality of basic education Marcos State University College of Teacher Education
remains poor but improving,” Eastern Visayas Tops, vol. 12, no. 3, (CTE), Laoag City. He is the Program Adviser for
July 2006. English, College Coordinator for Instructional Materials Development,
[6] M. M. Javier, “Language proficiency and mental ability as related to Coordinator for Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers
critical; Thinking and academic achievement of secondary students: A (BLEPT) Review and the Head Editor of the CTE Research Journal. His
casual modeling study,” M.S. thesis, Philippine Normal University, papers titled “English Language Needs of Teachers at Bangplama
Manila, 2001. Soongsumarnpadhungwit School, Suphanburi, Thailand,” and “Analysis of
[7] J. W. Rosenthal, Teaching Science to Language Minority Students, Errors in the English Writings of Teacher Education Students,” were
England: Multilingual Matters Ltd., 1996, pp. 329-340. published in the Researchers World: Journal of Arts Science and Commerce
[8] J. Cummins, Interdependence and Bicultural Ambivalence: in 2014. He also wrote a book titled Literatures of the World: Teaching and
Regarding the Pedagogical Rationale for Bilingual Education, Learning in the Constructivist Approach (Quezon City: IPM Publishing,
Rosslyn, VA: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1982, Inc., 2011). His research interests include linguistics, language, literature,
pp. 281-290. language and literature teaching, language and literature assessment,
[9] J. M. O’Malley and A. Chamot, Strategies Used by Second Language instructional materials development and integration of ICT in education.
Learner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 179-188. Dr. Lasaten is a member of Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP),
[10] J. Cummins, Language Development and Academic Learning, Inc., College English Teachers Association (CETA), Council of the
Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, Ltd., 1991, pp. 161-175. Department Chairpersons for English (CDCE), Philippine Association for
[11] R. Sahragard, A. Baharloo, and S. M. A. Soozandehfar, “A closer look Teacher Education (PAFTE), Philippine Association for Language Teaching
at the relationship between academic achievement and language (PALT), Inc. and International English Learners Training Institute (IELTI).
proficiency among Iranian EFL students,” Theory and Practice in He was awarded the Outstanding Teacher of MMSU in 2014.
Language Studies, vol. 1, pp. 1740-1748, December 2011.
[12] L. L. Garnace, “Correlates of English performance among fourth year
high school students in Philippine Science High School-Eastern
Visayas Campus, Science and Technology streams,” M.S. thesis, Leyte
Normal University, Tacloban City, 2001.