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Volume: 12
Pages: 1030-1040
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1122
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8302264
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-26-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Supplementary Modules in Grammar Through Literature as

Integrated Lessons for Grade 7 English
Ronald T. Ventura*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to develop and evaluate supplementary modules in grammar through literature as
integrated lessons for grade 7 English at City of Batac National High School Poblacion, Schools
Division of the City of Batac, Region I, during the School Year 2022 – 2023. The researcher used the
descriptive methods of research approach, in this study which involved 262 Grade 7 students from
the City of Batac National High School Poblacion who were enrolled for the academic year 2022-
2023, equivalent to 87% participation rate. In addition, 15 Teacher I-III and 15 Master Teacher I-II
were tapped to evaluate the material. Total enumeration and purposive sampling technique were
employed to determine these samples. Two research instruments were utilized in this study, namely:
the diagnostic test and the survey questionnaire. Based on the results, the identified four least
mastered competencies in Grade 7 English were used to develop Supplementary Modules in
Grammar through Literature based on the diagnostic test results. In addition, it can be noted that
overall, Master Teacher (M=4.48, HE) rated slightly lower the material than the Teacher I-III
(M=4.63, VHE). More so, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the perceived
effectiveness of the material between the two groups of respondents. The respondents provided
comments and suggestions as additional support to the indicated effectiveness of the module in
enriching grammatical and linguistic competence of the Grade 7 learners.

Keywords: grammar, supplementary module, literature

Introduction foundation of our ability to express ourselves.” The

more we are aware of how it works, the more we can
monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way we
Developed Supplementary Learning Materials are an and others use language. It can help foster precision,
additional or alternative printed or non-printed detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of
materials used for both distance learning and face-to- expression available in English."
face class to promote motivation and to help the
students to master competency-based skills on Most Grammar, a crucial component of the language that is
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC’s). The difficult to understand. Grammar is often tough for
latest result of the Programme for International learners, especially young learners. They should
Student Performance (PISA) of the Organization for understand the sentence structure or pattern when
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) studying English because it differs from other
revealed that Filipino learners placed last among 79 languages their personal tongue. Students frequently
participating countries and near last in Science, struggle while trying to construct grammatically
Mathematics, and English. According to Secretary correct sentences (CELL 2019). Based on the findings
Briones, the result of the 2018 PISA puts an even of these studies, the researcher witnessed that grammar
sharper focus on the need to address quality basic writing finds difficulties among students in the
education. Schools Division of the City of Batac. Many of the
students from grade 7 find difficulty in grammar
Students have typically been learning English since writing. This problem found out from the results of the
they were in elementary school because it is taught as Least Mastered Skills of English 7 of school year 2021
a foreign language. Learning the four language – 2022 based on the reports submitted by the grade 7
abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing English teachers of the five secondary schools in the
takes up most of the instructional process. The process City of Batac. In the facilitation of teaching learning
of learning English requires the improvement of all process before and during the implementation of the
skills. Foreign challenges in the process of learning limited face to face modality, teachers found out that
other languages include grammatical rules. This some of the grade 7 students at City of Batac National
principle also holds true for people studying English at High School Poblacion have difficulties in answering
various academic levels. Students of second languages grammar lessons. As a result, the Mean Percentage
frequently violate some grammatical rules. According Score (MPS) of their summative tests were low. That
to David Crystal, "Grammar is the structural is why poor grammar understanding of learners has

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

also been a priority concern even in the secondary. 1. What were the least mastered skills competencies in
Grade 7 English which were used to develop
As per the researcher's observation in his classes, Supplementary Modules in Grammar through
students had difficulty in answering the activities Literature based on the diagnostic test results?
incorporated in the SLMs last school year in English 7 2. How did the English teachers and the Master
because some seem not suited to the context of teachers in English evaluate the developed
students' lived experiences. Thus, it could be said that supplementary module based on the following parts:
when the students cannot relate to the activities in the 2.1 Introduction;
SLMs, they would give up easily and move away from 2.2 Target Skills;
their lesson, especially when their parents do not 2.3 Lesson Content;
supervise them. As a result, they could not answer all 2.4 Learning Experience;
the activities and would fail to submit their answer 2.5 Evaluation; and
sheets on the scheduled date. Therefore, appropriate 2.6 Enrichment Activities?
learning activities should be developed as 3. Was there any significant difference between the
supplementary material that would level up the evaluation of the two groups of respondents on the
grammar performance of learners and as a timely developed supplementary module relative to the
response to their needs during this time of pandemic. enumerated parts?
With the use of relevant learning activities, the 4. What comments/ suggestions were given by the
learners will be inspired to continuously enhance their respondents to improve the developed supplementary
knowledge and skills in grammar and eradicate their modules?
perception that it is one of the difficult subjects.
Moreover, such material would strengthen the
acquisition and retention of the Most Essential
Literature Review
Learning Competencies in English 7 for better
application in real-life scenarios. Grammar is regarded by linguists as the language's
binding principle and a crucial component of how
Thus, the researcher has initiated this research to show children learn it. However, emerging prose-writing
the importance of encouraging the mastery of using implies that grammar may not be as crucial as
correct words in sentences and to identify current linguistic experience. A language's grammar focuses
needs of today’s learners in terms of their grammar mostly on word forms and how they relate to one
skills which will lead to improvement of their writing another. Many can study grammar to understand how
skills and make everyone aware of it as a very to properly use language to communicate our ideas in
important tool to be incorporated in teaching in all the most direct and powerful way possible. Based on
subjects. Hence, the supplementary module that will the press released last July 1, 2020, the Department of
be done will serve as a great help to improve the Education (DepEd) provided Self- Learning Modules
grammar skills of the students. Consequently, this may (SLMs) with the alternative learning delivery
help them aware that learning grammar is very vital in modalities to be offered for various types of learners
their lives. Even if some consider it confusing or dull, across the Philippines. The integration of SLMs with
grammar is the foundation for college readiness, clear the alternative learning delivery modalities (modular,
verbal communication, career success, and academic television-based, radio-based instruction, blended, and
confidence because knowing the rules empower the online) helped DepEd ensure that all learners have
students to be better writers. access to quality basic education. “The SLMs and the
other alternative learning delivery modalities are in
Research Questions place to address the needs, situations, and resources of
each and every learner and will cover all the bases in
This study aimed to determine the level of ensuring that basic education will be accessible amid
effectiveness of online teaching and learning in the present crisis posed by COVID-19,” DepEd
facilitating This study aimed to develop and evaluate Secretary Leonor Briones said.
supplementary modules in
grammar through literature as integrated lessons for As stated in the research of Tek Mani Karki (2018)
grade 7 English at City of Batac National High School about Supplementary Resource Materials in English
Poblacion, Schools Division of the City of Batac, Lan g u ag e C la ssro o m : Dev e lo p m en t and
Region I, during the School Year 2022 – 2023. implementation, “The supplementary materials could
More specifically, this study sought answers to the help a language teacher when encountered with
following questions: insufficient techniques, methods and materials while

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

teaching English language in classrooms. Each materials to grade 12 students in science, technology,
supplementary material should be different from the engineering, mathematics track in stoichiometry” they
other. These materials could be applicable to all levels found out that the students increased their academic
of students. The language teachers should tactfully performance after they were exposed to DepEd Printed
select and use the appropriate supplementary materials Module. Hence, supplementary modules are
according to the age, level, interest, and the topic of considered a great help to students better understand
the lessons to be presented. their subjects. At the same time, exposing different
materials to them can enhance their comprehension
Grammar enables learners to combine linguistic units skills.
in a grammatical sentence with its rules (Afdaleni,
2018; Patoc & Lasaten, 2019). Despite all the studies According to Suazo (2020), the use of Supplementary
that have been done showing how poorly or fairly the learning materials was effective in terms of improving
English language, proficiency of students in basic students' performance particularly on the topic
education is still an issue. And if these learners pertaining to the least mastered skills. This implies that
continue to go unchallenged, they will once more be a it can be utilized as instructional materials during the
source of difficulty. According to Henry Brooks distance learning process as an effective teaching tool
Adams, a teacher has an impact that lasts forever; he is in today’s new normal. The learners were enjoying and
unable to determine where it ends. learning as they went along with the Supplementary
Learning Materials. In this case, the learners had
Proficiency in grammar is essential because it is where already developed and improved their least mastered
an individual can express himself, talk about his ideas skills. They were able to combine logical ideas and
and feelings, learn to converse, relate with people, ask sentences with the use of logical connectors
for information, state his likes and dislikes, give advice appropriately. These led to the excellent performance
and assert his intentions. Grammar, which has been of the learners.
studies include the English worktext (Ambayon &
Millenes, 2020); English instructional material Another research titled, “The Use of Supplementary
(Aragon, 2020). Meanwhile, Cheng and Abu Bakar Materials for Teaching Children in EFL Classes
(2017) posited that using teaching module to teach the (2018),” it is crucial to use supplemental materials
English language as compared to the traditional when teaching English to students since they aid in the
method of using a textbook is meant to increase active learning process. Additionally, learning English is
learning and improve critical thinking, as well as difficult for non-native speakers since it is a foreign
problem solving skills. It gives the lecturer the language; as a result, learners need to be intellectually
opportunity for conducting formative assessment in the active to utilize the language and retain it.
classroom. Standardized textbooks have their own Supplemental materials help students learn and retain
styles, and their contents, depth of coverage of information by considering their individual learning
materials, and organization, may affect the teaching preferences. In addition, the use of supplemental
and learning environment. Thus, the use of a module materials for teaching English as a foreign language
presents a more flexible learning environment for both has been the subject of numerous studies, particularly
instructors and learners. in Asian nations like Taiwan, South Korea, and China.
It is also mentioned that in a lesson where
Supplementary materials have a vital role in supplemental materials are used; students appear to
determining the effectiveness of the process of English respond more positively.
teaching programs. Wherein, it should match the need
for learning to be a social activity (Mendu 2020).
Consequently, one of the teacher's key responsibilities
is to set up both genuine and fictitious communication
scenarios in the foreign language classroom utilizing a The method of research used in this study is the
variety of instructions. Hence, self-expression, descriptive normative type. According to McCombes
conversational skill development, interpersonal (2019), descriptive research aims to describe a
relationship building, information seeking, expressing population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and
preferences and intents, and learning to relate to systematically. It can answer what, where, when and
others, grammar proficiency is crucial. how questions, but not why questions.

As stated by Ayado and Berame (2022) in their study A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of
“Effectiveness of supplementary modular learning research methods to investigate one or more variables.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Unlike in experimental research, the researcher does

not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only Evaluation Tool for the Supplementary Modules. This
observes and measures them or may be defined as a tool was utilized to evaluate the supplementary
purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying modules along lesson introduction, target skills, lesson
and tabulating of the prevailing data about conditions, content, learning experience, evaluation, and
situations, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, enrichment activities. The indicators were adapted
developments as well as cause-effect relationship and from K to 12 Toolkit by DepEd Philippines and
then making adequate interpretation about such data Localized Game-based Learning Activities (LGBLAs)
with or without the aid of statistical method. in Mathematics 7. To accomplish the tool, a 5-point
Likert type scale was used by the teachers, master
In this study, Supplementary Module in Grammar teachers, and experts, wherein 5, the highest as very
through Literature as Integrated Lessons for Grade 7 highly evident, and 1, the lowest as not evident.
English developed to enhance the mastery level of the
English 7 learners along with the least mastered skills Procedure
based on the result of the diagnostic test. On the other
hand, Bijeesh (2017) stated that the usage of modules The researcher conducted diagnostic test to grade 7
has drawbacks. Without the teacher and their peers students at the City of Batac National High School
there to remind them of their work, there is a Poblacion to identify the least mastered skills of
significant likelihood that they may become students based on the Most Essential Learning
sidetracked and forget about due dates. In addition, Competencies (MELCs) of English 7. Before
Dangle and Sumaoang's study (2020) revealed the conducting the study, the researcher asked permission
main difficulties encountered when implementing from the Schools Division Superintendent of the
modular distance learning, including a lack of funding Schools Division of the City of Batac through letter.
for module creation and delivery, students' difficulty Upon the approval of the Schools Division
completing module assignments, and parents' inability Superintendent, the administration of the survey
to mentor their children academically. questionnaire was done either on sight or online
ensuring observance of the guidelines on health
Participants of the Study
protocols mandated by the Inter-Agency Task Force
(IATF) to the teacher-respondents.
There were selected 15 Teacher I-III and 15 Master
Teacher I-II in English from the said division. A total The researcher also sent letters to the school principals
of thirty (30) English teachers were purposively
to tap their teachers in English as respondents. Upon
chosen to seek answers for the problems of this study.
retrieving the results of the survey, the researcher
The researcher has purposively chosen the teacher-
analyzed and interpreted the data as a basis in
respondents to help him improve the develop
improving the supplementary module. Their comments
Supplementary Module in Grammar through Literature
and suggestions were obtained and considered for the
as Integrated Lessons in Grade 7 English.
revision, modification, and finalization of the
Supplementary Module in Grammar through Literature
Instruments of the Study
as Integrated Lessons for Grade 7 English before their
This study utilized two instruments to gather data from production. As noted in the survey questionnaire all
the respondents, namely: assessment tool on level of the data gathered served as confidential. In addition,
mastery in English 7 and the evaluation tool for the the study involved the three basic stages: Planning
supplementary modules. Stage, Development Stage, and Validation Stage.
These stages, which were applied in the study, are
Assessment Tool on Level of Mastery in English 7. shown in figure 4.
This tool was used to gather data on the level of
mastery of learners on the most essential learning Ethical Considerations
competencies in English 7 involving simple past and
past perfect tense, active and passive voice, direct and The researcher himself explained and gave the
indirect speech, clause, phrases, and sentences informed consent to each participant before the
according to functions and structures. It was a 50-item conduct of the study. He ensured them that the
multiple choice test developed by the researcher. To information would be used with utmost confidentiality
ensure validity of the material, a table of specification and within the purpose of the study only.
was prepared, and the test was checked by master

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Results and Discussion

Level of Mastery of the Learners in English 7 on

the Most Essential Learning Competencies

Table 1 shows the level of mastery of the learners in

English 7 based on the results of the Diagnostic Test
given to 262 students. There were 20 competencies
covered in the examination. These include using
effective listening strategies, determining the worth of
ideas in texts, identifying genres, and intended
audiences of various media, employing interpersonal
communication strategies, summarizing information,
discovering literature's role in identity and global
responsibility, analyzing conflicts in literary
selections, and understanding cultural influences on
texts. Other competencies cover transcribing and
decoding information between linear and non-linear
texts, using analogies to describe and make points, and
using appropriate tenses, voices, phrases, clauses, and
sentences in varied contexts.

Table 1. Least of Mastered Learning Competencies of

Grade 7 Diagnostic Test Result in English 7. (n=262)

Of the 20 competencies, seven of them were already

mastered by the learners as demonstrated by the
percentage of correct responses ranging from 75 to 77.
These competencies include the use of listening
strategies (75%), identification of genres in viewed
texts (76%), effective interpersonal communication
(75%), appropriate use of oral language (76%),
summarization of key information (76%), appreciation
of literature (77%), and resolution of conflicts
presented in literary selections (76%). The fact that
they were able to answer correctly to questions related
to these competencies suggests that they have a good
understanding of the underlying concepts and skills.
Furthermore, the results indicate that the learners are
ready to move on to more complex tasks related to
these competencies. The learners' satisfactory level of
proficiency in these competencies is significant as it
can contribute to their overall academic success.

Evaluation of English Teacher I-III and Master

Teacher I-II on the developed Supplementary
Module in Grammar through Literature as
Integrated Lessons for Grade 7 English

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 2. Introduction of the Lesson as Evaluated by

the Teachers and Master Teachers

Table 3 displays the assessment of two groups

regarding the effectiveness of the supplementary
module in terms of target skills. As it can be gleaned
from the table, the group Teacher I-III gave a slightly
higher rating of 4.56, very highly evident (VHE) and
while the Master Teacher I-II group gave a rating of
4.48, highly evident. Nonetheless, the combined
composite mean rating is 4.52, very highly evident,
revealing that the module effectively incorporates
target skills.

This indicates that the skills included in the module are

suitable for the students' learning abilities, attainable,
and capable of improving their skills.

The evaluation of the two groups about the lesson

content of the supplementary module is shown in
Table 4. Teacher I-III gave a composite rating of 4.57,
very highly evident, while the Master teachers I-II
gave 4.43, highly evident (HE). Combining the ratings,
Table 2 shows the result of evaluation of the two the characteristics of the lesson content of an effective
groups on the introduction of the lesson. It appears that module are very highly evident, as indicated by the
both groups agree that the significant elements of an composite mean across of 4.50. This suggests that the
effective supplementary module are very highly lesson is presented in a logical manner and that each
evident with the composite mean across of 4.61. detail of the lesson is clearly presented. Also, the
Particularly, the teachers group gave a composite mean content is accurate and up to date.
rating of 4.64 while the Master Teachers group gave
4.58. Table 4. Lesson Content as Evaluated by the Teachers
This shows that the introduction of the module is and Masters
clearly outlined and motivates students to engage in
the topic, providing guidance and direction for their

Table 3. Target Skill as Evaluated by the Teachers and

Master Teachers

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 5. Learning Experience as Evaluated by the

Teachers and Master Teachers

module is effective in assessing the students' learning

and helping them apply the skills they have acquired to
real-life situations.

Table 6. Evaluation as Evaluated by the Teachers and

Master Teachers

The table 5 shows the evaluation of the two groups on

the learning experience aspect of the supplementary
module. Teacher I-III group gave a composite mean
rating of 4.61, which is very highly evident, while the
Master Teacher I-II group gave a rating of 4.40, which
is highly evident. However, the composite mean across
at 4.51 is still considered very highly evident. This The evaluation of the two groups on the enrichment
suggests that the module reflects a well-designed activities of the module is presented in Table 7. It
learning experience that is engaging, challenging, and appears that Teacher I-III group rated this portion as
stimulating, clearly stated, and easy to follow. It also very highly evident, with composite mean rating of
suggests that the results lend support to previous 4.67 while the Master Teacher I-II group had it at a
research, which emphasized the importance of lower rating of highly evident with composite mean
designing engaging and stimulating activities in rating of 4.41. Nonetheless, their composite mean
instructional materials. across rating of 4.54 suggests that the enrichment
activities have very highly evident elements of
Table 6 shows the results of evaluation made by the effective modules. This means that the supplementary
two groups on the evaluation part of the module. Both module provides enrichment activities of varying
agreed that elements that an effective module should difficulty to supplement areas of difficulty, promote
possess are very highly evident on the evaluation part, positive values, and achieve the defined purpose, while
as indicated by the individual group ratings of 4.75 for the graphics and colors used are appropriate for
the Teachers group while 4.52 for the Master Teacher instructional purposes.
group. The combined composite mean rating at 4.64 is
also equivalent to very highly evident. This indicates
that the evaluation part of the module is clear, and the
target skills are incorporated into the assessment.
Additionally, the purpose of the activities is well-
defined, and the language used is appropriate for the
target user level. Furthermore, the content is relevant
to real-life situations for grade 7 students. Overall, this
suggests that the evaluation part of the supplementary

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 7. Enrichment Activities as Evaluated by the

Teachers and Masters
from 4.50 to 4.64, implying that holistically, the
material is compliant to the criteria of an effective
supplementary module. Teachers can utilize this
module to provide students with a comprehensive
learning experience and help them improve their
grammar skills.

Table 9. Test on Significant Difference Between the

Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II
along Introduction of the Lesson

The results show that there was no significant

difference between the evaluation of teacher I-III and
master teacher I-II of the supplementary modules in
Table 8. Summary of Evaluation Result of the Survey grammar through literature as integrated lessons in
Questionnaire as Evaluated by Teachers and Master grade 7 English. The mean difference between the two
teachers groups was only 0.06, which is not statistically
significant. The t-value was -0.330, which is less than
the critical value at 0.05 level of significance.
Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) that there is no
significant difference between the two groups is
accepted. This means that both groups of teachers have
similar perceptions and assessments of the overview of
the lessons in the module, indicating a similar level of
understanding on its scope and purpose.

Table 10. Test on Significant Difference Between the

Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II
along Target Skills
As shown in the table, the overall mean rating of 4.56
indicates that the elements of an effective module are
very highly evident in the developed supplementary
modules in grammar through literature as integrated
lessons for Grade 7. The material includes varied
examples, activities, and exercises, which provide
Table 10 presents the results of a test on the significant
learners with a comprehensive learning experience.
difference between the evaluation of Teacher I-III and
It could be noted that overall, Master Teacher Master Teacher I-II along target skills. The mean
(M=4.48, HE) rated slightly lower the material than evaluation of Teacher I-III was 4.56, while that of
the Teacher I-III (M=4.63, VHE). These could be due Master Teacher I-II was 4.48, indicating a very high
to the different ratings given along with the five out of evaluation level in both groups. The mean difference
six components, namely: target skills, lesson content, between the two groups was 0.08, and the t-value was
learning experience, evaluation, and enrichment -0.312 with 28 degrees of freedom.
activities. This variation in the evaluation suggests that
The results of the test indicate that there is no
there may be differences in opinion between the two
significant difference between the evaluation of
groups. Nonetheless, the mean across of the composite
Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II along target
means still yielded very highly evident ratings ranging

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

skills. The p-value of 0.757 is greater than the alpha significant difference between the evaluation of
level of 0.05, which means that the null hypothesis of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II is accepted since
no significant difference between the two groups is the p-value of 0.299 is higher than the alpha level of
accepted. The result implies that both groups have a 0.05. This means that both groups have similar
similar level of understanding about the specific skills evaluations of the module, indicating that their level of
that the module aims to teach. understanding and appreciation of the module is not
significantly different.
Table 11. Test on Significant Difference Between the
Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II Table 13. Test on Significant Difference Between the
along Lesson Content Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II
along Evaluation

Table 11 displays the outcomes of an assessment that

compares the assessment of Teacher I-III with Master Table 13 illustrates the outcomes of an assessment that
Teacher I-II on lesson content. The mean evaluation compares the evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master
score for Teacher I-III was 4.57, while the mean score Teacher I-II based on their assessment, where both
for Master Teacher I-II was 4.43, demonstrating that groups achieved high evaluation scores with an
both groups received very high evaluation scores. The average of 4.75 and 4.52, respectively. The mean
mean difference between the two groups was 0.14, and difference between the two groups was 0.23, and the t-
the t-value was -0.913. value was -2.461.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that there is
Based on the results, there is a significant difference
no significant difference between the evaluation of
between the evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master
Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II regarding lesson
Teacher I-II based on their assessment, as the p-value
content. This is because the p-value of 0.369 is higher
of 0.020 is lower than the preset alpha level of 0.05.
than the present alpha level of 0.05, which indicates
This means that one group's evaluation of the module
that there is no evidence to reject the null hypothesis of
is significantly different from the other group's
no significant difference between the two groups. This
evaluation. The Master Teacher I-II group has a lower
means that both groups have a comparable
evaluation of the module than the Teacher I-III group.
understanding of the material and are likely to deliver
the lesson content to their students in a similar way. The observed difference in the evaluation of the
module between the two groups is unlikely to be due
Table 12. Test on Significant Difference Between the
to chance, and there may be other factors at play. This
Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II could be due to a variety of reasons, such as
along Learning Experience differences in experience, knowledge, or teaching
style. It should be noted that Master Teachers are
technically more expert than Teachers I-III in the
hierarchy of teaching positions in DepEd.

Table 14. Test on Significant Difference Between the

Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II
Table 12 displays the evaluation results of Teacher I-
along Enrichment Activities
III and Master Teacher I-II based on the learning
experience illustrated in the material. The data
demonstrate a high level of evaluation in both groups
with a slight mean difference of 0.16 and a t-value of

According to the test results, the null hypothesis of no Table 14 showcases the test results comparing the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

experience or expertise teach the same subject.

evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II
Comments and Suggestions of the Evaluators/key
based on their enrichment activities, with both groups
receiving high and very high evaluation scores of 4.67 teachers
and 4.41, respectively. The mean difference between
The comments of the respondents provide additional
the two groups was 0.26, and the t-value was -2.326.
support to the indicated effectiveness of the module in
Based on the results, there is a significant difference in enriching grammatical and linguistic competence of
the evaluation of the enrichment activities between the Grade 7 learners.
Teacher I-III and Master Teacher I-II. This implies
Comments: (a) The modules developed was really
that Teacher I-III found the enrichment activities of the
suited to grade 7 students. (b) All the directions are
module more useful or engaging than Master Teacher
clear and easy to understand and must be utilized by
I-II did.
other students or group of students to test if it’s
The results suggest the need to understand why effective. (c) The activities are varied and interesting.
Teacher I-III rated the enrichment activities more (d) Sequence of activities are well-thought and
positively than Master Teacher I-II. This could involve appropriate to grade 7 learners. (e) The lesson has
examining the design and implementation of the presented a step-by-step process for the learner to
activities to identify any factors that may have easily follow the lesson. (f) Whenever the teacher
contributed to the difference in perception. The discusses grammar, students always tend not to listen
reasons behind this difference in perception could be because they do not have a good foundation on it, and
due to the differences in teaching experience, subject they are not interested at all. (g) The material
expertise, or prior exposure to similar activities of both developed can help them a lot in improving learning
groups. competencies.

Table 15. Summary Test on Significant Difference Suggestions: (a) Icons to use may consider same sizes.
Between the Evaluation of Teacher I-III and Master (b) Pictures will be better if not over-stretched.
Teacher I-II

This study indicates that learners displayed varying

levels of proficiency in the learning competencies for
English 7 with most falling short of the mastered level,
Presented in table 15 the ratings of the two groups are
many of the learners answered test items correctly.
explicitly different. As such, a t-test for independent
This indicates that learners have deficient fundamental
samples was conducted to investigate whether there
skills required to progress to more advanced grammar
was a significant difference in the evaluation of the
skills, which could lead to negative attitudes towards
supplementary module done by the Teacher I-III and
language learning and decreased motivation.
Master Teacher I-II.
Therefore, additional instruction, support, or practice
may be necessary to improve their proficiency. In
The analysis yielded a t-value of -1.265 with 28
response to this, the supplementary modules in
degrees of freedom and a p value of .216, indicating
grammar through literature as integrated lessons for
that the null hypothesis is accepted. This suggests that
grade 7 English were developed.
there is no significant difference in the perceived
effectiveness of the material between the two groups The evaluation of the developed material by Master
of respondents. Teachers and some Teachers revealed that it exhibits
the characteristics of an effective module to a very
The finding implies that the teaching material
high degree. Both groups evaluated the material,
evaluated is equally effective for both Teacher I-III
similarly, indicating its equal effectiveness for Teacher
and Master Teacher I-II. It indicates that the material
I-III and Master Teacher I-II. The developed material
can be used for both groups of teachers, without
could offer learners meaningful experiences to acquire
compromising the quality of the instruction. This can
mastery in the learning competencies for English 7
be particularly useful in contexts where resources are
related to grammar. Therefore, the module could be
limited, and teachers with different levels of
adopted as supplementary curriculum support material

Ronald T. Ventura 1039/1040

Psych Educ, 2023, 12: 1030-1040, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1122, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8302264, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

for English instruction. taking other aspects into account.

In the light of the above findings and conclusions, the

following recommendations are offered:

(1) Teachers are encouraged to keep innovating their Ayado DM Berame JS. (2022). Effectiveness of supplementary
strategies with the adoption of the developed modular learning materials to grade 12 students in science,
technology engineering, mathematics track in stoichiometry.9
supplementary module. They could also attend formal (4):112-127.
or informal continuing professional development
programs to update their pedagogies. (2) Teachers Afdaleni, Patoc & Lasaten, (2019). Grammar enables learners to
combine linguistic units in a grammatical sentence with its rules.
could focus on improving the fundamental skills
required for learners to progress to more advanced Ambayon & Millenes, 2020); (Aragon, 2020) English instructional
grammar skills, as most learners fell short of the mater and English Worktext.
mastered level in the English 7 competencies. As such, Cheng and Abu Bakar (2017). Using teaching module to teach the
English language as compared to the traditional method of using a
they could provide additional instruction, support, or textbook.
practice to improve learners' proficiency. (3) Learners
are encouraged to communicate openly with their McCombes, Shane (2019, 2022). Descriptive normative type
teachers, parents, siblings, and friends about their Mendu (2020). Supplementary materials have a vital role in
linguistic strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, they determining the effectiveness of the process of English teaching
could use the developed supplementary module to programs.
deepen their understanding in English grammar. (4) Suazo (2020). Supplementary learning materials was effective in
School leaders could provide ongoing professional terms of improving students' performance particularly on the topic
development for teachers to improve their teaching pertaining to the least mastered skills.
strategies and methods for English instruction, with a
Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Liu, T. C. (2021). Enhancing the
focus on integrating grammar through literature. (5) effects of an intelligent tutoring system with game elements: A study
Paren ts are urged to fo ster open lines of of high school physics learning. Computers & Education, 166,
communication with the school, their children, and 104157. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104157.
themselves. The developed supplemental module Yang, L., & Chen, J. (2018). The effect of target task-based
could potentially be used by them to help them instruction on EFL learners' pragmatic competence development.
determine their children's requirements. (6) Teachers Language Teaching Research, 22(3), 257-277.
and school heads are advised to adopt the developed
Zeng, G., Zhang, J., & Chen, Z. (2015). The relationship between
supplementary modules in grammar through literature summarization skill and academic achievement of middle school
as integrated lessons for grade 7 English as students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 6(3),
supplementary curriculum support material for English 603-607.
instruction. (7) It is encouraged that the developed
supplementary module be reproduced by the schools, Affiliations and Corresponding Information
in the coordination of their division and be tried out by Ronald T. Ventura
the teachers. It is also advised that documentation on City of Batac Nationa High School Poblacion
its utilization be made to gather feedback for possible Department of Education - Philippines
revision of the material so it may become more
relevant to the needs of the learners. (8) It is also
recommended that a comparable study be carried out

Ronald T. Ventura 1040/1040

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