Questionnaire: Prepared By: Jenifer B. Buluan Bsed Iv
Questionnaire: Prepared By: Jenifer B. Buluan Bsed Iv
Questionnaire: Prepared By: Jenifer B. Buluan Bsed Iv
1. He killed the Hydra by cutting off its heads while his assistant burned them with a torch.
a. Heracles c. Jason
b. Meleager d. Theseus
2. The goddess of marriage, she was angry about her husband's affairs.
a. Aphrodite c. Athena
d. Ceres d. Hera
3. He killed the Calydonian Boar which ravaged his countryside.
a. Admetus c. Jason
b. Meleager d. Theseus
4. When he was less than one day old, he left home, stole his brother's cattle, and lied about
a. Apollo c. Dionysus
b. Hermes d. Neptune
5. Friendless and alone, she turned rude Lycian peasants into frogs because they mistreated
a. Artemis c. Juno
b. Leto d. Maia
6. The Roman Goddess of love and beauty.
a. Aphrodite c. Diana
b. Juno d. Venus
7. Ignoring his father's advice, he flew too close to the sun and perished.
a. Canthus c. Icarus
b. Mopsus d. Thersander
8. This god of war was not loved by the Greeks, being a savage and brutal deity
a. Apollo c. Ares
b. Proteus d. Poseidon
9. This unfortunate hunter saw Artemis bathing and did not live to tell of it.
a. Actaeon c. Iphicles
b. Molorchus d. Tenes
10. His wife left him and ran off with Paris to Troy.
a. Agamemnon c. Diomedes
b. Menelaus d. Patroculu
11. This son of Apollo was a famous physician who once raised a man from the dead.
a. Asclepius c. Linus
b. Perimedes d. Trophonius
12. This woman had snakes for hair; Perseus had to be careful not to be turned into stone by
a. Deino c. Enyo
b. Medusa d. Pemphredo
13. The gods drink nectar and eat this for food.
a. Ambrosia c. chthonus
b. Ichor d. myrmex
14. Castor and this brother are known as the Dioscuri and also the Gemini twins.
a. Acrisius c. Idas
b. Lynceus d. Pollux
15. This god abducted a boatload of Cretans to be his priests at his new temple.
a. Apollo c. Dionysus
b. Poseidon d. Zeus
16. This nymph fled from Pan and was transformed into reeds, from which he made his pipes.
a. Antiope c. Lysianassa
b. Oenone d. Syrinx
17. As one of the Labors, Heracles went to fetch fabulous cattle from this person.
a. Diomedes c. Geryon
b. Helios d. Laomedon
18. He helped rid of Zeus of his headache by splitting hid head with an axe.
a. Apollo c. Hephaestus
b. Hermes d. Poseidon
19. This thief carried an iron club and met his match when he encountered Theseus.
a. Antaeus c. Lityerses
b. Momus d. Periphetes
20. This inventor designed and built the Labrynth.
a. Daedalus c. Epeus
b. Iapyx d. Perdix
21. This fisherman ate some magic herbs and became a sea-god.
a. Dictys c. Glaucus
b. Nauplius d. Teucer
22. He refused to turn over the rule of Thebes to his brother when it was time.
a. Amphinous c. Polynices
b. Eteocles d. Thersites
23. He did not eagerly welcome the strangers who came to fetch the Golden Fleece.
a. Aeetes
b. Eurylochus
c. Lamus
d. Polyphemus
24. Gods and goddesses came to his wedding.
a. Agamemnon
b. Cadmus
c. Jason
d. Pirithous
25. He feared the items his servant brought him, so he hid in a large jar when they arrived.
a. Acrisius
b. Eurystheus
c. Nauplius
d. Sthenelus
26. He was the father of Peleus.
a. Aeacus
b. Agenor
c. Pittheus
d. Tydeus
27. These Wandering Rocks near Sicily were a menace to navigation.
a. Aeaea
b. Gyraean
c. Planctae
d. Symplegades
28. He was a twin brother of Neleus and a son of Tyro and Poseidon.
a. Acrisius
b. Danaus
c. Hyllus
d. Pelias
29. When Melicertes jumped into the sea with his mother, he became this sea-god. (1 point)
a. Glaucus
b. Nereus
c. Palaemon
d. Triton
30. The sands of this river contain gold because Midas washed away his Golden Touch here.
a. Anaurus
b. Inachus
c. Pactolus
d. Scamander
31. This king of Thrace was torn to pieces by wild horses for his mistreatment of Dionysus.
a. Catreus
b. Damastes
c. Lycurgus
d. Pentheus
32. He revealed the sanity of Odysseus, which earned him hatred and eventually betrayal.
a. Acarnan
b. Meriones
c. Palamedes
d. Thersites
33. He prayed to his father Zeus, complaining about Aeneas and Dido.
a. Arnaeus
b. Iarbas
c. Pygmalion
d. Sychaeus
34. This obscure deity, associated with Demeter, was celebrated at the Eleusinian Mysteries.
a. Aidoneus
b. Iacchus
c. Mithras
d. Orcus
35. He stole a golden dog from a shrine of Zeus, earning him punishment in the Underworld.
a. Autolycus
b. Ixion
c. Pandareus
d. Sisyphus
36. As punishment for conspiracy against Zeus, this deity had to build the walls of Troy.
a. Ares
b. Hephaestus
c. Hermes
d. Poseidon
37. This god was angry when Orpheus was killed, so he turned the Thracian women into trees.
a. Apollo
b. Bacchus
c. Hermes
d. Zeus
38. His half-brother deposed him as king of Iolcus, but his son restored his throne.
a. Aeson
b. Canthus
c. Labdacus
d. Pentheus
39. He received the Arrows of Heracles and passed them on to his son.
a. Bienor
b. Eurytus
c. Meriones
d. Poeas
40. She was bribed to send her husband off to war, where he was killed.
a. Erigone
b. Eriphyle
c. Eunomia
d. Evadne
41. Seduced by Apollo, she bore him Amphissus.
a. Dryope
b. Lotis
c. Pellene
d. Tyche
42. After the Trojan War, he emigrated to Italy and settled there.
a. Acamas
b. Damocles
c. Meriones
d. Philoctetes
43. He welcomes the exiled Teucer to Cyprus after the Trojan War.
a. Cinyras
b. Leucus
c. Mopsus
d. Telegonus
44. This nymph loved Hermaphroditus and joined their two bodies together.
a. Clymene
b. Glauce
c. Pandia
d. Salmacis
45. Unlike his brothers, this son of Iapetus warred against Zeus and was killed by a
a. Aloeus
b. Ephiates
c. Menoetius
d. Timandrus
46. In the Homeric Hymn to Pan, she is named as his mother.
a. Dryope
b. Ilissa
c. Maia
d. Phoebe
47. This son of Pelias avenged his father and drove out Jason.
a. Acastus
b. Iphiclus
c. Nisus
d. Thoricus
48. He declined to help Turnus to fight Aeneas, saying that the Trojans were too fierce.
a. Diomedes
b. Menelaus
c. Nestor
d. Odysseus
49. This refugee prophet drank from the spring Telphusa and died.
a. Amphiaraus
b. Calchas
c. Mopsus
d. Tiresias
50. He and his mother floated in a chest to Asia Minor, where he became the king of Mysia.
a. Amycus
b. Erginus
c. Lycus
d. Telephus
51. Which of these Greek warriors was NOT identified by Helen to Priam.
a. Agamemnon
b. Diomedes
c. Idomeneus
d. Odysseus
52. Who killed Pandarus?
a. Achilles
b. Diomedes
c. Menelaus
d. Odysseus
53. Which of these is NOT a daughter of Agamemnon, promised to Achilles as inducement.
a. Chrysothemis
b. Iphianassa
c. Laodice
d. Pronoe
54. Who came to the aid of the wounded Odysseus?
a. Ajax Telamon
b. Diomedes
c. Idomeneus
d. Menelaus
56. She assisted Odysseus in building a raft so that he could return home.
a. Arete
b. Calypso
c. dCirce
d. Pasiphae
57. Telemachus brought this refugee prophet to Ithaca; he was a descendant of Melampus.
a. Coroneus
b. Halitherses
c. Polypheides
d. Theoclymenus
58. Athena assumed his shape when she wanted to advise Telemachus to seek news of his
a. Dolops
b. Mentor
c. Nestor
d. Phoenix
59. Which follower of Odysseus brought word to him, warning of the tricks of Circe.
a. Achaemenides
b. Caphaurus
c. Euylochus
d. Meriones
60. What tale did Demodocus sing to the court of Alcinous, to entertain Odysseus?
a. Aphrodite/Ares
b. Cupid/Psyche
c. Hero/Leader
d. Pyramus/Thisbe
61. Pyrrhus killed this son of Priam in front of his father, the night Troy fell.
a. Alibates
b. Deiphobus
c. Polites
d. Teleon
62. According to the Aeneid, he was the father of Faunus.
a. Apollo
b. Ares
c. Picus
d. Telemeon
63. Who made a joke that they were eating their tables?
a. Achates
b. Aeneas
c. Anchises
d. Iulus
64. What god came to the fleet of Aeneas and caused the death of Palinurus.
a. Deimos
b. Morpheus
c. Somnus
d. Thanatos
65. Angry at her rival Semele and her relations, Juno asked Tisiphone to drive this man insane.
a. Athamas
b. Heracles
c. Megareus
d. Thersander
66. Because the crow told of her infidelity, its feathers were changed from white to black.
a. Coronis
b. Helen
c. Pasiphae
d. Timandra
67. This follower of Diomedes insulted Venus and was turned into a bird.
a. Acmon
b. Erytus
c. Oeax
d. Strymon
68. He witnessed and testified about the transformation of Caeneus into a bird.
a. Aeacus
b. Glacusu
c. Mopsus
d. Strophius
69. His daughters were changed into magpies by the Muses, whom they had insulted.
a. Anius
b. Canthus
c. Minyas
d. Pierus
70. The mother by Apollo of Ion
a. Creusa
b. Liriope
c. Pelopia
d. Sinope
71. Whose wife was NOT induced by the vengeful Nauplius to cheat on her absent huband?
a. Agamemnon
b. Diomedes
c. Idomeneus
d. Periphas
72. Amphitryon conquers this king of the Taphians, through unexpected treachery.
a. Cretheus
b. Nisus
c. Pterelaus
d. Triopas
73. His mother persuaded him to seduce his father's concubine, an unwise move. (1 point)
a. Catreus
b. Eurybates
c. Lynceus
d. Phoenix
74. In the Argonautica, Jason and Medea receive purification for their crimes from whom?)
a. Alcinuous
b. Circe
c. Hypsipyle
d. Peleus
75. The Greek and Roman names which do NOT belong together are
a. Juno and Artemis
b. Minerva and Athena
c. Vesta and Hestia
d. Mercury and Hermes
76. The item associated with Hades is
a. a cap of invisibility
b. a trident
c. an anvil
d. a magic wand
77. The Iliad, Book XXI: The following questions refer to the quote below.
"Do you not see what a man I am, how huge, how splendid and born of a great father and the
mother who bore me immortal?" (XXI: 108-109)
The speaker is
a. Hektor c. Patroklos
b. Achilleus d. Lykaon
78. The "mother" referred to is
a. Venus c. Thetis
b. Hekabe d. Pasithe
79. The Aeneid, Book XI: The following question refers to the quote below.
"Was it you, poor boy, that Fortune
Would not let me keep when she came smiling?" (XI: 56-57)
Aeneas was speaking about
a. Turnus
b. Evander
c. Pallas
d. Iulus
80. On her shoulder Camilla carried
a. a golden bow, Diana's weapon
b. an owl, Minerva's wisdom
c. a cape, Mercury's deceit
d. a bronze ax, Vulcan's strength
81. The Odyssey, Book XXIV
A Greek whom the suitors did NOT meet in the Underworld was
a. Akhilleus
b. Laertes
c. Agamemnon
d. Patroklos
82. When Odysseus first saw his father in the orchard,
a. he ran forward and kissed him
b. he sent his companion ahead with a gift of gold
c. he decided to interrogate him
d. he immediately began to tell him of his adventures
83. Aphrodite is to Venus as Poseidon is to
a. Vulcan
b. Neptune
c. Pluto
d. Jupiter
84. Arachne and Athena competed in a
a. tug of war
b. foot race
c. weaving contest
d. beauty pageant
85. The god who ruled the Underworld was called
a. Poseidon
b. Ares
c. Hades
d. Hermes
86. One of the following statements is true
a. Uranus was Father Earth.
b. Amaltheia cared for baby Hermes.
c. There were twelve Titans.
d. Gaea was the wife of Cronus.
87. The ROMAN god who protected travelers and thieves was
a. Ceres
b. Mars
c. Mercury
d. Vulcan
88. Poseidon was the Greek god of
a. hunting
b. the sea
c. merchants
d. the hearth
89. Ares was an unpopular god because he
a. caused tidal waves
b. guided people down to Hades
c. made the seasons change from summer to winter
d. was vain and cruel
90. Hephaestus was a skilled
a. jeweler
b. blacksmith
c. weapon maker
d. all of the above
91. Atalanta was raised in the wilderness by a
a. hunter and his wife
b. she-wolf
c. shepherdess
d. she-bear
92. Atalanta and Melanion were transformed into lions because they
a. cheated in the footrace
b. refused to return the golden apples
c. did not show the proper respect to Zeus
d. all of the above
93. In The Woman and the Giant, Kinak is exceedingly
a. kind
b. honest
c. patient
d. handsome
94. At the end of Hare and Otter, Hare
a. learns his lesson
b. decides eels were not worth the work
c. defeats Otter and keeps his eels
d. all of the above
95. In The Invisible God, Motsesa woke in her new home and discovered that
a. all of the gifts for Bulane had vanished
b. food appeared whenever she was hungry
c. she was covered in dust
d. calabashes full of water surrounded her
96. In The Bride and the Monster, the Moselantja's most surprising feature was
a. crab claws where hands and feet should have been
b. a long tail with a mouth at the end
c. a pumpkin vine that grew from his belly
d. a pair of beautiful blue eyes
97. He's a tree-dweller who never shaves and who loves a good smoke on his everlasting
a. kapre
b. manananggal
c. tyanak
d. tikbalang
98. . He's no centaur and certainly no unicorn either. When this horse-man sits down, his
knees are said to be higher than his head! The only way to tame him, it is said, is to get the
one golden hair in his mane.
a. sigben
b. mantiw
c. tikbalang
d. tyanak
99. . This bird is no phoenix, but it's just as colorful. It is often depicted as a rooster with a
huge colorful tail, and a fish dangling from its beak.
a. mantiw
b. bawa
c. sarimanok
d. manananggal
100. This mythical tiny old man with sharp teeth feeds on blood. It often lures its victims into
coming close enough by taking on the form of an abandoned baby, then sinks its teeth in!
a. Tyanak
b. Kapre
c. nuno sa punso
d. sigben
1. A 39.D 77.B
2. D 40.B 78.C
3. B 41.A 79.C
4. D 42.D 80.A
5. C 43.A 81.B
6. D 44.D 82.C
7. C 45.C 83.B
8. C 46.A 84.C
9. A 47.A 85.C
10.B 48.A 86.C
11.A 49.D 87.C
12.B 50.D 88.B
13.A 51.B 89.D
14.D 52.B 90.D
15.C 53.D 91.D
16.D 54.A 92.C
17.C 55.B 93.A
18.C 56.D 94.C
19.D 57.A 95.B
20.A 58.C 96.B
21.C 59.A 97.A
22.B 60.C 98.C
23.A 61.C 99.C
24.B 62.D 100.A
25.B 63.C
26.A 64.A
27.C 65.A
28.D 66.A
29.C 67.C
30.C 68.D
31.C 69.A
32.C 70.D
33.B 71.B
34.B 72.D
35.C 73.C
36.D 74.B
37.B 75.A
38.A 76.A