Quiz Lit 006
Quiz Lit 006
Quiz Lit 006
D. It is a prophecy.
2. The following ideas are the reasons why Mythology is created, EXCEPT _________
C. Myth shows the evolution of man from the primitive to the intellectual.
A. The myths tell us the way the human race thought and felt ages ago.
B. The myths served as a form of entertainment for the people that time.
D. The myths were written to educate the children since they are not formally schooled.
C. The myths show us how much the early Greeks had progressed from primitive man.
D. It showcases the beliefs of the Greeks in gods and goddesses
6. What did the Greeks believe about the origins of the gods and the universe?
A. The Greeks look at the gods as the supreme being responsible for the existence of
C. The Greeks think that the gods were created by the universe.
7. According to the Greek story on the creation, who were the first parents?
A. The Titans
B. Chaos
D. The Giants
A. He described Olympus as a mysterious region far above the mountains, but it was not
B. He emphasized that Olympus was a place between the earth and the sky.
C. Hera was a Titan (Zeus aunt) and Queen of the gods (wife of Zeus)
A. Hera
B. Athena
C. Aphrodite
D. Artemis
11. What do you call the daughters of Zeus and Memory who were known for their singing, and
each also had a special field?
A. The Graces
B. The Muses
C. The Fates
D. The Naiads
13. All of the following are the gods of the waters EXCEPT _____
A. Nereus
B. Leda
C. Triton
D. Proteus
14. All of the following are characters from the Underworld EXCEPT _____
A. Charon
B. Persephone
C. Sileni
D. Hades
15. What happens when Persephone stays with her mother on Earth after 4 months every year
in the underworld?
16. What were the two central ideas in the worship of Dionysus?
A. Dionysus was the God of the Vine. He could give either joy or savage brutality,
because wine could be both bad and good.
17. How were Demeter and Dionysus different from the other gods and goddesses?
A. They were the only ones who knew suffering, as the mortals did.
A. Zeus
B. Cronus
C. Polyphemus
D. Prometheus
19. Her name means “the gift of all.” She was the first woman, and was lovely. Zeus created her
to punish mankind for tricking him. She was intended (all subsequent women) to be beautiful,
but an evil to men. Who is this character?
A. Helen
B. Aphrodite
C. Pandora
D. Europa
20. She was a lovely maiden with whom Zeus fell in love. He turned her into a calf to fool Hera,
and was forced to leave her that way. Eventually she was returned to human form. Who is this
A. Helen
B. Io
C. Europa
D. Psyche
21. He was a beautiful lad who refused to fall in love with any maiden. The goddess Nemesis
made him fall in love with his reflection in a pool. He would not look away from his reflection,
and so he died. A lovely flower bloomed on the spot where he died, and it was named after him.
Who is this lad?
A. Polyphemus
B. Adonis
C. Narcissus
D. Achilles
22. Which lovers arranged a tryst, mistakenly thought the other had been killed, and killed
24. He fell in love with a statue that he had made. Venus brought the statue to life and they
25. They gave hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury when they came to earth in disguise. Who was
this couple?
A. Psyche was the loveliest maiden alive and many mortals began worshipping her and
C. Venus felt that Psyche don’t love her son Cupid. She only likes Cupid because he is a
D. All the answers are correct
A. Hercules
B. Phineus
C. Castor
D. Peleus
31. Pelias agreed to hand over the Kingdom to Jason but on what condition?
A. Jason must find ways to bring the spirit of Phrixus back in his home.
32. What was the advice of the old man for Jason and the Argonauts in order to safely navigate
through the clashing rocks?
33. All of the following EXCLUDING one is the task King Æetes wanted Jason to do if he wants
the Golden Fleece returned.
A. Jason must harness two flame-breathing bulls whose feet were made of bronze.
D. must take the teeth of a dragon and grow them as if they were corn seeds.
34. What is the crucial theme for the stories of Icarus and Bellerophon?
35. What did Phaethon's father give him in order to prove to him that he was indeed his father?
A. a sword
C. a magic chariot
36. Why did the Sun God beg Phaethon to change his mind?
A. He knew that Phaethon would not be strong enough to control the horses.
D. He told Phaethon he would give him all the riches in the world
B. He wanted to let the people see that it was him driving the chariot
A. winsomeness
B. mischievousness
C. brotherly love
D. wittiness
A. Oracles predicted that Acrisius' grandson would one day kill him.
B. Danae was afraid, so she took off in a boat with baby Perseus
D. King Acrisius locked Danae in her room, so she would have no male interaction.
40. Why did Polydectes ask Perseus to get the head of the Gorgon Medusa?
A. Andromache
B. Iphigenia
C. Minerva
D. Andromeda
43. What is Athena’s shield called?
A. strong silver
B. magic shield
C. aegis
D. Zeus’s shield
A. Sparta
B. Mycenae
C. Crete
D. Athens
A. by land
B. by air
C. by water
D. by underground
46. What is NOT among the instructions that Daedalus gives to his son?
47. Where does Daedalus get the idea for his escape?
B. he has a mark
50. What important journey did the King asked Theseus to do?
51. Who fell in love with Theseus upon their arrival in Crete?
A. Andromeda
B. Medea
C. Ariadne
D. Phaedra
C. Phaedra’s advances
53. What did Atalanta’s father do when he discovered that she is not a boy but a girl?
54. Who discovered Atalanta and raised her as a fast and daring young woman?
C. a young elephant
D. a she-bear
A. Patroclus
B. Hector
C. Diomydes
D. Odysseus
B. Odysseus
C. Aeneas
D. Priam
A. Island of Laestrygonians
D. Island of Crete