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Snow Weight

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Cooperative Extension Service

University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating

Ice and Snow Accumulations on Roofs

All properly built roofs, whether for animal An assessment of the risk of snow and ice
housing, commercial applications or residences, are accumulation on roofs, as with any potential disaster,
built to withstand a “design” snow and ice load. The is to:
snow design load is based upon the expected
frequency and severity of snowstorms. It also • Determine what is at risk,
considers such factors as the type of structure, its • What is the level of risk,
construction and the risk to human life and safety. • What if, anything can be done to avoid or
minimize the damage, and
In Arkansas, the design snow load for animal • What are the potential adverse outcomes of the
housing is typically about 5 to 10 lbs. per square action.
foot. For residents, commercial buildings and For example, if you leave the ice and snow on a
essential services such as hospitals, the design snow roof, the roof may risk collapse. If you remove the
loads can be as high as 25 pounds per square foot. snow, brittle shingles are likely to be damaged, or the
person removing snow may get injured. The expense
It should be remembered that the snow load is and liability of having someone else remove the
only a portion of the total design load, which will snow needs to be considered before taking action.
include wind and dead loads. Dead loads are loads
that account for the weight of the roof structure itself. It is important to ask, is it possible and practical,
While the total design load may be 2 to 4 times with the available equipment and labor, to remove
greater than the design snow load alone, the weight the snow and ice? What about the health and safety
of the snow, if it exceeds the design snow load, may of the individual who is working on a snow and ice
cause structural failure. If the blueprint and covered roof?
construction documents for the structure are
available, they should provide the design snow load. The first step to help answer these types of
questions is to determine the design snow load of the
Clearly, poor materials, construction and post- structure. If plans and construction documents can be
construction maintenance can result in a weaker obtained, they should provide this information.
structure with an actual load capacity significantly A professional who is knowledgeable in construction
lower than the design load. Therefore, proper practices may be of assistance. Finally, the general
materials and techniques should be followed for rule of thumb above provides some guidance.
construction. After construction, proper maintenance
is vital and any damage should be repaired as soon as It is also important to remember that poor
possible. Knowledgeable professional assistance materials and construction combined with poor
should always be sought. building maintenance may result in actual load-
bearing capacities being lower than the design snow
The presence of snow and ice on a roof exerts load. So, the building condition must be considered.
vertical loads that can cause a roof to sag or bow
downward. This loading also transfers horizontal The next step is to determine if the current snow
forces that may cause the walls to deflect, or move load, or the potential snow load, is greater than the
slightly outward. Depending on the construction load-bearing capacity of the building. The most rapid
design, the deflection may be at the top or bottom of method to do this is a visual inspection. If there is no
the wall. detectable sagging of the roof line or no horizontal
deflection of the walls, the load-bearing capacity
When roof loads are below the actual load probably has not been exceeded. If visible roof and
capacity, any sagging or deflection that occurs is wall deflections occur, it is very likely that the load-
temporary and will disappear after the load is bearing capacity has been exceeded and there is an
removed. This level of loading and minor sagging or increased potential for damage.
deflection of the roof structure will probably not be
noticed. When the loading exceeds the design loads, A difficulty with the visual approach is that one
the sagging and deflections become permanent. In cannot estimate the actual load on the roof for
extreme cases the roof collapses. comparison with the design load.
Measuring Weight of Snow and Ice If there is a layer of ice between the snow and
the roof, you don’t want to risk damaging the roof.
The weight of accumulated snow/ice, not the Estimate the average thickness of the ice, then
depth, is critical in assessing a roof’s vulnerability. multiply by 5.2 and add this result to the snow
The water content of snow may range from 3% for moisture weight.
very dry snow to 33% for a wet, heavy snow, to
nearly 100% for ice. An inch of water depth weighs Generally, the most representative samples are
5.2 lbs. per square foot. Thus, a roof designed to taken from the center third of a roof (measured from
carry a snow load of 20 lbs. per horizontal square the ridge to the eave). Loads on these areas are
foot is expected to support nearly 12 inches of wet, typically the most vital to assess the rafter’s strength
heavy snow. Table 1 provides information on snow capabilities or the potential for failure.
and ice densities and the equivalent inches of water
for various snow loads. In some cases, you should be concerned about
the snow/ice loads on:
Collecting samples of snow/ice is the only
practical and accurate way to determine the roof • Roof overhangs (especially large overhangs
load. The first step is to collect a uniform vertical projecting several feet beyond the horizontal
column of snow from the snow surface to the roof support), if there is substantial ice buildup
surface. This can be done by thrusting a 3-pound
coffee can (6 inches in diameter) repeatedly into the • Multilevel roofs (when the lower roof is subject
snow until reaching the roof. Empty the snow into a to an accumulation of sliding or drifting snow or
bucket each time the coffee can is filled. After the accumulation of snowmelt)
snow is collected, it is melted and poured back into
the coffee can and water depth measured in inches.
• Valleys (subject to substantial snow or ice
This depth multiplied by 5.2 provides the snow load
accumulation due to drifting, sliding or melting)
in pounds per square foot. For example, if your
melted sample measures 4 inches deep, your roof
snow load is approximately 21 lbs. per square foot Prior to sampling snow loads, safety risks should
(4 x 5.2 = 20.8). If desired, Table 1 provides a rough be weighed against the potential benefits of obtaining
estimate snow load. a sample to estimate the actual snow load.

Table 1: Equivalent Snow Load Table

Density Information

Light/Dry Snow Heavy/Wet Snow Ice Water

Snow density
3.12 20.81 57.25 62.43
(lb/cu ft)
% of water weight 5% 33% 92% 100%

Equivalent Inches
Design Snow Load
Light/Dry Snow Heavy/Wet Snow Ice Water
(lb/sq ft)
5 19.2 2.9 1.0 1.0

10 38.4 5.8 2.1 1.9

15 57.7 8.6 3.1 2.9

20 76.9 11.5 4.2 3.8

25 96.1 14.4 5.2 4.8

Dr. Karl VanDevender, Extension Engineer

Doug Petty, Miller County Extension Agent - Staff Chair 3/2006

The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion,
gender, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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