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Uji Hipotesis Satu Sampel Bu So

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Tests of

• Hypothesis : A statement about the

value of a population subject to
• Hypothesis testing : A procedure,
based on sample evidence and
probability theory, used to determine
whether the hypothesis is a
reasonable statement and should not
be rejected, or is unreasonable and
should be rejected.
Step Procedure for
Hypothesis Testing
Step 1: State null and alternate hypotheses

Step 2: Select a level of significance

Step 3: Formulate a decision rule

Step 4: Identify and determine the test statistic based on sample data

Step 5: Make a decision/conclusion

Do not reject null Reject null and accept alternate

State Null and Alternate
• Null Hypothesis H0 : A statement
about the value of a population
• Alternative Hypothesis H1 or Ha : A
statement that is accepted if the
sample data provide evidence that
the null hypothesis is false.
State Null and Alternate
Ho H1 or Test of
Ha Significance
1 =  Two-tailed

2  > One-tailed (right

3  < One-tailed (left
Select a level of significance

• Level of Significance : The probability

of rejecting the null hypothesis when
it is actually true.
– Type I Error () : Rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is actually true.
– Type II Error () : Accepting the null
hypothesis when it is actually false
Select a level of significance
Null Accepts Ho Reject Ho

Ho is true Correct Type I Error

Decision ()
Ho is Type II Error Correct
false () Decision
Formulate the Decision Rule
• Critical value : The dividing point
between the region where the null
hypothesis is rejected and the region
where it is not rejected.
• p-Value : the probability, assuming that
the null hypothesis is true, of getting a
value of the test statistic at least as
extreme as the computed value for the
– If the p-value is smaller than the
significance level, H0 is rejected.
– If the p-value is larger than the
significance level, H0 is not rejected.
Select The Test Statistic

• Test statistic : A value, determined

from sample information, used to
determine whether or not to reject
the null hypothesis.
Testing for the Population Mean

• If the population standard deviation is

known, the test statistic is the
standard normal distribution and its
value determined from : X 
/ n
• If the population standard deviation is
not known, but there are at least 30
observations in the sample the test
statistic is the standard normal
distribution and its value determined
from : X 
s/ n
Testing for the Population Mean

• If the population standard deviation is

not known, but there are fewer than
30 observations in the sample the test
statistic is the t distribution and its
value determined from :

X 
s/ n
Tests about Proportion Population

• Proportion: A fraction or percentage

that indicates the part of the
population or sample having a
particular trait of interest.
• The sample proportion is denoted by :

number of successes in the sample x

pˆ  
number sampled n
Test Statistic for Testing
Population Proportion

ˆ P
Z 
P (1  P )
P  population proportion
ˆ  sample proportion
Make a decision

• Rejects Ho (Accepts H1)

• Don’t reject Ho (Don’t accept H1)

• Produsen motor memperkirakan

jarak tempuh per liter sepeda motor
“X” adalah 30 km. Hasil tes thd
sampel 20 sepada motor diperoleh
data rata-rata jarak tempuh 28 km
dengan standar deviasi 4 km.
Lakukan pengujian dengan  = 5%

• Pimpinan perusahaan bola lampu

berpendapat daya tahan bola lampu
merek “X” lebih dari 150 jam. Untuk
membuktikan pendapat tersebut
diambil sampel random 50 bola
lampu untuk diuji. Hasilnya rata-rata
daya tahan bola lampu tsb 155 jam
dengan simpangan baku 15 jam.
Dari data tersebut berilah
kesimpulan ttg pendapat tsb?
Gunakan alfa 0,1.

• Manajer produksi mengatakan

tingkat kerusakan barang kurang
dari 10%. Dari 40 sampel random
yang diuji, 3 diantaranya rusak.
Benarkah pendapat tersebut ?
Gunakan tingkat keyakinan 95%

• “6 dari 10 ABG di Surabaya

merokok”, demikian pendapat
Sosiolog. Hasil penelitian terhadap
100 sampel ABG, menunjukkan 65
diantaranya merokok. Uji pendapat
tersebut dengan taraf signifikasi

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