Hazard Assessment and Control Form
Hazard Assessment and Control Form
Hazard Assessment and Control Form
Prepared Date: February 6 2013 Revised By: Felicia Gow, Dean Bergen, Shannon Baradoy, Leona Ferguson, Valerie Revision Date: February 22 Revision #2
McDonald 2013
Other vehicles Ensure loads are safely arranged and stable according to
machines limitations. Caution must be taken when handling
off centre loads.
Severity: 1=low, 2=moderate, 3=high Probability: 1=not likely , 2=likely, 3= very likely Frequency: 1= rarely done, 2=not common task, 3=do this task frequently
Severity: 1=low, 2=moderate, 3=high Probability: 1=not likely , 2=likely, 3= very likely Frequency: 1= rarely done, 2=not common task, 3=do this task frequently
Severity: 1=low, 2=moderate, 3=high Probability: 1=not likely , 2=likely, 3= very likely Frequency: 1= rarely done, 2=not common task, 3=do this task frequently
I, ________________________________________________________ (please print) have read and understand Kelly Services’ Hazard Assessment and Control Form.
Severity: 1=low, 2=moderate, 3=high Probability: 1=not likely , 2=likely, 3= very likely Frequency: 1= rarely done, 2=not common task, 3=do this task frequently