Piecing Together Coffins of The Non-Elit PDF
Piecing Together Coffins of The Non-Elit PDF
Piecing Together Coffins of The Non-Elit PDF
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40106 Box coffin for an infant (Image by Nicole Peters)
This coffin was coated in white plaster and parallel, transverse and lon-
Vegetable fibre ‘coffin’ with carrying rope Matting Type 1 gitudinal black lines of paint were applied thickly to the plaster, dividing
wadi mouth site
The most common type, often forming the outer rigid layer of the ‘coffin the outer surface into text bands and image panels. The black bands were
25 bundle’, is made from stiff palm mid-rib or tamarisk(Type 1). It has long painted yellow but the ‘image’ panels were left blank.
stakes of tamarisk or palm mid-rib ‘sticks’, which are joined together at in-
tervals with cord of palm leaf or grass. When fresh, this type of matting ‘cof-
82 fin’ would have provided a strong container in which to carry the body to
lower site the wadi for burial. Some of the burials have carrying ropes, which would There is a single example of a child-sized coffin
ancient quarry
have further facilitated this. modeled from mud (40103). This has an an-
quarry middle site
Yellow and black design. Wrapped feet protrude from the foot board
the coffin to the wadi. too large to fit in the coffin. The coffin was adapted to accomodate the
In the future, the mud will be analysed, to de- body by removing a piece of the end plank and pushing the wrapped toes
termine whether the constituents were modified through the hole so they protruded out through the end - perhaps evi-
to make the coffin (by the addition of dung or dence for coffin reuse.
chopped grass for example).
the internal bundles of grass or palm leaf are entirely concealed by the ‘weav-
ers’ tightly twined on the outside. Being made from bundles of grass or strips
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The STC project took place between 2006 and 2013. Excavation squares were opened
of leaf, Type 2 would have had more flexibility than Type 1 and covered the Double curve design on coffin foot Triangular shaped stele from the STC
throughout the wadi, from the Wadi Mouth to the Wadi End Site. body somewhat like cloth. (Image by Niole Peters)
On both the head and foot plate of this coffin a similar colour scheme was
Excavations at the STC have uncovered over 364 graves, containing seven The production of these types of matting would have been quick, and com- used to delineate two concentric curves, one within the other.
different styles of burial container: pared to constructing a wooden coffin it would have been cheaper (wood This form is similar to limestone grave stela found in the STC, which
was a valuable comodity in Egypt). It is likely that a carpenter would have have a distinctive pointed shape, finishing at the top in one or more tri-
1. Vegetable fibre coffin been required to make a wooden coffin, whereas the materials for the mat- mud coffin human remains angles. The curved iconography may imply a solar association, or per-
2. Pottery coffin ting could be collected locally and, conceivably, woven in a domestic setting. haps depict something similar to the offering loaves on the foot end of
During extraction from the grave, the base of coffinette found by Pendlebury in the Central City at Amarna (BM cat. no
3. Mud coffin
the coffin became loose. This meant the coffin EA63635).
4. Undecorated wooden coffin
2. Pottery coffin: could be inverted in the lab and the interior
5. Decorated box coffin
There are some rare examples of examined. Inside were the remains of an in- Interestingly, as you can see in the image above, preservation of the wood
6. Decorated anthropoid coffin – traditional style
pottery coffin fragments found fant and numerous large potsherds which had in areas painted yellow is a lot better than elsewhere on the coffin. A
7. Decorated anthropoid coffin – new Amarna style
in the STC. Unfortunately, none been placed over the body to provide definition possible explanation of this is discussed in the following section about the
were in the graves - the fragments around which to build the lid of the mud coffin. pigments.
These different types, their iconographic style and the materials and tech-
niques used to construct them are described in detail. were found during a surface sur-
Acknowlegements: Julie Dawson, Gwill Edwards, Professor Barry
vey. Some pieces of this type have Kemp, Nicole Peters, the conservation team of 2015.
been reconstructed. The coffin project has been generously supported by the Thriplow
Reconstruction of pottery coffin Trust, Aurelius Trust, Egypt Exploration Society and USAID (via
the American Research Center in Egypt) and public donations to
the Amarna Trust.
STC anthropoid coffins 7. Decorated Anthropoid Coffin - New Amarna style Wood usage
Wood structure was observed under magnification in the transverse and longitudinal, tan-
The remains of twenty painted wooden coffins have been exca- There are three adult coffins, which display a new decorative scheme, so far unattested out- gential and radial break or section. Analysis during the 2015 conservation season revealed six
vated from the STC. All are in poor condition, but of the seven side Amarna. Names are discernable on two of these - Hesyenre /Hesyenaten (13281) and woody taxa among which Ficus sycomorus was most frequently found. Occasionally present
best preserved examples, all are of the ‘black type’ and anthro- Maya (38819). were Acacia nilotica, Tamarix sp., Prunus sp Palmae and in a few pieces of Cedrus libani.
poid in shape, with hieroglyphic text painted in yellow/white. All coffin planks were fashioned from sycomore wood which is a locally-available tree which
Others are preserved only as small painted plaster fragments, With these coffin types, the traditional references to the Osirian constellation of funerary grows to a large size. The joints, tenons and dowels, that held the coffin parts together, were
but it is possible to tell, from the woodtraces in the ground that deities have been replaced by human figures involved in ritual activity. Recurring motifs made from the hard and strong wood of A. nilotica, and some of Tamarix sp.
they were probably all anthropoid coffins. Only small painted include images of male offering-bearers and women in the mourning pose, and offer- C. libani occurred only in one sample, suggesting it was probably reused from another coffin
plaster fragments remain of coffin (37841), but we know for ing-tables or alternatively the wedjat-eye on the left and right shoulder position of the cof- or object.
certain that it was anthropoid because the red-painted plaster fins. The texts, where discernable, on these coffins contain prayers for offerings and other
ears which originally attached to the side of the face are pre- benefits in the afterlife. Sycomore: diffuse-porous vessel dis-
served. tribution and regular alternation of
The coffins display a system of transverse mummy-strap text parenchyma and fibre bands, which
bands extending from the lid to the case and longitudinal create distinct colour streaks.
bands intersect the body of the coffin. The case walls feature
the same system of alternating text columns and image panels,
and the orientation of text and images is the same as before the 37841 - painted plaster, including one (40107) Small well preserved
Amarna period. However, the contents of the texts and motifs red-painted plaster ear (top-left of image) panel with jackal head on the
in the image panels vary, and make it possible to distinguish
Three wooden dowels penetrate
two distinct types of decoration. through to the back, where the
6. Decorated Anthropoid Coffin - Traditional style Digital reconstruction of partially complete proper right side panel of coffin (13262) Image by Gwil Owen wood tapers into a scarf joint.
Traces of pink plaster remain
It is not possible to disern the name on coffin (13262). The figures are painted by a relative- on the edge.
Three coffins have been excavated which appear to preserve the traditional pre-Amarna period ly skilled hand, but the hieroglyphs do not form coherent sentences, suggesting that the
style of decoration. This is the BD 151 decorative scheme, which placed the deceased in the role of painter (and customer) was illiterate. Serious biodeterioration of all coffin wood has limited its potential for providing informa-
Osiris in a mytho-ritual drama of resurrection (Barbra Lüscher:1998). The name of the deceased The image below is the proper left side of the coffin, and on the left is a large offering table tion about wood joinery. However, some fragments which have avoided damage suggest
(Tiy) is partially discernable on one coffin of this type (40105). - a typical feature of the ‘New-Amarna’ style. There are no traces of varnish on this coffin. that simple wooden dowels were the primary method of joining panels and planks together.
Traces of recesses and dowel holes in the edges of lids and cases, and a few loose wooden el-
ements which look like tenons, suggest that the lids of the anthropoid coffins were attached
to cases with internal mortice and tenon joints.
Mortar analysis Analysis of the plasters shows that a variety of different mortar
types were used on the coffins, with a single layer applied on cof-
fin interiors, and two layers applied on the exteriors.
1 2 Coffin (13281) below is another ‘New-Amarna’ style coffin. The painting is low quality Further analysis is needed to categorise the plaster types for
with uneven lines and crooked text panels. Multi-spectral imaging - more specifically V-IL each coffin but what has been found out so far is that they are
(which is visible-induced luminescence in the infrared range), was used to characterises “lime-gypsum”, containing mineral aggregates of fine to middle
the spatial distribution of Egyptian blue on the coffin. grained lime stone powder, small gypsum particles and traces of
Coffin13438 - proper left-side of coffin case V-IL has also proven itself useful as a technique for ‘seeing-through’ discoloured varnish clay (aluminium silicate), quartz sand, and sparse organic fillers,
which is obscuring paint on the coffin surface.
Plaster section from headboard embedded in a matrix of calcium carbonate and gypsum.
region of (40106) box coffin. The raw materials processed for the plaster production generally
Lime and gypsum were not appear to be local clays and soils mined in the close or slightly
burnt hot enough to produce an wider vicinity of Amarna.
4 effective mortar.
Pigment analysis
During the Amarna period, a relatively narrow range of inorganic pigments was utilised for
4.Fragment from (13281) yellow figure
with thick varnish coating.
coffin decoration - making identification of many of these materials relately straightforward
using a combination of X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Polarised Light Microscopy.
Black: Appears to be carbonaceous as phosphorus is not detected (an element indicative of
bone black), and iron levels are too low to indicate the use of magnetite.
Red: Only used to outline some figures, as a wash on some interiors and the plaster ears from
(37871) - consistently high iron levels suggest the use of an iron(III) oxide pigment.
1. Well preserved jackal-headed 2. The red outline of the figure has 3. Large wedjat-eye on far right Blue: Used to highlight board collars on the offering figures, and on some coffin lids -the de-
figure from panel centre been enhanced to reveal a human of coffin panel Presence of Egyptian blue pigment confirmed with tection of copper by XRF strongly suggests the presence of Egyptian blue because this syn-
headed figure, (in white for clarity) V-IL luminescence. Obscuring layers of varnish thetic pigment is a combination of cuprorivaite and copper wollastonite.
are rendered invisible under V-IL .
Yellow: Yellow/white hieroglyphic texts on the ‘new type’ seems to be a combination of yellow
The proper left side case wall of the coffin (13438) is undergoing conservation. Although the dec- Concluding remarks ochre or goethite and an arsenic-based pigment, probably orpiment. Arsenic is strongly de-
oration is only partially preserved, two figures have now been revealed. Both have short legs, wear Researchers studying and analysing the South Tomb Cemetery coffins are in agreement that tected in the yellow paint of the offering bearers on the ‘new-type’. It is probably not a coinci-
kilts, have long extended arms by their sides and strong shoulder musculature. The central (and the coffins were probably produced at Amarna, primarily from cheap, local materials. The dence that the wood which has the heaviest layer of yellow paint tends to be well preserved -
better preserved) figure has a jackal head. The other figure – only partially preserved - has a human apparent ubiquitousness of yellow orpiment (commonly assumed to be a rare and expensive almost certainly due to the toxic properties of arsenic. The pigment has likely altered through
head. At present we are unable to say whether the other figure/s – which may be the other two of pigment) on the coffins is intriguing. Perhaps orpiment - the way it glinted in the sun and time to an arsenic oxide with corresponding partial loss of colour, making it hard to detect
four sons of Horus - were rendered with human or animal heads. At the far right of this panel there its evident preservative qualities - had symbolic importance to ancient Egyptians as part of without XRF.
is a large wedjat-eye. There is no varnish coating on this coffin. the burial ritual. The absence of arsenic detected in the yellow/white pigment on the traditional-style ‘jackal’
Following further conservation to stabilise and remove further surface encrustation, techniques The STC coffins’ advanced level of decay, coupled with complications imposed by only (13438) coffin and elevated iron levels suggest that yellow ochre or goethite was used on this
such as RTI will be used in an attempt to discern further details of the text and decoration. being able to work on them in the dig house at Amarna, make them an immense challenge coffin. Similarly, where there is a yellow wash on several of the coffin interiors, high levels of
for both conservation and research. Nevertheless, their uniqueness make these challenges iron suggest the presence of yellow ochre.