NEPCO Grid Code IRR-TIC 2015 - 07 - 16 v2 PDF
NEPCO Grid Code IRR-TIC 2015 - 07 - 16 v2 PDF
NEPCO Grid Code IRR-TIC 2015 - 07 - 16 v2 PDF
Wind & PV
Transmission Interconnection Code (TIC)
IRR-TIC 1. Introduction 1
IRR-TIC 2. Scope 1
IRR-TIC 7. Harmonics 13
IRR-TIC 7.1. Harmonic Distortion 13
IRR-TIC 7.2. Inter-harmonics 15
IRR-TIC 7.3. Sub-synchronous Resonance 15
IRR-TIC 07/16/2015
IRR-TIC 10.3. Resource Forecasts 17
IRR-TIC 07/16/2015
IRR-TIC 1. Introduction
All Generators connecting to the Transmission System must comply with the National
Electric Power Company (NEPCO) Grid Code. However the Grid Code was originally
developed assuming synchronous generators. Wind Farm (WF) generators and Photovoltaic
(PV) generators, collectively in the category of Intermittent Renewable Resources (IRR)s,
merit provisions of the Grid Code specifically for them. This document, Intermittent
Renewable Resource (IRR) Transmission Interconnection Code (TIC), establishes the
technical Interconnection Code rules which IRRs must comply with in relation to their
connection requirements to the Transmission System.
Although the grid code provided in this document was written with WF and PV generators in
mind, it also may be extended to all IRRs.
IRR-TIC 2. Scope
The primary objective of this document is to establish the technical rules which IRRs must
comply with in relation to their connection to and operation on the Transmission Network.
In addition to compliance with IRR-TIC, IRRs are required to comply with the Grid Code,
including in particular, yet not limited to, the following sections of the Grid Code:
GC - General Conditions
PC - Planning Code
PC Appendix A excluding
o PCA 1.3.3
o PCA 2.3
CC- Connection Conditions excluding:
o CC 5.2.3
IRRs shall also comply with the following:
OC – Operating Code excluding
o OC 3.6.2
o OC 10.7.5
SDC – Scheduling and Dispatch Code
MC – Metering Code
Where the IRR-TIC may conflict with the Grid Code, the IRR-TIC shall override. Language
in the Interconnection Agreement & other Agreements (such as Power Purchase Agreement)
for an IRR with NEPCO shall override both IRR-TIC and the Grid Code. “IRR” is
interchangeable with “Generating Unit” and “Plant” in the Grid Code.
Active Power: The product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current
(normally measured in kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW)).
Active Power Control: The automatic change in Active Power output from IRR in a response to
an Active Power Control Set-Point received from NEPCO.
Active-Power Control Set-point: The maximum amount of Active Power in MW, set by
NEPCO, which the IRR is permitted to export.
Available Active Power: The amount of Active Power that the IRR could produce based on
current resource conditions. Generally for an IRR the Available Active Power is
the same as the Active Power.
Distribution System: As defined in the Grid Code.
Grid Code: NEPCO Transmission Grid Code, First Amendment Version, February 2010
Frequency Response: Is the automatic decrease or increase in active power output of an IRR in
response to a system frequency rise or fall, in accordance with primary control
HV: High voltage at 132 kV and above.
HVRT: High voltage ride-through
IRR: Intermittent Renewable Resource, A Generation Resource that can only produce
energy from variable, uncontrollable resources, such as wind or solar.
IRR Unit: One inverter block (for PV) or one turbine (for wind) along with its transformer,
which is the basic unit generator in an IRR plant which may include several of
such units in a collection system configuration.
IRR Nominal Capacity: The maximum output of the IRR plant, as registered with NEPCO
under an agreement, which is also referred to as the Maximum Export Capacity at
the PCC.
IRR-TIC: Intermittent Renewable Resource – Transmission Interconnection Code, as
presented in this document in whole or in part
LVRT: Low voltage ride-through
MV: Medium Voltage, 33 KV
NEPCO: National Electric Power Company of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
PCC: Point of Common Coupling located on the high or medium voltage side of the
substation of the IRR that connects to NEPCO‟s facilities. It can reach up to the
incoming cable sealing ends.
PFR: Primary Frequency Response. The instantaneous proportional increase or
decrease in real power output provided by a generation resource and the natural
real power dampening response provided by load in response to system frequency
deviations. This response is in the direction that stabilizes frequency
PV: Photovoltaic generating plant consisting of several inverters as collection systems
connected to the point of common coupling via a solar farm collector grid
Reactive Power: The product of voltage and the out-of-phase component of alternating current
(normally measured in kilovars (kVAr) or megavars (MVAr)).Reactive Power is
produced by capacitors, overexcited generators and other capacitive devices
and is absorbed by reactors, under-excited generators and other inductive
SSR: Subsynchronous Resonance. SSR is a phenomenon involving coincident
oscillation between two or more Transmission Elements or Generation
Resources at frequencies lower than the normal operating frequency (50 Hz)
Transmission System: Used interchangeably with Transmission Network, where the latter is
defined in the Grid Code
Lagging power factor operating condition is when reactive power flow is out of the
Generation Resource (overexcited generator) and is considered to be positive (+) flow, i.e., in
the same direction as active power flow. The generator is producing reactive power
Leading power factor operating condition is when reactive power flow is into the Generation
Resource (under-excited generator) and is considered to be negative (-) flow, i.e., in the
opposite direction to active power flow. The generator is absorbing reactive power
Unity power factor operating condition is when no reactive power is flowing from or out of
the Generation Resource (normally excited generator).
Under extreme system fault conditions all IRR units must be disconnected at a frequency
greater than 51.5Hz. At a frequency less than 47.5 Hz the generator may be disconnected (in
accordance with Table 4-1).Where under and over frequency relays are installed, these relays
shall be set such that the automatic removal of the IRR from NEPCO‟s Transmission Network
meets the requirements shown in Table 4-1. NEPCO however may specify slightly different
tripping points for various generators in order to avoid having all generators on the
Transmission Network trip at the same time in a frequency constraint
No additional IRR shall be started while the Transmission System Frequency is above
IRR plants shall be capable of operating at reduced power output after receiving a signal from
the Transmission System operator. The following should be implemented, but not activated.
It has to be activated upon request from the Transmission System operator anytime.
The generating plants must be capable of reducing their active power in steps amounting to a
maximum 10% of the rated Nominal Capacity at the PCC. This power reduction must be
possible in any operating condition and from any operating point to a target value given by
the Transmission Network operator (NEPCO). This target value is normally preset without
steps or in steps, and corresponds to a percentage of the Nominal Capacity.
The reduction of the power output to the respective target value must be realized without delay, at
the maximum Ramp Rate, from receiving the signal from the Transmission Network operator.
The Transmission Network operator shall not interfere in the control of the IRR; it shall only
be responsible for signaling and coordinating.
IRRs that have capacity available to either increase output or decrease output in real-time
must provide PFR, which may make use of that available capacity response to Transmission
System frequency deviations. The PFR shall be similar to the droop characteristic of the
governor system used by conventional steam generators. The governor droop shall be set by
NEPCO and be in the range of 2% to 10%, with a default of 5%.
The generation resource automatic control system design shall have an adjustable dead band
that defaults at +/- 0.03 Hz. This dead band means that until frequency error is beyond a
threshold, the governor ignores it. When frequency error exceeds the threshold (.03 Hz, or 30
mHz by convention) the governor becomes active.
All IRRs in operation must reduce their instantaneous active power output when the system
frequency is more than 50.5 Hz as shown in Figure 4-1(a) with a default droop of 5%.
Additionally all IRRs in operation must increase their instantaneous active power output
when the system frequency is below 49.5 Hz as shown in Figure 4-1(b) with a default droop of
5% provided that the Active Power Set Point is below the maximum available instantaneous
The default droop of 5% means 100% change in power output for 5% frequency deviation,
which also translates to decreasing output at a gradient of 40% of the generator‟s
instantaneously available capacity per Hz as illustrated in Figure 4-2 .
The Active Power Set Point could be in any value between 100% and down to 10% of the
available active power. The Active Power Set Point shall correspond to NEPCO‟s operator.
Active Power
Set Point
50.00 50.50 51.00 51.50 52.00
Frequency (HZ)
Controllable IRR Active Power Output
as a % of Available Active Power
Active Power
Set Point
47 48 49 50
Frequency (HZ)
Figure 4-1 - Power-Frequency Response Curve
Alterations to the Active Power Control Set-point may be requested in real-time by NEPCO
and the implementation of the set-point shall commence within 10 seconds of receipt of the
signal from NEPCO.
No time delay other than those necessarily inherent in the design of the Frequency Response
System and communications shall be introduced. The Frequency Response System shall
continuously monitor the Transmission System Frequency in order to continuously determine
the IRR‟s appropriate Active Power output.
If the Transmission System Frequency rises to a level above „B‟-‟C‟, as defined by the
Power-Frequency Response Curve in Figure 4-1(a), the IRR will not be required to provide
frequency response service and shall disconnect in accordance with the time delays set in
Table 4 -1. Any IRR which has disconnected shall be brought back in collaboration with the
network operator (NEPCO) as fast as technically feasible (provided the Transmission System
Frequency has fallen below 50.5 Hz).
NEPCO Grid Code defines that the transmission network under Normal Operation shall
operate within the ranges shown in Table 5-1.
*IRRs with equipment capable of staying on-line for longer duration must activate that capability in
coordination with NEPCO
Line-to-line voltage
level in % of
120 HVRT
115 0.2s requirement
110 60s minimum
105 Disconnection
100 permitted
85 180s minimum
46.5 47 47.5 48 48.5 49 49.5 50 50.5 51 51.5 52
Frequency in Hz
Figure 5-1 - Required Duration of Operation of an IRR covering PCC Voltage range
and Nominal Frequency Range
It must be possible to operate the IRR plant in reactive power control mode, and follow any
operating point within the range cos φ = 0.95 leading under-excited (inductive) to cos φ =
0.85 lagging over-excited (capacitive) at PCC as shown in Figure 5-2.
For active power supply below the nominal power Figure 5-2 indicates the minimum reactive
power and power factor requirements.
Additionally the full lagging reactive capability of 0.85 pf of the IRR Nominal Capacity shall
be made available at 100% to 90% of the nominal voltage. The full leading reactive
capability of 0.95 pf of the IRR Nominal Capacity shall be made available at 100% to 110%
of the nominal voltage. The reactive support must be dynamic in nature for the equivalent of
the nominal plant (sum of IRR) capacity, and the rest of the reactive support may be provided
by automatically switched capacitors or better at the point of interconnection.
The IRR shall be capable to provide reactive power support in any of three modes: voltage set
point control, power factor set point, or reactive power set point control. An implementation
example for the steady-state VAr settings and controller design are shown in Figure 5-3.
The Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) specifies the capability range for IRRs to remain
connected to the system during and following grid faults, including the requirement to
participate in the dynamic voltage control. The dynamic voltage control, to be superimposed
on the steady state voltage control, is to be implemented as a fast local control to change the
reactive current output of the IRR as necessary to counter the sudden voltage change resulting
from grid faults and disturbances.
A voltage fall below the red line triggers the permitted disconnection of the unit. IRR must
be capable of remaining connected at or above this limit during and immediately after any
short circuit, balanced or unbalanced, which is correctly isolated by protection schemes even
in the case of action by the second level protection. IRR must survive a zero voltage dip of at
least the depth shown in the solid red line at the PCC in Figure 5-4.
Per Unite Voltage at the PCC (V/Vm)
LVRT Border Line
0 .25 2.5 180
During the Transmission System Voltage dip the IRR shall provide Active Power in
proportion to retained voltage and maximize reactive current to the Transmission System.
The maximization of reactive current shall continue for at least 250 ms or until the
Transmission System Voltage recovers to within the normal operational range of the
In case the IRR trips through low voltage, the IRR shall recover, at the minimum, 90% of
their generation prior to the incident or as declared by the IRR to NEPCO as available
from the resource, whichever is greater, as quickly as the technology allows, but within
no more than one minute after the voltage has recovered to its normal operating range.
The curves in Figure 5-5 refer to the positive sequence voltage at the fundamental frequency.
Exceeding the solid border line triggers the immediate disconnection of the unit. IRRs must
be capable of remaining connected at or below this limit during and immediately after any
system condition. Any other disturbances as well should not result in the border line shown
in Figure 5-5 being crossed. These are minimum requirements; however NEPCO requires
equipment that is capable of riding through higher voltage and longer duration to deploy their
full capability in coordination with NEPCO.
Positive sequence
voltage at
frequency in p.u.
Border Line
Typical voltage
0 0.2 60 Time in seconds
IRR must be capable of operating in a voltage control mode to maintain the voltage at the
PCC to stay at a set point provided by NEPCO to the IRR. The voltage setting requirement
shall be within the normal operating range of the system (+/- 10% of nominal). The
IRR must respond to a sudden voltage decrease/increase with the corresponding fast positive
sequence fundamental frequency reactive current output in accordance with Figure 5-6. The
requirements refer to the PCC. It is recommended to implement fast voltage controller
functionality at the IRR level corresponding to the requirements below. However, to fulfill
these requirements at the PCC, under certain circumstances, higher requirements must be
implemented at IRR level as indicated in Figure 5-6. It is at the discretion of the IRR whether
only IRR units or other VAr equipment like STATCOM close to the PCC are installed for
VAr generation and fast voltage control of dynamic nature.
Figure 5-6
shows the required dynamic gain of the voltage controller. A controller with higher
dynamic gain (e.g. by implementing proportional-differential controller characteristic) is
acceptable as long as the stability of the voltage controller is guaranteed.
Positive Sequence
fundamental frequency
reactive curent
ΔiQ1 in p.u
Positive Sequence
0.0 fundamental frequency
-1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 voltage drop/rise
0.5 ΔV1 in p.u.
Current injection for 1.0
voltage support must be possible over 0.5 s
(capacitive) 1.5 1.2(minimum requirement; more
current injection is desirable)
± 10% Deadband during Normal Operation
During Fault Ride-Through mode reasonable reduction of active current in favor of reactive
current supply is allowed.
The positive sequence voltage drop or rise is defined with respect to the pre-fault 30-second-
average voltage. It is allowed to calculate this value continuously including the low/high
voltage periods (moving voltage average of the past 30 seconds).
v1v1,Fault v1(30 s )
where iQ,1(t 0) represents the reactive current before the fault occurrence. The injected
IRR-TIC Page 11 07/16/2015
reactive current represents an addition to the steady-state reactive current supplied before the
Figure 5-7demonstrates the minimum dynamic requirements of the voltage controller based
on the step response for the fast reactive current injection with the corresponding rise and
settling times.
The step response of the reactive current must be well damped (damping ratio >5%) and
should settle at the steady-state value.
IRRs shall provide on-load tap-changing (OLTC) facilities the IRR Plant central Grid
Connected power transformer. All IRRs shall coordinate with NEPCO on the design
specification for the performance of the tap-changing facility of the Grid Connected
Tap changing steps shall be proposed to NEPCO and pre-approved for the project, and shall
be designed to ensure that the IRR units can comply with the IRR-TIC requirements.
The current inrush acting over the Network impedance results in a voltage dip (sudden fall)
and/or voltage swell (sudden rise), therefore the Voltage Flicker, as well as when the
Apparatus concerned is off-loaded. IRRs are not allowed to introduce significant Voltage
Flicker on the Transmission Network as measured at the PCC. The Voltage Flicker limits are
contained in the following documents:
The Flicker severity at the PCC of any IRR shall not be above the maximum values stated in
IEC 61000-3-7 Standard for more than 3 % of the measured period. The maximum emission
limits produced by any IRR shall be below the maximum values stated in IEC 61000-3-7
IRR-TIC 7. Harmonics
In particular IEC/TR 61000-3-6&7 outline the limits, assessment and study process for
harmonic distortion, and IEC 61000-4-7 provides guidelines for testing, measurement and
In general, the maximum total levels of harmonic distortion on the System under Normal
Operating conditions, planned outages and fault outage conditions (unless during System
Stress) shall not exceed the values shown in Table 7-1.
If harmonics that exceed above listed standards result from the operation of the IRRs
electrical equipment which are verified by testing, the IRR system shall be disconnected until
the harmonics are mitigated by the IRR in accordance with the above listed standards.
In the situation where current harmonic measurements are required, the current harmonic
limits shall be derived from the harmonic voltage limits in accordance with IEC 61000-3-6
section 6.4.
Additionally, and in instances where several IRRs are located in the vicinity of each other,
the total harmonic contribution shall not exceed the above requirements. If required,
allocation of emission limits shall be calculated in accordance to IEC 61000-3-6 for
allocating emissions to distorting installations as described in section 8.2.2. Measurements
shall follow the recommendations in IEC 61000-4-7.
In order to limit the system impact of interharmonics, these types of harmonics must be
limited to 0.2% of the fundamental frequency per IEC 61000-3-6 section 10, whith
measurement guidelines to follow recommendations in IEC 61000-4-7.
If, as a result of a detailed study conducted by NEPCO and/or the IRR engineer or consultant,
identification and study of Subsynchronous Resonance risk, NEPCO determines that
protection or mitigation measures are necessary to protect the NEPCO System from any such
SSR risks, the affected IRR shall install those protection or initiate mitigation measures in
accordance with this Section. For the purposes of this Section, “protection” shall refer to the
installation and use of protective relays capable of isolating the affected transmission element
or IRR from the NEPCO System in the event SSR is detected, and “mitigation” shall refer to
the installation and use of any equipment or the implementation of any practice that may be
used to mitigate or eliminate SSR risk, including, but not limited to, the following measures:
Outage coordination, Special Protection Systems (SPSs), passive and dynamic SSR blocking
filters, supplemental excitation damping controls, thyristor-controlled series capacitors,
bypass series capacitors with the aid of low set gaps, and series capacitor segmentation. If
and when protection is used by the IRR to mitigate SSR, then the sum of detection plus relay
operation plus breaker time must be less than the time to damage the IRR equipment.
These ramp rate settings shall be applicable for all ranges of operation including start up,
normal operation and shut down, including when responding or released from an operator
In order to overcome this problem, IRR are to be required to inject a certain level of inductive
negative sequence short circuit current proportional to the negative sequence voltage. This
will result not only in higher short circuit current but also in the reduction of the negative
sequence voltage and thus better phase voltage symmetry.
Under normal operation, the maximum negative phase sequence component of the phase
voltage of the power system should remain below 1%. A control can be implemented to
support this requirement. The relevant standards are:
In case of unbalanced grid faults the grid operator can require that IRR respond to a sudden
negative sequence voltage increase with a fast negative sequence reactive current output.
One possible option for the required negative sequence reactive current injection in a manner
similar to section IRR-TIC 5.4
During unbalanced grid faults the priority between positive sequence active current, positive
sequence reactive current and negative sequence reactive current may be determined as result
of dynamic grid assessment.
The required step response of the controller in the negative sequence is identical with the
dynamic time restrictions in the positive sequence.
The IRR shall provide all the data required in Appendix 1 of this IRR-TIC document. This
data must be provided in the Interconnection Application process, for the as-built plant, as
well as whenever required to be updated by NEPCO.
Resource forecasts shall be provided by the IRR. These forecasts, if required, shall be
provided in a format and timescale as specified by NEPCO, and by means of an electronic
interface in accordance with the reasonable requirements of NEPCO‟s data system.
IRRs shall engage fully with NEPCO to ensure that the necessary information is available to
NEPCO for the production of wind or solar generation forecasts with the appropriate level of
accuracy by NEPCO.
IRRs shall submit their MW availability declarations whenever changes in IRR availability
occur or are predicted to occur. These declarations shall be submitted by means of an
electronic interface in accordance with the reasonable requirements of NEPCO‟s data system.
Active Power output (MW) at the lower voltage side of the Grid Connected
Reactive Power output/demand (+/-MVAr) at the lower voltage side of the Grid
Connected Transformer;
Voltage (in kV) at the lower voltage side of the Grid Connected Transformer;
Grid Connected Transformer tap positions;
Voltage Regulation Set-point (in kV);
On/off status indications for all Reactive Power devices exceeding 5 MVAr
The analysis should be run under system intact N-0, as well as N-1 and any multiple
contingencies provided by NEPCO, for the following scenarios:
IRR disconnected
IRR connected
The following are points that should be considered in steady state studies:
Power flow and equipment (step-up transformers, transmission lines) loading
verification throughout the transmission grid, and reporting any overloaded
Voltage profile assessment and verification that voltages remain within the NEPCO
operating range throughout the transmission grid, and reporting any voltage
Load flow data assessment of the transformers and cables and/or overhead lines
(presented in a tabular form) within the project's ownership; and indicate if any of the
equipment is overloaded
Developer shall review and test the generator dynamic model parameters, level of proposed
IRR generator modeling as well as modeling of other IRRs.
The models should fully represent the generator parameters
Level of IRR generator modeling
Modeling of other IRRs. If dynamic models of the plants are not available, developer
may use generic models
. Dynamic RMS simulation studies
o full load simulation cases
o partial load simulation cases
o dynamic results for case of loss of proposed IRR project, showing system
stability for various contingencies and other system disturbances as dictated by
Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) with respect to staying grid connected for
various fault locations and types
o possible combined implementation of reference tracking VAr controller and
fast voltage controller
High Voltage Ride-Through (HVRT) for various fault locations and types of possible
combined implementation of reference tracking VAr controller and fast voltage
Voltage flicker. If a flicker coefficient for the plant is not available for that purpose,
then the study should at least calculate the voltage change at the point of
interconnection with and without the IRR, to evaluate the impact of voltage in case of
sudden change in the plant output. This should be done for n-0 as well as for critical
contingency conditions.
Phase imbalance
a. Address or location, including the county, of the proposed new Generating Facility
site or, in the case of an existing Generating Facility, the name and specific location,
including the county, of the existing Generating Facility;
Project Name:
Project Location:
b. Maximum net megawatt electrical of the proposed new Generating Facility or the
amount of net megawatt increase in the generating capacity of an existing Generating
c. Type of project (i.e., , wind, PV, etc.) and general description of the equipment
configuration (if more than one type is chosen include net MW for each);
Cogeneration (MW)
Wind (MW)
Photovoltaic (MW)
Storage type (e.g. Pumped-Storage Hydro, Battery (w/type), etc.):
Maximum Instantaneous Capability: (MW)
Total Storage Capability: (MWh)
Maximum Charge Duration: (hours)
Maximum Discharge Duration: (hours)
Charge/Discharge Cycle Efficiency: (%)
General description of the equipment configuration (e.g. number, size, type, etc):
d. Proposed In-Service Date (first date transmission is needed to the facility), Trial
Operation date and Commercial Operation Date in MM/DD/YYYY format and term of
service (dates must be sequential):
Company Name:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
The Interconnection Customer shall provide to the NEPCO the technical data
called for in IRR-TIC Appendix 1, Attachment A. One (1) copy is required.
4. Evidence of site control and address(es) and contact information of site owner(s) (check one):
By (signature):
Project Name:
1. Provide one set of original prints or soft copy on cd/flashdrive of the following:
Field Volts:
Field Amperes:
Motoring Power (MW):
Neutral Grounding Resistor (if applicable):
I22t or K (Heating Time Constant):
Rotor Resistance:
Stator Resistance:
Stator Reactance:
Rotor Reactance:
Note: A completed dynamic model must be supplied with the Interconnection Request. If
other data sheets are more appropriate to the proposed device then they shall be provided and
discussed at the Scoping Meeting.
A. Solidly grounded
B. Grounded through an impedance
(Impedance value in p.u on generator base R: p.u. X: p.u.)
C. Ungrounded
For each step-up transformer, fill out the data form provided in Table 1.
There is no need to provide data for new lines that are to be planned by the Participating TO
(NEPCO). However, for transmission lines that are to be planned by the generation
developer, please provide the following information:
Nominal Voltage: kV
Line Length: miles
Line termination Points:
Conductor Type: Size:
If bundled. Number per phase: , Bundle spacing: in.
Phase Configuration. Vertical: , Horizontal:
Phase Spacing: A-B: ft., B-C: ft., C-A: ft.
Distance of lowest conductor to Ground at full load and 40 C: ft
Ground Wire Type: Size: Distance to Ground: ft
Attach Tower Configuration Diagram
Summer line ratings in amperes (normal and emergency)
Positive Sequence Resistance ( R ): p.u.** (for entire line length)
Positive Sequence Reactance: ( X ): p.u**(for entire line length)
Zero Sequence Resistance ( R0 ): p.u.** (for entire line length)
Zero Sequence Reactance: ( X0 ): p.u** (for entire line length)
Line Charging (B/2): p.u**
** On 100-MVA and nominal line voltage (kV) Base
10a. For Wind/photovoltaic plants, provide collector System Equivalence Impedance Data
Provide values for each equivalence collector circuit at all voltage levels.
Harmonics Characteristics:
Start-up requirements:
Note: A completed dynamic model must be supplied with the Interconnection Request. If
other data sheets are more appropriate to the proposed device then they shall be provided and
discussed at the Scoping Meeting.
12. Load Flow and Dynamic Models (to be provided on DVD, CD, or USB Flash Drive):
Provide load flow model for the generating plant and its interconnection facilities in
PSS/E or DIgSILENT format, including new buses, generators, transformers,
interconnection facilities. An equivalent model is required for the plant with generation
collector systems. This data should reflect the technical data provided in this
Attachment A.
(Provide for each level of transformation)
Rated MVA
Rated Voltage
Tap Settings
MVA Base
Tested Taps