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Prospects For Coal-Based Direct Reduction Process: Haruyasu MICHISHITA, Hidetoshi TANAKA

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Prospects for Coal-based Direct Reduction Process

Haruyasu MICHISHITA*1, Hidetoshi TANAKA*2

Technology & Process Engineering Department, Iron Unit Division, Natural Resources & Engineering Business
Research & Development Department, Iron Unit Division, Natural Resources & Engineering Business

Kobe Steel has developed coal-based direct reduction reduction processes including SL/RN 2) employ
(DR) technologies, the FASTMET, FASTMELT and rotary kilns. Pellets, or lump-ore, mixed with coal
ITmk3 processes, which reduce carbon composite are/is charged into the rotary kilns 2) and heated
agglomerates (pellets or briquettes) on the hearth of by coal burners to produce DRI. To avoid the
a rotary hearth furnace (RHF). This paper outlines significant formation of the kiln rings, their
the features of each process, status of technical operating temperatures must be maintained in a
development and commercialization. Also described is range from 1,000 to 1,100℃3). As a result, the
the contribution of these technologies to environmental processes require about 12 hours of reduction
compatibility and the security of raw materials, which time. Thus, the productivity of the processes is
are becoming critical issues for the steel industry limited to a range between 150 and 250 thousand
worldwide. tonnes/year, which is rather low for steel plants.
Because of this, there has been a need for an
Introduction alternative process.
With this background, Kobe Steel has developed
Unlike blast furnaces, direct reduction ironmaking a coal-based reduction process using a rotary hearth
plants using natural gas (e.g., the MIDREX process furnace (RHF) in collaboration with MIDREX
and HYL process) have the characteristics of Technologies, a subsidiary of Kobe Steel in the
requiring a smaller capital expenditure and no USA. This process involves carbon composite
coking coal. Many direct reduction plants have been agglomerates, in the form of pellets or briquettes,
built in developing contries, particularly those that laid on the hearth of the RHF, in which the
produce natural gas. In recent years, there has been composite agglomerates are heated and reduced
an increased demand for direct reduced iron in a static manner. Because of this, the furnace can
(hereinafter referred to as "DRI") as an alternative to be maintained at a temperature in the range from
high quality scrap. Electric arc furnace (EAF) mills 1,300 to 1,400℃, which is higher than that for
are dominant in the steel industry in advanced rotary kilns and increases the reduction rate and
countries, which is boosting the demand for DRI. productivity. The process is also characterized by
Fig. 1 shows the annual increase in DRI production1). flexibility regarding various raw materials, including
The natural-gas-based DRI processes, however, limit iron ore fines, steel mill waste and non-coking coal.
plant locations to places where natural gas is This paper outlines the features and development
available. On the other hand, coal-based DRI plants status of Kobe Steel's coal-based reduction processes,
are flexible as to plant location, because coal is widely each employing an RHF for reducing carbon
distributed in large deposits and is easy to transport. composite agglomerates. Also described is the role
This has significantly increased the production of of these processes in resolving the issues faced by
coal-based DRI. Out of the global DRI production of the steel industry, e.g., securing raw materials and
68.5 million tonnes in 2008, the production of coal- preserving the environment.
based DRI occupies 17.6 million tonnes, which
equates to 25.7% of the total1). Most coal-based 1. Features of reduction process using carbon
composite agglomerates
(million ton)
World total The reduction reaction kinematic for conventional
Coal base
50 pellets and sintered ore is controlled by reduction
40 gas diffusion from outside. On the other hand, the
reaction of carbon composite agglomerates occurs
inside the agglomerates themselves, which consist of
iron ore fines and pulverized coal. Once the
agglomerates are heated, carbon monoxide is
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008 generated inside them, promoting the reduction of
Fig. 1 World DRI production by year 1) iron oxide. Thus, the reduction reaction proceeds


Coupling reaction gas and allows some re-oxidation of the reduced
Reduction iron. Thus, it is important to prevent the
 FeOn+CO=FeOn−1+CO2 (Exothermic)
agglomerates from fragmentizing inside the furnace.

 CO 2+C=2CO    (Endothermic)

2. FASTMET process

FeO Carbon A process of creating a thin layer of carbon

Iron oxide Heat transfer control
composite agglomerates on the hearth of an RHF
and heating the layer statically to subject it to a
Fig. 2 Reduction mechanism of carbon composite pellet reduction reaction is being contemplated. In such a
process, heat transfer occurs efficiently by radiation,
with much less risk of reduction fragmentation.
faster in the carbon composite agglomerates than in Thus, this process would be more advantageous than
conventional pellets and sintered ore, whose reaction any conventional process using a rotary kiln or a
is controlled by diffusion from outside. Fig. 2 shows shaft furnace. In the early 1960s, Midland Ross
the reduction mechanism of a carbon composite Corp., the predecessor of MIDREX Technologies,
pellet, where the following reactions are considered started developing a process called "HEATFAST,"
to occur: which involves carbon composite pellets reduced in
FexOy+yC → xFe+yCO (endothermic) ………(1) an RHF. In 1965, the company built a pilot plant
CO2+C → 2CO (endothermic) …………………(2) having a capacity of 2 tonnes/hour.
FexOy+yCO → xFe+yCO2 (exothermic) ……(3) The development of the HEATFAST process,
At temperatures at which the iron ore does not however, did not reach the point of commercialization.
melt, it has hardly any direct reaction with solid Due to the current low price of natural gas, the
carbon such as pulverized coal and coke. In other company's priority has shifted toward the gas-based
words, the reaction as expressed by Equation 1 does MIDREX process.
not dominate the reaction kinematics. At elevated In the 1990s, when the price of natural gas
temperatures no lower than 1,000 ℃, the following increased, Kobe Steel and MIDREX Technologies
reactions proceed in series inside the carbon (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the companies")
composite agglomerates: the generation of carbon began to collaborate in developing a new process,
monoxide by carbon solution loss (Eq. 2) and the named "FASTMET," for producing DRI from carbon
reduction of iron oxide by carbon monoxide (Eq. 3)2). composite pellets charged into an RHF.
In the reduction reaction described above, CO gas In 1992, the companies built a pilot plant with a
generation (Eq. 2) controls the reaction kinematics capacity of 160kg/h, at the MIDREX Technical Center
with its highly endothermic nature2). Therefore, to in North Carolina, USA. In 1995, after a series of
promote the reaction, it is essential to supply the heat fundamental test runs, the companies constructed a
required for the reaction to the inside of a carbon demonstration plant with a capacity of 16,000
composite agglomerate at an elevated temperature of tonnes/year at the Kakogawa Works of Kobe Steel.
1,000 ℃ or higher. In other words, heat must be By 1998, the demonstration plant had not only
transferred efficiently by radiation from the substantiated the applicability of various raw
atmosphere to the surface of the agglomerate and, by materials, such as iron-ore, dust and coal, but also
conduction from the agglomerate surface to its yielded the various data necessary to design a
interior. commercial plant. In 2001, Kobe Steel modified the
It should be noted that coal accounts for about demonstration plant into a commercial plant for
half of the volume of each agglomerate. Thus the processing steel mill dust generated at the Kakogawa
agglomerates become porous as the reduction Works.
reaction proceeds, decreasing the strength of the Fig. 3 shows the FASTMET process flow. The
DRI. The carbon composite agglomerates become process includes mixing ore fines with pulverized
progressively weaker until they reach the coal, agglomerating the mixture into pellets or
temperature at which sintering occurs. This may briquettes, and placing them onto the hearth of an
cause fragmentation due to reduction degradation. RHF in one or two layers. For raw materials superior
Although fragmentation increases the surface in pelletizing characteristics with a pan pelletizer or
area for thermal transfer, it makes the CO gas a balling drum, pellets with a spherical shape are
generated prone to being released from the applied. For other material not suitable for
agglomerates without contributing to the reduction pelletizing, briquettes made with a dual-roller type
reaction. It also decreases the shielding effect of CO briquetting machine are applied. The agglomerates


Day bins Air preheater
Bag filter
off-gas cooler


Briquetter, Off-gas handling

etc. system


Dryer Melter HBI

Cold DRI
Hot metal

Fig. 3 Process flow sheet for FASTMET

are dried before being charged into the RHF. In the remaining iron as DRI. With this feature, the
RHF, the temperature of the agglomerates is increased FASTMET process is commercially used for
rapidly to 1,350℃ or higher and maintained for 6 to processing steel mill dust.
12 minutes before they are discharged as DRI. The Currently, five commercial plants are producing
process, involving carbon composite agglomerates DRI from the iron bearing dust generated in iron-
placed statically on the hearth, prevents them from and steel-making processes (Table 1).
breaking into fragments and generates few dust The DRI takes one of two forms: 1) DRI
particles that could become entrained in the exhaust maintaining the form of pellets/briquettes charged
gas. The reduction reaction at high temperature into the RHF and 2) The HBI (hot briquetted Iron)
reduction reaction vaporizes metallic zinc and lead having strength and weather resistance for
in the exhaust gas. transportation and storage.
The exhaust gas contains almost no unburned Table 2 shows the typical chemical compositions
components (CO and H2), because the CO gas of DRI and secondary dust (zinc dust), both made
generated through the reduction reaction is
completely combusted by secondary combustion in Table 1 FASTMET commercial plant specifications
the furnace. The process further includes cooling and
cleaning the exhaust gas, as well as recovering Hirohata Hirohata Hirohata
Fukuyama Kakogawa
sensible heat, using a heat exchanger, before #1 #2 #3

discharging to the atmosphere. The vapor of zinc RHF feed rate (t/y) 190,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 14,000
and lead in the furnace exhaust gas is oxidized,
BF dust
solidified, and thereafter collected by a bag filter Raw materials BOF dust BOF dust BOF dust
BF dust
BOF dust
BOF dust
together with the dust entrained in the exhaust gas. EAF dust

As described above, the FASTMET process was BF & BOF

BOF feed BOF feed BOF feed BF feed
originally developed as an alternative to gas-based Product application feed
DRI, making DRI from iron-ore and coal. The
process, however, has a drawback: the DRI produced RHF outer dia. (m) 21.5 21.5 21.5 27.0 8.5

may have a decreased iron content and/or increased Operation start Apr. 2000 Jan. 2005 Dec. 2008 Apr. 2009 Apr. 2001
sulfur content, depending on the quality of the coal
used. This impedes the commercial use of the process
for producing DRI from iron ore. Table 2 Anaysis of DRI and zinc dust
On the other hand, with an eye to resource (1)Dry ball and DRI analysis (wt%)

sustainability, various methods have been tried T.Fe M.Fe FeO C S Zn

for recycling the dust generated in ironworks.
Dry ball 50.0 4.3 17.7 11.1 0.29 0.33
Conventional sintering/pelletizing facilities and
blast furnaces, however, have difficulty in using dust DRI 72.9 56.2 16.9 0.2 0.44 0.009
with a high zinc content and is alkaline, which has
been an issue in the industry. The FASTMET process (2)Secondary dust (wt%)
enables the separating of zinc contained in the dust Zn T.Fe
as crude zinc-oxide and recycling it as the raw
Dust 63.4 1.11
material for zinc refining. The process recycles the


from steel mill waste by the FASTMET process5). The
FASTMET process produces DRI at a high reduction
ratio and crude zinc oxide of high purity, as it gives
rise to little entrained metal dust. This characteristic
of the process contributes to the recycling of iron and
zinc from steel mill waste.

3. FASTMELT process

As previously mentioned, the higher gangue and

sulfur content derived from the coal is an issue with
DRI produced by the FASTMET process. To resolve
this issue, the companies developed a process called
"FASTMELT." The process includes producing DRI
using an RHF (the FASTMET process), transferring
the DRI at a high (as-discharged) temperature to a
furnace, melting the DRI in the furnace, and Fig. 4 Test furnace at the MIDREX Technical Center
removing sulfur and separating slag to produce
molten iron6), 7). The melting furnace can be either an
electric arc furnace6) or a coal-based melter7) using the
thermal energy of coal and oxygen that are supplied.
In 1995, MIDREX Technologies built a pilot plant
based on the FASTMELT process by adding an
electric arc furnace to the FASTMET pilot plant at the
MIDREX Technical Center (Fig. 4). Various tests had
been conducted at the pilot plant to prove the
production of high quality molten iron from DRI
made by the FASTMET process. The campaigns also
provided various process parameters.
In 2006, Kobe Steel built a pilot plant using a coal-
Rotary hearth furnace
base melter of 16,000 tonnes/year capacity at the
Kakogawa Works (Fig. 5). This pilot plant project
was funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry (METI). The plant operated continuously to
produce high quality hot metal, as shown in Table 3 9),
using DRI made from steel mill waste. Table 4 shows
a comparison of carbon unit consumption at the pilot
and the commercial plant 9).
A FASTMELT plant consists essentially of an RHF
and a melting furnace. The RHF discharges DRI with
a metallization of about 85% at a high temperature.
The DRI is then transferred, while hot, to the melting
furnace, either by gravity or by a hot transfer
Coal based DRI melter
conveyor. To adopt gravity transfer, the RHF must be
placed higher than the melting furnace. The furnace, Fig. 5 FASTMELT Kakogawa pilot plant
either an EAF or a coal-based melter, turns the DRI
into molten iron, during which the coal-derived ash Table 3 Typical chemical analysis of charging hot-metal
and sulfur content transfers into slag, and the slag is
C Si S P
removed to produce clean hot metal. The exhaust gas
from the melting furnace, which consists mainly of 4.3∼4.7 0.15∼0.30 0.030∼0.060 0.090∼0.120

CO, is used as a fuel for the RHF.

The FASTMELT process, which can produce the associated price increase. A commercial scale
molten iron from iron ore fines and non-coking coal, FASTMELT plant has a molten iron discharging
provides a solution to the current issues of securing capacity of from 300 to 800 thousand tonnes/year.
stable supplies of lump ore and coking coal and Such plants are expected not only to supply molten


Table 4 Prediction of total carbon unit consumption for pilot plant and commercial plant


Consumption (kg/thm)




Pilot Plant Pilot Plant Commercial Plant
(Cold DRI) (Hot DRI) (Hot DRI)

Pilot plant Pilot plant Commercial

(Cold DRI) (Hot DRI) (Hot DRI)
DRI temperature ℃ 25 800 800 Energy saving by
Hot metal production rate t/h 1.1 1.7 67 hot DRI charge
Coal+Coke breeze kg/thm 1008 798 707
Coal for RHF kg/thm 547 517 509
Coke breeze for melter kg/thm 461 281 198
Oxygen Nm3/thm 415 237 206

iron to EAF mills, but also to become supplemental pilot plant at the Kakogawa Works to verify the
iron sources for blast furnace based integrated steel process concept.
mills. In 2002, a pilot demonstration plant was built in
FASTMELT plants have an advantage over mini Minnesota, USA. Demonstration testing continued
blast furnaces of similar capacity, which have until 2004, by which time, all the engineering data
recently become popular and are being operated had become available for continuous operation and
in Southeast Asia, as FASTMELT does not generate for designing a commercial plant. In 2009, the first
any by-product gas, are energy self-sufficient, and commercial plant, with a capacity of 500 thousand
consist of simple equipment because it requires tonnes/year, was built in Minnesota. The plant
fewer ancillary facilities, such as those for pre- started producing iron nuggets on a commercial
treating utilities and raw materials. basis in January, 2010. Table 5 summarizes the
specifications of the pilot, demonstration and
4. ITmk3 process commercial plant.
Like the FASTMET process, the ITmk3 process
In 1995, the companies found a clue to a new involves producing carbon composite pellets from
process while conducting an experiment for the ore fines and pulverized coal, pre-drying the pellets
FASTMET process. The experiment, which involved using a dryer and charging the pellets into an
an RHF operating at a high temperature, revealed RHF. Heating the carbon composite pellets at a
that the high temperature process can separate temperature between 1,350 and 1,450℃ in the RHF
metallic iron from slag to produce pure DRI. This promotes the generation of CO gas, which reduces
led to the development of a new process, ITmk3, the iron oxide to produce metallic iron, as described
for producing the granulated iron called "iron previously. The metallic iron is carburized
nuggets" from carbon composite agglomerate. simultaneously, which causes the iron to coalesce
The ITmk3 process includes placing carbon and separates the slag from the molten iron faster
composite pellets on the hearth of an RHF in a at a lower temperature, in comparison with blast
manner similar to that in the FASTMET process,
heating and reducing the pellets in a temperature
Table 5 ITmk3 plant specifications
range that will melt DRI, and separating the slag to
produce the granulated iron, iron nuggets8). ITmk3 Kakogawa
Mesabi pilot
1st commercial
is now defined as a third-generation ironmaking pilot plant plant
process based on a concept totally different from KSL Northshore, Hoyt Lake,
other conventional processes using carbon composite Kakogawa works MN, USA MN, USA

agglomerate5). Operating period

1999/8 ∼ 2003/5 ∼
2000/12 2004/8
Since 1996, Kobe Steel and others, e.g., domestic
and overseas institutes, conducted fundamental Capacity (t/y) 3,000 25,000 500,000

research on this process. In 1999, Kobe Steel built a RHF diameter (m) 5 14 60


Stable Fe-C system 1,600 5. Prospects for coal-based reduction processes
1,800 BF
Temperature (K) Liquid
ITmk3 The steel industry is facing the issues of securing

Temperature (℃)
FASTMET γ+Liquid +Graphite 1,200 raw materials and decreasing CO2 emissions. With
1,400 this background, the following describes the role
γ+Graphite 1,000 expected for the coal-based reduction process.
Gas DR α 800

γ 5.1 Securing iron raw material
α α+Graphite 600
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 World crude steel production reached 1.33 billion
C (%) tonnes in 2008, of which China was responsible for
Fig. 6 Fe-C phase diagram 500 million tonnes. It was 900 million tonnes in 2002,
with 180 million tonnes in China. Thus, the global
Table 6 Iron nugget specifications production increased by 1.5 times and Chinese
Metallic Iron 96∼97% production increased by a factor of 2.8 during this
Carbon 2.5∼3.0%
period. This pushed up the price of iron ore from
20 to 30 USD/tonne (CIF Japan) in 2002 to a level
Sulfur 0.05∼0.07%
exceeding 100 USD/tonne. The price of coking coal
Size 5∼25mm soared, from 50 USD/tonne (CIF Japan) in 2002 up
to 130 USD/tonne in 2009.
The production and prices of crude steel have
stabilized in major countries since the financial crisis
in 2008. In the mid- to long-term, however, newly
industrializing economies such as India will follow
China, further increasing the global demand for
crude steel. As the iron ore and coal markets become
increasingly controlled by mining majors, concern is
growing as to whether the necessary amounts of raw
material can be secured at reasonable prices.
Most high-grade iron ore with an iron content of
60% or higher is mined from banded iron formations
(BIFs) of hematite. BIFs typically exist in the form of
upthrust sedimentary deposits, with enriched iron
Fig. 7 Iron nugget shape content due to the weathering action of rain water or
water heated by igneous rocks. Such deposits are
furnaces, as explained by the phase diagram in found only in limited areas of the earth and are
Fig. 6 4). After cooling, the solid nuggets and slag are bound to become depleted.
discharged out of the RHF. This series of reactions is As a result, the iron ore commonly available will
completed within 8 to 10 minutes, during which shift to the low grade ore mined from sedimentary
time, the iron is distinctly separated from the slag4). deposits, which requires beneficiation to upgrade
The features of the ITmk3 process include them. To facilitate beneficiation, the separation of
flexibility as to the raw materials used and the high iron from gangue, low grade ore must be ground
value added to the product. Table 6 4) summarizes into fines with a size distribution of -44μ> 80%. Such
the quality of the iron nuggets that are a typical ore fines must be pelletized before being charged
product of the process, and Fig. 7 4) shows their into a blast furnace. However, the price-cost margin
appearance. The iron nuggets are free of slag for the pelletizing process is so slim that a pelletizing
and have a high iron content with an adequate plant is only feasible on the condition that a large
amount of carbon. In addition to excellent chemical scale plant be built together with a sufficient
characteristics, they have superior physical properties, infrastructure, including a port and harbor. Thus, ore-
including suitability for handling, transportation and fines produced by small mines are being abandoned,
storage, as well as excellent melting characteristics. which promotes oligopoly by mining majors.
Thus, they are expected to be used as a raw material Coal-based reduction processes allow the use of
(pure iron source) for steelmaking furnaces such as iron ore fines and do not require a pelletizing plant.
BOFs and EAFs and improve productivity, unit The processes are applicable to various types of ores,
consumption and product quality. including those from small-scale mines. Further, the


production scale of an ITmk3 plant well fits the The BF (blast furnace) - BOF (basic oxygen furnace)
production scale of small mines. Beside the mines, process has utilized scrap in recent years; however,
an ITmk3 plant can be built to produce a valuable there is a limit to the quantity of scrap that can be
product in the form of iron nuggets. This is a new used. Blast furnaces can process only a limited
business model which allows the use of low grade amount of scrap because zinc contained in the scrap
ore that was never before utilized. The first can adhere to the top shell of the furnace. Scrap is
commercial ITmk3 plant, build in Minnesota, USA, also difficult to handle using the existing equipment
is not an exception. An American EAF maker seeking for charging raw materials. A BOF (basic oxygen
for a stable source of iron purchased an abandoned furnace) can melt only a limited amount of scrap
iron mine where high grade ore had been depleted without supplemental energy. Further, the impurities
and only low grade ore can be mined. The company contained in the scrap may impair the product
produces iron nuggets for its own use, using the low quality, which also limits the applicable amount. As
grade ore at the ITmk3 plant. a result, the BF (blast furnace) - BOF (basic oxygen
Thus, the coal-based reduction process by Kobe furnace) process can use only up to 10 to 15% of scrap.
Steel promotes the supply of iron from mines that are On the other hand, the EAF process can
producing low grade ore on a small scale. The effectively use scrap to decrease CO2 emissions;
process is expected to prevent an oligopoly by however, this process is susceptible to issues of
mining giants and contribute to a stable supply of scrap quality and the fluctuation of scrap prices.
iron at a reasonable price. General scrap contains tramp elements, such as Cu
The possible depletion of coking coal is another and Sn, which can adversely affect the quality of
concern. Blast furnaces require high grade coking downstream processes, including continuous casting
coal. The reserve for such coking coal is estimated to and rolling. These tramp elements are difficult to
be only 10% of the total coal reserves. Coke ovens remove from molten iron or steel. Thus their content
also pose issues of environmental burden, including must be controlled either by choosing clean scrap
CO2 emissions. Decrepit coke ovens, existing mainly free from these elements or by diluting the scrap
in advanced countries, are difficult to refit or replace, with clean iron such as DRI and pig-iron. Despite
making the supply of coke to blast furnaces tighter the growing trend toward scrap recycling, it is
and tighter. Coal-based reduction that enables the unlikely that the amount of available clean scrap,
use of non-coking coal is now drawing attention as such as machining scrap, will increase significantly.
a coke-less ironmaking process. Securing high quality scrap will become more
5.2 CO2 emission reduction by utilizing scrap Thus, as more scrap is used, the demand for clean
iron such as DRI will certainly increase to maintain
At COP15 held in September 2009, the Japanese the quality and cost of products. On the other hand,
government committed to decrease CO2 emissions there is concern as to whether the supply of DRI can
by 25% of the 1990 level by 2020. Now the Japanese meet the growing demand for clean iron. Seventy-
iron and steel industry, responsible for approximately five percent of DRI is currently produced by the
16% of the country's total CO2 emissions, is under natural gas based direct reduction process, but its
even greater pressure. The ironmaking process, in production is limited to locations where natural gas
particular, is responsible for more than 60% of the is available. In addition, the process can use only
industry's CO2 emissions, which makes it important high quality pellets specially produced for the
to decrease the CO2 emissions from this process. process.
In the iron & steel making process at a blast Under such circumstances, coal-based direct
furnace integrated steel works, the largest amount of reduction is gaining attention as an alternative
energy is consumed in reducing iron ore. The BF process for producing clean iron such as DRI, which
(blast furnace) - BOF (basic oxygen furnace) process will fill the supply and demand gap. The process is
emits approximately two tonnes of CO2 in producing expected to promote shifting from the BF (blast
one tonne of molten steel. On the other hand, an EAF furnace) - BOF (basic oxygen furnace) process to the
process emits only a quarter of that amount, or scrap-based EAF process and eventually reduce CO2
approximately 0.5 tonnes, of CO2 when it melts scrap emissions in the iron and steel industry.
to produce the same amount of molten steel. Thus,
shifting from the BF (blast furnace) - BOF (basic 5.3 Processing ironmaking dust
oxygen furnace) process to the scrap-based EAF
process is an effective approach for reducing CO2 The FASTMET process not only recovers iron
emissions. from ironmaking dust, which otherwise would be


Table 7 EAF dust, DRI and crude zinc oxide analysis burner fuel. It is technically possible to utilize the
(1)EAF dust analysis (wt%) carbon derived from biomass such as wood chips
T.Fe Zn Pb C CaO SiO2 S Cl and to utilize the synthetic fuel gas derived from the
Dust biomass or industrial waste. These processes will
31∼33 17∼19 1 3 3∼4 4∼8 0.4 1∼2
#1 reduce CO2 emissions.
Dust One idea is to recycle municipal solid waste, sewage
21∼25 26∼29 1∼3 3∼6 2∼4 3∼5 0.4∼0.6 5∼7
sludge and industrial waste as environmentally sound
(2)DRI analysis (wt%) carbon sources for DRI. Such a system may be
T.Fe M.Fe Zn Pb C CaO SiO2 S incorporated into the social infrastructure.
46∼53 40∼46 0.7∼2.4 0.1 5∼11 5∼8 9∼13 0.6
Another idea may be to grow biomass in the vast
land surrounding a mining site where an ITmk3
42∼50 35∼41 1∼4 0.1∼0.6 3∼15 6∼12 8∼14 0.6∼1.0 plant is built. The biomass would be used as a
renewable energy source for DRI production.
(3)Crude zinc oxide analysis (wt%)

T.Fe Zn Pb C CaO SiO2 S Cl Conclusions

∼0.2 64∼70 3∼4 ∼0.1 0.1∼0.2 0.1∼0.2 0.4 5∼8
1) Supplies of high grade iron ore and coking coal
∼0.7 57∼62 4∼6 ∼0.1 0.1∼0.8 0.1∼0.2 0.2∼0.5 9∼16
#2 are becoming tight. Securing them is becoming
more and more difficult. Coal-based direct
reduction processes are expected to diversify the
discarded, but also is effective in reducing CO2 sources of raw materials, since they are coke-less
emissions. In ironmaking dust, iron (Fe) exists as a processes and flexible as to raw materials. This
partially oxidized mixture of Fe and FeO. Using will stave off an oligopoly by mining giants and
such dust decreases the reduction energy. In ensure a stable supply of raw materials for the
addition, the carbon contained in the dust is utilized steel industry.
as a reductant, which decreases the consumption of 2) Having a stable supply of clean iron produced by
coal and coke and, thus, reduces CO2 emissions. a coal-based reduction process will make up for
It is anticipated that, even if the amount of scrap the shortage of high grade scrap, while scrap
used by the BF (blast furnace) - BOF (basic oxygen quality is expected to deteriorate in future. This
furnace) process remains at the same level, the will promote the conversion to the scrap-based
quality of scrap will deteriorate as the content of zinc EAF process and eventually decrease CO2
and alkali increases. Thus, the demand is expected to emissions in the steel industry.
grow for the FASTMET process, which separates out 3) A DRI production technology developed for
zinc and alkali elements and enables iron recycling in utilizing not only steel mill waste, but also
the form of DRI. municipal waste and biomass, will help the steel
The amount of dust generated from EAFs is industry sustain its activity in harmony with the
expected to increase as the conversion from BF (blast environment.
furnace) - BOF (basic oxygen furnace) to EAF
proceeds. As shown in Table 7 6), typical EAF dust References
has a high content of zinc and salt and a low iron
content. Thus, EAF dust has been mostly disposed 1) MIDREX : 2008 World Direct Reduction Statics (2009).
of in landfills. 2) W.Schnabel et al. : Ironmaking Conf. Proceeding 42(1983).
3) H. TANAKA : NISHIYAMA Commemorative Lecture (in
Under the circumstance, the FASTMET process is Japanese), 2008, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan.
expected to provide a solution to this sort of issue 4) T. HARADA et al. : R&D Kobe Steel Engineering Reports,
by treating EAF dust to recover iron and zinc. EAF Vol.55, No.2(2005), pp.128-132.
dust processing has been demonstrated by the pilot 5) T. HARADA et al. : KOBELCO TECHNOLOGY REVIEW,
plant at the Kakogawa Works of Kobe Steel. Now No.24 (2001), pp.26-31.
6) Japanese Patent No.3509072.
that the experimental and demonstration stage has 7) Japanese Patent No.3940366.
ended, FASTMET is ready to be applied at the 8) Japanese Patent No.3845893.
commercial-scale EAF dust processing plant. 9) H. FUJIMOTO et al. : R&D Kobe Steel Engineering Reports,
Vol.59, No.2(2009), pp.73-79.
5.4 Utilizing green energy

All three of the FASTMET, FASTMELT and

ITmk3 processes involve reductant carbon and


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