Pakistan Affairs PDF
Pakistan Affairs PDF
Pakistan Affairs PDF
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Chapter. 01
Chapter. 02
Chapter. 03
Chapter. 04
Chapter. 05
PAST PAPERS (2000 – 2016)
Chapter. 06
Chapter. 07
Chapter. 08
Chapter. 09
Chapter. 10
SHORT NOTES (Revised Syllabus)
Chapter. 11
Chapter. 12
Chapter. 13
Chapter. 14
Chapter. 15
NOTES (Ahmed Shakeel Babar)
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Legislature: Majlis-e-Shoora
Upper house: Senate
Lower house: National Assembly
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
02. In PA Objective Paper, there are mostly repeated MCQs from past papers.
04. Attempt the best question first and second best the last.
05. Write as lengthy as you can and discuss all related items in a question
06. Try to answer each question in essay manner with a good and impressive
07. Try to attempt the question which needs critical analysis but normally
students avoid attempting.
09. Headings or Sub headings, Critical analysis is very necessary in this paper
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Day 02
Ideology of Pakistan, Ideology of Pakistan in the light of Speeches and
statements of Allama Iqbal and Quaid- i Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Ideology of Pakistan and its importance in the post-Independence era
Two Nation Theory: Meaning, Historical factors, Evolution,
Day 03
Political Evolution Since 1971
Evolution of Democratic System in Pakistan
Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan
Day 04
Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus, Pakistan’s Role in the
Changing Security Dynamics for Pakistan
Challenges to National Security of Pakistan
Non-Traditional Security Threats in Pakistan: Role of Non-State Actors.
Proxy Wars: Role of External Elements
Day 05
Pakistan and US War on Terror
Nuclear Program of Pakistan, its Safety and Security; International
concerns Ethnic Issues and National Integration
Day 06
The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional
Amendments and
Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of Higher Courts
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Day 07
Pakistan’s Energy Problems and their Effects, Hydro Politics; Water
Issues in Domestic and Regional Context
The Prevailing Social Problems of Pakistan and the Strategies to Deal
with Them, Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitation
Day 08
Natural resources of Pakistan
Economic Challenges in Pakistan, Economic Conditions of Pakistan,
Problems and Performance of Major Sectors of Economy
Day 09
Pakistan’s Relations with Neighbors
Pakistan and India Relations Since 1947
Kashmir Issue, Palestine Issue
The war in Afghanistan since 1979 and its impact on, and challenges to
Pakistan, in the Post 2014 era.
Day 10
Foreign Policy of Pakistan Post 9/11
Pakistan’s National Interest
Challenges to Sovereignty
Day 11
Regional Economic Cooperation (SAARC, ECO, SCO) and the Role of
Day 12
Try to solve maximum questions from Past Papers
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1. Briefly describe the evolution of Muslim Society in the Subcontinent from
1206 onwards and analyze its downfall after the 17th century.
2. Discuss the salient aspects of Shah Waliullah's Movement and analyze its
impact on the Muslims of the Subcontinent.
3. Basically educational in character, the Aligarh Movement was not devoid of
political objectives". Discuss.
4. Make a critical comparison of the Nehru Report and the Quaid-e-Azam's
Fourteen Points.
5. Write a comprehensive essay on the promulgation of Islamic system in
Pakistan with special reference to the role played by the Ulema in the
6. The US attack on Afghanistan in October 2001 has had serious
repercussions for Pakistan". Discuss.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1. Briefly describe the evolution of Muslim society in the sub-continent.
2. There is an unbridgeable gulf between Hinduism and Islam and their
followers existed together in the same land for hundreds of years like tow
streams which continue to un parallel to each other indefinitely, without
ever becoming one body of water. Elucidate.
3. State the reasons Sir Syed advanced to the Indian Muslims to eschew
politics. To what extent he was successful?
4. The Ulemas of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of Modernism of
Aligarh and Conversation of Deoband in their syllabus. Discuss.
5. The Quaid-e-Azam was against the performance of a surgical operation on
the provinces because such a step would be a dangerous proposition and
would “let loose terrible forces”. In the light of the statement, discuss the
division of the Punjab and Bengal.
6. Why one-unit was created and subsequently abolished? Explain.
7. The Indian Policy on Kashmir is caught on the horns of a dilemma and that
dilemma is that if it accepts the verdict of the people, it has to vacate the
territory of state of Junagarh, Manavadhar, Mangrol, Hyderabad etc.
8. What are the problems of industrialization in Pakistan? How they can be
1. Discuss the role and efforts of Muslim religions leaders for the establishment
of Muslim Society in the Sub-Continent.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1. Analyze the factors responsible for degeneration of Muslim society in 18th
2. Aligarh is arsenal of Muslim India (Quaid-e-Azam) Narrate briefly the role
of Aligarh for the cause of the Muslims of the Subcontinent with special
reference to the final phase of their independence?
3. Account for emergence of All India Muslim League and assess its
importance in Indian politics during 1906-1913?
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
4. Trace the course of Khilafat movement and assess its significance for the
development of Muslim nationalism?
5. Between 1937-1947 congress policies were such as to make Pakistan
inevitable, Discuss.
6. What do you know about water crisis in Pakistan. Also suggest concrete
steps for its solution.
7. Throw light on the steps taken under various Govts. for the promulgation of
Islamic system in the country?
8. Write notes on any two:
a. Objective resolution
b. Six points of Mujeeb ur Rehman
c. Pakistan's role in the war against terrorism.
2. Summarize the political scene of the sub continent at the opening of the
eighteenth century.
3. Critically evaluate the contribution of fraizi movement in the life of Muslims
in the sub continent.
4. Examine Allama Iqbal’s concept of Muslim Nationalism in the light of
Allahabad address.
5. Address the importance of Pakistan’s relations with the European Union for
the foreign policy of Pakistan as a whole.
6. Define and explain the geographic inertia and its role in the development of
7. Account for the initial concentration of agro based industry in the
manufacturing belt of Pakistan.
8. Using as much evidence as possible, outline a case for the development of
water resources in the Indus Basin. Examine also polity in this phenomenon.
2. Describe the most notable feature of Muslims in India in the light of their
monotheistic religion and egalitarian social structure.
3. Discuss the role of Muslim Majority provinces in the establishment of
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
4. Assess the account for the problems which Quaid-e-Azam had to face as
Governor General of Pakistan
5. Highlight the various characteristics of Pakistani culture. Bring out the
importance of customs and traditions in the society.
6. Summarize the government measures to improve the agricultural
productivity in the light of introducing new irrigation projects 7. Describe
the distribution of Iron and Steel industry of Pakistan. Evaluate its role in
the industrial development of the country 8. Political map of Pakistan is the
outcome of its geo-strategic location. Give a reasoned account for the
2. Critically evaluate the contribution made by missionaries in the growth of
Muslim society in the Sub-continent of Indo-Pak.
3. The Deoband School stood for "definite religio- political goals with limited
sphere of influence." Discuss.
4. Elucidate Ideology of Pakistan. What are the reasons which contributed for
the development of two-nation-theory? Is two nation- theory relevant after
the fall of Dacca? Discuss.
5. Minto Morely Reform was a "tool of change" in the political system of
India. Discuss it with special reference to the demands of Simla Deputation.
6. Local government system under the "Devolution of Power Plan 2001" has
miserably failed in delivering service to the masses.
7. Pakistan is a federation in form and unitary in spirit." Discuss it keeping in
view the strengths and weakness of Federation of Pakistan.
2. What influence Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi has left on the history of Muslims of
India? Discuss critically.
3. Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim
nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige.
4. Quaid-e-Azam was the ambassador of “Hindu-Muslim Unity”. Discuss it in
perspective of Lukhnow Pact and what future vision depicted from the
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
2. Keeping in view the diverse Muslim reformist Movements of the
subcontinent, delineate the sequential unity in the formulation of the
ideology of Pakistan.
3. What specific steps were initiated by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan which later on
became the agenda points of the movement for Pakistan? How did these
steps orient the Political system in Pakistan?
4. Illustrate the role of Quaid-e-Azam for protecting the constitutional rights of
Muslims of the subcontinent from 1916-1933?
5. Referring to the evolution of Political System, identify the commonalities in
among the martial law administrators of Pakistan?
6. Discuss and debate the diplomatic stance of Pakistan regarding “war on
terror “. How can it be improvised in the current geo- political situation?
7. Compare and contrast the dynamics of recent civil society Movement with
other movements in the history of Pakistan? What impact would it print on
Future of Pakistan?
8. Inspite of strong research base, rich lands, reasonable water resources and
various land reforms why agriculture remained less developed in Pakistan?
2. Shah Waliullah realized, "The renaissance of Islam and Muslim Society can
not be affected until the intellectual life of the Muslims is reoriented."
Discuss Critically.
3. Aligarh and Deoband movements had great contrast in their views and
mission and their leaders were at daggers drawn with each other. Discuss
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
2. Briefly analyze and discuss the contribution of the religious reforms –
Shaikh Ahmed Sirhandi, Shah Walliullah, Syed Ahmed Barelvi and the like
– in the growth of Muslim consciousness in the South-Asian subcontinent.
3. John Plamentaz defines ‘Nationalism’ as “the desire to preserve or enhance
peoples national or cultural identity, when that identity is threatened or the
desire to transform or even create it when it is felt to be inadequate or
lacking.” In the light of above definition, briefly but comprehensively discuss
the respective role played by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal and the
Quaid-e-Azam in strengthening the Muslim nationalism in India.
4. Describe the main content and relative importance of the Lucknow Pact and
Delhi Muslim Proposals and their respective impact on the subsequent
political development in India.
5. Can the Lahore Resolution be termed as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Pakistan?
Take a position and support your argument by historical facts, if any.
6. Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crises/crises initiated by the
controversial actions taken by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad and
endorsed by the superior Court of Pakistan. Discuss and analyze its effects
on the subsequent history of Pakistan.
7. Federalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our country.
Will the 18th amendment made in the constitution by the present
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Government solve this issue for all? Take a position and support with your
8. Given the problems that Pakistan is facing today, what is your vision of
Pakistan in the year 2011? How, in your opinion, can be its internal and
external problems solved?
2. Discuss critically the role of Silsalah (Orders)in the development and
progress of Muslim society in the Sub-Continent of Indo-Pakistan.
3. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed in "Trinity of ideas" i.e loyalty, devotion
and aloofness". Discuss it in perspective of his reformation movement.
4. Before passing Lahore Resolution (Pakistan Resolution) the division of
Indian Sub-Continent was advocated by various thinkers, intellectuals and
reformers. Discuss.
5. The "Objective Resolution"(1949) satisfied both orthodox and modernists by
combining the features of Western and Islamic democracy. Discuss
6. What is bureaucracy and what are its characteristics? How did it play its role
in strengthening and integration of Pakistan?
7. What are the security concerns of Pakistan? Suggest some measures by
revisiting the foreign policy of Pakistan.
8. The location of Pakistan has given the strategic strength to the State. What
are its physical features and narrate its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Critically examine the Muslim shift from militancy to education with a
special reference to the educational movements launched during the 19th
century in South Asia.
3. Trace the history of the Muslim conquests of present day Pakistan areas
highlighting their contributions in transforming the society and culture.
4. What was the contribution of the Muslim Press in the struggle of creation of
Pakistan? Examine the role of prominent Muslim journalists in this regard.
5. Compare the socio-economic and political conditions of the Muslims and
non-Muslims at the advent of British rule in South Asia?
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
2: Highlight the factors which played significant role in the evolution and
growth of Muslim Society in Sub Continent?
3: Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
towards the regeneration of the Muslims?
4: Briefly describe the genuine factors which were responsible for the demand
of separate homeland by the Muslims of the Sub Continent.
5: The Simla Deputation, 1906 laid the foundation for the creation of
Pakistan" Substantiate your view point with solid arguments.
6: Give critical analysis of steps taken for Islamization in Pakistan since 1947.
7: Population explosion in Pakistan is emerging as the greatest threat to the
economy of Pakistan". Comment
8: Pakistan can become one of the richest countries of the world, if we make
best use of our natural resources." Elaborate in the light of present situation
of the Country.
1: Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was in no way pro-British." Agree or disagree,
answer with arguments.
2:"It was over-reaction of Hindus to the partition of the Bengal in 1905 that
widened the gulf between Muslims and Hindus". Comment
3: Khilafat Movement was emotional movement". Discuss
4: Separation of East Pakistan, though a tragic part of history of Pakistan, was
not the negation of “Two nation theory". Comment
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
2. Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did he save
the Indian Muslims from political annihilation and religious degeneration?
3. The Aligarh Movement was a pure educational venture but it had deep
impacts on Indian politics. Discuss.
4. Critically analyze the elections of 1937 and the sufferings and grievances of
the Muslims under the Congress rule in the provinces (1937-1939). How
much did it help in popularizing the idea of a separate state in India?
5. Jinnah in his presidential address to the annual session of All India Muslim
League in March 1940 said, “The problem in India is not an inter-communal
character, but manifestly of an international one, and it must be treated as
such.” Write note on the Two Nation Theory and the Lahore Resolution of
March 1940 in the light of this statement.
6. Write note on the post 9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan. Write role do you
foresee for Pakistan in regional and global politics in the near future?
7. Discuss the Kashmir problem in its entirely; throwing light on its
background and prospectus of possible solutions to this core issue between
India and Pakistan.
8. Write note on the Afghan War since 1979 and its impacts on Pakistan. How
far the emergence of the Non-State Actors and Non-Traditional Security
Threats in Pakistan can be attributed to the decades-long warfare in
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Area of Focus
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Study Area
Personalities and Reformist Movements
2016 Give an account of the life and services of Shah Waliullah. How did
he save the Indian Muslims from political annihilation and religious
2016 The Aligarh Movement was a pure educational venture but it had
deep impacts on Indian politics. Discuss.
2015 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was in no way pro-British." Agree or disagree,
answer with arguments.
2014 Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
towards the regeneration of the Muslims?
2013 Critically examine the Muslim shift from militancy to education with
a special reference to the educational Movements launched during the
19th century in South Asia.
2012 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed in "Trinity of ideas" i.e loyalty,
devotion and aloofness". Discuss it in perspective of his reformation
2011 Briefly analyze and discuss the contribution of the religious reforms –
Shaik Ahmed Sirhandi, Shah Walliullah, Syed Ahmed Barelvi and the
like – in the growth of Muslim consciousness in the South-Asian
2010 Aligarh and Deoband movements had great contrast in their views
and mission and their leaders were at daggers drawn with each other.
2010 Shah Waliullah realized "The renaissance of Islam and Muslim
Society cannot be affected until the intellectual life of the Muslims is
re-oriented. Discuss Critically.
2009 What specific steps were initiated by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan which
later on became the agenda points of the movement for Pakistan? How
did these steps orient the Political system in Pakistan?
2009 Keeping in view the diverse Muslim reformist Movements of the
subcontinent, delineate the sequential unity in the formulation of the
ideology of Pakistan.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
2008 What influence Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi has left on the history of
Muslims of India? Discuss critically.
2008 Aligarh Movement injected a new life in the dead body of the Muslim
nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. Discuss.
2007 The Deoband School stood for "definite religio-political goals with
limited sphere of influence." Discuss.
2005 Critically evaluate the contribution of Fraizi Movement in the life of
Muslims in the sub continent.
2004 Aligarh is arsenal of Muslim India (Quaid-e-Azam). Narrate briefly
the role of Aligarh for the cause of the muslims of the Subcontinent
with special reference to the final phase of their independence?
2002 The Ulemas of Nadwah attempted to make a synthesis of Modernism
of Aligarh and Conversation of Deoband in their syllabus. Discuss.
Area of Focus
Important: Aligarh v/s Deoband (a comparison & contrast between the two.)
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Study Area
Events of Freedom Movement
2015 It was over-reaction of Hindus to the partition of the Bengal in 1905 that
widened the gulf between Muslims and Hindus. Comment
2015 Khilafat Movement was emotional movement. Discuss
2014 The Simla Deputation, 1906 laid the foundation for the creation of
Pakistan" Substantiate your view point with solid arguments
2014 Briefly describe the genuine factors which were responsible for the
demand of separate homeland by the Muslims of the Sub Continent
2014 Change of political orientation of Quaid from Hindu Muslim unity to
Muslim unity. What role congress mindset played in this change. (2013)
2012 Before passing Lahore resolution (Pakistan Resolution) the division of
Indian Sub-Continent was advocated by various thinkers, intellectuals
and reformers. Discuss.
2011 Describe the main content and relative importance of the Lucknow Pact
and Delhi Muslim Proposals and their Respective impact on the
subsequent political development in India.
2011 Can the Lahore Resolution be termed as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Pakistan?
Take a position and support your argument by historical facts, if any.
2009 Illustrate the role of Quaid-e-Azam for protecting the constitutional
rights of Muslims of the subcontinent from 1916-1933?
2008 Proposals of “Cabinet Mission” (1946) could defer the establishment of
Pakistan, if accepted by Muslim League. Evaluate Critically.
2008 Quaid-e-Azam was the ambassador of “Hindu-Muslim Unity”. Discuss
it in perspective of Lukhnow Pact and what future vision depicted from
the pact?
2007 Minto-Morely Reform was a "tool of change" in the political system of
India. Discuss it with special reference to the demands of Simla
2007 Elucidate Ideology of Pakistan. What are the reasons which contributed
for the development of two-nation theory? Is two-nation-theory relevant
after the fall of Dacca? Discuss.
2006 Discuss the role of Muslim Majority provinces in the establishment of
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Area of Focus
01. Indian Act of 1892
02. Partition of Benagl 16 October; 1905
03. Shimla Deputation 1st October; 1906
04. Formation of All India Muslim League 31st December; 1906
05. Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
06. Annulment of Bengal 12th December; 1911
a. Delhi Durbar of 1911
b. Reaction of Muslims on the Annulment of Bengal
07. Lucknow Pact 1916
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Study Area
Post-partition Events Development/Issues/Problems
2016 Jinnah in his presidential address to the annual session of All India
Muslim League in March 1940 said, “The problem in India is not an
inter-communal character, but manifestly of an international one, and it
must be treated as such.” Write note on the Two Nation Theory and the
Lahore Resolution of March 1940 in the light of this statement.
2015 Separation of East Pakistan, though a tragic part of history of Pakistan,
was not the negation of Two nation theory. Comment
2012 The "Objective Resolution"(1949) satisfied both orthodox and
modernists by combining the features of Western and Islamic
democracy.Discuss critically.
2011 Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crises/crises initiated by the
controversial actions taken by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad
and endorsed by the superior Court of Pakistan. Discuss and analyze its
effects on the Subsequent history of Pakistan.
2010 How far is it correct to say Quaid-e-Azam consolidated the nascent state
of Pakistan? Comment.
2006 Assess the account for the problems which Quaid-e-Azam had to face as
Governor General of Pakistan.
2003 The so-called 'Instrument of Accession' of Bharat with Kashmir "is
fraudulent and impossible to accept" as It is "based on violence". In the
light of the Quaid-i-Azam’s statement make a comparison and
correlation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir with the State of
Junagadh, Manavadhar, Mangrol, Sardargarh, Bantva and Hyderabad
2003 To what extent the version of Francis Mudie was true that the greatest
danger to Pakistan in 1947 was the refugee problem in West Punjab and
how did the Policy-makers of Pakistan respond to it?
2003 Muhammad Ali Formula was practicable compromise between the two
wings of Pakistan on the Questions of representation.” To what extent, it
was acceptable to both the wings of Pakistan?
2003 As a result of British-Hindu conspiracy on the eve of independence the
State of Pakistan winch ultimately emerged in August 1947, was not so
strong as visualized by the Quaid-e-Azam but only a mutilated, moth-
eaten and truncated Pakistan. Elucidate.
2002 Why One-Unit was created and subsequently abolished? Explain.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
2000 Analyze the main causes of the debacle of East Pakistan. What are its
consequences on the history of Pakistan?
2000 Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crisis during the period of
Governor General Ghulam Mohammad. Write its effects on the
subsequent history of Pakistan.
Area of Focus
01. Early Problems of Pakistan
a. Administrative Problems
b. Financial Constraints
c. Refugees Problems
d. Constitutional Crisis
e. Territorial Disputes
f. Canal Water Dispute
g. Kashmir Dispute
02. Delay in Constitution Making in various eras till 1973.
03. Separation of West Pakistan (Bangladesh)
04. Creation and Abolition of One Unit.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Study Area
Ongoing Problem/Issues & Developmental Projects
2010 Compare and contrast the resistance movement of East Pakistan with
the present movement of Balochistan. Suggest remedies.
2010 What is meant by National Reconciliation? What are its ingredients?
Can we equate National Reconciliation with National
Reconciliation Ordinance?
2009 In spite of strong research base, rich lands, reasonable water resources
and various land reforms why agriculture remained less developed in
2009 Compare and contrast the dynamics of recent civil society Movement
with other movements in the History of Pakistan? What impact
would it print on Future of Pakistan?
2008 What are principal industries of Pakistan and what problems
Government of Pakistan is facing for its industrial development?
2008 What is “Judicial Activism”? Has it brought Pak-Judiciary in the state
of morality in the recent past? Give suggestion for the independence
of Judiciary.
2006 Describe the distribution of Iron and Steel industry of Pakistan.
Evaluate its role in the industrial development of the country.
2006 Summarize the government measures to improve the agricultural
productivity in the light of introducing new irrigation projects.
2005 Account for the initial concentration of agro based industry in the
manufacturing belt of Pakistan.
2004 Throw light on the steps taken under various Governments for the
promulgation of Islamic system in the country?
2004 What do you know about water crisis in Pakistan? Also suggest
concrete steps for its solution.
2002 What are the problems of industrialization in Pakistan? How they can
be solved?
2001 Write an analytical essay on the growth of population in Pakistan
after Independence and underscore its effects on the country's
socioeconomic climate.
2000 Discuss Corruption as number one problem of Pakistan. What
practicable and feasible steps should be taken to eradicate this
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Area of Focus
01. Nuclear Cooperation with China
a. Civil Nuclear Deal
b. Reservations of US and India & its rebuttal
02. Newest Treaties/Pacts/Agreements/Ratifications
b. IP Revived, CORE-100
03. Floods of Biblical Proportion
a. Causes & Implications
b. Damage & Relief Statistics
c. Effect on Infrastructure, Agriculture & Economy
06. Water Crisis/Management in Pakistan
a. Its Causes, Effects and Solutions
07. Energy Crisis/Management
a. Its Causes, Effects and Solutions
b. On-going as well as Future Plans to tackle this problem
08. Agricultural Products
a. Irrigation Network/Projects/System/Canals etc
b. Problems in cultivation
09. Major Industries
a. Problems of Industrialization
10. Educational Development
a. National Education Policy
b. Literacy/Illiteracy rates and measures to improve.
11. Taxation Reforms
a. Inland Revenue System (IRS)
12. Miscellaneous Issues
a. Corruption
b. Nepotism
c. Family Politics (Dynastical System)
d. Any Significant Bill Passed by Parliament
- Child Protection Bill 2010.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Study Area
Land, Geography, Resources, Climate, Culture, Federation of Pakistan
2015 Briefly discuss the main features of the cultural heritage of Pakistan.
2012 The location of Pakistan has given the strategic strength to the State.
What are its physical features and narrate its advantages and disadvantages.
2007 Pakistan is a federation in form and unitary in spirit." Discuss it keeping
in view the strengths and weakness of Federation of Pakistan.
2006 Political map of Pakistan is the outcome of its geo-strategic location.
Give a reasoned account for the statement.
2006 Highlight the various characteristics of Pakistani culture. Bring out the
importance of customs and Traditions in the society.
2005 Define and explain the geographic inertia and its role in the development
of Pakistan.
2000 Write a note on Balochistan; its area, population, economy, education
and the problems of the people.
Area of Focus
01. What is federation?
a. Strengths and weaknesses of Pakistan as federation
02. Geo-strategic location of Pakistan
a. Geo-strategic importance of Pakistan
03. Culture of Pakistan: A blend of socio-religio-ethno idiosyncrasies
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Study Area
2016 Write note on the post 9/11 foreign policy of Pakistan. Write role do
you foresee for Pakistan in regional and global politics in the near future?
2015 Was Islamization during Zia Era a need of the time, or was it Political
2015 Critically evaluate the role of Pakistan in "The War on Terror".
2014 Briefly describe the genuine factors which were responsible for the
demand of separate homeland by the Muslims of the Sub Continent
2014 Give critical analysis of steps taken for Islamization in Pakistan since
2014 Population explosion in Pakistan is emerging as the greatest threat to the
economy of Pakistan". Comment
2014 Pakistan can become one of the richest countries of the world, if we
make best use of our natural resources." Elaborate in the light of present
situation of the Country
2013 What was the contribution of the Muslim Press in the struggle of
creation of Pakistan? Examine the role of prominent Muslim journalists
in this regard.
2013 Compare the socio-economic and political conditions of the Muslims
and non-Muslims at the advent of British rule in South Asia?
2013 Elucidate the difficulties in establishment of an Islamic order in Pakistan
after independence.
2013 The twentieth century witnessed the war for oil. The twenty-first century
will witness the war for water”. Examine the practical implications of
this statement on situation of Pakistan.
2013 Through Allama Iqbal’s writings and views of Quaid-i-Azam explain
their conceptual understanding about the Islamic state. Do you agree
that their vision found some place while explaining the constitutional
developments throughout the case of Pakistan’s political history?
2012 What is bureaucracy and what are its characteristics? How did it play its
role in strengthening and integration of Pakistan?
2012 What are the security concerns of Pakistan? Suggest some measures by
revisiting the foreign policy of Pakistan.
2011 John Plamentaz defines Nationalism as the desire to preserve or enhance
peoples national or cultural identity, when that identity is threatened or
the desire to transform or even create it when it is felt to be inadequate or
lacking.” In the light of above definition, briefly but comprehensively
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
discuss the respective role played by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama
Iqbal and the Quaid-e-Azam in strengthening the Muslim nationalism in
2011 Federalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our
country. Will the 18th amendment made in the constitution by the
present Government solve this issue for all? Take a position and support
with your argument.
2011 Given the problems that Pakistan is facing today, what is your vision of
Pakistan in the year 2011? How, in your opinion, Can be its internal and
external problems solved?
2010 Pakistan's industry is providing jobs to various categories of workers and
is earning foreign exchange for the country. Comment.
2010 Why military of Pakistan intervened in Pakistan's politics? What is the
role of the present leadership to depoliticize army? Give specific
2009 Discuss and debate the diplomatic stance of Pakistan regarding war on
terror. How can it be improvised in the current geo-political situation?
2009 Referring to the evolution of Political System, identify the commonalities
in among the martial law administrators of Pakistan?
2008 The Constitution of Pakistan (1973) is the mouth piece of Islam.
2007 Local government system under the "Devolution of Power Plan 2001"
has miserably failed in delivering service to the masses. Discuss.
2005 Address the importance of Pakistan’s relations with the European Union
for the foreign policy of Pakistan as a whole.
2002 There is an “unbridgeable gulf between Hinduism and Islam and their
followers existed together in the same land for hundreds of years like two
streams which continue to un parallel to each other indefinitely, without
ever becoming one body of water. Elucidate.
2001 The US attack on Afghanistan in October- 2001 has had serious
repercussions for Pakistan". Discuss.
2001 Write a comprehensive essay on the promulgation of Islamic system in
Pakistan with special reference to the role played by the Ulema in the
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Area of Focus
01. Phases of Government from 1947-2014
02. Military Interventions and its causes, implications.
03. PAK-EU Relationships
04. Pakistan’s role in ‘War on Terror’ and its implications
05. Latest Developments
1. Pak-US Strategic Dialogues
2. Sino-Pak Nuclear Deal
3. Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline
4. Recent changes in Indo-Pak relations
5. Afghan-Pakistan Trade Transit Agreement (APTTA)
6. Any further development occurring till February; 2011.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
712 Arab conquest of Sindh
961 Alaptigin appointed Governor of Khurasan.
977-97 Sabuktgin, King of Ghazni.
986-87 Sabuktgin attacked Jaipal.
991 Jaipal organized confederacy of rules against Sabuktgin.
998-1030 Mahmud Ghazni.
1000 Mahmud’s first expedition.
1001 Mahmud’s second expedition against Jaipal.
1006 Mahmud’s fourth invasion against Daud, ruler of Multan.
1008 Mahmud’s sixth expedition against Anandpal.
1009 Mahmud’s expedition against Nagarkot.
1010 Mahmud defeated Daud of Multan again.
1014 Mahmud led an expedition against Thaneswar.
1015-1021 Unsuccessful effort to conqueror to Kashmir.
1018-19 Expedition of Mahmud against Qanauj.
1021 Unsuccessful effort to conqueror Kashmir.
1021-22 Mahmud laid siege to Gwalior.
1021-22 Trinochanpal defeated and killed.
1025-26 Mahmud’s expedition against Somnath.
1030-40 Reign of Masud, son of Mahmud.
1037 Conquest of Hansi by Masud.
1059 Ibrahim ascended the throne of Ghazni.
1117 Death of Arslan, the last ruler of Ghazni.
1155 Ala-ud-Din Hussain of Ghour attacked Ghazni and destroyed it.
1168 Death of Ala-ud-Din Hussain.
1175 Invasion against Multan by Muhammad Ghouri.
1179 Muhammad attacked and captured Peshawar.
1181 Muhammad Ghouri forced Khusrau Malik of Lahore to make peace
with him.
1182 Muhammad Ghouri invaded Lower Sindh.
1185-86 Muhammad attacked Punjab again.
1186 Lahore captured by Muhammad Ghouri.
1191 First battle of Tarain and defeat of Muhammad Ghouri by Pirthvi Raj
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
BABUR (1483-1530)
1483 Babur was born at Andijan on 24th February.
1496 Babur led expedition to Samarkand for the first time.
1498 Babur captured Farghana.
1501 Babur recaptured Samarkand.
1504 Babur captured Kabul.
1510 Babur defeated Shaibani Khan.
1512 Ubaidullah defeated Babur.
1505-24 Babur’s five attacks on Indo-Pakistan.
1526 First battle of Panipat on April 21.
1527 Battle of Kanwah.
1528 Battle of Chanderi.
1529 Battle of Chagra.
1530 Death of Babur.
HAMAYUN (1530-1556)
1508 Hamayun was born.
1530 Succeeded to throne.
1531 Expedition of Kalinjar.
1532 Battle of Dowrah and siege of Chunar.
1533 War against Afghans.
1535 War with Bahadur Shah.
1537-40 Wars with Sher Khan.
1539 Battle of Chausa 28th June.
1540 Battle of Kanauj 17th May.
1540-55 Humayun’s period of exile.
1556 Death of Hamayun.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
JAHANGIR (1605-27)
1569 Jahangir was born to Joda Bai.
1586 Jahangir married to daughter of Bhagwan Das.
1601 Jahangir revolted against Akbar.
1605 Jahangir ascended the Mughal throne.
1606 Revolt of Prince Khusrau.
1615 Conquest of Mewar.
1610-26 War with Ahmadnagar.
1620 Conquest of Kistwar.
1622 Secession of Qandhar.
1623 Rebellion of Shah Jahan.
1626 Revolt of Mahabat Khan.
1627 Jahangir died near Rajore.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1707-12 Bahadur Shah.
1712-13 Jahandar Shah.
1713-19 Farrukh Siyar.
Feb-June 1719 Rafi-ud-Darajat.
June-Sept. 1719 Rafi-ud-Daulah.
1719-48 Muhammad Shah.
1739 Nadir Shah’s invasion of India.
1748-54 Ahmad Shah.
1754-59 Alamgir II.
1759-1806 Shah Alam II.
1762 Third Battle of Panipat.
1806-37 Akbar II.
1837-57 Bahadur Shah II.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1) Ideology of Pakistan- Definition and Elucidation
2) Muslim Rule in Subcontinent- Downfall and Efforts for Renaissance
3) Movements for Reforms- Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi
4) Movement of Reforms: Shah Walli Ullah
5) Movement of Reforms- Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi
6) Educational Institutions- Aligarh Movement
7) Educational Institutions- DEOBAND
8) Educational Institutions-NADWA
9) Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of ALLAMA IQBAL
10) Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of QUAID E AZAM
11) Land and People of Pakistan- Geography
12) Land and People of Pakistan- Agriculture
13) Land and People of Pakistan- Natural Resources
14) Land and People of Pakistan- Education
15) Land and People of Pakistan- Industry
16) Land and People of Pakistan- Society
17) Nuclear Program of Pakistan, Its Safety and Security; International
18) Civil Military Relations in Pakistan
19) Political Evolution Since 1971
20) Pakistan and US War on Terror
21) Foreign Policy of Pakistan post 9/11
22) Evolution of democratic system in Pakistan
23) Ethnic Issues and National Integration
24) Hydro-politics; Water Issues in domestic and regional context
25) Pakistan’s National Interest
26) Critical Analysis of Economic Survey
27) Critical Analysis of Previous and Current Budgets
28) Critical Analysis on problems and performance of major sectors
29) Pakistan and changing regional Apparatus
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
30) The Recent Constitutional and Legal Debates, the Latest Constitutional
Amendments and Important Legislations, Legal Cases and the Role of
Higher Courts
31) Non-Traditional Security Threats In Pakistan: Role Of Non-State Actors
32) Current Scenario of Pakistan-Ratings
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 1
1) What is Ideology?
a. A form of social or political philosophy in which practical
elements are as prominent as theoretical ones.
2) Evolution of “Ideology’
a. It was first used in French as ‘idéologie’ at the time of the French
Revolution, introduced by a philosopher, A.-L.-C. Destutt de
Tracy, as a short name for “science of ideas” as the study of the
origin, evolution and nature of ideas.
3) Ideology of Pakistan and different Scholars
a. Dr. Aslam Syed: “Ideology of Pakistan is the name of molding of
individual and collective lives according to Islam and also of
saving from conflicting ideologies.”
4) Historical aspects of The Ideology of Pakistan
a. Introduction
i. Historical experience provided the base; Subcontinent not
only faced a struggle of political supremacy but was a clash
of two social orders
ii. Allama Iqbal gave it a philosophical explanation,
iii. Quaid-i-Azam translated it into a political reality
iv. the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, by passing Objectives
Resolution in March 1949, gave it legal sanction
b. Evolution of ‘Two Nation Theory’;
i. Beginning of Muslim Nationalism; first hindu accepted
ii. Muhammad bin Qasim, the first Muslim invader,
invadedand captured parts of India in 712 AD.
iii. Mahmud of Ghazna launched 17 attacks
iv. The Muslim sufi (saints) like Ali Hejveri, Miran Hussain
Zanjani etc. entered Sub-Continent.
v. Qutub-ud-Din Aibuk permanently established Muslim
dynasty in India that followed Sultanate and Mughal
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 2
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Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 3
1) Introduction
a. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi ; Hazrat Mujadid Alaf Sani (June 1564 –
Dec 1626)
b. Descendant of second caliph Hazrat Umar
c. Father name è Sheikh Abdul Ahad
d. Went to Delhi at age of 36
e. Disciple of Khawaja Baqi Billah
2) Social Conditions during his time
a. Populace belief in Karamat
b. Ulema refer to Jurisprudence rather than Quran
c. Akbar’s anti Islamic look: Din-E-Elahi, Title Of Mujahhid-I-Azam
And Imam-I-Adil.
d. Hindu cultural domination
e. Bakhti Movement
f. Wahdat al Wajood theory
3) Mujadid’s efforts
a. Jehad against Din-i-Ilahi (Exposed its fallacy)
b. Theory of Wahdat-ul-Shahood
c. Emphasis on Ittibat-I-Sunnah and the Commandments of Sharia.
d. Countering Wahdat-ul-Wajood: sufis of Akbar’s time presented
the wrong concept that there is no difference between God and
creations. He negated that and presented wahdat-ul-shahud that
creator and creations are two separate entities.
e. Refusal to prostate – society purification
i. Jehangir imprisoned him in Gawaliar for three years
ii. Preaching in fort of Gawaliar
f. Preparation of Disciples
g. Maktaba-e-Imam-e-Rabbani
i. Letters to important nobles and leaders
ii. Abdur Rahim, Khan e Azam Mirza Aziz, Mufti Sardar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
4) Books
a. Isbat ul Nabuwwat
b. Risla e Nabuwwat
c. Need & importance of Prophethood
d. Maktubat e Imam e Rabbai
e. Toheed e Shaheedi
f. Islamic philosophy
5) Two nation theory
a. First stone of two nation theory – first founder of Pakistan
b. Influence over Jehangir – Khutba; Cow Slaughter
6) Shaikh imprisoned
a. Asaf Jah, Jehangeer’s PM Shaikh summoned, No prostration,
b. After 3 years of imprisonment, Jehangeer released him giving him
10000 rupees
c. He stayed 3 years in Jehangeer courts. Died on Dec 10,1024 A.D,
buried in Sirhind
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 4
1) Introduction
a. Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah a.k.a Mohadith Delvi
b. 1703 DELHI – 1762
c. Father of Modern Muslim India
d. Real name Qutabuddin
e. Born at Delhi
f. Son of Shah Abdur Rahim (Fatwa e Alamgeeri) – scholar of Fiqa
and Islamic jurisprudence
g. Got knowledge of Fiqah, Ahadith, Tafsir and Hikmat
h. Completed study in 15 year of age
i. Went to Arabia for higher education and came back in July 1732
j. He taught at Madrasa Rahimia for 12 years
k. Aim was to Revive the past glory of Muslims and purify the
society inwardly
2) Conditions
a. Incapable successor of Aurangzeb
b. Un-Islamic trends,
c. Muslim life honour property not secured,
d. Shia-Suni conflicts,
e. Marhats and Sikhs challengers
a. Religious work
i. Translation of Holy Quran in Persian – 1738
ii. Commentary on Hadith collection of Imam Muttah in
Arabic and Persian
iii. Urged Muslims to follow Holy prophet & abandon un-
Islamic trends
iv. Trained students in different Islamic knowledge
v. Recommended application of Ijtehad
vi. Initiated Tatbiq liberal element
vii. Balance b/w four schools –
viii. Removed misunderstanding b/w Shai & Sunni – Khilafat-al-
b. Political work
i. Marathas were threatening the Muslim empire
ii. Wrote letters to seek help from Muslim nobles against Sikhs
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 5
1) Introduction
a. Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi (1786 – 1831)
b. Inheritor of mantle of Shah Abdul Aziz
c. Birth at Rai Barally in 1786
d. Father Shah Illam Ullah
e. Inspired by Shah Abdul Aziz
f. 1810 – joined Nawab Ameer Khan as Sawar
g. 1818 – wrote Seerat-e-Mustaqeem
2) Condition
a. Punjab ruled by Ranjit Singh who mutilated Muslims
b. NWFP by Sikhs
3) Objective
a. Purification of Muslim society and destruction of British power
through armed struggle
b. Establishment of a state based on Islamic principles
4) Jehad Movement
a. HQ at Nowshehra in Dec 1826
b. Battles
i. OKARA 1826
ii. HAZRO 1827
c. Yar Muhammad Conspiracy
i. He joined Mujahideen in Pesh, force arouse to 80,000
ii. Tried to poison Syed Ahmad
iii. Killed by Mujahideen in 1829
i. Ranjit Singh saved Peshawar and gave to Sultan
e. HAZARA II 1830
i. Sikh were attacked, Sultan M arrested
ii. Declaration of Khilafat (1830)
f. Sultan M pardoned & withdrew from Pesh
h. Sikh attacked, Syed Ahmad killed
5) Causes of Failure
a. Western generals Vantura and Elite in Ranjit’s army – training &
modern war strategy
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
“The movement led by Brelvi was a precursor for later Muslim national
movements of the subcontinent.” Dr. Sachin Sen
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 6
Educational Institutions- Aligarh Movement
1) Introduction
a. The War of Independence 1857 ended in disaster for the Muslims.
b. The British had always looked upon the Muslims as their
adversaries because they had ousted them from power
c. The British, implemented a new educational policy with drastic
d. Arabic, Persian and religious education banned in schools
e. English made not only the medium of instruction but also the
official language in 1835
f. Seeing this atmosphere of despair and despondency, Sir Syed
launched his attempts to revive the spirit of progress through
modern education.
2) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (17 Oct, 1817 – 27 Mar 1898)
a. Got knowledge from Farid ud Din (maternal-grandfather – Ex
Mughal PM)
b. Got knowledge of Quran, Arabic, Persian, History, Maths and
c. Joined gov’t in 1839 – after father’s death – in a clerical job 1841
– promoted as Sub-Judge 1846 – transferred to Delhi Chief
judge in 1846 was offered an estate for services rendered to
British during war 1857 but he rejected 1877 – member of
imperial council 1886 – University of Edinburgh – LL.D degree
1888 – Knighthood
3) Educational Aspect of Aligarh Movement
a. Objective:
i. Modern education for Muslims to compete Hindus
ii. Cooperation with the British government
b. Schools
i. Muradabad (1859)
ii. Ghazipur (1863)
c. Scientific society at Gahazipur (1864)
i. (to translate modern work from English to urdu and Persian)
ii. 1866 – Society published Aligarh Gazette (to arouse
sentiments of goodwill & friendship)
d. Muhammadan Educational Conference
i. Established in 1866 held public meetings, discussed
modern education techniques Nawab Mohsan al Malik,
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
a. 1889 – Sir Syed proposed a trustee bill, Sir Syed as Sec. of the trust
& Syed Mahmud (son) as joint sec.
b. After Sir Syed’s death (1898), Syed Mahmud as Sec. was a weak
manager resigned
c. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk as new sec devoted deposited six lac Rs to
gov’t handled the conflict b/t two groups – Sahibzada Aftab Khan
(in favor of European staff) & Muhammad Ali Johar Died in
d. Nwab Vaqar ul Malik took over tussle on European staff arouse
Nawab resigned in 1912 – health
e. Nwab Muhammad Ishaq Khan deposited 20 lac for status of
University 1919- college student played role in Tehrik e Khilafat
9) Causes of WOI 1857
a. Non representation of Indian in legislative councils
b. Conversion of Indian into Christianity
c. Mismanagement of Indian army
d. Ill advised measure of gov’t
e. Consequence: Indian membership in Act 1861
f. 1866 – Sir Syed formed British India Association at Aligarh – to
express grievances of Indians to gov’t
g. wrote Loyal Muhammadans of India
h. Indian Patriotic Association 1888 – forum for those who did not
join Congress
i. Muhammadan Political Association 1903 – Against Hindu
Revivalist movements
j. Arya Smaj – Hindustan 1977
k. B G Tilak – Cow Slaughter
l. Shudhi –
m. Shangtahn –
10) Conclusion
a. Allama Iqbal: “The real greatness of the man (Sir Syed) consists in
the fact that he was the first Indian Muslim who felt the need of a
fresh orientation of Islam and worked for it.”
b. Jawaharlal Nehru, “Sir Saiyad was an ardent reformer and he
wanted to reconcile modern scientific thought with religion by
rationalistic interpretations and not by attacking basic belief. He
was anxious to push new education. He was in no way
communally separatist. Repeatedly he emphasized that religious
differences should have no political and national significance”.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 7
Educational Institutions- DEOBAND
1) Introduction
a. Started at April 1866
b. Aligarh movement was cooperating with British
c. Christians working to convert Muslims into Christianity
d. Apr 1866 – Madrasah established at Deoband 2nd to Al Azhar
e. Founder Haji M. Abid floated the idea Collection of fund
Managing committee – Maulana M Qasim , Maulana Fazl ur
Rehman, Maulana Zulfiqar, Maulana M Yaqoob Maulana
Shabir A Usmani taught
f. Maulana M Qasim first principal worked devotedly
Madrasah came to known as “Qasim al Uloom I Deoband”
g. Madrasah followed Madrasah I Rahimia (Shah wali Ullah’s
father) and British education system
h. Produced Shah Abdur Rahim, Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Rashid
Ahmad Ganghoi, Maulana Mehmood ul Hassan
2) Political Services of Deoband
a. Jamiat Ulama I Islam Thanvi group lead by Ashraf Ali
Thanvi, Shabir Ahmad Usmani Muslim league
b. Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Hind Madni group lead by Maulana
Hussain Madani, Mufti Kafayat Ullah influenced by Abu-ul-
Kalam Azad Congress
3) Educational Services of Deoband
a. A great religious Madrasah 2nd to Al Azhar
b. Principals Maulana M Qasim (1880) Rashid Ahmad Ganghoi
Sheikh ul Hind M. Mehmood Ul Hassan.
4) Deoband and Aligarh
a. Policy towards British
b. Political role of Muslims
c. Emphasizing area of education
5) Rapprochement with Aligarh
a. Jamiat-ul-Ansar (1906) at Deoband Sahibzada Aftab A Khan
attended the meeting Swap of education – religious and western
b. Jamiat-i-Milia (1920)
6) Conclusion
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 8
Educational Institutions- NADWA
1) Introduction
b. Aligarh acquisition of western education
c. Deoband religious education
d. Need for balanced school
e. Committee was formed in 1892 Nadva-tul-Ulema established in
1894 functioned in 1898
f. Founder Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Shibli Naumani and Mau.
Abdul Haq chalked out a liberal program
2) Objectives
a. Promoting religious knowledge, moral uplift and social
regeneration of Muslims, Work to remove secretarial differences
b. British gov’t opposed the idea (Anthony MacDonal expressed it as
a political institute)
3) Nadva-tul-Ulema & Shibli Nohmani
a. Shibli influenced by Maulana M Farooq – opposing Sir Syed while
his father influenced by Sir Syed
b. Joined Aligarh as A Prof of Arabic in 1883 Impressed Sir Syed
Asset to Aligarh some serious differences Man of arrogance
and sensitive resigned in 1904
c. Associated with Nadva used his expreince to bring reform
gave training in writing (Syed Suleman Nadvi, Abu-al-Kalam Aza)
d. Established academy “Dar-ul-Musanifin”
e. Differences aroused resigned
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 9
Ideology of Pakistan in the Light of Statements of ALLAMA IQBAL
1) Introduction
a. The sense of nationhood developed among the Muslims before the
establishment of Pakistan.
b. Their goal was mostly to protect and promote their identity.
c. To shape their lives in accord with their ideals and philosophy of
life without being overwhelmed by an unsympathetic majority.
2) Separate Recognition of Muslims: “India is not a country, it is a Sub-
continent of human beings belonging to different languages and
practicing different religions. Muslim nation has its own religious and
cultural identity.”
3) Condemnation of Western Democratic Concepts: Western democracy is
devoid of depth, it has merely an attractive outlook.
4) Concept of separate Muslim State: “I want to see the Punjab, NWFP,
Sindh and Balochistan in the form of one homogenous state. Whether
India gets independences under the crown of England or out of it, I think
independent state of western provinces is the destiny of the people living
5) Acclamation of Idea of Single Nation: “I remained the supporter of this
idea but now I am of the view that preservation of separate nationhood
is useful for Hindus and Muslims birth. To have the concept of single
nation in India is no doubt poetic and beautiful but impractical regarding
present circumstances.” (March, 1909 when lqbal refused to address a
meeting held by Minvra Raj Amritsar)
6) Concept of Two Nation Theory: “Despite living together for 1000 years,
Hindus and Muslims have their own individual ideologies so the only
solution of political conflict in India is to have a separate independent
parliament for each nation.”
7) Eradication of Racial & Regional Prejudices: “Concept of nation and
homeland is confusing the Muslims. That is why Islamic humane objects
are becoming dim. It is also possible that these concepts may destroy the
real concepts of Islam.”
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 10
1) Introduction
a. He changed the course of history. He was a real charismatic leader
possessing a visionary leadership.
b. Gave practical shape to the ideology given by Sir Syed and Allama
2) Quaid e Azam political Life
a. He started his political career in 1906 by joining the Indian
National Congress. He was elected to the Legislative Council in
1909 and in 1913 he also joined the All India Muslim League
b. Having disagreement with Gandhi on the issue of Swaraj (self-
rule), complete freedom from the British and on using extra-
constitutional means, Jinnah resigned from the Congress in 1920.
3) Jinnah and his transition from Hundu-Muslim Unity to Two
a. His early efforts to promote Hindu-Muslim unity were
materialized when THE LUCKNOW PACT (1916) was signed.
The Hindus accepted the Muslim demands:
i. Separate Electorate
ii. One-third Seats in Central Legislature
iii. protection of minority rights
b. In the Nehru Report, the accepted Muslim rights were ignored.
Jinnah retaliated forcefully by presenting 14 Points in 1929.
c. 1935 onwards Quaid started emphasizing on separate identity of
Muslim and a separate nation. Started mobilizing masses.
d. 1937 there are only two parties in India said Nehru on
performance of ML in elections. Quaid said “Muslims are third
party in India”
e. 1939 “Muslim and Hindu are two nations. We are going to live
as a nation and play a role as a nation.”
f. March 9, 1940 Quaid wrote his only article published in British
media namely “Time and Tide”. He discussed
1. How Hindu and Muslims are separate nations?
2. What should be future of India and how Muslims can be
accommodated well?
g. He emphasized on Islam as well as modern democracy, Social
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 11
Land and People of Pakistan- Geography
1) Introduction
a. The science dealing with the description, distribution and
interaction of the diverse physical, biological and cultural features
of the earth’s surface.
b. Geography is the study that deals with the location of countries,
cities, rivers, mountains, and lakes etc.
2) Pakistan’s Geography
a. Pakistan is situated between latitude 24 and 37 degrees north and
longitude 62 and 75 degrees east.
b. The country borders Iran on the west, India in the east,
Afghanistan in the North West, China in the north and Arabian
Sea on the south.
c. The great mountain ranges of the Himalayas, the Karakorum and
the Hindu Kush from Pakistan's northern highlight of the north
western frontier and the Northern Area
d. Province of Punjab is flat, alluvial plain with five major rivers
dominating the upper region eventually joining the Indus River
flowing south to Arabian sea
e. Sindh is bounded on the west by Kirthar range
f. The Baluchistan plateau is an arid tableland, encircled by dry
3) POPULATION (1998 Census):
a. Total population: 130.58 million, Growth Rate : 2.61% per
b. Density : 164 person / Sq.kms
c. Sex Ratio : 108 males to 100 females
4) AREA:
a. 8,03,940 (including FATA and FANA)
a. Pakistan has well defined seasons; Winter (December - February),
Spring (March - April), Summer (May - September) and Autumn
(October - November).
b. During summer in central and southern parts of the country, the
temperature may go as high as 45oC. However, the northern
regions have very pleasant weather during summers.
c. Between July and August, the season brings an average 38-51cm
of rain to plains and 152-203cm in lower Himalayan valleys of
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 12
Land and People of Pakistan-Agriculture
1) Introduction
a. Agriculture accounted for 20.9 percent of the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) in 2014-15 and is a source of livelihood of 43.5
percent of rural population.
b. Majority of the population, directly or indirectly, dependent on
this sector as it accounts for 45 percent of employed labor force
and is the largest source of foreign exchange earnings.
2) Highlights according to the Economic Survey
a. The agriculture growth stood at 2.9 percent during July-March,
2014-15 as compared to 2.7 percent during the last year.
b. Crops witnessed a growth of 1.0 percent, Livestock 4.1 percent,
Forestry 3.2 percent and Fishing 5.8 percent.
c. During 2014-15, cotton production stood at 13,983 thousand bales
as compared to 12,769 thousand bales in 2013-14 and registered an
increase of 9.5 percent.
d. Wheat production decreased to 25,478 thousand tonnes in 2014-15
as compared to 25,979 thousand tonnes in 2013-14 showing a
decrease of 1.9 percent.
e. Rice production has increased to 7,005 thousand tonnes in 2014-
15 as compared to 6,798 thousand tonnes in 2013-14 showing an
increase of 3.0 percent
f. During July-March, 2014-15 about 446.1 thousand tonnes of
improved seeds of various Kharif/Rabi crops were procured.
3) Problems related to Agriculture
a. Lack of Education
b. Lack of Capital
c. Following of old traditions
d. Water-logging and salinity
e. Uneconomical Land holdings
f. Scarcity of Water
g. Soil Erosion
h. Lack of organized marketing
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 13
Land and People of Pakistan-Natural Resources
1) Introduction
a. Natural Resources occur naturally within environments
characterized by amounts of biodiversity and geo-diversity existent
in various ecosystems.
b. Pakistan has enormous energy surplus resource potential of both
renewable and nonrenewable, which is greater than that of oil rich
countries of Gulf.
2) Natural Resources and their management
a. Contrary to economic potential of its natural resources, Pakistan is
a depending on the following
i. Foreign aid and debt.
ii. Deficit in trade
iii. Acute energy crisis to run industry
iv. Water stress for agriculture
b. Sustainable development required.
3) Richness / abundance of natural resources in Pakistan
a. Among the world's 200 plus countries
b. Second largest salt mines,
c. Second largest coal reserves,
d. Fifth largest copper and gold reserves,
e. Seventh largest wheat and rice production capacity.
4) Pakistan's Natural Resources
a. Energy resources
i. Nonrenewable energy resources
1. Oil and Gas reserves
a. Crude Oil - proved reserves: 247.5 million bbl (1
January 2013 est.) CC: 57, and Natural gas -
proved reserves: 679.6 billion cu m (1 January
2013 est.): CC: 31
b. Current oil production is 61,660 bbl/day (2012
c. Current gas production is 39.15 billion cu m
(2011 est.)
2. Coal reserves
a. 185 billion tons equivalent to 618 billion barrels
of crude oil.
b. If it is converted into oil by gasification, it will
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Topic 14
1) Introduction
a. Educational indicators of Pakistan are still dismally low, although
steady progress has been noticed during last few decades.
b. Article 25-A of constitution of Pakistan states: “State shall provide
free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to
sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law”.
c. At present, about one third primary school age children are out of
school, 42% population (age 10+) is illiterate.
d. Gender Parity Index in case of participation in primary education
is 0.82.
e. Over 6.7 million children are out of school, and majority of them
(62%) are girls
2) Current Statistics According To The Economic Survey 2014-2015
a. According to Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement
(PSLM) Survey 2013-14, literacy in urban areas is 74 percent and
in rural areas (49 percent), and is more prevalent for men (81.0
percent) compared to women (66.0 percent) in urban areas.
b. Government is spending 2.1 percent of its GDP on education
c. Net Enrolment Rates (NER) at the national level during 2013-14
remained at 57 percent.
d. Under Prime Minister’s “Hunarmand Pakistan Program” short-
term skill development training up to six-month duration courses
was conducted in collaboration with public and private sector
training institutes.
e. During the period 2008-14, a total number of 10,376 Scholarships
were awarded under different programmes of HEC.
3) Education System in Pakistan
a. Introduction
i. Education is a provincial subject as a result of the 18
Constitutional Amendment legislated by the parliament
during April 2010
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Topic 15
Land and People of Pakistan-Industry
1) Introduction
a. Pakistan's industrial sector accounts for about 24% of GDP.
b. Cotton textile production and apparel manufacturing are
Pakistan's largest industries, accounting for about 66% of the
merchandise exports and almost 40% of the employed labor force.
2) Current Statistics According To The Economic Survey 2014-2015
a. Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) during July-March 2014-15
registered a growth of 2.5 percent as compared to 4.6 percent in
the same period last year.
b. The Year on Year (YoY) growth for March 2015 stood at 4.5
percent as against negative growth of 1.0 percent in March 2014.
c. Negative Growth: Wood Product declined by 78.46 percent,
Engineering Products 10.68 percent, Paper and Board 7.26
percent, Food Beverage and Tobacco 1.03 percent and Rubber
products 0.56 percent.
d. Positive Growth: Iron and Steel Products 35.63 percent,
Automobiles 17.02 percent, Leather Products 9.62 percent,
Electronics 8.21 percent, Pharmaceuticals 6.38 percent, Chemicals
5.94 percent, Non Metallic mineral products 2.56 percent, Coke &
Petroleum Products 4.73 percent, Fertilizers 0.95 percent and
Textile 0.50 percent.
e. Automobile sector such as trucks, tractors, cars & jeeps and LCVs
registered growth of 53.9 percent, 44.6 percent, 23.1 percent and
31.2 percent, respectively.
f. Mining and Quarrying sector grew by 3.8 percent in 2014-15
3) SWOT Analysis Of Iron And Steel Industry Of Pakistan
a. Strengths
i. Development Projects; Dams, Bridges
ii. Boom in Construction Sector; Real Estate
iii. Defense Production
b. Weaknesses
i. Old depreciated plant and machinery
ii. Limited capacity to fulfill demand
iii. Lack of infrastructure
iv. High taxes
v. Declining Skilled force
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
c. Opportunities
i. Abundant coal available to power Steel Mills
ii. Abundant Iron ore available domestically
iii. Increase in prices and demand of steel worldwide
d. Threats
i. Political instability
ii. Competition on mainstream
iii. Increase in iron ore prices worldwide
4) Critical Analysis of Textile Industry
a. Contribution of Textile Sector
i. Increase in National Income
ii. Contribution to Taxes
iii. Economic Stability
iv. Improvement in Balance of Payments
v. Agricultural Development
vi. Increased Employment Opportunities
vii. Collateral Industrial Development
viii. Enhanced Government Revenues
ix. Diversification of Economy
b. Problems Faced By The Textile Industry Of Pakistan
i. Financial Problems
ii. Domestic Issues
iii. Global Recession
iv. Textile input Issues
v. Taxation Issues
vi. Energy Crisis
vii. International Competition
viii. Environmental Issues
c. Remedies and Solutions
i. Input-related Remedies
ii. Remedies for Energy Crisis
iii. Financial Remedial Measures
iv. Human Resource Development
v. SME’s Promotion
vi. Labor Intensive Industries
vii. Taxation Solutions
viii. Foreign Investment Promotion
ix. Environmental Remedies
5) Conclusion
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 16
1) Introduction
a. The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered
b. Pakistan was created in 1947, as a homeland for Muslims in South
Asia, and about 97 percent of Pakistanis are Muslim
c. Pakistani society is ethnically diverse.
d. It is largely rural yet beset by the problems of hyper-urbanization.
e. Pakistan has enjoyed a robust and expanding economy, but wealth
is poorly distributed
f. A middle-class is emerging, but a narrow stratum of elite families
maintains extremely disproportionate control over the nation's
wealth, almost one-third of all Pakistanis live in poverty.
g. It is a male-dominated society in which social development has
lagged considerably behind economic change
2) Salient features of Pakistani Society
a. Religious Uniformity
b. Diversity of Ethnicity
c. Unity In Family Structure
d. Language
e. Literature and Poetry
f. Dress and Diet
g. Male Dominated Society
h. Arts and Architecture
i. Recreational Activities-Sports
3) Critical Indicators of Society
a. Sanitation
b. Access to health care
c. literacy
d. Increasing population pressure on limited resources
e. Social and Economic Inequity
4) Role Of Religion on Ideology
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Topic 17
1) Introduction
a. Pakistan; first Muslim country to construct and operate civil
nuclear power plants.
b. It is one of the four nuclear armed states that is not a party of the
nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
c. Member on International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA).
d. Plans on constructing 32 nuclear power plants by 2050.
2) Nuclear Power Program of Pakistan
a. 725 MWe capacity; nuclear arsenal consists of approximately 60-
90 nuclear warheads
b. Pakistan's nuclear weapons capabilities have arisen independently
of the civil nuclear fuel cycle, using indigenous uranium.
c. Pakistan is outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, due to
its weapons program, it is largely excluded from trade in nuclear
plant or materials, and however, China is positive to cooperate.
d. The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) is responsible
for all nuclear energy and research applications; two divisions;
Nuclear Power Generation (NUPG) and Nuclear Power Projects
e. The Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology
(PINSTECH) at Rawalpindi near Islamabad is managed by the
PAEC and is one of the largest science and technology research
establishments in the country
3) General Potential Threat Of Nuclear Terrorism Defined By IAEA:
a. Theft of a nuclear weapon
b. Theft of material to make an improvised nuclear explosive device
c. Theft of other radioactive material for an RDD
d. Sabotage of a facility or a transport
4) Concerns On Security Issues Of Pakistan
a. Extremist government in power.
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Topic 18
1) Introduction
a. Governance in Pakistan is a delicate balancing act between the
military chiefs and the elected civilian government
b. It is a power-sharing arrangement whereby the military has
important influence over foreign, security and key domestic issues
c. Soft Military Intervention-The military has repeatedly
demonstrated that it can and will influence the nature and
direction of political change without necessarily assuming power.
d. 'soft' military intervention a common dilemma for civilian leaders
2) The Transition to Civilian Rule
a. The ascendancy of Pakistan's military began in 1947.
b. Direct assumption of power by the Army Chief, General (later
Field Marshal) Ayub Khan, October 1958- June 1962,
c. A second coup was staged in March 1969' by General Yahya
Khan, who surrendered power to an elected civilian leader in
December 1971 (1971 Indo-Pakistan war)
d. General Zia ul-Haq reasserted military dominance by
overthrowing the civilian government in July 1977.( July 1977
December 1985)
e. The civilian system that replaced Zia's military rule in 1985
enabled the military to shift its emphasis from overt 'rule' to a more
subtle. Zia introduced far-reaching changes in the 1973
Constitution, powerful President (Zia himself) and a weak Prime
3) A Pivot in the Power Structure
a. The Army Chief is a pivot in Pakistan's post-1988 power structure.
b. Together with the President and the Prime Minister, he constitutes
one-third of the 'Troika' -an extra-constitutional arrangement for
civilian-military consensus-building on key domestic, foreign
policy and security issues.
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The military's decision to stay in the barracks after President Zia's death in
1988, began Pakistan's democratic transition. The civilian governments that
followed were troubled by the necessity of balancing democratic imperatives
with the legacy of long military rule. The military elite concede that
governance is not one of its primary tasks, and gives this right to the civilian
leaders. But the military leadership also firmly believes that it must play an
autonomous role.
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Topic 19
1) Introduction
a. Pakistan has alternated between eras of civilian rule and decades
under the control of its powerful military.
b. First democratic era in 1947,the government is headed by
Muhammad Ali Jinnah as Governor-General, with Liaquat Ali
Khan serving as Prime Minister.
c. First military period: President Iskander Mirza carries out a coup
d'etat, suspending the constitution in 1958
d. The controversy over General Elections in 1970 leads to a war,
also involving India that results in the independence of Bangladesh
after a brutal Pakistani army action in East Pakistan.
2) Second democratic era
a. 1972: Martial Law is lifted. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is elected as
president. He also launches Pakistan's nuclear programme.
b. 1973: A new constitution is enacted, declaring Pakistan a
parliamentary democracy, with a prime minister as head of state,
leading a bi-cameral legislature. Bhutto goes from president to
prime minister.
c. 1976: Bhutto appoints General Zia-ul-Haq as his chief of army
d. 1977: General elections are held, Bhutto's party wins. Amid unrest
following allegations of vote-rigging from the opposition, General
Zia-ul-Haq steps in, removing Bhutto in a coup, suspending the
constitution and declaring martial law.
3) Second military period
a. 1978: Zia-ul-Haq is sworn in as president. He retains the office of
army chief.
b. 1979: After having been found guilty of "conspiracy to murder" in
a trial heavily criticized for having been influenced by Zia, Bhutto
is executed. Zia's 'Islamisation' policy.
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is elected prime minister for the second time. Rafiq Tarar is sworn
in as President the next year.
g. 1998: Pakistan conducts nuclear tests in the Chaghai Hills of
Balochistan, in response to similar Indian tests days earlier. The
international community imposes strict economic sanctions on the
country in response.
5) Third military period
a. 1999: After the Kargil War, Nawaz Sharif attempts to replace
General Pervez Musharraf, his army chief. Musharraf takes power
in a coup.
b. 2000: The Supreme Court validates Musharraf's coup and gives
him executive and legislative authority for a period of three years.
Nawaz Sharif and his family flee to exile in Saudi Arabia
c. 2001: General Pervez Musharraf assumes the office of president,
while remaining chief of army staff.
d. 2002: Musharraf wins a referendum on his presidency, granting
him five more years in the job. The government claims he wins the
poll by more than 95 per cent. A general election is also held, with
the PML-Q, a party created by Musharraf and loyal to the
president, winning most seats. The PML-Q's Zafarullah Khan
Jamali is elected prime minister. Musharraf, meanwhile, institutes
a raft of amendments to the 1973 constitution.
e. 2004: Zafaraullah Khan Jamali is replaced by Shaukat Aziz, then
the finance minister, as prime minister of Pakistan.
f. 2007: President Musharraf dismisses Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, prompting a nationwide
protest movement for his reinstatement. Chaudhry is eventually
restored, but Musharraf imposes a state of emergency later in the
year ahead of a key apex court ruling on the legality of his rule.
The National Assembly, meanwhile, completes its five-year term
for the first time in Pakistan's history. Benazir Bhutto, who
returned to the country to campaign in the general elections after
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Topic 20
1) Introduction
a. “One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter” reveals the wide
range of variations in the interpretation of the term “terrorism”
b. Simply, ‘terror is extreme or intense fear’
c. It is a psychological state, which combines the physical and mental
efforts to create dread and insecurity.
2) State Terrorism To Counter Terrorism
a. Examples of Kashmir and Palestine speak horrors of inhuman
acts. The Chechens have been branded through the Western media
as terrorist movements.
b. Israel as well as India’s state-terrorism falls in this scenario
c. Current imbroglio of Middle East Crisis and Yemen Crisis
3) Ulterior Motives Of US in “War On Terror”
a. Obtaining natural resources of Muslim countries, either by the
policy of friendship or confrontation.
b. To malign Muslim freedom struggles
c. To damage the ideologies of Islam specially Jihad to project Islam
as a religion of intolerance.
d. To stop the rise of orthodox Muslim governments in the name of
e. To ensure a greater Israel on Arab Land for the satisfaction of
American Jewish lobby.
f. To spread its own culture. If a nation dies it’s a national death but
if a nation dies of cultural death, it’s all over.
g. To check the nuclear technology of the Muslim countries like Iran
and Pakistan.
4) Cause Of Terrorism In Pakistan
a. Rise of sectarian terrorism through anti-Shiite militant groups such
as Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan after the 1979 revolution in Iran.
b. Sunni-dominated Iraq with the backing of the USA and Saudi
Arabia waged a war upon Shiite dominated Iran.
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f. Madressa reforms
g. Positive role of world media
10) Counter Terrorism Strategy By Maleeha Lodhi
a. “There is no silver bullet that can address global terrorism in all its
complexity,” writes Dr Maleeha Lodhi in “The Threats of all
b. She proposed a broad-gauge counter-terrorism strategy based on
nine ‘Cs’:
i. Comprehensiveness and multifaceted strategy is needed
ii. Consensus at the global level is required
iii. Causes and conditions that breed terrorism
iv. Confusion about the definition of terrorism
v. Capabilities must be improved and national capacities
vi. Cooperative rather than coercive national and international
vii. Civil liberties and principles of good governance must be
viii. Civilization and cultural: dialogue and understanding
ix. Conference at the summit level must be called
11) Conclusion
a. Today terrorism is complex in scope, even across the continents by
non-state actors.
b. Deprivation and an unjust political and socio-economic
dispensation rapidly give rise to frustration.
c. The remedy lies in a tolerant and democratic society.
d. Make a distinction between terrorism and legitimate struggle for
freedom and right of self-determination, the denial of which can
breed terrorism and a threat to “peaceful co-existence”.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 21
1) Introduction
a. Democracy and participatory governance are popular political
notions in today’s world.
b. The founders of Pakistan had ardently supported and emphasized
for democratic system that could ideally permeate the governance
structure and body politic of Pakistan.
c. Contrary to dreams, hopes and promises, Pakistan offers
chequered history of democracy and unstable democratic process.
d. Ironically, the country’s constitution has been abrogated twice
(1958 and 1969) and suspended thrice (1977, 1999 and 2007).
e. More than half of its political life has been encroached by military
generals. Five elected governments have been removed by army.
2) Prerequisites of Democratic Process
a. Sovereign parliament
b. Free and fair electoral process
c. Socio-economic Justice
d. Supremacy of constitution
e. Independent Judiciary
f. Rule of Law
g. Accountability of those exercising state power
h. Equal citizenship and Equality of opportunity
i. Security of Life and property
j. Guarantee of freedoms of movement, expression, association and
3) Pakistan’s political history with reference to the dominant style of
governance and political management
a. August 1947-October 1958 (Civilian Political Government)
b. October 1958-June 1962 (Direct Military Rule)
c. June 1962-March 1969 (Selective Use of Democracy by the
Military; Post-military rule)
d. March 1969-December 1971 (Direct Military Rule)
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Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 22
Foreign Policy of Pakistan post 9/11
1) Introduction
a. The foreign policy of Pakistan is primarily directed to the pursuit
of national goals of seeking peace and stability through
international cooperation.
b. to project the image of the country as a dynamic and moderate
c. seeks to promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate
2) Guiding Principles of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy
a. According to Quaid e Azam
i. “Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill
towards all the nations of the world.”
ii. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or
iii. principle of honesty and fair play in national and
international dealings
iv. promotion of peace and prosperity
v. Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its
material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed
peoples of the world
vi. Upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter.
b. The Constitution of Pakistan also lays down guidelines in Article
3) Objectives
a. Promotion Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and
democratic Islamic country
b. Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests,
including Kashmir
c. Consolidating our commercial and economic cooperation
d. Safeguarding the interests of Pakistani Diaspora abroad.
e. Ensuring optimal utilization of national resources for regional and
international cooperation
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a. U.S might have bracketed Pak with Taliban while declaring Pak a
terrorist state.
b. Our territory would have been subjected to furious onslaughts and
airstrikes to neutralize resistance under the pretext of eliminating
terrorist bases.
c. India would have given a green signal to attack Kahuta as it had
done previously.
d. Kashmiri freedom struggle might have been labeled as a terrorist
6) Pakistan's Choice
a. Taliban refused to hand Osama to America despite Pak's
b. Musharaf on 19th Sept,2001 while addressing to nation said,
''Pakistan comes first, everything else is secondary.''
c. Pakistan joined U.S in strategic interest of,
i. territorial security
ii. protection of its own nuclear and missile programs
iii. revival of economy
d. Joining (WOT) was the most appropriate among the available
options and was generally, if not entirely, in national interest.
e. This shift in foreign policy of Pakistan showed the strategic
intelligence of government towards the oncoming hurricane.
7) Demands By U.S After Alliance
a. To stop Al-Qaeda operations at its border.
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Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Topic 23
Ethnic Issues and National Integration
1) Introduction
a. National integration has remained an evolving pursue in all the
post-colonial divided societies.
b. Ethnic heterogeneity and cultural pluralism is the major attribute
of Pakistani society
c. Creation of national integration caused problems due to improper
handling of conflicting socio-political fiber of Pakistani Society.
d. The state adopted an authoritarian policy to expand and
consolidate its power and position but ethnic groups provoked
ethnic politics (preservation of their identity)
e. For the creation of national integration, assimilationist strategy
should be avoided and a pluralistic approach must be
2) Ethnicity, Class, And The State in Pakistan
a. The state is both a resource in itself and a distributor of resources
b. It is of importance to assess how these resources and state power
itself are shared by the different ethnic groups, and how state
power might be used
c. The Pakistani state can be seen as a neocolonial state
d. The military and bureaucracy not only command the instruments
of state power, but pursue their own interests almost
independently of the dominant capitalist and landlord classes.
e. Intersection of Ethnicity and Class: Demographically, the Punjabis
comprise the largest single ethnic group (48.2 percent) in
Pakistan’s population, followed by Pushtoons (13.1 percent),
Sindhis (11.8 percent), Siraikis (9.8 percent), Urdu-speaking (7.6
percent), Baloch-Brauhis (4.2 percent), and Hindko-speaking (2.4
percent). Mohajir and Siraiki’s are the other two groups.
3) Ethnic Factors promoting ethno-nationalism
a. Culture
b. Inequalities in different areas
c. Less representation of Baluchis on Influential positions
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d. Elitist Policies
e. Scarcity of resources
f. Centralized System
g. Role of military and military operations
h. Underdevelopment
i. Role of externals powers
j. Human rights violations
4) Approaches to National Integration and State Strategies
a. Assimilation Policy: based on social integration, Distinctive
cultures are tried to incorporate fully with the national culture
b. Exclusionary Policy: based on the concept to minimize contacts
with ethnic minorities, explained by differentialist model, whereby
conflicts are managed and resolved through a process of
elimination of ethnic minorities
c. Pluralist Policy: “social order, consisting of institutionally
segmented cultural groups living side by side, yet without mingling
in one political unit. One cultural section monopolize power,
controls the state apparatus and dominant over others.
d. The Consociational Approach: arrangement to secure the interests
of major ethnic groups; two or more ethnic groups come together
and create consensus that they will recognize each others’ rights
and interests.
e. Federalism: used to reconcile diversity within the structure of a
single state; applies to homeland people who seek a significant
measure of autonomy and self rule within their territory
5) Ethnic Politics And The Issue Of National Integration In Pakistan
a. Factor of ethnicity specially history, language and culture are the
supportive elements for creating nation- hood and promoting
national integration
b. Pakistanis are the product of many foreign and local influences
c. The instrumentalist’s approach is favored, that ethnicity by itself
cannot damage but it is the state and elite groups who use it and
stresses ethnic differences to get share in power. (Case of East
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Topic 24
1) Introduction
a. Water issue is a situation where the available water within a region
is less than the regions demand.
b. Water scarcity is among the main problems to be faced by many
societies and the world in the 21st century.
c. Water usage has been growing at more than twice the rate of
population increase in the last century.
d. Around 1.2 billion people, or almost one fifth of the world’s
population, live in areas of physical scarcity, and 500 million
people are approaching this situation.
e. Another 1.6 million or almost one quarter of the world’s
population are going to face water shortage.
2) Dynamics of Issue
a. Over use and pollution of water.
b. Regional conflicts over scarce water resources.
c. Groundwater excessive usage.
d. Inadequate access to drinking water for 1.1 billion people.
e. Inadequate access to water for sanitation.
3) Determining the issue
a. Internationally, an indicator is devised to see if a certain country
can be classified as water stressed or water scarce country to
determine the emerging seriousness of water crisis.
4) Water issues in Pakistan
a. It is more complex and multi facet phenomenon.
b. Pakistan is one of the mist arid countries with a per capita water
supply of 1,250 m3 per year.
c. It is barely above international standards regarding 1000 m3
supply per person per year as acute shortage.
d. The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank have termed
Pakistan as one of the most "water-stressed” countries in the
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5) Background
a. The partition of the subcontinent into the dominions of India and
Pakistan gave birth to a host of looming problems including the
sharing of waters of Indus Ravi system.
b. David Lilienthal's Study
c. World bank mediation
d. The Indus river Treaty
6) Construction of Dams and Barrages.
a. Indus Basin projects.
b. Indian projects.
i. Wullar Barrage(The Tulbul Navigation Lock)
ii. Kishanganga Project
iii. International court of Arbitrations Verdict
iv. Baglihar Dam
c. Pakistans Water Reservoirs.
i. Tarbela Dam
ii. Mangla Dam
iii. Chasma Barrage
d. Ongoing projects
i. Basha Diamer Dam
ii. Kalabagh Dam
iii. Munda Dam
iv. Akhori Dam
7) Resolving the water issues
a. Construction of Reservoirs
b. Effective policy making
c. Maintenance of Infrastructure
d. International code of conduct
8) Conclusion
Pakistan is at the last stage of water scarcity. Need of the hour is to make
effective policy to save our life from water shortage and crisis. We should
highlight the water issues as a major threat to our existence. We need to have
an awareness campaign for future water vision for Pakistan
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Topic 25
A state’s national interest as the name implies, comprises of all the interests of
a nation as a whole. Any country’s primary national interest is ‘survival’. In
order to achieve survival, one country has to aim for other goals such as
national security, economic prosperity, seeking alliances among other interests.
Pakistan’s national interest has always been influenced by external powers.
Pakistan as a nation must aim at attaining self-reliance in pursuing its national
interests that must relate to the economic vision of the country.
1) Introduction
a. The national interest is a country's goals and ambitions whether
economic, military, or cultural.
b. Often referred to by the French expression raison d'État ("reason
of State")
c. Hans Morgenthau defines the national interest as: "The interest of
a nation as a whole held to be an independent entity separate from
the interests of subordinate areas or groups and also of other
nations or supranational groups ; any foreign policy which
operates under the standard of the national interest ."
d. There are external stakeholders, such as nation-states,
organisations and external pressures, economic or political, which
are shaping the future of Pakistan.
e. Most of the outside influences are proactive whilst the response by
Pakistan’s Government is reactive
f. National interest should relate to the economic vision of the
country and should be achieved with pragmatism.
2) Pakistan’s National Interests
a. National Security for survival and Safety of the Nuclear Program
b. Economic Prosperity; the nation-state must possess, produce,
procure and trade for the means of survival at a predetermined
level which reflects its means and aspirations
c. Sovereignty of the state
i. the ability to resist coercion
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Topic 26
1) Introduction
a. The targeted economic growth for the outgoing year was missed
by a long shot as most of targets were missed
b. Last year, finance minister Ishaq Dar announced a target of five
percent GDP growth but the tally could only muster up 4.24
c. The performance of the agriculture and manufacturing sector is
more revealing of why targeted growth was not achieved.
d. Agriculture comprises 20.9 percent of GDP where as
manufacturing contributes another 13 percent to national income.
e. The share of agriculture sector in total employment has dipped
slightly in the outgoing fiscal from 43.7 percent but, the report card
claims that unemployment has dropped marginally, from 6.24
percent in FY 14.
2) Highlights Of The Economic Survey
a. The economic growth rate is 4.24 percent; broad based and is the
highest achievement since 2008-2009.
b. Major success of the outgoing fiscal year includes
i. picking up economic growth, contained at lowest levels
since 2003
ii. improvement in tax collection
iii. reduction in fiscal deficit
iv. workers’ remittances touches new heights
v. successful launching of Sukuk
vi. foreign exchange and stock market created new history.
c. The government is mindful of the limitations caused by energy
crisis. The survey cites ongoing energy projects are potential
drivers for economic activity in the upcoming year and also as a
source of energy for the power deprived industries.
3) Critical Analysis
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Topic 27
1) Introduction
a. Estimate of income and expenditures
b. Statements whether it is people-friendly or pro rich
c. Current Budget partly people friendly
2) Current Expenditure Break down
a. Rs. 3482 bn (Expenditure in last fiscal year was Rs. 3463 bn)
b. Civil Pension: Rs 56 bn
c. Military Pension: Rs. 174 bn
d. Subsidies: Rs. 137 bn
e. Non salary of civil govt: Rs. 129 bn
f. Civil Govt Allowance: Rs. 120 bn
g. Civil Govt. Salary: Rs. 73 bn
3) Current Revenue Breakdown
a. Rs. 4089 bn
b. Rs. 1.347 trillion: Direct tax
c. Rs. 1.755 trillion: Indirect Tax
d. Rs. 40 bn: Foreign Grant
e. Rs. 280 bn: Profit of State Bank
f. Rs. 227.6 bn: Property and enterprise Income
g. Rs. 40 bn: Royalty
4) Layman’s analysis of Budgets
a. Tax on mobiles: 100% tax on mobiles this year
b. Capital Gains Tax: (On shares) visible increase
i. Sale after 2 years, 0%(2014-15), 7.5 %(2015-16)
ii. Sale between 1 and 2 years, 10%(2014-15), 12.5 %(2015-16)
iii. Sale within 1 year, 12.5%(2014-15), 15 %(2015-16)
c. Oil and Gas Sector
i. Revenue in 2014-15: 405 bn
ii. Revenue in 2015-16: 382 bn (due to oil prices plunge)
d. Minimum Wages
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l. Environment Protection
i. 2014-15: Rs 935 m
ii. 2015-16: Rs. 1055 m
m. Health
i. 2014-15: Rs 10124 m
ii. 2015-16: Rs. 11010 m
n. Education
i. 2014-15: Rs 64519 m
ii. 2015-16: Rs. 75580 m
i. 2015-16: 1513.7 bn which is 27.4% more than the previous
6) Critical Analysis
a. Reduction in inflation estimate at 4.8 % against 8% of 2014-15
b. Unemployment has decreased by 0.3 %
c. Focus on energy projects like hydro etc.
d. Interest free loans for solar powered tubewells to aid agriculture
e. Public development has been focused
f. Taxation have been a blow for shareholders
7) Conclusion
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Topic 28
1) Introduction
a. The GDP growth accelerates to 4.24 percent in 2014-15 against the
growth of 4.03 percent recorded in the same period last year. The
growth momentum is broad based, as all sectors namely
agriculture, industry and services have supported economic
2) Agriculture
a. Current Scenario
i. The agriculture sector accounts for 20.9 percent of GDP and
43.5 percent of employment, the sector has strong backward
and forward linkages. The agriculture sector has four sub-
sectors including: crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry.
ii. The agriculture growth stood at 2.9 percent during July-
March, 2014-15 as compared to 2.7 percent during the last
iii. Crops witnessed a growth of 1.0 percent, Livestock 4.1
percent, Forestry 3.2 percent and Fishing 5.8 percent.
b. Problems related to Agriculture
i. Lack of Education and Lack of Capital
ii. Following of old traditions
iii. Water-logging and salinity
iv. Uneconomical Land holdings
v. Scarcity of Water
vi. Soil Erosion
vii. Lack of organized marketing
viii. Pests and Crop Diseases
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Topic 29
1) Introduction
2) Current Scenario concerning Pakistan
a. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) agreement; not just a
bilateral economic co-operation project, has imp strategic
b. US-Pakistan arms deal:
i. America’s clearance of Foreign Military Sale of Viper Attack
Helicopters and Hellfire II Missiles to Pakistan
ii. U.S pak arm deal delivered a strong message to India that if
it continues to shop elsewhere then America will sell arms to
other countries also.
iii. Increased Pressure on India that it cancelled its deal with
c. Upward trajectory in Pakistan-Russia relations: Defence
Agreement and procurement of 4 MI-35M helicopters
d. Careful avoidance of direct military involvement in Yemen crisis:
i. long term benefit, dip in Pak-saudi relations is temporary;
ii. another theatre of proxy war between Iran and Saudia;
iii. the saudi move has been strongly backed by the U.S, which
is providing "logistical and intelligence support."
iv. Afghan has also announced its support for the military
intervention by Saudia
e. Afghanistan’s well thought out foreign policy shift towards
f. If the P5+1 and Iran seal the nuclear deal, then Iran-Pakistan gas
pipeline project
g. Economist’s report about Pakistan’s economy; growth rate of 4.7
3) India-Pakistan Relations
a. The brash India of Modi’s early days is likely to mellow down
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i. India may take the trajectories like: coax Iran and play repeat role
of 1980s and 90s for destabilizing central government by
provoking ethnic minorities
5) Regional apparatus concerning Iran
a. China will now concentrate on energy-rich Iran that shall emerge
much stronger after its nuclear deal and in the backdrop of the
recent events in the Middle East and North African Region.
b. Russia, with its growing understanding with China is emerging as
an important regional player looking up to revive its stalled S3000
missile deal with Iran.
c. China has also just agreed to build nuclear power plants for Iran.
d. US-Iran nuclear deal:
i. It will send a rolling new power dynamic in Middle East.
ii. Pak-Iran gas pipeline is becoming a reality.
iii. Saudi and Israel are apprehensive of Iran’s increasing power.
6) Conclusion
a. Pakistan needs to follow a prudent policy to capitalize on the
advantages that are visible now.
b. Some of these are transient while some others are fragile.
c. A time bound effort is required to benefit from transient ones and
comprehensive strategy should be evolved to secure the fragile
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Topic 30
1) Introduction
a. constitution; back bone of any country
b. Pakistan's dwindling constitution
c. need for amendments and changes
2) Basic structure of doctrine (BSD)
a. Introduction of BSD
i. The basic structure doctrine has gained significant
prominence in the constitutional jurisprudence of Pakistan
for last 2 decades.
ii. According to this, the constitution of Pak has some salient
features like federalism, a parliamentary form of govt,
fundamental human rights, Islamic provisions and
independence of judiciary which jointly form the framework
of the constitution.
iii. These features are so important and inevitable that even
parliament has no right to modify/destroy them through any
constitutional amendment.
iv. It is a conflicting and contradictory judgment in Pakistan on
the issue of the so-called basic structure of constitution.
v. The doctrine has not yet been adopted by our apex court in
absolute terms. Nor has it struck down any constitutional
amendment passed by parliament so far .
b. When does it start:
i. first came in lime light when supreme court delivered its
judgment in the Mahmood Khan Achakzai case.
ii. In this case, the apex court did not absolutely restructure the
power of parliament to amend the constitution but merely
made it conditional to the provisions of objectives
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Topic 31
Non-Traditional Security Threats In Pakistan: Role Of Non-State Actors
1) Introduction
a. Non-traditional security threats are the challenges that arise
primarily out of non-military sources.
b. Non-State Actor is an individual or organization that has a
significant political influence but is not allied to any particular
2) Non-Traditional Security Threats In Pakistan:
a. Climate change:
i. most fundamental one
ii. frequent extreme weather events and changes in temperature
and precipitation.
iii. produces floods, droughts, cyclones and increased sea levels.
iv. Pakistan is in top 10 countries facing adverse climate
b. Increased population:
i. disturbs economy and environment burdening society.
c. Food scarcity
d. Water scarcity:
i. due to increased pressure of population and urbanization
ii. decreased level of precipitation.
e. Resource scarcity
f. infectious diseases
g. poverty
h. deteriorating economic conditions.
3) Positive Non-State Actors
a. NGOs
b. multinational corporations
c. international media
4) Negative Non-State Actors
a. violent non-state actors
b. religious groups
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c. international media
5) Role Of Non-State Actors
a. dual role to play
b. Generate a non-traditional threat by manipulating the market
dynamics and playing with the intricacies of stock exchanges.
c. Play a role in mitigating the effects of some of the non-traditional
d. Could act as a constructive or destructive agent
6) Conclusion
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Topic 32
Current Scenario of Pakistan-Ratings
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64. Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar died in 1958; I.I. Chandaraker died
in1960; Soharwardy died in 1963 in Bairut, And Muhammad Ali
Bogra died in 1963.
65. Ayub Khan took oath as President of Pakistan in February 1960.
66. Musa Khan was C-in-C before Yahya khan. Yahya khan became
C-in-C in March 1966.
67. In April 1969, Yahya regime announced Labour Reforms.
68. Elections could not be held on fixed date and had to be postponed
till 7th December due to Floods in East Pakistan.
69. Agartala conspiracy was about Kidnap and murder of Ayub Khan.
70. Kashmir Mujahideen hijacked an Indian plane "Ganga" in 1971.
71. Army action was started in East Pakistan from March 1971.
72. A commission was appointed by Bhutto to probe into the 1971
crisis. It was called Hamood Ur Rehman commission.
73. In his agricultural reforms Bhutto put ceiling to land holding at
150 acres of irrigated land. Bhutto announced second package of
agricultural reforms in 1977.
74. Mr. Bhutto announced to dissociate Pakistan from the
Commonwealth of Nations in 1972.
75. Martial Law was imposed in Balochistan in May 1973.
76. Elections to the National Assembly were held under Z.A. Bhutto
in March 1977.
77. NADRA was setup in February 16, 2000.
78. The master plan of Islamabad was prepared in 1960 by MIS
Constructinos Doxiades of Greek.
79. National Institute of Oceanlogy established in 1982 in Karachi.
80. Pakistan test fired Ghauri missile on April 6, 1998.
81. Jamrood Fort (Peshawar) was built by General Hari Singh Nalwa
in 1836.
82. Nishtar Hospital is the largest hospital in Pakistan and was built in
83. Three radio stations were working at the time of partition.
84. 10 seats are reserved for non-muslims in National Assembly.
85. National institute of silicon technology was established in 1991.
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their power. Aurangzeb was unable to crush the Marathas of Deccan which
proved their power. In 1760 they even occupied Delhi. They were defeated
in the Third Battle of Paniput.
6. How were the Marathas Defeated?
The Marathas were defeated by there inner weaknesses. They controlled
more land than any ruler but not all was in one place. Their unity and
loyalty to the main Peshwa decreased and their power began to deteriorate.
Than they were crushed in the 3rd Battle of Paniput in 1761 by the invading
army of Ahmed Shah Abdali. They suffered heavy casualties in this battle
and lost all their ambitions of ruling the Empire.
7. How did invasions weaken the Mughal Empire?
The invasions drained the Mughal Empire and destroyed its prestige. The
Persian Invasion under Nadir Shah resulted in Delhi getting sacked and the
Empire getting looted. The famous peacock throne of Mughals was taken
away by Nadir Shah. Ahmed Shah Abdali led 10 Invasions in Northern
India and looted the Empire.
8. Who was Ahmed Shah Abdali?
Ahmed Shah Abdali was and Afghan leader who led Afghan Army in the
Indian Territory and raided the Mughal Empire. He was also known as
Ahmed Shah Durrani due to his leadership and military skills. His military
skills achieved the victory over Marathas in the 3rd Battle of Paniput. He
had to turn back because of the mutiny of his followers instead of capturing
the empire.
9. What did Shah Wali Ullah believe about the role of Islam?
Shah Wali Ullah believed that Islam should direct every aspect of life,
political, social and economical behaviour should be guided by Islamic
values. He believed that Muslims can not be successful if they departed
from the principles of their religion. He believed Islamic values of Justice
and equilibrium must be followed. He emphasized on putting an end to
cast and sect system and followed the teaching of brotherhood Islam to
achieve success.
10. Who was Shah Waliullah?
Shah Wali Ullah was born in 1703 in the house of Shah Abdul Rahim who
ran the Madrasa-e- Rahimiya. He journeyed to Saudi Arabiya in 1724 and
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lived their till 1732; there he got educated under Shiekh Abu Tahir, a
renowned religious scholar. He was a religious man who inspired Muslims
to rise and follow the teachings of their religion. He gained many disciples
as well as many criticizers in the course of his work. He translated Quran
first time in Persian in the Indian subcontinent.
11. What were the achievements of Shah Wali Ullah?
Shah Wali Ullah revived the spirit of Islam in the hearts of Muslims of
Subcontinent. He gave Muslims an Identity. He made the Muslims realize
their mistakes and successfully united them. He translated Quran in
Persian and wrote 51 books for better understanding and implementation
on Islamic Religion.
12. Who was Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi?
Syed Ahmed Shaheed was born in a Syed Family of Rae Bareilly near
Lucknow in 1786. He got his initial education from Shah Wali Ulllah’s sons
at the Madrasa-e- Rahimiya. He was a man of action. He disliked British
rule. He joined AMIR Khan’s Pathan Force and became Imam; there he
got training in the use of European weapons and built up his military skills.
1821 to 1823, he went for Hajj and studied got more teachings under a
renowned scholar, Sheikh Abdul Wahab. He struggled hard to finish Sikh
rule in Punjab and died fighting for Muslims in the battle of Balakot in
13. What was the Jihadi Movement?
The Jihadi movement was the movement set up by Syed Ahmed Shaheed
Barelvi. Its purpose was to make Muslims perform Jihad. It was purpose
was to free Muslims from Sikh and British Rule. It aimed to organize the
Muslims and think about betterment.
14. What were the reasons for Syed Ahmed Shaheed’s failure in
defeating Sikhs?
The Sikhs under Ranjit Singh were a very powerful and superior force.
The Muslims were divided and reluctant to work united. The locals of
Balakot and his own forces disagreed over the taxes he laid upon them.
There was a lack of support.
15. What was the Faraizi Movement?
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The Faraizi movement was the movement started by Haji Shariat Ulla in
East Bengal. The Faraizi movement was started to organize Muslims by
making them punctual in following their Faraiz. It aimed to protect the
rights of poor Muslim farmers in East Bengal. Its followers were known as
Faraizis who grew greatly in number as the movement grew in popularity.
Ther Fairaizi movement was very successful until an armed British put an
end to it recognizing it as an opposition against them.
16. Who was Haji Sharaitullah?
He was a reformer and religious scholar. He was born in 1781 in Faridpur
District. In 1799 he went to Saudi Arabia where studied under Sheikh
Abdul Wahab. He was the founder of the Fraiazi movement which aimed
to organize Muslims and protect their rights.
17. Who was Titu Mir?
Titu Mir was a disciple of Syed Ahmed Shaheed. He was a man of action.
He was from West Bengal where he tried to protect rights of farmer and free
them from tyranny of Hindu zamindars. He made his base at Nalkerbaria,
where he built a Bamboo Fort out of the Bamboo stick for his army. He
was killed in battle in 1831.
18. What was the East India Company?
The East India Trading Company was a Company set up by British
Merchants to trade with India. Its first port was set up at Surat. The East
India Company gained power and created a private army. It made a major
role in establishing British Reign in the subcontinent. The East India
Company was finished through India Act 1858 after War of Independence.
19. What was the Reason for British Interest to trade with India?
The British was interested in the Indian Wealth of Spices and Mineral
Resources. The British wanted to use and take control over the major trade
routes to control World Trade and they all passed through the subcontinent.
The British wanted to eliminate all other countries from competitions. The
British wanted to trade for its economic growth.
20. What effect did British Have on Indians?
The British caused a change in Indian culture. The British caused the
increase in resentment and misery in the Indians. They developed India’s
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strengthen hold over Indian land and trade as now the parliament had
started to show keen interest in it.
26. What were the reasons for the fall of East India Company?
The company became bankrupt. It lost its monopoly. Other companies
wanted to share the Indian trading monopoly. British government achieved
its purpose of capturing the subcontinent by blaming EIC of War of
Independence. India Act 1858 abolished the company and the British
government took over the company’s assets.
27. How did the British treat the lands they had taken control of?
They tried to westernize different lands. They took complete hold over the
major cities and states like Punjab. Obedient rulers were placed over smaller
states. Some lands were taken from the rulers as hey were thought to be
inefficient. British tried its best to get maximum benefit from the lands they
taken over.
28. What did British do about religion in Subcontinent?
They first try to adopt neutrality. Later they allowed Christian Missionaries
to enter India to spread Christianity. The Entry of Christian Missionaries
strengthened the beliefs of British and they started to belief themselves as
superior. The British and Christian missionaries became intolerant of
Indian Values. Very few people changed their religion.
29. What was the result of Indian Uprising in 1857?
End of EIC’s role. Relations between Indian and British worsened.
Muslims simply refused to cooperate due to harsh treatment of British. The
British presence was not accepted by overwhelming majority.
30. How did rebellion affect British?
It cost them a great deal of money. It shocked the British. They realized
that Indians had to be given some rights. They became harsh towards the
31. Who was Warren Hastings?
He was the First Governor General of Bengal. Previously he had worked
with the East India Company and risen through the ranks. He extended
British Controlled India by fighting war against Hyder Ali of Mysore and
Marathas. He took bribes in organizing these ventures and had to return to
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Britain facing charges of corruption. He was cleared in the end but his
reputation was ruined.
32. How did introduction of Railway system play an important role in
The Railway played an important role as it was used to transfer army
effectively throughout India. The Railway opened for public and became
the main public transport to different cities. It played an important role in
British Victory in the War of Independence for troops were quickly
transferred from one place to another to put down rebellion. It was
important in communication because telegraph line was laid along railway
line for sending instant messages.
33. Why British annexation over Sindh was considered a shameful
British Act?
British pride was hurt so to restore its pride it attacked Sindh. British
wanted to show Muslims they were still powerful. British broke a
Friendship treaty with rulers of Sindh. The British people considered it a
wrong act in Britain.
34. What was the Suez Canal Dispute?
The Suez Canal was used by British and French for trade as it cut the route
to India nearly by half. The Egypt decided to nationalize the use of this
canal. British and French started War over the Canal as they wanted to
capture the Empire. British captured the Canal. Later UNO decided upon
the Canal Dispute and returned its control to Egypt.
35. What was the Black Hole Incident?
The incident in which many British people were died. Nawab Siraj
captured Fort William of Calcutta. He captured British residents and
locked them in small room. 23 people died out of 64 people. The British
was angered and this led to Battle of Plassey.
36. Who was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan?
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a thinker, philosopher, reformer and statesman.
He was bon in Delhi in 1817. He was the founder of Aligarh movement
and established the Mohammadan Anglo -Oriental College. He tried to
improve relations of British with Muslims after War of Independence 1857
through pamphalets and speeches. He gave the two nation theory which
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became the basis of Muslim demand and the integral part of Pakistan
37. How did Sir Syed Ahmed Khan try to improve British-Muslim
Muslims were in poor condition without any jobs and were given harsh
treatment. He wrote the Loyal Mohammadans of India to highlight the
work of those who sided the British. He wrote the pamphlet, “The Causes
of Indian Revolt,” which highlighted the wrong steps of British and the
causes of War. He wrote “Tabyan-ul-Kalam” in which he brought down
the similarities between the two religions in one place. He gave message to
Muslimas that they should adopt good habits of british but discard their bad
ones and should cooperate with them to get benefits.
38. What was the Aligarh Movement?
Sir Syed visited Oxford and Cambridge in 1869 and impressed by their
system of education he decided to implement in India as well.
He started a small movement in Aligarh. He was thus able to form the
MAO College. Through this movement he tried to educate Muslims about
Science and English language so that communication with British becomes
easy. He tried to educate Muslims in the European Style.
39. What was the Two Nation Theory?
It was Sir Syed’s believe that Hindus and Muslims should be considered as
separate nations. He demanded that as separate Nation Muslims should
have Separate Electorate system in a democratic election. He believed that
if elections happen in a democratic style then Hindus would be dominant
and this would lead to violence. He suggested that due to the great
differences between Hindus and Muslims in every field of life, they should
be given different treatment.
40. What is Punjabi language?
It is the main language of Punjab Province. It is statistically spoken more
than Urdu. Hafiz Barkhurdar has been the first person around 1080 AD to
use the language by this name. Punjabi is written in the same script as
Arabic. It has a vast literature containing very famous folk tales like
HEER-RANJHA. It is the man language of Sufi Poets especially famous
music literature includes Bulley Shah and Baba Farid Ganjshakar.
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It was a commission set up to divide the boundaries for Pakistan and India.
It was head by Sir Redcliffe and Mount batten participated vastly in the
division of boundaries. The unfair boundary distribution in which major
Muslim Cities of Gurdaspur. India got a way to enter Kashmir because of
the path made up by the commission for Hindus.
58. Why steps did Pakistan take to solve the refugee problem?
Collected aid from the Pakistanis living in well conditions. Joined UNO to
take help from UNHCR. Quid-E-Azam relief fund was established. Made
temporary shelter, gave medicines and training was given on government
59. What was the Canal Water Dispute?
In 1948, April, India stopped Water from Ferozpur Headworks. Pakistan’s
agriculture was in great danger. The dispute was solved by International
Court of Justice in which water of 3 rivers was given to Pakistan. Further
more help and contract for building of 2 dams and some canals was also
60. What was the Kashmir Issue?
In 1947 Poonch District, the Muslim tribesman rebelled against the Hindu
Ruler Hari Singh. India invaded Kahmir on Hari Singh’s plea. Pakistani
forces also attacked. Both armies captured as much as they could until UN
put a ceasefire in 1949. The state of Indian Controlled Kashmir was
declared disputed. A plebiscite has to hold to solve this problem. Two wars
have strung up due to Kashmir’s unsolved issue, 1965 and 1971 wars.
61. Who was Liaqat Ali Khan?
Liaqat Ali Khan had been an active member of Muslim League working
along Jinnah in many situations. He was declared as the first Governor
General. Controlling a state like Pakistan in 1947 was a very hard job and
he tried best to solve the problems specially constitution problem. He was
murdered in 1951 in what is now known as the Liaquat Bagh.
62. What was the One Unit Policy?
A policy annulled by General Yahya which grouped the four provinces
were merged into one unit. This was done to make administration more
central and effective. To make devising a constitution easier. It was done to
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remove ethnic differences. The measure was not welcomed by the different
people because of the deep differences.
63. Who was General Ayub Khan?
Born in NWFP in 1907. He was educated at Aligarh College. Later at
Sandhurst, a British College for training Army officials. Commisioned an
army officer in 1928. Fought against Japanese in WW-II. In 1951 he
became the First Pakistani Commander in chief. He wrote his biography
“Friends Not Masters”.
64. What was the Basic Democracies?
Ayub Khan introduced the Basic Democracy System. 80,000 Basic
democrats selected form East and West Pakistan. Political Parties were not
allowed. They were to vote weather Ayub should remain President or not.
95% voted for his presidency.
65. Why was Islamabad chosen as capital?
It had a better climate. To keep Officials away from Commercial influences.
To move Center of Administration from Industrially and commercially
developed South to the Northern Punjab. It was a site north of Rawalpindi.
A lot of money was spread on the new capital.
66. What was the 6 Point Programme?
This was the demand of Shiekh Mujib-ur-Rehman of Awami League. They
were as way suggestions suggesting that West Pakistan should have its own
arm and currency. Furthermore each half should keep its own revenue.
Federal and Foreign affairs of each half should be controlled by separate
governments in each half. In fact these were Points suggesting the two units
to be totally different in all but name.
67. What was the Simla Accord?
This was an agreement signed between Bhutto and Indira Gandhi after war
of 1971. In it release of the 93000 troops of Pakistan and returning the
captured land of Lahore. Pakistan made no concessions over Kashmir.
Both countries agreed to have peaceful relations. The Accord formed
Bhutto as national hero.
68. Who was Shiekh Mujib?
Born in 1920, he was a strong believer of Self Government for East-
Pakistan. He was the founder of Awami League. He was successful in
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All the resources which Allah almighty has created for every type of human
life is called Natural resources. These natural resources are rivers, oceans,
forests, minerals and fertile plains etc.
100. What is soil?
The upper layer of the earth, composed of different thin rock particles
helpful in the growth of vegetation and plant, is called soil. The three
basic components of soil are:
(i) Solid particles like salt, mineral and organic compound.
(ii) Air
(iii) Water.
101. What types of trees are in the forests of plains?
Important trees are mulberry, sumbal, dhrek and eucalytus. These forests
are found in Changa Manga, Mianwali, Toba Tek Singh, Shorkot and
Bahawalpur etc.
102. How do the trees become useful for the area affected by water
logging and salinity?
The trees become useful for the area affected by water logging and salinity
because trees absorb water from the soil and lower water level of
underground reserves.
103. Which are five departments busy in the development and
exploration of mineral resources in Pakistan?
The agencies working for the development and explorations of minerals are
(i) Geological Survey of Pakistan. (G.S.P).
(ii) Oil and Gas Mineral Development Corporation. (O.G.D.C).
(iii) Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation. (P.M.D.C).
(iv) Gemstone Corporation of Pakistan. (G.C.P).
(v) Resources Development Corporation. (R.D.C).
104. Where the coal mines are located in Sindh?
The Sindh coal mines are at Thar, Jhimpir, Sarang and Lakhra which is
located about 128 Km east of Karachi.
105. Write down the names of four oil refineries in Pakistan?
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The four oil refineries working in Pakistan are the Attock Refinery,
Pakistan Refinery, National Refinery and Pak Arab Refinery.
106. Write down the utility of copper?
Copper is used in:
(i) The production of electric goods especially electric cables.
(ii) In old days it was used in coins and pottery.
107. What are Rabi and Kharif crops?
The Rabi season begins in October and ends in March. Wheat, barley,
Chickpea, Oil seeds, tobacco etc. are the Rabi crops. Kharif season begins
in April and ends in September. Rice, Maize, Cotton, Sugar cane, Jawar,
Bajra are Kharif crops. Q.10 Write down the names of the canals of the
river Ravi? Ans. Balloki Sulemanki link canal no. 1, 2 and Lower Bari
Doab are important canals of the river Ravi. Upper Bari Doab canal taken
from Madhupur Barrage was constructed in 1861.
108. To which countries Pakistan export its goods?
(1) USA (2) Europe (3) Japan. (4) Saudi Arabia (5) China (6) U. A.E.
109. Write some advantages of International trade?
Some Advantages of International Trade are:
(i) International trade provides opportunities of employment.
(ii) Increases the income of the people.
(iii) Earns foreign exchange
(iv) Promotes national industry
(v) Stabilizes the exchange rate of foreign and local currencies.
110. Which cities are connected by National Highway No.5?
The National Highway No. 5 connects the North and South of the country.
It connects Karachi with Peshawar via Hyderabad, Multan, Sahiwal,
Lahore, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi. It helps in the transportation of 56%
of goods and people of the country from one place to another.
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Ali Jinnah is a constant source of inspiration for all those who are fighting
against racial or group discrimination.' (Nelson Mandela had come to
Islamabad in 1995 and had insisted on including Karachi as a destination to
visit Jinnah's Grave and his house in Karachi where upon reaching he drove
straight to the Quaid's Mazar) At another occasion while addressing the ANC
Mandela mentioned three names Ali Jinnah, Gandhi and Nehru as sources of
inspiration for the movement against apartheid.'
(Nelson Mandela)
[He was] the originator of the dream that became Pakistan, architect of the
State and father of the world's largest Muslim nation. Mr. Jinnah was the
recipient of devotion and loyalty seldom accord to any man.
(Harry S Truman, US President)
Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the
map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state.
Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three.
(Prof. Stanley Wolpert, Jinnah of Pakistan (1984).
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
- Never was there a nature whose other qualities provided so complete an anti-
thesis of its inner worth. Tall and stately, but thin to the point of emaciation,
languid and luxurious of habit, Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s attenuated form is the
deceptive sheath of a spirit of exceptional vitality and endurance.
(Mrs. Sarojini Naidu)
Mr. Jinnah was one of the handsomest men I have ever seen; he combined the
clear cut, almost Grecian features of the West with oriental grace and
(Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India 1943 - 1947)
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
An outstanding figure of this century not only in India, but in the whole world.
(Dr. Kailashnath Katju, the West Bengal Governor in 1948)
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
The old Advocate of Unity, Mr. M.A.Jinnah,... was advanced than his
colleagues, and stood head and shoulders above them.
(Nehru - Paraphrased: Quoted from his book freedom at midnight)
(I am) A committed friend who will stand with the people of Pakistan as long
as you seek the stable, prosperous, democratic nation of your founder's
dreams. More than half a century ago, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, shared that
vision as he addressed Pakistan's constituent assembly. "If you work together",
he said, "in a spirit that everyone of you is first, second and last a citizen with
equal rights, privileges, and obligations, there will be no end to the progress
you will make." Pakistan can have a future worthy of the dreams of the Quaid-
e-Azam. If you choose that future, the United States will walk with you. I hope
you will make that choice. And I pray for our continued friendship, for peace,
for Pakistan. Pakistan Zindabad.
(Bill Clinton, US President)
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
There is no man or woman living who imputes anything against his honour or
his honesty. He was the most upright person that I know, but throughout it all,
he never, as far as I know, for one moment, attempted to deceive any body, as
to what he was aiming at or as to the means he attempted to adopt to get it.
(Sir Patrick Spen, the last Chief Justice of undivided India)
Jinnah was a pure artist in the manner and method of his presentation. Even
the most complex facts became simple and obvious when he waved his wand
over them. He could be ferociously aggressive and almost boyishly persuasive
as and when the occasion arose, and what particularly helped him in his
advocacy, was the absolute clear head that he possessed, and on which he
justly prided himself. He had common sense, that most uncommon of qualities
in an uncommon degree.
(Mr. M.C Chagla, who rose to be the Chief Justice of the High Court of
Bombay and later became the Foreign Minister of India)
Watch him in the court room as he argues a case. Few lawyers command a
more attentive audience. No man is more adroit in presenting his case. If to
achieve the maximum result with minimum effort is the hallmark of artistry,
Mr. Jinnah is an artist in his craft. He likes to get down to the bare bones of a
brief. In stating the essentials of a case, his manner is masterly. The drab
courtroom acquires an atmosphere as he speaks. Juniors crane their necks
forward to follow every movement of his tall, well groomed figure; senior
counsels listen closely; the judge is all attention.
(Mr. Frank Moraes, Chief Editor of The Indian Express)
He has true stuff in him and that freedom from all sectarian prejudice which
will make him the best ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity.
His admirable skill and tact in piloting through such an intricate and
controversial measure - the first instance of a Bill passing into legislation on the
motion of a private member - won him not only the appreciation of his
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
colleagues, but also his first meed of his general recognition from his co-
religionists all over India.
(Mrs. Sarojini Naidu - On the Wakf Validating Bill moved
by Jinnah in 1913)
All religions hold that God sends suitable people into the world to work out his
plans from time to time and at critical junctures. I regard Mr Jinnah as the man
who has been called upon to correct the wrong ways in which the people of
India have been led by the leadership of Mr Gandhi. Congress took a wrong
turn when it adopted wholesale the non cooperation programme of Mr Gandhi
and assumed an attitude of open hostility towards Britain and tried to infusew
the minds of people a spirit of defiance of law and civil disobedience more of
less thinly veiled under a formula of truth and non violence. Moreover by
Mahatmafying Mr Gandhi it appealed to the idolatorous sperstition of the
Hindus, thus converting the religious adherence of the Hindu section of the
population to the Mahatma into political support of his non cooperation
movement.While this strategy was of some avail in hustling the British
Government to yield more and more it divided the people into Hindu and non
hind! In these circumstances a man was needed to stand up to congress and tell
its leaders that their organization however powerful numerically and
financially doesnot represent the whole of India. I admire Mr Jinnah and feel
grateful to him because in advocating the cause of the Muslims he is
championing the cause of all the classes that are in danger of bein crushed
under the steam roller of the caste Hindu majority, acting under the inspiration
and orders of Mr Gandhi "
[Leader of the scheduled Castes (M.C.Rajah) - 25th December 1940, 9
months After the Pakistan Resolution]
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1. Mohenjo Darro and Harrapa were discovered in: 1922
2. Hujjatullah ul Baligha was written by: Shah Wali Ullah
3. Barhamo Samraj was founded by: Raja Ram Mohan Roy
4. First President of Congress was: W. C. Benerjee
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
5. First census in India was made in the period of: Lord Mayo
6. “The Life of Mohammad” was a book written by: William Mueer
7. Sind was separated from Bombay in: 1936
8. Dar ul Uloom Deoband was founded by: Moulana Qasim Nonotvi
9. The Viceroy of India in 1919 was: Lord Chelmsford
10. The first secretary of Khilafat Committee was: Hafiz Muhammad Saddiq
11. The first Foreign Minister of Pakistan was: Sir Zafrullah Khan
12. Who was convicted in Rawalpindi Conspiracy case: Faiz Ahmad Faiz
13. Pakistan purchased Gawadar from: Oman
14. The largest Agency in the Northern Area of Pakistan is: South Waziristan
15. Militants attacked Quaid e Azam Residency in: Ziarat
16. General Election of 2013 was held on: May 11
17. Who served as both Governor General and Prime Minister: Khawja
18. The British Parliament announced the Independence Act on: 18 july 1947
19. India cut off the flow of canal waters to West Punjab for first time on: 1ST
April 1948
20. Kashmir sold to Gulab Singh in: It was 1846
1. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhind was born at? Sirhind
2. The total number of Prime Ministers till 1958? Seven
3. Ideology means? Science of Ideas
4. Anjuman-e-Himayat Islami was established in? 1884
5. Islam means to? Obey
6. Which country opposed Pakistan’s membership of UN? Afghanistan
7. When did the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan address?
11th August, 1947
8. Who was presiding the meeting of Muslim League when it was decided that
Muslim League will established? Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
9. Who was against Luckow Pact? None
10. "The Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts" in Islam is written by? Allama
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
11. Who wanted to become the joint Governor General of both India and
Pakistan? Lord Mount Batten.
12. Mangla Dam is situated in which province? Azad Kashmir (Mirpur
13. Who was the First Student of Deoband? Maulana Mahmoodul-Hasan
14. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan retired as a Judge in? 1876
15. Who was the PM of India at the time of Tashkent Declaration? Lal
Bahadur Shastri
16. Altah Hussain Hali has written “Hayat-e-Jawaid” on? Sir Syed Ahmed
17. First Martial Law was imposed by? Iskender Mirza (1958)
18. Who dissolved the first constituent assembly of Pakistan? Governor
General Malik Ghulam Muhammad (October 24, 1954)
19. The largest concrete dam in the world? Grand Coluee Dam (It is the Dam
on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington)
20. What was the Capital of Sindh during Mohammad Bin Qasim invasion?
Alore (the medieval name of the city of Rohri)
1. Who was the governor of Sindh after Muhammad Bin Qasim? Yazid Bin
2. Who was the mughal emperor who accepted the British pension firstly?
Shah Alam-II
3. Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasion against: Marhatas
4. The British fought Plassy war against: Sirajuddula
5. Dars-i-Nizami was named after: Mullah Nizamuddin
6. Before 1857 how many Universities on Western pattern were established in
India? 5
7. When the MAO College at Alligarh was started? 1877
8. Anjuman-i-Himayat e Islam was started in: 1884
9. The constitution of All India Mulim League was written by: Muhammad
Ali Johar
10. The first session of Muhammad Educational Conference was held in
Bangal: None
11. The London branch of Muslim League was started by: Syed Amir Ali
12. “Hamdard” was edited by: Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
1. The Silsilah-i-Chishtiyah was founded in sub Continent by whom? Kh
Muinud Din Ajmeri
2. When Shah Wali Ullah died? 1762
3. Who was appointed the first principal of Darul ulum Deoband? Maulana
Muhammad Qasim
4. Who floated the idea of establishment of Anjuman-e-Hamiat-e-Islam? Kh.
Hamid ud din
5. All India national congress was established by a British civil servant in 1885.
Name the officer: A.O. Hume
6. Viceroy Lord Curzon divided the Bengal in east and west on: 16 Oct 1905
7. Which year proved the turning point of the Muslim destiny in the history of
India? 1906
8. Where the annual sessions of National Congress and Muslim League were
held simultaneously? Lucknow
9. Who was the author of “Emergence of Pakistan”? Muhammad Ali Ch.
10. When Sir Stafford Cripps announced his formula to seek the co-operation
between the National Congress and Muslim League? March 30, 1942
11. When the Simla conference under the presidentship of Lord Wavell was
ended? July 14, 1945
12. By whom the formula of 3rd June 1947 to divide India was announced?
Lord Mount Batten
13. Who was the first president of Constituent Assembly of Pakistan? Quaid-e-
14. Under whom leadership the Constitution of 1956 was passed? Ch.
Muhammad Ali
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
15. When the Constitution of 1973 was proclaimed? August 14, 1973
16. When Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan? 1960
17. In which constitution the presidential and parliamentary system at centre
and provinces were adopted respectively? 1962
18. When was the 18th Amendment Bill passed by National Assembly? April,
08, 2012
19. How much amount was allocated for the agriculture sector in the 7th five
year plan? Rs.15600 million
20. Which pass connects Parachanar and Kohat with Afghanistan? Kurram
PART 1 – REFORMERS & EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENTS ................................................. 2
EVOLUTION OF MUSLIM NATIONALISM ............................................................................ 2
MUSLIM REFORMERS .............................................................................................................. 4
EDUCATIONAL MOVEMENTS ................................................................................................ 9
THE IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN: TWO-NATION THEORY ............................................. 16
PART 2 – PRE PARTITION HISTORY ....................................................................................... 22
DECLINE OF MUGHAL RULE ............................................................................................... 22
SHIMLA DEPUTATION ............................................................................................................. 26
MUSLIM LEAGUE ..................................................................................................................... 29
THE LUCKNOW PACT .............................................................................................................. 33
KHILAFAT MOVEMENT ........................................................................................................... 41
NEHRU REPORT & QAID’S POINTS .................................................................................... 46
ALLAMA IQBAL’S PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS AT ALLAHABAD ................................. 58
CONGRESS RULE IN THE PROVINCES ............................................................................ 62
PAKISTAN RESOLUTION ........................................................................................................ 66
CRIPPS MISSION ....................................................................................................................... 72
CABINET MISSION ................................................................................................................... 78
PART 3 – POST PARTITION PERIOD ....................................................................................... 87
THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE QUAID-E-AZAM ............................................................ 92
C O N S T I T U T I O N A L I S S U E S ......................................................................................... 95
C O N S T I T U T I O N M A K I N G ( 1 9 4 7 - 5 6 ) .................................................................. 98
POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS ............................................................................................. 101
TRAGEDY OF EAST PAKISTAN .......................................................................................... 111
GEO-STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF PAKISTAN. .......................................................... 117
12 Dirham tax
No social caste system
Established Sadru Imam Al ajal for Islamic laws interpretation
Suleman bin Abdul Malik called MBQ back and perished him in 715
MBQ 712
Mehmud Gahznavi – 2nd expediter – 17 attacks between 1000 to 1026
o Ghaznavid period ended in 1185 with death of Khusru Malik
Ghuri period (1185 – 1192) expanded to Bengal and Bihar
Dehli Sultanate (1192 – 1526) Muslim sufis
Mughal era (1526 – 1857) Muslims sufis
Muslim sufis
o Shaikh Ismail in Ghaznavi period
o Ali Makhdom Hajveri came Lahore in 1035, Bahud Din Zakaria, Shaikh Fareed Dud
Din, Khawaja Bukhtiar Kaki, Nazam Ud Din Olia, Mujadid Alaf Sani, Hazrat Shahi
Wali Ullah , Muin ud Din Chishty
Cultural Influence
o Caste system
o Urdu and Hindi came into being
o Islamic way of construction
Religious Influence
o Shankarachariya (Organizer of modern Hinduism) influenced by Islam
o Ramananda, Ghuru Nanik and Chaitanya were Hindu prominent leaders influenced
by Islam
Mujadid’s efforts
Shaikh imprisoned
“When seen in the perspective of history, whether accepted by Sufis or not, it is in the
rejection of monism that Sheikh’s claim for being the Mujadad of his age.” IH Qureshi
“Sheikh Ahmad, an individual from Sirhind, rich in knowledge and vigorous in action. I
associated him for few days and found marvelous things in his spiritual life. He will turn
into a light which will illuminate the world.” Khawaja Bakhtiar Kaki quoted by S M Ikram
1. Religious work
a. Translation of Holy Quran in Persian – 1738
b. Commentary on Hadith collection of Imam Muttah in Arabic and persian
c. Urged Muslims to follow Holy prophet & abandon un-Islamic trends
d. Trained students in different Islamic knowledge
e. Recommended application of Ijtehad
f. Initiated Tatbiq liberal element
g. Balance b/w four schools –
h. Removed misunderstanding b/w Shai & Sunni – Khilafat-al-Khulafa
2. Political work
a. Marathas were threatening the Muslim empire
b. Wrote letters to seek help from Muslim nobles against Sikhs won over Najib ud
Dola, Shuja ud Daula
c. Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated Sikhs at the Third battle of Panipat in 1761
3. Social work
a. Strongly opposed integration of Islamic culture in Sons’ efforts
b. Concept of reorientation of Muslim society Quranic translation in
i. Basic social justice Urdu by Rafiuddin and
ii. Removing social inequalities Abdul Qadir
c. Concept of economy Shah Abdul Aziz waged
i. Production of wealth Jehad
ii. Consumption of wealth
iii. Distribution of wealth
iv. Exchange of wealth
4. Literary work
a. Izalat-al-Akifa
b. Khalifa-al-Khulafa
c. Al-Insaf-fi-Bayan-Sababa-al-Ikhtilaf
d. Master piece of literature 1738
e. Commentary on Hadith Imam Muttah
“I was informed through Ilham that I would have to undertake this responsibility. The time
has come when every injunction of the Sharia and instruction of Islam should be presented
to the world in a rational manner.” Quoted by SM Ikram
Purification of Muslim society and destruction of British power through armed struggle –
Establishment of a state based on Islamic principles
Jehad Movement
Causes of Failure
1. Western generals Vantura and Elite in Ranjit’s army – training & modern war strategy
2. Outdated weapons of Mujahideen
3. Financial sources of Ranjit Singh
4. Misudnderstaning created by Ranjit Singh
5. Ranjit attracted Pathans by bribing who did spy, revolt & slaughtered Mujahideen
6. No support for poors – Zakat collection
7. Islamic laws during war – compulsory girls & widow marriage
8. Severe punishment
9. Pathans were against Wahabisim
“The movement led by Brelvi was a precursor for later Muslim national movements of the
subcontinent.” Dr. Sachin Sen
Left for Arabia in 1799 influenced by MBA Wahab started Faraizi Movement – stress on Faraiz -
when back denied concept of Peer-Mureed opposed Zamindar levied taxes Harassed by them
left Najabari Death in Faridpur
Dudu Mian
(Mohsan Ud Din Ahmad) divided Bangal into circles and appointed Khalifa opposed tax of
Durga and land Khas Mehal occupied on his direction established his own state harassed by
Zamindars thorough false charges died in Sep 1824
Nisar Ali (Titu Mir) born in Bengal Visited Makkah in 1819 and influenced by Syed Ahmed Barelvi.
On arrival back, he started preaching He made a fort in Narkalberia, asked followers not to give
beard tax (Kishan Rai) Kishan attacked but defeated 183 British army attacked Narkalberia
and killed Titu Mir.
Doctrine: 4 steps
1. Tauba
2. Fraiz
3. Tuheed
4. Ustaad Shagir instead of Peer Mureed
5. Dar-ul-Arab
Khalafat System:
1. Ustaad
2. Uprasta – Advisor to Ustaad
3. Superintendent Khalifa – 10 G K
4. Gaon Khalifa – 500 families
The War of Independence 1857 ended in disaster for the Muslims. The British chose to believe that
the Muslims were responsible for the anti-British uprising; therefore they made them the subject of
ruthless punishments and merciless vengeance. The British had always looked upon the Muslims as
their adversaries because they had ousted them from power. With the rebellion of 1857, this feeling
was intensified and every attempt was made to ruin and suppress the Muslims forever. Their efforts
resulted in the liquidation of the Mughal rule and the Sub-continent came directly under the British
After dislodging the Muslim rulers from the throne, the new rulers, the British, implemented a new
educational policy with drastic changes. The policy banned Arabic, Persian and religious education
in schools and made English not only the medium of instruction but also the official language in
1835. This spawned a negative attitude amongst the Muslims towards everything modern and
western, and a disinclination to make use of the opportunities available under the new regime. This
tendency, had it continued for long, would have proven disastrous for the Muslim community.
Seeing this atmosphere of despair and despondency, Sir Syed launched his attempts to revive the
spirit of progress within the Muslim community of India. He was convinced that the Muslims in their
attempt to regenerate themselves, had failed to realize the fact that mankind had entered a very
important phase of its existence, i.e., an era of science and learning. He knew that the realization of
the very fact was the source of progress and prosperity for the British. Therefore, modern education
became the pivot of his movement for regeneration of the Indian Muslims. He tried to transform the
Muslim outlook from a medieval one to a modern one.
Joined gov’t in 1839 – after father’s death – in a clerical job 1841 – promoted as Sub-Judge
1846 – transferred to Delhi Chief judge in 1846 was offered an estate for services rendered to
British during war 1857 but he rejected 1877 – member of imperial council 1886 – University
of Edinburgh – LL.D degree 1888 – Knighthood
1. Schools
Muradabad (1859)
Ghazipur (1863)
2. Scientific society at Gahazipur (1864)
(to translate modern work from English to urdu and Persian)
1866 – Society published Aligarh Gazette (to arouse sentiments of goodwill &
Muhammadan Educational Conference
4. Anjuman-i-Taraqi-i-Musalmanan-i-Hind (1870)
to impart modern knowledge to Muslims
5. Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College
On pattern of Oxford Fund raising committee formed 24th May, 1874, MAO High school
established 1877 – got status of college western, eastern and Islamic education
1920 – status of University
1. Wrote “Essay on the Life of Muhammad & Rebattle” in response to William Muire’s
objectionable remarks in “Life of Muhammad”
2. Philosophical commentary “Tabaeen-al-Kalam” on bible – point out similarities
3. Influenced by MBA Wahab and Shah Ismail Shaheed – having positive attitude towards
1. “Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq” criticized conservative way of life and advised to adopt new trend
2. Established Orphanage houses
3. Founded Anjuman-i-Tariki-i-Urdu protecting Urdu
4. Ahkam-i-Taham-i-Ahle-Kitab Muslims can eat with Christians
1. 1889 – Sir Syed proposed a trustee bill Sir Syed as Sec. of the trust & Syed Mahmud (son)
as joint sec.
2. After Sir Syed’s death (1898), Syed Mahmud as Sec. was a weak manager resigned
3. Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk as new sec devoted deposited six lac Rs to gov’t handled the
conflict b/t two groups – Sahibzada Aftab Khan (in favor of European staff) & Muhammad
Ali Johar Died in 1907
4. Nwab Vaqar ul Malik took over tussle on European staff arouse Nawab resigned in 1912
– health
5. Nwab Muhammad Ishaq Khan deposited 20 lac for status of University 1919- college
student played role in Tehrik e Khilafat
Jamiat Ulama I Islam Thanvi group lead by Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Shabir Ahmad Usmani
Muslim league
Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Hind Madni group lead by Maulana Hussain Madani, Mufti Kafayat
Ullah influenced by Abu-ul-Kalam Azad Congress
Promoting religious knowledge, moral uplift and social regeneration of Muslims, Work to
remove secretarial differences
British gov’t opposed the idea (Anthony MacDonal expressed it as a political institute)
Shibli influenced by Maulana M Farooq – opposing Sir Syed while his father influenced by
Sir Syed
Joined Aligarh as A Prof of Arabic in 1883 Impressed Sir Syed Asset to Aligarh some
serious differences Man of arrogance and sensitive resigned in 1904
Associated with Nadva used his expreince to bring reform gave training in writing (Syed
Suleman Nadvi, Abu-al-Kalam Aza)
Established academy”Dar-ul-Musanifin”
Differences arouse resigned
Educational Services
Political Services
Students of Islamia College Railqway road body guard of the Quaid role in 1940 resolution
MSF led by Hamid Nizami
Edward College (1888) was a Christian missionary need for institute for Muslims
Sahibzada Abdul Qayum established Dar-Ul-Uloom-Islamia in 1902
Sahibzada Abdul Qayum established Funding committee in 1912 Dar-ul-Uloom raised to
Islamia College Peshawar
Qaid got education from this institute Sahibzada called Sir Syed of NWFP
Islamia College has major contribution in 1947 referendum
The ideology of Pakistan took shape through an evolutionary process. Historical experience
provided the base; with Sir Syed Ahmad Khan began the period of Muslim self-awakening;
Allama Iqbal provided the philosophical explanation; Quaid-i-Azam translated it into a
political reality; and the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, by passing Objectives Resolution
in March 1949, gave it legal sanction. It was due to the realization of Muslims of South Asia
that they are different from the Hindus that they demanded separate electorates. When they
realized that their future in a 'Democratic India' dominated by Hindu majority was not safe;
they put forward their demand for a separate state.
As early as in the beginning of the 11th century, Al-Biruni observed that Hindus differed from the
Muslims in all matters and habits. He further elaborated his argument by writing that the Hindus
considered Muslims "Mlachha", or impure. And they forbid having any connection with them, be it
intermarriage or any other bond of relationship. They even avoid sitting, eating and drinking with
them, because they feel "polluted".
The Ideology of Pakistan has its roots deep in history. The history of South Asia is largely a
history of rivalry and conflict between the Hindus and Muslims of the region. Both
communities have been living together in the same area since the early 8th century, since the advent
of Islam in India. Yet, the two have failed to develop harmonious relations. In the beginning, one
could find the Muslims and Hindus struggling for supremacy in the battlefield. Starting with the war
between Muhammad bin Qasim and Raja Dahir in 712, armed conflicts between Hindus and
Muslims run in thousands. Clashes between Mahmud of Ghazni and Jaypal, Muhammad Ghuri
and Prithvi Raj, Babur and Rana Sanga and Aurangzeb and Shivaji are cases in point.
When the Hindus of South Asia failed to establish Hindu Padshahi through force, they opted
for back door conspiracies. Bhakti Movement, Akbar’s diversion.
A political ideology is a system of beliefs that explains and justifies a preferred political
order, either existing or proposed and offers a strategy (Institution, processes, program) for
its attainment.
An ideology offers an interpretation of the past, explanation of the present and a vision of the
Ideology is a set of beliefs, values and ideals of a group and a nation. It is deeply ingrained in
the social consciousness of the people.
It is a set of principles, a framework of action and guidance system that gives order and
meaning to life and human action.
It is a motivating force
It provides a common plate form.
Two-nation concept was based on Nationhood which was there long before Pak Ideology.
Muslim Traders – Attackers – Rulers (Qutb Ud Din Abik, Ghaznavi) – Sufis (Al Hajveri,
Sheikh Ahmad Serhandi)
Based on fact that Muslims were separate nation having their own culture, civilization,
customs, literature, religion and way of life.
Despite living together for more than one thousand years, they continue to develop different
cultures and traditions. Their eating habits, music, architecture and script, all are poles
The basis of the Muslim nationhood was neither territorial nor racial or linguistic or ethnic
rather they were a nation because they belonged to the same faith, Islam. They demanded
that the areas where they were in majority should be constituted into a sovereign state,
British expansion had more deepening impact on Muslims as “The people who were
important in history are no longer important” KK Aziz
Urdu Hindi controversy under Congress leadership in 1867 in Banars
Revivalist movements against Muslims – Bakhti, Deen e Elahi, Shuddi and Shanghtan
Hindu attitude – Partition of Bangal and its repeal
Political experience of Muslims under congress ministries in 1937-39
He changed the course of history. He was a real charismatic leader possessing a visionary
Gave practical shape to the ideology given by Sir Syed and Allama Iqbal
He started his political career in 1906 by joining the Indian National Congress. He was
elected to the Legislative Council in 1909 and in 1913 he also joined the All India Muslim
League (AIML). Now he was member of both the political parties.
Having disagreement with Gandhi on the issue of Swaraj (self-rule), complete freedom from
the British and on using extra-constitutional means, Jinnah resigned from the Congress in
His early efforts to promote Hindu-Muslim unity were materialized when THE LUCKNOW
PACT (1916) was signed. The Hindus accepted the Muslim demands:
o Separate Electorate
o One-third Seats in Central Legislature
o protection of minority rights
In the Nehru Report, the accepted Muslim rights were ignored. Jinnah retaliated forcefully
by presenting 14 Points in 1929.
1935 onwards Quaid started emphasizing on separate identity of Muslim and a separate
nation. Started mobilizing masses.
1937 there are only two parties in India said Nehro on performance of ML in elctions.
Quaid said “Muslims are third party in India”
1939 “Muslim and Hindu are two nations. We are going to live as a nation and play a role
as a nation.”
March 9, 1940 Quaid wrote his only article published in British media namely “Time
and Tide”. He discussed 1.How Hindu and Muslims are separate nations? 2. What should
be future of India and how Muslims can be accommodated well?
He emphasized on Islam as well as modern democracy, Social economic justice and rights of
“Pakistan was to be a modern democratic state that derived its ethical foundation from Islam
where the source of guidance and inspiration for constitution making and governance is going
to be Islam”
“It has been taken for granted mistakenly that Muslims are a minority, and of course we got
used to it for such a long time that these settled notions sometimes difficult to remove. The
His son Muazzam, who ruled from 1707 to 1712, succeeded Aurangzeb Alamgir. He took for himself
the title of Bahadur Shah. He ruled for five years and momentarily revived the Mughal Empire. But
the Marhatta's power increased and they became the unchallenged rulers of Deccan. In the province
of Punjab, the Sikhs under Guru Govind Singh became a force to reckon with. One of the reasons
that power centers kept springing up outside Delhi was the frequent change in the succession of
Empires. Nearly 17 kings were crowned during the period spanning from 1707 to 1857.
The weakened Mughal Empire invited havoc in the form of the Persian king Nadir Shah, in 1738-39.
On his orders a general massacre of the citizens of Delhi was carried out, resulting in the death of
30,000 people. Another threat to the Mughal Empire came from the Afghans of Rohilkhand, lying
northeast of Delhi. By the middle of 18th century, the Rohillas became independent of the Mughal
rule. At the same time the Jats also raised their heads against the central rule.
Taking advantage of this chaotic situation, the East India Company began strengthening its military
capabilities. They conspired with Hindu traders and moneylenders against Nawab Sirajuddullah of
Bengal to take over his principality. The Battle of Plassey of 1757 is considered a major
breakthrough for the British in the Sub-continent. It paved the way for the company's rule in Bengal,
and hence the whole of India ultimately came under the company's rule.
In the 19th century, Muslims like Syed Ahmad Brailvi and Shah Ismail carried out Jihad against the
Sikhs, as did Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan in Deccan against the British. However, they failed in their
efforts to stop the downfall of the Muslim rule. The final crunch came after the war of 1857 when the
Mughal rule officially came to an end and India came under the direct rule of the British crown.
The Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent in the time of Aurangzeb Alamgir, but it collapsed
with dramatic suddenness within a few decades after his death. The Mughal Empire owes its decline
and ultimate downfall to a combination of factors; firstly Aurangzeb's religious policy is regarded as a
cause for the decline of the Mughal Empire as it led to disunity among the people. Although the
policy did lead to weakening of the empire but the major cause of decline was the lack of worthy and
competent successors after him. The character of Mughal kings had deteriorated over a period of
time. The successive rulers after Aurangzeb were weak and lacked the character, motivation and
commitment to rule the empire strongly. They had become ease loving and cowardly. They totally
disregarded their state duties and were unable to detain the declining empire from its fall.
The absence of any definite law of accession was another important factor. The war of successions
not only led to bitterness, bloodshed, and loss of money and prestige of the empire over a period of
time, but to its eventual fall. The degeneration of the rulers had also led to the moral degeneration of
the nobility. Under the early Mughals, the nobles performed useful functions and distinguished
themselves both in war and peace. But the elite under the later Mughals was more interested in
worldly pursuit and self-enhancement. The nobles who had once been talented men with integrity,
honesty, and loyalty, turned selfish and deceitful. Growth of hostile and rival clique in the court also
undermined the strength of the government. Widespread corruption in the administration started
and taking bribes became common.
Another factor contributing to the decline was the financial position of the Mughals, which had
become deplorable. The war of successions, rebellions and luxurious style of living had depleted the
once enormous treasury and had led to financial bankruptcy. During the time of Aurangzeb, the
Mughal Empire had expanded to reach its maximum size. This vast area had become impossible for
one ruler to control and govern from one center. It was during the later Mughals that Deccan,
Bengal, Bihar and Orrisa declared their independence. The raids by Nadir Shah, and repeated
invasions of Ahmad Shah Abdali, resulted in further weakening of the empire. The already weakened
empire faced further encroachment by the British and the French, which proved to be the last nail in
the already drowning empire's coffin. The British and French, who had initially come as traders, took
full advantage of the weakening empire and soon became masters of the whole of India.
By 1845, the British Empire had expanded from Bengal to Sindh, and all that remained free was
Punjab. The Sikhs were ruling over Punjab and after the Second Sikh War in 1848, the British
gained control over the Indus. The Koh-i-Noor diamond that Ranjit Singh had worn in his headdress
now became a part of the crown jewels at Westminster.
The War of Independence broke out in January and March 1857. The British army had recruited
local Indians in their forces. These soldiers were issued cartridges greased with fat from tabooed
animals. The soldiers refused to use these cartridges. In 1857, starting with an uprising in Meerut,
soldiers in the British Army in Bengal launched a full-scale mutiny against the British. This mutiny
spread swiftly across the Sub-continent. Initially, the Indian soldiers were able to push back the
British forces. The British army was driven out of Delhi and the Indian soldiers took control of the
city. Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal King, was compelled to lead the freedom fighters. In
Bahadur Shah Zafar, the rebels found a symbol of freedom, but a mere symbol was all he was.
Wanting to spend his days writing poetry, the man was in no way even a remnant of the glory of his
forefathers. He proclaimed himself the Emperor of the whole of India. The civilians, citizens and
other dignitaries took oath of allegiance to the Emperor. The Emperor issued his own coin and
appointed his sons to key posts.
The initial success of the freedom fighters gave a boost to the War of Independence. The Indian army
captured the important towns of Haryana, Bihar and Mahdya Pardesh. However, the British forces at
Meerut and Ambala put up a resolute resistance to the royal army and held them back for several
months. The British proved to be a formidable foe with their superior weapons and better strategy.
The freedom fighters badly lacked in adequate resources and their planning proved to be extremely
brittle. The royal forces were finally defeated. The British army entered Delhi and the Mughal
emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar went into hiding.
The British quickly regained control of Delhi. They ransacked and destroyed the city. They took
revenge in the most gruesome manner by killing innocent people indiscriminately. A wide scale
massacre of the inhabitants of Delhi was carried out to avenge the killings of the British soldiers. The
After the War of Independence in 1857, the British government assumed sovereignty over the lands
of the British East India Company. The British control over the Sub-continent grew in the next 50
years and culminated in the British Raj. Queen Victoria's Indian realm continued to expand, until
Hunza, the remote kingdom bordering China, fell into British hands in 1891, bringing the expansion
to its zenith.
The British delineated the frontier separating British India from Afghanistan in 1893. The resulting
Durand Line cut straight through the tribal area of the Pathans. The British left the tribal areas to
govern themselves under the supervision of British political agents.
The British thus became masters of India, where for nearly 800 years Muslims had ruled. However,
their attitude towards the Muslims was that of antipathy. According to Hunter, a prominent
historian, "The Muslims of India are, and have been for many years, a source of chronic danger to
the British power in India". The British attributed the war of 1857 to the Muslims alone. As a result,
property belonging to Muslims was confiscated and they were denied employment opportunities
everywhere in the army, revenue department, and judiciary.
The British administrators deliberately followed a discriminatory policy against the Muslims, even in
filling minor jobs. Advertisements inviting applications for government jobs specifically mentioned
that Muslims would not be appointed. Hunter admits that the exclusion of the Muslims was so
complete that in the government offices of Calcutta they could not accept a post higher than that of a
porter, messenger, filler of inkpots and mender of pens.
By a series of revenue and financial measures, the British smashed the political and social position
of the Muslims. In the province of Bombay, the government appointed "Inam Commission" to inquire
into the land grants of the Muslim times. The Commission took away 20,000 estates from the
Muslims and thus ruined many families and institutions of the community.
The Company's commercial policy eliminated the Muslims from internal and foreign trade. When the
Europeans came to the Sub-continent, the Muslim merchants lost much of their commerce with
foreign countries. But they maintained their hold on internal trade and their commercial activities
extended to the Persian Gulf and the coastal territories of the Arabian Sea. During the Company's
rule, the Muslim traders were pushed out of this area as well by the competition of the Company's
traders who enjoyed many special concessions.
The newly introduced English system of education had many drawbacks for the Muslims, mainly
because it made no provisions for religious education. As a result, they stayed away from it. Thus,
within a few years of loss of political power, the Muslims lost all avenues of employment, were
dispossessed of their estates and deprived of the benefits of education. A highly cultured community
turned into a backward and poor people. In their place British-educated Hindus began to occupy
positions in governments offices formerly held by the Muslims.
Updated Strategy
*** Background:
The Lucknow pact showed that it was possible for middle-class, English-educated Muslims and Hindus to
arrive at an amicable settlement on Hindu-Muslim constitutional and political problems. This unity
reached its climax during the Khilafat and the Non-Cooperation Movements.
Religio-political movement
Extra territorial attachments based on Islam
First movement which involved common man
Showed Islam is mobilization force
Muslim Media:
Urging Force
Why Cooperation
Important points:
4. Suggestions for the constitution. (He was against the central legislative assembly and wanted
assembly of representative of federal States).
5. Muslim Representation in the British Indian Assembly shall be 1/3rd.
Hindu Reaction:
An editorial in daily Partab, Lahore wrote about Allama Muhammad Iqbal that he is a
dangerous Muslim of North Western India.
In Daily Inqalab, Lahore a Hindu Columnist wrote “Iqbal Wanted to snatch the
country of Hindus from them and to give it to the Muslims.
Muslims supported his ideas. News papers like Daily Hindu and Daily hamdam supported him
and propagated his message and ideas through the Subcontinent.
*** Introduction:
Objective: To formulate future constitution of India in the light of suggestions given by the Indian
Sir Agha Khan
Muhammad Ali Jauhur.
Maulvi Fazl Haq.
Sir Muhammad Shafi
From 17-19 February 1931 talks were held between Gandhi and Irwin.
An agreement was signed on 5th March 1931 between Gandhi and Irwin.
The pact shows that the British government was anxious to bring the congress to round table
conference. It was triumph of the congress and Indian Nationalism.
Gandhi’s showed stubborn attitude to secure India as one nation. Gandhi claimed that he
represented all India and dismissed all other Indian delegates as non-representatives.
Hindu Muslim relations embittered.
Communal problems Remained Unsolved
Quaid-e-Azam did not participate in second Round table conference and decided to remain aloof
from the Indian politics and to practice as a professional lawyer in England.
Because of the deadlock over communal issues British government announced communal
o Jinnah’s demand for 1/3rd of the British seats in central legislature was accepted.
o Sindh was awarded the status of separate province.
o Principle of Wieghtage was applied (Muslim lost majority in Punjab, Sikh got advantage
in Punjab, Europeans got advantage in Bengal because of principle of Wieghtage).
o Award declared untouchables as a minority and thus the Hindus depressed classes
were given a number of special seats. And as result
o Separate electorates for scheduled class Hindus were approved.
Hindu Reaction:
The report of three round table conferences was published in a white paper in 1933 and later on it
was discussed in the British parliament. As a resulted a bill was drafted which was approved and
became Indian Act of 1935.
Muslim League manifesto (i) 1935 Act is unworkable; (ii) ML would get maximum benefit out of it.
The manifesto was same but two things; Urdu Language and separate electorates.
“The manifestos show that there was not unbridgeable gape. Yet, there was no such a will.”
“The League manifesto was clearly an offer for cooperation. Had the congress accepted the
offer, the whole constitutional scene would have been different.” IH Qureshi
Provincial elections:
Congress 706 out of 1771 seats (26/58 Muslim seats, so only 5% of Muslims)
Muslim League 102 out of 482 Muslim seats (26% Muslim votes)
Congress refused to formed ministries till July 1937 on the basis of GG’s discretionary powers – in
Muslims favor.
The period of less than two and a half years, from July 1939 to October 1939, when congress
ministries ruled eight of the eleven Indian provinces was extremely crucial in the history of Hindu
Muslim relations.
The Election results had strengthened this hope, for congress had not bothered to contest more than
a small number fraction of Muslim seats and not won even a majority of that. Therefore, everyone
looked forward to the formation of congress league coalition in all Hindu Majority provinces. The
refusal of the Congress to cooperate belied all such hopes.
Definitely the above-mentioned terms were a device to subvert the existence of the Muslim League.
Therefore, no agreement was possible on this issue.
Nehru told Chaudhary Khaliq uz Zaman in May 1937, “The Hindu Muslim question is confined
to a few Muslim intellectuals, landlords and capitalists who were cooking up a problem
which did not in fact exist in the mind of the masses.”
“Nehru’s mistake lay in his attempt at killing Muslim nationalism with ridicule. Later
events were to show the folly of his attitude, for it created nothing but bitterness and bad
blood.” IH Qureshi
This philosophy was followed by Nehru’s statement that, “power was now crystallized in only
two opposing ranks – Congress for Indian nationalism and British for imperialism. Other
parties do not count.”
Maulvi Abdul Hakeem, Punjab Moderate Muslims Association, warned Muslims against this and
called it “conversion of Muslims”.
The outstanding constitutional feature of the congress provincial government of the 1937-39 was
that they did not conform to the kind of parliamentary gov’t envisaged in the Act. The congress
provinces were not autonomous.
Sir Banirjee says, “Gandhi was a dictator by proxy, he did not rule directly but he was
accepted as religious obligation.”
First a l Congress governments in the provinces launched anti-Muslim drive basicaly to exclude
the ML and other Muslim organizations from the government making process. The Congress leaders
had come to know that the ML had got roots in the masses. They started ‘Muslim Mass Contact’
movement to defame the ML in their favour. They were making cultural and educational policies
that promoted the Hindu culture and symbols in the name of Indian culture. They introduced
Banda-Mataram anthem from Annandmath in the institutions and offices etc. The Hindi language
was given top most importance in their policies. Wardha Educational Scheme was to convert
Muslims into Hindus through primary educational literature. Projection of Hindu heroes like
Gandhi and distortion of Muslim history became their moral creed. They folowed the policy of
discrimination in services or new recruitment for jobs.
In the UP, the provincial government had directed the local administration to consult the local
congress leaders.
The Congress ministries adopted overal negative and cruel atitude, especialy towards the Muslim
activists. This unjust treatment compeled the Muslims to be disciplined in every sphere of life.
Muslim Response:
The Muslims were w e l l aware of the theocratic inclination of the Hindu people. They arranged a
close monitoring of the government. They publicized their policies and raised the issues. The
mobilization of Muslims on these matters required keen probe to colect the origi n a l facts of the
Hindu atrocities.
On March 28, 1938, the Council of ML appointed an eight-member commitee under the
presidentship of Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi of Pirpur that presented its report on, November 15,
1938. It tried to dig out the cruelties of the Congress ministries in seven provinces. The report took
up the Congress support to the rival Muslim organizations, intimidation and threats to the pro-
Muslim League people.
The ML deputed Mr. Shareef with members to investigate the injustices under the dictatorial rule of
the Hindus. This report mainly colected the facts, concentrating on i l treatment of the government
with the Muslims in Bihar.
A. K. Fazl-ul-Haq published a pamphlet entitled Muslim Sufferings Under the Rule of Congress and
made many alarming revelations e.g. forbidding of Azan, atacks in mosques, noisy processions of the
Hindu scoundrels, forbidding of the cow-slaughter etc. This pamphlet responded the indictments
by the Congress on the Muslims.
A l l the reports described the Congress government as an atempt to create ‘Hindu R a j ’ that
wanted to overwhelm the Muslim culture and their identity. It was a rigorous threat to the Muslims’
The Muslim League highlighted the issues and mobilized the Muslims to counter them adequately.
I t reorganized the Muslim community to cope with the situation. The ML arranged its session at
Lucknow in October 1937. Many prominent leaders like Fazlul Haq participated in the session while
Sikander Hayat and Saadulah announced their support to the ML.
The Muslim leaders shed a sharp criticism on the Congress policies. They protested against the
reduction of status of Urdu and other Muslim related issues. They created realization, amongst the
Muslims, of what can happen under the Congress rule and urged for serious thinking about the
future political and constitutional arrangements. They unearthed the real objectives of the Congress
and urged the need of unity among the Muslims under the banner of Muslim League.
The Second World War (September 1939) proved blessing for the Muslims in a sense that the
Congress Ministries resigned in November 1939. The Muslims observed Day of Deliverance on
December 22, 1939.
The ML redefined its position during the World War II. They expressed their enthusiasm that no
constitution to be enforced without the consent of the Muslims. They eradicated their
organizational weaknesses and refined their objectives keeping the experiences of the Congress
“The rise of congress, to power made the Muslims feel for the first time what it was to be in a
minority. They had become acutely aware of the rising tide of Hindu rule, and that produced a
consolidation of political opinion and organization in India.” Lothian in Asiatic Review
“The Congress was the Indian counterpart of Nazi party in Germany.” Bonarjee, A Christian
“The congress rule taught the minorities that administrative or even constitutional safeguards are no
effective protection against an attitude of mind in the numerically dominant party which treats all
other sections of opinion as politically-defeated antagonists.” I H Qureshi
The more aggressive became the tone of congress the greater grew the confidence of Muslim League.
ML countered every argument of the congress;
Slowly but relentlessly the congress was forcing the Muslim of India into separation.” IH Qureshi
5. Communal Tensions
“I foresaw that the result of the present congress party policy will be class bitterness, communal war
and strengthening of the imperialistic hold as a consequence.” Quaid
Nehru told General Sir Frank Messervy in 1945, “his deliberate plan would be to allow
Jinnah to have his Pakistan, end gradually makes things so impossible economically and otherwise
for Pakistan that they have to come on their banded knees and asked to be allowed back to India.
Pakistan India
Pakistan India
Sir Cyril Radcliff was appointed as the chairman of both the boundary commissions. Both India and
Pakistan were agreed to accept the decision of Radcliff in case of deadlock. As expected the
representatives of India and Pakistan were unable to reach on an agreement and Radcliff announced
his own decisions on 16th August 1947.
Radcliff Award Handed over Some of the Muslim Majority Areas that were Contiguous to the
Boundary of Pakistan to India: These areas included.
Radcliff Award Paved the Way for the Accession of Kashmir with India: Gurdaspur was a
district contiguous to Pakistan. Out of its four Sub-District Gurdaspur, Batala and shakergarh
were the Muslim majority and Pathankot was a non-Muslim majority sub-district. At the time of
partition the only rail and road communication between India and Kashmir was possible through
the district of Gurdaspur, if Radcliff had only awarded the Hindu majority sub-district of
Pathankot to India still it would not have had access to the state of Kashmir; by assigning two
Muslim majority sub-district of Baal and Gurdaspur Radcliff provided India a link with Kashmir.
In 1948 India entered its forces in Kashmir through Gurdaspur and annexed the state to
The Decision of the Punjab Boundary Commission Caused the Canal Water Dispute
between India and Pakistan: Three rivers namely Indus, Jhelum and Chenab enter in Punjab
from Kashmir whereas two rivers Ravi and Sutlej enter from Indian held Punjab. Radcliff drew
the boundary line in such a way that it cut across the river and canals; making India and
Pakistan upper and lower beneficiaries. Radcliff also handed over the Ferozepur (Sutlij) and
Madupur (Ravi) head works to India.By giving the control over the river Ravi and Sutlej to India,
Radcliff put the economical life of Pakistan in danger. It was not merely a theoretical possibility;
it was proved by Indic by cutting off the water supply on 31st March 1948.
City of Calcutta Handed Over to India: Firstly large population of Calcutta consisted of
schedule east Hindus that were with Muslim League. Secondly East Pakistan was separate
from West Pakistan by more than one thousand miles and for the communication point of
view the port of Calcutta was very important for Pakistan. Thirdly East Bengal produced the
bulk of raw jute but mostly the jute factories were situated in Calcutta.
Announcement of the Award was Delayed: The Award was to be announced on August 12,
1947 but it was mysteriously delayed till August 16, 1947.
India and Pakistan had no boundaries for the first two days of their existence.
In some places both -Indian and Pakistani flags were raised.
To avoid spoiling the joyous celebration of independence by announcing news that would
undoubtedly distress' both India and Pakistan.
To overlook the British responsibility for the disorder that inevitably would follow the
Kashmir :
Area of 84,471 square miles, 77% muslims, 4 million population in 1944. The most
important state was Kashmir naturally connected with Pakistan. Its ruler was Hindu while
population was Muslim. The population inclined towards Pakistan but the Hindu ruler declared to
join India. The Kashmiri people revolt against the ruler in Poonch area and soon it became
widespread. The ruler sought Indian support. India demanded accession. On October 27, 1947
Indian troops landed in Srinagar. The people continued their struggle for independence and India
promised to finally settle the matter with reference to the people under the UN Resolutions.
Hyderabad :
Hyderabad was one of the richest Hindu Majority state covering 82000 sq miles of area, 260
million Revenue. Surrounded by Indian Territory. The state was situated in the south of India. Their
rulers were Muslim who were called Nizam. Nizam wanted to maintain independent status for his
state but as being Muslim he had desire to accede with Pakistan if ever need arose. Due to the
important position of the state, Mountbatten the first governor general of India put pressure on
Nizam to accede with India but Nizam refused to do so. On September 13, 1948 just two days after
the death of Quaid-e-Azam Indian forces entered in Hyderabad and occupied it forcibly. Pakistan
submitted a complaint in UNO against the illegal action of India which is still pending.
Junagadh was a small Hindu majority state covering 3337 sq miles of the area. It situated
300 miles down to the coast of Karachi Indian coast of Kathiawar. The Muslim rulers ruled the state.
After independence the request for the accession with Pakistan by its rulers was accepted by the
Quaid-e-Azam. Indian government reacted sharply and an economic blockade of the state of
Junagardh was imposed that resulted in food shortage. By the end of October 1947 the rulers of the
state of Junagadh were forced to leave the state. On 9th November 1947 the Indian army occupied
the state. Pakistan took that matter in UNO where it is still pending.
Hindus were angry over the division of the Subcontinent whereas Sikhs were unhappy over
the loss of their religious places. Sikhs and Hindu armed with deadly weapons slaughter the man
woman and even the small children. Condition in East Punjab was worse than anywhere else where
rulers of the states of Alwar, Kapurthala, Patiala and Bharatpure played the most inhuman role in
that human tragedy.
Due to the communal violence millions of Indian Muslims leaving there property started
migrating towards Pakistan. Apart from communal violence another reason for the migration of
Muslims was their desire to live in a newly established Islamic state.
The arrival of refugees created problem for both the countries but the issue was more
serious in the nascent state of Pakistan that was already facing no of problems. It was estimated that
only West Pakistani received 5.5 million refugees and one sixth of the entire population of West
Pakistan consisted of refugees. It caused economic and administrative problems, as Pakistan did
not have sufficient resources to provide food, shelter and medical aid to the growing no of refugees.
Quaid-e-Azam moved his headquarter to Lahore to give special attention to this problem.
Quaid-e-Azam relief fund was also created in which rich people were asked to donate. Temporary
relief camps were also established.
It had its origin in Radcliff Award which drew the boundary India and Pakistan in way that it cut
across the rivers and canal making India the upper beneficiary and Pakistan the lower beneficiary, It
also handed over the control over two important head works over river Ravi (Madhupure Head
works) and Sutlej (Ferozpure Head works) to India. India proved it by stopping the flow of water in
March 1948.
Dispute was finally settled when an agreement called Indus Basin treaty. The treaty was
signed between Ayub Khan the president of Pakistan and Nehru the Indian Prime Minister on
September 19, 1962. According to that agreement India was allocated the use of two Eastern Rivers
namely Ravi and Sutlej whereas three western Rivers Indus, Jehlum and Canab were given to
Pakistan. To overcome the shortage of water World Bank, India and other friendly countries provided
Pakistan financial assistance to construct two dams, five barrages and seven link canals.
Military Assets:
It was announced on July I, 1947 that Indian army assets would also be divided in ratio 65
to 35 in India's favour it was with reference of the communal balance present in the British Indian
Army. Field Martial Auchinleck was appointed as incharge of the distribution of military assets.
Whatever Pakistan received was nothing but scrap and out of order machines, broken weapons,
unserviceable artillery and aircraft. There were 16 ordnance factories and all were located in
India. Pakistan was given 60 million rupees towards its share in the ordnance factories. Later an
ordnance factory was established in Wah. Pakistan received six Armour divisions to India's
At the time of division there was cash balance of 4 billion rupees in the reserve Bank of
India Pakistan was to get 750 million however after the protest of Pakistan, India agreed to pay 200
million rupees. As the war between India and Pakistan had started on the issue of Kashmir India
again stopped the rest of the amount by saying that Pakistan could use it to buy arms. After the
protest from Pakistan and the threat of hunger strike by Gandhi, Nehru was forced to pay another
500 million rupees. However the remaining 50 million rupees are still not paid.
Immediately after the establishment of Pakistan language controversy was started between East and
West Pakistan when the members of the Constituent Assembly belonged to East Pakistan demanded
that instead of Urdu, Bengali should be made national language of Pakistan. Liaqat Ali Khan then
the Prime Minister of Pakistan refused to accept the demand, which created resentment among East
Pakistan. Refusal of the demand ultimately transformed into a political movement. In March 1948
while addressing at Dhaka, Quaid-e-Azam declared, “Urdu and Urdu alone would be the national
language of Pakistan". Advice of Quaid-e-Azam temporarily took the heart out of language movement
but the issue was not settled. It exploded latter after the death of Quaid-e-Azam.
At the time of partition N.W.F.P was controlled by the "red shirts" the ally of Congress. The Khan
Brothers, Dr Khan Sahib and Abdul Ghaffar Khan, were their leaders. Despite the 1947
referendum in which the people of the region voted to join Pakistan, the leaders of the" red shirts"
demanded union with Afghanistan or complete regional autonomy. The Afghan Government also
supported the issue by saying that the "Pakhtoons" or pathans living in both Afghanistan and
Pakistan belong to the same race and the "Pakhtoons" of Pakistan wanted to be the part of the union
with Afghanistan called "Pakhtoonistan".
Despite of all the problems, Pakistan continued to march under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-
e-Azam. Nobody can deny that in the early year predominant leadership of Quaid-e-Azam was a
source of strength for Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam died on 11th September 1948. After the death of
Quaid-e-Azam though there were great leaders too, but unfortunately none of them was of the caliber
of Quaid-e-Azam.
Jinnah played an important role in establishing the new country in the world community. He lived
only for a year after the creation of Pakistan but even then he did what an ordinary man can not
achieve in whole life. In August 1947 few people expected Pakistan to survive as an independent
nation and many Indian Politicians actually worked to make that survival even more difficult. Yet
Thanks to his unflagging efforts Pakistan not only survived, but prospered.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Held the post of Governor General. This Was intended to be a
ceremonial position with few duties. The Governor-General was to be a figurehead acting as an
inspiration to nation. The Quaid-e-Azam, however, took the role of chief executive in the new
government. He chaired cabinet meetings and was the president of the constituent assembly. Jinnah
struggled hard for establishing Pakistan on sound footing in all respect. He proved to the world that
he is a real leader who has shown guidance to million Muslims of subcontinent.
The Quaid immediately set about dealing with those problems that Pakistan Faced after partition.
1. He stressed the need for everyone in Pakistan to work together to creat the nation. He said
people should not think of themselves as fpr example, Punjabi, or Bengali. Instead they
should think, feel and act as Pakistanis and be proud of it. He toured all the areas of
Pakistan to get across the message that “Everyone of us should think feel and act as a
Pakistani and we should be proud of being Pakistani alone”.
2. Quaid-e-Azam was as opposed to religious intolerance as he was to provincialism and
racialism. Even after the movement of refugees Pakistan had millions of non Muslims and
India had millions of Muslims. The Quaid called himself the “PROTECTOR GENERAL” of
religious minorities and his advice was often sought by the non-Muslims. He was determined
that Pakistan should be seen as a land of tolerance and said that Islamic ideas about justice
and equality demanded that any non Muslims who chose to remain in Pakistan should be
treated fairly, not prosecuted.
3. To help the newly arrived refugees he set up a relief fund to rehabilitate them as quickly as
possible. The people were quick to response with donation in cash and kind.
4. To emphasize rule of Pakistan in the world community, the Quaid secured the membership
of the country into the United Nations organization (UNO) in September 1947. This helped it
gain recognition and support among the other nation of the world.
The Quaid-e-Azam knew that there was a great deal of work to be done in establishing a
governmental and administrative framework for Pakistan. No Problem Could be solved Unless
the country had an administration that could take decisions about the problem and make sure
that those decisions were carried out.
2. Karachi became the capital of Pakistan and the central secretariat was set up to run
the country. Those people with government experience who chose to move from India to
Pakistan were brought to Karachi on special trains and airplanes.
3. The civil services were recognized. In order to run the administration smoothly the civil
service rules were drafted.
4. The Quaid was determined that government officials should have the right attitude to
their work. He informed them that they had to remember that they were the servants of
the people, not the rulers of the country. It was therefore essential that they worked with
national spirit. This was particularly important because the officials found that they had
no office equipment, no furniture, and very little stationery. For many years the
Pakistani civil service worked under extremely difficult conditions.
Building an Economy:
1. As Pakistan was denied its full share of the wealth of the old british India and their
was much work to do in converting Pakistan from an almost completely agricultural
country to one with the degree of industrial development. An important step on this path
came 1st July 1948 when the Quaid established the State bank of Pakistan, to help
develop the economy.
2. In 1948 Jinnah’s Industrial policy statement made it clear that he, and the
government, saw that it was important to set up industries in Pakistan, as quickly as
3. The Quaid also reached a compromise with India in the Canal Water Dispute which
ensured that Pakistan’s agriculture would not be denied precious water supplies. He
also helped persuade the Indian government to hand over the agreed share of financial
asserts from pre-partition India.
Although Pakistan had been given poor military equipment and it lacked senior cadre officer for the
army, the Quaid worked to ensure that the new country was able to defend itself.
1. The Pakistan Army needed more officer and the gaps were filled by offering temporary
commissions and using British officers. He was determined that the army should know that
its role was to be ‘the servant of people’ and warned it that ‘you do not make national policy’.
The Quaid did not want to see Pakistan become a military dictatorship.
2. Although Pakistan’s Army was ill equipped, the Quaid was not afraid to use it, and the army
saw its first action in Kashmir. Despite being outnumbered and having inferior arms and
ammunition, it stood up well and held its own in fighting.
The Quaid died on 11 September 1948. Despite his failing health he had worked tirelessly to
establish his new country. By the time of his death a new government and administration had been
taken to unite the diverse people into single ‘Pakistani’ nation and the steps made in developing
Pakistan’s economy. Equally significant was that by the end of 1948 the first fighting had taken
place against troops from Pakistan’s great rival, India. As the English newspaper, the times wrote
shortly after his death: ‘No succeeding Governor General can quite fill his place as FATHER OF
NATION’ such was the greatness of Quaid.
Constitution is a set of basic principles and framework for governance and exercise of political
power and legal authority. It clarifies the scope of power, relationship among various institutions
within the government and society. It has precedence over ordinary laws and cannot be changed
like ordinary laws. The Government of India Act (1935) was modified and promulgated in the
newly state of Pakistan. The elected members in the 1946 elections made the first Constituent
Assembly that faced grievous circumstances.
Major Issues
The major issues, the first constituent assembly faced, were about:
1. Federalism
2. Representation
3. Separate or Joint Electorate
4. The National Language Issue
5. Parliamentary or Presidential system
6. The Islamic or Secular State
1. Federalism
There was consensus on federalism but yet there were many issues to be setled. The main was
that Pakistan consisted of two territorial parts, East Pakistan (with more population, less territory
but administratively one unit) and West Pakistan (administratively 4 units). Federalism is meant
to accommodate such kind of diversity maintaining the unity of the state or country.
2. Division o f power:
It was the most difficult question that how the power would be divided between Centre
and the Provinces. The heritage of British rule gave the tradition of a Strong Centre. But the
provinces were demanding more Autonomy and Provincial R i ghts.
In the Interim Constitution and the 1956 Constitution tradition of strong centre continued.
3. Representation
Representation a t the federal level was another conflicting issue because East Pakistan and
West Pakistan were different in population and size. On the other hand there was diversity in
Western part of Pakistan. The provinces of West Pakistan were also different in population and
size. A l of them were sensitive to their representation and provincial autonomy.
To have a Standard Formula for the representation of units and population the Constituent
Assembly (CA) formed a Basic Principle Commitee (BPC) on March 12, 1949. The primary task of
this commitee was to frame a set of basic principles for the future constitution of Pakistan.
BPC presented its final report on 22nd December 1952. According to this report two Houses of the
Parliament wil enjoy the equal status and powers. It proposed equal representation to East and
West wing.
This report also faced reaction in both the wings of Pakistan. The principle of parity was not
appreciated in both East Pakistan and Punjab.
Muhammad Ali Bogra immediately after assuming the office of the Prime Minister presented a
formula to resolve the deadlock in constitution making. According to this formula Pakistan would
have a bicameral legislature. In upper house there would be EQUAL representation to each of
five units. In lower house population w i l be represented. In this way more representation was
g iven to East Pakistan.
Both wings would have equal strength in joint sessions of the two houses.
I t was welcomed in both parts of the country. The principle of parity and representation of the
population was appreciated. I t also solved the problem of national language by suggesting Urdu
and Bengali both as national language.
One Unit of West Pakistan was established on 14th October 1955. The provinces of Punjab,
Sindh, NWFP and Baluchistan would be amalgamated in one unit to establish parity between the
two parts of the country.
Separate electorate was adopted on the demand of Muslims in 1909 by the British Government.
But the minorities did not favour this after independence. Religious elements supported this as a
part of heritage.
Pre-independence: Muslim elite a l over India adopted Urdu. In 1948 Jinnah declared that Urdu
would be the national language but provinces could use their languages.
Opposition against Urdu was there in East Bengal. This became more pronounced after the death
of Jinnah as controversies erupted on constitution making. Language Movement started in East
Pakistan February, 1952.
There was a complaint about anti Bengali language atitude of the federal government. Two-
language formula was adopted in 1954. Since 1973 Urdu was adopted as national language along
with the support for development of regional languages.
6. Parliamentary or Presidential
There was a consensus for parliamentary system. But there was a limited demand for presidential
system. Supporters of Presidential system became dominant after the 1958 military takeover. The
1962 Constitution was a Presidential constitution.
From the very beginning of Pakistan Movement there was an agreement that the state w i l have
close relationship with Islam. Muslims defined their national identity with reference to Islam and
its heritage. Some opposition came from the Congress members of the Constituent Assembly, and
a few secularists.
There was a BROAD AGREEMENT that the state wil identify itself with Islam. The Constituent
Assembly took time to define the precise relationship between the state and Islam.
Constitution is a basic document in the handling of domestic affairs. I t sets out the framework for
governance and exercise of power. I t gives guiding lines of relationships among the federating units.
The modified Government of India Act (1935) became the Interim Constitution of Pakistan in
1947. The Constituent Assembly (CA) was given the task of framing the Constitution. The first
meeting of the CA was held on August 11, 1947 a t Karachi. In the lecture 17 we have discussed
the constitutional issues that the CA had to deal with, mainly 6 major issues. Now we w i l discuss
the stages of constitution making.
The process began with the passing of the Objectives Resolution (Lecture 16) in which the Islamic
and democratic values were adopted as grounds for the future constitution. The Basic Principles
Commitee (BPC) consisting of 24 members was made to work for the constitutional powers. The
various sub-commitees on Federal and provincial powers, Franchise, Judiciary, and Fundamental
Rights started working. Board of Talimat-i-Islamia was also set up to seek advice on the religious
Lower: (House of People) On the basis of Population. Both the Houses would enjoy the equal
3: The Head of State elected by joint session would be for five years (Two terms only).
President had discretionary and emergency, appointment and other powers. President was
not answerable to anyone, might be a Muslim or non-Muslim, would be assisted by the
Prime Minister (PM) and Cabinet that would be answerable to the CA. Parliament may
impeach him by 2/3 majority. He was given the power to abrogate the constitution.
4: Cabinet responsible to both the Houses.
5: No mention of national language
This report was severely criticized throughout the country. It could not satisfy both the wings, East
and West. The religious group objected that the report contained nothing about Islamisation. On
the question of representation, the East Pakistan (EP) protested that their majority had been denied
by the Report. They remarked that they were thrown into a permanent minority. The population of
EP was slightl y larger than that of the West Pakistan (WP) but i t was treated as the s m a l provinces
because both the Houses were given equal powers. So the domination of WP was intolerable for the
East wing.
The language issue proved subversive to the national solidarity. The Eastern Pakistanis condemned
the proposal that made Urdu as official language.
The politicians particularly from the Punjab deplored the Report because formation of the UH on
the basis of representation was not acceptable. It was declared against the principle of federation.
The WP favoured equality o n l y for Upper House. The political crisis removed Prime Minister
Nazimuddin and atention diverted from the core issue.
The proposals were revised in the ligh t of the criticism and decided:
Upper House: Equal representation to a l five units
Lower House: More representation to Eastern part
While in joint session, both wings had equal representation:
Upper House 10 40
Decision by majority but i t must include 30 percent members from each zone.
It suggested some difficult process but mostly it was widely acceptable. Two languages, Urdu and
Bengali, were approved as official languages that injured the national unity as Quaid-i-Azam had
wished Urdu as national language.
This is important that after the Formula, the work began on constitution drafting because the
deadlock was over.
CA Dissolution
Ghulam Muhammad caled a Convention on May 10, 1955. A l its members were to be elected
indirectly (by the provincial assemblies). In this way, the 2nd CA came into existence.
The presence of different provinces in the WP had complicated the issue of the WP representation
in the CA. It was handled by uniting a l the WP units into ONE (One Unit, October 30, 1955). Now
both the parts had become two units and could be addressed equ a l y.
One Unit scheme helped the task of constitution making to accomplish successfuly. The previous
commitees report helped the new Assembly that completed its work and presented in the 2nd CA
on January 9, 1956. It, with certain amendments, was approved on January 29, 1956 and
enforced on March 23. With this Pakistan had become an Islamic Republic.
Pakistan won independence under extremely difficult conditions. The next task was seting up of a
new state.
There was no administrative structure. Riots, refugee’s problem and economic pressures were
chalenging for the new state.
Negative attitude from Indian government and war on Kashmir created problems in relations with
The Government of India Act 1935 was adopted as the first Interim Constitution. Quaid-i-Azam
Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governor General (GG) of Pakistan and Liaquat Ali Khan,
the first Prime Minister (PM).
Governor Generals:
Iskander Mirza
Prime Ministers:
Major Issues
Elections a t the provincial level
o Punjab, NWFP 1951
Martial Law remained imposed from October 1958 to June 1962. Constitutional Rule was
restored on June 1962 and remained t i l l the 2nd Martial Law on March 1969.
Ayub Khan took over as Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA) and the President. He got himself
elected through referendum in 1960 and re-elected in January 1965 through presidential elections.
Indo-Pakistan war started and a t the end of war Tashkand Pact was signed with India. People
were not satisfied with this pact. They also resented the election results of 1965. Fruits of economic
development were not distributed a t masses level. Wealth of nation was concentrated in a few
hands. This brought people to agitation and public demand resulted in resignation of the president.
ML imposed on Oct 07, 1958. Ayub started his ML with wide support in the masses
Economic Development
Industrial Reforms
1. Administrative
2. Developmental
3. Local Self Government
4. Constitutional
BD Organizations (4 tiers)
1. Union Councils
a. Composition 10 member elected by 10 constituencies of 1000 people each & Five
nominated members with a paid secretary
b. Functions maintenance of roads, sanitation, water supply, local disputes
c. Finance UC could levy taxes & Ad hoc gov’t grant
2. Tehsil Councils / Thana Council
a. Composition all the chairmen of UC and TC & officials and non officials nominated
by DC headed by Sub divisional Officer or Tehsildar
b. Functions coordination and discussion forum
c. Finance No taxation power, Gov,t adhoc grant (Municipal Committees could levy
3. District Councils
a. Composition half elected members (by chairmen UC) and half nominated (service
provider dept.) DC as a chairman
b. Function coordination between service providers, coordination, develop schemes,
review of progress, policy making
c. Finance levy taxes – land, professional & Adhoc grants
4. Divisional Councils
a. Composition elected members from MCs & elected from District councils, other half
b. Functions coordination, review progress
c. Finance no finance needed, ad hoc grant
5. Muncipal Corporations
a. Only for big cities like Lahore and Karachi
Constitutional Changes
1962 Constitution 2
Change of Capital 3
Social Reforms
Education reforms
Commission recommended
o 3 years degree program
o Primary education free
o Middle compulsory
Students agitated
Gov’t withdrew 3 year degree program
Run of Kuch
Economic policies
o Widening the gap (disparity)
o Diverting resources of east Pakistan
o Sharp rise in Population growth
o People demanded equal distribution of resources
East Pak not happy on 1962 Constitution
Preference of east Pak by international development institutions
No health care and sanitation
Labour union protests (Mar 1969)
Tashkent declaration
Ayub family flagrant indulgence in corruption 5
ZA Bhutto launched PPP in Nov 1967
Completion of ban on Dec 31st, 1966, politicians started agitating
Both sons left Army and established business companies
General Elections
Transfer of power became a major problem. Failure of dialogue for transfer of Power among three top
leaders led to confrontation and military action on March 25, 1971. I t ultimately resulted in Civil
war and alienation of East Pakistan.
India played a very negative role. I t attacked on East Pakistan and India-Pakistan war started
which ended with the separation of East Pakistan.
Z. A. Bhuto assumed power on December 20, 1971. First he became President of Pakistan and
also the first civilian Chief Marshal Law Administrator.
Major Policies
The first task was the Constitution making. In 1972 Interim Constitution was adopted and then the
Parliament of Pakistan unanimously adopted 1973 Constitution.
The major policy of Mr. Bhuto was Nationalization. His government nationalized:
Labour Policy
A new Labour Policy was announced in which more rights and concessions were given to the
working classes.
Health Policy
Under new Health Policy cheap medicine and facilities were promised to the masses.
Administrative Reforms
Administrative Reforms were introduced to eradicate corruption in the country. Hundreds of civil
servants were removed on the charge of corruption.
Problems o f Reforms:
Reforms were good in outlook but as their results were not according to the expectations of the
masses. Discontentment took the place of initial optimism.
As a result of elections of 1977 PPP won the elections. But joint opposition blamed a mass rigging in
the election results. They demanded fresh elections. Bhuto i n i t i a l y was stubborn but later showed
inclination to compromise but history has taken a U-turn. As he refused to negotiate the elected
majority party in 1971, now opposition refused to compromise and took the case to the streets.
Urban shopkeepers, businessmen, students, women and even the inteligentsia joined hands against
the government. The result was the third Martial Law and end of democracy.
Chief of Army Staff General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq took over and imposed Martial Law. He
suspended constitution. I t was the longest military Rule in the history of Pakistan. To justify his
rule Zia-ul-Haq presented his Agenda about:
Effective Administration
Islam isation
Return to Democracy
Major Policies:
Zia-ul-Haq promised Elections first within 90 days, and then extended this period after the reforms.
These reforms included:
In his way of Islamisation of the system he introduced many steps for forging cooperation of some
Islamic groups.
He also introduced Constitutional and legal changes to emphasis on Islamic values in the society. He
Return to democracy
Democracy was restored but no civilian government could complete its tenure of five years and
became the victim of 58-2B of 8th amendment by virtue of that President can dissolve NA and
dismiss the elected government.
Civilian government adopted policies for the welfare and beterment of the people but their effects
were compromised due to several reasons:
In 1999 again Military Rule was imposed against the civilian government’s attempt to concentrate
power in the office of Prime Minister. Nawaz government introduced political and constitutional
changes to have a complete control on a l branches of the government.
Nawaz government’s attempt to remove the Army Chief, while he was out of the country and
returning from his visit to Sri Lanka, proved counterproductive. General Musharraf took over as
the Chief Executive of the country and suspended the constitution. Martial law was not declared. No
military courts were established. Political and press freedoms remained intact.
Political Priorities:
General Musharraf introduced New Local Bodies System, delegation of the power to the district
The separation of East Pakistan was a great setback to Pakistan. By 1970, sentiments for national
unity had weakened in East Pakistan to the extent that constant conflict between the two Wings
dramatically erupted into mass civil disorder. This tragically resulted in the brutal and violent
amputation of Pakistan's Eastern Wing.
The physical separation of a thousand miles between the two wings without a common border, and
being surrounded by Indian territory and influences, led to constant political, economic and social
conflicts between the two wings; embittering relations bringing the country on the verge of collapse.
As a result of the separation of its Eastern Wing, Pakistan's international credit was depleted and the
military, being its most powerful institution, suffered a lot. To some, the very concept of Pakistan as
the homeland for the Muslims in Southeast Asia no longer appeared valid.
Trouble started right at the inception of Pakistan in 1947. Almost immediately, East Pakistan
claimed that as their population (55 percent as compared to 45 percent in the West) was greater,
they were in a majority. Democratically, the Federal Capital, therefore, should have been in Dhaka
and not in Karachi.
Since Karachi was the seat of the National Government; ministers, government officials and
industrialists exerted immense influence on national and regional affairs, which brought them many
benefits. But the East Pakistanis were unable to extract the same kind of advantages, as they were a
thousand miles away from the Capital. Moreover, the Capital initially attracted wealthy
industrialists, businessmen, administrators, doctors and other professionals who had fled from
The location of the Capital, it was said, created great economic imbalance, uneven distribution of
national wealth and privileges, and better jobs for the people of West Pakistan, because they were
able to sway decisions in their own favor.
Secondly, Bengalis resented the vast sums of foreign exchange earned from the sale of jute from
East, which were being spent on defense. They questioned how the expenditure for the Kashmir
cause would be justified, when it could otherwise have been productively used to build dams and
barriers to control floods, eradicate poverty and illiteracy, and supply food and shelter for the ever-
growing population in East Pakistan.
Thirdly, the people of the East believed that it was sheer regional prejudice that all white-collar jobs
were taken by West Pakistanis.
Many mistakes were made early in the short history of Pakistan. There lived in East Pakistan about
15 million Hindus who, with the help of their fellow West Bengali Indians from across the border,
were able to exploit East-West differences that emerged as a result of these mistakes. Grievances
were exaggerated to foster anti-West Pakistani feelings that eventually created Bengali Nationalism
and separatist tendencies. Bengali political leaders went around depicting the Central Government
and West Pakistan as hostile exploiters. However, no effective efforts were made by the Government
to check these anti-national trends.
Awami League, formed in 1951, was headed by Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman. He had always been an
ardent Bengali nationalist. He began to attract popular support from Bengalis in East Pakistan. He
put forward his Six Points that demanded more autonomy for the Provinces in general, and East
Pakistan in particular. He was arrested in April 1966, and soon released, only to be rearrested and
imprisoned in June the same year. He languished in prison until February 1969.
In all his election speeches, Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman reiterated his demand for implementation of
his Six Points and provincial autonomy plans.
The 1970 elections were postponed from October to December due to heavy floods that caused
immense destruction and havoc in East Pakistan. The sheer enormity of the disaster attracted
worldwide attention. This gave Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman a golden opportunity to have an
international audience for his anti-West Pakistan feelings, which he accused of brutal callousness.
The Awami League gained much sympathy and benefit out of this suffering, and Sheikh Mujib-ur-
Rahman and his people were portrayed on the international scene as victims of West Pakistan's
In the general elections held in December 1970, the Awami League achieved an overwhelming
victory. They captured 167 seats, the highest number in East Pakistan and overall. In the West, the
Pakistan Peoples Party had won 85 seats. The way was now
open to draw up a new Constitution.
Six points of Mujeeb-ur-
The Awami League, now overwhelmingly victors, stood firm on Rehman
its Six Points plan and refused to compromise on that issue.
The Peoples Party in the West maintained that the Six Points
Program did not really permit a genuine federation. It was in First enunciated on February 12,
fact a unique constitutional proposal that proposed a federation 1966, the six points are as below:
that had power only over defense and foreign policy.
1. The Constitution should provide
Efforts were made to start a constitutional dialogue and narrow for a Federation of Pakistan in the
the differences between the two Wings, but all in vain. Mujib-ur- true sense on the basis of the
Rahman's adamant stand in support of his Six Points, and his Lahore Resolution and for a
proposal that East Pakistan should have a sovereign status parliamentary form of government
independent of Pakistan, further aggravated the situation. based on the supremacy of a
directly elected legislature on the
basis of universal adult franchise.
Mujib-ur-Rahman launched a non-cooperation movement. The
civil administration was totally paralyzed. All government and
educational institutions were closed. People were asked not to 2. The Federal Government shall
pay any taxes. The transport system came to a standstill. deal with only two subjects;
Factories and shops were shut. All government activities Defense and Foreign Affairs. All
between both the Wings ceased. The Awami League setup a residuary subjects will be vested in
parallel government. Gangs of local Awami League freedom the federating states.
fighters, known as Mukti Bahini, led violent demonstrations and
howled racial and anti-West Pakistan slogans, inciting the 3. There should be either two
people to more violence. separate, freely convertible
currencies for the two Wings, or one
Amidst these disturbances, Genaral Yahya decided to convene currency with two separate reserve
the National Assembly in March 1971. But Sheikh Mujib-ur- banks to prevent inter-Wing flight of
Rahman unexpectedly put forward other demands such as the capital.
immediate lifting of Martial Law and power transfer to the
elected representatives of the people, prior to the National 4. The power of taxation and
Assembly session. revenue collection shall be vested in
the federating units. The Federal
Unfortunately, on March 23, the Republic Day of Pakistan, the Government will receive a share to
Awami League declared "Resistance Day" and Bangladesh flags meet its financial obligations.
flew all over the Province. There was a great massacre. East
Pakistan had reached a point of no return. To quash the armed 5. End Economic disparities
rebellion of Awami League militants, the Pakistan Army struck between the two Wings through a
series of economic, fiscal, and legal
In the meantime, India exploited Pakistan's dilemma to the full. It sought to wring full propaganda
and strategic value for itself out of the Bengali suffering and misery. India launched an attack on
East Pakistan on November 22, 1971. The use of modern Soviet missiles, geographical separation by
a thousand miles lying across the hostile Indian territory, and the collusion of Mukti Bahini and the
Indian Army, made Pakistan's military defeat in the East almost certain.
On December 10, 1971, the first feeler for surrender in East Pakistan was conveyed to the United
Nations. On December 17, 1971, a formal surrender was submitted and accepted. Forty five
thousand troops and an almost equal number of civilians of West Pakistan were taken as prisoners
of war.
In December 1971, within a week of replacing General Yahya as the President, Bhutto formed a
commission headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Hamood-ur-Rahman. The
Commission's responsibility was to ascertain the facts of the 1971 debacle. The commission
interviewed 213 persons including General Yahya, Z. A. Bhutto, Chief of Air Force, Chief of Navy,
senior commanders, and various political leaders. It submitted its first report in July 1972.
Originally there were 12 copies of the Report. These were all destroyed; expect the one that was
handed over to Z. A. Bhutto. Neither Bhutto, nor the Army which took over in 1977, made the Report
public. Though the Report remained classified, its contents were presumably learned from various
writings and memoirs of the military officers narrating their side of the story of what the Hamood-ur-
Rahman Inquiry Commission had to say. The report recommended public trials of the concerned
officers responsible for the 1971 debacle.
The inquiry was reopened in 1974. The Commission again interviewed 73 bureaucrats and top
military officers and submitted its supplementary report in November 1974. It was this
supplementary report that was presumably published by an Indian magazine in August 2000, and
afterwards allowed to be published in the Pakistani press. Publicizing of the Report by the Indian
media was not a surprise since it had come out at a time when there was international pressure
mounting on India to resolve the Kashmir dispute. Immense human rights violations were being
reported by international organizations such as Amnesty International and Asia Watch with
reference to the role of Indian Security Forces in the Indian-held Kashmir. The publication of the
Report was seen in Pakistan as an attempt by India to divert the world attention from its inhumane
and unjustified actions in Kashmir.
Volume I of the main report dealt with political background, international relations, and military
aspects of the events of 1971. Volume I of the supplementary report discussed political events of
1971, military aspect, surrender in East Pakistan and the moral aspect.
A large number of West Pakistanis and Biharis who were able to escape from East Pakistan told the
Commission awful tales of the atrocities at the hands of the Awami League militants. It was revealed
that many families of West Pakistani Officers and other ranks serving with East Bengal Units were
subjected to inhuman treatment. Their erstwhile Bengali colleagues had butchered a large number of
West Pakistani Officers.
As the tales of slaughter reached West Pakistani soldiers of other Units, they reacted violently, and in
the process of restoring the authority of the Central Government, committed severe excesses on the
local Bengali population. The Report's findings accuse the Army of carrying out senseless and
Having dealt with the claim of General Niazi that he had no legal option but to surrender, the
Commission proceeded to consider whether it was necessary for General Niazi to surrender, and
whether he was justified in surrendering at that particular juncture, for most of the messages that
emanated from the General Head Quarters were studiously ambiguous and designed. Secondly,
General Farman Ali had suggested to him that instead of ordering surrender en masse, he should
leave it to each Divisional Commander to surrender or not, according to his own circumstances. It
was pointed out in the Report, that despite the assurances given by the Chief of Staff of the Indian
Army and the terms of surrender, the killing of loyal East Pakistani population, West Pakistani
civilians, and civil armed forces by the Mukti Bahini started in full swing soon after Army's
It was maintained in the Report that the defeat suffered by the armed forces was not a result of
military factors alone, but had been brought about as the cumulative result of political,
international, moral and military factors. The political developments that took place between 1947
and 1971, including the effects of the two Martial Law periods, hastened the process of political and
emotional isolation of East Pakistan from West Pakistan.
The dismemberment of Pakistan was also accelerated by the role played by the two major political
parties, Awami League and the Pakistan Peoples Party, in bringing about a situation that resulted in
postponement of the National Assembly session, scheduled to be held at Dhaka on the March 3,
1971. The events occurring between March 1 and 25, 1971, when the Awami League had seized
power from the Government, resulting in the military action of March 25, 1971, were deplorable. The
Commission also touched upon the negotiations, which General Yahya Khan was pretending to hold
during this period with Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rahman on the one hand, and political leaders from West
Pakistan on the other. Although he never formally declared these negotiations to have failed, yet he
secretly left Dhaka on the evening of March 25, 1971, leaving instructions behind for military action
to be initiated as soon his plane landed at Karachi.
The Commission declared that military action could not have been substitute for a political
settlement, which was feasible once law and order had been restored within a matter of few weeks
after the military action. No serious effort was made to start a political dialogue with the elected
representatives of the people of East Pakistan. Instead fraudulent and useless measures were
adopted. The use of excessive force during the military action had only served to alienate the
sympathies of the people of East Pakistan. The arbitrary methods adopted by the Martial Law
Administration in dealing with respectable citizens of East Pakistan and their sudden
disappearances made the situation worse. The attitude of the Army authorities towards the Hindu
minority also resulted in a large-scale exodus to India.
Although General Yahya Khan was not totally unaware of the avowed intention of India to
dismember Pakistan, he didn't realize the need for early political settlement with the political leaders
of East Pakistan. There was wastage of considerable time during which the Indians mounted their
training program for the Mukti Bahini and freely started guerillas raids into the Pakistan territory.
Pakistan Army was almost unable to prevent infiltration of Mukti Bahini and Indian agents all along
the borders of East Pakistan. In the presence of these two factors, the Pakistan Army was obviously
fighting a losing battle from the very start.
There had been a large exodus of people from East Pakistan to India, as a result of the military
action. The results of Indian efforts to propagate this refugee problem on an international level
cannot be undermined. The Indian propaganda was so forceful that all endeavors made by the
military regime in Pakistan to defuse the situation proved to be futile and left the world unimpressed.
The mutual assistance treaty signed between India and the U. S. S. R. in August 1971 further
aggravated the situation.
The traditional concept of defense adopted by the Pakistan Army that the defense of East Pakistan
lays in West Pakistan was never implemented in a determined and effective manner. The concept
remained valid, and if ever there was need to invoke this concept, it was on November 21, 1971,
when Indian troops crossed the East Pakistan borders in naked aggression. Unfortunately, the delay
in opening the Western front and the half-hearted and hesitant manner in which it was ultimately
opened only helped in precipitating the catastrophe in East Pakistan. Besides, the detailed narrative
of events, as given in the supplementary report, clearly shows that the planning was hopelessly
defective. There was neither any plan at all for the defense of Dhaka, nor any concerted effort to stem
the enemy onslaught with a Division or a Brigade battle at any stage. It was only when the General
found himself gradually being surrounded by the enemy which had successfully reached Faridpur,
Khulna, Daudkandi and Chandpur (the shortest route to Dhaka), that he began to make frantic
efforts to get the troops back for the defense of Dhaka.
The Report maintained that there was no actual order to surrender. In view of the desperate picture
painted by the Commander Eastern Command, higher authorities gave him permission to surrender
if he, in his judgment, thought it necessary. General Niazi could have opted not to surrender if he
thought that he had the capability of defending Dhaka. On his own estimate, he had 26,400 men to
hold out for another two weeks. The enemy would have taken a week to build up its forces and
another week to reduce the fortress of Dhaka. But evidence showed that he had already lost the will
to fight after December 7, 1971, when his major fortresses at Jessore and Brahmanbari had fallen.
Detailed accounts of witnesses given to the Commission indicate that Lt-General Niazi had suffered a
complete moral collapse during the closing phases of the war.
It had been concluded that apart from the political, international and military factors, an important
cause for defeat of the Pakistan Army was the lack of moral character and courage in the senior
Army Commanders. The process of moral degeneration among the senior ranks of the armed forces
was set in motion by their involvement in Martial Law duties in 1958. These tendencies were
intensified when General Yahya Khan imposed Martial Law in the country once again in March 1969.
A large number of senior army officers had not only indulged in large-scale acquisition of lands and
houses and other commercial activities, but had also adopted highly immoral and lewd ways of life,
which seriously affected their professional capabilities and their qualities of leadership. It appears
that they had lost the will to fight and the ability to take vital and critical decisions required for the
successful prosecution of the war. These remarks particularly applied to General Yahya Khan, his
close associates, General Abdul Hamid Khan, Major General Khuda Dad Khan and Lt-General A. A.
K. Niazi, apart from certain other officers. The Commission recommended that these grave
allegations be dealt with seriously.
The surrender in East Pakistan had been a tragic blow to the nation and had caused, not only
dismemberment of Pakistan, but also shattered the image of Pakistan Army as an efficient and
excellent fighting force. In the end it was hoped in the Report that the Nation would learn the
necessary lessons from these tragic events, and that effective and early action will be taken in the
light of the conclusions reached.
The Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission Report is a valuable document. It was prepared with the
explicit purpose of not repeating the various mistakes committed by the Army, General Yahya Khan
and Z. A. Bhutto, which resulted in the separation of East Pakistan. Writings and memoirs disclose
that apart from its inquiry into the 1971 crisis, it also makes thoughtful recommendations about the
defense of the country as a whole.
After the 1971 war, India held prisoner around 93,000 Pakistani troops and civilians. In Pakistan
there was a growing demand to get these prisoners released with the result that a Summit
Conference between Pakistani President, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and the Indian leader, Mrs. Gandhi, was
held at Simla from June 28 to July 2, 1972. The two countries reached an agreement on July 2. The
agreement contained the elements of an earlier Indian draft, but the wording was considerably
modified. In particular the clause referring to the ceasefire line in Kashmir was rephrased as to make
it acceptable to Pakistan.
The broad features of this pact included that the principle and purpose of the charter of United
Nations would govern the relations between the two countries. The two countries resolved to settle
their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations. The foremost conditions for
understanding, good neighborly relations, and stable and lasting peace were laid that no country
would interfere with the other country's internal matters on the basis of mutual respect for peace,
security, territorial sovereignty, mutual friendship and equality.
It was reiterated again in the agreement that efforts would be made to put an end, as far as possible,
to all such disputes and differences that have been the cause of dissension between the two
countries for the last 25 years. Both governments also agreed to take all steps within their power to
prevent hostile propaganda directed against each other.
In order to progressively restore and normalize relations between the two countries, it was agreed
that steps would be taken to resume communications, postal service, and promote and facilitate
travel by sea, land and air. Trade and cooperation in economic and other agreed fields would also be
In order to initiate the process of durable peace, both the governments agreed that Indian and
Pakistani forces would be withdrawn to their sides of the international border. The control line
between Jammu and Kashmir would be the same as was on December 17, 1971. Both the countries
would respect the international border and the withdrawal of the armies would be completed within
30 days of the implementation of the agreement.
Leaders of both the countries agreed at Simla to meet again at a mutually agreed time so that
representatives of both the countries could discuss more arrangements for durable peace, including
matters relating to prisoners of war, local prisoners, final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir dispute
and diplomatic relations. As a consequence of the clauses pertaining to the withdrawal of forces,
Indian troops withdrew from the 5,139 sq. miles of Pakistani territory in Punjab and Sindh it had
occupied during the war. Similarly, Pakistani troops withdrew from 69 sq. miles of territory in
Punjab and Rajasthan. In Kashmir, India retained 480 sq. miles and Pakistan 52 sq. miles.
Pakistan ratified the Simla Agreement on July 15 and India on August 3, after which the agreement
came into effect on August 4, 1972
Geo strategic means the importance of a country or a region as by virtue of its geographical
location. Geo political is defined as, stressing the influence of geographic factors on the state power,
international conduct and advantages it derives from its location.
“While history has been unkind to Pakistan, its geography has been its greatest
benefit. It has resource rich area in the north-west, people rich in the north-east.”
Pakistan is a junction of South Asia, West Asia and Central Asia, a way from resource efficient
countries to resource deficient countries. The world is facing energy crisis and terrorism. Pakistan
is a route for transportation, and a front line state against terrorism.
Geographical Importance:
Bridge between South Asia and South West Asia; Iran and Afghanistan are energy abundant while
India and China are lacking of.
China finds way to Indian ocean and Arabian Sea through Korakaram. China with its fastest
economic growth rate of 10%; is developing its southern provinces because its own port is 4500 km
away from Sinkiang but Gawader is 2500 km away.
Pakistan offers to CARs the shortest route of 2600 km as compared to Iran (4500 km) or Turkey
(5000 km).
land locked Afganistan now at the phase of Reconstruction, finds its ways through Pakistan..
Economic Blocs: SAARC, ASEAN, ECO. A link between them. Gawader port with its deep waters
attracts the trade ships of China, CARs and South East Asian Countries
Gas pipelines:
1. IPI: Iran is struggling to export its surplus gas and oil to eastern countries. Pakistan would
get 400 million dollar annually if IPI gets success.
2. Qatar Pakistan and Turkmenistan Pipeline project: highlights the position.
Mountain Ranges: Himalayas, Hindu Kush in the North are plentiful in providing water and natural
Political importance:
US interests in the regions to contain the Growing China, nuclear Iran, terrorist Afghanistan, and to
benefit from the market of India. Security and Business are two main US interests in the region
while Pakistan is playing a front line role against terrorism.
Today the political scenario of the region is tinged with pre emption policy and US invasion of Iraq
and Afghanistan, Iran’s nuclear program, India’s geopolitical muscles(new strategic deal with US) to
gain the hegemony and to counter the ‘The Rise of China’ which has earned all the qualities to
change unipolar world into Bipolar world. In all these issues, Pakistan is directly or indirectly
involved, especially after Al Qaeda operations.
The American think tanks have repeatedly accepted that war against terror could never be won
without the help of Pakistan. Pakistan has rigorously fought, and ongoing military operation in
Wazirstan is also targeting the suspected Taliban in the bordering area.
1. Balochistan and Wazirstan conflicts are posing threats to any economic project like IPI gas
2. Negative role of India, US, Iran in this conflict ridden area.
3. Kashmir is flash point, accelerating nuclear race in the South Asia.
4. Instable governments in Pakistan have contributed in weakening the strong position.
Gwadar is located on the southwestern coast of Pakistan, close to the important Straits of Hormuz,
through which more than 13 million bpd of oil passes. It is strategically located between three
increasingly important regions of the world: the oil-rich Middle East, heavily populated South Asia
and the economically emerging and resource-rich Central Asia.
Background (Sino-Pak):
Pakistan recognized China in 1951 and 1961 voted for restoration of Communist China’s
rights in the UN. Sino Indian war 1962 culminated in close friendship; in 1963 an
agreement on border was signed. Pakistan, during peak days of cold war (1970), facilitated
visit of Henry Kissinger (US Foreign Secretary) to China. This led to Nixon’s visit to China
which eased the rising tension between them.
Initially Pak-China’s strategic partnership was driven by the mutual need to counter the
Soviet Union and India. China supported Pakistan in its wars against India with military
and economic assistance. China assisted in developing Pakistan’s Nuclear Program,
enhanced trade and investment.
Recent Developments:
Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation signed in 2005 “Neither party will join any
alliance which infringes upon the sovereignty, security ant territorial integrity.”
China role in SCO and pak membership
Trade: $ 6 bn in 2010 whereas likely to rise $ 10 bn by 2015
China invested $13 bn in Gwadar
1. Dubai is the hub of business not only for Gulf but also for rest of the world including
Europe, United States, Africa, China and Central Asian States, simultaneously. The gulf
region is facing many political conflicts at the moment and huge disturbances in the
current administrative structure are expected in the coming years. In such a scenario, a
substitute of Dubai is essential to be located before the crisis hits the finances of millions.
The substitute shall be a nearest point probably, to ensure continuous supply line of oil from
Gulf to the outer world. Fortunately, Gawadar proves to be the nearest and infact more
cost-effective substitute of Dubai, from many aspects.
2. China is emerging as a super economic power of the world in the recent years. Despite
occupying a huge area of world's land, it doesn't have any port of hot waters, which can be
used the whole year. Gawadar port is only on a distance of 2500 km from China and the
port is working for the whole year because of the hot waters here.
3. The central Asian states, after the independence from USSR, are trying to develop their
economies. These states are land locked and Karachi was expected to provide them the
services through Afghanistan. For the purpose, a highway from Peshawar to Karachi was
constructed but due to Afghan crisis, this line couldn't be established. The Afghan situation
Benefit to China: So Beijing will get considerable influence in the Persian Gulf, entrance to
the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, while closely monitor US naval activity and US Indian
maritime cooperation. The port will enable China to monitor its energy shipments (60%
of its oil need) from the Persian Gulf, and energy imports from Central Asia. Having no blue
water navy, China feels defenseless in the Persian Gulf. President Mushraf’s statement,
“when needed the Chinese Navy could be in Gwader to give befitting replies to every
US, Iran, India: A report by Pentagon entitled ‘Energy Features in Asia’ states that Beijing
has set up electronic spy posts at Gwader to monitor ship traffic. The Chinese presence in
the Arabian Sea heightens India’s feeling of encirclement by China. Iran fears that the
development of the port will undermine the value of its own ports as outlets to Central Asia’s
1. The port will help integrate Pakistan into the Chinese economy by import and export
through overland links that stretch across the Korakorum Highway.
2. Gwader would inhibit India’s ability to blockade Pakistan and permit China to supply
Pakistan by land and sea during war time.
3. The Gwader area is rich in fisheries and the 600 km coastal line will boost fish export.
Importance of Gawadar
1. Gwader lying to close to the oil rich Gulf States- could be a potential source of off-shore
gas and oil reserves.
2. Gwader as a trade Hub will enable the transfer of Central Asia’s vast energy to world
markets, earning Pakistan transit charges and to investment.
3. Afghanistan will become beneficiaries for international trade to get trasit fee to Central
4. The oil supply during Iraq-Iran and Iraq-Kowait war was stopped; Gawadar is a best solution
5. Cargo handling capacity of 100,000 tons
Finally, Pakistan would have to work the completion of necessary infrastructure to support
these plans; it needs effective diplomacy, economic stability with improved Center-
Province relationship. Balochistan continues to be crippled by violence with Baloch
nationals protesting against the construction of the port supported by Indian elements.
Wary of Soviet expansion, Pakistan had strong relations with both the United
States of America and the People's Republic of China during much of the Cold
War. Today, the two countries remain Pakistan's closest allies.
It was a member of the CENTO and SEATO military alliances. Its alliance
with the United States was especially close after the Soviets invaded the
neighboring country of Afghanistan. In 1964, Pakistan signed the Regional
Cooperation for Development (RCD) Pact with Turkey and Iran, when all
three countries were closely allied with the U.S., and as neighbors of the Soviet
Union, wary of perceived Soviet expansionism. To this day, Pakistan has a
close relationship with Turkey. RCD became defunct after the Iranian
Revolution, and a Pakistani-Turkish initiative led to the founding of the
Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) in 1985. For several years prior to
the staged November 2008 Mumbai attacks, Pakistan's relations with India had
been gradually improving, which opened up Pakistan's foreign policy to issues
beyond security. An increasingly important actor on the world scene, Pakistan
formed the "Friend of Pakistan" group which includes important countries
such as Australia, Britain, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United
Nations and European Union
Pakistan shares a long and porous border with Afghanistan (also called the
Durand Line). The border is poorly marked. The problem is exacerbated by
cultural, historical, linguistic, ethnic and political ties crossing close relations
between peoples who live on both sides of the border. This is further
complicated by the fact that many of the Pashtun tribes on both sides of the
border are often married and refuse to recognize it much to the frustration of
both the Afghan government and the Pakistani government.
Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Pakistani
Government played a vital role in supporting the Afghan resistance and
assisting refugees. Social and health indicators dropped considerably during
this period as Polio and Tuberculosis, previously eradicated from the country,
were re-introduced and the country became awash with drugs, weapons,
prostitution rings and increased incidences of crime and violence. After the
Soviet withdrawal in February
The overthrow of the Taliban Regime in November 2001 has seen strained
relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Favorable relations with China have been a pillar of Pakistan's foreign policy.
China strongly supported Pakistan's opposition to Soviet involvement in
Afghanistan and was perceived by Pakistan as a regional counterweight to
India and the USSR. The PRC and Pakistan also share a close military
relation, with China supplying a range of modern armaments to the Pakistani
defence forces. Lately, military cooperation has deepened with joint projects
producing armaments ranging from fighter jets to guided missile frigates.
Chinese cooperation with Pakistan has reached high economic points with
substantial investment from China in Pakistani infrastructural expansion. Iran
Historically, Iran was the first nation to recognize Pakistan. Since then,
Pakistan has had close geopolitical and cultural-religious linkages with Iran.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Relations between the two countries have existed since ancient times when the
Pakistani region was part of the large Persian Empire.
Palestinian Territories
Main article: Pakistan–Palestine relations
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan in many fields since Pakistan
gained independence in 1947. Since the inception of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia
has provided Pakistan with assistance in the form of fuel credit, fuel donation,
loans, aid, donations, and gifts. Most famous example of Saudi Arabia's
relationship with Pakistan is the Faisal Mosque, the National Mosque of the
country in Islamabad, Pakistan. More recently, Saudi Arabia has given
Pakistan hundreds of millions of dollars as a donation for the 2005 Earthquake
in Pakistan. In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the number one donor,
having contributed $600 million.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this
article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be
challenged and removed. (June 2009)
Indo-Pakistani relations
Since independence, relations between Pakistan and India have been
characterized by rivalry and suspicion. Although many issues divide the two
countries, the most sensitive one since independence has been the status of
Roots of Conflict
At the time of independence and the departure of the British from South Asia,
the princely state of Kashmir, though ruled by a Hindu Maharajah, had a
majority Muslim population. At first, the Maharajah hesitated in acceding to
either Pakistan or India in 1947, but when tribesmen armed by Pakistan with
the overt support of regular troops began invading occupied Kashmir, the
Hindu Maharajah had no option other than to call upon India to repel the
invasion and annexed the territory. Following the invasion, the Maharajah
offered his allegiance to India. Pakistani troops still continue to occupy the
Northern and Western portion of Kashmir referred to as Pakistan Occupied
Kashmir (P.O.K.) in India and Azad Kashmir in Pakistan. India and Pakistan
agreed with UN resolutions which called for a UN-supervised plebiscite to
determine the future of Kashmir. But Pakistan has refused to remove their
troops from Pakistan occupied Kashmir and have thereby frustrated carrying
out the plebiscite.
Nuclear Arm Race India's nuclear test in 1974 generated great uncertainty in
Pakistan and is generally acknowledged to have been the impetus for
Pakistan's nuclear weapons development program. In 1983, the Pakistani and
Indian governments accused each other of aiding separatists in their respective
countries, i.e., Sikhs in India's Punjab state and Sindhis in Pakistan's Sindh
province. Tensions diminished after Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister in
November 1984 and after a group of Sikh hijackers were brought to trial by
Pakistan in March 1985. In December 1985, President Zia and Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi pledged not to attack each other's nuclear facilities. A formal "no
attack" agreement was signed in January 1991. In 1986, the Indian and
Pakistani governments began high-level talks to resolve the Siachen Glacier
border dispute and to improve trade.
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Improvement in Relations
In the late 1990s, the Indo-Pakistani relationship veered sharply between
rapprochement and conflict. After taking office in February 1997, Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif moved to resume an official dialogue with India. A
number of meetings at the foreign secretary and Prime Ministerial level took
place, with positive atmospherics but little concrete progress. The relationship
improved markedly when Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee
traveled to Lahore for a summit with Sharif in February 1999. There was
considerable hope that the meeting could lead to a breakthrough. However
Pakistan surreptitiously occupied certain border areas forces in Kashmir. By
early summer, serious fighting flared up in the Kargil sector. The fighting
lasted about a month till the Pakistani forces were driven out of the areas that
had been surreptitiously occupied by them.
War on Terror
In 2001, following the 9/11 attacks, the United States formed an alliance with
Pakistan in its War on Terror to use its air bases for operations against
Afghanistan and preferring to confer on Pakistan the title of Major Non-Nato
Ally. However, as Musharraf would later reveal in his book In the Line of Fire,
Pakistan Affairs by Aamir Mahar
Musharraf dropped his insistence that no issues could be discussed until the
Kashmir issue was fully solved. Bilateral meetings between the two sides
resulted in new people-to-people contacts. Air services and cricket matches
were restored. Trains started plying between Sindh and Rajasthan. Bans on
Indian movies and TV channels were eased in Pakistan.
Transport links across the Line of Control in Kashmir were reopened. More
importantly the intelligence services and armies of the two countries started to
cooperate in identifying terrorists who threatened attacks. On June 20, 2004,
both countries agreed to extend a nuclear testing ban and to set up a hotline
between their foreign secretaries aimed at preventing misunderstandings that
might lead to a nuclear war. In 2007 the two countries agreed to start flights
between their capitals. Legal trade between the countries reached 2 billion
dollars. After the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008, the already fragile relations
have once again worsened.