Unit Ii Jet Propulsion and Nuclear Plants
Unit Ii Jet Propulsion and Nuclear Plants
Unit Ii Jet Propulsion and Nuclear Plants
a. low speeds
b. high speeds
c. low altitudes
d. high altitudes
a. Decrease in flow
b. increase in flow
c. increase in flow and decrease in efficiency
d. increase in efficiency
4. In a jet propulsion
7. The ratio of workdone per cycle to the stroke volume of the compressor is known as
a. compressor capacity
b. compression ratio
c. compressor efficiency
d. mean effective pressure
a. 30 bar
b. 40 bar
c. 10 bar
d. 20 bar
a. The ratio of the volume of free air delivery per stroke to the swept volume of the piston is
called volumetric efficiency.
b. The minimum work required for a two stage reciprocating air compressor is double the work
required for each stage.
c. In a two stage reciprocating air compressor with complete intercooling, maximum work is
d. none of the above
1) small quantities of air at low pressures 2) large quantities of air at high pressures
3) small quantities of air at high pressures 4) large quantities of air at low pressures
14. In axial flow compressor, exit flow angle deviation from the blade angle is a function of
1) centrifugal type 2) axial flow type 3) none of these 4) radial flow type
1) they can generate very high thrust 2) these engines can work on several fuels
3) they have high propulsion efficiency 4) they are not air-breathing engines
3) The static pressure of air in the impeller increases in order to provide centripetal force on the
19. In a centrifugal compressor, the highest Mach number leading to shock wave in the fluid flow
occurs at
1) centrifugal type 2) axial flow type 3) radial flow type 4) none of these
22. The axial flow compressor is preferred in air-craft gas turbines because of
1) high pressure rise 2) low frontal area 3) higher thrust 4) none of these
1) it can fly at high elevations 2) it has high propulsive efficiency at high speeds
3) it can fly at super sonic speeds 4) it has high power for take off
24. A rocket engine uses __________ for the combustion of its fuel.
1) The combustion chamber in a rocket engine is directly analogous to the reservoir of a super sonic
wind tunnel
4) The exit velocities of exhaust gases are much higher than those in jet engine
3) injecting water into the compressor 4) injecting ammonia into the combustion chamber
29.A roket works with maximum overall efficiency when air-craft velocity is……………….. the jet
1) with friction but without heat transfer 2)without friction but with heat transfer
3) with both friction and heat transfer 4)without either friction or heat transfer
3) down stream flow is sonic 4) both downstream flow and upstream flow are supersonic
35. which one of the following is the correct sequence of the position of the given components in a
36. For a jet propulsion unit, ideally the ratio of compressor work and turbine work is
38.The fluid property that remains unchanged across a normal shock wave is
40. Which one of the following is proper for a normal shock wave?
1) Reversible 2) Irreversible 3) Isentropic 4) Occurs in a converging tube