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Space Dogfight PNP

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SPACE [2b] SPEND APs: The player spends any number of APs he/she has in his/her possession for

[2b] SPEND APs: The player spends any number of APs he/she has in his/her possession for any
number of movements (see section MOVEMENT below) and/or combats (see section COMBAT
below). For every spent AP, one AP counter is discarded back into the cup.

Movement of one friendly space ship costs 1 AP. The moving space ship must move at least one
square, but not more than its maximum movement capability (see space ship table and the MOV
A free print-n-play game created by Mats Lintonsson column). It may never move diagonally or backwards (thus, only sideways or forward towards the
other player's starting zone) or out of the board edges or into/through an occupied square (i.e. a
square containing any space ship or an asteroid).
The board and counters are found on the next page. Print them and cut the counters. Play and enjoy!
By the way, this game is not only available as a print-n-play game. It was originally created as a One combat costs 2 APs. One friendly space ship may attack one adjacent (not diagonally)
postcard game and is still available for purchase at http://games.mrdo.se. enemy space ship. The attacker throws the die. If the result is less than or equal to the attacking
space ship's attack value (see space ship table and the ATT column), then there is a potential hit,
RULES VERSION: 1.00 (2008-11-24) otherwise it's a total miss and this combat ends. If there is a potential hit, the defender throws the
die. If the result is less than or equal to the defending space ship's defense value (see space ship
table and the DEF column), then the defending space ship has blocked the hit and this combat
SETUP ends, otherwise the defending space ship fails in blocking the hit and is eliminated and removed
Separate red and blue space ship counters by color and give the players one set each. The players then from the board for the rest of this game.
secretly create a space ship fleet each using any combination of own space ships with a total value of
80 points or lower. (See PTS column in the space ship table for space ships values.) Put unused space If the attacker has one or more additional friendly space ship (not counting the attacking space
ship counters aside (face down), they will not be used in the game. ship itself) adjacent (not diagonally) to the defending enemy unit, then the attacking space ship's
attack value is increased by one (for this combat only).
Lay out the board between the players. (Blue starting zone pointing at the player with the blue space
ships and reverse.) For each of the three asteroids (dark gray counters), throw the die. Place an If the defender has a DEF +1 or a DEF +2 counter in his/her possession at the start of the combat,
asteroid in the square on board containing the corresponding number. If the square is occupied, throw he/she may reveal one such counter the moment before he/she is supposed to throw the die if
the die again. there is a potential hit. The defense value of the defending space ship is then increased (for this combat
only) by one (DEF +1) or two (DEF +2). Discard the DEF +1/+2 counter into the cup after use.
Agree on a starting player (player one). Player one places one of his/her space ships from his/her fleet
in his/her starting zone on the board. Player two places one space ship from his/her fleet in his/her If the defending space ship survives a combat (either the attacking space ship misses or the defending
starting zone. Take turns until there are no more space ships to be placed. space ship blocks the potential hit), the attacker may immediately repeat the same combat for 1 AP. A
maximum of one such repeat is allowed per combat. Any discarded DEF +1/+2 counter from the main
Put all light gray (AP, DEF +1/+2, MOVE AST and three blank) counters into the opaque cup. Shake it. combat cannot be re-used in the repeated combat. However, the defender may use another DEF +1/+2
counter if he/she has one in his/her possession. Possible adjacent friendly space ships increasing the
SEQUENCE OF PLAY attacking space ship's attack value, do still count.
A game is divided into game turns (the two players alternate taking one game turn at a time, starting
with player one) and one game turn consists of two actions: GAME ENDS
The game ends when one of these two scenarios occurs:
[1] DISCARD COUNTERS: The player may optionally discard any number of counters he/she has in
his/her possession back into the cup. - A player's all space ships have been eliminated. The other player immediately wins!

[2] The player must perform either sub-action [2a] or [2b]: - All (non-eliminated) red space ships have moved into the blue starting zone and all (non-eliminated)
blue space ships have moved into the red starting zone. Each player then calculates their remaining
[2a] DRAW COUNTERS: Shake the cup and randomly draw three counters or less. Keep them hidden space ship fleet value (do not count eliminated space ships) using each ship's respective PTS value.
from the other player. A player may never have more than five counters in his/her possession at any The player with the highest remaining space ship fleet value is the winner!
time during the game.
If the player draws a MOVE AST counter, immediately reveal it and randomly select one of the asteroids mats.lintonsson@gmail.com
using the die. Then randomly determine which direction the selected asteroid will move. It may move in mats77 (user-id at www.boardgamegeek.com)
four directions (not diagonally). It cannot move out of the board edges or into a square containing http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/39442
another asteroid. Repeat until successfully moved one square. If the selected asteroid is moved into a http://games.mrdo.se
square containing a space ship, that space ship is eliminated and removed from the board for the rest of
this game. After moving the asteroid, discard the MOVE AST counter back into the cup and continue
this sub-action. The drawing of the MOVE AST counter, counts towards the maximum drawing limit of
three counters.

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