GR 10 Health
GR 10 Health
GR 10 Health
I. Introduction
Where did you last spend your money?
What item did you buy? Why?
What kind of service did you last avail?
Who recently shared with you a new health
In this light, we must all be educated consumers who make wise selection of
information, products, and services that are scientifically proven and legally approved.
It is our duty to evaluate and examine the reliability of the sources.
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II. Learning Competencies
The learner:
III. Pre-Assessment
Activity A: Identify the concepts being described in each item. Fill in the missing
letters to complete the crossword puzzle.
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3. Sale of products that are not scientifically proven to be effective; fraudulent
advertisement or promotion
4. Healthcare practitioner who specializes in problems of the teeth
5. Allied health professional who provides healthcare to patients in hospitals
6. Public health insurance mandated by Philippine law
A teenager once went to the local market to buy materials for a Science
project. Upon passing by some stalls, he was invited for a free orientation on
the latest product of a company. The company was selling “health rings” that
can detect the mood of a person and help lower body temperature and blood
pressure. The teenager was easily attracted, which made him buy two health
rings for himself and his sister. He spent Php 600 for the items.
After a week, the teenager and his sister developed red spots and
rashes on their fingers. Upon checking, the rings are observed to have rust
around them. The teenager wants to file a complaint so the company may
return his money.
4. What would you ask yourself before buying a health product to avoid the
same experience?
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Part I: WHAT TO KNOW No. of Sessions: 4
d. When is the best time to trim my fingernails?
e. What is the most effective way to lose weight?
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Health information is any concept, step, or advice that various sources give
to aid the health status of an individual. The type of information varies depending
on “diseases, sexual health, weight loss/gain, drugs and alcohol, depression/mental
illness, violence, smoking, eating disorders, acne/skin care, local clinics, and sexual
assault” (Payne, et al., 2005). The information is critical as it may alter the health
conditions of a person. Another important characteristic of health information is that
it is continuously and rapidly changing. Thus, it “should be timely, relevant, culturally
appropriate, accessible, and delivered in a relevant format” (Galvez Tan, et al., 2009).
There is a great need to update oneself regarding current research and evidence
available in the field.
Activity 3: STOP OR GO
Warts are contagious.
Chocolates cause acne and pimples.
Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis.
Healthy people who eat a balanced diet do not need
Sleeping with wet hair causes mental disorders.
Jumping from the third step of the stairs on the first day of
menstruation reduces the number of bleeding days.
Circumcision is done for hygienic purposes only.
Touching hands of people with HIV may infect you with such.
Putting toothpaste on burns causes irritation.
Sleep need varies depending on the individual
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Aside from health information, people also consume health products. Health
products are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic
reagents, and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a combination of and/or
a derivative thereof (FDA Act, 2009). These products may be purchased from various
places like supermarkets, pharmacies, and hospitals.
1. List five examples of health products that people buy and consume.
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Activity 5: LET’S GO BACK
Reliable Unreliable
People acquire health information and products from various sources like
people, media, and technology. It is important to identify the reliability of these sources.
Aside from health information and products, people also avail of various health
services from different providers.
I. Health Professionals
Individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health
programs. An example of a health professional is a physician. A physician records
the medical history of individuals, provides diagnoses, performs medical examinations,
and prescribes medications. There are different types of physicians based on their
area of specialization.
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Activity 6: DOCTOR WHO?
What are the different types of physicians?
Match the type of the physician with the area of specialization below.
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
What are the other medical specializations that you know? List them and their areas
of expertise below.
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a. Hospital
It is an institution where people undergo medical diagnosis,
care and treatment. A hospital offers different types of medical care
like inpatient and outpatient care. Inpatient care refers to care given
to individuals who need to stay inside the hospital to receive proper
treatment, monitoring and care. On the other hand, outpatient care
refers to treatment that does not require an individual to stay inside the
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b. Walk-In Surgery Center
It is a facility that offers surgery without the patient being
admitted in the hospital.
c. Health Center
The services in a health center cater to a specific population
with various health needs.
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Health insurance may be sourced from both public and private companies. An
example of public health insurance is PhilHealth. As mandated by law in the country,
employees of both public and private companies avail of PhilHealth. It requires a small
monthly contribution from its members. These contributions are saved and used for
the medical care needed by a PhilHealth member.
Time To Read
Using a computer with an internet connection, identify at least two other health
insurances offered in the country. If without an Internet connection, you may inquire
from the nearest hospital/medical center.
Write a short paragraph about each health insurance and its benefits. Cite your
resources properly.
“Consumers today face an amazing array of choices when they consider taking
action to improve their health or seek care for a health problem” (Donatelle, 2006).
In addition to health professionals, there are also many other forms of healthcare
that offer alternatives. These complementary and alternative healthcare modalities are
often taken because some individuals believe that traditional medical care may not be
enough to treat a particular health condition. A complementary medicine is availed and
integrated together with traditional medicine. On the other hand, alternative medicine
is offered in place of traditional medicine.
In our country, Republic Act No. 8423 or the Traditional and Alternative
Medicine Act of 1997 provisioned the creation of the Philippine Institute of Traditional
and Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC), which works closely with the Department of
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Health. The PITAHC is also the law-making body with regards to the effective use
of traditional and alternative medicine. Here are examples of the PITAHC-approved
alternative modalities
Herbal medicine
There are 10 herbs that are proven and tested to have medicinal value and
approved by the Department of Health” (Galvez Tan, et al., 2009)
Herb Medicinal value
8. A S A T N G B A T U G For mouthwash
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9. N I P A S T – N A S I P A N T For arthritis and gout
1. Acupuncture
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3. Reflexology
4. Acupressure
5. Nutrition Therapy
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Activity 9a: NEWSPAPER ADS
1. Cut out pictures of advertisements of different complementary and
healthcare modalities.
In 2-3 paragraphs, write your thoughts about the question, “Why are health
professionals, whether those that offer traditional, alternative, or complementary, not
present in a lot of rural municipalities in the country?”
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1. Do a survey in your community about the various health services offered.
2. Complete the table with the information that you will gather.
3. Answer the question in one paragraph.
Barangay _______________
How effective and efficient are your community’s healthcare professionals and
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Health Services
Health Information Health Products
Reliable Sources Examples:
Health Health Facilities
Professionals Examples:
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Part II: WHAT TO PROCESS No. of Sessions: 1
Reflection Questions:
There are three major characteristics of health quackery (Schaler & Carroll,
undated). First, it is a big business. A huge amount of money is spent on fraudulent
health products and services. Second, it multiplies and spreads fast. Lastly, it thrives
on individuals who are diagnosed with illnesses that are known to have no cure.
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Activity 11: QUACK, QUACK!
b. Nutrition quackery
Nutrition quackery involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional
practices that claim to be all-natural. These are believed to have beneficial
properties of multiple plants in one product.
c. Device quackery
Device quackery makes use of miraculous gadgets (such as dials,
gauges, electrodes, magnets, and blinkers) that are believed to cure certain
health conditions.
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Activity 12: MORE QUACKS!
Complete the table by writing other examples of medical, nutrition, and device
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Activity 14: A BAD QUACK
Physical Psychological
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You are faced with health information and products every day from different
people and forms of media. But to simply know the source of information and product
is reliable (or unreliable) may sometimes be not enough. It is also important to learn
how to evaluate the reliability of the health information and product.
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Complete the criteria below by supplying the missing letters. Use the
descriptions as your guide.
When evaluating health information and products, you must check for:
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“Health insurance should cover standard risks of illness and injury for family
members.” (Meeks, et al., 2011). There are two types of expenses involved in health
insurance: covered expense and exclusion. Covered expense refers to the coverage
of medical services that can be paid by the company issuing the health insurance. On
the other hand, exclusions are specific services that are not paid by the issuer.
Forms of health insurance are not all the same. It is important to study the
plan before availing it. Here are some actions that may be taken to evaluate a health
insurance (Meeks, et al., 2011):
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Activity 20: THINK ABOUT IT
Pros Cons
The Consumer Act of the Philippines is a law that protects the interest of
the consumer, promotes general welfare, and establishes standards of conduct for
business and industry. There are 8 basic rights of a consumer according to the act
(Galvez Tan, et al., 2009).
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4. The right to ___________________ This is the right to choose products at
competitive prices with an assurance of
satisfactory quality.
Aside from the Consumer Act of 2009, there are also other international and
national consumer advocacy groups that advocate for our health.
Reflection Questions:
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By knowing your consumer rights, you have the power to report illegal and
fraudulent health products and services. Here are some government firms that we
can approach to report. Identify them.
What are other government agencies where we can report fraudulent health
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Activity 22: I ASSERT!
How do you write a letter of complaint for the purchase of a fraudulent product?
Read the letter.
Your Turn!
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PART IV: WHAT TO TRANSFER No. of Sessions: 1
1. Create your choice of any product in the list on any of the listed topics on
consumer health.
Product Topic
Song / Poem / Commercial Jingle Wise and intelligent consumers
Artwork / Poster Consumer protection
Brochure Health services
Video Combatting quackery
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Under the law, the consumers are protected with rights such as _________,
________________, ________________, and _________________. With these
rights, a consumer may be able to report incidences of fraudulent practices and
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Jones, K., Shainberg, L., & Byer, C. (1975). Consumer Health. (2 nd ed.). San
Francisco: Canfield Press.
Schaller & Carroll. (1979). Health, Quackery & the Consumer. W.B. Sanders
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