Enclosure 4. Teacher-Made Learner's Home Task: 7MT-Ia-1
Enclosure 4. Teacher-Made Learner's Home Task: 7MT-Ia-1
Enclosure 4. Teacher-Made Learner's Home Task: 7MT-Ia-1
The purpose of
conducting an
experiment is to be a
detective and decipher
the answer to a
question that interests
you in an organized
way using the
scientific method.
Writing your conclusion is an important part of the investigation. You want to
share with everyone else what you found out in your sleuthing.
Since you’ve been following the scientific method throughout your investigation,
you want to write an organized conclusion that summarizes your experimental
findings in a clear and complete way. You write the conclusion after you finish
the experiment and graph the data.
The conclusion gives a snapshot of what you accomplished so it contains
summary information about the experiment as well as the conclusions. Here are
the important points that a well-written conclusion includes:
1. Restatement of the hypothesis. This sentence reminds your audience what
you set out to accomplish.
2. Short summary of the experiment. The summary includes just one or two
sentences that explain how the experiment was conducted.
3. What the data shows. State what the data showed in one or two sentences.
4. Your conclusion. Clearly state how the data supports or doesn’t support the
hypothesis. Be accurate; an experiment that does not support its hypothesis
is just as valuable as one that does.
5. Changes to the experiment. Write a sentence that indicates how the
experiment could be improved.
6. What next? Give an idea of what question you’d like to explore next on this
topic. This idea is related to the experiment you just did.
Example conclusion:
My hypothesis was that coleus plants that were given fertilizer would grow
taller than plants without fertilizer. I used two sets of coleus plants kept
under the same conditions except for the amount of fertilizer. The coleus
plants given one teaspoon of 10-10-10 fertilizer grew on average 2 ½ inches
taller than plants without fertilizer. If I were to conduct this experiment again
I would add another group of plants and give them 2 teaspoons of fertilizer to
see if these plants would grow even taller. Because of the results of this
experiment, I wonder if adding fertilizer would cause plants to produce more
flowers as well as grow taller.
Read more:
ii. Key points:
C. Assessment/Application
Directions: From your previous activity, rewrite your problem, hypothesis, and
experiment then create a conclusion based from gathering and analyzing the data.
Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
Prepared by:
School Head