Present Position: Dr. P.Lakshmi
Present Position: Dr. P.Lakshmi
Present Position: Dr. P.Lakshmi
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Cellphone : 9444266117
e-Mail ID :
Present Position
Previous Positions
Other Employment
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Research Degree
Area of Specialisation
Research Guidance
1. P.Lakshmi and M.Abdullah Khan, " Design of a robust power system stabilizer using fuzzy logic
for a multi-machine power system", International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research,
published by ELSEVIER. Vol. 47, pp. 39-46 (1998).
3. Shanmuga Sundaram M., Lakshmi P., Venkatesan A., Rajasundaram P., Sundari C.,
Venugopal S. and Purnaiah B, " Smart PLC based intelligent control and monitoring systems
for In-Sodium test facility", Journal of Instrument Society of India, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 304-313
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4. Shanmuga Sundaram M., Lakshmi P., Venkatesan A., Rajasundaram P., Sundari C.,
Venugopal S. and Purnaiah B, " Power Supply Systems for In-Sodium Testing Facility", Journal
of Instrument Society of India, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 82-90 (2006).
5. Shanmuga Sundaram M., Lakshmi P., Venkatesan A., Rajasundaram P., Sundari C.,
Venugopal S. and Purnaiah B, "Advanced Neural & Fuzzy Temperature & Flow Control
Systems for In-Sodium Testing Facility", Journal of Instrument Society of India, Vol. 36, Issue
2, pp. 91-100 (2006).
6. Udhayakumar K, Lakshmi P, "Hybrid Posicast Controller for a DC-DC Buck Converter", Serbian
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 121-137 (2007).
7. Shanmuga Sundaram M., Lakshmi P., Venkatesan A., Rajasundaram P., Sundari C.,
Venugopal S. and Purnaiah B, " PLC based practical surface heater temperature control in
In-Sodium test facility", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) Electronics and
Telecommunication, Vol. 87, pp. 34-37 (2007).
8. Srinivasan A. and Lakshmi P, " Wiener Model Based Controller Design for Physical Heat
Exchanger", AMSE Trans on Modelling and Control- Part B, Mechanics and Thermics , Vol. 77,
Issue 6, pp. 74-88 (2008).
9. Srinivasan A. and Lakshmi P, "Identification and control of Wiener type process applied to
real‐time heat exchanger", Asia pacific journal of chemical Engineering, Vol. 3, pp.
622-629 (2008).
10. K.Rajeswari and P.Lakshmi, "GA tuned distance based fuzzy sliding mode controller for vehicle
suspension systems", FEIIC, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5,
Issue 1, pp. 36-47 (2008).
11. Lakshmi P. and Udhayakumar K, ""Design of Efficient and Hybrid-Nonlinear Controller for
DC-DC Power Converters", UPA International Journal of Power System and Power Electronics,
Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 80-90 (2008).
12. Srinivasan A. and Lakshmi P, " Wiener model based Real-time identification and control of heat
exchanger process", Journal of Automation and Systems Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.
30-40 (2008).
13. Lakshmi P. and Srinivasan A, "Wiener model based Nonlinear PID controller for CSTR", UPA
International Journal of Power Systems & Power Electronics, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 7-12 (2009).
14. K.Rajeswari and P.Lakshmi, "A PSO tuning of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Vehicle Suspension
System", Strojnicky casopis Journal of Mechanical Engineering , Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 215-231
15. T.Deepa and P.Lakshmi, "Coordinated Controller Tuning of Boiler Turbine Unit using Bacteria
Foraging based Particle Swarm Optimization", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.
64, Issue 3, pp. 446-455 (2011).
16. T.Deepa and P.Lakshmi, "Control of boiler turbine units using GA based Discrete Time Model
Predictive Control", International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Control, Vol. 3, Issue 2,
pp. 61-71 (2011).
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
17. Balasingh Moses.M, Ramachandran .V and Lakshmi. P, "An Effective Service Oriented Model
for Power System Transient Stability Analysis", International Journal of Computer and Electrical
Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 1793-8163 (2011).
18. Balasingh Moses.M, Ramachandran .V and Lakshmi. P, "Service Oriented Architectural Model
For Load Flow Analysis In Power Systems", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 62, Issue 4,
pp. 227-232 (2011).
19. 20. Balasingh Moses.M, Ramachandran .V and Lakshmi. P, "An Effective distributed Model for
Power System Transient Stability Analysis", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp. 71-76 (2011).
20. Balasingh Moses.M, Ramachandran .V and Lakshmi. P, " Cloud Services for Power System
Transient Stability Analysis", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 56, Issue 3, pp.
301-310 (2011).
21. K.Rajeswari and P.Lakshmi, " Simulation Of Active Suspension System With Skyhook And
Force Tracking Control", International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded
Systems, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 43-50 (2011).
22. K.Rajeswari and P.Lakshmi, "Simulation Of Suspension System With Sliding Mode Observer
And Control", Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 4, pp. 76-83 (2011).
23. Rajeswari, K. and Lakshmi, P, "Vibration control of mechanical suspension system using
LabVIEW", Int. J. Instrumentation Technology, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 60-71 (2011).
24. T.Deepa and P.Lakshmi, " BBO Based Controllers For A Multivariable Systems", Journal of
Electrical Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 4, pp. 153-165 (2012).
25. C. Priya and P. Lakshmi, "Particle swarm optimisation applied to real time control of spherical
tank system", Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation, Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 206-216 (2012).
26. T.Deepa and P.Lakshmi, "Study and Comparison of PI Controller Tuning Techniques using
Bacteria Foraging and Bacteria Foraging based Particle Swarm Optimization", International
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 571-586 (2012).
27. K.Rajeswari and P.Lakshmi, "PSO tuned Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Controller for Vehicle
Suspension Systems", Journal Of Advances In Information Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.
57-63 (2012).
28. Karthick S, Lakshmi.P, Deepa. T, " Comparison Of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for a Multivariable
Process", International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp.
57-62 (2013).
29. T.Deepa , P.Lakshmi, "Comparison of PI controller tuning using GA and PSO for a
Multivariable Experimental Four Tank System", International Journal of Engineering and
Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp. 4660-4671 (2013).
30. R.Kalaivani and P.Lakshmi, K.Rajeswari, " Real Time Vibration Control of Active Suspension
System with Active Force Control using Iterative Learning Algorithm", International Journal of
Advanced Computer Research, Vol. 3, Issue 12, pp. 129-134 (2013).
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
31. T.Deepa, P.Lakshmi, " Elimination of Chattering Using Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Drum
Boiler Turbine System", Control Engineering And Applied Informatics, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp.
78-85 (2013).
32. S Sunithamani, P Lakshmi, E Eba Flora, "PZT length optimization of MEMS piezoelectric
energy harvester with a non-traditional cross section: simulation study", Microsystem
Technologies, Vol. 20, Issue 12, pp. 2165-2171 (2014).
33. J.D.Anunciya, V.Uma, P.LAKSHMI, " Congestion Management in Deregulated Power System
by Fuzzy Based Optimal Location and Sizing of UPFC", WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on POWER
SYSTEMS, Vol. 9, pp. 258-266 (2014).
34. S Sutha, P Lakshmi, S Sankaranarayanan, " Sliding Mode Observer Design for Nonlinear
Modified Quadruple Tank Process", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
Vol. 9, Issue 27, pp. 9427-9432 (2014).
35. Priya Chandrasekar, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, "Comparative study of controller for a variable area
MIMO interacting nonlinear system", International Journal of Engineering and Technology , Vol.
6, Issue 1, pp. 227-235 (2014).
36. VM Hari, P Lakshmi, R Kalaivani, "Time domain analysis of servo and regulatory responses of
various controllers", 2014 Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC),
published by IEEE. pp. 130-134 (2014).
37. K. Thiruppathi1, P. Lakshmi, K. Sudarsan, Dhilsha Rajapan, R. Kirubagaran, " A study on the
effect of pulsed power ultrasound waves on marine biofouling", Indian Journal of Geo-Marine
Sciences, published by NISCAIR-CSIR, India. Vol. 43, Issue 11, pp. 2169-2174 (2014).
39. Deepa Thangavelusamy, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, " Comparison of PI controller tuning using GA
and PSO for a Multivariable Experimental Four Tank System", International Journal of
Engineering and Technology , Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp. 4660-4671 (2014).
41. Kalaivani R, Lakshmi P,Sudhagar K, "A Hybrid Fish Swarm Based Differential Evolution
Approach for Vibration Control of Vehicle Active Suspension System ", International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research , Vol. 9, Issue 26, pp. 8756-8761 (2014).
42. Kalaivani R , Lakshmi P and Sudhagar K, "Vibration Control of Vehicle Active Suspension
System Using Novel Fuzzy Logic Controller", International Journal of Enterprise Network
Management , Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 139-152 (2014).
43. Kalaivani Rajagopal and Lakshmi Ponnusamy, " Multi objective optimization of vehicle active
suspension system using DEBBO based PID controller", International Journal of Engineering
and Technology (IJET), Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 252-262 (2014).
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
44. R. Kalaivani and P. Lakshmi, "Biogeography-Based Optimization of PID Tuning Parameters for
the Vibration Control of Active Suspension System", Journal of Control Engineering and
Applied Informatics, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 31-39 (2014).
45. K. Rajeswari, S. Lavanya and P. Lakshmi, "Modified Grey Fuzzy Logic Controller for Vehicle
Suspension System", International Review of Mechanical Engineering , Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp.
153-161 (2014).
46. V. Geetha Priya, P. Lakshmi, V. Arthi, " FPGA based Tuned PID Controller for Speed Control
of DC Motor using Xilinx System Generator", International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research , published by Research India Publications. Vol. 10, Issue 6, pp. 5217-5222 (2015).
48. Dhass Avithi Desappan, Elumalai Natarajan, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, "Performance Evaluation of
Photovoltaic System in Humid Atmosphere", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 787, pp.
57-61 (2015).
49. Kalaivani R and Lakshmi P, "Mishmash of BBO and DE for Tuning the Parameters of PID
Controller applied to Active Suspension System of Quarter Car Model", Jordan Journal of
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 85-102 (2015).
50. R Kalaivani, P Lakshmi, K Rajeswari, "An Improved Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Approach Based
Sliding Mode Controller for Vehicle Active Suspension System", JOURNAL OF VIBRATION
ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 3, pp. 431-446 (2015).
51. Priya Chandrasekar, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, "Comparison of GSA and hybrid PSOGSA tuned
controller for a nonlinear SISO system", International Journal of Enterprise Network
Management, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp. 175-184 (2015).
53. Kalaivani Rajagopal Lakshmi Ponnusamy, "Hybrid DEBBO Algorithm for Tuning the
Parameters of PID Controller Applied to Vehicle Active Suspension System", Jordan Journal of
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 85 - 102 (2015).
56. Rajeswari Kothandaraman, Lavanya Satyanarayana, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, " Grey Fuzzy
sliding Mode controller for Vehicle Suspension System", Journal of Control Engineering and
Applied Informatics, Vol. 17, Issue 3, pp. 12-19 (2015).
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
57. S Rajendiran, P Lakshmi, " Simulation of PID and fuzzy logic controller for integrated seat
suspension of a quarter car with driver model for different road profiles", Journal of Mechanical
Science and Technology, published by Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers. Vol. 30, Issue
10, pp. 4565-4570 (2016).
59. R Kalaivani, K Sudhagar, P Lakshmi, "Neural Network based Vibration Control for Vehicle
Active Suspension System", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 1,
61. V Geetha Priya, P Lakshmi, Elaprolu Hema, "Low Cost and Efficient Implementation of Sobel
Edge Detector", Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, published by
Asian Research Consortium. Vol. 6, Issue 12, pp. 313-326 (2016).
63. S Sutha, P Lakshmi, S Sankaranarayanan, K Lenin, "Robust improvement using ITSMC for a
multivariable process", Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, published by
American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Informati. Vol. 10, Issue 7, pp. 56-69 (2016).
64. Uma Velayutham, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, Gomathi Venugopal, "Minimization of cost and
congestion management using interline power flow controller", The international journal for
computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol. 35, Issue 5, pp.
1495 - 1512 (2016).
66. S Sunithamani, P Lakshmi, "Experimental study and analysis of unimorph piezoelectric energy
harvester with different substrate thickness and different proof mass shapes", Microsystem
Technologies, published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 2421-2430
67. T Yuvapriya, P Lakshmi, "Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Reduction of Vibration in Full
Car Model using Active Suspension System", Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences
and Humanities, published by Asian Research Consortium. Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 302-313
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
68. S Rajendiran, P Lakshmi, B Rajkumar, " Reduction of Body Acceleration in the Quarter Car
Model using Fractional Order Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller.", International Journal of Vehicle
Structures & Systems , Vol. 9, Issue 2, pp. 128-133 (2017).
69. S Rajendiran, P Lakshmi, " Enhancing Ride Comfort Using Fractional Order Terminal Sliding
Mode Controller For The Active Suspension System In The Half Car Model", Journal of Control
System and Control Instrumentation, Vol. 3, Issue 3, (2017).
70. Priya Chandrasekar, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, "Research on variable area hybrid system using
optimized Fractional Order Control and Passivity-Based Control", Computers & Electrical
Engineering, published by Pergamon. Vol. 57, pp. 324-335 (2017).
71. Thiruppathi Keppayan, Lakshmi Ponnusamy, Kirubagaran Ramalingam, " Experimental High
Pressure Process Control of Novel Deep-Sea Microbial System", Journal of Computational and
Theoretical Nanoscience, published by American Scientific Publishers. Vol. 14, Issue 9, pp.
4399-4405 (2017).
73. T Deepa, P Lakshmi, V Balaji, " Intelligent Based Controllers for Multivariable Boiler Turbine
Systems", International Journal of Chemical Sciences, published by Trade Science Inc. Vol. 15,
Issue 2, pp. 1-15 (2017).
74. K Karthikeyan, P Lakshmi, "Biogeography Inspired Optimization Approaches for Optimal Sizing
of PSS to Mitigate Electromechanical Mode Oscillations in Power System", Asian Journal of
Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, published by Asian Research Consortium. Vol.
7, Issue 3, pp. 77-104 (2017).
75. T Yuvapriya, P Lakshmi, S Rajendiran, " Vibration suppression in full car active suspension
system using fractional order sliding mode controller", Journal of the Brazilian Society of
Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Vol. 40, Issue
4, (2018).
76. S. Rajendiran, P Lakshmi, B Rajkumar, "Enhancing the travel comfort of quarter-car model
using fractional order terminal sliding mode controller", Journal of Advances in Vehicle
Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 4, (2018).
77. K.Karthikeyan , P.Lakshmi, "Design of PSS for multimachine systems using modified swarm
optimization algorithm with wind energy generation", Caribbean Journal of Science, Vol. 5,
Issue 1, pp. 272-290 (2019).
78. V. Geetha Priya, P. Lakshmi, V. Arthi, " Development Of Embedded Controller For Small Scale
Dc Motors Using Fpga", Journal Of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 383-388
79. S. Rajendiran, P Lakshmi, "Performance Analysis of Fractional Order Terminal SMC for the
Half Car Model with Random Road Input", Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies,
published by Springer . pp. 1-11 (2019).
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
85. T.Yuvapriya, P.Lakshmi, S.Rajendiran, "Vibration control and performance analysis of full car
active suspension system using fractional order terminal sliding mode controller", Archives of
Control Sciences, published by Committee of Automatic Control and Robotics PAS. Vol. 30,
pp. 295-324 (2020).
86. J.Arunguvai, P.Lakshmi, "Flexible nano-vibration energy harvester using three-phase polymer
composites", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, published by Springer US.
Vol. 31, Issue 11, pp. 8283-8290 (2020).
1. K Karthikeyan, P Lakshmi, "Optimal design of PID controller for improving rotor angle stability
using BBO" presented in a International level conference on INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE
ON MODELLING OPTIMIZATION AND COMPUTING, organised by Noorul Islam Centre for
Higher Education, India from 10-Apr-2012 to 11-Apr-2012.
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
7. C.Priya, P.Lakshmi, "Passivity based level controller design applied to a nonlinear SISO
system" presented in a International level conference on International Conference on Green
Computing, Communication and Conservation of Energy (ICGCE), India from 12-Dec-2013 to
8. J.Arunguvai, P. Lakshmi, S.Sutha, "T-S fuzzy modeling for SISO and MIMO processes"
presented in a International level conference on Fifth International Conference on Advanced
Computing (ICoAC), India from 18-Dec-2013 to 20-Dec-2013.
11. R Kalaivani, P Lakshmi, K Sudhagar, "“Hybrid (DEBBO) Fuzzy Logic Controller for quarter car
model " presented in a International level conference on UKACC International Conference on
Control (CONTROL), Loughborough, UK from 09-Jul-2014 to 11-Jul-2014.
12. VM Hari, P Lakshmi, R Kalaivani, "Time domain analysis of servo and regulatory responses of
various controllers" presented in a International level conference on IEEE International
Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), India from 17-Dec-2014 to 19-Dec-2014.
13. VM Hari, P Lakshmi, R Kalaivani, "Design and implementation of adaptive neuro fuzzy
inference system for an experimental active suspension system" presented in a International
level conference on IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation, Control and
Embedded Systems (RACE), India from 18-Feb-2015 to 20-Feb-2015.
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
16. B Rajkumar, P Lakshmi, S Rajendiran, "Vibration control of quarter car integrated seat
suspension with driver model for different road profiles using fuzzy based sliding mode
controller" presented in a International level conference on IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Computing (ICoAC), , India from 15-Dec-2015 to 17-Dec-2015.
20. P Swethamarai, P Lakshmi, "Design and Implementation of Fuzzy-PID Controller for an Active
Quarter Car Driver Model to minimize Driver Body Acceleration" presented in a International
level conference on 13th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, USA from
08-Apr-2019 to 11-Apr-2019.
21. T Yuvapriya, P Lakshmi, "Design of Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller for Semi Active
Suspension System" presented in a International level conference on 13th Annual IEEE
International Systems Conference, USA from 08-Apr-2019 to 11-Apr-2019.
23. P Mangaiyarkarasi, P Lakshmi, V Sasrika, "Grey Wolf optimization Based Flexible Piezoelectric
Energy Harvester for Hearing Aid Applications" presented in a International level conference on
13th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, USA from 08-Apr-2019 to 11-Apr-2019.
24. A.D., Kumar, R.S., Lakshmi, P., Natarajan, E., Arivarasan, A., "An investigation on
performance analysis of different PV materials" presented in a International level conference on
Materials Today - Elsevier, India from 08-May-2019 to 10-May-2019.
Programme Organized
1. Coordinator, National level Short Course on "Non Linear Control System" from 04-Dec-2006 to
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
2. Coordinator, National level Short Course on "Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Control" from
18-Jun-2007 to 30-Jun-2007.
3. Coordinator, National level Short Course on "Adavnced Control System" from 08-Jun-2009 to
4. Coordinator, National level Short Course on "Applied Soft Computing" from 24-Nov-2010 to
Programme Attended
2. Participated in a National level workshop on "Embedded Controllers for Solid State Drivers"
organized by Department of EEE, KS Rangasamy College of Technology, Thiruchengode,
India from 21-Apr-2003 to 22-Apr-2003.
3. Attended a National level Short Course on "Professional Ethics" organized by Centre for
Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai, India from 09-Jun-2003 to 13-Jun-2003.
7. Participated in a National level workshop on "Energy Audit and Demand Side Management"
organized by DEEE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India from
01-Mar-2007 to 02-Mar-2007.
9. Attended a National level Short Course on "Power System Analysis" organized by Centre for
Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai, India from 03-Dec-2007 to 15-Dec-2007.
10. Attended a National level Short Course on "Power Electronics" organized by Centre for Faculty
Development, Anna University, Chennai, India from 01-Jun-2009 to 07-Jun-2009.
11. Participated in a National level workshop on "Sustainable Energy and Sustainable Energy
Sources" organized by DEEE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India
from 09-Dec-2009 to 11-Dec-2009.
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
12. Attended a National level Short Course on " Power Quality " organized by Centre for Faculty
Development, Anna University, Chennai, India from 01-Dec-2010 to 07-Dec-2010.
13. Participated in a National level workshop on "Edusat Utilization & Development of E-Learning"
organized by Centre for Faculty Development, Anna University, Chennai, India from
19-Feb-2011 to 19-Feb-2011.
14. Participated in a National level workshop on "Workshop and Training on MEMS Design Tools"
organized by DEEE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India from
28-Mar-2011 to 31-Mar-2011.
15. Attended a National level Short Course on " Fundamentals of Nanoscience and Technology"
organized by Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai, India from 07-Dec-2011 to
16. Attended a National level Short Course on "Process Instrumentation, dynamics and control"
organized by A.C.Tech, Anna university, Chennai, India from 28-Nov-2012 to 05-Dec-2012.
17. Attended a National level Short Course on "Electrical Drives and Embedded control " organized
by DEEE, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India from 17-Dec-2012
to 21-Dec-2012.
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