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50th Anniversary Virtual Gala

Tuesday • October 27 • 2020

RECOLLECTIONS How it all began…

I n 1968, we were working at the NIH as a medical-legal

team on organ donation with the Uniform Law
Commission in drafting the Uniform Anatomical Gift
Act, which was approved by all 50 states by 1971.
Christiaan Barnard had just performed the first human
heart transplant and a race to perform them throughout
the world had begun, raising many ethical questions,
including when did death occur?
We were invited to a brainstorming session led by
two very talented people who were considering creating
the nation’s first bioethics center. That’s when we met Will
Gaylin and Dan Callahan. Their chemistry was remark-
able. Will was outgoing, high energy, with a resonant
voice. Dan was soft spoken, cerebral, and reflective.
Accomplished writers in their own right, they
assembled some of the nation’s giants in bioethics,
including Paul Ramsay, Hans Jonas, Henry Beecher,
Edward Pellegrino, Harold May, and Robert Morrison.
Over the next few months, their idea of creating a
bioethics center was born, as was their plan to have a
combination of scholars in residence and fellows located
throughout the country.
We will always be grateful that, as a pair of 28-year-
olds, we were included in these conversations and
empowered to contribute. From day one, Dan and Will
established a culture of inclusiveness, generosity,
courage, and sensitivity—hallmarks of Hastings ever
Combine two innovative, inspiring leaders with big
ideas and magic can occur. We feel very fortunate to have
been there and to share these perspectives with you on
the 50th anniversary of The Hastings Center.
Blair L. Sadler, JD, and Alfred M. Sadler, Jr., MD
Founding Fellows
From The Hastings Center’s
It is my distinct pleasure to thank you for supporting
The Hastings Center’s 50th Anniversary Virtual Gala and
tonight’s honorees, Andy Adelson and Joshua Boger, PhD. Founded by pioneering
intellectuals, Daniel Callahan and Willard Gaylin, The Hastings Center is credited
by many for establishing the field of bioethics, which focuses on ethical issues at
the intersection of health, science, and technology.

Tonight’s Gala commemorates 50 years of Hastings’ impact in bioethics and

the public launch of a campaign that will set our trajectory for years to come.
Joshua and Andy have been generous and prescient in their support for
expanding our capacity both to advance highly relevant bioethics research and to
educate and engage the public about those issues. It is no coincidence that these
goals are the core objectives motivating our campaign.

Tonight, as we reflect on our past and anticipate our future, I am gratified and
humbled by your support. Our efforts to advance bioethics responses to the
biggest challenges of our day rely on generous partners like you.

Warmest regards,

Mildred Z. Solomon

From The Hastings Center’s
Board Chair

It is an honor to welcome all of you to tonight’s

Gala. With expertise on topics ranging from genetic
sequencing of newborns to human’s interactions with nature to defining death,
The Hastings Center team produces publications and public programming on
ethical questions in health, science, and technology. As issues related to the
pandemic, trust in science, climate change, and social inequalities fill the news,
the world needs bioethics now more than ever.

I hope that our program conveys the excitement of where the Center has
been and where we aim to go. Andy Adelson and Joshua Boger have played
outsized roles in helping to set our trajectory. Eric Topol and his impressive
work demonstrate why bioethics should matter to each of us. On behalf of The
Hastings Center, I thank all of them.

I also am deeply grateful to each of you. A small organization like ours

achieves its impact largely through sustained collaboration with others. We so
appreciate your investment in The Hastings Center’s continued success.


Brad Gray

Willard Gaylin, MD Bradford H. Gray, PhD


James Corbett, JD, MDiv Shonni Silverberg, MD

Andrew Adelson Peter C. Canellos, LLB
Liza Bailey
Joshua Boger, PhD
Liza Bailey
Alan R. Fleischman, MD
Bradford H. Gray, PhD
D. J. (Jan) Baker, JD
Frederic C. Rich, JD Barry S. Coller, MD
David Roscoe Marion Danis, MD
Michael Roth, PhD Joseph J. Fins, MD, MACP
Shonni Silverberg, MD Willard Gaylin, MD
John Usdan Francis Hartley Geer
Robert Huffines
Darrell Kirch, MD
Michele Moody-Adams, PhD
Gilbert S. Omenn, MD, PhD
Harriet S. Rabb, JD
Michael S. Roth, PhD
Cynda H. Rushton, PhD, RN, FAAN
Sarah Schlesinger, MD
Mildred Z. Solomon, EdD
John Usdan

Eli Y. Adashi, MD, MS, CPE, FACOG Christine Kemper
Andrew S. Adelson Lorraine A. LaHuta
Elizabeth Anderson Stacey Lane, JD, MS, MBE
Suzanne Baker, JD Jeffrey Lieberman
Sissela Bok, PhD Nancy Maruyama, MD
Nancy Cahners Meera Mayer, MBA
Art Caplan Harvey Motulsky
Wendy Chung, MD, PhD Donald Moulds, PhD
James Corbett, MDiv, JD Marc Nivet, EdD, MBA
Samuel W. Croll, III Stephen A. Oxman, DPhil
Irene W. Crowe, PhD Michele Penzer
Helen Darling David Pollock
Lee A. Davies, MBA Jean Margo Reid, JD
George Davis Eve Hart Rice, MD
Francine Durrer Frederic C. Rich, JD
Van C. Durrer II David L. Roscoe
Gretchen Dykstra Blair L. Sadler, JD
Harold S. H. Edgar, LLB Heather Sawitsky, JD, MPH
James P. Evans, MD, PhD Harold T. Shapiro, PhD
Renee Chenault Fattah, JD, MA Andrew Solomon
Holly Fogle James E. Stahl, MD, CM, MPH
Howard Getson, JD, MBA Theodore J. Stahl, MD
Al Glowasky Earl Steinberg
Kyle Good Brian M. Stolar, JD, MA
Mary Gover, MD Francis H. Trainer, Jr., MBA
Carol Greider, PhD Victor Villagra, MD, FACP
Richard W. Hallock Quinn Walker
Peter Hofmann, MD David R. Walt, PhD
Lisa Huffines, JD


Willard Gaylin, MD Daniel Callahan, PhD

Co-founder Co-founder
1969 – 1984 1984 – 1996

Strachan Donnelley, PhD Thomas H. Murray, PhD

1996 – 1999 1999 – 2012

Mildred Z. Solomon, EdD

2012 – present

Our Honorees:
Andrew Adelson and Joshua Boger
Andrew Adelson
Andrew Adelson has an impressive reputation of building
organizations, helping them realize their full potential.
Currently a member of The Hastings Center Advisory
Council, Andy contributed his vision and expertise for
12 years on the Center’s Board of Directors. He also has
spearheaded the leadership phase of The Hastings Center’s 50th Anniversary
Comprehensive Campaign. In these capacities, Andy has continuously driven
change at the Center and strengthened its communications capacities and
financial stability. He has been a longtime advocate for The Hastings Center to
amplify public impact in pursuit of its mission.
Andy previously worked with the asset management firm Sanford C.
Bernstein & Co, Inc. as Chief Investment Officer and a member of the Board of
Directors. He is currently Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Anti-
Defamation League and serves on the board of directors of the Grassroots
Business Fund and the Cahn Fellows.
Andy graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a BS in economics
and went on to earn his MBA from the Wharton School in finance and
accounting. He is married with three children and in his free time enjoys golf,
skiing, and photography. The Hastings Center is thrilled to honor Andy through
tonight’s program and grateful for his generosity and investment in its long-term

Joshua Boger, PhD
Joshua Boger is a visionary scientist, entrepreneur, artist,
and change agent who has championed the mission of The
Hastings Center as a member of the Board of Directors.
Deeply committed to rigorous scholarship, he has enabled
the Center to recruit world-class bioethics scholars and to
develop nascent research questions into full-bodied research studies and policy
Joshua is the founder and former CEO of Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorpo-
rated. He is Vice-Chair of Boston’s Museum of Science and Chair of the Celebrity
Series, Boston’s leading non-profit presenter of performing arts, Chair Emeritus
of the Board of Fellows of the Harvard Medical School, former Chair of the Board
of Trustees at Wesleyan University, Chair Emeritus of the Network for Healthcare
Innovation, and former Chair of the national Biotechnology Innovation
Organization (BIO).
Joshua received his BA in chemistry and philosophy from Wesleyan
University and holds a PhD in chemistry from Harvard University. He also has
received an honorary doctorate in science from Wesleyan University. He and
his wife Amy—a pediatrician and ceramic artist—have three sons. Joshua is
also an accomplished professional photographer, concentrating on underwater
photographic art, with nine major gallery shows. The Hastings Center is thrilled
to honor Joshua through tonight’s program and grateful for his generosity and
investment in its long-term success.


Eric Topol, MD
Eric Topol is the Founder and Director of the Scripps
Research Translational Institute, Professor,
Molecular Medicine, and Executive Vice-President of
Scripps Research. As a researcher, he has published over 1,200 peer-reviewed ar-
ticles, with more than 280,000 citations, been elected to the National Academy of
Medicine, and is one of the top 10 most cited researchers in medicine. His prin-
cipal scientific focus has been on the genomic and digital tools to individualize
In 2016, Topol was awarded a $207 million grant from the NIH to lead a
significant part of the Precision Medicine (All of Us) Initiative, a prospective
research program enrolling 1 million participants in the U.S. This is in addition
to his role as principal investigator for a flagship $35M NIH grant to promote
innovation in medicine. He was the founder of a new medical school at Cleveland
Clinic, Lerner College of Medicine, with Case Western University. He has over
280,000 followers on Twitter (@EricTopol), where recently he has been reporting
insights and research findings for COVID-19.
Besides editing several textbooks, he has published 3 bestseller books on the
future of medicine: The Creative Destruction of Medicine, The Patient Will See You
Now, and Deep Medicine: How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Healthcare Human
Again. Lastly, Topol was commissioned by the U.K. in 2018-2019 to lead planning
for the National Health Service’s integration of artificial intelligence and new
■ Opening Remarks
Mildred Z. Solomon, EdD
President, The Hastings Center

■ Honoree Presentations
Joshua Boger, PhD
Presented by Bradford H. Gray, PhD, Board Chair

Andrew Adelson
Presented by Frank Trainer

■ Keynote Eric Topol, MD

Founder and Director
Scripps Research Translational Institute

■ Campaign Update John Usdan, Chair

Public Phase of The Hastings Center
50th Anniversary Campaign

■ Closing Remarks Mildred Z. Solomon, EdD

President, The Hastings Center

Our Mission

T he Hastings Center addresses social and ethical issues in health,

science, and technology. Through our projects and
publications, The Hastings Center shapes ideas that influence key
opinion leaders, including health policy-makers, regulators, health
care professionals, lawyers, legislators, and judges. Our analyses also
influence professional practice: from end-of-life care to psychiatric
practice to immigrant health care, we have helped to shape the
standards of practice adopted by physicians, nurses, and lawyers.
In addition to producing original research, we accomplish our
mission through public engagement and service to the field of

The Hastings Center

21 Malcolm Gordon Road
Garrison, NY 10524

Twitter: @hastingscenter ■ Facebook: facebook.com/hastingscenter ■ Instagram: @thehastingscenter

Daniel Callahan and Willard Gaylin
Founders of The Hastings Center

T he Hastings Center was founded in 1969 by Daniel Callahan, a

philosopher, and Willard Gaylin, a psychiatrist. They were neigh-
bors in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, just north of New York City. Chatting
at a holiday party, they agreed that there was a need for a research institute that would address the
big ethical questions posed by advances in medicine, such as ventilators and organ transplantation.
Callahan served as the institute’s director from 1969 to 1983 and president from 1984 to 1996.
He was a board member, published articles, and participated in research projects until his death in
July 2019. The topics of his research and writing were wide-ranging—the morality of abortion, the
nature of doctor-patient relationships, the promise and peril of new technologies, the scourge of
high health care costs, the goals of medicine, the medical and social challenges of aging, dilemmas
raised by decision-making near the end of life, and the meaning of death. Callahan is the author or
editor of 47 books, six of which won prizes or special citations. Setting Limits: Medical Goals in an
Aging Society was a finalist for the 1987 Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction.
Gaylin was The Hastings Center’s first president and remains a member of the board. He is also
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. His research con-
cerned ethical issues surrounding behavior control, noting that the power granted to the psychi-
atric profession to name what is “normal” and what is “sick” has had profound effects on behavior
modification. He is the author or editor of 20 books and over 140 articles published in professional
journals and in publications such as Harper’s, The Nation, The New York Times, and The Washington
Post. Gaylin is one of the few practicing psychoanalysts to have been honored by his peers in
Psychiatry and Neurology by election to the Institute of Medicine. He is also a Fellow of the
American Psychiatric Association, and a Fellow of the New York Psychiatric Society.
As the brainchild of Daniel Callahan and Willard Gaylin, The Hastings Center seeded and
helped to establish the field of bioethics and remains the world’s longest-serving independent
research institute of its kind.

The Hastings Center:

A meeting of scholars: (l. to r.) Ronald Bayer, Jeanne Guillemin,

Thomas Murray, Dan Callahan

Dan Callahan and

Will Gaylin in front
of the Center’s first
home in

Will Gaylin on the back lawn at Hastings-on-Hudson

Hastings staff in 1981

Hastings staff in 1974

The Early Years

Strachan Donnelley and Dan

Callahan (l. to r., back center) at a
luncheon staff meeting

Before computers:
Assembling the
Hastings Center

Robert Veatch in his Hastings Center office

Dan Callahan (at podium) and Will Gaylin

Fun and games: A volleyball game

on the lawn behind the Center
Many thanks to all who supported our 50th Anniversary virtual celebration.


Adelson Family Foundation Suzanne and D.J. (Jan) Baker
Dr. Nancy Maruyama and Charles C. Cahn, Jr. Connie and Peter C. Canellos, LLB
Ali and Lewis Sanders Marc Casper
Drs. Bobbi and Barry S. Coller
James Corbett
PLATINUM SPONSORS Steve Dolcemaschio
Matthew A. Baxter Jonathan Greenblatt
Mark J. Levin Peter Hofmann, MD and William Burback
Ruth and David Levine Stacey and Curtis Lane
Shonni Silverberg, MD & John Shapiro Dr. Jeffrey Leiden
Frank Trainer Liza and Michael Musgrave
Eva and John Usdan Ofer Nemirovksy
Michele and David Walt Patricia and Stephen Oxman
Fred C. Rich
GOLD SPONSORS Linda and David Roscoe
Helen Darling and Bradford H. Gray, PhD Dr. Sarah Schlesinger & Elie Hirschfeld
Kari Weil and Michael Roth, PhD Joanne Waldsteicher


Anti-Defamation League Johnson & Johnson
The Cohen Family Foundation Kronthal Family Foundation, Inc.
Constellation Advancement Lemberg Foundation, Inc.
Cranaleith Foundation Inc. May and Walt Family Charitable Fund
The Ferry Family Helping Hand Fund Reiss Family Fund
Frederic C. Rich Charitable Fund Steinberg Reade Family Foundation
Grassroots Business Fund Thermo Fisher
The Jessica E. Smith and Kevin R. Brine Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Charitable Fund

Toni and Eli Y. Adashi, MD Glen S. Lewy
Robert M. Arnold, MD Joanne Lynn, MD
James L. Bernat, MD Ruth Macklin, PhD
Mitchell Binder Meera and Marc Mayer
Alexander M. Capron, MD Debra and Marc Melnick
Marion Danis, MD Donna Morea
Rebecca Dresser Margaret O’Kane
Harold S. Edgar Gilbert S. Omenn, MD, PhD & Martha Darling
Rabbi Amy B. Ehrlich & Dr. Joseph J. Fins Robert Pearlman, MD, MPH
Sharon Erikson and Peter Carman Harriet and Bruce Rabb
Linda and Alan R. Fleischman Claire Reade and Dr. Earl Steinberg
Gail Geller, ScD, MHS David L. Resnick
Christine Grady Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rubin
Dr. Amy M. Haddad Jeff Singer and Maureen Whitley
Mark A. Hall Bonnie Steinbock
Geri and Mason Haupt Matt Sullivan
Bruce Jennings Ellen and Ted Trief
Lorraine A. LaHuta Robert D. Truog, MD
Karen Lebacqz Benjamin Wilfond, MD

Bruce W. Calvert Robert Truog, MD and Christine Mitchell, RN, MSN,
Marc Cohen MTS, Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics
Gale Epstein Rohan Barrett & Brandy Newlon,
Catherine and David Ferry Harvard Medical School
Dave Gallagher & Chris Cloud Mitchell Binder, Orbit International
Willard Gaylin, MD Arthur Caplan, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Kyle Good Lyn and James T. Flynn
Leah and Jeffrey Kronthal Geri and Mason Haupt
Nancy and Morris W. Offit Loretta Ippolito,
Richard Reiss Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison LLP
Sylvia and Stephen Schoenbaum
Glen S. Lewy
Jessica Smith & Kevin Brine
Dr. Kenneth and Carol Rubin
Dr. Anne and Elliott Sumers
Stanley S. Trotman, Jr. Blair Sadler, JD and Fred Sadler, MD
Suzanne and Mitchel Wainer
Susan Wedlan & Harold Rosen
Andrea and Andrew Yellin
Noreen and Edward (Ned) Zimmerman As of 10/22/20
We are grateful to those who have so generously donated
to the leadership phase of our comprehensive campaign.

Adelson Family Foundation Michele Moody-Adams

The Andrew and Julie Klingenstein Harvey Motulsky and Lisa Norton
Family Foundation Liza and Michael Musgrave
Boger Family Foundation Gilbert S. Omenn, MD, PhD,
Chris Buck and Dr. Hara Schwartz and Martha A. Darling
Nancy L. Cahners The Patrick and Catherine Donaghue Medical
Peter and Connie Canellos Research Foundation
The Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Jean Margo Reid
Edgar Cheng Eve Hart Rice, MD and Timothy Mattison, MD
Drs. Bobbi and Barry Coller Nancy and Edward Rice
Louise and Loring Conant The Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust
Marion Danis, MD Linda and David Roscoe
Rabbi Amy B. Ehrlich and Dr. Joseph J. Fins Michael S. Roth and Kari Weil
Alan and Linda Fleischman Cynda Hylton Rushton
Garrison Friends of The Hastings Center Harold Shapiro
Bradford H. Gray and Helen Darling Dr. Shonni Silverberg and John Shapiro
Lisa and Robbie Huffines Mildred Z. Solomon, EdD
The John and Patricia Klingenstein Foundation Ellen and Ted Trief
Dr. Nancy Maruyama and Chuck Cahn Eva and John Usdan

As of 10/6/20

A Thousand Thank Yous

To Andy

For his leadership

and dedication to
The Hastings Center

Lew and Ali Sanders

A well-deserved

and thanks, Andy,
for the good you do!

Dr. Nancy Maruyama and Chuck Cahn


Andrew Adelson
Joshua Boger

Thank you
for all that you do
to help others.

Eva & John Usdan

Congratulations to
Andy Adelson
for all he has done for
The Hastings Center over the years.

Ruth & David Levine

Congratulations to
Our Honorees
Andy Adelson
Joshua Boger
Congratulations to
Our President
Mildred Solomon
for leading an institution that has
only grown more vital over time.

Michael Roth and Kari Weil

We honor
Dan Callahan and Will Gaylin
who invented The Hastings Center fifty years ago
and watched it succeed.
Dan once said, “Raising questions is what
bioethicists do best,” but The Hastings Center has also
always sought to find answers to difficult questions through the
work of its scholars and collaborators.
We salute the Center and its many accomplishments on its
50th Anniversary, and we enthusiastically support the
Center’s continued commitment to pursuing just and
compassionate care across the life span and
the wise use of new technologies.
The Hastings Center’s best days lie ahead!

Bradford Gray and Helen Darling

Honoring our friend
A great philanthropist
and supporter
of The Hastings Center
and its important

With love,
Shonni Silverberg &
John Shapiro

A tireless advocate
for The Hastings Center

Shonni Silverberg & John Shapiro

Congratulations to
Millie, Brad, and
The Entire Hastings Team
on This Great
Milestone Event

Bobbi and Barry Coller

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Congratulations to
Dr. Mildred Solomon
and the
Hastings Center Team
for your invaluable research.

Thank you
for advocating for bioethics
and informing so many.

Peter Hofmann, MD
William Burback

We Join in Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of
The Hastings Center and Salute its Staff, Scholars,
Fellows, Presidential Scholars, Board, Advisory
Council, Donors and Many Friends for Their
Commitment to its Vital Work.

Garrison Friends of The Hastings Center

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The Hasting Center Virtual Gala
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Never Has
The Hastings Center
Scholarship Been More
Liza and Michael Musgrave

With thanks to
The Hastings Center
for inspiring
my latest book
and for
a half century
of superb work.

—Fred Rich


Thanks to both of you

for your creativity, energy,
and many years of passionate
support for The Hastings Center
and its mission.

You have made a difference.

Linda and David Roscoe

Our friend, adviser, and champion

Your passion for and

commitment to life sciences
innovation, responsible science,
and improving health and
well-being for all are an inspiration.

We are proud to support
 The Hastings Center
50th Anniversary Gala
Congratulations to my friend
Andy Adelson
for this well-deserved recognition
of his contributions to advancing
science and health policy.
— Loretta A. Ippolito

PAU L , W E I S S, R I F K I N D, W H A R TO N & G A R R I S O N L L P W W W. PAU LW E I S S .C O M

N E W YO R K | B EI J I N G | H O N G KO N G | LO N D O N | TO K YO | TO RO N TO | WA SH I N G TO N, D C | W I L M I N G TO N

Congratulations to our friend,
Andy Adelson, for his great work on
behalf of The Hastings Center.

Glen & Cheryl Lewy

Congratulations Andy from

your friends at The Bridge
Best Wishes
To Andrew Adelson

The Hastings Center American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation

thanks the following American Cancer Society
foundations and agencies The Donaghue Foundation
for supporting our current
The Knight Foundation
research projects:
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation
The Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Russell Sage Foundation

Congratulations to The Hastings Center.
Thank you for the work you do to ensure
responsible health and science.

NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Division of Medical Ethics

In recognition of David Roscoe’s

outstanding leadership of
The Hastings Center.

From Lyn & Terry Flynn

Dear Dad and Pop,
We are so very proud of all the
wonderful work you do for others.

You are our role model.

We love you very much and

congratulate you on this
wonderful honor.

You so deserve it.

All our love and hugs

Sarah, Richard, Ben, Carlye, Jon and Karen
Noah and Emma

Dear Hastings Center,

Thank you for the privilege and honor

of working with you!

Congratulations to the Staff and Board!

Thank you to my family and friends for

your love and support!

Andy Adelson
We congratulate our dear friend
Andy Adelson on being honored
for his dedication and
meritorious service on behalf of
the mission and great work of
The Hastings Center.

Your friends from Sigma Nu at the

University of Pennsylvania

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