On The Existence of The Pressure For Solutions of The Variational Navier - Stokes Equations
On The Existence of The Pressure For Solutions of The Variational Navier - Stokes Equations
On The Existence of The Pressure For Solutions of The Variational Navier - Stokes Equations
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1 author:
Jacques Simon
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
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We prove that, for a right-hand side valued into V 0 , it is not possi-
ble to associate a pressure to the velocity given by the weak equation
in order to satisfy the Navier–Stokes equations.
1 Introduction
Existence of a solution (u, p) of the Navier–Stokes equations in the space-time
domain Ω × (0, T ), Ω ⊂ IRd , d ≥ 2, has been proved for a right-hand side f in
L2 ((0, T ); (L2 (Ω))d ) by many authors, starting with the fundamental work of
J. Leray [3]; see, e.g., [1], [2], [4]. The methods used are more or less similar
and consist of two steps: first, one determines the existence of a velocity u in
L2 ((0, T ); V ) (weak solution) by solving a weak formulation where the pres-
sure p is eliminated, and, subsequently, one finds the corresponding pressure
by using de Rham’s theorem or similar arguments. The proof easily extends
to the case when f belongs to L1 ((0, T ); (L2 (Ω))d ) or L2 ((0, T ); (H −1 (Ω))d ).
As noticed by J.-L. Lions [5], see also L. Tartar [9] or R. Temam [10],
the existence of a weak solution can be more generally proved for f in
L2 ((0, T ); V 0 ). The question is then wether or not in this situation there
exists a corresponding pressure field. In this note we prove here that, in
general, the answer is negative.
CNRS, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées (UMR 6620),
Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand 2), 63177 Aubière cedex, France.
Our argument is based on the following consideration. The left-hand side
of the equation should lie in the space H −1 ((0, T ); (H −1 (Ω))d ) while the right-
hand side is given in L2 ((0, T ); V 0 ). This equality can be meaningful only if
these two spaces could be imbedded in the same Hausdorff space. But this
is not possible since, by Theorem 1, (H −1 (Ω))d and V 0 themselves cannot be
imbedded in the same Hausdorff space.
2 Topological properties of V 0
Let Ω be a bounded open set in IRd which boundary is connected and is
locally the graph of a Lipschitz function.
We denote D(Ω) = {v ∈ C ∞ (Ω) : support v ⊂ Ω}, D0 (Ω) its dual space,
H (Ω) = {v ∈ L2 (Ω) : ∂v/∂xi ∈ L2 (Ω), 1 ≤ i ≤ d}, H01 (Ω) the closure of
D(Ω) in H 1 (Ω) and H −1 (Ω) its dual space. Dual always means topological
dual equipped with the strong topology and X 0 denotes the dual of a space
We denote V = {v ∈ (D(Ω))d : ∇ . v = 0}, V and H its closure respec-
tively in (H 1 (Ω))d and (L2 (Ω))d . We denote by . the scalar product in IRd
thus ∇ . v = i ∂vi /∂xi and v . ϕ = i vi ϕi .
H ⊂ (H −1 (Ω))d . (2)
V 0 ⊂ E, (H −1 (Ω))d ⊂ E. (3)
and that respectively i(v) and j(v) are identified to v. These identifications
are allowed since i and j are continuous and injective maps. They are con-
tinuous since, for v 6= 0,
ki(v)kV 0 ≤ kj(v)k(H −1 (Ω))d ≤ kvk(L2 (Ω))d .
The map i is injective since i(v) = 0 implies Ω v . ϕ = 0 for all ϕ ∈ V thus,
e = hw, `i(H −1 (Ω))d ×(H01 (Ω))d .
By assumption this cancels if w = j(v) with v ∈ V that is, by (5), Ω v . ` = 0.
Thus, by de Rham’s theorem (see [8] for an easy proof), there exists q ∈ D0 (Ω)
such that ` = ∇q.
On the boundary Γ, ∇q = 0. Since Γ is connected, q is constant on it,
say c, thus q − c ∈ H02 (Ω). Then, for all w ∈ W ,
L(w) = h∇(q − c), wi(H01 (Ω))d ×(H −1 (Ω))d
= −hq − c, ∇ . wiH 2 (Ω)×H −2 (Ω)
Proof of Theorem 1. At first we extend the definition (5) of j(v) to
v ∈ (L2 (Ω))d , that is we still denote j the canonical continuous injective map
from (L2 (Ω))d into (H −1 (Ω))d .
Let q be a non constant harmonic function in IRd and v = ∇q |Ω . Ob-
viously j(v) ∈ W thus, by Lemma 2, there exists a sequence (vn )n∈IN such
that, as n → ∞,
and therefore
| − v) . ϕ|
Ω (vn
ki(vn )kV 0 = sup ≤ kj(vn − v)k(H −1 (Ω))d .
ϕ∈V kϕk(H 1 (Ω))d
vn → 0 in V 0 , vn → v in (H −1 (Ω))d , v 6= 0. u
(see also [10], Theorem 3.1 p. 282 together with the equivalence of problems
3.1 and 3.2 stated p. 282). Given
f ∈ L2 ((0, T ); V 0 ), u0 ∈ H, (6)
there exists
h∂t u − ν∆u + (u . ∇)u, ϕi(H −1 (Ω))d ×(H01 (Ω))d = hf, ϕiV 0 ×V , ∀ϕ ∈ V. (7)
The terms in the left-hand side are defined in the following space:
They get a sense by using the imbeddings (2) and L4/3 (Ω) ⊂ H −1 (Ω) which
are understated when writing the left-hand side of (7).
The Navier–Stokes equation cannot be satisfied due to the following re-
In default of the Navier–Stokes equation (9) itself, another strong equa-
tion may be obtained by using a projection P . To each v ∈ (H −1 (Ω))d we
associate a unique P (v) ∈ V 0 by
hP (v), ϕiV 0 ×V = hv, ϕi(H −1 (Ω))d ×(H01 (Ω))d , ∀ϕ ∈ V.
Let us notice that, on H, P coincide with i. More generally, if v ∈ (L2 (Ω))d ,
then P (v) = i ◦ PrH (v) where PrH is the Hilbert projection from (L2 (Ω))d
onto H.
The properties of this projection are summarized in the following result.
Lemma 4 The map P is linear continuous from (H −1 (Ω))d onto V 0 and is
not one to one. u
Proof. The continuity holds since kP (v)kV 0 ≤ kvk(H −1 (Ω))d .
The range of P is V 0 since, given w ∈ V 0 , by Hann–Banach’s theorem,
there exists we ∈ (H −1 (Ω))d such that hw, ϕiV 0 ×V = hw,e ϕi(H −1 (Ω))d ×(H 1 (Ω))d
for all ϕ ∈ V , whence w = P (w).e
It is not one to one since, if v = ∇q with q ∈ (L2 (Ω))d , then P (v) = 0.
Indeed, hP (v), ϕiV 0 ×V = 0 for all ϕ ∈ V thus, by continuity, for all ϕ ∈ V . u t
Now we are in position to give strong equations which are satisfied by
any solution of the weak equation (7). At first, into V 0 ,
i(∂t u) − νP (∆u) + P ((u . ∇)u) = f in L1 ((0, T ); V 0 ).
This equation is given for d = 2 by L. Tartar in [9], part I, Theorem p. 42
with the notation A = −P ∆ and B(v) = P ((v . ∇)v). For d ≤ 4, it is given
by R. Temam in [10], (3.18) p. 282. It is not totally satisfactory since there
is no pressure term, P is not one to one and V 0 is not a distribution space.
The second possibility is to give an equation into (H −1 (Ω))d : there exist
infinitely many F ∈ L2 ((0, T ); (H −1 (Ω))d ) such that P (F ) = f and p ∈
W −1,∞ ((0, T ); L2 (Ω)) such that
∂t u − ν∆u + (u . ∇)u + ∇p = F in (D0 ((0, T ) × Ω))d .
This is again not satisfactory since F is not unique and may always be choosen
such that p = 0 (it suffices to choose a new couple F 0 = F − ∇p, p0 = 0).
Remark. It is not possible to restore the pressure from an equation valued
into V 0 by a result similar to de Rham’s theorem. Indeed, given g ∈ V 0 , the
assumption hg, ϕiV 0 ×V = 0 for all ϕ ∈ V is nothing else than g = 0. u
4 Equations with a right-hand side valued
into (H −1(Ω))d
For sake of completness, we recall here a result of existence of a velocity–
pressure solution of the Navier–Stokes equation itself, which was proved in
Now, we consider
f ∈ L2 ((0, T ); (H −1 (Ω))d ), u0 ∈ H.
Remark. Remind that H being a closed subset of (L2 (Ω))d , the weak topology
on H is the weak topology induced by (L2 (Ω))d . Therefore
h∂t u − ν∆u + (u . ∇)u, ϕi(H −1 (Ω))d ×(H01 (Ω))d = hf, ϕi(H −1 (Ω))d ×(H01 (Ω))d ,
Ω u ϕ ∈ C([0, T ]), ( Ω u . ϕ)(0) = Ω u0 . ϕ.
Existence of pressure. Let
thus L(v) = q defines now a linear continuous map from E into L2loc (Ω),
whence the first property. The second one follows from the equation (9),
since u ∈ L2+4/d ((0, T ) × Ω). u
5 Remarks on continuity
Another possibility to prove the continuity in Proposition 5 is, see Footnote
(2) p. 74 in [5] or [10], p. 282, to use the following result of J.–L. Lions and
E. Magenes [6], Lemma 8.1 p. 297.
Lemma 6 Let X and Y be two Banach spaces such that X is reflexive and
X ⊂Y.
If g ∈ L∞ ((0, T ); X) and ζ ◦ g ∈ C([0, T ]) for all ζ ∈ Y 0 , then g ∈
C((0, T ); X weak). u
This result is stated in [10], Lemma 1.4 p. 263, without assuming that
X is reflexive (but it is used in [10] only for a reflexive space X). This
assumption cannot be removed.
A counter-example is X = L1 ((0, T )), Y = {v ∈ L1loc ((0, T )) : 0T |v(x)| xdx <
∞} and (
if 0 < x < |t − T /2|,
(g(t))(x) = t−T /2
0 else,
and g(T /2) = 0.
Indeed, g is bounded into L1 ((0, T )) and it is continuous excepted at
t = T /2, thus it is measurable and it lies in L∞ ((0, T ); L1 ((0, T )). Moreover
it is continuous into Y at all t, T /2 included, since kg(t)k
= |t/2 − T /4|.
However it is not continuous into L ((0, T )) weak since 0 (g(t))(x) dx equals
1 if t > T /2 and −1 if t < T /2.
g)(t) = ζ(G(t)). It satisfies G ∈ C([0, T ]; X weak) and it coincides with g in
D0 ((0, T ); X).
It remains to consider the case where X is not dense in Y . Denoting
Z the closure of X in Y , we bring back to the previous case since, for all
ζ ∈ Z 0 , ζ ◦ g ∈ C([0, T ]). To check this last, we observe that, by Hann–
Banach’s theorem, ζ possesses an extension ζ̃ ∈ Y 0 thus ζ ◦ g = ζ̃ ◦ g which
is continuous. u t
Remark. The continuity for the topology of V 0 is not enough to get the
continuity in the distribution sense of a function in L2 ((0, T ); V ). Indeed
there exists w such that
As noticed by J.–L. Lions in [5], Remark 6.5 p. 68, the integrability of
∂t u + ∇p which is given by the Navier–Stokes equation (9) only provides
the continuity into V 0 . The property u ∈ L∞ ((0, T ); H) is the key to go
further. u
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