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Physics 9702 Paper 5 Skill Breakdown of Marks

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Physics 9702 Paper 5


Skill Breakdown of marks

Defining the problem 2 marks
Methods of data collection 4marks
PLANNING Method of analysis 3 marks
Additional detail with safety 6 marks
Total 15 marks

Defining the problem [2]

 Identify independent variable x and dependent variable y (or determine y for

different values of x)
 Identify controlled variable(s) - variable(s) to be kept constant throughout the

Methods of data collection [4]

 Describe how to vary the independent variable

 Describe how the independent and dependent variables are to be measured
 Describe how other variables are to be controlled
 Describe, with the aid of a clearly labeled diagram, the arrangement of
apparatus for the experiment and the procedures to be followed

Method analysis [3]

 Which graph to plot?

 How to verify validity of relationship and find gradient or values of some

Additional detail with Safety considerations [6]

 Must be relevant to experiment and stated with a reason. Eg: In experiments

involving heat, wear heatproof gloves to handle hot apparatus.

 Any details that will help in carrying out the planned experiment.
e.g Perform experiment on sound in soundproof room
e.g Calibrate thermocouple/Hall probe/LDR with known quantities prior to

 For a given independent variable, repeat measurement of dependent variable

and then average: E.g for same drop height, repeat measurement of rebound
height and find its average value

 Any method which makes the variables measurably large to measure them
accurately: E.g use a high power supply to make current large to measure it

 Any details that would make measurement of independent/dependent

variables more accurate
e.g Allow time for pressure/temperature to stabilize before taking readings
e.g Time for more than 10 oscillations to obtain average period
e.g Use fiducial marker at centre of oscillation to help counting fast oscillations
e.g Use milliammeter to measure small currents

 Any details about keep any variable constant:

e.g Use ammeter to monitor current and if current changes, adjust rheostat to
keep current constant.

 Any other variables that should be kept constant.

 Describe measurement of any quantity that would allow determination of the

constant in the gradient of the suggested equation. E.g describe a method to
find  based on measurement of mass and volume to find 𝑘 from gradient = 𝜌

Example 1:

A student wishes to determine the Young modulus 𝐸 of wood from the period of
oscillation of a loaded wooden rule, as shown in the diagram.

An equation relating the period of oscillation T to the overhanging length l of the rule
𝑘𝑙 3 16𝜋 2 𝑀
is 𝑇 2 = . The constant 𝑘 is given by 𝑘 = , where 𝑀 is the mass of the load, 𝑤
𝐸 𝑤𝑑3

is the width of the rule and 𝑑 is the thickness of the rule. Design a laboratory
experiment to test the relationship between 𝑇 and 𝑙 and to determine the Young
modulus of wood. In your account, you should pay particular attention to
(a) the procedure to be followed,
(b) the measurements to be taken,
(c) the control of variables,
(d) how to analyse the data,
(e) how to determine E,
(f) the safety precautions to be taken. [15]

Defining the problem [2]

 𝑙 is the independent variable and 𝑇 is the dependent variable [1]

 Keep 𝑀 constant [1]

Methods of data collection [4]

 A labeled diagram showing the cantilever is fixed with e.g. g-clamp & bench [1]
 Measure 𝑤 and 𝑑 with vernier calipers [1] and then measure 𝑙 with metre rule [1]
Time for 𝑁 oscillations
 𝑇 = with 𝑁 > 10 [1]

Method analysis [3]

 Plot a graph of 𝑇 2 against 𝑙 3 [1]

 Gradient = 𝐸 [1]

16π 2 M 1
 𝐸= × 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 [1]
𝑤𝑑 3

Additional detail with Safety considerations [6]

 Place a bucket of sand below load to catch it in case it falls off [1]
 Keep 𝑤 and 𝑑 constant by using the same rule [1]
 Repeat measurement of 𝑤 and 𝑑 along different positions along the rule and find
their average value. [1]
 Secure load with glue/tape to rule. [1]
 Place a fiducial mark at the centre of the oscillations to help counting the number
of oscillations. [1]
 Measure 𝑀 with a mass balance. [1]
 Use a large value of 𝑀 so that oscillations are not too fast to count /to obtain a
measurable large 𝑇 [1]
 Start timing only after oscillations have settled or for oscillations with small
amplitude to ensure validity of equation [1]

Example 2:

Two students are having a discussion about an experiment in which the air inside a
bell jar is gradually removed. The sound of a ringing bell inside the jar is heard to
diminish in intensity during this process.

One student suggests that the frequency f of a sound wave and the pressure p are
related by the equation 𝑓 = 𝑘𝑝2 where 𝑘 is a constant.

Design a laboratory experiment to find out whether the student is correct. You
should draw a diagram showing the arrangement of your equipment. In your
account, you should pay particular attention to
(a) the procedure to be followed,
(b) the measurements that would be taken,
(c) how the frequency of the sound would be measured using a cathode-ray
(d) the control of variables,
(e) how the data would be analysed,
(f) any safety precautions that you would take.

Defining the problem (2 marks)

 p is the independent variable and f is the dependent variable

(or vary 𝑝 and measure 𝑓) [1]

 Temperature of air is kept constant [1]


Methods of data collection (4 marks)

 Workable arrangement (labeled diagram) [1]

pressure thermometer


to vacuum pump glass jar


 Reduce p by using a vacuum pump to remove air from container [1]

 Measure p with a pressure gauge or manometer [1]
 Use a microphone connected to an oscilloscope to measure 𝑓 [1]

Method of analysis (3 marks)

 Plot a graph of f against p2 [1]

 Equation is correct if graph is a straight line through the origin [1]
 𝑘 = gradient [1]

Additional detail (6 marks)

 Wear goggles in case container implode at very low pressure (for safety) [1]
 f is determined by the equation 𝑓 = 𝑇 ,

where T= length of a complete cycle timebase setting of CRO [1]

 Keep frequency of sound source constant or distance between/orientation of
microphone and loudspeaker constant (as a second controlled variable) [1]
 Use a loudspeaker connected to a signal generator as a sound source [1]
 Use a thermometer to monitor whether temperature remains constant [1]
 Increase CRO y-sensitivity in order to detect quiet sounds at low pressures [1]
 Use vacuum grease to seal points where wires pass through the glass jar [1]

Exercise 1

A student wishes to measure the resistivity of glass. A teacher suggests that its
resistivity is of the order of 106 Ω m which is very large.
Resistivity 𝜌 is defined by the equation
where 𝑅 is resistance, 𝐴 is cross-sectional area and 𝑙 is the length of the material.
The student is given a number of sheets of glass of the same thickness and of
different areas.
Design a laboratory experiment to determine the resistivity of glass. You should draw
a diagram showing the arrangement of your equipment. In your account you should
pay particular attention to
(a) the procedure to be followed,
(b) how the glass would be connected to the circuit,
(c) the measurements that would be taken,
(d) the control of variables,
(e) how the data would be analysed,
(f) any safety precautions that you would take.

Exercise 2

The volume of air in a bottle affects its resonant frequency.

It is suggested that the resonant frequency 𝑓 is related to the volume 𝑉 by the
𝑓2 =
where 𝑘 is a constant.
Design a laboratory experiment to determine whether this equation is correct. You
should draw a diagram showing the arrangement of your equipment. In your account
you should pay particular attention to
(a) the procedure to be followed,
(b) the measurements to be taken,
(c) the control of variables,
(d) how to analyse the data,
(e) the safety precautions to be taken.

Exercise 3

A hammer is often used to force a nail into wood. The faster the hammer moves, the
deeper the nail moves into the wood. This can be represented in a laboratory by a
mass falling vertically onto a nail. It is suggested that the depth d of the nail in the
wood is related to the velocity v of the mass at the instant it hits the nail by the
equation 𝑑 = 𝑘𝑣 𝑛 , where k and n are constants.

Design a laboratory experiment to investigate the relationship between v and d so as

to determine a value for n.

You should draw a diagram showing the arrangement of your equipment. In your
account you should pay particular attention to

(a) the procedure to be followed,

(b) the measurements to be taken,
(c) the control of variables,
(d) the analysis of the data,
(e) the safety precautions to be taken. [15]

Defining the problem [2]

𝐴 is the independent variable and 𝑅 is the dependent variable [1]
Keep the temperature of glass constant. [1]
Methods of data collection [4]

+ EHT -


Crocodile clips
Metal plates 𝑙


Measure 𝑙 with vernier calipers [1]

𝐴 = 𝑤 × 𝑕 where 𝑤 and 𝑕 are measured with a ruler. [1]
𝑅 = 𝐼 , where 𝑉 = voltmeter reading and 𝐼 = ammeter reading [1]

Method of analysis [3]

Plot a graph of 𝑅 against 𝐴 [1]
𝜌= [1]

Relationship is valid if a straight line through the origin is obtained. [1]

Additional detail [6]

Wear thick gloves to handle glass as edges are sharp [1]
Keep 𝐴 normal to current flow [1]
Use EHT (>100 V) to obtain a measureable current [1]
Use the largest side of the glass sheet as A to obtain the largest current. [1]
Use metal sheets that cover the whole cross-sectional areas of the glass sheet to
make electrical contact with the circuit. [1]
Dry clean the glass sheet to obtain good electrical contact with metal plates [1]
Use a G-clamp to make tight electrical contact between metal sheets and glass
sheet. [1]

Defining the problem [2]

𝑣 is indep Var and 𝑑 is dependent var [1]
Keep falling mass constant [1]

Methods of data collection [4]

Change height 𝑕 of falling massing to
change 𝑣 [1] clamped
Velocity of mass 𝑣 is given by mass
𝑣= 2𝑔𝑕 or 𝑣 = [1]

𝑑 = difference between the marks on Set square

nail before mass hit nail and after

mass hit nail or is measured using the Metre rule
tail of Vernier calipers [1] first mark

Method of analysis [3]
lg 𝑑 = lg 𝑘 + 𝑛𝑙𝑔𝑣 [1] second mark
Plot graph of lg 𝑑 against lg 𝑣 [1]
𝑛 = 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 [1] wood
Relationship is valid if a straight line with a non-zero y-intercept is obtained [1]

Additional detail [6]

Use a sand tray to catch falling mass [1]
Use large mass/thin nail/soft wood to obtain measurable large values of 𝑑. [1]
For same 𝑕, repeat measurement of 𝑑 and find its average value [1]
Use different parts of the same wood surface for each test. [1]
Use a plastic tube to guide mass vertically down onto the nail [1]
Use same type of wood and nails [1]
Do a trial experiment to know the right type of soft wood and nail that would give a
wide range of values of 𝑑. [1]
Use set square to ensure nail is vertical. [1]

Defining the problem [2]

𝑉 is indep Var and 𝑓 is dependent var [1]
Keep temperature of air constant [1]

Signal Generator


Volume of air bottle



Methods of data collection [4]

Vary 𝑉 by adding water to or removing water from bottle [1]
Volume of air in bottle, 𝑉 = volume of bottle – volume of water [1]
𝑓 is read off from signal generator [1]
Method of analysis [3]
Plot graph of 𝑓 2 against 𝑉 [1]

k = gradient [1]
Relationship is correct if graph is a straight line passing through origin [1]
Additional detail [6]
Wear ear plugs to prevent damage to ears by loud sounds [1]
Measure volume of water with a measuring cylinder [1]
For a given 𝑉, vary frequency of signal generator from the lowest value, ensuring 𝑓 is
the fundamental frequency [1]
until the loudest sound (resonance occurs) is heard [1]
Perform experiment in a quiet room [1]
Keep intensity of sound constant [1]
V = volume of air + end correction, e, at opening of bottle [1]

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