EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07: D.C. Machine
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07: D.C. Machine
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07: D.C. Machine
❖ Identify different parts of DC machine.
❖ Understand the shunt connections in DC machines.
❖ Study the characteristics of no-load separately excited DC Shunt generator.
❖ Study the characteristics of under-load separately excited DC Shunt generator.
❖ Understand the output voltage control of separately excited DC Shunt generator.
❖ Study the characteristics of no-load self-excited DC Shunt generator.
❖ Compute V.R%.
D.C. Machine
A DC motor like we all know is a device that deals in the conversion of electrical energy to
mechanical energy. DC Machines are of two types:
1. D.C. motor 2. D.C. generator
Following are the main parts of D.C. machines:
1. Magnetic Yoke 2. Pole core and pole shoes 3. Pole coils 4. Armature core
5. Armature coils 6. Commutator 7. Brushes and bearings
❖ Magnetic Yoke: The magnetic frame or the yoke of DC motor made up of cast iron or
steel and forms an integral part of the stator or the static part of the motor. Its main function is to
form a protective covering over the inner sophisticated parts of the motor and provide support to
the armature. It also supports the field system by housing the magnetic poles and field winding
of the dc motor. Magnetic Yoke serves the double purpose:
a) It carries the magnetic flux produced by the poles.
b) It provides the mechanical support for the pole and acts as a protecting cover for the whole
Muhammad Usman Abbasi
❖ Pole Core & Pole Shoes: The magnetic poles of DC
motor are structures fitted onto the inner wall of the yoke
with screws. The construction of magnetic poles basically
comprises of two parts namely, the pole core and the pole
shoe stacked together under hydraulic pressure and then
attached to the yoke. These two structures are assigned for
different purposes, the pole core is of small cross sectional
area and its function is to just hold the pole shoe over the
yoke, whereas the pole shoe having a relatively larger cross-sectional area spreads the flux
produced over the air gap between the stator and rotor to reduce the loss due to reluctance. The
pole shoe also carries slots for the field windings that produce the field flux. Pole core & pole
shoes serve the following purpose:
a) Pole core spreads the flux in the air gap to reduce the reluctance of magnetic path
b) Pole shoes provide the support for the pole coils.
They are made up of thin laminations of steel with thickness 0.25mm to 1mm.
❖ Pole Coils: Pole coils are made up of copper wire. These are placed on pole core.
❖producedArmature Core: It houses armature coils & causes them to rotate, hence cuts the flux
by field winding. It is cylindrical & made up of laminations of approx. 0.5mm
thickness. It is keyed to the shaft laminations are used to reduce the eddy currents.
❖ Armature Windings: The armature winding of DC motor is
attached to the rotor, or the rotating part of the machine, and as a
result is subjected to altering magnetic field in the path of its
rotation which directly results in magnetic losses. For this reason
the rotor is made of armature core, that’s made with several low-
hysteresis silicon steel lamination, to reduce the magnetic losses
like hysteresis and eddy current loss respectively. These laminated
steel sheets are stacked together to form the cylindrical structure of
the armature core.
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
DC Generator
A DC machine can run either as a motor or
generator. Keep in mind the basic principle of
motor and generator. Faraday introduced the
relation of electricity magnetism and force
which resulted in motor generator invention.
Since field winding is an electromagnet,
current must pass through it to produce strong
magnetic field. Electromagnet is a temporary
and controllable magnet. Excitation DC current
from a source can increase and decrease
strength of magnetic field lines.
The residual magnetism is term often use for
field retained by electromagnet. In rotating
conductors (Armature) the EMF will be
induced if placed inside a magnetic field. This
EMF is directly proportional to the strength of
magnet and the rotation speed. EMF generated
is AC which is converted to DC by
commutator and brushes. An
electromagnetically induced EMF is
generated in the armature conductors. The
direction of induced current is given by
Fleming’s right hand rule.
According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the direction of induced current changes whenever the direction
of motion of the conductor changes. Let’s consider an armature rotating clockwise and a conductor at
the left is moving upward. When the armature completes a half rotation, the direction of motion of that
particular conductor will be reversed to downward. Hence, the direction of current in every armature
conductor will be alternating. If you look at the above figure, you will know how the direction of the
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
induced current is alternating in an armature conductor. But with a split ring commutator, connections of
the armature conductors also gets reversed when the current reversal occurs. And therefore, we get
unidirectional current at the terminals.
DC generators can be classified in two main categories
• Separately excited
• Self-excited
Separately excited: In this type, field coils are energized from an independent external DC source.
Self-excited: In this type, field coils are energized from the current produced by the generator itself.
Initial EMF generation is due to residual magnetism in field poles. The generated EMF causes a part
of current to flow in the field coils, thus strengthening the field flux and thereby increasing EMF
Self-excited dc generators can further be divided into three types:
(a) Series wound - field winding in series with armature winding
(b) Shunt wound - field winding in parallel with armature winding
(c) Compound wound - combination of series and shunt winding
If the output of generator is required to be varied over a wide range use a separate excitation. Separate
excitation means you are controlling the strength of magnet from a power supply on panel or a separate
battery source. However separately excited generator is expensive and in many cases impractical or
inconvenient to provide a separate source of DC excitation. In order to generate electricity the rotor
(armature winding) must rotate within a magnetic field. Magnetic field lines reside in stator or field
winding (Electromagnet) if it was excited previously. Without any excitation the voltage generated will
be due to this residual magnetism and will be very less even at thousands of R.P.M. in order to obtain
high voltage the electromagnet or field winding must be excited by a DC supply.
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
Residual Magnetism
Remanence or remnant magnetization or residual magnetism is the magnetization left behind in a
ferromagnetic material (such as iron) after an external magnetic field is removed. It is also the measure
of that magnetization.
EA = K.Øres.ω
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
This voltage appears at the terminals of the generator. But when this voltage appears at the terminals, it
causes a current to flow in the generator’s field coil. Note that there is no load connected to the
terminals, hence the field current IF is only current caused by the voltage EA. This field current produces
a magneto-motive force in the stator poles or electromagnet, which increases the flux in them. The
increase in flux causes an increase in EA and so on.
Voltage control is obtained with a field rheostat. Unlike the separately excited generator, there is no
current in the field circuit when the armature is motionless. Since a small amount of residual magnetism
is present in the field poles, a weak residual voltage is induced in the armature as soon as the armature is
rotated. This residual voltage produces a weak current in the field circuit. If this current is in the proper
direction, an increase in magnetic strength occurs with a corresponding increase in voltage output. The
increased voltage output, in turn, increases the field current and the field flux which, again, increase the
voltage output. As a result of this action, the output voltage builds up until the increasing field current
saturates the field poles. Once the poles are saturated, the voltage remains at a constant level, unless the
speed of the armature rotation is changed.
If the direction of armature rotation is reversed, the brush polarity also is reversed. The residual voltage
now produces a field current which weakens the residual magnetism and the generator voltage fails to
build up. Therefore, a self-excited machine develops its operating voltage for one direction of armature
rotation only. The generator load switch may be closed when the desired voltage is reached.
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
To obtain the open circuit (no-load) characteristics of a separately excited DC Shunt Generator by
plotting the generated voltage VG (V), field current IF (A) at different speeds of shaft. A generator is
mechanically driven by a shunt DC motor on the same panel. Observe that changing speed will just shift
the curve above and below a reference.
Write down the equipment you are going to use while performing “No-Load Magnetization
of the separately excited DC Shunt Generator”.
1. Generator
2. DMM
4. Dc supply
5. Tachometer
6. Motor
1. Maximum allowable current for field winding is 0.55A. Don’t exceed this limit.
2. Maximum allowable voltage to be generated is 200V.
3. Maximum speed is 1400RPM don’t overburden the motor by exceeding the limit.
4. Keep loose clothing away from rotating shaft.
5. For any reading the power supply knob must be initially at zero.
6. While rotating the control knob keep an eye on all corresponding multi-meters.
DC motor acting as a prime mover must not be over powered so that it goes beyond its
prescribed speed. A suitable speed limit is round about 1400 RPM.
Write down the procedure you followed while conducting “No-Load Magnetization
of the DC Shunt Generator”.
• We connect the motor and generator in such a way that motor is connected directly to dc
supply and then we mechanically couple the motor and generator.
• Armature winding A1 and A2 are also connected to dc supply and are shunted. At armature
windings also the dmm is connected to check the dc volts to confirm the supply from the dc
• Tachometer is used to check the rpm by pointing the laser at the tape connected between the
motor and generator where they are mechanically coupled.
• On the other side the generator is connected to ammeter and voltmeter to find out the field
current and the voltage.
• Now turn on the main switch and use variable transformer to vary the voltage.
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
❖generator.Draw graph between field current and open circuit output voltage of separately excited shunt
Let us consider a separately excited DC generator giving its no load voltage E 0 for a constant field
current. If there is no armature reaction and armature voltage drop in the machine, then the voltage will
remain constant. Therefore, if we plot the rated voltage on the Y axis and load current on the X axis then
the curve will be a straight line and parallel to X-axis as shown in figure below. Here, AB line indicating
the no load voltage (E0).
To obtain the full load characteristics of a separately excited DC Shunt Generator by plotting the generated
voltage VG (V), field current IF (A) at different speeds of shaft. A generator is mechanically driven by a shunt
DC motor on the same panel. Observe that changing speed will just shift the curve above and below
a reference.
Write down the equipment you are going to use while performing “Full Load Magnetization
of the separately excited DC Shunt Generator”.
1. Generator
2. DMM
4. Dc supply
5. Tachometer
6. Motor
7. Load
Write down the procedure you followed while conducting “Full Load Magnetization Characteristics
of the separately excited DC Shunt Generator”.
• We connect the motor and generator in such a way that motor is connected directly to dc
supply and then we mechanically couple the motor and generator.
• Armature winding A1 and A2 are also connected to dc supply and are shunted. At armature
windings also the dmm is connected to check the dc volts to confirm the supply from the dc
• Tachometer is used to check the rpm by pointing the laser at the tape connected between the
motor and generator where they are mechanically coupled.
• On the other side the generator is connected to ammeter and voltmeter to find out the field
current and the voltage.
• Now turn on the main switch and use variable transformer to vary the voltage.
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
• Now connect the loads and keep adding the load and increase the voltage.
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
EL221-Electromechanical System Lab 07
❖excited Draw graph between field current and output voltages at no-load and full load on separately
shunt generator.
As the load increases (meaning the load resistance decreases) the armature current increases. Based
on the factors listed, the generated voltage would decline as the load increased. Eventually, however,
the generated voltage decreases so much that the load current starts decreasing. The decrease in load
current causes the volt-amp characteristic curve to turn around.
In actual use, the output voltage in a dc shunt-wound generator varies inversely as load
current varies. The output voltage decreases as load current increases because the voltage
drop across the armature resistance increases (E = IR).
If any machine is running at any particular speed, any decrease in field current will, as others
have noted, result in a decrease in back emf and increase in current and the motor will accelerate until
the back emf is restored to it original value.
This is known as field weakening or constant power mode of operation.
➢current ofDoes RPM at which shunt motor is rotating change while increasing or decreasing field
separately excited shunt generator? State the reason.
yes, rmp changes by increasing and decreasing the filed current of separately excited shunt
generator. When the field current is increased, the field flux is increased. More counter emf is
developed, which opposes the armature current. The armature current then decreases, and
the motor slows down and vice versa.
➢ Write your observation if generator’s field voltage is reversed.
If you reverse the field polarity of a shunt generator, then the output polarity will be reversed
for the same direction of rotation.
➢ Write all those possible procedures by which we can increase output voltage of generator.
1. if your generator is a permanent magnet generator, then the output voltage, for all practical
purposes, is fixed. Replacing the field magnets with stronger magnets would increase the
voltage, but this is probably impractical. On the other hand, if your generator has field coils
instead of magnets, a small increase in the excitation voltage results in a proportional change in
the output voltage.
2. Turn the armature faster.
3. increase the field current.
4. Increase the speed of rotation.