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p3 QP

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P3 Past years

The function f is defined by

(a) Find an expression for f–1(x) (3)

(b) Show that

where a is an integer to be determined. (4)

The function g is defined by

(c) Find the value of fg(2) (2)

(d) Find the range of g (3)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

Given that

(a) state the range of f, (2)

(b) find f–1(x), (3)
(c) find fg(x). (1)
(d) Show that the equation fg(x) = gf(x) has no real solutions. (4)
(Total for question = 10 marks)


(a) Given that

find the values of the constants A and B. (4)

(b) Hence, or otherwise, find the equation of the tangent to the curve with equation y = g(x) at the point
where x = 4. Give your answer in the form y = mx + c, where m and c are constants to be determined. (5)
(Total for question = 9 marks)


Figure 4 shows a sketch of part of the curve with equation y = f(x),

The curve meets the coordinate axes at the points A(0, −3) and B(-1/3 ln4, 0) and the curve has an
asymptote with equation y = −4
P3 Past years

In separate diagrams, sketch the graph with equation

(a) y = |f(x)| (4)
(b) y = 2f(x) + 6 (3)
On each sketch, give the exact coordinates of the points where the curve crosses or meets the coordinate
axes and the equation of any asymptote.
Given that
f(x) = e−3x − 4,

g(x) = ln , x > −2

(c) state the range of f, (1)

(d) find f−1(x), (3)
(e) express fg(x) as a polynomial in x. (3)
(Total for question = 14 marks)


Figure 1 shows a sketch of part of the graph y = f(x), where

f(x) = 2|3 − x| + 5, x≥0
Figure 2 shows a sketch of part of the graph y = g(x), where

(a) Find the value of fg(1) (2)

(b) State the range of g (2)
(c) Find g–1(x) and state its domain. (4)
Given that the equation f(x) = k, where k is a constant, has exactly two roots,
(d) state the range of possible values of k. (3)
(Total for question = 11 marks)

Given that 4x3 + 2x2 + 17x + 8 (Ax + B)(x2 + 4) + Cx + D
(a) find the values of the constants A, B, C and D. (4)

(b) Hence find

giving your answer in the form p + ln q, where p and q are integers. (6)
(Total for question = 10 marks)

𝜋 𝜋
(a) Given that − 2 < 𝑔(𝑥) < 2 , sketch the graph of y = g(x) where
g(x) = arctan x, (2)
(b) Find the exact value of x for which 3g(x + 1) − π = 0 (3)
The equation arctan 𝑥 + 4 + 2 𝑥 = 0 has a positive root at x = α radians.
(c) Show that 5 < α < 6 (2)
P3 Past years

The iteration formula xn + 1 = 8 − 2 arctan xn

can be used to find an approximation for α
(d) Taking x0 = 5, use this formula to find x1 and x2, giving each answer to 3 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 9 marks)


Figure 3 shows a sketch of part of the curve C with equation

Point A is the minimum turning point on the curve.

(a) Show, by using calculus, that the x coordinate of point A is a solution of

(b) Starting with x0 = 2.27, use the iteration

to calculate the values of x1, x2 and x3, giving your answers to 3 decimal places. (3)
(c) Use your answer to part (b) to deduce the coordinates of point A to one decimal place. (2)
(Total for question = 10 marks)

The curve C has equation

The point P on C has x coordinate 3

Find an equation of the normal to C at the point P in the form ax + by + c = 0, where a, b
and c are integers. (6)
(Total for question = 6 marks)


Find the set of values of x for which f ′(x) > 0

You must show your working.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (6)
(Total for question = 6 marks)


Given that

show that
where a is a constant to be determined. (4)
(Total for question = 4 marks)
P3 Past years


Figure 1 shows a sketch of part of the curve with equation y = f(x), where
f(x) = (2x − 5)ex,
The curve has a minimum turning point at A.
(a) Use calculus to find the exact coordinates of A. (5)
Given that the equation f(x) = k, where k is a constant, has exactly two roots,
(b) state the range of possible values of k. (2)
(c) Sketch the curve with equation y = |f(x)|.
Indicate clearly on your sketch the coordinates of the points at which the curve crosses or meets the
axes. (3)
(Total for question = 10 marks)

(i) Find the x coordinate of each point on the curve , at which the gradient is (4)
(ii) Given that

find the exact value of the constant a. (4)

(Total for question = 8 marks)


Figure 3 shows part of the curve C with equation

(a) Find 𝑑𝑥 (2)
(b) Using your answer to (a), find the exact coordinates of the stationary point on the curve C for which
x > 0. Write each coordinate in its simplest form. (5)
The finite region R, shown shaded in Figure 3, is bounded by the curve C, the x-axis and the line x = 3
(c) Complete the table below with the value of y corresponding to x = 1
P3 Past years

(d) Use the trapezium rule with all the y values in the completed table to find an approximate value for
the area of R, giving your answer to 4 significant figures. (3)
(Total for question = 11 marks)

(a) Use the identity for sin(A + B) to prove that (2)
(b) Show that

A curve C has the equation

(c) Find the x coordinates of the points on C where =0
Give your answers to 3 decimal places.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable) (6)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

(i) Differentiate y = 5x2 ln 3x, x>0 (2)
(ii) Given that

show that

(Total for question = 6 marks)

A hot piece of metal is dropped into a cool liquid. As the metal cools, its temperature T degrees Celsius, t
minutes after it enters the liquid, is modelled by
T = 300e−0.04t + 20, t≥0
(a) Find the temperature of the piece of metal as it enters the liquid. (1)
(b) Find the value of t for which T = 180, giving your answer to 3 significant figures.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (4)
(c) Show, by differentiation, that the rate, in degrees Celsius per minute, at which the temperature of the
metal is changing, is given by the expression.

(Total for question = 8 marks)


Figure 2
P3 Past years

The population of a species of animal is being studied. The population P, at time t years from the start of
the study, is assumed to be

where k is a positive constant.

A sketch of the graph of P against t is shown in Figure 2.
Use the given equation to
(a) find the population at the start of the study, (2)
(b) find the value for the upper limit of the population. (1)
Given that P = 2500 when t = 4
(c) calculate the value of k, giving your answer to 3 decimal places. (5)
Using this value for k,
(d) find, using 𝑑𝑡 , the rate at which the population is increasing when t = 10
Give your answer to the nearest integer. (3)
(Total for question = 11 marks)

A population of insects is being studied. The number of insects, N, in the population, is modelled by the

where t is the time, in weeks, from the start of the study.

Using the model,
(a) find the number of insects at the start of the study, (1)
(b) find the number of insects when t = 10, (2)
(c) find the time from the start of the study when there are 82 insects.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (4)
(d) Find, by differentiating, the rate, measured in insects per week, at which the number of insects is
increasing when t = 5. Give your answer to the nearest whole number. (3)
(Total for question = 10 marks)


Figure 3
Figure 3 shows a sketch of part of the curve with equation y = f(x), Where
f(x) = 2x(1 + x) ln x, x>0
The curve has a minimum turning point at A.
(a) Find f ′(x) (3)
(b) Hence show that the x coordinate of A is the solution of the equation

(c) Use the iteration formula

to find the values of x1, x2, and x3 to 4 decimal places. (3)

(d) Use your answer to part (c) to estimate the coordinates of A to 2 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 11 marks)
P3 Past years


The value of Lin's car is modelled by the formula

where the value of the car is V pounds when the age of the car is t years.
A sketch of t against V is shown in Figure 1.
(a) State the range of V. (2)
According to this model,
(b) find the rate at which the value of the car is decreasing when t = 10
Give your answer in pounds per year. (3)
(c) Calculate the exact value of t when V = 15000. (4)
(Total for question = 9 marks)


Figure 5
A colony of ants is being studied. The number of ants in the colony is modelled by the equation

where P is the number of ants, measured in thousands, t years after the study started.
A sketch of the graph of P against t is shown in Figure 5
(a) Calculate the number of ants in the colony at the start of the study. (2)
(b) Find 𝑑𝑡 (3)
The population of ants initially decreases, reaching a minimum value after T years, as shown in Figure 5
(c) Using your answer to part (b), calculate the value of T to 2 decimal places.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (4)
(Total for question = 9 marks)

A scientist is studying a population of insects. The number of insects, N, in the population, t days after the
start of the study is modelled by the equation

where k is a constant.
Given that there were 50 insects at the start of the study,
P3 Past years

(a) find the value of k (2)

(b) use the model to find the value of t when N = 100 (3)
(c) Show that

where p and q are integers to be found. (5)

(Total for question = 10 marks)

The mass, m grams, of a radioactive substance t years after first being observed, is modelled by the
m = 25e1−kt
where k is a positive constant.
(a) State the value of m when the radioactive substance was first observed. (1)
Given that the mass is 50 grams, 10 years after first being observed,

(b) show that (4)

(c) Find the value of t when m = 20, giving your answer to the nearest year. (3)
(Total for question = 8 marks)

(a) Express 2sinx − 4cosx in the form R sin (x − α), where R > 0 and 0 < 𝛼 <
Give the exact value of R and give the value of α, in radians, to 3 significant figures. (3)
In a town in Norway, a student records the number of hours of daylight every day for a year. He models
the number of hours of daylight, H, by the continuous function given by the formula

where t is the number of days since he began recording.

(b) Using your answer to part (a), or otherwise, find the maximum and minimum number of hours of
daylight given by this formula. Give your answers to 3 significant figures. (3)
(c) Use the formula to find the values of t when H = 17, giving your answers to the nearest integer.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (6)
(Total for question = 12 marks)


(a) Find the exact value of x when y = 0 (1)

Given that 𝑑𝑥 = 0 when x = α,
(b) show that (6)
The iterative formula

can be used to find an approximation for α.

(c) Taking x1 = 0.7, find the values of x2 and x3, giving each answer to 4 decimal places. (2)
(d) By choosing a suitable interval, show that α = 0.7283 to 4 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 11 marks)

The function g is defined by

(a) Find the range of g. (2)

(b) Find g−1(x) and state its domain. (3)
(c) Find the function gg(x), writing your answer as a single fraction in its simplest form. (3)
(Total for question = 8 marks)
P3 Past years

Given that a and b are constants and that a > b > 0
(a) on separate diagrams, sketch the graph with equation
(i) y = |x – a|
(ii) y = |x – a| – b
Show on each sketch the coordinates of each point at which the graph crosses or meets the x-axis
and the y-axis. (5)
(b) Hence or otherwise find the complete set of values of x for which

giving your answer in terms of a and b. (4)

(Total for question = 9 marks)


Figure 2
Figure 2 shows a sketch of the graph of y = f(x), x ∈ .
The point P (3 , 0) is the vertex of the graph.
The point Q (0, 5) is the intercept with the y-axis.
Given that f(x) = | ax + b |, where a and b are constants,
(a) (i) find all possible values for a and b,
(ii) hence find an equation for the graph. (4)
(b) Sketch the graph with equation

showing the coordinates of its vertex and its intercept with the y-axis. (3)
(Total for question = 7 marks)

The function f is defined by
where k is a positive constant.
(a) Find, in terms of k, the range of f. (4)
The function g is defined by
Given that gf (–2) = –12
(b) find the possible values of k. (4)
(Total for question = 8 marks)


Figure 2
P3 Past years

Figure 2 shows a sketch of part of the curve C with equation

where a is a constant and a > ln4

The curve C has a turning point P and crosses the x-axis at the point Q as shown in Figure 2.
(a) Find, in terms of a, the coordinates of the point P. (6)
(b) Find, in terms of a, the x coordinate of the point Q. (3)
(c) Sketch the curve with equation

Show on your sketch the exact coordinates, in terms of a, of the points at which the curve meets or
cuts the coordinate axes. (3)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

It is given that

(a) Sketch the graph of y = f(x), showing the coordinates of any points where the graph crosses the axes.
(b) Find the range of g (2)
(c) Find g−1(x), stating the domain of g−1 (4)
(d) Using algebra, find the exact value of x for which fg(x) = 3 (4)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

(a) Express √5 cosθ − 2sin θ in the form R cos(θ + α), where R > 0 and 0 < 𝛼 < 2
State the value of R and give the value of α to 4 significant figures. (3)
(b) Solve, for –π < θ < π, √5 cosθ − 2sin θ = 0.5
giving your answers to 3 significant figures.
[Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.] (4)

where A and B are constants.

Given that the range of f is –15 ≤ f (x) ≤ 33
(c) find the value of B and the possible values of A. (4)
(Total for question = 11 marks)


Given that
show that

where A and B are integers to be found.

(Total for question = 4 marks)



(Total for question = 4 marks)
P3 Past years


(a) Show that the equation f(x) = 0 can be written as

The equation f(x) = 0 has a root α, where α = 1.6 to one decimal place.
(b) Starting with x0 = 1.6, use the iteration formula

to calculate the values of x1, x2 and x3, giving your answers to 3 decimal places. (3)
(c) By choosing a suitable interval, prove that α = 1.633 to 3 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 7 marks)


(a) Show that the equation f(x) = 0 can be rewritten as

The equation f(x) = 0 has a root near 0.5
(b) Starting with x1 = 0.5 use the iterative formula

to calculate the values of x2, x3 and x4, giving your answers to 4 decimal places. (3)
(c) Using a suitable interval, show that 0.473 is a root of f(x) = 0 correct to 3 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 7 marks)

f(x) = 2x3 + x − 10
(a) Show that the equation f(x) = 0 has a root α in the interval [1.5, 2] (2)
The only real root of f(x) = 0 is α
The iterative formula

can be used to find an approximate value for α

(b) Calculate x1, x2 and x3, giving your answers to 4 decimal places. (3)
(c) By choosing a suitable interval, show that α = 1.6126 correct to 4 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 7 marks)

f(x) = −x3 + 4x2 − 6
(a) Show that the equation f(x) = 0 has a root between x = 1 and x = 2 (2)
(b) Show that the equation f(x) = 0 can be rewritten as


(c) Starting with x1 = 1.5 use the iteration xn+1 = to calculate the values of x2, x3 and x4 giving
all your answers to 4 decimal places. (3)
(d) Using a suitable interval, show that 1.572 is a root of f(x) = 0 correct to 3 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 9 marks)

f(x) = x3 − 5x + 16
(a) Show that the equation f(x) = 0 can be rewritten as
giving the values of the constants a and b. (2)
P3 Past years

The equation f(x) = 0 has exactly one real root α, where α = –3 to one significant figure.
(b) Starting with x1 = –3, use the iteration

with the values of a and b found in part (a), to calculate the values of x2, x3 and x4, giving all your
answers to 3 decimal places. (3)
(c) Using a suitable interval, show that α = –3.17 correct to 2 decimal places. (2)
(Total for question = 7 marks)

(a) Prove that

(b) Hence, or otherwise, solve, for −90° < θ < 90°,

Give your answers in degrees to one decimal place.

(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (6)
(Total for question = 9 marks)

The function g is defined by

(a) Sketch the graph with equation y = g(x), showing the coordinates of the points where the graph cuts
or meets the axes. (3)
(b) Solve the equation.

The function f is defined by

(c) Find fg(5). (2)

(d) Find the range of f. You must make your method clear. (4)
(Total for question = 12 marks)


Given that

(a) show that

where A is a constant to be found. (6)

Figure 4 shows a sketch of part of the curve with equation y = f(x) where
P3 Past years

(b) Use your answer to part (a) to find the range of f. (5)
(c) State a reason why f–1 does not exist. (1)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

(i) The functions f and g are defined by

(a) Find f–1 and state its domain. (3)

(b) Find fg(3), giving your answer in its simplest form. (2)
(ii) (a) Sketch the graph with equation
where a is a positive constant. State the coordinates of each point where the graph cuts or meets the
coordinate axes. (2)
Given that
where a is a positive constant,
(b) find the possible values of
giving your answers, in terms of a, in their simplest form. (5)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

(a) Write 2sinθ − cosθ in the form Rsin(θ − α), where R and α are constants, R > 0 and 0 < α ≤ 90°. Give
the exact value of R and give the value of α to one decimal place. (3)

Figure 3
Figure 3 shows a sketch of the graph with equation y = 2sinθ − cosθ, 0 ≤ θ < 360°
(b) Sketch the graph with equation

stating the coordinates of all points at which the graph meets or cuts the coordinate axes. (3)
The temperature of a warehouse is modelled by the equation

where f(t) is the temperature of the warehouse in degrees Celsius and t is the time measured in hours
from midnight.
(c) (i) the maximum value of f(t),
(ii) the largest value of t, for 0 ≤ t < 24, at which this maximum value occurs. Give your answer to one
decimal place. (3)
(Total for question = 9 marks)
P3 Past years


Figure 1 shows a sketch of part of the graph with equation

The graph consists of two half lines that meet at the point P (2, –3), the vertex of the graph.
The graph cuts the y-axis at the point (0, –1) and the x-axis at the points (–1, 0) and (5, 0).
Sketch, on separate diagrams, the graph of
(a) (3)
(b) (3)
In each case, give the coordinates of the points where the graph crosses or meets the coordinate axes.
Also give the coordinates of any vertices corresponding to the point P.
(Total for question = 6 marks)

Given that k is a positive constant,
(a) sketch the graph with equation
Show on your sketch the coordinates of each point at which the graph crosses the x-axis and the y-axis.
(b) Find, in terms of k, the values of x for which

(Total for question = 5 marks)


Figure 4 shows a sketch of part of the curve C with equation

The finite region S, shown shaded in Figure 4, is bounded by the curve C, the x-axis and
the lines with equations x = 1 and x = 3
(a) Complete the table below. Give your answer to 4 decimal places.
P3 Past years

(b) Use the trapezium rule, with all the values of y in the completed table, to obtain an estimate for the
area of S, giving your answer to 3 decimal places. (3)
(c) Use calculus to find the exact area of S.
Give your answer in the form 𝑏 + ln 𝑐, where a, b and c are integers. (6)
(d) Hence calculate the percentage error in using your answer to part (b) to estimate the area of S. Give
your answer to one decimal place. (2)
(e) Explain how the trapezium rule could be used to obtain a more accurate estimate for the area of S.(1)
(Total for question = 13 marks)


(a) Given that

without using a calculator, show that

(b) Hence or otherwise solve, for 0 θ < 180,

Give your answers to one decimal place. (4)

(Total for question = 9 marks)

(a) Express 10cos θ – 3sin θ in the form Rcos (θ + α), where R > 0 and 0 < α < 90°
Give the exact value of R and give the value of α to 2 decimal places. (3)

Alana models the height above the ground of a passenger on a Ferris wheel by the equation
H = 12 – 10cos(30t)°+ 3sin(30t)°
where the height of the passenger above the ground is H metres at time t minutes after the wheel starts
(b) Calculate
(i) the maximum value of H predicted by this model,
(ii) the value of t when this maximum first occurs.
Give each answer to 2 decimal places. (4)
(c) Calculate the value of t when the passenger is 18m above the ground for the first time.
Give your answer to 2 decimal places. (4)
(d) Determine the time taken for the Ferris wheel to complete two revolutions. (2)
(Total for question = 13 marks)

(a) Show that (4)
(b) Hence, or otherwise, solve, for 0 ≤ θ < 180°
5 + cot(θ – 15°) – tan(θ – 15°) = 0
giving your answers to one decimal place.
[Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.] (5)
(Total for question = 9 marks)
P3 Past years

Solve, for 0 θ < 2π, 2cos2 θ = 5–13sin θ
Give your answers in radians to 3 decimal places.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (5)
(Total for question = 5 marks)

(a) Use the substitution t = tanx to show that the equation
4tan 2x − 3cot x sec2x = 0
can be written in the form 3t4 + 8t2 − 3 = 0 (4)
(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤ x < 2π, 4tan 2x − 3cot x sec2x = 0
Give each answer in terms of π. You must make your method clear. (4)
(Total for question = 8 marks)

(a) Express 1.5sinθ − 1.2cosθ in the form Rsin(θ − α), where R > 0 and 0 < 𝛼 < 2
Give the value of R and the value of α to 3 decimal places. (3)
The height, H metres, of sea water at the entrance to a harbour on a particular day, is modelled by the
𝜋𝑡 𝜋𝑡
equation 𝐻 = 3 + 1.5 sin ( 6 ) − 1.2 cos ( 6 ), 0 ≤ t < 12
where t is the number of hours after midday.
(b) Using your answer to part (a), calculate the minimum value of H predicted by this model and the
value of t, to 2 decimal places, when this minimum occurs. (4)
(c) Find, to the nearest minute, the times when the height of sea water at the entrance to the harbour is
predicted by this model to be 4 metres. (6)
(Total for question = 13 marks)

(a) Show that cot2x − cosecx − 11 = 0
may be expressed in the form cosec x − cosecx + k = 0, where k is a constant.
(b) Hence solve for 0 ≤ x < 360°
cot2x − cosecx − 11 = 0
Give each solution in degrees to one decimal place.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (5)
(Total for question = 6 marks)

(a) Express 3sin2x + 5cos2x in the form Rsin(2x + α), where R > 0 and 0 < 𝛼 <
Give the exact value of R and give the value of α to 3 significant figures. (3)
(b) Solve, for 0 < x < π, 3sin2x + 5cos2x = 4
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (5)
g(x) = 4(3sin2x + 5cos2x)2 + 3
(c) Using your answer to part (a) and showing your working,
(i) find the greatest value of g(x),
(ii) find the least value of g(x). (4)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

Solve, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 270°, the equation

Give your answers in degrees to 2 decimal places. (6)

(Total for question = 6 marks)


(a) Prove that (4)

P3 Past years

(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 2
(i) 2cosec 4θ - cot 2θ = √3
(ii) tan θ + cot θ = 5
Give your answers to 3 significant figures. (6)
(Total for question = 10 marks)

(a) Express 2sin θ + cos θ in the form Rsin (θ + α), where R and α are constants, R > 0 and 0 < α < 90°.
Give your value of α to 2 decimal places. (3)

Figure 4
Figure 4 shows the design for a logo that is to be displayed on the side of a large building. The logo
consists of three rectangles, C, D and E, each of which is in contact with two horizontal parallel lines l1
and l2. Rectangle D touches rectangles C and E as shown in Figure 4.
Rectangles C, D and E each have length 4 m and width 2 m. The acute angle θ between the line l2 and
the longer edge of each rectangle is shown in Figure 4.
Given that l1 and l2 are 4 m apart,
(b) show that 2 sin θ + cos θ = 2 (2)
Given also that 0 < θ < 45°,
(c) solve the equation 2 sin θ + cos θ = 2
giving the value of θ to 1 decimal place. (3)
Rectangles C and D and rectangles D and E touch for a distance h m as shown in Figure 4.
Using your answer to part (c), or otherwise,
(d) find the value of h, giving your answer to 2 significant figures. (3)
(Total for question = 11 marks)

(a) Express 3cosθ + 5sinθ in the form Rcos(θ – α), where R and α are constants, R > 0 and 0 < α < 90°.
Give the exact value of R and give the value of α to 2 decimal places. (3)
(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤ θ < 360°, the equation
3cosθ + 5 sinθ = 2
Give your answers to one decimal place. (4)
(c) Use your solutions to parts (a) and (b) to deduce the smallest positive value of θ for which
3cosθ − 5 sinθ = 2 (2)
(Total for question = 9 marks)

(a) Prove that

(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤ 𝜃 < 2
(i) sin 2θ − tan θ = cos 2θ
(ii) tan(θ + 1) cos(2θ + 2) − sin(2θ + 2) = 2
Give your answers in radians to 3 significant figures, as appropriate.
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (7)
(Total for question = 11 marks)
P3 Past years

(a) Using the trigonometric identity for tan(A + B), prove that

(b) Hence solve, for –30°< x < 30°, tan 3x = 11 tan x
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (5)
(Total for question = 9 marks)

(a) Express 35 sin x –12 cos x in the form R sin(x – α), where R > 0 and 0 < 𝛼 < 2
Give the exact value of R, and give the value of α, in radians, to 4 significant figures. (3)
(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤x < 2π, 70 sin x – 24 cos x = 37
(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (4)

(c) Use your answer to part (a) to calculate

(i) the minimum value of y,
(ii) the smallest value of x, x > 0, at which this minimum value occurs. (4)
(Total for question = 11 marks)

(a) Express 7 sin 2θ – 2 cos 2θ in the form R sin (2θ – α), where R and α are constants, R > 0 and 0 < α
< 90°. Give the exact value of R and give the value of α to 2 decimal places. (3)
(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤ θ < 90°, the equation
7 sin 2θ – 2 cos 2θ = 4
giving your answers in degrees to one decimal place. (4)
(c) Express 28 sin θ cos θ + 8 sin θ in the form a sin 2θ + b cos 2θ + c, where a, b and c are constants to

be found. (3)
(d) Use your answers to part (a) and part (c) to deduce the exact maximum value of 28 sin θ cos θ + 8
sin2θ (2)
(Total for question = 12 marks)

The angle x and the angle y are such that
tan x = m and 4 tan y = 8m + 5
where m is a constant.
Given that 16 sec2 x + 16 sec2y = 537
(a) find the two possible values of m. (4)
Given that the angle x and the angle y are acute, find the exact value of
(b) sin x (2)
(c) cot y (2)
(Total for question = 8 marks)

(a) Show that

(b) Hence solve, for 0 ≤x< 360°,

Give each solution in degrees to one decimal place.

(Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (6)
(Total for question = 9 marks)
P3 Past years


(a) By writing , show that when x = 3 sec θ,

Figure 3 shows a sketch of part of the curve C with equation

The finite region R, shown shaded in Figure 3, is bounded by the curve C, the x-axis and the line with
equation x = 6
(b) Use the substitution x = 3 sec θ to find the exact value of the area of R.
[Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.] (7)
(Total for question = 9 marks)

(a) Given that 0 ≤ f(x) ≤ π, sketch the graph of y = f(x) where
f(x) = arccos (x – 1), 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 (2)
The equation arccos (x – 1) – tan x = 0 has a single root α.
(b) Show that 0.9 < α < 1.1 (2)
The iteration formula xn + 1 = arctan (arccos (xn – 1))
can be used to find an approximation for α.
(c) Taking x0 = 1.1 find, to 3 decimal places, the values of x1 and x2 (2)
(Total for question = 6 marks)

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