Reading - Summer List
Reading - Summer List
Reading - Summer List
Adler, David Cam Jansen series, The Fourth Floor Twins series
Bulla, Clyde The Secret Valley
Cameron, Ann The Stories Julian Tells
Chew, Ruth Summer Magic
Cleary, Beverly Henry Huggins
Christopher, Matt Ice Magic
Dalgliesh, Alice The Courage of Sarah Noble
Dahl, Roald Fantastic Mr. Fox
Davidson, Margaret Louis Braille
Davis, Deborah The Secret of the Seal
Flack, Marjorie Walter the Lazy Mouse
In addition, a boy must read any three books off the Middle School Reading List and at least one
In addition to assigned reading, you should read at least three books of your choice. Please keep
track of what you read; your teachers will be eager to see your choices when you return fresh-
faced from summer.
Fifth Graders Rising to Sixth Grade
Each boy entering the sixth grade must read The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth Speare
and Dragonwings by Laurence Yep.
In addition, a boy must read any four books off the Middle School Reading List and at least one
In addition to assigned reading, you should read at least four books of your choice. Please keep
track of what you read; your teachers will be eager to see your choices when you return fresh-
faced from summer.
A Supplement for Incoming Sevens
Each boy entering the Seventh Grade must read Watership Down by Richard Adams (Scribner
In addition, he must read an additional six (6) books, two (2) of which must be from the following
list of fiction or St. Bernard's REading List. We strongly urge that one of the other books be a work
of non-fiction.
You are entering Grade Eight in September and, as part of your summer reading
program, you must read The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. You will be discussing
it in school and writing on it. This is a challenging book, but it chronicles an important
part of American history. As background, you may wish to see the old movie Bound for
Glory, the story of Woody Guthrie. Your second required book is The Hound of the
Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
You should read at least four other books. Try to make one of these a work of
non-fiction, such as a biography or autobiography. Below are some titles that may
interest you:
If you have already read all these books, we congratulate you and urge you to try
other books by the same authors, or other titles from the St. Bernard’s School Reading
List. The latter has recently been updated. We also strongly recommend that, if possible,
you try to see a production of the Shakespeare play that your class will be reading and
performing next year.
You should try to read as widely as possible over the summer. The following list
is to help you choose; only the first two books are required. The newly updated St.
Bernard’s Reading List (on the school web site) may well be of use. Enjoy your reading,
and make sure that you stretch yourself. Don’t read only books that you know are easy.
You will improve as a reader if you force yourself to try harder texts on occasion. Some
of these recommended titles are challenging, so don’t be despondent if you find them too
difficult at first.
In all, you must read at least six books (6) and be able to talk or write about them
on your return. Two of these six books are the required texts.
Required Reading:
All Quiet on the Western Front – Erich Maria Remarque
Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
Have a wonderful summer! You are going to be part of a great IXB next year.