The Cay Final Project
The Cay Final Project
The Cay Final Project
Your project, whichever one you choose, must be done neatly and carefully. Option 1 Diorama Using a shoebox or other small box without a lid or flaps, create ONE specific scene from the story. After creating the scene, write 2 paragraphs; the first explaining the significance of the chosen scene and the second paragraph describing how you created the scene. Glue these paragraphs to the back of the box. Option 2 Island Map Draw a large map of the island on 12"x18" construction paper (see me for the paper) or larger. Be sure to include everything that you know about the island before the hurricane hit. Also include things that Timothy and Philip built, such as the hut, the line that Philip used to find his way around while blind, and the catchment. This map should be colorful and well-labeled with a map key. After you have created the map, write a short paragraph about the map, and glue this paragraph to the back of the map. Option 3 Research Paragraphs Using an encyclopedia, book, or the Internet, research TWO of the following topics: U-boats, US Navy destroyers during World War II, hurricanes in the Caribbean Sea, Curacao (often listed under "Netherlands Antilles"), or causes of blindness after birth. You will take notes on each topic and then write a page for each topic explaining what you learned. Option 4 Survivor Timothy and Phillip had to survive for many months on only a few things that they brought with them. Everything else, they "made do" from items that they found on the cay. Many people in Illinois have had to survive after a tornado destroyed their homes. For this project, prepare a survival kit for your home of items that you already have. After you have finished, if there are items which you know you should have, but don't, make a list of those items for later purchase. After you have gathered the items together (and know which ones you need), write a 1 page about creating your Tornado Survival Kit.
Name:__________________ Diorama Rubric Paragraph 1 Points Possible Topic sentence: lets reader 3 know what scene you chose Reason #1-why is this scene significant? Interpretation #1-explain how story would be different Reason #2-why is this scene significant? Interpretation #2-explain how story would be different Concluding sentence 3 3 Points Earned Comments
3 3
Paragraph 2 Points Possible Details-you explain at least 12 6 details from your diorama and how you visualized them from the story Diorama Points Possible Colorful Neat Creative Represents story without using words accurately 5 5 5 5 Points Earned Comments Points Earned Comments
Name:__________________ Island Map Rubric Map Points Possible 10 items labeled in key Colorful Well-labeled Accurate Paragraph Points Possible Explain how you chose which items to label; explain the process 5 Points Earned Comments 20 5 5 5 Points Earned Comments
Which chapters/pages were 5 most useful in helping you visualize the island? Accurate 5
Name:__________________ Research Pages Rubric Topic 1: _______________________ Points Possible Explanation of why you chose the topic Topic sentence for at least 3 subtopics(things you learned) At least 4 supporting sentences describing each subtopic 2.5 2.5 Points Earned Comments
Reaction/personal 5 comments about what you learned At least 2 connections to The Cay Notes from research 5 5
Topic 2: _______________________ Points Possible Explanation of why you chose the topic Topic sentence for at least 3 subtopics(things you learned) At least 4 supporting sentences describing each subtopic 2.5 2.5 Points Earned Comments
Reaction/personal 5 comments about what you learned At least 2 connections to The Cay Notes from research 5 5
Name:_____________________ Survivor Rubric Explanation Paper Points Possible Explanation of why you chose each item in kit 10 Points Earned Comments
Explanation of where your 8 kit will be stored and why At least 3 connections to 6 The Cay to help you prove why your survival kit is appropriate Explanation of why it is important to have a survival kit 6
Explanation of any missing Optional items from kit if missing Kit is worth 20 points. Supplies should be put into some type of container that will hold all items, but is easy to store. Remember if you are missing any items, you must mention this in your paper. Your total points earned: _________ out of a possible 50 points