Urban Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Depression: Evidence From A Population-Based Cohort Study
Urban Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Depression: Evidence From A Population-Based Cohort Study
Urban Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Incidence of Depression: Evidence From A Population-Based Cohort Study
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PURPOSE: It has long been suggested that certain characteristics of the urban environment may influ-
ence population mental health. However, evidence from multilevel research addressing the relation
between intraurban environments and depression has been conflicting, and prospective evidence in this
regard has been limited. We assessed the relation between urban neighborhood poverty and incident
depression in a population-based prospective cohort study.
METHODS: Using random-digit-dial telephone surveys, we recruited 1570 adult residents of New York
City (NYC) in 2002. All persons interviewed at baseline were contacted again for follow-up 6 and
18 months after the initial interview. Eighty-one percent of the sample completed at least one follow-up
visit. Analysis was restricted to 1120 persons who could be geocoded to NYC neighborhoods, which
were represented by NYC community districts (N Z 59).
RESULTS: Among persons with no history of major depression at baseline (N Z 820) there were 113
incident cases of major depression during the 18 months of follow-up; cumulative incidence of depression
during the study period was 14.6 per hundred persons (95% confidence interval, 10.9–18.3). In low–
socioeconomic status (SES) neighborhoods, the cumulative incidence of depression was 19.4 per hundred
persons (95% confidence interval, 13.5–25.3), which was greater than that in high-SES neighborhoods
(10.5; 95% confidence interval, 5.9–15.2). In multivariable models adjusting for individual covariates
(sociodemographics, individual SES, social support, stressors, traumas, and history of post-traumatic stress
disorder), the relative odds of incident depression was 2.19 (95% confidence interval, 1.04–4.59) for
participants living in low-SES compared with high-SES neighborhoods.
CONCLUSIONS: SES of neighborhood of residence is associated with incidence of depression indepen-
dent of individual SES and other individual covariates. Additional work needs to characterize the pathways
that may explain the observed association between living in low-SES neighborhoods and risk for depression.
Ann Epidemiol 2007;17:171–179. Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
KEY WORDS: Mental Health, Neighborhood, Context, Socioeconomic Position, Urban.
central relationship of interest to this analysis (27). Informa- Neighborhood units for this analysis were the 59 commu-
tion for individual covariates, including age, sex, race/eth- nity districts in NYC. These neighborhoods initially were
nicity, income, education, and marital status, was obtained defined by a resident consultative process organized by the
from respondents by using a structured questionnaire. We Office of City Planning to reflect residents’ own descriptions
assessed social support by asking about emotional (e.g., of neighborhoods in the 1970s. Therefore, community dis-
‘‘having someone to love you and make you feel wanted’’), tricts delineate meaningful neighborhoods within NYC,
instrumental (e.g., ‘‘someone to help you if you were con- each with an administrative community board, that as
fined to bed’’), and appraisal (e.g., ‘‘someone to give you such have political and social a priori significance for their
good advice in a crisis’’) support in the 6 months before residents. Although community districts are not demo-
the September 11 attacks and summed responses (28). graphically homogenous, they represent neighborhoods as-
The combined social support score was divided into thirds sociated with resident behavior and health (30–33). Using
for analysis. 2000 US Census data (34), we dichotomized neighborhood
September 11, 2001, event experiences also were socioeconomic status (SES) as high or low based on a median
assessed, and respondents were classified by whether they split of neighborhood median ($36,470) household income.
were affected directly by the attacks of September 11,
2001 (in the World Trade Center complex during the
attacks, injured during the attacks, lost possessions or
property, had a friend or relative killed, lost job as a result
of the attacks, or involved in rescue efforts), and/or living Statistical Analyses
within 2 miles of the World Trade Center site on September Sampling weights were developed and applied to the data to
11, 2001. Respondents also were asked about the occurrence correct for potential selection bias relating to number of
of any of 12 traumatic events (natural disaster; serious acci- household telephones, persons in the household, and over-
dent at work, in a car, or somewhere else; assault with sampling. We compared distributions of key demographic
a weapon; assault without a weapon; unwanted sexual con- characteristics, neighborhood poverty, and history of de-
tact; serious injury or illness; other situation involving seri- pression for respondents included in our analysis with those
ous injury or physical damage; situation causing fear of death of respondents excluded because they could not be linked to
or serious injury; seeing someone seriously injured or their neighborhood of residence or were lost to follow-up.
violently killed; death of a spouse or mate; death of a close We also compared included respondents with 2000 US Cen-
family member other than a spouse; or any other extraordi- sus data for NYC (34). We calculated the prevalence of
narily stressful situation or event) in their lifetime, as well as lifetime and past-6-month depression at baseline and
about stressors in the past year (divorce or separation, mar- cumulative incidence of depression during follow-up and
riage, family problems, problems at work, and unemploy- used two-tailed chi-square tests to test for associations be-
ment). For the analysis, prior lifetime traumatic tween covariates of interest and incidence of depression. In-
experiences were categorized according to whether respon- cident depression is defined as depression at either of the
dents experienced zero, one, two, three, or four or more trau- follow-up visits among those with no history of depression
matic events. Stressors in the past year were categorized as at baseline. We used generalized estimating equations
zero or one or more for the analysis. (GEEs) to fit a multilevel multivariable model that assessed
Finally, we used the National Women’s Study post- the relation between neighborhood SES and risk for depres-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) module (29) to assess prob- sion at any time during follow-up for persons who did not
able PTSD symptoms in the respondent’s lifetime. The report depression at baseline (35). The GEE model was
National Women’s Study PTSD module is a 17-item mea- specified with nesting by neighborhood, an exchangeable
sure of probable PTSD that evaluates the presence (yes/ correlation structure, and weighting, as described. The
no) of criterion B (reexperiencing, e.g., intrusive memories model was adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics
or distressing dreams), C (avoidance, e.g., efforts to avoid (i.e., income, education, marital status, social support,
thoughts associated with the trauma or loss of interest in sig- stressors, and traumatic events), as well as September 11,
nificant activities), and D (arousal, e.g., difficulty falling 2001, event experiences and lifetime history of PTSD. All
asleep or concentrating) symptoms and determines content analyses were carried out using SUDAAN (Research Trian-
for content-specific symptoms (e.g., content of dreams or gle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC) and SAS (SAS
nightmares) if symptom presence is endorsed. We assessed Institute, Cary, NC) (36). We replicated regression analyses
lifetime history of probable PTSD based on the presence by using Cox proportional hazards analysis, which allows
of at least one reexperiencing symptom, at least three avoid- consideration of the person-time contributed by each indi-
ance symptoms, and two arousal symptoms reported to have vidual, and results were essentially equivalent. Only GEE
been experienced any time in the past. models are presented here for the sake of brevity.
174 Galea et al. AEP Vol. 17, No. 3
TABLE 2. Prevalence and cumulative incidence that the relation of neighborhood SES and incident depres-
of major depression sion persisted in multivariable models independent of these
95% Confidence potentially explanatory individual-level covariates. How-
n % interval ever, we did not document an association between stressors
Baseline lifetime depression (n Z 1120) 300 20.8 17.1–24.4
(including unemployment and family problems) and inci-
Baseline past-6-mo (n Z 1120) 162 12.2 9.2–15.3 dent depression. This suggests that mechanisms that explain
Cumulative incidence of depression 113 14.6 10.9–18.3 the observed relation between neighborhood SES and inci-
over 18 mo (n Z 820)a dent depression may be complex, and it is not sufficient or
High neighborhood socioeconomic 45 10.5 5.9–15.2 particularly informative to discuss stressors as a broad undif-
status (n Z 432)
Low neighborhood socioeconomic 68 19.4 13.5–25.3
ferentiated group as mechanisms that explain the relation
status (n Z 388) between neighborhood conditions and psychopathologic
states. It is plausible that in different contexts, particular
Among those with no lifetime depression at baseline.
stressors may have different roles in mediating relations
between neighborhood conditions and mental health.
lifetime traumatic events, and lifetime history of PTSD also It also is possible that stressors not measured in this study
were associated significantly with incidence of depression in contribute to the relation between urban neighborhood SES
this multivariable model. and incident depression. For example, additional noise ex-
posure in poorer urban neighborhoods may adversely affect
mental health (41). In the study by Yen and Kaplan (15)
of poverty-area residence and incident depression in
DISCUSSION Alameda County, CA, adjustment for individual health be-
Using data from a population-based prospective cohort haviors (including smoking and alcohol consumption), in
study, we found that the odds of incident major depression addition to other characteristics, such as individual income,
were greater among persons living in poor neighborhoods, attenuated the relation between neighborhood poverty and
independent of individual characteristics. Specifically, mul- depression. Several other studies showed a greater likelihood
tilevel analyses showed that among persons who had never of smoking and heavy drinking in more deprived areas (15,
had depression previously, residents of poorer urban neigh- 42–44), suggesting that these health behaviors themselves
borhoods had more than two times the odds of incident de- may be influenced by neighborhood residence and may
pression during an 18-month period of follow-up relative to mediate the relation between neighborhood poverty and
residents of neighborhoods of higher SES, independent of depression. Additional research should consider the role of
individual-level risk factors for depression, including these and other potential mediators of the relations
individual income. documented here.
Persons living in poor urban neighborhoods may be ex- The quality of the social and built environments of poor-
posed to a greater number of stressors and have less access er urban neighborhoods may contribute directly to the ele-
to salutary resources than persons living in wealthier neigh- vated risk for depression. For example, in relatively poorer
borhoods. For example, residents of socially and economi- neighborhoods, limited social cohesion may diminish
cally deprived neighborhoods may be exposed more community capacity to control group-level processes (45),
frequently to such traumatic event experiences as rape and potentially resulting in manifestations of neighborhood
interpersonal violence and such stressors as unemployment disorder (46–48). Exposure to visible signs of neighborhood
(37), both consistently linked to poorer mental health, in- disorder then may result in psychologic stress and poorer
cluding anxiety and mood disorders (38, 39). Concomi- mental health (18, 37, 49). Consistent with this hypothesis,
tantly, living in poorer neighborhoods may be associated one recent study showed that perceptions of neighborhood
with limited access to sources of material protections and so- characteristics (i.e., vandalism, litter or trash, vacant
cial supports salutary for mental health (37). This mecha- housing, teenagers hanging out, burglary, drug selling, and
nism was called the ‘‘differential vulnerability’’ hypothesis, robbery) predicted depressive symptoms at a 9-month
suggesting that individuals living in deprived neighbor- follow-up interview (19), and another study showed that
hoods may be more likely to experience intermittent trau- persons living in neighborhoods characterized by poorer
matic events and stressors and more vulnerable to their features of the built environment were more likely to report
adverse effects (40). depressive symptoms than persons living in neighborhoods
In our study, we documented an association between ex- characterized by a better built environment (50).
periencing traumatic events and having low social support We show an association between neighborhood SES and
and greater risk for incident depression during follow-up. depression independent of several other variables that are
However, in contrast to other work (13–15), we found known determinants of depression. Depression is comorbid
176 Galea et al. AEP Vol. 17, No. 3
TABLE 3. Bivariate and multivariate associations between key covariates and incident depression
Population with Population with follow-up and
follow-up no lifetime depression Incident depression Multivariable model
Cumulative 95% Confidence
n % n % N incidence pa Odds ratio interval
TABLE 3. Continued
Population with Population with follow-up and
follow-up no lifetime depression Incident depression Multivariable model
Cumulative 95% Confidence
n % n % N incidence pa Odds ratio interval
0 810 72.4 635 76.4 80 13.9 0.507 1.00
1þ 310 27.6 185 23.6 33 17.0 1.16 0.54–2.51
Lifetime post-traumatic stress disorderD
No 861 80.5 734 89.5 79 12.3 !0.001 1.00
Yes 259 19.5 86 10.5 34 34.4 3.07 1.43–6.57
Two-tailed chi-square tests.
Directly affected by September 11 includes persons in the World Trade Center complex during attacks, injured during attacks, lost possessions or property, had a friend or
relative killed, lost a job as a result of the attacks, or involved in rescue efforts.
Traumatic events include natural disaster; serious accident at work, in a car, or somewhere else; assault with or without a weapon; unwanted sexual contact; serious injury or
illness; other situation involving serious injury or physical damage; any other situation causing fear of death or serious injury; seeing someone seriously injured or violently killed;
death of a spouse or mate; death of close family member other than spouse; any other extraordinarily stressful situation or event.
Stressors include divorce or separation from mate, marriage, family problems with spouse or child, problems at work, and unemployment.
with many other affective and anxiety disorders (51, 52), Second, we used lay-administered telephone interviews
and we found that prior history of PTSD was associated for establishing a probable diagnosis of depression by assess-
with incident depression, even in this group of persons ing major depression episodes. Although telephone and
who had not previously experienced depression. Consistent in-person assessment of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
with previous literature, we also found that women had Mental Disorders, Third Edition, Axis I disorders, including
a greater risk for incident depression than men (53, 54). anxiety disorders and affective disorders, were shown to
We note that there are very few published results from pro- result in similar estimates of symptoms (57), depression
spective studies assessing incident psychopathologic states. assessed in this manner cannot be equated to a full diagnosis
Additional work likely is needed to enable definitive com- of major depressive disorder.
ment about the role of race/ethnicity or age as determinants Third, although we used a prospective cohort, we were
of risk for incident depression (27). unable to estimate length of residence of respondents in
The cohort study we report here was started approxi- their particular neighborhoods and hence duration of expo-
mately 6 months after the September 11, 2001, terrorist at- sure to a particular neighborhood context. However, we sug-
tacks and continued in the 2 years thereafter. Therefore, it is gest it is unlikely that persons with incident depression
plausible that the recent mass trauma may have influenced would systematically be more or less likely to move from
the findings documented here. However, in this longitudinal poor to rich neighborhoods (or vice versa) during the brief
analysis, we show that exposure to the events of September (18-month) period included in this assessment. Therefore,
11, 2001, by either proximity or experience, was not associ- any misclassification caused by this limitation likely would
ated with increased risk for major depression. Although de- be nondifferential and unlikely to influence our conclusions.
pression and other psychopathologic states are elevated Future work should assess whether there is a dose–response
soon after a mass traumatic event (55), we previously relation between time or degree of exposure to neighbor-
showed (56) that the prevalence of depression returns to hood poverty and incidence of depression.
baseline in the first 6 months after such traumas, which is Fourth, it is possible that persons who chose not to partic-
when this particular study was started. The absence of ipate in the study could have been different systematically
a strong effect of exposure to the attacks on prospective from those who did not participate, biasing our results.
risk for incident depression in these data suggest that it is Two observations are reassuring in this regard. Using the
unlikely that exposure to the recent September 11 attacks available literature as a guide, recent analyses showed that
explains the relation between neighborhood poverty and response rates are at most weakly associated with bias for
incident depression that we document here. a range of response rates for telephone surveys between
There are several limitations to this study. First, we chose 30% and 70% (58). In one analysis, although a larger differ-
as our units of analysis neighborhoods that are meaningful to ence in response rate was associated with a larger difference
local residents and, as such, may plausibly represent areas in estimates of cigarette-smoking prevalence between the
that can influence population behavior and health. How- telephone-administered Behavioral Risk Factor Surveil-
ever, these neighborhoods are not homogenous, and it is lance System and the in-person Current Population Survey,
possible that smaller urban neighborhoods are more relevant effects were small: a 45 percentage point difference in
for mental health. response rates predicted a difference in smoking prevalence
178 Galea et al. AEP Vol. 17, No. 3
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