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Week 9

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Subject : English Language

Year : 4 Elit

Enrolment : 30 pupils

Date/Day : 5th August 2019/Monday

Time : 11:00 am – 12:30 am (90 minutes)

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unity in Diversity (Unit 10)

Focused Skill : Grammar

Previous Knowledge : Pupils are already familiar with some of the prepositions.

Content Standard : 5.1 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to use different word classes correctly and appropriately.

Learning Standard : 5.1.5 Able to use prepositions correctly and appropriately:

(c) beside

(d) next to

(f ) near

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Construct sentences using the preposition

2. Complete the worksheet given

Vocabulary : beside, next to, near, standing, sitting

Cross Curriculum Emphases :Orienteering

Educational Emphases

i. Moral Values : cooperation

ii. Thinking Skills : Evaluating, word association
iii. Multiple Intelligences : verbal linguistics, interpersonal

Entrepreneurship : Creativity

Resources/ teaching aids : Picture of Aidilfitri celebration, worksheet

Stages/Time Content Activities Remarks

To arouse pupil’s interests Teacher: Preparation Phase

to learn 1. Paste the picture of
Set Induction Aidilfitri Materials:
(10 minutes) celebration. - Picture of
2. Asks the students celebration.
about the picture.

Teacher: Imagination Phase

1. Writes sample of - Analysis
Presentation sentences - Generating
(20 minutes) containing the ideas
2. Discusses the PAK 21 elements:
sentences with the Traffic light
students. Discussion

3. Asks the students Multiple

to put up their intelligence:
traffic light cards to verbal linguistics
ensure their

Practice 1. Teacher asks the Development

(25 minutes) students to form 2 Phase
circles. - Continuous
2. One circle will be
on the inside. Multiple
3. Teacher will play a interpersonal
song and students HOTS: Evaluate
need to move. Assessment for
Inner: to the right learning objective (2)
Outer circle: to
the left

4. Once the music

stops, students
need to stop

5. Teacher asks the

students where
they are standing
6. The student wrote
their answers on
the blackboard.

Teacher: Development
1. Asks the students Phase
go back to their - Continuous
Production seats. practise
(25 minutes) Materials:
2. Distributes the - Worksheet
worksheets to the Multiple
students. intelligence:
3. Asks the students HOTS: Evaluate
to complete it.

- Recap the lesson 1. Teacher recaps the

Closure lesson
(10 minutes)



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