Plagiarism Software Is Applied On Our E-Learning Program, Don't Try To Copy Other Students' Work
Plagiarism Software Is Applied On Our E-Learning Program, Don't Try To Copy Other Students' Work
Plagiarism Software Is Applied On Our E-Learning Program, Don't Try To Copy Other Students' Work
Find a Licensed Professional Teacher in your town who already working at any educational
institutions like DepEd and other private schools, you can also interview those who are working on
tutorial centers.
Plagiarism software is applied on our e-learning program, don’t try to copy other students’ work
Teacher response:
Your response:
Teacher response:
Your response:
3. What do you feel the most exciting or effective learning environment would be?
Teacher response:
Your response:
4. Do you think standardized testing is the most effective way to judge learning?
Teacher response:
Your response:
5. What role do you think government should play in education nowadays?
Teacher response:
Your response:
6. In your experience, can an innovation that works in one place, work in another?
Teacher response:
Your response:
7. What was your favorite moment or experience in your own education?
Teacher response:
Your response:
8. The next 100 years of education should…
Teacher response:
Your response:
9. Which is more challenging when it comes to facilitating learning, the normal or the new
Teacher response:
Your response:
10. What type of education platform you are using? How this platform helps you in educating
Teacher response:
Your response:
III. Reflection
1. Review and understand the questions first before you conduct an interview.
2. You can also breakdown big questions into small parts to make it easier to answer.
3. Ask the interviewee for his/her convenient time for interview.
4. If conducting an interview face to face, print the questionnaire and let him/her answer the
5. Check this website if you are confused with the questions.
8-essential-questions-about-education/ and have a expected answers.