Structure: Endoplasmic Reticulum Nucleus
Structure: Endoplasmic Reticulum Nucleus
Structure: Endoplasmic Reticulum Nucleus
discovered by Camillo Golgi (1844–1926), an Italian physician. While Dr. Golgi was
staining neurons with silver nitrate (Golgi stain), he noticed
small intracellular structures made up of vesicles and fibers known today as the Golgi
The Golgi complex is composed of several layers of cisternae (fluid-filled membrane
sacs) arranged like stacked pancakes near the outer edges of the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) near the nucleus . The Golgi complex is organized into three
biochemically distinct compartments: the cis Golgi, the medial Golgi, and trans Golgi;
the cis Golgi is closest to the ER.
The intracellular structures known at the Golgi complex are involved in protein processing and secretion.
Protein Processing
The primary function of the Golgi complex is to modify, process, and sort newly
produced proteins that arrive from the ER. These modifications include adding or
deleting specific sugar molecules to modify the branched sugar structures found on
newly formed proteins. For example, some of the mannose sugars are cut from
the oligosaccharide branch in the cis Golgi. Upon completion of this step, the protein
travels to the medial Golgi where other sugars like N-acetylglucoseamine and fucose
are added to the oligosaccharide branches on the protein. Further modifications to
the carbohydrates are completed in the trans Golgi. Carbohydrate additions may aid in
the stability, transport, and/or function of the proteins.
Two models have been proposed to explain how newly produced proteins travel from
the ER to the Golgi complex and travel among Golgi stacks. One model suggests that
proteins are transported enclosed in vesicles. Another model proposes that one stack of
the Golgi "matures" into the next stack. This is called the cisternal progression model.
Regardless of which model is correct, the question remains as to how the cell maintains
the size, shape, and biochemical uniqueness of the Golgi complex.
First, secretory vesicles are packaged with a high concentration of a specific protein that
has been transported to the TGN. For example, endocrine cells produce large amounts
of specialized proteins called hormones that are packaged into secretory granules.
When endocrine cells receive the correct "signal" that triggers fusion of the secretory
granules with the plasma membrane, these proteins are released into the circulatory
Finally, the TGN is a sorting station for the delivery of degradative enzymes to
lysosomes, vesicles containing nutrients that originated outside of the cell. Cells need to
target these proteins to acidic lysosomes to assist in the digestion of internalized
nutrients. Proteins destined for the lysosome have been modified with a unique sugar
called mannose 6-phosphate. These lysosomal proteins are sorted in the TGN by
binding to the mannose 6-phosphate receptor that then buds off in a vesicle that fuses
with a lysosome. The low pH in the lysosome causes the mannose 6-phosphate bearing
protein to dissociate from the receptor. The empty receptor buds off from the lysosome
in a small vesicle and is recycled to the TGN.
The Golgi complex plays an essential role in the sorting and targeting of proteins to
various parts of the cell. Despite what is known, there are still many unanswered
questions concerning the exact mechanisms involved with sorting and transporting
cellular cargo throughout the cell. This is an important area of investigation since many
diseases such as I cell disease, Alzheimer Disease, Batten's disease, and a host of
other protein and lipid storage diseases are a result of cells missorting protein and
lipids to the wrong locations in the cell.
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