Multipleintelligencesppt 160527121830 PDF
Multipleintelligencesppt 160527121830 PDF
Multipleintelligencesppt 160527121830 PDF
Aly Quora
Are you are smart ? How?
We are ALL smart in different
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
was created by Dr. Howard Gardner
in 1983.
Gardner’s theory places an emphasis on
the idea that the traditional
understanding of intelligence by means
of IQ testing is far too limited.
To broaden this notion of intelligence,
Gardner introduced eight different types
of intelligences consisting of :
Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic,
Musical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic,
Naturalist, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal.
What is intelligence?
as defined by Gardner, it is the ability to solve
problems or fashion products that are
valuable in one or more cultural settings
Each person may have different multiple
intelligence. Even everyone can possess
more than one of it as Gardner divided
the multiple intelligences into eight kinds
What are the types of Multiple
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
- Intelligence level does not change over a - We can all improve each of the
lifetime. intelligences, though some people
will improve more readily in one
intelligence area than in others
- Intelligence consists of ability in - There are many more types of
logic and language. intelligence which reflect different
ways of interacting with the world