Marketing Management: JNTUK-MBA-R16-2 Semester
Marketing Management: JNTUK-MBA-R16-2 Semester
Marketing Management: JNTUK-MBA-R16-2 Semester
UNIT 1: Introduction to Marketing: difference between wants and demand is
Needs - Wants – Demands - Products - desire. Consequently, for people, who
Exchange - Transactions - Concept of can afford a desirable product are
Market and Marketing - Product and transforming their wants into demands.
Production Concept - Sales and In other words, if a customer is willing
Marketing Concept - Societal and able to buy a need or a want, it
Marketing Concept - Indian means that they have a demand for that
Marketing Environment – Marketing need or a want.
Intelligence system - Marketing Products: product is anything that can
decision system. be offered to a market that might satisfy
a want or need. In retailing, products are
Needs: A driver of human action which called merchandise. In manufacturing,
marketers try to identify, emphasize, and products are bought as raw materials and
satisfy, and around which promotional sold as finished goods. A service is
efforts are organized. another common product type.
Wants : This is quite different from Exchange: Open, organized marketplace
needs. Wants aren’t permanent and it (such as a stock exchange) where buyers
regularly changes. As time passes, and sellers negotiate prices. Exchanges
people and location change, wants require an almost instant (real time) bid
change accordingly. Wants aren’t and ask matching mechanism, settlement
essential for humans to survive, but it’s and clearing, and market wide price
associated with needs. For example, if communication and determination.
we always manage to satisfy our wants, Transactions: Exchange of goods or
it transforms into a need. services between a buyer and a seller.
Demands: Let’s discard the boring Every transaction has three components:
explanation process and start with an (1) transfer of good/service and money,
example. There are two options; you (2) transfer of title which may or may not
either buy a Samsung’s or Apple’s be accompanied by a transfer of
product. Though, the prices possession, and (3) transfer of exchange
are really different. The Samsung’s rights.
phone costs $150 and the Apple’s iPhone Definition of 'Markets'
$780.We’d prefer to purchase the Apple A market is defined as the sum total of
product, but the question is, can we? If all the buyers and sellers in the area or
we, financially, are strong enough and region under consideration. The area
can allow ourselves to buy a $780 may be the earth, or countries, regions,
iPhone, it means that we’ve transformed states, or cities.
our want/need into a demand. So, the key