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1450 81090702169R PDF
Vol. 52, No 2, 2007 Review article
Pages 169-184
Miloš B. Rajković, PhD., Professor, rajmi@agrifaculty.bg.ac.yu, Ivana D. Novaković,
Assistant, Aleksandar Petrović, Assistant, Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty
of Agriculture, P.O.Box 14, 11081 Belgrade-Zemun, Nemanjina St. 6, Serbia
170 M.B. Rajković et al.
The acid content in wine is of great significance for the preservation and
sensory characteristics of wine. The acid amount in must and wine can vary in
pretty wide ranges, depending on grape variety, ripeness degree, climatic
conditions during ripening, type of the soil, vineyard position, phyto-sanitary
condition of grapes, applied agro-technical and ampelotechnical measures, way of
grape processing, conditions according to which alcohol fermentation was done,
wine storage and standing (Radovanović, 1986).
In wine there are a great number of organic acids, even more than 40,
which differ in origin. Some have been a component of grapes and must (tartaric,
malic, citric acid), while the other represent intermediate products or final
products of alcohol fermentation (succinic, 2-ketoglutaric, 2-dimethylglicerine
acid, and hexane, octane and decane acids) (Official Gazette of FRY, 2002;
Official Gazette of SM, 2003).
If grapes were overtaken by grey mould (Botrytis cinerea), then some
acids like galacturonic, glucoronic, slime and hydroxy-glutaric acids can be found
in wine in the increasing amount. During alcohol fermentation there arise a
certain amount of vaporised acids (most common is acetic acid), whose content in
the process of wine preservation increases more or less. In wine there are amino
acids in the amount of a few hundred milligrams to over one gram, which are
significant as of wine aroma precursors. Phenol-carbonic acids are also present in
a smaller amount and they influence wine sensory characteristics (taste, colour)
(Jović, 2003).
No matter if acids are present in a free state or bounded in the form of its
salts, the wine acidity can be characterised by the following parameters: titratable
acidity (titration acidity), actual or real acidity (pH value) and puffer capacity.
Because of that, the aim of this paper is to determine titration acidity in
white wine, using standard methods of determination, which are compared with
the results received by potentiometric titration using an ion-selective electrode.
Titratable Acidity
Titratable acids represent the sum of all acids in wine, except carbonic
acids (H2CO3 or H2O + CO2). Titratable acidity (acidity) is determined by wine
titration (after removal CO2) till the end point of titration by a strong base and is
expressed by proton number received as equivalent concentration of selected acid.
In the United States the end point chosen is pH = 8.20 and the acid for reference
is tartaric acid. In some other countries, for example France, the end point is pH =
7.00 and the reference acid is sulphuric. Titration acidity is commonly with in the
range 4.0-8.0 g/dm3 expressed in tartaric acid (Pey naud and Maurie, 1956;
Boulton, 1980a; Boulton,1980b).
The term titration acids is often wrongly identified with the term total
acids. Titration acidity (acidity) consists of acids that can be titrated by the strong
base solution and these are their free carboxylic functions (–COOH). However, a
part of wine acids has carboxylic functions totally or partially neutralised by
172 M.B. Rajković et al.
cations (potassium, sodium and/or calcium). The term total acids becomes correct
if wine is first put through colon with ion-exchange resin and all carboxylic
functions are released, and then their neutralization is started to with a strong base
(Vine and Harkness, 1997).
Acetous taste of wine doesn’t depend much of acid content but of the
strength of most present acids. Acid strength is closely connected with hydrogen
ion concentration. If acid gives more hydrogen ions by dissociating, it is more
acetous. The strongest organic acid in wine, tartaric acid, is only partially ionized
to two H+ ions and tartrate anion (C4H4O42–). Besides ionizing, non-ionizing forms
of tartaric acid also exist in wine. Tartaric acid is also present in the form of its
salts, with the most important monopotassium-tartrate (tartar or argol), which is
dissociated in water solution, to hydrogen and potassium and tartrate ion. If 1 mol
of different acids is dissolved in 226 dm3 of water, then their dissociated part
would be in the percentage as follows: for tartaric 39.4%, citric 36.6% and malic
acid 27.1%. The pH values of must are in the range of 2.80-3.80 and they are
regularly lower than in wine. Wine with enough acids usually has pH values
lower than 3.50, while in wine that doesn’t have enough acids the values rise even
to 4.00. Wine has a fewer acids than must considering that part of tartaric acid is
deposited in the form of tartar (or argol), as well as for possible lactic
fermentation of malic acid (Boulton, 1980c).
The acidity of wine, the pH in particular, plays an important role in many
aspects of winemaking and wine stability. The ability of most bacteria to grow,
the solubility of the tartarate salts, the effectiveness of sulphur dioxide, ascorbic
acid, the enzyme additions, the solubility of proteins and effectiveness of
bentonite, the polymerization of the color pigments, as well as oxidative and
browning reactions are all influenced by the wine pH. The titratable acidity is an
important parameter in the sensory of evaluation of finished wines. This and the
pH value are also important factors in aging reactions (Leonard and Hodge s,
1973; Radovanović, 1986).
Buffer Capacity
The units of the buffer capacity are moles H+ ions (or OH– ions) per liter
per pH unit (M/L/pH) but because of the values of buffer capacity in wines, it is
common to express them in millimolar terms and these are generally in the range
of 35 to 50 mM/L/pH unit, although they can be as low as 25 and as high as 60
under certain conditions.
The buffer capacity is also a function of pH and is related to the
proximity of the mixture pH to the pKas of the component acids as well as their
concentrations. It has two components at pH below 7.00 one due to water and the
other due to the acids. The equation for predicting the buffer capacity, β, of a
monoprotic acid in solution is (Butler, 1964):
[H ] + 2,303 · [H ]⋅ K ⋅ c
+ +
Kw ([H ] + K )
where Ka is the dissociation constant of the acid; c is the concentration of the acid
in all forms; and Kw is the ionization constant of water (1·10–14). It can be seen
that the buffer capacity of the acid is greatest when [H+] equals Ka (or when the
pH is equal to the pKa of the acid). This relationship can be used for mixtures of
monoprotic acids and many diprotic acids (by considering them to be made up of
two monoprotic acids). Unfortunately, this is not true for most of the diprotic
acids found in wines because the second dissociation is not completely
independent of the first.
The commonly used Henderson-Hasselbach equation (Segal, 1976;
Rajković, 2007):
pH = pKa1 + log
[first ionization form] , (2)
[undissociated acid]
pH = pKa2 + log
[second ionization form] (3)
[first ionization form]
is not valid when the pKas of the diprotic acids less than approximately two pH
units apart and there is interaction between the first and second dissociated acid
forms. This results in an equilibrium in which the intermediate ion form begins to
dissociate at pH values where the undissociated acid is also present. Under these
conditions, there is no intermediate pH range at which only two species are
present and alternative expressions must be used to determine the buffer capacity
and acid ionization. Such an expression for the buffer capacity is given by
(Butler, 1964):
174 M.B. Rajković et al.
where Ka2 is the second ionization constant and the other terms are as defined in
Equation (1). It can be seen that the buffer capacity is strongly pH-dependent. The
expression for a mixture of two monoprotic acids reduces to this form only when
the Ka2 is less than 5% of the Ka1, or expressed another way, when the pKas differ
by more than 1.98.
The buffer capacity terms of different acids in a mixture are additive and
the buffer capacity of wines can be estimated from the acid concentrations and the
pH. Typical buffer capacity curves for a wine is shown in Figure 2. The values
below pH of 2.50 are due to water alone (the two peaks are due to higher buffer
capacity in the region of the 3.00 to 3.40 because of the first ionization of tartaric
and malic acids). The buffer capacity is highest in this range, falling off as the pH
moves away in either direction (increase acidity).
Acidity in white wine 175
2.00 cm3 of working solution of indicator was added and titrated by the solution
of potassium hydroxide till changing the indicator colour from yellow to first
green. Three titrations were done and average consumption of the base solution
was calculated (Daničić, 1984). Titration with indicator phenolphthalein was
done in the same way, the colour changing from colourless to first pink
(Rajković and Novaković, 2005).
Apparatus for potentiometric titration consisted of pH-meter (Eutech,
Netherland) and magnetic stirrer. In a 100 cm3 glass 20.00 cm3 of sample was
pipetted, magnetic nucleus was put in and a combined pH electrode for the
analysis was placed in the solution. Titration was done by the solution of
potassium hydroxide with stirring by magnetic agitator, where titration solution
was added in 0.2 cm3 aliquots. After every adding of the potassium hydroxide
solution, pH value of the solution was observed (Rajković, 2007).
14 14
12 12
pH pH
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
3 3
V(KOH), cm V(KOH), cm
12 12
pH pH
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
V(KOH), cm
3 V(KOH), cm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
V(KOH), cm
e) Rizling Rajnski
Fig. 3. - Potentiometric titration curves
5 7
Ve.t. = 6,40 cm 6 Ve.t. = 6,90 cm
4 Ve.t. = 6,20 cm
2 3
Ve.t. = 5,60 cm
3 Ve.t. = 8,50 cm
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
V+1/2∆V V+1/2∆V
Ve.t. = 6,05 cm
3 3
Ve.t. = 6,60 cm
Ve.t. = 7,65 cm
2 2
Ve.t. = 6,00 cm
3 Ve.t. = 8,50 cm
1 1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
V+1/2∆V V+1/2∆V
Ve.t. = 10,50 cm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
e) Rizling Rajnski
Fig. 4. - Differential potentiometric titration curves
malic acid less than it, and other carboxylic acids are even weaker. So, pH values
of wine samples mostly depend of the amount of tartaric acid in wine.
Concentration of H+ ions, that is, pH value, is not directly proportional to
the amount of total acids in wine. With increasing of total acids, concentration of
H+ ions, that is real pH value of wine, is not always increasing proportionally.
m(H2C4H4O6), g/dm3
Sample pH Bromthymol Potentiometric titations
blue at pH = 7.00 extract
Banatski rizling 3.19 5.64 6.04 5.94 6.34
Fruškogorsko belo 3.39 6.64 7.03 6.79 6.84
Ključka graševina 2.99 6.73 7.08 6.93 7.33
Palićko belo 3.53 5.20 5.55 5.65 6.00
Rizling Rajnski 3.24 9.02 9.11 10.00 10.40
V(KOH), cm3
Sample Potentiometric titations
Bromthymol blue Phenolphtalein
at pH = 7.00 extract
Banatski rizling 5.70 6.10 6.00 6.40
Fruškogorsko belo 6.70 7.10 6.85 6.90
Graševina 6.80 7.15 7.00 7.40
Palićko belo 5.25 5.60 5.70 6.05
Rizling Rajnski 9.10 9.20 10.10 10.50
acidity and, on the other hand, determination of the end point of titration for these
compounds is always discussible (Dur liat and Comtat, 2005; Prenesti et al.,
2004). Namely, oxido-reduction and/or processes of sedimentation (as the
oxidation of phenol and so) have advantage in relation to acidic-basic reactions,
so they make it impossible that this part of titration curve be registered precisely
and reproductively. From Figure 4 it can be seen that the presence of these
compounds on titration curve cannot be registered for Ključka graševina and
Rizling Rajnski. As for Palićko belo even two end points that correspond to the
presence of these compounds have been registered.
The highest rise on differential titration curve for all wine samples occurs
in the pH range from 7.25 to 8.70. According to pH values, it is obvious that in
this point the present acetic acid and nonorganic substances, such as carbon
dioxide and sulfur dioxide are completely neutralised. As only carboxylic acids
are significant for wine quality, it is obvious why in practice potentiometric
determination of total acidity stops at the moment when pH values of titrated
solution is 7.00 (Boulton et al., 1996).
According to the shown results, it can be seen that wine titration with
indicator gives sufficiently reliable values of titration acidity in wine (OIV, 2005).
However, as potentiometric titration for pH value 7.00 is more reliable and
objective method, values for content of total amount of acids in wine, expressed
through tartaric acid, have been given according to these results. According to
titratable acidity in analysed wines, all wines according to their structure
correspond to Regulations about wine quality.
The analysis of differential potentiometric curves shows that these curves
can give us the answer to the question if nonorganic substances, amino groups
and phenols are present in wine in a larger amount, as they are always present in
wine. However, neither of analysed methods gives strict answer to the question
what substances are present in analysed samples. The answer to this question can
be received only by the method of ionic chromatography.
1. A y w a r d , G.H. and F i n d l a y , T.J.V. (1966): Chemical data Book. 2nd ed., John Wiley&Sons,
Syndey, Australia.
2. B o u l t o n , R. (1980a): The General Relationship Between Potassium, Sodium and pH in
Grape Juices and Wines. Am.J.Enol.Vitic., Vol. 10, pp. 105-109.
3. B o u l t o n , R. (1980b): A Hypothesis for the Presence, Activity and Role of
Potassium/Hydrogen Adenosine Triphosphates in Grapevines. Am.J.Enol.Vitic., Vol. 31,
pp. 283-287.
Acidity in white wine 183
dr Miloš B. Rajković, redovni profesor, rajmi@agrifaculty.bg.ac.yu, Ivana D. Novaković,
asistent-pripravnik, Aleksandar Petrović, asistent-pripravnik, Institut za prehrambenu tehnologiju i
biohemiju, Poljoprivredni fakultet, P.O.Box 14, 11081 Beograd-Zemun, Nemanjina 6, Srbija