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Request For Proposal - National Contact Center Implementation

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Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation







TENDER NO (7/‫ح ك‬/2016)

National Contact Center implementation Request for Proposal RFP

Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... 2
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 4
1.1 RFP PURPOSE ...............................................................................................................................................4
1.2 RFP ORGANIZATION ...................................................................................................................................5
2. Project Definition and Overall Solution Desciption ................................... 6
2.1 THE NATIONAL CONTACT CENTER SOLUTION DESCRIPTION ....................................................................6
2.2 SERVICES MATURITY OFFERING ................................................................................................................7
INFORMATION: ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
3. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: .................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Background and Proposed winning bidder's activities ........................................................................21 Build Existing services. .................................................................................... 21 Design and Build New services. ....................................................................... 21 Project Mangment Activites for Adding New Entites : .................................... 22
3.1.2 Technical Proposal Requirements ......................................................................................................26
3.1.3 Financial proposal requirements .........................................................................................................27
3.1.4 Deliverables ............................................................................................................................................28
3.2 COMPONENT 2 – OPERATIONS OUTSOURCING SERVICES .............................................................................29
3.2.1 Background and Proposed winning bidder's activities. ...............................................................29 Operational and Administrative Relationship ....................................................... 29 Workload Forecast ................................................................................................ 31
PLEASE REFER TO ANNEX 5.10 ..............................................................................................................................31 Operations Opening Hours ................................................................................... 32 Key Performance Indicators ................................................................................. 32 Penalties and Remuneration Matrix ...................................................................... 34
3.2.2 Technical proposal requirements. ..................................................................................................34 Organization .......................................................................................................... 34 HR, Training and Workforce Management .......................................................... 35 Quality Management ............................................................................................. 36 Workload Forecast ................................................................................................ 37 Data, Information and Knowledge Management .................................................. 37 Reporting and Continuous Improvements ............................................................ 37 Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................... 38
3.2.3 Financial proposal requirements .........................................................................................................38
3.2.4 Deliverables ............................................................................................................................................40
3.3 COMPONENT 3 – TECHNOLOGY AND INTEGRATION REQUIREMENTS. ....................................................41
3.3.1 Background and Proposed Winning Bidder's activities. ..............................................................41
3.3.2 Technical proposal requirements. ..................................................................................................41
3.3.3 Financial proposal requirements. ....................................................................................................43
3.3.4 Deliverables. ......................................................................................................................................43
4.1 RESPONSE PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................44
4.2 RESPONSE FORMAT ..................................................................................................................................44
4.3 RESPONSE SUBMISSION ..........................................................................................................................45
4.4 RESPONSE EVALUATION ..........................................................................................................................46
4.5 FINANCIAL TERMS ......................................................................................................................................47
4.6 LEGAL TERMS ..............................................................................................................................................48
4.7 CONFLICT OF INTEREST ...........................................................................................................................51

National Contact Center implementation Request for Proposal RFP

Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

4.8 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS PROVISIONS.............................................................................52

4.9 SECRECY AND SECURITY ........................................................................................................................52
4.10 DOCUMENTS PROPERTY ......................................................................................................................53
4.11 REMOVAL AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF PERSONNEL .....................................................................53
5. Annex ........................................................................................................ 54
5.1 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL RESPONSE FORMAT ....................................................................................................54
5.2 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL RESPONSE FORMAT ....................................................................................................58
5.3 RFP TERMINOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................61
5.4 KEY RFP DATES AND DEADLINES ..................................................................................................................62
5.5 PAYMENT FINANCING ARRANGEMENT ..........................................................................................................62
5.6 CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING .....................................................................................................62
5.7 SAMPLE ARABIC CONTRACT AGREEMENT (ATTACHED). ...............................................................................65
5.8 SMS GATEWAY APIS <ATTACHED> .......................................................................................................... 65
5.9 GSB INTEGRATION GUIDELINES <ATTACHED>..............................................................................................65
5.10 WORKLOAD FORCASTS <ATTCHED> ....................................................................................................65

National Contact Center implementation Request for Proposal RFP


The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MoICT) is soliciting proposals from
local qualified bidders (non-Telecom Operators) to outsource the operations of the National Contact
Center of the Government of Jordan– hereafter referred to as the Project, and to migrate all the
functionalities of the of the National Contact Center later on to the MoICT contact center
infrastructure once it becomes available. Qualified local bidders should be operating locally inside the
premises of the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan.

The major project objectives are to enhance the experience with and the image of the government and
become customer oriented. The National Contact Center is expected to transform stakeholders‟
experience while interacting with the government, reduce time to access and deliver government
services, simplify processes and procedures necessary to render the government services by:
• Offering a simple and clear point of access.
• Improving the consistency and quality of contact center services.
• Providing support and answers to inquiries about government services through convenient
and available channel (The phone, e-mail and SMS).
• Offering support for the Government Entities‟ e-Services.
• Eliminating or reducing form-filling and lengthy waits for replies.
• Obtaining immediate answers to questions because information and citizen history are
available to Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and have strong connections with the
relevant government entities.
• Eliminating the need to travel to access a face-to-face service.
• Offering a convenient time for interaction, such as evenings and weekends.
• Organize the way the government provides support for its services.

The National Contact Center through this project should provide customer service for the existing
government entities and any government entities request services and e-Services as well as support
the e-Government Shared services (ex : e-Government Portal, SMS Services, and GSB etc)

MoICT seek a bidder capable of providing Contact Center Operations and Technology Outsourcing
Services, Design and Build Services, and comprehensive implementation framework together with
strong management and leadership skills.

The winning bidder will be responsible to transfer the know how and successful delivery of the
project within specified timeframe highlighted in the scope of work. The project has to be managed
effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the desired goals and requirements.

Also, MoICT is planning to build its own NCC infrastructure, and it might be completed during the
course of this project implementation, for that, the winning bidder will be responsible to migrate data
any related current contact center components owned by MoICT new contact center infrastructure

National Contact Center implementation Request for Proposal RFP

Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

once it is ready, and the winning bidder will be asked to utilizae MoICT infrastruce without any
disruption for the services.


This RFP provides the information to enable bidders to submit written proposals for the sought
solution. The organization of the RFP is as follows:

Section 1: Introduction
This section outlines the RFP‟s purpose and its organization.
Section 2: Project Definition and Overall Solution Description
This section provides general definition of the service and high level description of the solution to be
Section 3: Scope of the Project
This section defines scope of work, proposal requirements and deliverables for the Project .
Section 4: Administrative Procedures and Requirements
This section describes the administrative rules and procedures that guide the proposal and its
Section 5: Annexes
This section includes all annexes to the RFP.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

2. Project Definition and Overall Solution


2.1 The National Contact Center Solution description

The National Contact Center is meant to provide service and support to Government Services and e-
Services customers through various channels: Telephone, E-mail, SMS and FAX.

It is a full-fledged Solution to support Government Entities through establishing coordination

points between the National Contact Center and the involved government entities

The development of the National Contact Center enterprise solution will encompass three
main Components as demonstrated in the graph
Government Customers

Entities in-house Contact


Contact center standards, guidelines and Consultancy services

GE Backend system and/or
e-Services applications Contact center IT shared services
Voice & Data Network

National Contact Center back office

(Government entities employees)
1. Contact Center Operations Management Outsourcing
This component is meant to provide outsourcing services in terms of human resources, premises,
management, facilities. The Government is intending to use the infrastructure of the winning bidder
contact center to support and service government customers.

2. Shared Contact Center Information Systems Services

Part of the mission of the e-Government program is to create economies of scale through the
development of shared Information Systems services. The e-Government program will develop
centralized CC information systems services, such as hosted ACD, IVR,CRM, etc to be used by the
whole government including the Winning Bidder‟s contact center. A project is currently initiated to
that effect. During the course of this project, the Government will use the winning bidder Contact
Center information System Services until having MoICT infrastructure ready, then the winning bidder
will be responsible to migrate any related current contact center components owned by MoICT to the
new contact center infrastructure, and the winning bidder will be asked to utilizae MoICT infrastruce
without any disruption for the services

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

The winning bidder should be committed to migrate to the e-government Contact center infrastructure
at any time during the contract, ensuring the the operations is run and business as usual .

3. Contact Center Standards andGuidelines Design and Build Services

As the Government needs to improve its customer service culture and customer care delivery
capabilities, the winning bidder will need to offer design and build services for the current and new
government entities.

The Government will use the winning bidder consulting services to lead the development of
government-wide standards and guidelines of good CC practices, such as:
 Related Services Processes mapping and development.
 Training portfolio.
 Script development.
 Contact Center Service delivery KPI‟s.
 The development of standard Contact Center Operational Procedures and experience.

The government will provide all the informationneeded to rebuild the current services (procedures,
scripts, QA …etc), so the winning bidder need to reuse the current information and knowledge to
provide the current services through their NCC.

2.2 Services Maturity Offering

The required support for the Services and e-Services may vary depending on the maturity level listed
in table 2.2.1. The scope of contact center service and support described in Figure 2.2.1 identifies an
evolving scope of support, from informationalto transactional.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Figure 2.2.1Maturity Levels

The Government needed support through this engagement is limited to maturity levels 2, 3, and 4
listed in table 2.2.1 below and to be prepared and ready for maturity level 5 by the end of this contract.
The winning bidder must provide the necessary operational and technological requirements to
accommodate for this anticipated growth. The offered support maturity level should be based on the
readiness of the Government entities.
The winning bidder and MoICT will be needed to determine and assess the level of support suitable
for each entity based on the entities readiness (in terms of processes, technology and integration

The time for completing this contract will be 730 days as of the date of the Order to Proceed.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Table 2.2.1 Maturity levels description

2. Basic capability 3. Systems availability 4. Mature delivery 5. Transformation

Information Services and e- Transactional functions Personalized services

services Services support  Provide E-Services  Improved customer
 information  Information, tracking and e-payment via the service delivery is
providing about and technical contact center the vision
processes and support for all (proactive, not
procedures available systems  Clear roles & passive)
and e-Services responsibilities
 Access through between Contact  Multi-channel
email and phone  Based on knowledge Center and integration
base and visibility Government Entities
 Stimulate use of into E-Services and across all channels  Organization,
existing portal, Services systems process and
sms, e-Services,  Detailed KPI‟s and technology changes
and e-payment  Access via phone targets in place across agencies
and e-mail
 Measure and report  Contact center part
 Deliver against SL‟s, customer satisfaction, of wider
broad targets in feedback at CSR level transformation
place project
 Strong quality

The winning bidder should be able todeliver the requirements described below under maturity levels2,
3, and 4 to fulfill the support requirements mentioned in the table above:

Table 2.2.2 Maturity levels requirements

2. Basic capability 3. Systems availability 4. Mature delivery 5. Transformation

Simple skills Higher-level skills Certified skills Multiple skill levels
 1st line customer  1st line trained on E-  CSR‟s to be  Combined
service Services certified before efficient delivery
 2nd line support via  2nd line available for handling E-Service and customer
call backs outbound contacts satisfaction
Simple CRM systems Automated CRM systems Multi-channel systems  Low skills for
 Telephony & email  IVR for FAQ‟s  Web-based tools simple queries,
 Auto-attendant &  CLI and CTI needed to support high-level skills
voicemail  Skills-based routing customers online for complex
 Log contact reason Knowledge systems  Content transactions
 Log customer type  Knowledge base for E- management  Virtual access to
and origin Services. system integrated distributed GE
Basic information  e-Services “view with knowledge resources
systems functions”. base Systems integration
 Directory (who‟s  Access to services  Scripts and  360o view of
who & where) systems workflow-based customer
 Q&A‟s (basic  Ability to provide tools for process  All GE‟s part of a
information) list status information compliance virtual contact

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

2. Basic capability 3. Systems availability 4. Mature delivery 5. Transformation

Information mgt about the transaction E-Services center
processes (access the e-service provisioning Personalization
 Flag missing workflow management  CSR‟s need to use engine
information system.) E-Services like  Proactively offer
 Source required  Workflow to speed up customers information and
information requests and integrate  Authentication services based on
 Update Q&A + GE‟s in whole process mechanisms in analytical
Directory Stronger info mgt place predictive models
 Report contact processes Strong HR & quality Customer
reason volumes  Ability to communicate processes experience focus
Operations mgt around E-Services with  Recruitment and  Process
processes GE‟s (issues related to training extremely improvement
 Basic quality the processes, changes critical based on
monitoring and improvements  No-fault CSR customer
made with the E- quality monitoring satisfaction
Service) required survey results
Stronger ops mgt  High security  Customer insights
processes requirements analysis drives
 Higher volume to GE‟s service
process creation
 More services to

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

2.3 Supported Entities, ITS Services Description,

processes, systems and infrastructure information:

There are three types of services that need to be supported by the National Contact Center related to
current and new :
1- government entities related Services.
2- government entities related e-Services
a.Vertical e-Services
b.Cross-Governmental e-Services .
3- e-Government Shared Services

The table 2.3.1 below demonstrates the number and list of the current Services/e-Services/Shared
Services to be supported as well as information related to their processes, systems and infrastructure.

The winning bidder shall provide informational, interactional and transactional support to these
services which will require a very good understanding of the business of each government entity and
the associated Services/e-Service/Shared Services processes and procedures.

The National Contact Center (outsourced to the winning bidder) is expected to help customers with
regards to:
 Technical questions (how to resolve technical difficulties); and
 Business informational questions (how to complete the e-forms, application related processes
and procedures, guiding the use of e-Services, reassuring the proper closing of a customer
 Business interactional questions (what is my property tax, is my application approved,where
my application is, is my payment delivered, when I will be receiving your confirmation.)
 Business Transactional questions (fill my subsidy application, fill my application to Hajj…)

Some e-Services might be cross-organizational e-services (i.e. services that require the involvement of
several government entities to be delivered). Customers might find difficulties using them. Questions
regarding usability, privacy, payment, transactions‟ status and other might arise before, during and
after using the applications. The National Contact Center (Outsourced to the winning bidder) needs to
help the cross-organizational e-services customers, reduce complexities, and provide them with one
contact point that support a process crossing multiple government entities.

The National Contact Center (outsourced to the winning bidder) will play an important role between
the customers, the e-Service/Services/Shared Services applications team/vendor, and the Government
Entities. The winning bidder in coordination with the applications team should determine:
 How will customer-related information flow from one entity / application to the other?
 How will service-related information flow from one entity / application to the other?

This will need a very a strong and governed relationship between the contact center winning bidder,
the government entities providing the physical services, and the e-Services projects teams (see graph

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

E-Services /Services Contact Center Program

Focus: Service/ Focus: Service/
Customer/ e-Service support,
e-Service case status
applications and customer service
processes Customer excellence
r/ case Custome
informati r/ case
Government Entities involved
on informati

Focus: Service
delivery, provide
information to
front line

Relationship between CC, Services/e-Service applications team, and GE‟s

Figure 2.3.1

Table2.3.1Involved entities services details

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

No of Acces
No Suppor Connec
No of integ s to
Entity of e- Integrated System & t tivity
No servi rated entity
Name servi Service infrastructure info chann with
ces servi applic
ces el SGN
ces ation
Knowledge base
Ticketing System
Entity Official web Yes Yes
Civil Enquiry for Phone,
Status Competitive Email
1 12 6 1 Entity internal web
Bureau Ranking and
(CSB) order SMS
Entities data base
for the use of NCC
IVR services
Ministry Yes No
Knowledge base
Of Phone,
Ticketing System
Industry Email
2 21 6 0 Entity Official web
And and
Trade SMS
Enquiry for Yes Yes
Vehicle Knowledge base
Violation Ticketing System
ality Of Phone,
Enquiry of Entity Official web
Grater Email
3 21 19 3 Vocational Site
Amman and
Licenses (www.ammancity.go
(Amman SMS
Enquiry for v.jo)
Amman City E-Fawatercom
Knowledge base Yes No
Custom Ticketing System Phone,
s Entity Official web Email
4 11 8 0
Departm Site and
ent (www.customs.gov.j SMS
Amman Knowledge base Yes No
Chambe Ticketing System
5 r Of 10 3 0 Entity Official web
Industry Site
(ACI) (www.ACI.org.jo)
Civil Yes No
Knowledge base
And Phone,
Civil Info Ticketing System
Passpor Email
6 24 2 1 Ticketing Entity Official web
ts and
System Site
Departm SMS
Knowledge base Yes Yes
Entity Official web Phone,
Site Email
7 Corpora 44 3 0
(www.SSC.gov.jo) and
Entity Application SMS

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

No of Acces
No Suppor Connec
No of integ s to
Entity of e- Integrated System & t tivity
No servi rated entity
Name servi Service infrastructure info chann with
ces servi applic
ces el SGN
ces ation
Ministry Knowledge base Yes No
Of Ticketing System
8 Educati 32 4 0 Entity Official web
on(MOE Site
) (www.MOE.gov.jo)
Knowledge base Yes No
Ministry Ticketing System
Of Entity Official web Phone,
Higher Site Email
9 12 4 0
Educati (www.MOHE.gov.jo) and
on www,heac.org.jo SMS
(MOHE) www.dsamohe.gov.j
Amman Knowledge base Yes Yes
Chambe Ticketing System
10 r Of 21 5 0 Entity Official web
Commer Site(www.ammanch
ce(ACC) amber.org)
Land Yes No
Knowledge base
rt Phone,
Ticketing System
Regulat Email
11 13 1 0 Entity Official web
ory and
Commis SMS
Knowledge base Yes Yes
Ministry Ticketing System Phone,
Of Entity Official web Email
12 10 3 1 of Non-
Justice( Site and
MOJ) (www.moj.gov.jo) SMS
Jordan No No
Knowledge base
n for Phone,
Ticketing System
Standar Email
13 13 6 0 Entity Official web
ds and and
Metrolo SMS
Departm Knowledge base Yes Yes
ent of Ticketing System Phone,
Lands Entity Official web Email
14 19 5 0
and Site and
Surveys (www.dls.gov.jo) SMS
(DLS) Entity Application
Knowledge base No No
Jordan Ticketing System Phone,
Tourism Entity Official web Email
15 14 4 0
Board Site and
(JTB) (www.visitjordan.co SMS

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

No of Acces
No Suppor Connec
No of integ s to
Entity of e- Integrated System & t tivity
No servi rated entity
Name servi Service infrastructure info chann with
ces servi applic
ces el SGN
ces ation
Ministry Yes No
of Knowledge base
Tourism Ticketing System
16 and 16 0 0 Entity Official web
Antiquiti Site
es (www.mota.gov.jo)
Ministry Knowledge base Yes No
of Ticketing System
17 Foreign 2 0 0 Entity Official web
Affairs Site
(MFA) (www.mfa.gov.jo)
Housing Yes No
Knowledge base
Urban Phone,
Ticketing System
Develop Email
18 18 2 0 Entity Official web
ment and
Corpora SMS
Knowledge base Yes No
Royal Phone,
Ticketing System
Cultural Email
19 2 2 0 Entity Official web
Center and
Knowledge base Yes No
Ticketing System Phone,
Entity Official web Email
20 Director 20 0 0
Site and
(www.psd.gov.jo) SMS
Ministry Yes No
Knowledge base
of Phone,
Ticketing System
Municip Email
21 20 3 0 Entity Official web
al and
Affairs SMS
Complai Yes Yes
nt Ticketing System
Manage Entity Official web
22 1 0 0 Phone
ment Site
Unit (www.cmu.gov.jo)
Ministry Knowledge base Yes No
of Social Ticketing System
23 Develop 34 0 0 Entity Official web
ment Site
(MOSD) (www.mosd.gov.jo)
Ministry Yes No
of Knowledge base
24 Awqaf ( 5 0 0 Ticketing System
AWQAF Entity Application

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

No of Acces
No Suppor Connec
No of integ s to
Entity of e- Integrated System & t tivity
No servi rated entity
Name servi Service infrastructure info chann with
ces servi applic
ces el SGN
ces ation
Departm Yes No
Knowledge base Phone,
ent of
Ticketing System Email
25 National 26 0 0
Entity Official web and
Site (www.nl.gov.jo) SMS
Indepen Yes No
Knowledge base
dent Phone,
Ticketing System
Election Email
26 1 0 0 Entity Official web
Commis and
sion ( SMS
Orphans Yes No
Fund Knowledge base
Develop Ticketing System
27 ment 5 0 0 Entity Official web
Corpora Site
tion (www.ofdc.gov.jo)
Knowledge base Yes Yes
Ministry Ticketing System Phone,
of Entity Official web Email
28 21 1 0
Interior Site and
(MOI) (www.moi.gov.jo) SMS
Entity Application
Ministry Yes No
Knowledge base
of Phone,
Ticketing System
Envirom Email
29 13 0 0 Entity Official web
ent and
Telecom Yes No
Knowledge base Email
30 Regulat 1 0 0
Ticketing System and
y (TRC)
Health No No
Insuranc Phone,
e Knowledge base Email
31 15 0 0
Director Ticketing System and
ate SMS
King Phone, No No
Knowledge base
Abdulla Email
32 3 0 0 Ticketing System
h Fund and
Entity Application
Knowledge base
Ticketing System Phone,
Entity Official web Email
33 3 0 Site and yes NO
(http://www.jedco.go SMS

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

No of Acces
No Suppor Connec
No of integ s to
Entity of e- Integrated System & t tivity
No servi rated entity
Name servi Service infrastructure info chann with
ces servi applic
ces el SGN
ces ation
Knowledge base No No
Ticketing System Phone,
Hajj Entity Official web Email
34 2 0 0
Fund Site and
(www.hajjfund.gov.j SMS
―Ask the Knowledge base NA NA
Government (NCC Mail,
0 3 2 94444 and Email
Shared type in the
Services message
Phone NA NA
E-Gov Web Sites and
0 1 0 Issue Email

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

N Entity name Systems and infrastructureInformation

Number of

Number of

channels (

1.Civil Service 12 6  Knowledge base SGN Phone,

Bureau (CSB) Email
 Entity’s official Website (www.csb.gov.jo) and
 Entity’s internal website (www.csb2.gov.jo)

 Entities database for the use of the NCC IVR


2.Ministry of 21 6  Knowledge base NA Phone,

Industry and Email
Trade (MIT)  www.mit.gov.jo and
3.Municipality 21 18  Knowledge base SGN Phone,
of Greater Email
Amman  www.ammancity.gov.jo and
(Amman SMS
City)  Entity’s database for the IVR services of the

4.Customs 11 8  Knowledge base NA Phone,

department Email
 www.customs.gov.jo and
5.Amman 10 3  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Chamber of Email
Industry  www.aci.org.jo and
6.Civil Status 24 2  Knowledge base NA Phone,
and Email
Passports  www.cspd.gov.jo and
Department SMS
7.Social 44 2  Knowledge base SGN Phone,
Security Email
Corporation  www.ssc.gov.jo and
 Entity’s application

8.Ministry of 32 4  Knowledge base NA Phone,

Education Email
(MoE)  www.moe.gov.jo and
9.Ministry of 12 4  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Higher Email
Education  www.mohe.gov.jo and
 http://www.heac.org.jo/Heac/Default.aspx?ln

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


 http://www.dsamohe.gov.jo/

10. 21 5  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Chamber of Email
Commerce  www.ammanchamber.org and
11. 13 1  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Transportati Email
on  www.ptrc.gov.jo and
Regulatory SMS
Ministry of
12. 10 2  Knowledge base SGN Phone,
Justice (MoJ) Email
 www.moj.gov.jo and
13. 13 6  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Institution Email
for Standards  www.jism.gov.jo and
and SMS
14. 19 5  Knowledge base SGN Phone,
of Lands and Email
Survey (DLS)  www.dls.gov.jo and
 Entity’s application

15. 14 4  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Tourism Email
Board(JTB)  visitJordan.com and
Ministry of
16. 16 0  Knowledge base NA Phone,
tourism and Email
antiquities  www.mota.gov.jo/ and
Ministry of
17. 2 0  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Foreign Email
Affairs (MFA)  www.mfa.gov.jo and

Housing and
18. 18 2  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Urban Email
Development  www.hudc.gov.jo and
Corporation SMS
19. 2 2  Knowledge base NA Phone,
cultural Email
center (RCC)  www.rcc.gov.jo and

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

20. 20 0  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Security Email
Directorate  www.psd.gov.jo and
 http://amnuna.com

Ministry Of
21. 20 3  Knowledge base NA Phone,
Municipal Email
Affairs  www.mma.gov.jo and

e-Gov Portal
22. 0 1 ASK Service Hoste Email
d at
the e-
SMS service
23. 0 1 Supporting 1444 180 Outs SMS
d to a
24. 0 0 0 Hoste 0
service d at
the e-
25. 1 0 www.cmu.gov.jo SGN Phone

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MoICT) is soliciting proposals from
qualified bidders to provide the Government of Jordan with Contact Center operations, management
and technology outsourcing services as well as Contact Center standards and guidelines design and
build services. This is to provide customer service for the end users of the currently subscribing and
newgovernment entities services, e-Services, as well as e-Government shared services (Portal, SMS
Gateway, and GSB).
As mentioned in section 2 above, there are certain activities that are to be preformed and deliverables
to be provided by the wining bidder during execution of the Project. More detailed information on
each of them is provided below. Note that the bidders should detail in theirproposal all recommended
mechanisms and methodologies through which its services and deliverables will be accomplished. All
the final deliverables (documentation) of the project are required to be prepared in English. Selected
deliverables (as highlighted below) are required in both: English and Arabic languages.



3.1.1 Background and Proposed winning bidder's

activities Build Existing services.

The winning bidder should describe in details how the current entities, services, e services & shared
services will be serviced through the winning bidder contact center.The current entities, services, e
services and shared services are described in table 2.3.1 Design and Build New services.

MoICT will provide the winning bidder at the beginning of the contract with a list of government
entities and recommended to be connected to the NCC, the winning bidder need to conduct a study for
the services provided by those entities to propose at least 4 entities with their related services to be
connected and served through the NCC.

MoICT will confirm to the winning bidder which entities and services need to be connected to the
NCC, then the winning bidder need to proceed on all the tasks to connect the approved entity and
related services.

The winning bidder should conduct a situational assessment within 45 days of the date of the order to
proceed indicating whether working with one/some of the selected entities in table 2.3.1 impose a risk
on the project success? And should indicate why? If it is found at that stage that some of the entities
might impose a major risk on the project success that cannot be resolved in due time, then the work for
such entities will be canceled from the scope of the project, and all costs related to serving these
entities shall be deducted from the fixed lump sum price for this component in addition to reduction of
any other costs related to the work that should have been done for these entities.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation Project Mangment Activites for Adding

New Entites :

In order to provide project planning and management services for adding new entites and services
once requested, the successful bidder is required, to perform the following activities:

 Appoint staff needed and a designated Project Manager to oversee related activities execution
together with project teams to execute all designated tasks and activities
 Identify key stakeholders and provide plan for managing their expectations
 Ensure close cooperation with the MoICT team as well as the government entities and
dependencies representatives
 Provide and maintain a full and comprehensive project schedule to achieve expected outcomes
Develop project structure to underline all possible resources needed from engaged parties
including their roles and responsibilities as well as their involvement at different stages of the
 Establish and execute a process of Quality Assurance (planning, assurance and control) for all
components included in the scope of work
 Establish and execute a process for reporting project progress including deadlines; delays,
issues and critical paths to ensuring deliverables are met within resource constraints
 Establish and execute a process for risks and issues management and mitigation
 Implement submission and acceptance procedures for approving deliverables

Customer Experience Definition

The main success factor for this project lies in the proper definition of the customer experience, and
how that will be translated in the contact center, in terms of:

 Striking a balance between customer service excellence (response time, courteous service,
knowledge and expertise) and related costs
 Selecting the proper Customer Service Agents, training them and keeping their knowledge up
to date
 Developing the processes and systems to help CSAs support customers properly.

The following are some examples that demonstrate the type of customer service questions the contact
centre may receive:

Table 3.1.1 Question & Answer Matrix – Illustrative

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Moment 
Pre-use During use Post use
 Category
General “What kind of “I do no understand “I sent you an e-mail
information information can I find what is stated on page requesting support
on the portal” xyz, about service because I cannot
ABC, could you please view some pages;
elaborate” when will I get an
Services What do I need to issue I submitted my My application is
Inquiries Jordanian Passport? application with disapproved for the
complete attachments X reasons, when I
last Monday, is it can apply again?
approved already?
Services How much is my
outcomes property tax?
Difference “What are the benefits, “I have completed this “I used to receive
between E- compared to going to process now, should I notification via letter,
Service and the relevant not go somewhere to is the e-mail I just
traditional government entities?” pick up the received replacing
service paperwork?” the letter?”
How to use “How long will it take “I have filled in this
to complete the information on that
process? I use dial-up screen, what do I do
Internet access and do next?”
not want to spend a
fortune of phone costs”
“What kind of
information do I need
to have in order to
complete the process?”
Status “I have completed the “I received
information E-Service process, confirmation last
when will I receive week that the process
confirmation that it was completed. Can
went OK?” you see where my
request is?”
Payment “I do not trust your “Can you please
online payment; can I confirm that you
make the payment received my
separately?” payment?”
Fulfillment “If I submit the request “It has been 2 weeks
tomorrow, when will I since I was supposed
receive the output?” to receive my
paperwork. Why
haven‟t I received it
Technical “What are the “I think my browser‟s
support minimum systems pop-up blocker is
requirements?” interfering with the
“I cannot access the application, is that
application, is the correct?”
website down?” “The application
crashed while I was
entering my

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Moment 
Pre-use During use Post use
 Category
information, is
everything lost?”
Complaints “I do not have Internet “I am having problems “I have completed
access and cannot use completing the the transaction but
the E-Service, this is transaction and the did not receive the
discrimination” person trying to help paperwork and was
me was very rude” charged for it, this is

In order to define customer experience as well as answer Services/e-Services/e-Government Shared

Services customers' questions, the winning bidder needs to conduct analysis through interviews and
review of their Processes/Procedures/instructions documentation with the Services/e-Services/e-
government Shared Services owners responsible for offering these services and that is to understand
the following:
1. How the Services on the face to face channel work, so as to understand the current customer
2. The difference with the e-Service experience (if available), and the relationships between
service and e-Service
3. How the e-Service/e-Gov Shared Services functionality works, and which potential problems
could arise during the use of the Services

The winning bidder should provide more developed and enhanced services rather than the current
services provided in the face to face channel.

That should identify the As-Is situation in the relevant government entities, as well as the expected
Inquiries due to the introduction of Contact Center Services
a. What are the contact reasons, and the contact drivers?
b. What are the frequently asked questions and the answers?

The winning bidder is also requested to look at customer experience from other perspectives in
coordination with the respective government entities (service owners), e.g.:
 Length and form of welcome sentence (also applicable to e-mail)
 Tone of voice to adopt (also applicable to e-mail)
 How to listen and interact with the customer during the conversation
 What to do if no proper answer can be given during the call / first contact and if providing the
answer requires further investigation
 When, and how to schedule a call back (information requested, how to plan time)
 How to handle complaints
 If, when and how to refer to existing material on the Website (e.g. FAQ‟s)
 What to do with unsolicited customer feedback
 How to close a call
 How to perform an outbound call back (e.g. what to do in case of voicemail).
 What to do when after hours call are received?

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

All of the above questions should be verified and answered prior to starting the operation as the
winning bidder is required to develop the scripts and training material needed for customer service
agents training and orientation

The winning bidder should maintain the current built customer experience and should enhance and
develop this customer experience.

Operational Requirements Definition

Based on the agreed-upon Customer Experience, the winning bidder shall determine the operational
requirements for each Service /e-Service /e-Gov Shared Service supported.

The winning bidder is also expected to align the operational requirements with the maturity level (i.e.
if the contact center is operating at maturity level 2, the operational requirements should fulfill the
operational requirements of this level. in cases where the Contact Center operations is at maturity level
3 the winning bidder should fulfill the requirements necessary of that level, etc…).

The winning bidder is required to provide the operational requirements of the supported Services
Q&As in the below illustrative format (building on table 3.1.1).

Table 3.1.2 Q&A Implications – Illustrative

Requirements 
Tools Processes Skills
 Category
1) General Knowledge base Understand request. Customer service
information Case registration tool Look for answer. Knowledge on
E-mail handling Report missing Content. Product/Service
system (if relevant) Provide answer.
Verify satisfaction.
Close contact.
Log contact.
Escalate to GE for missing
Agents are up to date
whenever changes are
made to existing services
and/or new services are
2) Services Same as above Same as above Customer Service
Inquiries Access of Services Knowledge on the
Systems Product/Service
3) Services Results Same as above Same as above Customer Service
Access of Services Knowledge on the
Systems Product/Service
4) Difference Knowledge base Customer service
between E-Service Case registration tool Knowledge on the
and traditional E-mail handling Product/Service
service system (if relevant)
5) How to use Same as above Same as above Customer service
6) Status Same as above Same as above Customer service

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Requirements 
Tools Processes Skills
 Category
information Access to Services Service/Product
Systems Knowledge
Access to e-Services
7) Payment Same as above Same as above Customer service
Access to e- Service/Product
Service/payment Knowledge
gateway Systems
8) Fulfillment Same as above Same as above Customer service
9) Technical Same as above Understand problem Customer Service
support E-Service Define hypotheses Troubleshooting skills
infrastructure Verify hypotheses,
dashboard identify source of problem
Define problem resolution
steps with customer
Verify satisfaction
Close contact
Log contact
Escalate incidents /
problems to MoICT
10) Complaints Same as above Understand complaint Customer service
Handle angry customer
Agree on resolution
Verify satisfaction
Close contact
Log contact
Escalate to MoICT /
relevant GE
Agents are up to date
whenever changes are
made to existing services
and/or new services are

3.1.2 Technical Proposal Requirements

Bidders are required to provide the following information in their proposals in relation to the design
and build services:
 Describe bidder's capabilities/methodology/approach with regards to defining the customer
experience for every all Service/e-Service/e-Gov Shared Service supported as described in
Table 2.3.1
 Describe bidder's capabilities/methodology/approach with regards to developing scripts for
any new Service/e-Service/e-Gov Shared Services supported.
 Describe bidder's capabilities/methodology/approach with regards to reusing the already
developed scripts for all of thecurrent Service/e-Service/e-Gov Shared Services supported
described in Table 2.3.1

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Describe bidder's capabilities/approach/methodology with regards to defining and developing

the CSA training material required to support the new Service/e-Service/e-Gov Shared
Services. As described in table 2.3.1
 Describe bidder's capabilities/approach/methodology with regards to defining and developing
the CSA training material required to support the current Service/e-Service/e-Gov Shared
Services described in Table 2.3.1
 Describe bidder's capabilities/methodology/approach in developing the operational support
 Propose what tools would be necessary to support the different entities and their variant needs
 Describe bidder's capabilities/approach/methodology with regards to defining and developing
the CSA training on the processes, tools and the required customer service/product skills as
described above.
 Describe bidder‟s capabilities/approach/methodology with regards to continuous improving
the quality of the service.
 Provide bidder's capabilities in similar projects during the last (5) years andreferences for
these projects.

Also bidders are required to provide the following information in their proposal in relation to the
Project Planning and Management for adding new entites or services:
 Description of key stakeholders with approach to managing their expectations
 Describe ideas how the overall coordination should be tackled in order to assure proper time
and effective use of resources and information
 Describe approach to Quality Assurance for all components of the scope and relevant
qualifications in this field
 Describe approach for communication
 Describe approach to report progress
 Describe approach to risks and issues management and mitigation
 Describe methodology for the overall activities Management and bidder‟s professional
qualifications (like PM certificates) in project management field
 Provide a list of deliverables for the Project Planning and Management.
 In terms of effort of the implementation: what project team do you suggest and what
responsibilities are required from the Government side?
 Describe your transition and implementation methodology and the process you follow to
ensure a thorough and timely implementation.

3.1.3 Financial proposal requirements

The bidder is required to provide the following information in the financial proposal in relation to the
design and build services:

List all costs associated with design and build activities. e.g. customer experience definition, script
development, training design and material, operational processes development for any new entity and

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

related services and e services, in addition to the cost of relaetd project management activities for
adding new entities.

These costs should be fixed lump sum price and should be demonstrated in the bidders financial
proposal under )3( ‫ ملحق رقم‬of the Arabic Sample Contract

The cost of adding new services or e-services to existing entity is included in the cost of connecting
this entity .

Payments to the winning bidder for the delivery of these build and design activities will be in
accordance with the conditions and prices shown under )3( ‫) و رقم‬1( ‫ ملحق رقم‬of the Arabic Sample
Contract attached herewith. Please note that the unite rates proposed by winning bidderin ‫من ملحق‬
‫) – خالصة بدل االجعاب‬3(| ‫ االجفاقية رقم‬of the Sample Arabic agreement will be taken into consideration
when verifying the winning bidderfinancial offers.

3.1.4 Deliverables

 Based on the investigations described in section 3.1.1, the winning bidder shall develop a
manual that details all information requested. The manual should be a living document and
should be continuously updated whenever changes are made to an existing service and/or a
new Service is supported. (English and Arabic is needed)
 An updated Question & Answer Matrix (Table 3.1.1), and the needed scripting, capturing all
possible questions and answers. This should be a living document and should be continuously
updated whenever changes to existing services and/or new services are supported (English and
 The winning bidderis required to train his CSAs (Customer Service Advisor‟s) on the scripts
and manual, and continuous refreshment should be done regularly .
 Based on the investigations described in section 3.1.2, the winning bidder shalldevelop a
manual that details all information related to operational requirements. The manual should be
a living document and should be continuously updated whenever changes are made to existing
services and/or new services are added (English and Arabic is needed)
 The winning bidder is required to provide An updated Question & Answer Matrix (Table
3.1.2). This should be a living document and should be continuously updated whenever
changes are made to existing services and/or new services are added (English and Arabic)
 The winning bidder to provide training on the processes, tools, and required customer skills
developed in the manual to his CSAs
 Comprehensive project planning document covering project management documentation
especially :
o Project Management organization structure
o Detailed project execution plan and work breakdown structure outlining all tasks,
milestones and resource needs in monthly basis
o Project progress reporting and communication plan
o Issues and risk management
o Deliverables acceptance
 Issues and risk log.
 Provide Weekly and monthly status and progress reports.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

3.2 Component 2 – Operations Outsourcing Services

The winning bidder shall provide staff, logistics, premises and any other items needed for the
proper operations of the National Contact Center for the current list of entites & related service, e-
services and shared services as listed in table 2.3.1 in addition to the new entities that will be
connected during the project life.

3.2.1 Background and Proposed winning bidder's activities. Operational and Administrative


MoICT has applied a decision model to determine the most optimal National Contact Centre business
model. The decision has been made to outsource and to centralize as described in section 3

 In order to meet the main objectives of the National Contact Center; the winning bidder and
the relevant Government Entities will need to abide by strict governance model, which is
demonstrated in the below operational and administrative relationships.
 Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Memorandum of Understanding will be proposed by the
winning bidder and signed between all parties involved for the provision of the services to
guarantee the rights of both Government and winning bidder and addressing any particular
issues if exist concerning the ownership, control or use of Intellectual Property rights e.g.,
copyrights trademarks, patents, etc….

Government Entities
(Service delivery, provide
information and access to SLA
Agreements National Contact Center
the National Contact Center
(OUTSOURCED to the winning bidder)

SOW Operational
Framework Information
Strategic Escalations compliance support processes
Requirements and processes agreement
National Contact Center e -Services project
Working Group (e -Service and Shared
Services Systems)

Figure 3.2.1
The National Contact Center Working Group is the team who will ensure that the GE‟s and
thewinning bidderwork effectively and efficiently together.
The winning bidder will be responsible for:
 Managing the contact center operations and providing support to the mentioned Services in
Table 2.3.1and any new services in coordination with the respective government entities and
the National Contact Center Working Group in accordance to the KPI‟s and the PI‟s described
in section
 Workload forecast.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Recruitment, staffing and training of CSA‟s,

 Quality Management
 Provide support services according to the Customer experience as described in the previous
 Integrating Contact center systems with the Services /e-Services/e-Government Shared
Services Systems .
 Integrating thecontact center systems with the ESB to benefit from any new or existing
services integrated to the ESB
 Provide MoICT with access to winning bidder‟s reporting tool to monitor the operations
related to government eservices.
 Reporting on actual against forecasted volumes

The National Contact Center Working Group will be responsible for:

 Supervising and Steering the overall Project
 Coordination and Facilitation between the two parties (winning bidder and government
 Escalations
 Strategic / change requests.

The Involved Government entities will be responsible for providing information about and access to
the supported service. While the integration Guidelines with the SMS Gateway and the National
eGovernment Portal will be given to the winning bidder after award.

The diagram below gives more details about the operational relationships between the three Parties

• Support requests (e.g.

missing content) Governmental
• Escalations
• Incident management Service Y
• Best practice sharing
• Continuous improvements
• Monitoring ofSLA’s Cross governmental
• Change requests e-Service Y
• Change control processes
• Problem management • Process management
• Project management Vertical e-Service Z
National Contact Center Management and •Operations
supportfor Proposal RFP
• New services 30
• Strategic directions • Service portfolio Portal Services
• Financial management • Strategic roadmap
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Figure 3.2.2

The National Contact Center working group will faciliatate the relationship between the winning
bidderand the involved government entities but will enable direct contacts with the GE‟s to support
customers. The government entities will channel escalations and strategic requirements through the
National Contact Center Working Group

The winning bidder will act as a first line of support for Government services/e-Services/e-Gov Shared
Services, and will escalate unresolved questions to the respective Service owner; winning bidder will
offer second line of support via call backs to the customers.

Portal support
Customers of the portal will be reporting their inquiries to the winning bidder through email channel.
Those inquiries might fall under the following three categories:
1. Business related inquiries: the National Contact Center will get informational questions related
to the government services offered on the portal, in case the National Contact Center could not
answer those questions from the portal available content and the FAQ‟s, the national contact
center should escalate those inquiries (through email and/or phone) to the contact liaison
officers residing at the government entities.

2. Content related inquiries: In some cases, citizens might report inquiries related to
faulty/outdated content. In some others, the National Contact Center might feel the value of
adding some information to the portal content to decrease number of related questions coming
on a certain topic. In those case, the contact center will open a communication with the related
content mangers, either to correct, amend, add information on the portal

3. Technical related inquiries: those inquiries will be related to broken links, page down, etc.
those will be escalated to the e-Government Helpdesk part of the e-Government Operations
Center where the portal is hosted.

In addition to the above, portal customers can communicate with the Government of Jordan
via social media, comments and feedbacks directly on the portal, some of these comments
might be directed to the winning bidder for support. Workload Forecast

Please refer to Annex 5.10

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation Operations Opening Hours

Days and hours of operations that winning bidder is requested to cover are:
 Saturday-Thursday, from 8:00 to 20:00
 Friday, from 12:00 to 17:00
Any change on the working hours will be discussed with MoICT and agreed upon with the
winning bidder. A month notice will be the duration prior to any change Key Performance Indicators

MoICT distinguishes between KPIs, which impact the customer most, and regular Performance
Indicators, which usually drive the KPIs and provide an explanation for them.

Table 3.2.1 Key performance indicators

KPI Acronym Description Formula Measure- Proposed

ment Value
Percentage of satisfied 5-points Likert scale
Customer customers of all (from extremely
CS (Paper, call or ≥ 80
Satisfaction customers contacted satisfied to very
the CC. dissatisfied)
Percentage of inbound
SL calls answered within Erlang-C Formula ACD 80/40
specified seconds
calls / emails
- to be logged
by CSA after
Contacts resolved
First Percentage of contacts asking the
from the first time
Contact FCR resolved from the first customer ≥ 75
divided by total
Resolution time - can be
number of contacts

Total number of
abandoned calls /
Total number of
Percentage of inbound routed calls
Abandon calls in which callers
AR ACD ≤ 5%
Rate choose to hang up *Abandond calls ≤ 5
before being answered seconds not counted
in total abandoned
calls & total routed
Average time that
Time ≤ 30
callers wait in queue ACD
before seconds
before abandoning
Email Time elapsed 8

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Turnaround between arriving business

email & response hours
time to this email
Table 3.2.2 Performance indicators

Measure- Proposed
PI Acronym Description Formula
ment Value
The average delay of all
Average Speed inbound calls (The
Total delay /
of Answer / ASA / average waiting time for ≤ 20
Total number of ACD
Average AWT all customers in the queue seconds
Waiting Time and before being
The conversation time the
Average Average Talk To be
CSR spends with the
Handling Time AHT Time + Average ACD defined
customer & the time of
per Team After call work later
after call work
(Call volume X
Percentage of time agents AHT) / (# of
handling calls versus Agents X 1800
(Agent 85% - 90%
waiting for calls to arrive seconds) *
(available time)
* per 30 minutes
Number of
Measures the quality of
service provided to
*Quality monitored by a Twice a score to be
customers by monitoring
Monitoring quality monitor week above 90%
agent interactions with
per CSA per
Occupancy for
Contact Number of
volumes incoming calls
received per
Number of
outbound (e.g.
Total volume of calls and
call backs)
email offered for
performed per
treatment and volume of
contacts answered
Number of
requests received
via email or the
web received per

Escalations The % of contacts that

required escalation to TBD TBD
obtain resolution
(# of agents If ≤ 10
Turnover rate is the
exiting the job / agents 
percentage of contact
Turnover Rate average # of 25%
center agents that leave
agents during the If ≥ 11
the call center in a month.
period) X (12 / # agents 

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

TR of months in the 15%

Ability of the SP to have
Staffing level the agreed-upon number
of CSA‟s

* Quality sheet to be approved by MoICT Penalties and Remuneration Matrix

The winning bidder is to provide the contact center outsourcing operational services as per the Key
performance indicators (KPIs) and the performance indicators PIs (Mentioned in table 3.2.1, and table
(3.2.2). Penalties will be deducted from the monthly calls fees according to the winning bidder's
performance for these services every month in addition to deduction of other penalties as illustrated
under item ) ‫هـ‬-7(. of the Arabic Sample Contract attached

Penalties will be based on the following indicators:

1- Abandon rate
2- Email turna round time
3- First contact resolution
4- Service level
5- Quality monitoring
6- Occupancy Rate

The breach percentage for each of these indicators will be calculated by dividing the actual result by
the baseline value. Then the average of all breach percentages will be calculated, taking into
consideration that the Service level indicator will be double weighted. Penalties will be as the
following table
Table 3.2.3
Total sum of the breach percentages Penalties to be deducted from Winning bidder
(ranges) per month (% of Monthly operations management fee)
1%-15% 5%

16%- 30% 10%

31%- 45% 20%
46%- 60% 35%
61% ≤ 60%

3.2.2 Technical proposal requirements. Organization
 Describe how you would guarantee an optimal customer experience? What are the critical
components to achieve this?

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Present a proposal on internal organizational structure and personnel. This includes contact
center agents, operational site management team, and management team. Define the expected
ratio of management to staff.
 MoICT will play a facilitator and enabler role; explain bidder's management approach for
managing this project, what would be your solution to sustain a direct relationship between
you and the involved government entities during project implementation as well as running the
operation ensuring the government entities full coordination, support, and commitment.
 Describe if you have any experience working in a 3-way relationship as described in
figure3.2.1. Specifically, propose how you would work to establish and maintain efficient and
effective communications lines between the National CC working group, Services/e-
Services/shared services applications teams, and the related GE‟s
 In case of operational disputes, an escalation process should be in place. Please propose your
envisioned escalation processes.
 Different Migrations:
 Describe your plan to migrate any contact center currently belongs to the respective
government entities into the National Contact Center ensuring that all contacts are
terminated and only handled by you.
 Describe your plan to migrate from the current contact center belongs to the current
bidder to the new National contact center belong to new bidder .
 Describe your plan, tools and support that guarantee the smooth migration from the
winning bidder national contact center to e-gov contact center during or at the end of
the contract.
 Describe your plan, tools and support to guarantee the smooth migraton from the
winning bidder contact center to any other bidder contact center at the end of the
 Propose your customer loyalty plan that will ensure trust between the National Contact Center
and its customers where by Citizens perception is changed and they will stop calling the
respective government entity for support
 Please describe your standard processes with regards to Incident, Problem and Change
 Describe how the winning bidder will manage the operation of the contact center based on the
existing contact volume provided in the previous paragraph.
 Describe how the winning bidder will manage the forecasted traffic during the next years. HR, Training and Workforce Management

 Related to HR Management, please describe how your hiring and coaching processes, career
development process, incentives, etc. are organized
 Describe your process to assess the skills needed to properly deliver services and the methods
you use to test or confirm the skill levels of potential employees.
 Outline training policies and procedures, professional certification standards, job posting and
eligibility regulations, promotion and transfer statistics, and employee turnover rate.
 Propose the training program you would envision for this project

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Describe the minimum qualifications of your staff and how your support staff is organized.
Include certifications and education requirements along with any minimum qualifications.
 Describe how you assess and predict the capacity required to maintain agreed upon levels of
service within the Contact Center (includes such capabilities as overflow- and workforce
management), leading to the effective and efficient use of capacity.
 Describe how you map the contact volumes with the number of agents.
 Explain your ways of working in relation to skill based routing of customers: propose how this
will be organized and supported
 Describe your plan for handling the mentioned support requirements, Propose how are you
planning to organize your agents groups and skillsto support the various services
 Describe your plan for handling the mentioned support requirements within the requested
opening hours? Please describe how you deal with e-mail requests and how you will monitor
the related quality and performance.
 Describe your process of comparing Contact Center plans with actual performance; involve
setting standards, evaluating performance, monitoring progress and solving problems revealed.
 Part of your proposal, describe how you wouldorganize the relationship with the respective
government entities to guarantee that your agents are continuously coached on the services,
provided with any missing information, are up to date whenever changes made to existing
services and/or new services are added. Indicate your plans with regards to
building/maintaining strong relationship with the involved entities staff (ex: incentive shecma,
training and capacity building programs, etc…)
 Propose a monthly report per CSR, in term of served calls per agent and the quality of service
per CSR.Propose a quarterly report for the CSR evaluations, promotions and if there is any
planning to move or replace the CSR with the reason behind that.
 Except as The MoICT may otherwise agree, no changes shall be made in the key Personnel.
If, for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the winning bidder, it becomes necessary to
replace any of the key Personnel, the winning bidder shall provide as a replacement a person
of equivalent or better qualifications.
 If The MoICT finds that any of the Personnel have (i) committed serious misconduct or have
been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable cause to be
dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the winning bidder shall, at The
MoICT‟s written request specifying the grounds thereof, provide as a replacement a person
with qualifications and experience acceptable to The MoICT.
 The winning biddershall have no claim for additional costs arising out of or incidental to any
removal and/or replacement of Personnel. Quality Management

The bidder must provide the following information in his technical proposal regarding the Quality
 Describe your general quality system and achieved levels / certifications
 Describe your process of controlling agent‟s efficiency and effectiveness for the purpose of
maintaining quality.
 Describe how you would guarantee service quality.
 Describe your quality checks plans, results & correction actions.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Commitment to provide the e-Government team access to the voice recording system.
 Commitment to provide Complete Quality Assurance documentation (including monthly QA
reports). Workload Forecast

 Describe bidder's capabilities/methodology/approach in analyzing and forecasting e-

Services/Shared Services contact volumes for the coming 2 years Based on the provided actual
contacts Data, Information and Knowledge Management

The bidder must provide the following information in his technical proposal regarding data,
Information and Knowledge Management:
 How do you make sure that knowledge management is organized appropriately and that
process-related data (process description, scripting application, product information database,
search capabilities, customer information etc.) are easily accessible for agents; describe what
system would you use for that?
 How do you collect, store and use customer's information gained from previous contacts such
as previous contacts, complaints, requests for information, etc. and, how do you make them
easily accessible for agents?
 How do you manage the correctness, completeness, accuracy, and uniqueness and accessibility
of data collected in the Contact Center?
 How are you going to guarantee that your agents are up to date with all information related to
the service they are supporting, including changes taking place on the e-service or new
service/information they need to support?
 How are you going to migrate your current information and knowlesge management to
MOICT NCC infrasture when required Reporting and Continuous Improvements

The bidder must provide the following information in his technical proposal regarding Reporting
and continuous improvements:
 Provide your feedback on the KPI‟s and PI‟s described in this document. Indicate if there are
missing ones or some should be reconsidered? Describe how the values are in line with your
experience and how you are planning to report on them?
 Explain in detail what reports you would make available to the e-government teamand how
those reports contribute to improvement in customer satisfaction, decrease in costs, and
increase in efficiency.
 Indicate if your reporting set up can separate volumes and costs per Service, per e-Service, per
contact reason, etc

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Define the process to design and provide customized reports, or “ad-hoc” reports. Explain the
capability e-government team will have to access your report data, and to extract and format
information for its own ad-hoc reporting.
 In addition to the detailed performance measurements, describe your plans to design and
implement a process to monitor customer satisfaction and report results on at least quarterly
 Describe your process to report on actual against forecast (for volumes), and on actual against
baseline (for phone support customer satisfaction)
 Describe your process to improve operational processes based on personnel and customer
feedback. Please describe how you implement a continuous improvement cycle.
 Bidder to Provide access for the row data, reporting tools and database for the NCC team .
 Bidder to Provide quarterly reports related to the PRI occupancy, the required reports should
represent different time slots and working days.
 Bidder to Provide quarterly & yearly report about the traffic & KPI per entity per month. Miscellaneous

 Describe the facilities you have to support contingency plans, e.g. in case of an e-Service issue
requiring all customers to be called back
 Describe the facilities you have to support disaster, e.g. a flood on your premises
 Describe and list of all the applications, infrastructure, systems, tools used for the current
 Describe how to maintain the existing services.

3.2.3 Financial proposal requirements

The bidder is required to provide the following information in the financial proposal in relation to
the operations outsourcing services:

 List all costs associated with operations outsourcing services inclusive of all costs for the
provisioning of the outsourcing services based on the mentioned opening times and the
enclosed contact volumes taking into consideration increase or decrease of the contact
volumes during actual implementation. (That should be inclusive of all resources, premises,
stations, and any other cost implied for the proper functioning of the contact center)

The bidder is also requested to provide in the financial proposal their cost per successful contact
(*agent minute cost and IVR minute cost) for the following Contact volumes bands:noting that the
estimated contact volume is 2,000,000 contacts, and payments to the winning bidder will be
calculated according to the prices in the Cost Per Contact table multiplied by the actual executed
volume of contact:

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Cost Per Contact table

Contact Bands Agent minute cost IVR minute cost
< 3000
3000 - 15,000
15,000 - 50,000
50,000 - 100,000
100,000 - 250,000
250, 000 - 500,000
> 500,000
Contact Bands e-Mail SMS

The bidder is also requested to provide in the financial proposal their cost for outbound (campaign
calls) for the following Contact volumes bands noting that the estimated contact volume for campaign
calls is 5,000 calls, and payments to the winning bidder will be calculated according to the prices in
the Cost Per Campaign Call table multiplied by the actual executed volume of contact:

Cost Per Campaign Call table

Contact Bands Agent minute cost
1000 - 3000
3000– 5000
5000 - 10,000
10,000 - 20,000

The actual monthly remuneration fee to be paid to the winning bidder will be calculated as follows:

Monthly remuneration fee = Cost per contact in each band multiplied by No. of contacts in that month.

The e-government reserve the right to continue or stop the outsourcing of the operation of the contact
center with the winning bidder after migrating to e-governement contact center infrastructure, and will
pay the cost of the contacts to the winning bidder according to the above mentioned tables.

The bidder need to provide a finantial proposal for the different costs that will be applied due to the
migration from the winning bidder infrastructure to the e-government infrastructure , which will be
applied at any stage of this contract.

Please note that the unit rates for items number )‫ب‬-3 ،‫أ‬-3( proposed by winning bidder in ‫منن ملحنق‬
‫) – خالصنة بندل االجعناب‬3(| ‫ االجفاقينة رقنم‬of the Sample Arabic agreement will be taken into consideration
when verifying the winning bidder financial offers, and the actual monthly remuneration that will be
paid to the winning bidder for these items will be calculated by using the equation shown above;
therefore winning bidder should include in ‫ب) منه‬-3 ،‫أ‬-3( ‫)– خالصة بدالت االجعاب جحث البند‬3( ‫ملحق االجفاقية رقم‬
of the Arabic sample agreement, in their financial proposal their unite rate for these items based on
their proposed minute rates per call.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

3.2.4 Deliverables

The winning bidder should provide the following list of deliverables :

 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Deliver all points as in your response to section
 Kick-off presentation (in English and Arabic)

Other operational conditions

 MoICT reserves the right to interview and approveevery agent before they start
 MoICT reserves the right to request the replacement of any agent.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

3.3 Component 3 – Technology and Integration


3.3.1 Background and Proposed Winning Bidder's activities.

As described in section 2.1, the development of the National Contact Center will encompass three
main areas; Contact Center operations management outsourcing, Shared Contact Center IS services,
and Contact Center Standards and GuidelinesDesign and Build Services

The e-Government program is intending to use the winning bidder shared IS services, and hence the
bidder shall describe their technology offering and capabilities to fulfill the service and support
requirements of maturity 2, 3, and 4, specifying:

1. Telephony Solution and infrastructure (ex. PBX, IPCC, ACD…etc)

2. Interactive telephony and CTI
3. Knowledge systems and platforms(ex: CRM, Data Warehouse, Workforce Management,
Quality Monitoring, Information and Knowledge Management, Data mining and Analytics,
4. Connectivity (leased lines, PRI‟s, internet, MPLS ,.. etc)

While the responsibility for the e-Service applications naturally falls under the domain of the
Government, the winning bidder will be held responsible for the maintenance and operations of his
contact center systems as well as for the connectivity from the Contact Center to the respective
government entities.

The winning bidder should integrate their systems with the Services/ e-Services/Shared Services
systems and should specify the integration requirements from the government entity side to fulfill the
support requirements described in table 2.2.2. The integration will be needed to provide the agents
with view access as well as access to use, the integration should be using the Government Service Bus
(GSB) whenever it is applicable. The the list of web services already exists on the Government Service
Bus (GSB) will be given to the winning bidder after award. While the web services that are required to
be integrated with in order to maintain the current integration are listed in Annex 5.9. e-Services like
customers (Authentication mechanisms should be in place), Also integration with IVR will be required
to provide customers with access to some services through the IVR

Security of system and exchanged transaction information should be guaranteed at all system layers
Based on ISO 27001, ISO 27002, WS-Security standards including infrastructure, application, web
services and integration points, and access channels. This also includes using detective and preventive
controls for all security threats. Approval by MoICT and related stakeholders should be taken.

3.3.2 Technical proposal requirements.

 Describe your IT roadmap for the coming years and how its implementation/realizationis
secured in your organization. Does this include contact routing systems & applications,
communications networks & systems and desktop applications & systems?

 Describe how you have organized your application and data structures, case centric or
customer centric. What approach in your view best applies to the Government‟s needs?

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Describe the connectivity set-up, the infrastructure and its functionality you have in
place.Describe what partnerships you have.

 Describe the communications services you will offer for routing contacts to the Contact

 Describe how you will sustain the current integrations between the different entites and the

 Describe how you will manage the integration between any new entity or service and the
contact center applications.

 Connectivity :

o Describe the main & back up links between the Contact Center and the e-governemt
operation centers, and the capacity of the lines according to the provided forecasts
o Describe the number and capacity of PRI‟s to serve the current traffic and the
required expantion in the future according to the provided traffic forecastand the
requested KPI‟s
o Describe which kind of SLA‟s you have for the different connectivity type and links
used in your infrastructure.

 Describe your infrastructure security from the physical layer up to the application layer.
Describe how you will secure the end users information

 Propose a secure authentication method based on business and functional requirements, best
practices, and international standard such as WS-Security standards.

 Propse your privacy and security solution related to all supported e-services (particularly when
the winning bidder is required to do the transaction on behalf of the e-service customer), e.g.
caller authentication, Log-Trails, etc...

 Determine security features which shall provide comprehensive security measures to enable
users to identify and authenticate themselves, protect information and prevent unauthorized

 Describe how the solution(s) will support information security auditing, logging,
accountability, non-repudiation, confidentiality and data integrity
 Describe how you would ensure/guarantee availability, Quality of Service, confidentiality.

 Describe how you would automate the communication between your agents with the
respective government entities back offices for escalation purposes; if the solution stipulates
the GE back office and your agents use the same tracking tools, indicate the security aspect of
your solution.

 Confirm that the winning bidderis ready to connect to the Government Service BusGSB at
any time.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

3.3.3 Financial proposal requirements.

The bidder is required to provide the following information in the financial proposal in relation to the
technology Requirements:

 List all costs associated with technology requirements.

1. All Connectivity cost in details including the cost of the SLA singed with the provider .
2. CC infrastructure& applications cost
3. Integration cost details:
o To Sustain the current integration between the different entities, services, e-
services, shared services and the NCC applications and infrastructure if
applicable, the integration should be using the Government Service Bus
(GSB) whenever it is applicable. The the list of web services already exists
on the Government Service Bus (GSB) will be given to the winning bidder
after award.
o Integration cost related to add new entity, service or system if it require new
o Migration of existing integration between the National Contact Center and
the governmental entities systems to the GSB in case that the providing web
services already published, otherwise, the migration should be directly on the
governmental entities systems
4. Initial set up fees if relevant .

Payments to the winning bidder for the delivery of these services will be in accordance with the
conditions and prices shown under )3( ‫) و رقم‬1( ‫ ملحق رقم‬of the Arabic Sample Contract attached
herewith.Please note that the unite rates proposed by winning bidderin ‫) – خالصة‬3(| ‫من ملحق االجفاقية رقم‬
‫ بدل االجعاب‬of the Sample Arabic agreement will be taken into consideration when verifying the
winning bidderfinancial offers

3.3.4 Deliverables.

 All technology requirements to fulfill the support requirements indicated in table 2.2.2
(Maturity level 2, 3, and 4)

 All connectivity requirements

 All integration requirements

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


All inquiries with respect to this RFP are to be addressed to the Ministry of Information and
Communications Technology‟s in writing by e-mail with the subject “National Contact Center
Management and Operations”, tender number: (7/‫ح ك‬/ 2016). Inquiries can only be addressed to
NCCRFP@moict.gov.jo by 14/6/2016. Responses will be sent in writing no later than 20/6/2016.
Questions and answers will be shared with all Bidders‟ primary contacts.


Bidders‟ written response to the RFP must include:

Part I: Technical Proposal

A. Corporate capability statement : Corporate capability statement must include all the
 Corporate technical capabilities in various technologies and platforms (both
Hardware and Software).
 Detailed proposed Team Resumes,
 Description and references to similar projects done by the bidder,in the last 5

B. Technical proposal: The technical proposal should include the approach to

achieving the scope of work defined in this RFP and delivering each of the
major components as specified in the Deliverables section.

In order for the evaluation to progress quickly and effectively, bidders are
requested to provide Part I of their proposal as per the format described in
Annex 5point(5.1).

Part II: Financial Proposal

The financial proposal should include a cost summary and a detailed cost analysis section.
The cost summary must provide fixed prices forall items in the ‫) – خالصة‬3( ‫ملحق االجفاقية رقم‬
‫ بدالت األجعاب‬of the sample Arabic agreement. The supporting detailed cost analysis should
provide a breakdown and details of the pricing for each item under the RFP Requirement
and Deliverables. The bidder will provide separately all professional fees and expenses (if
applicable) for the duration of the engagement. The pricing will show the proposed
linkage between deliverables and payments.
Part III: Bid Security
This part includes the original Bid Guarantee

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


Bidders must submit proposals to this RFP to the Ministry of Information and
Communications Technology no later than 2:00 PM on Sunday 10/7/2016

Tendering Department – 3rd floor

Ministry of Information and Communications Technology
8th circle
P.O. Box 9903
Amman 11191 Jordan
Tel: 00 962 6 5805642
Fax: 00 962 6 5861059
E-mail: NCCRFP@moict.gov.jo

Proposals should be submitted as 3 separate parts each part in a separate well-sealed and
wrapped envelope clearly marked, respectively, as follows:

1.Part I “Request for Proposal for “National Contact Center Management and Operation for the
Government of Jordan –– Technical and CorporateCapability Proposal”.
This part (envelop) should contain 2 hard copies (1 original and 1 copy) and 1 softcopy [in
Microsoft Office 2010 or Office 2010 compatible formats].This part should not contain
any reference to cost or price. Inclusion of any cost or price information in the technical
proposal will result in the bidder‟s proposal being disqualified as unresponsive.

2.Part II “Request for Proposal for “National Contact Center Management and Operation for the
Government of Jordan –– Financial Proposal”
This part (envelop) should contain 2 hard copies (1 original and 1 copy) and one 1
softcopy [in Microsoft Office 2010 or Office 2010 compatible formats].

3.Part III “Request for Proposal for “National Contact Center Management and Operation for the
Government of Jordan –– Bid Security”
This part should not contain any reference to cost or price. Inclusion of any cost or price
information in the technical proposal will result in the bidder‟s proposal being disqualified
as unresponsive.
Late submissions will not be accepted nor considered and in case of discrepancy between the
original hard copy or other copiesor the soft copiesof the proposal, the hard copy marked as
original shall prevail and shall be considered the official copy. Proposals may be withdrawn
or modified and resubmitted in writing any time before the submission date. Regardless of
method of delivery, the proposals must be received by the MoICT no later than 2:00 PM on
Sunday 10/7/2016

MoICT will not be responsible for premature opening of proposals not clearly labeled.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


All responses to the RFP will be evaluated technically and financially and the winning
proposal will be selected on the basis of lowest price of qualified proposals ( ‫أرخص العروض‬

 Technical proposal shall be first evaluated according to the following criteria:

 Capabilities of Firm/Staff, track record of bidder and references (weighted 35 out
of 100): CVs of the following staff specialities should be included in the technical
proposal as follows:
 Telephony Systems and Infrastructure Engineer: one resume at
least, 5 years experience in similar field, B.S degree in
Engineering or related field.
 Project Manager: one resume, 5 years experience in project
management, PMP Certification, B.S degree in Engineering or
related field
 Technical Operation Manager: one resume, 5 years experience
in call center management, B.S degree in Engineering or related
 System Engineer or IT Specialist: one resume at least, 5 years
experience in using call center applications and systems, B.S
degree in Engineering or related field
 Trainer for Call Center Agents: one resume with 5 years
experience in related training, B.S degree in related field

 Proposed Approach and Methodology, including approach as it corresponds to the

RFP, technical approach and capability and all other technical proposal
requirements. (Weighted 65 out of 100) as follows:
 Contact Center Standards and Guidelines : Design and Build
new services (16 out of 100)
 Operations Outsourcing Services (27 out of 100)
 Technology and Integration Requirements (22 out of 100)

 Only those bidders that qualify in the technical proposal will have their financial offers
reviewed. The Financial proposal will be evaluated only for companies who qualify,
based on a minimum acceptable score set by the special tendering committee. The
financial offer of those who do not qualify will not be opened and will be returned.

NOTE: The special tendering committee can disqualify a bidder if the technical proposal
does not clearly confirm the commitment to deliver key performance indicators described in
Table 3.2.1 in the RFP.

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology reserves the right not to select
any offer. The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology also assumes no
responsibility for costs of bidders in preparing their submissions.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


Bidders should take into consideration the following general financial terms when submitting
their proposals:
 All prices should be quoted in Jordanian Dinars including all governmental fees and
taxes, in addition to sales tax, income tax, duties and others.
 The type of contract will be a fixed price contract including both professional fees and
expenses. Including all deliverables fees, hourly rate ….. etc
 A clear breakdown (table format) of the price should be provided including price for
consulting time, other expenses, etc.
 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its
proposal and MoICT will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless
of the conduct or outcome of the proposal process.
 The bidders shall furnish detailed information listing all commissions and gratuities, if
any, paid or to be paid to agents relating to this proposal and to contract execution if
the bidder is awarded the contract. The information to be provided shall list the name
and address of any agents, the amount and currency paid and the purpose of the
commission or gratuity.
 The bidder shall submit a (Tender Bond) proposal security on a form similar to the
attached format in Jordanian Dinars for a flat sum of (10,000 J.D.),Ten Thousands
J.D. in a separate sealed envelope. The bond will be in the form bank guarantee from
a reputable registered bank, located in Jordan, selected by the bidder. The bidder shall
ensure that the (tender bond) proposal security shall remain valid for a period of 90
days after the bid closing date or 30 days beyond any extension subsequently
requested by the tendering committee, and agreed to by the bidder.
 Any proposal not accompanied by an acceptable proposal security (tender bond) shall
be rejected by the tendering committee as being non-responsive pursuant to RFP.
 The proposal security of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned not later than 30
days after the expiration of the proposal validity period.
 The winning bidder is required to submit a performance bond of 10% of the total value
of the Contract.
 The proposal security of the successful bidder will be returned when the bidder has
signed the contract and has furnished the required performance security.
 The proposal security may, in the sole discretion of the tendering committee, be
o If the bidder withdraws its proposal during the period of proposal validity as
set out in the RFP; or
o In the case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails within 14 days as of the date
of award notification letter to sign the contract; or furnish the required
performance security..
 The winning bidder has to pay the fees of the RFP advertisement issued in the
 The Government of Jordan is not bound to accept the lowest bid and will reserve the
right to reject any bids without the obligation to give any explanation.
 Bidders must take into consideration that payments will be as specified in the tender
documents and will be distributed among the successful submission and acceptance of
the scope of work and of the deliverables and milestones of the scope of work defined
for the project.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 The Government takes no responsibility for the costs of preparing any bids and will
not reimburse any Bidder for the cost of preparing its bid whether successful or


Bidders should take into consideration the following general legal terms when preparing their

 The bidders shall not submit alternative proposal. Alternative proposals will be
returned unopened or unread. If the bidder submits more than one proposal and it is
not obvious, on the sealed envelop(s), which is the alternative proposal, in lieu of
returning the alternative proposal, the entire submission will be returned to the bidder
and the bidder will be disqualified.

 The proposal shall be signed by the bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to
bind the bidder to the contract. The latter authorization shall be indicated by duly-
legalized power of attorney and a certified copy of this authorization is to be attached
to technical proposal. All of the pages of the proposal, except un-amended printed
literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the proposal.

 Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall only be valid if they are initialed by
the signatory(ies) to the proposal.

 Bidders must submit a Non Disclosure Agreement as presented in Annex 5 point (5.6)
signed by a duly authorized representative of the company as part of the response to
this Request for Proposal (RFP). All members of the bidder's team, their agents and
business partners involved in the project must each sign an individual Non Disclosure
Agreement. All bidders are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of information
obtained and/or exchanged while working on the RFP. All of the information
contained in this RFP shall be deemed to be "Confidential Information" within the
meaning of the NDA and shall be treated accordingly. Such information may not be
copied, disclosed or distributed to any other person without the prior written consent
of MoICT.

 The Government of Jordan requires that all parties to the contracting process observe
the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution process.
Government of Jordan will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in

Corrupt Practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any

thing of value to influence the action of a public official
in the procurement process or in contract execution

Fraudulent Practice means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a

procurement process or the execution of a contract to the
detriment of government of Jordan, and includes
collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after
proposal submission) designed to establish proposal
prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

government of Jordan of the benefits of free and open


 The Successful Bidder shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations with
all due diligence, efficiency, and economy, in accordance with the highest generally
accepted professional techniques and practices, and shall observe sound management
practices, and employ appropriate advanced technology and safe methods. The
Successful Bidder shall always act, in respect of any matter relating to the execution of
the Services, as faithful adviser to The MOICT, and shall at all times support and
safeguard The MoICT‟s legitimate interests in any dealings with third parties

 No bidder shall contact MoICT, or its employees, members of the tendering or the
technical committees on any matter relating to its proposal to the time the contract is
awarded. Any effort by a bidder to influence MoICT, its employees, members of the
tendering or the technical committees or the tendering committee in the tendering
committee‟s proposal evaluation, proposal comparison, or contract award decision will
result in rejection of the bidder‟s proposal and forfeiture of the proposal security.

 A business registration certificate should be provided with the proposal.

 Bidders must comply with the Sample Arabic Contract provided with the RFP
including General and Special Conditions. Any reservations on the Contact on part of
the bidder shall result in rejection oftheir proposal without giving any justification.
 The laws and regulations of The Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan shall apply to awarded

 Proposals shall remain valid for a period of (90) days from the closing date for the
receipt of proposals as established by the Tendering Committee.

 The Tendering Committee may solicit the bidders‟ consent to an extension of the
proposal validity period. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing or
by fax. If a bidder agrees to prolong the period of validity, the proposal security shall
also be suitably extended. A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its
proposal security; however, in its discretion, the tendering committee may cease
further review and consideration of such bidder‟s proposal. A bidder granting the
request will not be required nor permitted to modify its proposal, except as provided in
this RFP.

 MoICT reserves the right to accept, annul or cancel the bidding process and reject all
proposals at any time without any liability to the bidders or any other party
and/withdraw this tender without providing reasons for such action and with no legal
or financial implications to the Government of Jordan.

 MoICT reserves the right to disregard any bid which is not submitted in writing by the
closing date of the tender. An electronic version of the technical proposal will only be
accepted if a written version has also been submitted by the closing date.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 MoICT reserves the right to disregard any bid which does not contain the required
number of proposal copies as specified in this RFP. In case of discrepancies between
the original hardcopy and other hard copies or the softcopy of the proposals, the
original hardcopy shall prevail and will be considered the official copy.

 MoICT reserves the right to enforce penalties on the winning bidder in case of any
delay in delivery defined in accordance with the terms set in the sample Arabic
contract attached hereto.

 Bidders may not object to the technical or financial evaluation criteria set forth for this

 The contractor will be expected to provide a single point of contact to which all issues
can be escalated. MoICT will provide a similar point of contact.

 MoICT reserves the right to meet and approve (in person or via telephone) each
member of the consulting team or operations team prior to any work, taking place.
Where project staff is not felt to be suitable, either before starting or during the
execution of the contract the MoICT reserves the right to request an alternative staff at
no extra cost to the MoICT.

 Each bidder will be responsible for providing its own equipment, office space,
secretarial and other resources, insurance, medical provisions, visas and travel
 Any documentation or applications procured or developed under „National Contact
Center Implementation for Government of JordanThe Project’are the property of the
MoICT upon conclusion of „National Contact Center Outsourcing for Government of
JordanThe Project‟. Written consent must be obtained from MoICTbefore sharing any
part of this information as reference or otherwise.

 Bidders are responsible for the accuracy of information submitted in their proposals.
MoICTreserves the right to request original copies of any documents submitted for
review and authentication prior to awarding the tender.

 The bidder may modify or withdraw its proposal after submission, provided that
written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the tendering
committee prior to the deadline prescribed for proposal submission. Withdrawal of a
proposal after the deadline prescribed for proposal submission or during proposal
validity as set in the tender documents will result in the bidder‟s forfeiture of all of its
proposal security.

 A bidder wishing to withdraw its proposal shall notify the Tendering Committee in
writing prior to the deadline prescribed for proposal submission. A withdrawal notice
may also be sent by fax, but it must be followed by a signed confirmation copy,
postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of proposals.

 The notice of withdrawal shall be addressed to the tendering committee at the address
in RFP, and bear the contract name “National Contact Center Implementation for
Government of Jordan” and the words “Withdrawal Notice”.
National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

 Proposal withdrawal notices received after the proposal submission deadline will be
ignored, and the submitted proposal will be deemed to be a validly submitted proposal.

 No proposal may be withdrawn in the interval between the proposal submission

deadline and the expiration of the proposal validity period. Withdrawal of a proposal
during this interval will result in forfeiture of the bidder‟s proposal security.

 The Bidder accepts to comply with all provisions, whether explicitly stated in this RFP
or otherwise, stipulated in the Public Works By-Law No. 71 of 1986 and its
amendments, the General Tendering Instructions of 1987, and any other provisions
stated in the Standard Contracting sample Arabic Contract Agreement annexed to this
RFP including general and special conditions, issued pursuant to said Public-Works
By-Law and Tendering Instruction.

 Sample Arabic Contract Approval:

o Bidders must review the Sample Arabic Contract version provided with the
RFP which shall be binding and shall be signed with the winning bidder.
o Bidders must fill out, stamp and duly sign the Form of Bid ‫(نموذج عرض‬
)‫ المناقصة‬attached to the Arabic Sample Agreement under )2( ‫ملحق رقم‬ and
enclose it in their financial proposals.
o Bidders must also fill out the payment schedule form – )3( ‫ملحق االجفاقية رقم‬
‫خالصة بدالت األجعاب‬attached in the Arabic sample agreement Contract version
provided with the RFP, sign and stamp it, and enclose it with the Financial
o Proposals that do not include these signed forms are subject to rejection as
being none responsive.
o Bidders submitting a proposal are not allowed to submit more than one
proposal for this RFP. Similarly sub-contractors are not allowed to participate
in more than one proposal; such proposals shall not be considered and will be
rejected for being none-responsive to this RFP.


 The Successful Bidder warrants that to the best of its knowledge after making diligent
inquiry, at the date of signing the Contract no conflict of interest exists or is likely to
arise in the performance of its obligations under the Contract by itself or by its
employees and that based upon reasonable inquiry it has no reason to believe that any
sub-contractor has such a conflict.
 If during the course of the Contract a conflict or risk of conflict of interest arises, the
Successful Bidder undertakes to notify in writing The MoICT immediately that
conflict or risk of conflict becomes known.
 The Successful Bidder shall not, and shall use their best endeavors to ensure that any
employee, agent or sub-contractor shall not, during the course of the Contract, engage
in any activity or obtain any interest likely to conflict with, or restrict the fair and
independent performance of obligations under the Contract and shall immediately
disclose to The MoICT such activity or interest.
 If the Successful Bidder fails to notify The MoICT or is unable or unwilling to resolve
or deal with the conflict as required, The MoICT may terminate this Contract in
accordance with the provisions of termination set forth in the Contract.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


 Intellectual Property for the purpose of this provision shall mean all copyright and
neighboring rights, all rights in relation to inventions (including patent rights), plant
varieties, registered and unregistered trademarks (including service marks), registered
designs, Confidential Information (including trade secrets and know how) and circuit
layouts, and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial,
scientific, literary or artistic fields.
 Contract Material for the purpose of this provision shall mean all material (includes
documents, equipment, software, goods, information and data stored by any means):
 brought into existence for the purpose of performing the Services;
 incorporated in, supplied or required to be supplied along with the
Material referred to in the previous paragraph(s); or
 copied or derived from Material referred to in the previous

 Intellectual Property in all Contract Material vests or will vest in The MoICT. This
shall not affect the ownership of Intellectual Property in any material owned by the
Successful Bidder, or a Subcontractor, existing at the date of Contract signature.
However, the Successful Bidder grants to The MoICT, or shall procure from a
Subcontractor, on behalf of The MoICT, a permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free,
worldwide, non-exclusive license (including a right of sub-license) to use, reproduce,
adapt and exploit such material as specified in the Contract and all relevant
 If requested by The MoICT to do so, the Successful Bidder shall bring into existence,
sign, execute or otherwise deal with any document that may be necessary or desirable
to give effect to these provisions.
 The winning Bidder warrants that it is entitled, or will be entitled at the relevant time,
to deal with the Intellectual Property in any Contract Material.
 The Successful Bidder shall at all times indemnify and hold harmless The MoICT, its
officers, employees and agents from and against any loss (including legal costs and
expenses on a solicitor/own client basis) or liability incurred from any claim, suit,
demand, action or proceeding by any person in respect of any infringement of
Intellectual Property by the Successful Bidder, its officers, employees, agents or
Subcontractors in connection with the performance of the Services or the use by The
MoICT of the Contract Material. This indemnity shall survive the expiration or
termination of the Contract.


The Successful Bidder shall comply and shall ensure that any sub-contractor complies,
so far as compliance is required, with the secrecy and security requirements of The
MoICT, or notified by The MoICT to the Successful Bidder from time to time.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports, and other documents and software
submitted by the Successful Bidder in accordance shall become and remain the
property of The MoICT, and the Successful Bidder shall, not later than upon
termination or expiration of the Contract, deliver all such documents and software to
The MoICT, together with a detailed inventory thereof. The Successful Bidder may
retain a copy of such documents and software. Restrictions about the future use of
these documents, if any, shall be specified in the Special Conditions of the Contract.


 Except as The MoICT may otherwise agree, no changes shall be made in the key
Personnel. If, for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Successful Bidder,
it becomes necessary to replace any of the key Personnel, the Successful Bidder shall
provide as a replacement a person of equivalent or better qualifications.
 If The MoICT finds that any of the Personnel have (i) committed serious misconduct
or have been charged with having committed a criminal action, or (ii) have reasonable
cause to be dissatisfied with the performance of any of the Personnel, then the
Successful Bidder shall, at The MoICT‟s written request specifying the grounds
thereof, provide as a replacement a person with qualifications and experience
acceptable to The MoICT.
 The Successful Bidder shall have no claim for additional costs arising out of or
incidental to any removal and/or replacement of Personnel.

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

5. Annex
Executive Summary
This includes the bidder’s understanding of the terms of reference, scope of work
and necessary skills, and company profile. This involves including an overview of
the main points contained in the proposal with references to sections where more
detailed discussion of each point can be found (maximum 4 pages).
A detailed description of how the bidder will undertake each major area in the
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT and DELIVERABLES section, required resources
(bidder, ministry and third party) and any special skills required, the deliverables
(format and structure), use of any methodology and how it will cover the scope, use
of any standard tools, and duration of any work streams.
[Activity 1]
Implementation Approach
Actions Approach

Describes the bidder’s approach for

implementing the action; including
Provides a listing of the actions
needed for the Activity ▪ Process (i.e. steps)
▪ Standard methodologies adopted
▪ Scope of involvement for each stakeholders

… …
Deliverables Format and Structure

Provides a listing of the deliverables Describes the format (e.g. MS Word document)
of the Activity and Structure (e.g. Outline, indicating the scope
and content) of each deliverable.

… …

[Activity 2]
Implementation Approach
Actions Approach

Describes the bidder’s approach for

implementing the action; including
Provides a listing of the actions
needed for the Activity ▪ Process (i.e. steps)
▪ Standard methodologies adopted
▪ Scope of involvement for each stakeholders

… …

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Deliverables Format and Structure

Provides a listing of the deliverables Describes the format (e.g. MS Word document)
of the Activity and Structure (e.g. Outline, indicating the scope
and content) of each deliverable.

… …

Implementation Approach
Actions Approach

Describes the bidder’s approach for

implementing the action; including
Provides a listing of the actions
needed for the Activity ▪ Process (i.e. steps)
▪ Standard methodologies adopted
▪ Scope of involvement for each stakeholders

… …
Deliverables Format and Structure

Provides a listing of the deliverables Describes the format (e.g. MS Word document)
of the Activity and Structure (e.g. Outline, indicating the scope
and content) of each deliverable.

… …

Work Plan and Duration

The work plan and duration for the overall consulting work, including any
dependencies between the separate items in the scope. The bidder should provide
milestones for each deliverable. The work plan should break down the phases and
tasks within each phase and indicate which resources will be working on these tasks

Track Record
The bidder’s track record on projects similar in both size and nature undertaken in
the last five years, and references of suitable client references with contact details

CVs of Project Staff

A summary of proposed team and a description of each project staff role and their
relevant experience. Brief resumes of the team who will work on the project (all
detailed resumes should be included in an Appendix). The bidder should also
indicate the availability of the proposed staff and indicate which phases of the project
each team member is participating in, what role they will be playing, and what their
utilization rate will be (percentage of their time), below is the required template to be
filled for each team member

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

Curriculum Vitae
Proposed Position on the Project: ______________________

Name of Firm: ______________________

Name of Personnel: ______________________
Profession/Position: ______________________
Date of Birth ______________________
Years with the Company: __________ Nationality: ___________
Proposed Duration on Site: __________

Key Qualifications and Relevant Experience


Expected Role in NCC Project



Employment Record:

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

(a) Employment Record From date — present

Employer ___________________________________
Position held ________________________________________________

(b) Employment record ____________ — ____________

Employer ___________________________________
Position held ________________________________________________

(c) Employment record ____________ — ____________

Employer ___________________________________
Position held ________________________________________________

Reading Speaking Writing
Language 1

Language n

------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Signature Date

Other Information

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Please indicate the overall estimated cost of your proposed solution.

Cost should be broken down as per the schedules below as well as the detailed scope of work presented
in section 3 of this document.

The price quotation should be all-inclusive fixed price and provided in Jordanian Dinars (JD). All prices
are inclusive of all fees, finance rate and taxes. All prices are for site delivery.
Project Total Cost (Contract Amount) for the total compensation for the whole WORK
contemplated under this proposal: [ JD]

The bidder is required to finance lump sum cost of the project according to Arabic Sample
Agreement 3 ‫ملحق االتفاقية رقم‬

Total Amount in Words: (Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordanian


Project Detailed Cost:

1. Contact Center Standards and Guilelines Designand Build Services:

Contact Center Unit cost Number

Standards and (man of Units
Guilelines Designand day (man
Build Services cost) days) Total Cost Comments

[List all activities Skill 1

associated with Contact
Center Standards and
Guilelines Designand
Build Services]

Skill 2

Skill 3

Skill N


Total Amount in Words: (Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordanian



National Contact Center implementation Request for Proposal RFP

Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

2. operations Outsourcing Services

Cost Per Contact table

Contact Bands Agent minute cost IVR minute cost
< 3000
3000 - 15,000
15,000 - 50,000
50,000 - 100,000
100,000 - 250,000
250, 000 - 500,000
> 500,000
Contact Bands e-Mail SMS

Total Amount in Words: (Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordanian


Cost Per Campaign Call table

Contact Bands Agent minute cost
1000 - 3000
3000– 5000
5000 - 10,000
10,000 - 20,000

Total Amount in Words: (Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordanian


National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

3. Technology and Integration Requirements

Technology and
Integration Resource/item Unit Number
Requirements cost) of Units Total Cost Comments


Total Amount in Words: (Only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jordanian


National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation


Term / Abbreviation Description

ACD Automatic Call Distributor
CC Contact Center
CLI Calling Line Identification
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CSA Customer Service Agent (CC agent)
CSR Customer Service Representative (face to face agent)
CSU Customer Service Unit
CTI Computer-Telephony Integration
IT Information Technology
IVR Interactive Voice Response
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
GE Government Entity
G2B Government to Business
G2C Government to Citizens
G2G Government to Government
KPI Key Performance Indicator
Q&A Question & Answer
MoICT Ministry of Information and Communications Technology
PM(O) Program Management (Office)
RFP Request For Proposal
SGN Secure Government Network
SOW Statement Of Work (also “Project Definition”)
IQC Indefinite Quantity Contracts
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
BOM Build-Operate-Maintain

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation



Date of RFP distribution 5/6/2016

Deadline for submission of bidders’ questions to RFP 14/6/2016

Expected date for answers to bidders’ questions 20/6/2016

Proposal deadline 10/7/2016


The cost of this project, including finance rate and payment is described in
details in the Sample Arrabic Agreement )3( ‫ملحق االجفاقية رقم‬


This Undertaking is made on [DATE] by [NAME] “[Consultant]” to the benefit of the Ministry
of Information and Communications Technology, “[Principal]” [8th Circle, P.O. Box 9903,
Amman 11191 Jordan].

WHEREAS, MoICT possesses certain financial, technical, administrative and other valuable
Information (referred to hereinafter as Confidential Information)

WHEREAS, [Consultant], while performing certain tasks required by the Principal in

connection with the ………………. (the Project), did access such Confidential Information,

WHEREAS, the Principal considers the Confidential Information to be confidential and


Confidential Information:

As used in this Agreement, the term “Confidential Information” means all information,
transmitted by Principal or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, representatives, offices and
their respective personnel, consultants and contractors, that is disclosed to the Contractor or
coming to his knowledge in the course of evaluating and/or implementing the Project and shall
include all information in any form whether oral, electronic, written, type written or printed form
regarding the business and operations of the Principal, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents,
representatives, offices, and their respective personnel, consultants and contractors. Confidential
Information shall mean information not generally known outside the Principal, it does not

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

include information that is now in or hereafter enters the public domain without a breach of this
Agreement or information or information known to Contractor by Third Party who did not
acquire this information from Principal ” .

The Consultant hereby acknowledges and agrees that;

(1) The Confidential Information will be retained in the Principal‟s premises and will not be
moved without the express written consent of the Principal. All Confidential Information shall be
and remain the property of the Principal, and such Confidential Information and any copies
thereof, as well as any summaries thereof, shall be promptly returned to the Principal upon
written request and/or destroyed at the Principal's option without retaining any copies. The
Contractor shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose after the Project.

(2) It will use all reasonable means and effort, not less than that used to protect its own
proprietary information, to safeguard the Confidential Information.

(3) The Contractor shall protect Confidential Information from unauthorized use, publication
or disclosure.

(4) It will not , directly or indirectly, show or otherwise disclose , publish, communicate,
discuss , announce, make available the contents of the Confidential Information or any part
thereof to any other person or entity except as authorized in writing by the Principal.

(5) It will make no copies or reproduce the Confidential Information, except after the
Principal‟s written consent.

(6) The Confidential Information will not be used to unfairly compete or obtain advantage over
others either himself or his company. The Confidential Information shall be used for the sole
purpose of performing this Project only.

Remedy and damages:

The Contractor acknowledges that monetary damages for unauthorized disclosure may not be
sufficient remedy for unauthorized disclosure less than 20% of the Confidential Information
Project and that Principal shall be entitled, in addition to monetary damages of 20% and without
waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed
proper by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Employee Access and Control of Information.

It is understood that the Contractor might need from time to time to discuss the details of
Confidential Information with other individuals employed within its own or associated
companies in order to support, evaluate, and/or advance the interests of the subject business
transaction. Any such discussion will be kept to a minimum, and the details disclosed only on a
need to know basis. Prior to any such discussion, the Contractor shall inform each such

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation

individual of the proprietary and confidential nature of the Confidential Information and of the
Contractor‟s obligations under this Agreement. Each such individual shall also be informed that
by accepting such access, he thereby agrees to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement.
Furthermore, by allowing any such access, the Contractor agrees to be liable for any disclosure
by any such individual that is not in accordance with this Agreement.


The obligations and rights of the Parties shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of their
respective heirs, successors, assigns, and affiliates. This Agreement may be amended or
modified only by a subsequent agreement in writing signed by both parties. Contractor may not
transfer or assign the Agreement or part thereof. No provision of this Agreement shall be deemed
to have been waived by any act or acquiescence on the part of the Principal, its agents or
employees, nor shall any waiver of any provision of this Agreement constitute a waiver of any
other provision(s) or of the same provision on another occasion. This Agreement shall be
construed and enforced according to Jordanian Law. The Contractor hereby agrees to the non-
exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Amman, Jordan and to the jurisdiction of any courts where
the Principal deems it appropriate or necessary to enforce its rights under this Agreement.

Term of Agreement.

The obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall continue and survive the completion of
the aforesaid discussions and shall remain binding for a period of 5 years from the date of
execution of this Agreement. This provision shall remain binding for the above stated period
even if any or all of the parties abandon their efforts to undertake a possible business
transactionor continue the Project.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Contractor hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first
written above.

Authorized Officer

National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP
Request for Proposal – National Contact Center implementation






National Contact Center Management and Operations Request for Proposal RFP

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