Difference in COGI and CO1P - SAP Blogs
Difference in COGI and CO1P - SAP Blogs
Difference in COGI and CO1P - SAP Blogs
Raghava Garre
January 13, 2017 5 minute read
I have been searching and reading all the documents regarding COGI and CO1P, to know why some goods
movements are held in COGI, while some in CO1P. I would like to share my knowledge on where I started and
ended in learning about these transactions. Hope this document will be nal stop if you are also searching
for this topic.
Let us consider that auto goods movement is setup for con rmations of production orders in the below
As the name suggests, we can process failed goods movements from here after correcting the errors.
Now after updating the stock open COGI again, select the required line items and click on save to post the
goods. If the con rmation details have to be changed double click on the line item or select the line item and
click on change details button, and then post the goods by clicking on save button.
How to con gure system to stop the con rmation process, when error occurs in Goods Movements?
This can be con gured under the IMG node “De ne Con rmation Parameters”
This indicator speci es that if you save a con rmation with goods movement errors (that is, back ushing or
automatic goods receipt), then the system displays an error log before saving.
Con rmation saved and no goods movements failed, still stock is not updated in production order?
In this case you may have to go to transaction code:
As the name suggests, this is an already de ned step in con guration to process all goods movements of
that day at later point of time. For example, to improve system performance all goods movements of an hour
can be held and processed through CO1P in one go. This is setup in decoupled con rmation settings.
Select the required line items and click on save to post the goods.
To avoid the issues with response time of con rmation process, we can decouple the steps taking place
during con rmation. Following are the processes which can be decoupled
The execution time of above processes can be de ned under IMG node “De ne Time for Con rmation
Which means above three tasks can be con gured to be processed immediately at the time of con rmation
itself or else later in background. This setup is known as decoupled con rmation.
This process control key can be maintained under the node “Con rmation Parameters” for required order
Then the goods movements related to this con rmation will be held in CO1P, until they are processed
manually or by a background job.
When the option “Later in Background Job” is selected, system saves the con rmation data in below tables :
Stock is not updated against the order even after processing the entries from CO1P?
In this case you may have to look into COGI, if there are any further errors which are to be resolved.
Why does system post entries sometimes into COGI and sometimes into CO1P?
So coming to the point, if there are any errors due to which system is not able to post the goods movements
then such items are held in COGI. On the other hand stock postings will be held in CO1P when con guration
is prede ned as mentioned in above steps.
There is one exception for this, when load on system is huge and if locks occur during the time of
con rmation no error record is generated in COGI, but instead a request is generated for a later update
because the system assumes that the lock is only temporary. These requests can be found in CO1P.
CORUPROC, CORUAFWP and CORUAFW0 are the reports which can be scheduled in background, to clear
the postings that are held in COGI/CO1P at regular intervals.
But they have limitation when working with COGI entries, as these cannot be cleared until respective error is
resolved. For example if the entry is due to stock de cit, then it cannot be cleared by these reports until
stock is updated in system.
All these entries are stored in table AFFW. At the start of any of above programs, a global lock is set for all
entries in table AFFW as well as a global process lock for goods issue and goods receipt. So it is advisable,
not to run these reports in parallel as it may lead to job cancellations. So maintain some time gap while
scheduling the jobs with di erent reports. Also we can di erentiate the errors in table AFFW with error
message numbers, if there is no error message number against a line item then it can be seen in CO1P.
This transaction deals with failed con rmations, whereas COGI/COPI deals with failed goods movement.
Con rmations with errors can arise if they were entered in one of the following ways:
The errors in cost calculations during con rmations will be updated in the Transaction COFC. So this is not
related to posting of goods movements we discussed above.
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MAN Production Planning (PP) | co1p | cogi | con rmation | goods movements |
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Related Questions
Hello All,
Please share your suggestions on this blog and also let me know if I have missed anything regarding this
concept, so that this document would be complete.
Former Member
Dear Raghava,
Your blog helps me a lot to gure out the back ushing mechanism in SAP (especially the relations between
On the other hand, is that possible to brie y explain how table AFRP2 work in SAP for back ushing in
decoupling con rmation?
Hi Joe,
Its good to know that my blog helped you. I have answered your query, in reply to the question posted by you
in the forum.
BR/ Raghava
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