Rules Observation Tool Fall 2020
Rules Observation Tool Fall 2020
Rules Observation Tool Fall 2020
Level: 3rd
Classroom The teachers call students a few at a Students will either quietly follow
time to wash their hands while they the directions, or they will want to be
Rules: Students must are finishing up work before they chatty and disrupt the rest of the
wash their hands before leave the classroom. Typically, half students who are working. After a
entering and exiting the the students wash their hands at the reminder or two, students usually
classrooms. classroom sink. And the other half remember the rules about staying
wash them in the bathroom. quiet.
Procedures: All students The teacher instructs students when Students get very excited to interact
meet on the google meet to get their iPads vs. when she will with our 1 virtual student, and they
to interact with the project the virtual student on the forget to mute their microphones.
virtual students board. She talks them through the When the feedback sound happens, it
process of connecting and reminds tends to get loud and students prefer
them to mute their microphones to to play around with the app.
avoid feedback. This is to practice Typically this results in the students
incase the class must quarantine. putting their iPads away and
participating through the projector.
Content Area At the beginning of the year, she Students typically find a place
told students her expectations. She around the room that is separated
Rules: Students may find gives students reminders about not from other students who they may
a place to silently read, talking as she hears students, then talk to. Other students remind their
but once they are talking, she usually asks them to separate friends to be quiet before my mentor
they must go back to from their friends, and the last step teacher can say anything. Other
their desks. is to go back to their seats. students choose to stay at their desk.
Procedures: Students She walks around with a marker to Students tend to bother my mentor
must have a star, or their check students work if it is not teacher to check their paper and give
work turned in before being collected for a grade. If work them a star. Other students finish
moving on. is to be graded, she reminds them their work and leave it open on their
multiple to put it into the red turn- desk and get started on the next
it-in bucket when they are finished. thing. Some students follow the
directions of turning it in, others
forget and wait until she reminds
Name: Lyndsie McClintock Gr. Level: 3rd
School Wide If students are struggling to meet Students typically walk quietly
line expectations, they are usually because they want to set the example
Rules: Students must asked reminder questions about for younger students. One
walk quietly through the them before they leave (Do we talk redirection usually helps those
hallways with their hands in line? Where should we be students who are messing around or
behind their back or by looking?) Typically, this helps talking in line. Other students may
their sides. students to follow the rules. need to be moved to the back of the
Cafeteria The cafeteria monitors helped Since students have been trained to
students to find their assigned seats come in and sit in alphabetical order
Rules: Students are during the first week of school. since Kindergarten, this is not a new
expected to sit in their They are now expected to come in, process for them. It is difficult for
assigned spots and eat go through the lunch line, and then them to remember to face forward
quietly without getting go to their seats. They may take and not get out of their seats.
up. their masks off but must remain
facing forward and in their seats. A It helps students to remember their
Procedures: Students exact seats by looking at the shape
come in and sit on their staff member comes around the
trash can to help them clean up. and colors.
Media Center Each teacher reminds their students Students tend to have a hard time
to grab their pencil boxes before walking through the hallway with
Rules: Students must going to the media center. In the their pencil boxes (dropping them,
bring their own supplies. media center the staff ensures that shaking them, not able to hold them).
Procedures: Students students do not share supplies.
Students enjoy cleaning desks
disinfect their own Students are given a baby wipe and because it is like playing with hand
workspace each time they a squirt of hand sanitizer on their sanitizer on their desks which
Name: Lyndsie McClintock Gr. Level: 3rd
leave a new one. tables to clean their desks and their previously was not allowed.
Rules and Procedures: How does what you observed with the rules and
procedures align or not align with that you have read and discussed in class
about establishing and facilitating rules and procedures?
A few of the rules have to do with keeping students on task and quiet. This directly
relates to the idea that teachers have the right to teach to a group of quiet, obedient
students. When students do not listen to Rowlie, it often results in the teacher being
notified and the classroom behavior management plan being enacted (red light, note
home, sit out of recess). Situations, such as students being given the chance to go
back to their desks instead of talking, or getting the opportunity to show enough
self-control they can use Google Classroom to interact with virtual students, is
giving students the opportunity to have a student led experience. This is part of
students and the teacher collaborate to create rules and procedures that benefit
everyone. The teacher gives students multiple opportunities to fix their own
behavior before she implements her consequences. As a whole school, students are
expected to listen to the teachers & staff. With the large groups of students
congregating in one area it makes sense to have the staff create the rules with the