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Steps in Strategy Formulation Process

Strategy formulation refers to the process of choosing the most appropriate course of action for the
realization of organizational goals and objectives and thereby achieving the organizational vision.
The process of strategy formulation basically involves six main steps. Though these steps do not
follow a rigid chronological order, however they are very rational and can be easily followed in this

Setting Organizations’ objectives - The key component of any strategy statement is to set the long-
term objectives of the organization. It is known that strategy is generally a medium for realization of
organizational objectives. Objectives stress the state of being there whereas Strategy stresses upon
the process of reaching there. Strategy includes both the fixation of objectives as well the medium to
be used to realize those objectives. Thus, strategy is a wider term which believes in the manner of
deployment of resources so as to achieve the objectives.

While fixing the organizational objectives, it is essential that the factors which influence the selection
of objectives must be analyzed before the selection of objectives. Once the objectives and the
factors influencing strategic decisions have been determined, it is easy to take strategic decisions.

Evaluating the Organizational Environment - The next step is to evaluate the general economic and
industrial environment in which the organization operates. This includes a review of the
organizations competitive position. It is essential to conduct a qualitative and quantitative review of
an organizations existing product line. The purpose of such a review is to make sure that the factors
important for competitive success in the market can be discovered so that the management can
identify their own strengths and weaknesses as well as their competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

After identifying its strengths and weaknesses, an organization must keep a track of competitors’
moves and actions so as to discover probable opportunities of threats to its market or supply

Setting Quantitative Targets - In this step, an organization must practically fix the quantitative target
values for some of the organizational objectives. The idea behind this is to compare with long term
customers, so as to evaluate the contribution that might be made by various product zones or
operating departments.

Aiming in context with the divisional plans - In this step, the contributions made by each department
or division or product category within the organization is identified and accordingly strategic
planning is done for each sub-unit. This requires a careful analysis of macroeconomic trends.

Performance Analysis - Performance analysis includes discovering and analyzing the gap between
the planned or desired performance. A critical evaluation of the organizations past performance,
present condition and the desired future conditions must be done by the organization. This critical
evaluation identifies the degree of gap that persists between the actual reality and the long-term
aspirations of the organization. An attempt is made by the organization to estimate its probable
future condition if the current trends persist.

Choice of Strategy - This is the ultimate step in Strategy Formulation. The best course of action is
actually chosen after considering organizational goals, organizational strengths, potential and
limitations as well as the external opportunities.

What Is A Strategic Plan? 6 Essential Steps

Identify your core mission.

Have a future-focused vision statement.

Identify priorities.

Build a communication or rollout plan.

Hold people accountable.

Review, review, review.

Strategic management process has following steps:

1. Developing a Strategic Vision and Business Mission 2. Setting
Objectives 3. Crafting a Strategy 4. Environmental Scanning 5.
Strategy Formulation 6. Strategy Implementation & 7. Strategy
Evaluation and Control.

The process of strategic management consists of:

1. Defining the Mission Statement 2. Analysing the Environment 3.
Organisational Self-Assessment 4. Establishing Goals and
Objectives and 5. Formulating Strategy.

There are four essential phases of strategic management

process. They are:-
1. Establishing Strategic Intent 2. Formulation of Strategies 3.
Implementation of Strategies and 4. Evaluation of Strategies.

What is Strategic Management Process – Steps,

Stages and Phases
What is Strategic Management Process – Top 5 Steps
in Strategic Management Process (With
Strategic management is all about identification and description of
the strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better
performance and a competitive advantage for their organisation. An
organisation is said to have competitive advantage if its profitability
is higher than the average profitability for all companies in its
Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions
and acts which a manager undertakes and which decides the result
of the firm’s performance. The manager must have a thorough
knowledge and analysis of the general and competitive
organisational environment so as to take right decisions.
They should conduct a SWOT analysis strengths, weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they should make best possible
utilization of strengths, minimize the organisational weaknesses,
make use of arising opportunities from the business environment
and shouldn’t ignore the threats.
Strategic management is nothing but planning for both predictable
as well as unfeasible contingencies. It is applicable to both small as
well as large organisations as even the smallest organisation faces
competition and, by formulating and implementing appropriate
strategies, they can attain sustainable competitive advantage.
Strategic management is a way in which strategists set the
objectives and proceed about attaining them. It deals with making
and implementing decisions about future direction of an
organisation. It helps us to identify the direction in which an
organisation is moving.
Strategic management is a continuous process that evaluates and
controls the business and the industries in which an organisation is
involved; evaluates its competitors and sets goals and strategies to
meet all existing and potential competitors; and then revaluates
strategies on a regular basis to determine how these have been
implemented and whether these were successful or require
Strategic management gives a broader perspective to the employees
of an organisation and they can better understand how their job fits
into the entire organisational plan and how it is correlated to other
organisational members. It is nothing but the art of managing
employees in a manner which maximizes the ability of achieving
business objectives

The employees become more trustworthy, more committed and

more satisfied as they can correlate themselves well with each
organisational task. They can understand the reaction of
environmental changes on the organisation and the probable
response of the organisation with the help of strategic management.
Thus, the employees can judge the impact of such changes on their
own job and can effectively face the changes. The managers and
employees must do appropriate things in appropriate manner. They
need to be both effective as well as efficient.
The strategic management process defines the organization’s
strategy. It is also the process which helps managers make a choice
of a set of strategies for the organization that will enable it to
achieve better performance. Strategic management is a continuous
process that appraises the business and industries in which the
organization is involved, its competitors; and fixes goals to meet all
the present and future potential competitors and then reassesses
each strategy.
Strategic management process has following five steps:
Step # 1. Mission and Goals:

The first step in the strategic management begins with senior

managers evaluating their position in relation to the organization’s
current mission and goals. The mission describes the organization’s
values and aspirations; and indicates the direction in which senior
management is going. Goals are the desired ends sought through
the actual operating procedures of the organization. It typically
describe short-term measurable outcomes.
Step # 2. Environmental Scanning:
Environmental scanning refers to a process of collecting,
scrutinizing and providing information for strategic purposes and
helps in analyzing the internal and external factors influencing an
organization. After executing the process, management should
evaluate it on a continuous basis and strive to improve it.
Step # 3. Strategy Formulation:
Strategy formulation is the process of deciding best course of action
for achieving organizational objectives. After conducting
environment scanning process, managers formulate corporate,
business and functional strategies.
Step # 4. Strategy Implementation:
Strategy implementation implies putting the organization’s chosen
strategy in to action and making it work as intended. Strategy
implementation includes designing the organization’s structure,
distributing resources, developing decision making process, and
effectively managing human resources.
Step # 5. Strategy Evaluation:
Strategy evaluation which is the final step of strategy management
process involves- appraising internal and external factors,
measuring performance, and taking remedial/corrective actions.
Evaluation assure the management that the organizational strategy
as well as its implementation meets the organizational objectives.
These steps are carried by the businesses, in chronological order,
when creating a new strategic management plan. Present businesses
that have already created a strategic management plan will revert to
these steps as per the situation’s requirement, so as to make
essential changes.

What is Strategic Management Process

Strategic management involves certain functions or activities. The
systematic way of doing these functions or activities is described as
strategic management process.
It consists of:
1. Strategy formulation,
2. Implementation,
3. Evaluation & control
Process # 1. Strategy Formulation:
Strategy formulation is the first phase in the strategic management
process. It is concerned with devising a suitable plan of action after
studying the external business environment, analysing the industry
and assessing the internal capabilities of the business concern. It
involves six important steps.
They are:
i. Defining the company mission,
ii. Analysis of the external business environment,
iii. Industry analysis,
iv. Internal analysis of the firm,
v. Strategic alternatives, and
vi. Strategic choice.
The steps to be followed for the formulation of a strategy
are explained below:
i. Defining the Company Mission:
The first step in the formulation of a strategy is a clear definition of
the mission of the company. This is necessary to formulate an ideal
strategy. Otherwise, the strategy will not produce the desired
results. An ideal strategy is one which reflects the mission of the
company. A mission is the long-term vision of what an organisation
wants to be and to whom it wants to serve and what impact on the
society. The mission is, thus, the basic, unique purpose that
differentiates a business from others.
ii. Analysis of the External Business Environment:
The second step in the formulation of a strategy is an analysis of the
external business environment. It is concerned with studying or
observing what is prevailing in the external business environment
and what changes have taken place. Such an assessment is
necessary because every incident or change will have either positive
or negative impact on the business.
It involves – (a) analysis of remote environment and (b) analysis of
operating environment. The external business environment thus
provides opportunities or threats to the business concerns. The
business concern must formulate a suitable strategy to exploit the
opportunities or manage threats depending up on its strengths or
iii. Analysis of the Industry:
The third step in the formulation of a strategy is an analysis of the
industry. It involves the examination of certain forces operating in
an industry to understand the nature and the degree of competition
in that industry. The level of competition in an industry depends on
five basic forces which determine the profit potential of an industry.
They are (a) the threat of new entrants, (b) The bargaining power of
buyers, (c) The bargaining power of suppliers, (d) The threat of
substitute products, and (e) Rivalry among the existing firms.
The study of these forces indicates the trend of industry, the
strength and weakness of the company in the industry. Such a study
will be useful to formulate a suitable strategy to utilise the
opportunities or threats.
iv. Internal Analysis of the Firm:
The fourth step in the formulation a strategy is a thorough internal
analysis of the firm. It is concerned with a systematic appraisal or
examination of the internal capabilities of a firm. Such an appraisal
is necessary to know the strengths and weaknesses of the firm in the
areas of finance, production, marketing, technology, research and
development, and human resource management.
A systematic internal analysis of the firm involves (a) identification
of strategic internal factors and (b) evaluation of the strategic
internal factors to identify the key strategic strength and weakness.
A factor is considered a strength only when a firm has a distinct
competency in it than the competitors in the industry.
A factor is considered a weakness only when a firm performs it
poorly than the competitors in the industry. A new strategy
therefore has been formulated after considering the internal
strategic strengths and weaknesses of the firm to utilise the external
opportunities or minimise its activities to overcome threats.
v. Strategic Alternatives:
The fifth step in the formulation of a strategy is developing strategic
alternatives. They are concerned with identifying other possible
ways of achieving the same strategy formulated to utilise external
business opportunities or minimise the firm’s activities to overcome
For example, growth strategy may be achieved by intensive growth
strategy of market penetration, market development, and product
development or integrative growth strategy of horizontal integration
and vertical integration or diversification strategy depending upon
the internal strengths and weaknesses provided the external
business environment is favorable.
vi. Strategic Analysis and Choice:
The last step in the formulation of a strategy is strategic analysis
and choice. Strategic analysis involves a systematic evaluation of
strategic alternatives with reference to certain criteria. Each
alternative has its own merits and demerits but all alternatives
cannot be equally appropriate.
Each alternative should be examined to determine its:
a. Relevancy,
b. Feasibility and
c. Acceptability.
a. Relevancy:
Relevancy of a strategy refers to the examination of the
appropriateness of a strategy with reference to certain aspects. So,
the strategists should examine whether –
(i) The strategy is relevant to the mission of the company or not
(ii) The strategy is helpful to accomplish the long-term objectives or
(iii) The strategy is fit to the strategic strengths and weaknesses of
the company or not
(iv) The strategy exploits the external business opportunities or
minimises its activities to overcome the threats or not.
b. Feasibility:
Feasibility of a strategy refers to the possibility of achieving the
strategy. For testing the feasibility of a strategy, the strategists
should examine before the selection of a strategy whether –
(i) The availability of resources are sufficient or not
(ii) The availability of the technology is appropriate or not
(iii) The availability of inputs are sufficient or not
(iv) The organisation’s structure is suitable or not.
c. Acceptability:
Acceptability of a strategy refers to the examination of the
agreeableness of a strategy to certain interested parties in an
organisation. So, the strategists should examine whether –
(i) The strategy satisfies the criterion of ROI to the management or
(ii) The strategy is acceptable to the shareholders or not
(iii) The strategy will affect the present employees or not
(iv) The strategy will affect the relationship with the existing
customers and suppliers or not
vii. Strategic Choice:
Strategic Choice is concerned with the selection of the best strategy
among alternatives. The process of strategy formulation, thus,
comes to an end with the choice of an appropriate strategy.
Process # 2. Strategy Implementation:
Strategy implementation is the second phase in the strategic
management process. It is concerned with putting the strategy into
operation or translating the strategy into strategic action. It
necessitates three interrelated activities of (i) Determination of
annul objectives, (ii) Development of specific functional strategies,
and (iii) Development of policies. For the successful
implementation, the strategy must be also institutionalised through
structure, leadership, and culture.
Process # 3. Strategy Evaluation and Control:
Strategy evaluation and control is the last phase in the strategic
management process. Strategy evaluation is concerned with
examining whether the strategy implemented is working or
producing results or accomplishing its objectives or not. Strategic
control is concerned with continuous monitoring and tracking the
strategy— putting the strategy in the right path or direction.

What is Strategic Management Process – 5 Step

Process of Strategic Management Implemented by
Thompson and Strickland
Firms undertake the development of strategy in a variety of ways.
Businesses vary in the processes they use to formulate and direct
their strategic management activities. A ‘process’ is the flow of
information through interrelated stages of analysis towards the
achievement of an aim.
The strategic management process can be studied and applied using
a model. Every model represents some kind of process. A model of
strategic management process represents a clear and practical
approach for formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies.
The ‘strategic management process’ is the full set of commitments,
decisions, and actions required for a firm to achieve strategic
competitiveness and earn above-average returns. The aim of the
process is the formulation and implementation of strategies that
work, achieving the company’s long-term mission and near-term
The gist or heart of strategic management is the formulation and
implementation of strategies designed to achieve the objectives of
an organisation. The strategists determine objectives and make
strategic decision; to implement them effectively. According to
Thompson and Strickland, there are five tasks of strategic
management which are centred on strategy making and strategy-
implementing process.
These are discussed below:
1. Developing a Strategic Vision and Business Mission
2. Setting Objectives
3. Crafting a Strategy
4. Implementing and Executing the Strategy
5. Evaluating Performance, Monitoring New Developments, and
Initiating Corrective Adjustments.
1. Developing a Strategic Vision and Business Mission:
First, the company managers need to consider a set of questions –
“What is our vision for the company—where should the company be
headed, what kind of enterprise we want to become?” It is
important to determine about what the company’s long-term
direction should be and whether and how its present business needs
will change over the next five years and beyond. Managers must
constitute a strategic vision for the company.
A Strategic Vision:
i. Reflects management’s aspirations for the organisation and its
ii. Provides a panoramic view of “where we are going”.
iii. Gives specifics about its future business plans.
iv. Spells out long-term business purpose and molds organisational
v. Points an organisation in a particular direction and charts a
strategic path for it to follow.
A strategic vision has a chief concern with “where we are going”, the
term “mission statement” tends to deal with a company’s present
business scope – “Who we are and what we do.” It also indicates
where the company is headed and what its business will become in
the years ahead. A strategic vision and mission have direction-
setting and strategy-making value.
Thomson and Strickland write, “Companies whose managers
neglect the task of thinking strategically about the company’s future
business path or who are indecisive in committing the company to
one direction instead of another are prone to drift aimlessly and
lose any claim to being an industry leader.”
2. Setting Objectives:
It is said that “if you want to have zero results, decide no
objectives.” Objectives convert managerial statements of strategic
vision and business mission into “specific performance target” —the
results and outcomes the organisation wants to achieve. Setting
objectives and then measuring whether they are achieved or not
help managers track an organisation’s progress. Objective setting is
required of all managers.
Every unit in a company needs concrete, measurable performance
targets that contribute towards achieving company objectives.
Companywide objectives are broken down into specific targets for
each organisational unit and lower-level managers are held
accountable for achieving them. Objectives build a result-oriented
climate throughout the enterprise.
Strategic managers should set two types of objectives for
good performance:
i. Financial Objectives:
These are related to the financial results and outcomes that the
management wants the organisation to achieve.
ii. Strategic Objectives:
These aim at results that reflect:
a. Increased competitiveness and stronger business position,
b. Winning additional market share,
c. Overtaking key competitors on product quality or customer
service or product innovation,
d. Achieving lower overall costs than rivals,
e. Boosting the company’s reputation with customers,
f. Winning a stronger foothold in international markets,
g. Exercising technological leadership,
h. Gaining a sustainable competitive advantage, and
i. Capturing attractive growth opportunities.
3. Crafting a Strategy:
A ‘Strategy’ reflects managerial choices among alternatives. It
signals organisational commitment to particular products, markets,
competitive approaches, and ways of operating the enterprise.
Strategy making brings into play the critical managerial issue of
how to achieve the targeted results in the light of the organisation’s
situation and prospects. Objectives are the “ends”, and strategy is
the “means” of achieving them.
The ‘hows’ of a company’s strategy are typically a blend of:
i. Deliberate and purposeful actions,
ii. As needed reactions to unanticipated developments and fresh
market conditions and competitive pressures, and
iii. The collective learning of the organisation over time.
Company strategies concern ‘how’:
i. How to grow the business,
ii. How to satisfy customers,
iii. How to outcompete rivals,
iv. How to respond to changing market conditions,
v. How to manage each functional piece of the business and develop
needed organisational capabilities,
vi. How to achieve strategic and financial objectives.
The ‘hows’ of strategy tend to be company specific.
Now, we should consider, how is strategy made?’
i. A strategy is the result of managers engaging in deliberate,
rational analysis.
ii. However, strategy may also emerge through adaptation to
iii. In fact, a company’s actual strategy is partly planned and partly
The strategy-making task thus involves – (a) developing an
intended strategy, (b) adapting it as events unfold
(adaptive/reactive strategy), and (c) linking the firm’s business
approaches, actions, and competitive initiatives closely to its
competences and capabilities. In short, a company’s actual strategy
is something managers shape and reshape as events transpire
outside the company and as the company’s competitive assets and
liabilities evolve in ways that enhance or diminish its
Crafting strategy is partly an exercise in entrepreneurship because it
is actively searching for opportunities to do new things or to do
existing things in new ways. Good strategy making is inseparable
from good business entrepreneurship. One cannot exist without the
4. Implementing and Executing the Strategy:
To implement the chosen strategy, managers will have to develop
the needed organisational capabilities.
To carry out and execute it proficiently, and to produce
good results, the following administrative tasks are to be
i. Building an organisation capable of carrying out the strategy
ii. Allocating company resources so that organisational units have
sufficient people and funds to do their work successfully.
iii. Establishing strategy-supportive policies and operating
iv. Putting a freshly chosen strategy into place.
v. Motivating people in ways that induce them to pursue the target
vi. Tying the reward structure to the achievement of targeted
vii. Creating a company culture and work climate conducive to
successful strategy implementation and execution.
viii. Installing information, communication, and operating systems
that enable company personnel to carry out their strategic roles
effectively day in, day out.
ix. Instituting best practices and programmes for continuous
x. Exerting the internal leadership needed to drive implementation.
Thompson and Strickland suggest, “Good strategy execution
involves creating a strong “fit” between the way things are done
internally and what it will take for the strategy to succeed.” Strategy
executing task is much complicated as it cuts across virtually all
facets of managing and it must be initiated from many points inside
the organisation.
5. Evaluating Performance, Monitoring New
Developments and Initiating Corrective Adjustments:
It is management’s duty to evaluate the organisation’s performance
and progress, to decide whether things are going well internally,
and to monitor outside developments closely. Subpar performance
or too little progress, as well as important new external conditions,
will require corrective actions and adjustments in a company’s long-
term direction, objectives, and strategy.
If one or more aspects of executing the strategy may not be
going as well as needed, the following actions may be
i. Revising budgets,
ii. Changing policies,
iii. Reorganizing,
iv. Making personnel changes,
v. Building new competencies and capabilities,
vi. Revamping activities and work processes,
vii. Making efforts to change the culture,
viii. Revising compensation practices, and
ix. Improving organisational learning, ongoing researches, and
progress reviews.

What is Strategic Management Process – 4 Major

Steps: Strategic Analysis and Inputs, Strategy
Formulation, Strategy Implementation & Strategic
Evaluation and Control
The major steps involved in the strategic management
process are as follows:
1. Strategic Analysis and Inputs
2. Strategy Formulation
3. Strategy Implementation
4. Strategic Evaluation and Control.
These steps are discussed below:
Step # 1. Strategic Analysis and Inputs:
Strategy analysis may be looked upon as the starting point of the
strategic management process. It consists of the “advance work”
that must be done in order to effectively formulate and implement
strategies. Many strategies fail because managers proceed without a
careful analysis of firm’s external and internal environment.
Understanding of strategic position is essential. It is concerned with
identifying the impact on strategy of the external environment.
It also analyses an organisation’s strategic capability (resources and
competencies) and stakeholders’ expectations.
This step includes the following types of analyses:
i. Analysis of Organisational Goals and Objectives:
A firm’s vision, mission, and strategic objectives must be analysed
to get competitive advantages.
ii. Analysis of Industry and External Environment:
Managers must monitor and scan:
(a) The general environment consisting of several elements such as
demographic, technological, economic and social segments;
(b) The industry environment consisting of competitors; and
(c) Other organisations that may threaten the success of a firm’s
(d) The significant opportunities and threats facing the business.
Scholar Michael Porter believes that the critical issue in respect to
the external environment is how it impacts competition within the
industry. He offers the five forces model as a way of adding
sophistication to a strategic analysis of the environment.
His framework for competitive industry analysis directs
attention towards understanding the following forces:
(a) New Entrants – Threat of potential new competitors
(b) Suppliers – Bargaining power of suppliers
(c) Industry Competition – Rivalry among competing firms
(d) Customers – Bargaining power of buyers
(e) Substitute Products – Threat of substitute products or services
iii. Valuing Stakeholders (Strategic Constituencies
Behaviour in and by organisations will be affected in part by values.
Through organisational cultures, the values of managers and other
members are shaped and pointed in common directions. In
strategic management, the presence of strong core values for an
organisation helps build institutional identify. It gives character to
an organisation in the eyes of its employees and external
In the strategic management process, the stakeholders test can be
done as a strategic constituencies analysis. Here, the specific
interests of each stakeholder are assessed along with the
organisation’s record in responding to them.
iv. Analysis of Organisational Resources and Capabilities
and Firm’s Internal Environment:
The strategic management process always involves careful analysis
of organisational resources and capabilities. This can be approached
by a technique known as SWOT analysis – the internal analysis of
organisational Strengths and Weaknesses as well as the external
analysis of environmental Opportunities and Threats.
A SWOT analysis begins with a systematic evaluation of the
organisation’s resources and capabilities. A major goal is to identify
core competencies in the form of special strengths that the
organisation has or does exceptionally well in comparison with
The firm must analyse its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths are
positive internal factors that a firm can use to accomplish its goals.
Weaknesses are negative internal factors that inhibit a firm’s ability
to accomplish its mission and goals.
v. Assessing a Firm’s Internal Assets:
These include knowledge workers, patents, trademarks, networks,
technology, relationships, etc. These must be assessed to enhance
wealth creation and collaboration.
vi. Identifying the Key Factors for Success in the Business:
Key success factors come in a variety of different patterns
depending on the industry. These may be controllable variables that
determine the relative success of market participants. They
determine a company’s ability to compete successfully. These may
be factors like cost, distribution, product quality supplier
relationships, number of services offered, prime store locations,
available customer credit, and many other factors.
vii. Developing and Defining a Clear Vision and
Translating it into Meaningful Mission Statement:
Creating meaningful goals and objectives is an important part of
strategic management process. Before entrepreneurs can build a set
of strategies, they must first establish business goals and objectives,
which give them targets to aim for and provide a basis for
evaluating their companies’ performance. Without them, it is
impossible to know where a business is going or how well it is
Step # 2. Making Choices and Strategy Formulation:
Strategy formulation (strategic planning) involves making strategic
decisions concerning the organisation’s mission, philosophy,
objectives, policies, and methods of achieving organisational
objectives. Formulating a strategy is an important step to enhancing
organisational position and building competitive advantages not
only in the national but also in the global arena.
Crafting or formulating a strategy involves the following
i. ‘How’ to Achieve the Targeted Results:
Thompson and Strickland state, “Strategy making brings into play
the critical managerial issue of how to achieve the targeted results
in light of the organisation’s situation and prospects. Objectives are
the “ends,” and strategy is the “means” of achieving them.
The hows of a company’s strategy are typically a blend of (a)
deliberate and purposeful actions, (b) as-needed reactions to
unanticipated developments and fresh market conditions and
competitive pressures, and (c) the collective learning of the
organisation over time — not just the insights gained from its
experiences but, more important, the internal activities it has
learned to perform quite well and the competitive capabilities it has
ii. ‘Making Choices’ is the Essence:
M. E. Porter says, The essence of strategy is making choices.
Strategic choices can be distilled to two basic questions:
a. Where to compete?
b. How to compete?
The answers to these questions also define the major areas of a
firm’s strategy – corporate strategy and business strategy.
Strategy describes the way in which the firm will accomplish the
vision it has established and, is the theme incorporated in a set of
strategic decisions. These decisions affect the long-term well-being
of the organisation but are made in the present. As Drucker puts it –
“One cannot make decisions for the future. Decisions are
commitments to action. And actions are always in the present, and
in the present only. But actions in the present are also the one and
only way to make the future.”
These same two questions “Where is the firm competing?” and
“How is it competing?” also provide the basis upon which we can
describe the strategy that a firm is pursuing. The where question
has multiple dimensions. It relates to the industry or industries in
which the firm is located, the products it supplies, the customer
groups it targets, the countries and localities in which it operates
and the vertical range of activities it undertakes.
With regard to how, a company can pursue a differentiation
strategy. It seeks market share leadership. Strategy is not simply
about “competing for today”; it is also concerned with “competing
for tomorrow.” This dynamic concept of strategy involves
establishing objectives for the future and determining how they will
be achieved. Future objectives relate to the overall purpose of the
firm (mission), what it seeks to become (vision) and specific
performance targets.
iii. Design versus Emergence:
One view is that strategy is the result of managers engaging in
deliberate, rational analysis. However, strategy may also emerge
through adaptation to circumstances. In practice, strategy making
almost always involves a combination of centrally driven rational
design and decentralised adaptation.
iv. Strategic Options:
The number of strategies from which the business owner can choose
is infinite.
Three basic strategies are:
(a) Cost Leadership – A company pursuing this strategy strives to
be the lowest-cost producer relative to its competitors in the
(b) Differentiation – A company following this strategy seeks to
build customer loyalty by positioning its goods in a unique or
different fashion. That in turn, enables the business to command a
higher price for its products than competitors.
(c) Focus – A focus strategy recognizes that not all markets are
homogeneous. It is a strategy in which a company selects one or
more market segments, identifies customers’ special needs, wants,
and interests, and approaches them with a good or service designed
to excel in meeting those needs, wants, and interests.
The strategies a company selects depend on its competitive
advantages in the market segments in which it competes.
v. Developed at Various Levels:
A firm’s strategy formulation is developed at several levels. First,
business- level strategy addresses the issue of how to compete in a
given business to attain competitive advantage. Second, corporate-
level strategy focuses on two issues – (a) what businesses to
compete in and (b) how businesses can be managed to achieve
synergy; that is, they create more value by working together than if
they operate as stand-alone businesses.
Third, a firm must determine the best method to develop
international strategies as it ventures beyond its national
boundaries. Fourth, managers must formulate effective
entrepreneurial initiatives.
Step # 3. Strategy Implementation:
G. H. Neilson says, “Sound strategies are of no value if they are not
properly implemented.” According to Kaplan and Martin, “Strategy
implementation involves ensuring proper strategic controls and
organisational designs, which includes establishing effective means
to coordinate and integrate activities within the firm as well as with
its suppliers, customers, and alliance partners. Thus, strategy
implementation is concerned with making a variety of managerial
decisions such as the type of organisational structure, the type and
source of information systems, leadership “fit,” and the type of
control mechanism that should be employed.”
Leadership plays a central role, including ensuring that the
organisation is committed to excellence and ethical behaviour. It
also promotes learning and continuous improvement and acts
entrepreneurially in creating and taking advantage of new
opportunities. Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth Jones state, “Strategy
implementation refers to how a company should create, use, and
combine organisational structure, control systems, and culture to
pursue strategies that lead to a competitive advantage and superior
For many firms, the challenge is ‘implementation’ rather than
generating a strategy. Thompson and Strickland point out that,
“The managerial task of implementing and executing the chosen
strategy entails assessing what it will take to develop the needed
organisational capabilities and to reach the targeted objectives on
schedule. The managerial skill here is figuring out what must be
done to put the strategy in place, carry it out proficiently, and
produce good result.”
Managing the strategy execution process is primarily a
hands-on, close-to-the-scene administrative task that
includes the following activities:
i. Building an organisation structure capable of carrying out the
strategy successfully. It assigns employees to specific value creation
tasks and roles. It coordinates the efforts of employees at all levels.
ii. Building a control system is essential. The purpose of a control
system is to provide managers with (a) a set of incentives to
motivate employees to work towards increasing efficiency, quality,
innovation, and responsiveness to customers and (b) specific
feedback on how well an organisation and its members are
performing and building competitive advantage.
iii. Creating an organisational culture is the third element of
strategy implementation. It is the specific collection of values,
norms, beliefs, and attitudes shared by people and groups in an
Organisational structure, control, and culture are the means by
which an organisation motivates, coordinates, and “incentivizes” its
members to work towards achieving the building blocks of
competitive advantage.
Other Elements of Strategy Implementation:
Some other principal aspects of implementing strategy are
as follows:
i. Allocating company resources so that organisational units charged
with performing strategy-critical activities and implementing new
strategic initiatives have sufficient people and funds to do their
work successfully.
ii. Establishing strategy-supportive policies and operating
iii. Putting a freshly chosen strategy into place.
iv. Motivating people in ways that induce them to pursue the target
v. Tying the reward structure to the achievement of targeted results.
vi. Installing information, communication, and operating systems
that enable company personnel to carry out their strategic roles
effectively day in, day out.
vii. Instituting best practices and programmes for continuous
viii. Exerting the internal leadership needed to drive
implementation forward and to keep improving on how the strategy
is being executed.
ix. Strategic managers need to decide what staff are used, and
whether external consultants will be utilized.
x. Leaders must create a “learning organisation” to ensure that the
entire organisation can benefit from individual and collective
To make the strategy plan workplace, the business owner
should divide the strategy into projects, carefully defining
each one by the following:
i. Purpose – What is the project designed to accomplish?
ii. Scope – Which areas of the company will be involved in the
iii. Contribution – How does the project relate to other projects and
to the overall strategic plan?
iv. Resource requirements – What human and financial resources
are needed to complete the project successfully?
v. Timing – Which schedules and deadlines will ensure project
Step # 4. Strategy Evaluation and Control:
Planning without control has little operational value. Hence,
managers should quickly realize the need to control results that
deviate from plans. Strategic management process requires a
practical control system.
It is always incumbent on management to evaluate the
organisation’s performance and progress. It is management’s duty
to stay on top of the company’s situation, deciding whether things
are going well internally, and monitoring outside developments
closely. Subpar performance or too little progress, as well as
important new external circumstances, will require corrective
actions and adjustments in a company’s long-term direction,
objectives, business model, and/or strategy.
Evaluation and control is concerned with the evaluation systems
that are to be used to ensure the operation of strategic planning to
effectively achieve the organisation’s objectives. Evaluation consists
of comparing the predicted results to the actual results. Strategic
management is a process of appraising the corporation as a whole,
taking the environment into consideration. It usually focuses on
opportunities and problems related to the achievement of corporate
objectives in the long run.
R. Simmons has pointed out, “Strategic control is not just about
monitoring how well an organisation and its members are
performing currently or about how well the firm is using its existing
resources. It is also about how to create the incentives to keep
employees motivated and focused on the important problems that
may confront an organisation in the future so that they work
together to find solutions that can help an organisation perform
better over time.”
Strategic control systems are developed to measure performance at
four levels in a company – Corporate, divisional, functional, and
individual. Managers at all levels must develop the most
appropriate set of measures to evaluate corporate, business, and
functional-level performance. Strategic control helps managers to
obtain super efficiency, quality, innovation, and responsiveness to

What is Strategic Management Process – 6 Step

Process: From Defining Business Mission to
Performance Evaluation
Strategic planning is a part of the firm’s strategic management
process. Strategic planning includes the first four strategic
management tasks. It includes evaluating the firm’s internal and
external situation, defining the business and developing a mission,
translating the mission into strategic goals, and drafting the strategy
or the course of action.
Strategic management includes the implementation phase. It is the
process of identifying and executing the mission of the organisation
by comparing the company’s capabilities with the demands of its
The following steps are included in the strategic
management process:
1. Definition of the Business and its Mission:
The fundamental strategic decisions which the managers face are,
“Where are we now in terms of the business we’re in, and what
business we want to be in?” Then the managers have to choose the
strategies – courses of action such as buying competitors or
expanding overseas – to get the company from where it is today to
where it wants to be tomorrow. Management experts use the terms
vision and mission to help define a company’s current and future
The company’s vision is a “general statement of its intended
direction that evokes emotional feelings in organisation members”.
The form’s mission is more specific and shorter term. It
communicates ‘who we are, what we do, and where we are headed’.
2. Perform External and Internal Audits:
The strategic plans of the managers are based on the methodical
analysis of their external and internal situations. The basic point of
the strategic plan should be to choose a direction for the firm that
makes sense in terms of the external opportunities and threats it
faces and the internal strengths and weaknesses it possesses. For
this purpose managers use the SWOT analysis. The managers by
using the SWOT analysis identify the company’s Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
3. Translate the Mission into Strategic Goals:
The Company’s mission is then translated into the specific goals.
For example if the Company’s mission is “to access and act through
public/private partnerships to improve energy systems” is one
thing; operationalising that mission for your managers is another.
The firm’s managers need long term strategic goals.
4. Formulate a Strategy to Achieve the Strategic Goals:
The firm’s strategy is a bridge connecting where the company is
today with where it wants to be tomorrow. A strategy is a course of
action. It shows how the enterprise will move from the business it is
in now to the business it wants to be in, given its opportunities and
threats and its internal strengths and weaknesses. A knowledge of
and commitment to the strategy helps to ensure that employees
make decisions consistent with the company’s needs.
5. Implement the Strategy:
Strategy implementation means translating the strategies into
actions and results – by actually hiring people, building or closing
the plants, and adding or eliminating product or product line. In
other words, strategy implementation involves drawing on and
applying all the management functions.
6. Evaluate Performance:
Strategies don’t always succeed. So it becomes necessary to evaluate
the performance after the strategy implementation. Strategy control
keeps the company’s strategy up to date. It is the process of
assessing progress towards strategic goals and taking corrective
action as needed. Management monitors the extent to which the
firm is meeting its strategic goals and asks why deviations exist.

What is Strategic Management Process – Top 5

Stages: Defining the Mission Statement, Analysing
the Environment, Organisational Self-Assessment
and Few Other Stages
It is important to understand the process of strategic management,
to clearly understand the role human resources play in strategically
directing an organisation. Strategic management is the process of
formulating and implementing strategies that will help in aligning
the organisation and its environment to achieve organisational
Strategic management does not replace traditional management
activities such as budgeting, planning, monitoring, marketing,
reporting, and controlling. Rather, it integrates them into a broader
context, taking into account the external environment, internal
organisational capabilities, and an organisation’s overall purpose
and direction.
There are five stages in the strategic management process.
They are:
1. Defining the mission statement
2. Analysing the environment
3. Organisational self-assessment
4. Establishing goals and objectives
5. Formulating strategy
Stage # 1. Defining the Mission Statement:
Every organisation should have a mission statement. A mission
statement should be viewed as the guiding principle for an entire
business. It should tell a company, its employees, vendors,
customers, investors, the goal of the organisation. Essentially, a
mission statement defines a company’s values and outlines its
organisational purpose and reasons for existent.
A mission statement should require little or no explanation, and its
length is less important than its power. Mission statement is usually
restricted to two lines, but it encompasses the basic foundation of
the existence of the organisation. For example, the mission
statement of Lucent Technologies is, “to provide customers with the
world’s best and most innovative communication systems, products,
technologies and customer support, and to deliver superior,
sustained shareowner value.” Thus, a company’s vision and mission
provides guidelines for general decision-making.
Stage # 2. Analysing the Environment:
This is the second step in the strategic management process. It
includes the external environment such as competitors, market
trends, technological changes, Government regulations, economic
policies, etc. By analysing the industry structure and the
competitive work environment, an organisation can identify the
main competitors and the strategies that have to be framed.
Some other factors that need to be considered are the barriers to
entry, opportunities for mergers and acquisitions and the impact of
complementary industries on the company’s products. Government
regulations include the preview of laws that may have an impact on
organisational performance. This involves the local laws and
international laws, if the company is operating in the global
business environment.
On the technological front, organisations should get themselves
acquainted with new technologies. They should also decide whether
they plan to adopt a new technology or invent a new technology.
While analysing market trends, organisations have to take into
account the potential customers, the target group of customers and
the marketing strategies required for targeting new customers. This
stage also requires analysing the demographic, psychographic and
other aspects concerned with the consumer’s lifestyles. Economic
trends include interest rates, inflation level, fiscal and monetary
policies, GNP and the economic growth of the country.
Stage # 3. Organisational Self-Assessment:
After analysing the external environment, the next step for an
organisation would be to assess the internal environment. This
involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the
organisation, and working on the strengths to overcome the
weaknesses. It also entails analysing the financial, physical, human,
technological and capital resources. Organisation self-assessment is
also about understanding the various components of change like
culture, structure, power, the decision-making process and past
strategy and work systems.
Let us now discuss the various resources:
i. As financial assets are the main assets through which other
resources can be acquired, they have a direct impact on the
organisation’s competitive advantage.
ii. Physical resources include the assets owned by the organisation,
such as lands, machinery, etc. The requirement of physical assets
vary from industry to industry.
iii. Human resources include the skill, knowledge, and capability of
employees that can help organisations gain competitive advantage.
iv. Technological resources are the processes the organisation
employs to produce goods.
v. Organisation should clearly identify the type of technology
required for manufacturing the goods, irrelevant technology may
add up costs for the organisation.
vi. Intangible resources include brand name, and goodwill.
Apart from the above resources, organisations also need to
understand the management systems that guide the day-to-day
functioning of the organisation. They include the culture,
organisational structure, power dynamics, decision-making process,
analysis of the organisation’s past strategy and present mode of
functioning and work systems.
i. While assessing culture, an organisation clearly needs to articulate
core values and philosophies that guide day-to-day activities.
Hence, for a strategic planning process to be successful, an
organisation needs to clearly communicate the elements of culture
to the employees. Employees should clearly understand the core
values that guide the culture of an organisation as this can have an
impact on their performance.
ii. Organisational structures also have a major impact on the
performance. The process through which the groups and
departments interact for accomplishment of the organisational
goals can have an impact on the performance of the employees.
Effective organisational structures can achieve strategic objectives
and if poorly structured can act as an impediment for the
iii. Power dynamics and politics in the organisation can hinder
work, if people at any level misuse their power and authority.
iv. Decision-making constitutes an important process in an
organisation that looks into aspects like the people who are involved
in the decision-making process, the method of information
collection, the time span of the decision-making process, and the
credibility of the sources of information. By analysing the results of
the decision-making process, an organisation can decide whether it
is contributing to the overall performance or whether it is inhibiting
v. An important part of organisational self-assessment is analysis of
past strategy that helps identify the loopholes and find out why a
particular strategy was not successful.
vi. Work system design is another important part of internal
assessment. Work systems are concerned with the design of the jobs
and the responsibilities that have to be assigned to the employees.
When designing work systems, an organisation has to decide
whether the job is suitable for the employee or not.
All the above-mentioned components of management systems are
important for the assessment of an organisation’s internal
Stage # 4. Establishing Goals and Objectives:
After an organisation has assessed the internal and external
environment, it has to set its goals and objectives. These goals and
objectives should be specific, flexible and measurable, because of
the changing business environments and the influences of the
external environment. Setting goals under strict regulations is
impractical, especially when a business is operating in highly
volatile conditions.
Stage # 5. Formulating Strategy:
The final step in the strategic management process is formulating
the strategy and deciding on the implementation. The strategy that
a company plans to implement has to be in alignment with the
human resource strategy. This helps in developing a consistent set
of policies and programmes and helps the employees to achieve
organisational objectives.
There are five important variables that determine the success of
strategy. They are – organisational structure, task design, employee
training, reward system and information system. These five factors
highlight the importance of HR in strategy implementation.
Therefore, it becomes more important to align HR with the strategic
goals of an organisation.
Another important change in the HR perspective is the trend
towards customer orientation. Employees are trained to provide
effective customer services. The HR function has to ensure that the
company has a large number of employees with the desired skills.
Effective control systems should be developed to align employee
goals with the goals of the organisation. Tasks have to be grouped
into jobs so that the performance is more effective and strategy is
more successful.
Strategy formulation usually takes place with the involvement of the
top management. HR and strategic management process can be
linked in four ways – administrative linkages, one-way linkages,
two-way linkages and integrative linkages.
Administrative linkage is the linkage where the HR executive has
very little time in the strategic planning process. Therefore, there
exists very little alignment between the HR department and
strategic management. The HR department in this linkage handles
mostly administrative work that is restricted to the company’s core
business needs. The strategic goals of the organisation are not
included at this level.
In one-way linkage, the HR department is given the plan after it has
been developed by the firm’s strategic business planning function.
The HR department does not form a part of the plan design team.
Two-way linkages make HR a part of the strategic formulation plan
There are three steps in two-way linkages:
i. First, the strategic planning department brings to the notice of the
HR department the various strategies that the company plans to
ii. Second, the HR department analyses the strategies and presents
the results of the analysis to the strategic planning department.
iii. Finally, the HR department develops programmes and
implements these strategies. In two – way linkages the strategic
planning units and HR are interdependent.
Integrative linkage is most effective in strategy formulation and
involves the HR manager in the formulation and implementation of
the strategy. In this linkage, HR functions are integrated into the
formulation and implementation of the strategy. This is the
enterprising link as compared to other linkages as it incorporates
people-related issues in strategy formulation.

What is Strategic Management Process – 4

Essential Phases: Establishing Strategic Intent,
Formulation of Strategies, Implementation and
Formulation of Strategies
Strategic management process normally followed in an
organization. There are four essential phases of strategic
management process. In different companies these phases may
have different nomenclatures and the phases may have a different
sequence, however, the basic content remains the same.
The four phases can be listed as below:
1. Establishing strategic intent
2. Formulation of strategies.
3. Implementation of strategies.
4. Evaluation of strategies.
Strategic management process starts with the establishment of
strategic intent, where- by the firm clearly indicates the position it
wants to achieve in future. This is demonstrated by defining its
vision, mission goals and objectives. The next phase is related with
formulation of strategy.
Here the company carries out the environmental and organisational
appraisal and SWOT analysis in order to find out the different
opportunities and threats as well to ascertain their strength and
weaknesses so that they can avail the opportunities and ward off the
This analysis gives the companies various strategic analyses and the
firms choose their alternative carefully. The internal and external
scan helps in selecting the strategic factors. These have to be
reviewed and redefined in relation to the mission and objectives. At
this stage a set of strategic alternatives are generated. The best
strategic alternative is selected and implemented through
programmed budgets and procedures.
The strategy implementation requires the company to divide
various plans, sub- plans, project implementation, budget
formulation, allocation of resources and functional plans. This
phase is succeeded by evaluation of strategies. It may not be
possible to draw a clear line of difference between each phase, and
the change-over from one phase to another is gradual.
The next phase in the sequence may gradually evolve and merge
into the following phase. An important linkage between the phases
is established through a feedback mechanism or corrective action.
The feedback mechanism results in a course of action for revising,
reformulating, and redefining the previous phase. The process is
highly dynamic and compartmentalization of the process is difficult.
The changeover is not clear and there is overlap between the
boundaries of different phases.
The strategic management formulation and implementation
normally vary from company to company, from product to product,
many times even with the changing environment within and outside
the organisation, and various other factors. Often large firms use
detailed strategic management models whereas smaller firms use
simpler models.
Small businesses concentrate on planning steps compared to larger
companies in the same industry. Large firms have diverse products,
operations, markets, and technologies and hence they have to
essentially use complex systems. Despite that companies have
different structures, systems, product profiles, etc. Various
components of models used for analysis of strategic management
are quite similar.

Efficient management is the key to success, especially in supply chain

management. There are various factors involved in effective logistics
management, for example, automation and perfect coordination. But, there is
always a scope for improvising the process. When your business witnesses
growth, you must find ways to streamline logistics planning processes for
improving output. Here, we have discussed some crucial tips to manage
logistics more effectively.

Important Tips for Effective Logistics Management &

Network Optimization
Proper Planning
The first step to accomplishing a task is planning. Now, planning
encapsulates various factors. It involves procuring the goods, storage
facilities, and delivery of products to the exact location.

Apart from these, the other parameters are – time, transportation, and the
costs. A supply chain operative should be able to devise the flow chart for the
whole operation. The purpose of planning is to attain maximum work in the
least possible time. At the same time, the planning should aim at maximizing
the profits.

Proper planning is a wise plan, but an experienced manager will be able to

prepare for the unforeseen circumstances as well. These situations can be
related to:

 The products

 Unavailability of the transportation

 Any internal issue in the organization

 Research and pick the correct Freight class. 

For this, a contingency plan should be there to avoid any logistics
failure. Logistics planning process is incomplete without an emergency plan.

Adopt Automation
In the age of automation, technology plays a major role in increasing the efficiency
of an organization. Automation has a vital role in the business process
optimization. There is valuable software that can be deployed in the logistics

For example, business process software can be integrated that provides timely

updates regarding the movement of goods. The operator and the client will get
details regarding:

 The goods that are dispatched from the supplier

 Procurement of the goods at the warehouse, and lastly,

 Delivery of the goods at the destination

This saves a considerable amount of time because manual interference is

eliminated. Moreover, accurate tracking help in improving overall process

Similarly, the account details and employee details can be managed using specific
software developed for these tasks. Therefore, the logistics firm should embrace
the technology for increasing productivity.

Value Relations
The team is an essential aspect of an organization that is responsible for the
growth. Whether it’s the delivery guy or the warehouse manager, everyone should
be perfect in their respective field of work.
For this, you need to invest in proper 

training of the employees. Regular training workshops keep the employees updated
with the latest trends in the logistics industry. This helps in increased efficiency
and satisfaction of the clients.

Logistics manager with impeccable interpersonal skills is crucial for the

organization. There are times when the things don’t work according to the plan. In
this situation, instead of panicking, you need a reliable person who can sort out the
issues with utmost efficiency.

Moreover, the manager should have authoritative contacts in the industry. This can
be beneficial in tapping the business opportunities.

Warehouse Management
Effective logistics management is incomplete without proper warehouse
management. Warehouse operations are considerably dependent on the type of

For example, perishable goods, such as dairy products, needs refrigeration

facilities. Grains should be stored in moisture free environment. Similarly, the
specifications vary according to the products. The logistics firm should aim at
developing the warehouse inventory so that there is minimum wastage of goods.

Moreover, maximize the storage capacity of the warehouse. Usage of vertical

storage columns is recommended. Effective implementation of the software for
sequencing the products is necessary because there should be no delay while
locating the product when the order is placed. The warehouse staff should be well-
trained for the warehouse operations.

Efficient Transportation
Transportation department can be analyzed to decrease the expenses of the
logistics firm and at the same time, it can be revamped for faster delivery of the
products. Following factors should be considered for efficient transportation:

 Determining the best delivery route. A logistics firm should opt for the
shortest yet safest route. This is beneficial for saving money as well as

 Cost-effective packaging that ensures low investment and safety of

goods as well. Optimize the packaging so that it occupies less volume
and it does not increase the weight of the package.
Measure and Improvise
Logistics network optimization is incomplete without integrating measurement,
analysis, and feedbacks. When you deploy new strategies in the system, you need
to measure the output. This is important as it intimates the success or failure of the

Measurement tools and software should be integrated that easily determines and
classifies the information as per the requirement. Your future planning is heavily
dependent on the measured information. Analyze the metrics related to different
operations. This includes:

 Cycle time metrics

 Cost metrics, and

 Service metrics

Generous feedbacks help in improvising. The ideas and suggestions of the

employees should be recorded periodically. This ensures that you generate a pool
of ideas and at the same time, it reveals any flaws in the system.

If you wish to trump over your competitors, you should adapt the latest technology
and innovative approach. The aim of effective logistics management is to improve
the efficiency of the operations, ensuring customer satisfaction, and increase

These tips and strategies are necessary for process optimization. Every logistics
firm that is struggling to boost their operations, they can incorporate these
suggestions for logistics network optimization.

About the author: Robert Everett- is a well-known blogger and writer at UK

EduBirdie, in Chicago. While studying cultural studies, Robert has published one
volume of educational manuals on logistics. His life credo is: “Never lose sight of
your hope and faith, let them remain your guiding light even through the darkest
times”. Now he is seeking for new opportunities to spread his knowledge among
international writing platforms.
 Delivery of the goods at the destination

This saves a considerable amount of time because manual interference is

eliminated. Moreover, accurate tracking help in improving overall process

Similarly, the account details and employee details can be managed using specific
software developed for these tasks. Therefore, the logistics firm should embrace
the technology for increasing productivity

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