International Peace Leadership College: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Values Education Course Syllabus
International Peace Leadership College: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Values Education Course Syllabus
International Peace Leadership College: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Values Education Course Syllabus
Course Name Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching – Learning Actual School Environment (Experiential Learning)
Course Credits 3 Units
Course This is the first experiential course, which will immerse a future teacher to actual classroom situation and learning environment where direct
Description observation of teaching learning episodes that focuses on the application of educational theories learned in content and pedagogy courses
will be made. Observations on learner’s behavior, motivation, and teacher’s strategies of teaching, classroom management, and assessment
in learning among others shall be given emphasis. A portfolio shall be required in the course.
Hours/Week 3 Hours/week
Prerequisite All Professional, Major Subjects
Course At the end of this course, the teacher education students are expected to:
Outcomes 1. Be equip with basic teaching skills through observation
2. Be immerse with the actual classroom setting
3. Observe the interaction between teacher and students
4. Realize the role of teacher in the development of the learning skills of the students
5. Experience the different behavior, motivation and teaching strategies in the classroom setting
with the
happenings of
teacher and
and interaction
inside the
Know how
the teacher
manage the
classroom and
make it
conducive for
4. Realize the
role of teacher
in the
of the learning
skills of the
students Individual Differences and
Learners’ Interaction
Observe (focusing on difference in
that teacher gender, racial, religious
uses different background)
methods and
strategies in
teaching to
cater the
development of
the child.
5. Experience Individual Differences and
the different Learners’ Interaction
and teaching
strategies in
the classroom
will be oriented
on the
classroom (focusing on Different
happenings Levels of Attributes)
with regards to
the daily Home-School Link
especially in
dealing the
behavior of the
child and the
applied to
control it.
Demonstration, Submission of Learning Plan and Portfolio
Course Requirements:
Scheduled Examination (Midterm/Final), Class Participation, Quizzes/Unit Tests, Attendance, Research /Reaction Paper and Submission of Learning Plan
and Portfolio
Grading System:
Classroom Polices:
1. Attendance: For every absence and late there will be corresponding demerits. 3 late(s) will be equivalent to 1 absence. Invalid absence beyond 3
times will automatically be 4.0. Absence with valid medical certificate or letter from student affairs office can be excused. Excuse Letters signed only
by team captains will not be accepted.
2. INC grades because of not completing the requirements will be negotiated through special exam/paper according to the conditions of the professor.
3. Students w/o exam permits will be given the chance to still take the test after securing it in the accounting office. Not able to take the test within the
semester will become an INC until they will comply the deficiency (compliance to INC is within 1 year only).
4. INC’s not complied within one year will automatically be a grade of 4.0.
5. Students are expected to have their advance readings on the topics above.
6. Wearing proper and complete uniform must be strictly observed.