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Manual AWWA M51 Air Valves PDF

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Air-Release, Aír/Vacuum,

and Combination

A i r Valves


First Edition

F����ED �\

®�\\ American Water Works Association

Copyrght © Ame,icon Water W(){ks Assoclotion


Air-Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves

Copyright O 2001 American Wotcr Works Associotion

Ali righLs rcscrvcd. No port oí this publicntion mny be rcpro<luccd or trnnsmilled in ony form or by nny

mcnns, elcclronic or mcchnnicnl, including photocopy, recording, or ony informolion or rctricvol syslcm,

cxccpL ín thc form of bricf cxccrpts or quolotions for revicw purposcs, wit.houl thc wriltcn pcrmission of

thc publisher.

Projccl mnnngcr nnd copy editor: Mclissn Chrislcnscn

Prnduc:lmn editor: Coral Mngin

Librury of Congrcss Catologin¡::-in·Puhlicntiun Dnln hn� hccn

upplicd for.

Printcd in lhc Unilcd Suucs oí An1cricn

Amcricnn Water \Vorks Associntion

6666 Wcst Quincy Avcnuc

Dcnvcr, CO 80235

Printcd on rccydcJ paper

ISBN I-58321-152,7

Copyrghl © American Water Works Associoflon


List of Figures, v

List of Tables, vii

Proface, ix

Acknowledgments, xi

Chapter 1 Introd uction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Occurrence and Effect of Air in Pipelines, 1

Sources of Air Entry lnlo Pipelines, 2

References, 2

Chapter 2 Types of Air Valves . . . ' ' . 3

Air-Release Valves, 3

AirNacuum Valves, 3

Combination Air Valves, 5

Chaptcr 3 Locating Air Vnlves Along a Pipeline . 7

Pipeline Locations, 7

Rcfcrcncc, 9

Chapter 4 Design of Vnlve Orífice Size . • . . . . . . . . . 11

Sizing for Releasing Air Under Pressure, 11

Orífice Sizing Method for Releasing Air, 12

Sizing for Pipeline Filling, 14

Sizing for Pipeline Draining, 15

Sizing for Gravity Flow, 16

Sizing for Special Applications, 19

Air-Release Valve Selection, 20

AirNacuum Valve Selection, 21

Combinalion Air Valve Seleclion, 21

Rcfcrenccs, 22

Chapter 5 Water Hnmmer Effects . . . • . . . . . . . 2 3

Ai rNa c u um and Combina ion Air l Va l es

v , 23

Air V lv s a e at W ell Pumps , 24

Air Va ves on Pipelines

l , 25

R e fe re ces
n , 2 5

Ch np ter 6 I nst n ll n tion , Opcr a tion , Ma in cn t a nce , a nd S f n cty . . . . . 27

l nstal a ion
l t , 2

O pcra tion a nd M ain te nance , 3


S fe a ty, 31

B i b lio gr n p h y, 33

l x, 35

L ist of AW W A Ma nu a l ,
s 37


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2-1 Air-Release Valve, 4

2-2 AirNacuum Valve, 4

2-3 Single-Body and Dual-Body Combination Air Valvas, 5

3-1 Sample Pipeline Profile Jllustrating Typical Valve Locations, 8

4-1 Discharge of Air Through Small Orífice, cfm, 13

4-2 Air Discharge Graph ofLarge Orífices (Cd = 0.7), 15

4-3 lnflow of Air for Gravity Flow, 17

4-4 Air lnflow Graph of Large Orífices (Cd = 0.7), 18

4-5 Example Pipeline lnstnllation for Grnvity Flow, 19

4-6 Vncuum Breaker With Air-Release Valve, 20

5-1 AirNacuum Vnlve at Well Pump, 24

6-1 Pipeline lnstnllation of an Air-Release Valve, 28

6-2 Vault lnstallation of a Combination Air Valve, 29

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4-1 Afr Capacity Table of Air-Relcase Val ve Orífices (Cd = 0.7), 12

4-2 Air Discharge Table of Large Orífices (Cd = 0.7, T = 60'F, sea level), 15

4-3 Aír Inllow Table of Large Orífices (Cd = 0.7), 16


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This manual is a guidc for sclccting, sizing, locating, and installing air valves

in water applications. lt is a discussion of rccommcndcd practica, not an American

Water Works Association (AWWA) standard. It provides guidnnce on generally

available methods and cnpacity information. Qucstions about spccific situations or

applicability of specific valves should be directed to the manufacturer or supplier.

lnformation containcd in this manual is uscful for opcrators, technicians, and

enginccrs for gaining a basic undcrstanding of thc use and application of air valves.

There are many special water pipeline applications that are beyond the scope of the

methodology given in this manual and may require special tools such as computer

programs for analysis of hydraulic transients. The valve capacity informalion is

gcncric informntion. Actual capacity charts of thc intendcd manufacturcr's valvc

should be consulted before making the final selcclion of valve size and options. Thc

manual provides information only on the air valve typcs listcd in AWWA Standard

C512, latest edition, including the following:

• Air-release valvc

• Air/vacuum vnlvc

• Combination air valvc

Wastewater air valves, vacuum breakers, slow-closing air vnlves, and throt­

Uing dcviccs are only inlroduccd in this manual. Other sourccs of informalion

should be consulted for the use and application of these devices.

This manual refcrs to AWWA standards, which are availablc for purchase

from the AWWA Bookslore by calling (800) 926-7337 or online at <www.awwa.org/


Manufacturers grnciously provided valvc illustralions and othcr documenta­

tion. AWWA deos not endorse any manufacturer's producls, and the narnes of the

mnnufaclurcrs have bccn removed from lhe molcrial providcd.

Metrication Note: Valvc sizcs are listcd in thcir current US designation, i.e.,

nominal pipe sizes in inches. To oblnin an approximate metric cquivalcnt, use a

convcrsion factor of 25.4 mm pcr inch.


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The AWWA Stnndards Committee on Water Works Air-Release Valves, whieh

developed this manual, hnd the following personnel nt the time oí npproval.

M.E. IVollam, Chair, Montgomery Watson, Pasadena, Cnlif.

J. V. Ballun, Val-Matic Valve & Manufaeturing Corp., Elmhurst, lll.

J.H. Bambei Jr., Denver Water, Denver, Colo.

J.J. Cusack Jr., Parsons, Brinekerho(f, Quade & Douglas, Boslon, Mass.

R. Dilorenzo, Cla-Val Automatic Control Valves, Waueonda, 111.

Gary Fuller, Henningson/Durham/Riehardson, Denver, Colo.

N.E. Gronlund, East Bay Municipal Utilities District, Oakland, Calif.

Keith Hall, APCO Vnlve & Primer Corporation, San Clemente, Calif.

J.E. Herold, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle, Wash.

\V.A. Hunt , Consulting Engineer, Bozernan, Mont.

P.O. Landon, Val-Matie Valve & Manufacturing Corp., Elmhursl, Jll.

J.E. Lescouich, G.A. Industries !ne., Cranberry Township, Pa.

B.J. Leiois, Multiplex Manufaeturing, Berwiek, Pa.

lv.L. Meinholz, Alvord, Burdiek & Howson, Chieago, Ill.

lv.J. Niclw/1, G.A. Industries !ne., Cranbcrry Township, Pa.

J.L. Patton, Black & Vealch LLP, Kansas City, Mo.

J. Radthe, Aqun-Dynamic Syslems, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

M.I. Schwarlz, Loudon County Sanitntion Authorily, Leesburg, Va.

R.J. Wahanik, Hyslras, Wyomissing, Pa.

J.S. \Vailes, Stnndards Engineer Liaison, AWWA, Denver, Colo.

R.A. \Vard, Dufresne & Assoeiates, PC, Windsor, VL.

J.G. Yannotta, Los Angeles Water & Power, Los Angeles, Calif.

Others who provided valuable help with this manual include the following:

G.J. Tupac, G.J. Tupae & Assoeiates !ne., Piltsburgh, Pa.

M.B. Horsley, Block & Vcatch LLP, Kansas Cily, Mo.


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Chapter 1


Air valves are hydromechanical dcviccs designcd lo automatically release ar admit

air during thc filling, draining, or opcralion of a water pipeline ar system. The safe

opcration and cfficicncy of o pipeline are dcpcndcnt on the continua} removal of air

from the pipeline. This chapler includes an explanation of the efTects of air and the

sourccs of air in a pipeline.


Water contains at lcast two pcrcent dissolved air by volumc in standard conditions

(14.7 psia and 60º F)(Dean, 1992) but can conlain more, depending on the water

pressure and tempcrature within the pipeline. Henry's luw states that "the amounl

of gas dissolved in a solulion is directly proporlional to the pressure of the gas abovc

the solution" (Zumdahl, 1997). Thercfore, when water is pressurized, its cnpacity to

hold nir is greally mngnified. The bubbling in son drinks occurs after lhey are opcned

bccause thc prcssure ovcr lhc fluid is reduced, and thc excess carbon dioxide gas

rapidly escapes. In a water systcm, a similar condition may occur at the consumer's

tap when excess air comes out of solution. Once out of solution, air wilJ nol readily

return to solution and will collcct in pockets at high points along the pipeline.

Air comes out of solution in a pipeline because of low-pressure zones creatcd by

partially open valves, cascading flow in a partially filled pipe, variations in flow

velocity caused by changing pipe diamelers and slopcs, and changes in pipeline


An air pockel may reduce the flow of water in a pipeline by reducing the cross­

sectional flow aren of the pipeline and may, if the volume of the air pocket is

sufficient, completely nir bind the pipeline and stop the flow of water (Karassik,


Generally, the velocity of the flow of water pasl an enlarging air pocket is

sufficient to prevent complete air binding of the pipeline by carrying part of the air

pocket downstream to collect al another high point. Although the flow velocity of

water flow may prevent the pipeline from complete nir binding, air pockets will

increase head loss in the pipeline (Edmunds, 1979). Additional head loss in a pipeline

decreases thc flow of water and incrcases pO\VCr consumption required to pump the

Copyrght © American Water Works Assccoton


Chapter 1


Air valvcs are hydromcchanical dcviccs dcsigncd lo aulomatically relcasc or admit

nir during the filling, draining, or opcration of a water pipeline or syslcm. Thc safc

opcration and efficicncy of n pipeline ore dcpcndcnt on thc continua} rcmoval of air

from the pipeline. This chapler includes an explanalion of the eITects oí air and thc

sourccs of air in a pipeline.


Water contains al lcasl two pcrccnl dissolvcd air by volumc in standard conditions

(14.7 psia and 60º FXDean, 1992) bul can contain more, depcnding on thc water

prcssurc and tempcraturc within thc pipeline. Hcnry's Jaw slales that "the amount.

oí gas dissolved in a solution is direclly proportional to the pressure oí thc gas abovc

the solution" (Zumdahl, 1997). Thcrefore, when water is pressurized, its capacity to

hold air is greatly magnified. The bubbling in soft drinks occurs after they are opened

because the pressure over the fluid is rcduced, and the excess carbon dioxido gas

rapidly escapes. In a water syslcm, a similar condition may occur at thc consumer's

tap when excess air comes out of solution. Once out of solution, air will not rcadily

return to solution nnd will collect in pockets at high poinls along the pipeline.

Air comes out of solution in a pipeline because of low-pressurc zones creatcd by

partially open valves, cascading llow in n partially filled pipe, variations in ílow

velocity caused by changing pipe diameters and slopcs, and changcs in pipeline


An air pocket may reduce the ílow oí water in a pipeline by reducing the cross·

sectional ílow aren ar the pipeline and may, if the volume ar the air pocket is

sufficient, completely air bind lhe pipeline and stop the ílow oí water (Karassik,


Generally, the velocily oí the ílow ar water past an enlarging air pocket is

sufficient to prevent complete air binding oí the pipeline by carryíng part oí lhe air

pocket downstream to collect at anolher high point. Although the ílow velocity oí

water ílow may prevenl the pipeline from complete air binding, air pockels will

increase head Joss in the pipeline (Edmunds, 1979). Additional head loss in a pipeline

decreascs thc Ilow of water and incrcases powcr consumption rcquired to pump thc

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water. Air pockets in pipelincs are difficult to detcct nnd will reduce the pipeline

systern's overall efficicncy.

Air pockets may also contribute to water hammer problems, pipeline breaks,

pipeline noisc, and pipeline corrosion, and can cause crratic operation of control

valves, metcrs, and equipment.


In addition to air coming out of solution, air mayen ter pipclines at leaky joints where

thc pressure within the pipeline falls bclow atmospheric pressure. Thesc conditions

exist in the vortex at the pump suction, at pump glands where negative pressure

occurs, and ali locations where the pipeline lies above the hydraulic grade line.

Air may enter pipclincs through air/vacuum and combination air valves

following complete pump shutdown, through the orífices of air-release valves

installcd in pipeline locations where thc pipeline pressure is less than atmospheric,

and through pump suction pipes that are not propcrly designed to prevent vortexing,

F inally, v ertical turbine and well p umps start wi th a ir in the pump column, wh ich

may pass by the check valve and fl ow i nto the pi pe li n e .


D ean, J ohn A. 1992. Lange's 1/andbook of Lescovich, J.E., 1972. "Locating ond Sizing
ChenJistry. New York; l\lcGra,v 1-lill Air-Release," Journal A\V\VA. July, pp.
Edmunds, llobcrt C. 1979. "Air i
B nd ng i In 457-461.

P pes," Journa/ A\V\VA. May, pp. 272--
"Theory, Application, nnd Sizing of Air
Valves," 1997. Val-Ma tic Valve & Mfg.

Ka rnssik, lgor J., el l

a . 2001. Pump Hand­ Corp.

book, McGmw Hill, N cw Y ork. Zumda.hl, Stcvcn S. Chen1istry, third edition.

Copyrght © American Water Wo1ks Associolion


Chapter 2

Types of Air Valves

This chapter describes the lhrec basic types of air valves used in lhe walcr industry

that are included in AWWA C512, lalest edition, "Standard for Air-Rclease, Air/

Vacuum, and Combinalion Air Valvcs far Walerworks Service."

AIR-RELEASE VALVES'----------------

Air-rclcasc valvcs, also called small orífice valves, are designed lo aulomatically

relcaso small pockets of accumulatcd air from a pipeline whilc the syslcm opcralcs

undcr prcssurc cxcccding atmosphcric prcssurc. A typical air-rclease valvc mecha­

nism is shown in Figure 2-1. Air-rclease valvcs are charactcrizcd by outlcl orífices,

which are much smallcr than thc inlcl connection or pipe sizc. Orificc sizcs are
generally bctween /16 in. (1.6 mm) and 1 in. (25 mm) in diameler, while lhc inlel
connections can rango from in. ( 1 3 mm) lo 6 in. (150 mm) in diamelcr.

When received, the valve is normally open and will vent air through the orífice.

As water cnters the valvc, thc Iloat rises, closing thc orífice. When air, which has

accumulated in thc piping systcm, cntcrs thc valve, it replaccs lhc water, causing thc

float to drop and allowing the air to vcnt through the orífice. An air-releasc valve

designed with thc proper float weight and Jeverage mcchanism wil! allow lhe valve to

open al any pressurc up to the máximum working prcssure of thc val ve.

AIR/VACUUM VALVES:.....---------��--�

Air/vacuum valvas, also callcd large orífice valvcs, are designcd lo cxhausl large

quantities of nir automatically during pipeline fi!ling and to admit lnrge quantities of

air nutomatically when the interna! pressure drops bclow atmospheric prcssure. The

ncgative prcssure may be causcd by colurnn separation, pipeline draining, pump

failure, o r a break in thc pipeline. A typical air/vacuum valvc is shown in Figure 2-2.
Air/vacuum valves are characlcrized by orífices bctween in. (13 mm) and 20 in.

(500 mm) diameter that match the nominal inlet sizc of the valve whcn built in

accordancc with AWWA C512. As a pipeline fills with water, the air in the pipeline

must be expcllcd smoothly and uniformly to minimizc pressure surges. Likewise,

after a power failure or as a pipeline drains, air must be ndmittcd to the pipeline to

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prevcnt thc formation of a vacuum, which may collapse sorne pipclines ar cause

surges in the system.

The operation of an air/vacuum valve is similar to thc air-release valve except

that the orífice diameter is considerably larger and will not open under pressure. An

aír/vacuurn valve is normally open and is designed to vent large quantities of air

through the orífice. As water enlers the valve during filling of the system, the float

will rise closing the orífice. Air/vacuum valves once closed WILL NOT REOPEN TO

VENT AIR while the pipeline is opcrating under pressure cxcecding atmospheric

pressure or if water is present.


Figure 2 - 1 Alr-release valve



- Body

Figure 2-2 Air/vacuum valve

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Combination air valves are dcsigncd to pcrform the samc function as air/vacuum

valves but, in addition, thcy will automatically rclcáse small pockets of air from thc

pipeline whilc undcr prcssure likc an air-rclease valvc. Combination air valvcs can

be supplicd in a single-body configuration ar a dual-body configuration as shown in

Figure 2-3.

Oullet Cover




Air-Release Valve Oullel

/ lsolalion Valve


Figure 2-3 Single-body and dual-body comlnation air valves

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Chapter 3

Locating Air Valves

Along a P i p e l i n e

This chaptcr addrcsscs thc localion of air val ves a long a pipeline for lhc climinalion

of air pockcts, which could polcnlially cause nir binding, and for pipeline drainagc.

Thc information in this chaptcr is inlcndccl lo app)y generally to lransmission

pipelincs but may also apply lo other silualions. This manual docs not address the

location or use of air valvcs for duwnsurgc and co1umn scparalion control. which

should be considcred far sorne syslcms.


The propcr locat.íon of air-release, air/vacuum, and combination air valvcs is as

importanl as lhc propcr sizc of thc valve. An impropcr location can render lhc valve

inefTcclive. The following guidclines are rccommendcd far thc general localion and

corrcsponding typcs of air valvcs. Howevcr, there may be othcr locations where

valves may be dccmcd ncccssary.

A sample pipeline profile illustrating typical valve locations is shown in Figure

3.1. The horizontal axis is the running length of lhe pipeline, usually exprcsscd in

station points. Stalion points are often expressed in hundreds of focl, such as 145+32,

which is cquivalcnt to 14,532 fcel. The vertical axis is the clevation of lhc profile

stations relativc to a spccificd horizontal datum.

Air val ves are typically uscd in transmission pipelincs where raw water is bcing

transportcd to a trcatmcnt plant or wherc finished water is transportcd to a

distribution systern, or similar applications. Air valvcs may not be nccdcd on smallcr

piping in distribution systcm piping grids whcrc hydrants and servicc conncctions

providc mcans for vcnting trappcd air. Hydranls may also providc a mcans for

vcnting pipclincs for drainagc. Expcriencc has shown that hydrants and service

conncclions can providc sufficient removal of air in tcrms of both performance and


Copyrghl Q Amerteon Water Works Associolion


----- ------------��Q��---




u,w.. .) -�I..Et.SC V.....Yli

• MW1'QAJMlllllVE

C..) CQM..... llON...,.11""-VI:


No. Dcscription Rccommcndcd No. Dcscription Rccomrncndcd

Typcs Typcs

Pump Dischargc AirNac 9 Dccr. Downslopc No VaJvc Rcquircd

2 Tncr. Downslope Combinntion 10 Low Poinl No Valvc Rcquircd

3 Low Point No Valvc Rcquirud 11 Long Asccnt AirNac or Combínation

4 Incr. Upslopc No Vnlvc Rcquircd 12 Incr. Upslope No Valvc Rcquired

5 Dccr. Upslopc AirNnc or Combination 13 Docr. Upslopc AirNoc or Combination

6 Bcg. Horiz. Combinnlion 14 High Poinl Combinntion

7 J-lorizont.nl Air-Rcl or Combinntion 15 Long Dcsccnt Air-Rcl or Combination

8 End Horiz. Combination 16 Dccr. Upslopc AirNuc ur Combination


Figure 3 - 1 Sample pipeline profile illustratlng typlcal valve locatlons

Suggested locations and types

Air valves should be inslalled nt the following locations.

• High Points. Combination nir valvcs should be installcd al pipeline high

points lo provide venting while the pipeline is filling, during normal

opcralion of thc pipeline, and for air inflow and vacuum protcction while thc

pipe is draining. A high point is defined by the hydraulic gradient and is

considercd thc upper cnd of any pipe segment that slopes up to the

hydraulic gradient or runs parallel to it.

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• Mainlinc Valves (not illustrated in Figure 3-1). Air/vacuum valvcs or

cornbination air val ves can be uscd on the draining sidc of mainline valves

to facilitate draining of the pipeline.

• Incrcased Downslopc. A combination air valve should be considcrcd at

abrupt increases in downslopc.

• Decreascd Upslopc. An air/vacuum valvc or a combination air valvc should

be considcrcd at abrupt dccreases in upslopc.

• Long Asccnts. An air/vacuum valvc or combination air valve should be

1/ 1/2
considered at intervals of ,1 mile (400 m) to milc (800 m) along

asccnding scctions of pipelines,

• Long Dcsccnls. An air-rclcasc valvc or combination air valve should be

1/4 1
considcred at intervals of mi (•100 m) to 12 mi (800 m) along desccnding

scctions of pipelines.

• Horizontal Runs. Combination air valvcs should be considcred at the

beginning and end of long horizontal sections, and air-release valves ar

combination air valvcs should be considered at intervals of mi (400 m) to

/2 mi (800 m) along horizontal sections of pipeline. lt is difficult to evacuate

air from a long horizontal pipeline at low-flow vclocities.

• Venturi Mclcrs (not illustrated in Figure 3-ll. Air-release valves should be

installcd upstrcam of Venturi mctcrs to climinatc mcasurcmcnt inaccura­

cies caused by trapped air,

• Dccp Well and Vertical Turbinc Pumps. Air/vacuum valves should be

installed on the dischargc side of dccp well and vertical Lurbine pumps Lo

rcmovc thc air in lhc well column during pump startup and to aJlow air lo

recnter the linc a ñ c r pump shutdown. Air valvcs mountcd on Lhesc types oí

pumps may rcquirc spccial considcration in sclcction beca use of thc violcnt

changos in ílow ratc during pump cycling. Air ..rclcasc valvcs are oftcn uscd

wilh tirne-dclayod, powcr-actuated check volves to rclease lhc air in lhe

pump column slowly under full pump prcssure (Val-Matic Valvc, 1997).

• Siphons (nol. illustratcd in Figure 3-1}. To maintoin a siphon on a scction of

pipeline that extcnds above thc hydraulic gradient and that conslantly runs

undcr negativo pressure, instan an air-release valvc on thc high point of thc

siphon to vcnt the air. However, thc air-release valve must be cquippcd with

a vacuum check dcvice on thc outlet to prcvent admitting air into the

pipeline. For systcms requiring more vcnting capacity, a similar approach

can be accomplishcd with an air/vacuum valvc with vacuum check dcvice on

the outlct.

Whcn reverse ílow is undcsirablc aftcr pump stoppage, a spccializcd air/vacuum

antisiphon valvc can be uscd. An antisiphon valvc is dcsigncd to vcnt air during

start-up, closc light during ílowing conditions, and open to break íhe siphon during

rcverse-Ilow conditions using a flow pa<ldlc.

'"Thcory, Application, nnd Sizing of Air

Valvcs," 1997. Val·Malic Valve & Mfg.


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Chapter 4

Design of Valve

Orifice Size

It is imporlant to sclcct thc propcr size valvc orificc for thc specific locution along lhc

pipeline. This chaptcr providcs a common mcthodology uscd in the water industry

based on formulas and data tables. Numeric cxamples are providcd for clarity. For

speeific sizing of valves, rcfcr to manufacturcrs' charts, graphs, and formulas; thc

figures presented in this chapler only demonstratc lhe mclhods used.


Thc orificc size far rclcasing air undcr prcssurc is gcncrally between in. (1.6 mm)

and 1 in. (25 mm) in diamctcr; howcvcr, lhc size of thc valvc inlcl conncction can
range from in. (13 mm) lo 6 in. (150 mm) in diameter with the smaller orífices

found in thc smallcr-sizcd inlet port and highcr-prcssure valvcs.

There is no dcfinitivc method for detcrmining the amount oí air that may need

to be vented from a given pipeline. This is bccause oí the difficulty in prcdicting the

quantity oí air that will entcr the pipeline or come out oí solution as the pressure

varíes along the pipeline. A common method is to provide sufficient capacity to

release lwo pcrccnl of thc ílow of water in tcrms of air al standard conditions

(Lescovich, 1972). This method is based on the 2 percent solubility oí air in water at

standard conditions. Thc air is vcntcd through lhc orífice of thc air-release valvc al

the pipeline working pressure al that valve location.

Because oí the high pressures involved, the applicable ílow cquation for air ílow

through an orifice is bascd on comprcssiblc acliabatic üow whcrc therc is no hcat

transfcr Lo thc air. Sanie flow will occur whcn discharging air al a prcssure cxcccding

1.9 times the outlet pressurc. Assuming that the outlet pressure is atmospheric

pressure (14.7 psia (101 kPa (absolute)I), then any inlet pressure exceeding 1.9 times

14.7, or 28 psia (13 psig [90 kPa (gauge)I), will produce sanie ílow (ASME, 1971). At

sonic Ilow, thc air velocity is limitcd to thc spccd of sound, lhcrcby causing a

restriction to the air discharge al higher prcssures.


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For the purpose of generating the tables and graphs in Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1,

sanie flow and a discharge cocfficient of 0.7 was assumed. A dischargc coefficient of

O. 7 is an approximation and falls between a smooth flow nozzle and a square-edged

orífice. The actual discharge coefficient of the valve and piping will be dilferent.

Therefore, the capacity charts of valve suppliers should be consulted before selecting

the final valve size.

The working pressure of an air-release valve is calculated with reference to the

maximum hydraulic grade line at the valve and not the pump discharge head. The

working dilferential pressure at the air-release valve location is the dilference between

the valve elevation and the maximum hydraulic gradient elevation at the valve.

The following method muy be used to approximate the orífice size required in an

air-release valve. lt is important to verify with the supplier thal the valve will

operatc with thc rcquired orífice diameter at the cxpccted maximum line pressure.

Valve capacity information is presented in both tabular and graphic form to suit the

preference of the user. A flow formula is also provided to calculate the capacity of

varying orifice diamcters at any pressure condition.


Stcp l. Divide the pipeline flow rate in gallons per minute (gpm) by 7.48 to

obtain flow in cubic feet per minute (cfm).

Stcp 2. Mulliply the flow in cfm from step 1 by 0.02 to determine the required

air venting volumc, as two pcrccnt of lhc pipeline Ilow in standard cubic fect pcr

minute (scfm). Standard refers lo air al lhe conditions of60ºF and O psi.

Stcp 3. Determine the working pressure at the valve by subtracting the valve

elevntion from the hydraulic grade elevation. Express the pressure in pounds pcr

square inch (psi). lf the elevntions are in feet, multiply by 0.433 to obtain psi.

Stcp 4. Refer to Table 4-1 or Figure 4-1 and select the orífice diameter that

provides the required cnpacity from step 2 al the pressure from step 3. Consult the

availablc orífice sizes from suppliers and select the valve that meets both the

capacily ond prcssurc rcquircmenls of thc applicalion.

Table 4 - 1 Alr capaclty table of alr-release valve orlñces ( Cd = O. 7)

Orificc Diamclcr, /11.

1/16 3 3/16 5116 3 1

/32 •,s 1¡4 7/16
/s /2 1

25 1.6 3.5 6.3 14.2 25.2 39.4 56.7 77.1 100 400

50 2.6 5.8 10.3 23.1 41.0 64.1 92.3 126 164 656

75 3.6 8.0 14.2 32.0 56.9 88.9 128 174 228 910

100 4.5 10.2 18.2 40.9 72.8 114 164 223 291 1,160

125 5.5 12.5 22.2 49.8 88.6 138 199 271 354 1,420

150 6.5 14.7 26.1 58.8 104 163 235 320 418 1,610

175 7.5 16.9 30.1 67.7 120 188 271 369 481 1,920

200 8.5 19.2 34.1 76.6 136 213 306 417 545 2,180

225 9.5 21.4 38.0 85.5 152 238 342 466 608 2,430

250 10.5 23.6 42.0 94.5 168 262 378 514 672 2,690

275 11.5 25.8 45.9 103 184 287 414 563 735 2,940

300 12.5 28.1 49.9 112 200 312 449 611 799 3,200

NOTE: Motric convcrsions-in. Ji: 25.4 = mm, cím Ji: 0,4719 = Uscc, psi Ji: 6 89·176 = kPo.

Copyrgnt O American Water Works Associolion



. i l , '
• .!.
¡¡ ¡¡
' -. a
ll l M T

V 1/ , 1,,,

/ / / /

- ,
/ /

� / ' / / /�
// � / /
w •m

/ / / / /

� �
/ / /
z /
::, / / /
/ /
� " '
n ' '
,m ....

Figure 4-1 Discharge of air through small orífice, cfm


A pipeline with a flow rate of 10,500 gpm rcquires an air-release valve al a locnlion

with a valve elevation of 600 fcet nnd a hydraulic grade line elevation of 831 fcct.

l. 10,500 gpm n.48 = 1,404 cfm

2. 1,404 x 0.02 = 28 scfm

3. (831 - 600) X 0.433 = 100 psi

4. Sclcct /JG in. orifice from Table 4-1 that providcs 40.9 scfm al 100 psi.

The capacity informalion shown in Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1 is based on the

compressible adiabalic flow cqualion nnd sanie ílow (Technica] Paper No. 410, 1982).

(Eq 4-1)


Q flow rate, scfm

y expansion factor, 0 . 71 far air ílow (Tcchnical Papcr No. 410, 1982)

d = orifico diameter, in.

cd = coefficient of discharge, O. 7

i!P difTerential pressure, 0.47 P¡ (far sanie flow)

Pi inlet pressure, psia (pipeline pressure + 14.7 psi)
(assumcs sea lcvcl ntmospheric pressurc of 14.7 psia: prcssurc

will vary wilh altitudc)

T inlel lemperalure, 520 degrees Rankine

Se = specific gravity, 1.0 (far air)

Far subsonic conditions whcrc pipeline prcssurcs are gcncrally lcss than 13 psig

(90 kPa [gaugel):

') ,,,

Q s 14.77 ,r [t.P(P+ 1 4 . 7 il •
(Eq 4-2)


p pipeline pressure, psig


Copyrght © Ame<icon Waler Wo11<s Associoflon



For the initial filling of a pipeline, air should be vented at the same volumetric rute

as the pipeline is bcing filled. In many cases, one pump is turned on unlil lhe line is

ful!. The recommended procedure, however, is to fill the pipeline at a gradual rate to

prevent surges in the line. A suggested filling rute is about 1 fVsec (0.3 m/sec). For

more information, scc the discussion of water hammer in chapter 5.

The volumetric rate of air from initial filling is vented to atmosphere a t a typical

difTerential pressure of 2 psi (13.8 kPa). Valves equipped with antislarn or slow­

closing devices may be sized with a difTerential pressure of 5 psi (34.5 kPa). The

following method may be used to approximate the orífice size required for pipeline

filling. Generic tables, graphs, and formulas are províded to suit the preference of the


The applicable ílow equation is based on compressible adiabatic ílow through a

short nozzle or tube where there is no heat transfcr lo the air. Also, it is assumed that

the valve is at sea leve! nnd a temperature of 60"F (15.5"C). At high altitudes or

extreme tempcratures, equations of a more general nature should be used. For the

purpose of generating the tables nnd graphs in Table 4-2 and Figure 4-2, a discharge

cocfficient of 0.7 is used. A discharge cocfficient of 0.7 is an approximation and folls

between a smooth ílow nozzle nnd a square-edged orífice. Therefore, capacity charts

of valve suppliers should be consulted befare selecting the final valve size.

Orifice sizing method for pipeline filling

(Assumes air valve is at sea level and 60"F ll5.5"CJ).

Step l. Calculate the venling llow rate in scfm using:

Q • 'I ( . l l 4 ftl/gal) (!J.P+ 14.7 psi)

(Eq 4-3)
( 1 4 . 7 psi)


Q = Ilow rate, scfm

q fil! rute, gpm

M' = difTcrcntial prcssurc, 2 psi

Stcp 2. Refcr to Table 4-2 or Figure 4-2 and select the orífice diameter that

provides the required ílow al the selected venting pressure.


A 66-in. pipeline will fil! a t a ílow rate of 10,500 gpm (1 fVsec), and the air valve will

vent the air a t a pressure of 2 psi.

l. Q = (10,500) (.134)((2.0 + 14.7'/ 14.7) = 1,598 scfm

2. Refcrring to Table 4-2 and Figure 4-2, at 2 psi, select a 4 in. orífice that

will vent 1,780 scfm.

Copyrght © American Water WOlks Association


Table 4-2 Alr discharge table of large orífices (Cd • 0.7. T • 60ºF. sea level)

Orífice Dlameter, In.



(psi) 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

1.0 79 317 712 1,270 2,850 5,070 7,910 11,400 15,500 20,200 25,600 31,700

1.5 97 387 870 1,550 3,480 6,190 9,670 U,000 18,900 24,700 31,300 38,600

2.0 111 445 1,000 1,780 4,010 7,120 11, 100 16,000 21,800 28,500 36,100 44,500

2.5 124 497 1,120 l,990 4,470 7,950 12,400 17,900 24,300 31,800 40,200 49,600

3.0 136 543 1,220 2,170 4,890 8,690 13,600 19,500 26,600 34,700 44,000 54,300

3.5 146 585 1,320 2,340 5,270 9,370 14,600 21,100 28,700 37,500 47,400 58,500

4.0 156 625 1,410 2,500 5,620 10,000 15,600 22,500 30,600 40,000 50,600 62,500

4.5 165 662 1,490 2,650 5,960 10,600 16,500 23,800 32,400 42,300 53,600 66,200

5.0 174 697 1,570 2,790 6,270 1 1 , 1 00 17,400 25,100 34,100 44,600 56,400 69,700

NOTE; Metric convcrslons-in. ,e 25.4 = mm, cfm x 0.4719 • U11cc, p!li )f 689<176 • kPn


0 0 0 0 © © @ @ @ �


Figure 4·2 Air discharge graph of large orífices (CJ • O. 7).


Whcn it is neccssary to drain a pipeline for rcpairs, thc pipeline should be draincd al

a controlled ratc of about 1-2 flJsec (0.3-0.6 m/sec) Lo minimize pressurc transicnts.

An air valvc al the high point adjacent Lo the draining localion must be sized to

adrnit air at the snmc volumetric rnte as thc pipeline bcing draincd.

Copyrght Ci American Water Works Associolion



A power failure or line break may result in a sudden change in the llow velocity

because of column separation and gravity llow. The gravity llow may result in

excessive vacuum conditions occurring at the adjacent high points. Most small and

rnediurn-size pipes commonly used in the water industry can withstand a complete

vacuum; howcver, because of low stiffness, largc-diameter pipelines rnny co11apse from

ncgative interna) prcssures. Thercfore, sizing air valves for gravity flow conditions is

important to maintaining the integrity of the pipeline. Air valves at high points should

be sized to allow the inflow of air to minimizc negotive pressures in the pipeline and

prevent possible darnage to pump seals, equipment, or the pipeline itself.

When sizing an air valve orífice for gravity llow, the pipe slope will determine

the volume of air rcquired to prevcnt excessive vacuum. An appropriate air valve

should be provided at the nearest high point with the orífice sized to allow the

required inllow of air to replace the water in the pipeline. Figure 4-3 illustrates the

required inflow of oír rcquircd for various pipe sizes and slopes.

The orífice sizing of an air val ve for inílow is typically based on the lower of

5 psi (34 kPa) or the allowable negative pressure below atmospheric pressure for the

pipeline with a suitable safcty factor. Sonic llow will occur when the outlet-to-inlet

pressure ratio (ASME, 1971) falls below 0.53. Knowing that the inlet pressure is

atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia [101 kPa)), then any negativo pipeline pressure

below 7.8 psia (54 kPa (absolute)) or -7 psig (48 kPa) (vacuum) will produce sanie

flow, Becausc thc flow will be sonic and rcstricted, flow volume will not increase

beyond -7 psi (48 kPa) dilforential.

lf gravity ílow occurs in o pipeline wilh u change in slope where the pipeline

lower section has a steeper slopc thnn thc upper scction, thcn an air/vacuum valve

should be considered at the location where the pipeline changes slope. The gravity

flow will be greatcr in lhe pipeline section with the steeper slope. The air/vacuum

valve orífice should be sized so that the inllow of air at this point equals the

difTcrencc in the t\VO flow rates at the ullowable negative prcssure.

The applicable llow equation is based on compressible adiabatic flow through o

short nozzle or tubc where there is no heat transfer to the air and subsonic Oow. For the

purposc of estimating circular orifice sizes, n dischargc cocfficicnt, Cd, of O. 7 was used lo

generate Table 4-3 and Figure 4-4. A discharge coefficient of0.7 is an approximation and

falls between a smooth llow nozzle and a square-cdged circular orifice. Capocity charts of

valve suppliers should be consulted befare selecting the final valve size,

Table 4-3 Alr lnflow table of large orífices (Cd� 0.7)

(psig) Orifice Diameter, In.

2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

1.0 76 306 688 1,220 2,750 4,890 7,650 11,000 15,000 19,600 24,800 30,600

1.5 92 366 824 1,470 3,300 5,860 9,160 13,200 17,900 23,500 29,700 36,700

2.0 103 414 931 1,660 3,720 6,620 10,300 14,900 20,300 26,500 33,500 41,400

2.5 113 452 1,020 1,810 4,070 7,230 11,300 16,300 22,100 28,900 36,600 45,200

3.0 121 484 1,090 1,930 4,350 7,740 12,100 17,400 23,700 31,000 39,200 48,300

3.5 127 510 1,150 2,040 4,590 8,160 12,700 18,400 25,000 32,600 41,300 51,000

4.0 133 532 1,200 2,130 4,780 8,510 13,300 19,100 26,100 34,000 43,000 53,200

4.5 137 550 l,240 2,200 4,950 8,800 13,700 19,800 26,900 35,200 44,500 55,000

5.0 141 565 1,270 2,260 5,080 9,030 14,100 20,300 27,700 36,100 45,700 56,500

NOTE: Metric cenversiens-ein. ,e 25..t = mm, cfm ,e 0.4i 19 = Uscc, psi ,e 6.89476 = kPa.

Copyrghl C:, American Water W0<ks Associolion



. . .

• , ,


/ / / J ;/

V I / 1/
/ J
/ /. ¡ J
, , , , ,
� 0$

/ / J // I /¡ 1/ /

w V / 1, v¡¡
/ J / /
t .01


/ / / 1/ / 1

/ IV
... / / JI/ / 1
/ ;

e • §


Figure 4-3 lnflow of air far gravity flow

Orifke sizing method for gravity flow

Stcp l. Determine lhe allowablc ncgalivc prcssure for lhe pipeline with

consideration of a reasonable safcty factor. Consull lhe pipe manufaclurer for thc

maximum rccommcndcd ncgativc prcssure. Far low-stiffness, large-diameter stcc)

pipe, the collapsc pressure can be cstimatcd by the general formula for collapse oí

thin-walled steel cylinders (AWWA MU, 1989). The formula is applicable to a pipe

submergcd ar an abovcground cnvironmcnt. Pipes used in buricd service with good

soil compaction are not pronc Lo vacuum collapse.

P" • 66,000,000 (r Id) <Eq 4-4)


Pe = collapsing pressure, in.

t = pipe wall thickness, in.

d z mean diarncter oí pipe, in.

The allowable differcntial pressure for síaing is lhen found by the formula

óP • P,. I SF (Eq 4-5)


6P == diffcrentiol prcssurc, psi

SF = safety factor, dimensionless

Copyrght O American Woler WOfks Associolton



0 0 0 0

1 1 1 I IU I


Figure 4-4 Air lnflow graph of large orífices (Cd = O. 7)

The choice of snfcty factor (i.e., 3.0 or 4.0) is at the discretion of the pipeline

designer. When the pipe is not subject to collapse, a diITerential pressure of 5.0 psi

(34 kPa) is commonly used.

Stcp 2. Calculate lhe slope of the pipeline (S) as the chango in elevation

divided by horizontal distancc (i.e., rise ovcr run cxprcssed in thc same units, ft/ft).

Stcp 3. Determine the rcquired nir inílow in scfm from Figure 4-3 by

malching the pipeline slope ngainst thc pipe diamcler. For increases in downgrnde

and dccreasos in upgrade, compute the diITerence between the flows in the lower and

upper sections of pipe. Flow ratos can also be calculatcd using common flow formulas,

such as Hazen-Williams, Mnnning, or the following formula:

Q = 0.0472C Js /Ds (Eq 4-6)


Q = Ilow rate, scfm

e = Chezy coefficient, 110 (iron), 120 (concrete), 130 (steel),

190 (polyvinyl chloride)

s = pipeline slope, ll/ft

ID = pipe insidc diamcter, in.

Thc cocfficicnt, C, varíes for diffcrcnt pipe roughncss and is differcnt from the

C-factor associated with the Hazen-Williams formula.

Stcp 4. Refcr to Table 4-3 or Figure 4-4 for sclecting the orifice diameter that

provides the required ílow in scfm nt the permissible diITerential pressure.

Using the aboveground 24-in. ID by /B-in.-thick steel pipeline illustrated in

Figure 4-5, calculate the mínimum orífice diameter nt slations 10+00 (assuming a

line break at station 0+00), 25+00 (nssuming a line break at station 20+00), and

40+00 (assuming a line break at station 20+00).

Copyrght e American Water Works Association


l. d = I D + t = 24.000 in. + .125 i n . = 24.125 in.

P e = 66,000,000 (.125 i n . / 24.125 in.)3 = 9.2 psi

(from Equation 4-4)

Assuming a safcty factor of 4.0.

t,.P = 9.2 psi/4.0 = 2.3 psi (from Equation 4-5)

2. S 1 = 40 flJl,000 ft = 0.04

S2 = 40 flJ500 ft = 0.08
S3 = 20 flJl,500 ft = 0.013

3. For S¡ = 0.04 and I D = 24, Figure 4-3 provides Q¡ = 3,000 scfm

For S2 • 0.08 and ID = 24, Figure 4-3 provides Q2 = �.050 scfm

For S3 = 0.013 and I D • 24, Figure 4-3 provides Qa = 1,900 scfm

To size the orífice at statian 25+00, Q2s+aa = 4,050 - 1,900 = 2,150 scfm.

4. For station 10+00, use Table 4-3 nnd select a 6 in. orífice with an inílow

capacity of abaut 4,000 scfm at 2.3 psi that excccds Q¡ of 3,000 scfm.

For statian 25+00, use Table 4-3 and select a 6 in. orífice with an inílow

capacity of abaut 4,000 scfm at 2.3 psi that excccds Q2s+aa of 2,150 scfm.

Far stntian 40+00, use Table 4-3 and select a 6 in. orificc with an inílaw

capacity ar abaut 4,000 scfm al 2.3 psi that excecds Q3 af 1,900 scfm.


Therc are spccial siluatlons rcquiring thc application of air valvcs, such as thc

control of water column scparation and thc minimizing of subscqucnt pressurc

transients. Sizing uf lhcsc valvcs is usually includcd in thc transicnl analysis of a

pipeline using a computcr program and is beyand thc scopc of this manual.

In sorne cases, such as largc-diamctcr pipes subjcct to collapsc, Lhc sizc of thc air

valve calculatcd in lhc scclian Sizing far Gravily Flaw may be bcyond lhc sizc rangc af

standard manufacturcd valves. In these cases, il is suggcstcd to install clusters af

valves. Anothcr alternativo is to use a high-capacity vacuum brcakcr in combination

with an air valve la pravidc the necded inílaw capacity as shawn in Figure 4-6.

The sizing of air valvcs far vertical turbinc dccp-well pump dischargc scrvicc is

highly dependcnl on lhe spccilic charactcristics afthe air valve and samelimes the pump.

Therefore, these applications shauld be bascd an the publishcd sizing recammendatians

af thc air valve supplicr. Decp-well pump applicatians are dcscribcd furthcr in chaptcr 5.

80 • �
e ---s" ---

( �

' ---- ----
FT <, js,

0+00 10•00 20•00 30•00


Figure 4-5 Example pipeline installation for gravity ñow

Copyrght © American Water Works Assoctolion




Val ve

Flow · · · · h+-=rr-,,,==-1-,-1

Sea! --+LI;�JHt;;;;L[ (

Disc ----H-;-;::;;;::::=f- !-:::::,,::::, Valve



Flanged Pipe


Figure 4-6 Vacuum breaker wlth alr-release valve


Thc following information is rccommcndcd for sclecling thc correct air-release valve

far vcnting accumulalcd air during pipeline operation:

• Compliance with AWWA C512, latest edition

• Orificc sizc from thc scction Sizing far Rclcasing Air U nder Prcssure

• NPI' inlet size

• �1aximum working pressurc of cach valve

• Valve construction matcrials

• Type of installation (in-plant, in-vault, or outdoor)

The selection of a largor orilice or inlet size is acceptable as long as the

maximum opcrating prcssure is not exceeded.

For a given orífice size (e.g., /s in. [3 mrnl), severa! inlet sizes may be available
(e.g., 12 in. 113 mml to 6 in. 1150 mm)). The inlet size should be as large as possible

to maximizc thc air/watcr cxchangc in the pipeline connection. Also, the pipeline

connection should never be less than the inlet size of the air-release valve.

The maximum working pressure of an air-release valve is related to the

construction of the valve body and the mechanical advantage of the float leverage

mechanism. The valve must have sufficient mechanical advantage to allow the

weight of the float to pull the sea! away from the orífice. Valves with largo orífices
(i.e., greater than /s in. 13 m mi) or high operating pressures (i.e., greater than

175 psi 11,206 kPa)) will usually employ a compound lever mechanism with a series

of lcvcrs and pivol pins. It is important far the valve to have a maximum working

pressure greater than the highest expected operating pressure at the specific valve


Typical options far air-release valves include special corrosion-resistant con­

struction or a vacuum check on thc valve outlct to prevent air from reentering thc

systcm during negativc pressurc conditions.

Copyrght e American Water Works Assoc afien



The following infonnntion is rccommendcd for sclecting the corrcct o.ir/vacuum valve

for vcnting air during pipeline filling and admitting air during ncgative pressurc


• Compliance with AWWA C512, latcst edition

• Orifice sizc

• Inlet size and type of connection

• Maximum working pressure of cach valve

• Valvc construction matcrials

• Type of installation (in-plant, in-vault, or outdoor)

• Type of outlet connection (threaded, flanged, or hooded)

The orífice size must be sufficient to meet al! of the rcquirements far

• Venting air during pipeline filling pcr scction Sizing for Pipeline Filling

• Admitting air during pipeline draining per section Sizing far Pipeline


• Admilting air during linc break per seclion Sizing for Gravily Flow

Selcct a valve sizc thnt salisfics ali threc rcquircmcnts. Thc inlct size for an air/

vacuum valvc gcncrally rnntchcs thc orífice sizc. Ovcrsizcd air/vacuum valves should

nol be used whcrc lhc polcnlial for column scparation exists or surges can result.

Thc maximum prcssurc rating of thc valvc ,vill inílucncc lhc scat material in lhc

valve. Typically, air/vacuum valvcs ralcd far high prcssurc (i . c ., grcatcr than 300 psi

[2,068 kPa[) and large-diameter valves (i.e., greatcr lhan 14 in. [350 mm l) may be

cquippcd with hard nonmclallic scals or stainless-stccl scats containing o-ring sea)s.

Typical options far air/vacuum valvcs includc special corrosion-resistant

construction, scrccncd hoods, and antislam or surge-check dcviccs mounted on the

inlet to reduce valve prcssurc surges.


The following information is rccommendcd for selecting the correct combination air

vnlvc far vcnling air during pipeline filling, admitting air during ncgativc pressure

conditions, and vcnting accumulalcd air during pipeline operation:

• Compliance with AWWA C512, latest cdition

• Sizcs of air-releasc and uir/vacuum orifices

• lnlct sizc and typc of conncction

• Maximum working prcssure of cach valvc

• Vnlvc construction materials

• Type of installation (in-plant, ín-vault, or ouldoor)

• Type of outlet connection (threadcd, flanged, or hooded)

• Body conliguration (single-or dual-body)

Copyrght © Amerk:an Waler Wo,ks Associallon


The orífice size must be sufficient to meet ali of the rcquircments far

• Vcnting accumulatcd air undcr pressure pcr scction Sizing far Rcleasing Air

Under Pressure

• Vcnting air during pipeline filling per section Sizing far Pipeline Filling

• Admitting air during pipeline draining per section Sizing far Pipeline


• Admitting air during line break per section Sizing far Gravity Flow

Select a valve configuration that satisfies ali four requirements.

Single-body configurations are typically more economical. They are more

compact, less likely to frccze, and are tamper-resistant. Single-body configurations

are limited in availability to a maximum size of 8 in. (200 mm). Dual-body

configurations consist of an air-rcleasc valve piped to an air/vacuum valve. l\1any

combinations and ranges of capacities are thercforc available. Also, if the air-release

valve is bcing serviced, the air/vacuum valve is still protecting the pipeline.

Thc inlct size far a combination air valve gcnerally matches the orificc size of

the air/vacuum orificc. Ovcrsizcd combination air valves should not be uscd where

thc potential far column separation exists ar surges can result. The maximum

working pressure of the valve must also include the ability to vent air through the

air-rclcasc orífice at thc expccted máximum prcssure of the specific pipeline location.

Typical oplions for combination air valves include speciaJ corrosion-resistanl

construction, scrccncd hoods, and antislarn or slow-closing devices mounled on thc

inlct to reduce valve prcssurc surges.

AWWA Standard for Air-Rclease, AirNacu­ Giles, Ranald V. Fluid Mechanics and lfy·

um, and Combinalion Air Valvcs far draulic:s, (2nd Edition), l\lcGra\v 1-lill,

Watcrworks Scrvicc, AWWA Standard Ncw York., p. 160. Equntion (2) wus

C512, latest cdition, Dcnvcr, Colo.: uscd to compute C bnscd on Irtcuon

AWWA. factors of0.021, 0.015, and 0.007.

Fluid Afcters, Their Theory and Application. Lcscovich, J.E. Locating nnd Sizing A1r­

1971. ASME, (6th editionl. Relcnsc Valves, Journal A\V\V...\, July,

Flow o{ Flutds, 1982. Technical Papcr No. 1972.

410, Cranc. Steeí Pipe-A Guíde for Design and lnstaí!a­

__ . p. A-21 for k = 1.4, lleta : O, Sonic tion, AWWA Mt I, 3rd edition. 1989.

Flow, Equation (4-3) ( E = 30,000,000 psi, v :


Copyrght C> American Water Works Associotion


Chapter 5

Water Hammer


Water hammcr is a sudclcn riso in prcssurc rcsulting from rapi<l chungos in Ilow

vclocity in pipclincs and is ulso referred lo as surge or transicnt pressure (AWWA

Mll, 1989). Water hammcr is an cxtrcmcly cunlplcx phcnomcnon rcquiring compulcr

analysis; however, thc use of general opcrating principies will minimizo the efTects of

water hammcr. This chaplcr prcscnls sorne npplicalions íor air valvcs in systcms

whcrc water hammcr may occur.


To minimiza thc cfTccts of water hammcr during filling of a pipeline, it is

recommended that the pipeline filling velocity be maintaincd at 1 íl/scc (0.3 m/sec) or

less. Propcrly dcsigncd air/vacuum ar combination air va)ves will allow air to cxhaust

from the pipeline rclatively unrestrictcd. However, when the last of the air escapes

the pipeline, thc air/vacuum or combination air valve may shut abruptly in response

to lhc water reaching the valve Iloat, The resulting collision between adjacent

columns of water in thc vicinity of thc val ve may cause a rapid dccclcration of thc

water in the pipeline, resulting in a surge (Tullís, 1989). Air valves may be cquipped

with slow-closing deviccs to minimize the abrupt closing of the air/vacuum or

combination air valves.

Air/vacuum or combination air valvcs are providcd on pipelinos to protect

against pipe collapse undcr ncgativc prcssurc conditions. Thcsc pipclincs are

espccially prone to water hammcr effects during the filling operations because the

orificc diameter rcquircd far callapsc critcria providcs minimal air dischargc

regulation, cspccially at. cxccssive filling rates. Far thcsc and othcr installations

whcrc large-diameter air valves are used, it. is important to provide far strict control

of the filling rate. This may require the thruttling of thc pump discharge ílow rate or

thruttling the gravity supply ílow rate during the filling operation. Generally, a filling


Copyrght C Amerk:on Water WOOCs Associollon


rate thal limits thc pipeline velocitics to 1 ft/scc (0.3 m/sec), is acceptable (Sanks,



Air/vacuum or combination air valves installcd on the discharge of vertical turbine ar

deep-well pumps are subject to water hammer problems similar to those encounlered

in the filling of pipelines. Air needs to be vented from the pump column upon start­

up, Othcrwisc, air may be dclivered inlo lhe discharge pipeline when the check valve

opens. Unconlrolled air exhaust and the abrupt closure of the air/vacuum valves on

pump discharge applications can lead to serious prcssure surges.

To minimizo these water hammcr effects, the pump discharge ílow rate may be

controlled at startup, or slow-closing devices or air-throttling devices may be

incorporated into the air/vacuum valve design. Thcse special devices, mnnufactured

for vertical turbine and deep-well pump installations, generally regulate the exhaust

rale and closure speed of the air/vncuum valve. It is important to note that the slow­

closing and dampening devices are cffectivc in supprcssing water hammcr only when

placed near the pump. Figure 5-1 shows the proper location of an air/vacuum valvc

with slow-closing dcvicc.

Air-releasc valves can be used with time-delayed, power-actuated pump

díscharge control valves lo release air in the pump column slowly under full pump

pressure bcfore Lhc control check valve opens.

AirNacuum Valve (or Combination Air Valve)

Throttling Device

Jl------u.. , _ Slow-Closing Device

Shutoff Valve



Check Valve

Figure 5 - 1 Alr/vacuum valve at well pump

Copyrght e American Water Wo1ks Assoclollon



The presence of air in a lransmission pipeline may reduce lhe conveyancc capacity of

the pipeline substantinlly. Under water hammer conditions, entrnppcd air may

magnify the surge problem. Trappcd nir can store energy and cause check-valve

slamming. If air pockets beoome dislodged, water hammer can be caused when the

air passes through restrictions, through partially open valves, or from one high poínt

lo anothcr causing a chango in vclocity. Sorne general guidelines far minimizing thc

elTecls of nir in a pipeline are as follows (Tullis, 1989):

l. Fill slowly, l ft/sec (0.3 m/sec) velocity.

2. Install propcrly sized air/vacuum or combination air valves so air is not

released under high pressure during pipeline filling.

3. Lay the pipeline to a set grade and install air valves nt high points. lf the

terrain is flat, install nir vnlves nt regular intervals.

4. Flush the system at moderatc velocities, 2-4 IVsec (0.6-1.2 m/sec), and low

prcssure to move the air to thc air valvcs.

5. Install nir vnlves upstrcam of control valves so air does not pass through

modulating valves.

6. Use combinalion air valvcs whcrever possihlc so that air flow is provided

to accornmodate filling, draining, and air accumulation.

Water hammcr in pipclinos can also be analyzcd wilh spccial compuler

programs (Woocl, lalcsl cdition). Water humrner software can providc immediatc

feedback of thc elTccls of suggcsted air valvc localions and sizcs on syslcm

performance incJuding:

• Valvc sizc and location clTccts during pipeline lilling

• ldcntilication of additional (not obvious) locations

• EfTcctivcncss of altcrnalc locations and sizcs

• Documcnlalion and consislcncy of valvc locations and sizing

Studies havc shown a strong corrclntion beiwecn analysis and systcm

performance (Kroon, 1984).


AWWA MI l. 1989. Stccl Pipe-A Cuide for Tullís, J. Paul. 1989. flydraulics a( Pipe/ines,

Desígn and Installation, 3rd cdilion, John Wilcy & Sons, New York.

Denvcr, Colo. Wood, D.J., "Surge Rcfcrcnro Manual," 0.­

Kroon, Joscph R. et ni. 1984 . .. Walcr Ham­ partmcnl ofCivil Enginccring, Univcr­

mcr: Causes and Effccls," Jnurnal sity of Kcntucky, Jatcst cdilion.

A\V\VA, Novcmbcr.

Sanks, Robcrt L., el ni. 198.q. Pumping Siation

Dcsign, Bultcrworth-f-(cincmann, Bo.slon.

Copyrght © Amecican Water Works Associolion

AWWA Manuals

in, Principies of \Valer Ratcs, Fecs, and M27, External Corrosion lntroductíon to
C/iargcs, Fiflh Edition, 2000, #30001PA Chentistry and Control, First Edition,

M2 Instrumentation and Control, Third 1987, #30027PA

Edition, 2001, #30002PA M28, Cleaning and Lining \Valer Jlrlains,

�13, Safcty Practices for \Valer Utilitics, Sccond Edition, 2001, #30028PA

Fifth Edition, 1990, #30003PA M29, lVatcr Utility Capital Financing,

M4, \Valer Fluoridation Principies and Sccond Edition, 1998, #30029PA

Practiccs, Fourth Edition, 1995, M30, Prccoa.t Filtration, Sccond Edition,

#30004PA 1995, #30030PA

�15, \Valer Utihty lvlanagenrent Practices, M31, Distribution System Requircments far

Firsl Edilion, 1980, #30005PA Fire Protection, Titird Edilíon, 1998,

M6, \Valer A'1etcrs-Sclection, lnstallation,

Testing, and Maíntenance, Fourth M32, Distribution Nctwork Analysis far \Valer

Edition, 1999, #30006PA Utilities, Firat Edition, 1989, #30032PA

�17, Problcm Drgonísms in \Valer: xraa, Flmumeters in \Valer Supply, First

ldcnlification and Treallnent, Sccond Edilion, 1989, #30033PA

Edition, 1995, #30007PA hl34, \Valer Rate Str11ct11rcs and Pricing,

1\19, Concrete Prcssure Pipe, Sccond Sccond Edition, 1999, #30034PA

Edition, 1995, #30009PA M35, Reuenue Requircments, Fírst Edition,

1990, #30035PA
�111, Steel Pipe-A Cuide for Design and

lnstallation, Fourth Edition, 1989, xrss. \Valer Audits and Leah Detection,

#30011PA Sccond Edition, 1999, #30036PA

1\112, Símpíífied Proeedures far \Valer

�137, Opcrational Control of Coagulatton

and Filtration Processcs, Sccond

Exan!ination, Sccond Edition, 1997,

#30012PA Edition, 2000, #30037PA

M38, Electrodialysis and Electrodialysis

Ml4, Reco,nmended Praclicc for Bachfhnu
Reversa/, Firsl Edition, 1995,
Preoenuon and Cross-Connection

Control, Sccond Edition, 1990,

#30014PA M41, Ductile-lron Pipe and Fittings, First

Edilion, 1996, #30041PA

Ml7, lnstallatum, Ficld Testing, and

AJaintenance of Fire Hydrants, Third 1\142, Sleel \Vatcr-Storage Tanks, First

Edilion, 1989, #30017PA Edition, 1998, #30042PA

sns, hl,14, Distributiun Values: Seleclion,

Emergency Planning far \Valer Utility

AJanagcment, Foulh Edition, 2001, lnstallation, Field Testing, and

#30019PA A-laintenance, First Edition, 1996,

�120, \Valer Ch/orination Principies and
�145, Fibcrglass Pipe Design, First Edition,
Pracllces, First Edilion, 1973,
1996, #30045PA
�146, Reucrse Osmosis and Nanofiltratton,
M21, Ground,uater, Sccond EdiLion, 1989,
Firsl Edilion, 1999, #30046PA
1\147, Construction Contracl Admínistrouon,
M22, Sizing \Valer Service Lmes and :\fetcrs,
First Edition, 1996, #30047PA
Firsl Edilion, 1975, #30022PA
M48, lVatcrborne Pathogens, Firsl Ednion,
M23, PVC Pipe-Design and lnstallalion,
1999, #30048PA
First Edition, 1980, #30023PA
�149 Butterfly Valucs: Torquc, f/ead Loss,
M24, Dual \Valer Systems, Sccond EdiLion,
and Cauitation Analysis Frrst Edition,
1994, #30024PA
2001, #30049PA
�125, Flexible·Jlfcmbranc Couers and Linings
xrsn \Valer Resources Piunrung, First
for Potable-\Vatcr Reseruoirs, Third
Edition, 2001, #30050PA
Edition, 2000, #30025PA
M51 Air-release, Air I uacuum and
M26, \Valer Rotes and Related Charges,
Combinalion Air Values, First Edition,
Sccond Edition, 1996, #30026PA
2001, #30051PA

To ordcr any of thesc manuals or olhcr A\V\VA publications call thc Bookstorc tolJ-frcc at
l.(800)-926-7337. '


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Note: f. indicatcs figure; t. indicatcs table. orificc sizing far pipeline filling, 14, 15{.,


Air sclection of, 21

cntry into pipclincs, 2 and water hnmmcr, 23-24

in water, 1 Antisiphon valves, 10
Air pockcts, 1-2

Air valvcs, l. See a/so Air-rclcosc vnlvcs, Air/ Combinalion air valvcs, 5, 5{.

vacuum valvcs, Combination air dual-body configurations, 5, 5{., 22

val ves sclcclion of, 21-22

abovcground, 28 singlc-body configuralions, 5, 5{., 22

antisiphon valvcs, 10 vault installation, 29{.

belowgrcund, 28 and water hammer, 23-24

bolting material, 28

and contnmination, 30 Deep-well pumps, 9, 19, 2<1, 24{.

continuously opcrating, 30

and dccrcascd upslopc, 9 1-leod loss, 1-2

and deep-well pumps, 9, 19, 24, 24{. Hcnry's luw, l

depth ofburinl, 30

and filling o.nd draining pipclincs, 30, 31 Largc orificc valvcs. Scc Air/vacuum valvcs
nnd ílooding, 30

and frcezing, 30 Orificc sizing

at high points, 8 air cnpacity table for air-rclense orifices,

on horizontal runs, 8(., 9 121.

and incrcnscd do,vnslopc, Bf., 9 discharge of nir through small orifice, 13{.
inspcction, 30, 31 for gravily ílow, 16-19, 161., 17{., 18{.
inslnllation, 27-30, 28{. melhod for relcasing air, 12-13

inslruction mnnunls, 27 for pipeline draining, 15

long asccnts nnd descents, 8{., 9 for pipeline filling, 14, 15{., 151.
locating along a pipeline, 7, 8(. for relensing air under pressure, 1 1 - 1 2

location relativc to pipeline, 27 for spccial applicalions, 19, 19{., 20{.

nnd mainlinc valvcs, 9

opcrntion ond maintcnancc, 30 Pipelincs

orificc sizing, 11-22 air pockcts, 1-2

saícty, 31 sourccs of oir entry, 2
shutoff val ve, 27, 28{. valve locations, 7-10, 8{.
and siphons, 9-10 and water hammcr, 25

size of conncction to pípclino, 28

and undcrground structures, 31 Small orifice valves. Scc Air-release val ves
valvc conting, 28

valve vaults, 29, 29{. Valve vaulls, 29, 29{.

and Vcnturi mctcrs, 9 Vertical turbinc pumps, 9, 24

vertical turbinc pumps, 9, 24

Air-rclcasc valvcs, 3, 4( \Valer hammer, 23

nir capncity table for orificcs, 12t. and air/vacuum valvcs, 23-24

instnllation, 28{. and combinntion nir vnlves, 23-24

selcction of, 20 in pipelincs, 25

with vncuum brcakcrs, 19, 20(. and well pumps, 24, 24{.

Air/vacuum valves, 3-4, 4( \Vcll pumps. Scc Deep-well pumps, Vertical

orífice sizing for gravity ñow. 16-19, 161., turbine pumps
17{., 18{.


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AWWA M l l . 1989. Steel Pipe-A Cuide {ar Kroon, Joscph R. et al. 1984. Water Ham­
Dcsign and lnstallation, 3rd cdition. mer: Causes nnd Effects, Journal
Den ver, Colo. A \VIVA, November, pp. 39-45.

AWWA Standard far Air-Release, AirNncu­ Lnndon, P.O. 1994. Air In Pipe? Time to
um nnd Combination Air Vnlvcs for Review Air Vnlvc Basics, Op(lolu,
Wnterworks Scrvice, AIVWA C512-92 A\V\V A Vol. 20-3, Mnrch.
Oatcst cdition), Dcnvcr, Colo.
Lcscovich, J.E. 1972. Locnting and Sizing
Colorado Stntc University. 1977. Concept.s Air-Rclcasc Valvcs, Journal A \VlVA,
of \Valer Hnmmcr & Air Entrapmcnl July.

in thc Filling & Tcsting of Pipclincs.

Sanks, Robert L., et al. 1989. Pumping Sta­
Fort Collins, Colo.
tion Deeígn, Buttcnvorth-Hcincmann,
Dean, John A. 1992. Lange's Handboak o{ Boston.

Chcmistry. A-lcGra\v 1-lill, Ncw York.

Theory, Application, and Sizing o{ Air
Edmunds, Roberl C. 1979. Air Binding in Values 1997. Vnl-Mntic Vnlvc & Mfg.
Pipes, Joumal A \VIVA, Mny, 1979. Corp.

F1ow of F1uids. 1982. Technical Papcr No. 410, Thorlcy, A.R.D. 1991. Fluid Transíerüs in
Cranc. Pipeline Systems, D.L. Gcorgc Ltd.

Giles. Ranald V. Fluid Meehanics and lly­ Tullís, J. Pnul 1989. flydraulics o{ Pipc­
draulics, (2nd edition) hlcGra,v I·Iill, lines, John \Vilcy & Sons, New York.
New York.
\Visncr, Poul E. 1975. Rcmoval of Air From
Knrassik, lgor J. et al. 1986. Pump Hand­ \Valer Lincs, Journal o{ the Hydrau­
boole, 2nd cdition. i\lcGra,v Hill. New lics Diuision, ASCE, Fcbruary.
\Vood, D.J. Surge Rcforence Manual, Depart­

mcnl of Civil Enginccring, Univcrsity of

Kcntucky, lotcst cdition.


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Underground Structures

Hnzardous gases collccting in undcrground structures have caused injuries and

fatalities. Gases drawn into a pipeline can exit through air valves and rcmain in the

undcrground slructurc. Always vcntilatc thc underground structure and use a

combustible gas and low-oxygen detector bcfore entering thc structure. Consult

Occupational Safety and Hcalth Administration rules and procedures, such as the

nced for hnrncsscs and ground-levcl supcrvision, in ali undcrground work.


When inspecting air valves, isolate the valve by closing the shutolT valve before

putting hands and ñngers into the valve outlet. If the air valve should suddenly close,

hands or fingers could be injured or lost. Pressurized air can also be trapped between

the shutolTvalve and the air val ve; therefore, any removal of air val ve bolts, plugs, or

covcrs must be done with extreme care to rcleasc trapped air slowly and prevcnt

serious injury.

Pipeline Filling

Thread protcctors and packing material should be removed from air valves prior to

filling thc pipeline.

Copyrghl © American Water Works Associofion



Flooding submerges the air intake of air valvcs, prevcnts thc proper operation of thc

valvc, and may introduce contamination into the pipeline. An outsidc air intake piped

dircctly to the nir vnlve mny help prevent contamination of thc pipeline. Provide ali

intake piping with a down-turned elbow, an air gap, and a bird scrccn.

Depth of Burial

Valves should be buricd below the frost linc to prevcnt freezing. Whcre combination

air valves are used, those in a single body are lcss likcly to freezc than those in

separate bodics.


Suitable insulation and elcctrical hcat tape should be providcd in arcas pronc to

frcezing. Frozcn air valves will not operalc und can be dnmaged. Thcrmally octivated
3 1
rclicf valvcs (typicnlly supplicd in /e ar 12 in. (9 mm or 13 mmJ diameler) can be

installcd on the valvc body to rcleasc water nnd reduce the possibility of damage

from freezing. The rclief valve aulomaticaHy opcns when thc water tempcrature in

the valve falls below a set point (typically 35° F (2ºCI) nnd rccloses at higher



Valvcs with top-threadcd opcnings should be protccted with a protcclivc cap, U-bcnd,

ar elbow to prevent rocks, sand, and othcr particlcs from falling into the valve. To

protect air valvcs with largo metal hoods covcring the valvc dischargc opening from

rod.cnts and bird nests, a hcavy scrccncd cage covcring thc air valve outlct should be



'l'hc munufacturers' rccommcndations un air valvc upcrution and maintcnance should

be followcd.

Continuously Operating Air Valves

Air valvcs that opcratc continuously should be opcncd and ílushcd more ollcn than

valvcs uscd far filling and draining. Ali air valvcs should be opcncd and flushed al

least annually.

Filling and Draining Pipelines

Caution is rcquircd whcn filling ar draining pipelincs that havc air/vacuum or

combination air valvcs installcd on the pipeline; scc chapter 5. Ncvcr prop lhc valve

open by inserting objects into thc val ve venting port. This can damage the valve seat,

and thc object may fall into the valvc.


Air valves should be inspected at least annually far leakagc, and the resilienl seats

should be rcplaccd as ncccssnry.

Copyrghl C American Water Wetks Assockllion


Valve Vault

A valvc vault should havc adequatc scrccned ventilation to satisfy the air

requiremcnts for thc valvc and vcntilatíon of the structure as shown in Figure 6-2.

The two vent pipes providc for regular air flow. In frcczing conditions, a single vent

pipe with baffle can be uscd. Thcre should be adcquate drainagc provided to prcvent

flooding of the vault. Valve vaults should be large enough to providc a mínimum of

2 ft (0.6 m) of clcarancc around and above thc air val ve for maintenance and valvc


Screened Vents



Precast Manhole

AirNacuum Valve Drain




Pipeline Connection

O rain

Figure 6-2 Vault installatlon of a combination air valve

Copyrght CCI American Water Woiks Assoc'ation


Size of Connection to Pipeline

The sizc of the connection to the top of the pipeline should equal ar exceed that of the

air valve inlet conncction.

Valve Coating

Interna! and external valvc corrosion should be conlrolled by applying thc proper

coating when nccessary.

Bolting Material

Ali nuts and bolts should be protected to prcvent corrosion.

Valves Located Aboveground

Abovcground air valvcs should be protected from froczing, conlamination, or


Valves Located Belowground

In addition to thc protection from freezing, contamination, and vandalism, air valves

located bclowground should also be provided with a propcr valve vault.

_....___ Air Valve

Shutoff Valve



Figure 6 - 1 Pipeline installation of an alr-release valve

Copyrght e American Water Works Associallon


Chapter 6

lnstallation, Operation,

Maintenance, and Safety

To cnsurc that thc air valve will opcralc propcrly, rcasonablc care is needcd in

handling, inslaJlation, and maintcnancc. This chapter provides the basic instructions

for using air valves, but it is important that the instructions provided with the valve

be carefully reviewed and followed.


lnstruction Manual

The instruction manual supplied by the manufacturer should be reviewed in detail

before instnlling an nir valve. At the job site prior to instnllation, the air val ve should

be visually inspected and any packing or foreign material in the interior portian of

the valvc should be removed. The namcplatc information on the air valve should be

verifíed to ensure that thc val ve coincides with that specified.


The air valve should be installed as clase to the pipe as possible. The interconnecting

piping to the air valve must slope upward toward the valve and be large enough to

accommodate the required flow of nir. The further the air valve is from the pipeline,

the larger the connecting pipe should be.

Shutoff Valve

lf a shutotr vnlve is thc same size as the connecting pipe, it should be installed

between the air valve and the top of the pipeline to facilita te maintenance (see Figure

6-1). Thc shutoífvalve should be located as clase to thc main pipeline as possible.


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