Figure 1: Urban Climate
Figure 1: Urban Climate
Figure 1: Urban Climate
Q.3 How can we separate Urban and rural climates? Define the major impacts of
urbanization on the climate of the cities and the neighboring sub-urban areas.
1. Urban Climate
Towns and cities are the most densely populated areas on Earth and will continue to be the
artificial landscapes most widely used by the greater part of the Earth’s population in the
future. In 2030 more than 60% of humans will live in cities. Changes in urban conditions
have often caused deterioration in environmental quality and may result in damage to the
health of city-dwellers. The differences between the climate of a city and the climate of its
surroundings are referred to as the “urban climate”.
The most important features of urban climate include higher air and surface temperatures,
changes in radiation balances, lower humidity, and restricted atmospheric exchange that
causes accumulations of pollutants from a variety of sources. Although these changes mainly
affect local or regional conditions, persistent substances released into the atmosphere may
also affect larger areas or even the global climate.
Causes of Urban Climate
The four main causes of urban climate, which result from different uses of built-up
areas, are: replacement of natural soil by sealed surfaces, mostly artificial and having
a strong 3-D structure;
reduction of the surface area covered by vegetation;
reduction of long-wave emission of the surface by street canyons
release of gaseous, solid and liquid atmospheric pollutants, and waste heat.
These factors all have severe impacts on radiation and thermal properties such as
evapotranspiration, water storage, and atmospheric exchange in near-surface layers.
Properties of urban climates throughout the world are generally comparable. However,
the regional and local situation of an urban area, the infrastructure available and local
economic structures all modify the local anthropogenic climate (Wienert 2002). Here, we
will discuss only the most important characteristics of urban climate, and only for mid-
latitude settlements.
Thermal and Hydrological Properties of Urban Surfaces
The thermal behavior of sealed surfaces is largely determined by the density, heat capacity,
thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and thermal admittance coefficients of the materials
used. The behavior of sealed surfaces with respect to water drainage and seepage is highly
hetero-generous, because porosity and water-bearing properties may fluctuate severely as a
function of capillarity and pore volume. The large-scale use of impermeable materials for the
almost complete sealing of urban surfaces normally means that precipitation is drained
rapidly through underground sewers which are protected against evaporation, and that
exposed surfaces are only wetted for every short time. As a result of reduced evaporation,
more energy is available for long-wave emission, sensible heat flux and conduction to the
subsurface, and latent heat flux of evaporation is severely reduced.
2. Rural Climate
There is a lack of clear definition of what constitutes rural areas, and definitions that do exist
depend on definitions of the urban. Across the world, the importance of peri-urban areas and
new forms of rural-urban interactions are increasing (limited evidence, high agreement).
Rural areas, viewed as a dynamic, spatial category, remain important for assessing the
impacts of climate change and the prospects for adaptation.
In different regions, absolute rural populations have peaked or will peak in the next few
decades. The proportion of the rural population depending on agriculture is extremely varied
across regions but declining everywhere. Poverty rates in rural areas are higher than overall
poverty rates, but also falling more sharply, and the proportions of population in extreme
poverty accounted for by rural people are also falling in both cases except for sub-Saharan
Africa, where these rates are rising. Accelerating globalization, through migration, labor
linkages, regional and international trade, and new information and communication
technologies, is bringing about economic transformation in rural areas of both developing and
developed countries.
In developing countries, the levels and distribution of rural poverty are affected in complex
and interacting ways by processes of commercialization and diversification, food policies,
and policies on land tenure. In developed countries, there are important shifts toward multiple
uses of rural areas, especially leisure uses, and new rural policies based on the collaboration
of multiple stakeholders, the targeting of multiple sectors, and a change from subsidy-based
to investment-based policy.
There is low agreement on some of the key factors associated with vulnerability or resilience
in rural areas, including rainfed as opposed to irrigated agriculture, small-scale and family-
managed farms, and integration into world markets. There is high agreement on the
importance for resilience of access to land and natural resources, flexible local institutions
There is a need to understand how implementation of these policies will impact on rural
livelihoods. These secondary impacts, and trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation in
rural areas, have implications for governance, including the need to promote participation of
rural stakeholders.
Valuation of climate impacts needs to draw on both monetary and non-monetary indicators.
The valuation of non-marketed ecosystem services and the limitations of economic valuation
models that aggregate across multiple contexts pose challenges for valuing impacts in rural
areas (high confidence).
Public policies supporting decision making for adaptation exist in developed and,
increasingly, in developing countries, and there are also examples of private adaptations led
by individuals, companies, and non-governmental organizations (high confidence).
Constraints on adaptation come from lack of access to credit, land, water, technology,
markets, knowledge and information, and perceptions of the need to change; and are
particularly pronounced in developing countries (high confidence). Gender and institutions
affect access to adaptation options and the presence of barriers to adaptation (very high
The coupled WRF/UCM model's performance in reproducing the surface air temperature and
surface energy balance has been evaluated by X.‐X. Li et al. [2013]. The 2 m air temperature
and specific humidity calculated from the coupled WRF/UCM model were validated against
those from a sensor network operated across the Singapore island. A mean bias of −0.27°C
for temperature was achieved, while a worse agreement of specific humility (about 10%
underprediction) was reported. In addition, the surface energy balance components from the
model were compared favourably with the observed values from a flux tower located within
an urban neighbourhood [X.‐X. Li et al., 2013]. In this section, the model will be used to
investigate the UHI characteristics of Singapore under different urbanization scenarios.
As an extreme case of land cover/land use change, urbanization has strong impacts on local
climate, especially in such tropical coastal cities as Singapore. This paper examines the effect
of urbanization and urbanization patterns on the urban thermal environment and rainfall using
the coupled WRF‐urban canopy model in ensemble experiments. The urbanization pattern
changes are represented by several idealized scenarios: the asymmetric urbanization SURB
(the southern part of Singapore is urban while the northern part is forested), and NURB (the
northern part of Singapore is urban while the southern part is forested), and the symmetric
urbanization HURB (the whole Singapore is covered by alternating urban and forest land use
types. Additional scenarios, NURBS and HURBS, which use the same urbanization pattern
as in NURB and HURB but with the same anthropogenic heat (AH) profile as in SURB, are
also considered to evaluate the effect of AH.
The results from the 28 members of the ensemble for different urbanization scenarios show
that both urbanization patterns and AH have some impact on the urban heat island (UHI)
intensity, although the impact of urbanization patterns is rather weak. In the asymmetric
urbanization patterns (SURB and NURBS), the magnitude of UHI intensity is mildly higher
than that in the symmetric urbanization pattern (HURBS) due to the contiguous distribution
of urban areas in the former. On the other hand, the changes induced by altering
anthropogenic heat are much more significant. Higher AH will induce higher UHI intensity,
and the effect of AH is more prominent during the night-time than daytime, which is
consistent with the findings from X.‐X. Li et al. [2013]. The climate of urban areas and
downwind of urban areas seems to be sensitive to AH intensity, which can come about more
readily (e.g., by increasing the use of air conditioners at night) than major changes in
urbanization patterns. The local circulations (sea/land breezes) will cool the upwind area, and
air parcels travel downwind with the heat flux accumulated from upwind areas, making the
downwind area hotter.
The rainfall in tropical coastal cities can often be driven by local sea breezes. Sea breezes
bring moist air into Singapore during late morning and afternoon. Our study suggests that sea
breezes have stronger influence on rainfall than the urbanization pattern since the downwind
part (northern Singapore) always has more rainfall than the upwind part (southern Singapore)
even in experiments where the urbanization pattern is entirely reversed. The urbanization and
the associated AH can increase rainfall through increasing buoyancy by AH or decrease
rainfall through reducing evaporation by converting greenery to impervious surfaces. The
ultimate effect is determined by the relative strength of these two influences.
While it is natural to presume that the results of the symmetric urbanization experiment
always lie in between those of the asymmetric urbanization experiments, the UHI intensities
in both asymmetric urbanization experiments (SURB and NURBS) are higher than that from
HURBS. On the other hand, the rainfall amount from the HURBS experiment does indeed lie
between those from the SURB and NURBS experiments most of the time. This different
behaviour indicates that the effect of having uniform urbanization patterns is not always the
same and is, in fact, dependent on the dynamics governing the examined physical variable.
While evidence points strongly to a role for aerosols in urban precipitation modification, the
details of that role still remain highly uncertain [Shepherd, 2005]. Furthermore, the WRF
model itself cannot predict the aerosol distribution without coupling with other
photochemical models such as WRF‐Chem. In addition, our focus is the effect of changing
urbanization patterns, which is supposed to modify little, if any, the aerosol effect between
different urbanization patterns, and hence, the aerosol effect will not affect the results and
conclusions that are based on the difference caused by urbanization pattern change.
Therefore, we have left out the aerosol effect from urbanization in this study regardless of its
1. The Urban Climate – Basic and Applied Aspects by Wilhelm Kuttler
3. Impact of urbanization patterns on the local climate of a tropical city, Singapore: An
ensemble study (Xian – Xiang Li, Tieh – Yong Koh, Iagabandhu Panda, Leslie K Norford)